functions, list and string methods

Functions and (list and string methods) Python SIG – PYA Class 3 – 3/10/15

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Page 1: Functions, List and String methods

Functions and (list and string methods)

Python SIG – PYA Class 3 – 3/10/15

Page 2: Functions, List and String methods

These are things you should know pretty well by now:

• raw_input, printing• help(), dir(), online docs, searching the

internet• The fact that Python is awesome. (No, really,

I’m just being completely objective here.)

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(Revision of)Useful built-ins

• len()• range() (and xrange())• sum(), max(), min()• int(), float(), str()• dir() – use it to find list and string methods• Use help() to find out about them

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(Revision of)if else elif

if SomethingThatEvaluatesToABoolean:# code

elif SomethingElseThatEvaluatesToABoolean:# code

else:# code

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(Revision of)String formatting

• What is it? (Immutable)• %something - %d, %f, %s – ‘a = %d’ % (a)

• Prefer .format()• {} sufficient – numbers optional• More complex things possible

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(Revision of)Loops

• for – for when you how many iterations• while - while you don’t know how many

iterations• while SomethingThatEvaluatesToABoolean:

# code• for loop syntax in Python– for iterVar in (x)range(iterNum):

# code

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(Revision of)for loops can do more!

• What is this ‘in’ anyway? (different time complexity for different cases)

• for char in string• for line in text• for item in sequence– Example: for i in [1,’a’,3]:

print i# output: 1\na\n3

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And one more thingDon’t be afraid of these:

Exception EOFError OSError

StopIteration ImportError SyntaxError

SystemExit KeyboardInterrupt IndentationError

StandardError LookupError SystemError

ArithmeticError IndexError SystemExit

OverflowError KeyError TypeError

FloatingPointError NameError ValueError

ZeroDivisonError UnboundLocalError RuntimeError

AssertionError EnvironmentError NotImplementedError

AttributeError IOError SomeRandomError

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And one more thing

• If nothing, look at what error it is and what line it is on. And make sure you look above and below that line.

• Further reading – 16 common runtime errors Python beginners find:

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Obligatory xkcd reference[1]

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Serious questions:

• What are functions?• Why are they important?• What is the difference between a

function and a method? (OOP language guys should answer)

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Functions are:

“Functions are reusable pieces of programs.They allow you to give a name to a block of statements, allowing you to run that block using the specified name anywhere in yourprogram and any number of times. This is known as calling the function.” - Byte of Python, Swaroop CH[2]

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General syntax• def function_name(param_1, ..., param_n):

# code to do something[return some_tuple] # square brackets because # optional

• Why param not arg?• That is, what is the difference between

arguments and parameters?• Fact: Functions in Python always return

something. So, in a function that just prints something, what does it return?

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More about functions

• Flow of execution – jumping when called, ending when a return is reached

• Try making a IndentationError or SyntaxError in your function definition. Is it caught without calling your function?

• What about other types of errors? That is, runtime errors.( dir(__builtins__) lists (yes, LISTs), among other things, all possible [Something]Error)

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• Let’s open some random library’s .py files and look at the code. (Be careful about modifying it, though.)

• Have you noticed __doc__?• Ignoring classes (and double underscores) for now.• def somefunction(args):

“””This is a docstring and itdescribes what the function does“””

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Functions that return

• What is the point of this?• How to receive what the function returns?• Be careful about number of arguments.• Idea of local variables. • Global variables using global statement

(But bad practice!)• Functional programming – stateless, no side


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Imported stuff

• Before going to assignments for functions, let’s take a little detour to the import statement.

• Modules vs. Libraries – basic difference• And before going to import, let’s take a little

detour to...

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Remember import antigravity?

• For those who don’t:

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(not so) Serious questions:

• Do you think I’m just looking for an excuse to put xkcd comics in my slides or they actually have served a purpose in every case (so far)?

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Why am I talking about that anyway?

• Because whatever we import are usually .pyor .pyc files

• And I found and antigravity.pyc in C:\Python27\Lib

• Let’s open both with a text editor.• What happens when we click on both?• What happens when we modify the .py file?• Does is effect the .pyc file? Should it?

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(Again)Why am I talking about that anyway?

• To explain better how import works– The .pyc file is unaffected until we modify, save

and import antigravity again– Searches everything in sys.path

• Just to give you an idea that Python is not a complex or rigid as you think it is.

• Open source for the win!

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Try ‘this’. Literally.

• Try ‘import this’.• Find “” and try to make sense of it.• Make a .py file called “” and modify it to

print whatever you want.• Save it in a non C: partition• Now find a way to run it in a Python session

without navigating to saved location.• After you’ve finished, read the output of import

this. It’s pretty well written!

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Make a dice rolling gameFind a module that helps you with pseudorandom generation of numbers and use it to create a program to emulate a dice.Then it should roll the dice until the user gets the same number three times in a row or m tries, whichever is earlier. (m is entered by the user at the beginning)In case of the former, it prints, “You’re lucky.”Otherwise it prints “m chances up. ” It should also print no. of chances remaining at every roll and display the results of the last 3 rolls.

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For those who have finished• Try playing the game to see if you “are lucky”!

How big should your m be to win consistently?• What is the ideal probability for a random

dice? (1/6th per toss, one doesn’t affect the other.)

• But here it is pseudorandom. • Further reading – Blog post by Jeff Atwood:

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Default args

• Functions can use a default value as argument in case it is not passed while calling it.

• “Only those parameters which are at the end of the parameter list can be given default argument values ” [2]

• def func_name(param1, param2 = 0):• NOT def func_name(param1 = 0, param2):

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*args and **kwargs

• Variable number of arguments• kwargs – keyword arguments• def complex_func(*args, **kwargs):

# try thisa = args; b = kwargsprint(a, type(a)); print(b,type(b))

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*args and **kwargs

• You can use for loops to iterate over the arguments.

• args is a tuple • kwargs is a dictionary• How to call such a function? What is the value

of the dictionary?

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Other things about functions

• Functions can return multiple values. Use tuples (if confused, just comma-separate the variables for now)

• Too many arguments make a function argumentative. Limit yourself to fewer arguments per function; and more functions if required.

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List and string methods

• Why is this important enough to be a separate topic?

• What is the main difference between them?• Hint: This goes back to mutability.• Hint: Try something on both. What is the

return type

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List methods

• Do dir([]) and try to guess what each of the methods might do to a list.

• list.append(element)• list.extend(list)• list.remove(element)• list.pop(index)• list.reverse()• list.sort()

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AssignmentWrite a function which takes an input ‘n’.Then it asks for ‘n’ numbers and makes a list of Boolean values that are returned by a function is_greater(arg1, arg2) by comparing input values in order. That is, when 4 values a, b, c and d are given. The value of the list is:[a > b, b > c, c > d]. The program runs until the user types ‘end’.

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AssignmentA list containing ints, floats, and strings, when unsorted

looks like this:Example: l1_unsorted = [[1], 1, 2, 1.0, ‘aa’, ‘a’, ‘b’, [‘b’], [‘a’]]Using the default sort gives:Example: l1_sorted = [1, 1.0, 2, [1], ['a'], ['b'], 'a', 'aa', 'b']Write a program that returns:l1_custom_sorted = [[‘a’], [‘b’], ‘b’, ‘aa’, ‘a’, 2, 1,1.0] . Make sure that no more than 4 lines of code is outside a function. Functionify you code!

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String methods

• Do dir(‘’) and try to guess what each of methods might do to a string.

• string.split(delimiter)• string.upper() / .lower()• ‘ ‘.join([list of things to join])• string.startswith() / .endswith()

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Palindrome checker

• Write a palindrome checker.• That’s it. Up to you how complex you make it.

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Pranav S Bijapur, ECE, BMSCE, Bangalore

[email protected] Telegram - @pranavsb

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All (Revision of) slides were taken from the class2 presentation that was made by me and used on 29/9/15

1. xkcd – Wisdom of the ancients

2. Byte of Python by Swaroop CH, available online at