fund006 :management for health care professionals

SOCI 121 : Sociology for Health care Professionals Dr Kithsiri Edirisinghe MBBS , MSc, MD ( Medical Administration) Cert. IV in Training and Assessment Master trainer Australia IVLP ( USA) 06/20/22 Sociology for healthcare professionals - DR KE 2013

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FUND006 :Management for Health care Professionals. Dr Kithsiri Edirisinghe MBBS , MSc , MD ( Medical Administration) Cert. IV in Training and Assessment Master trainer Australia IVLP ( USA). SESSION 01. 1. Introduction to mangement. Course objective. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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SOCI 121 : Sociology for Health care Professionals

Dr Kithsiri Edirisinghe MBBS , MSc, MD ( Medical Administration)

Cert. IV in Training and Assessment Master trainer Australia

IVLP ( USA)04/20/23 Sociology for healthcare professionals - DR

KE 2013

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1. Introduction to Sociology

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Course objective

1. To obtain a clear picture of various social structures in the world, with a view to interact more efficiently when dealing with clients/ patients from different cultures, where you as a healthcare professional would fit in to any system.

2. To give an insight to the healthcare professional of the importance of Sociology in healthcare service delivery with a view to deliver holistic patient care.

3. To improve the soft skills of the healthcare personnel in the social context with a view to upgrade the knowledge of his or her social responsibilities.

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Delivery Methodology

– Collaborative learning methodology – Activity based learning – Presentations – Role plays – Debates – Social based assignment

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Collaborative learning • Watch the video on “Collaborative learning”

• Divide in to 05 Groups

• Decide a name for your group

• Each group is assign a task every week

• Group culture

– Meetings , minutes, leader every week and a secretary

– Weekly Output - Organizing pp presentation(for ten minutes) and a

word document ( min 05 pages ) for each assignment

• Watch out for leading questions

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Collaborative learning

• The group requested to present each week

• Evaluated by two lecturers

• Final project work

– Need to select a topic

– Case study related to Sociology

– Best three presentation to be published in Bioinquirer

– Top 02 presentations n at the research forum

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Assessment methodology

–Weekly activities (Group) – 20 %–Assignment ( Group) – 30%• Sociology Project

– Final report – 20% – Presentation and Viva 10%

– Final Modular evaluations – 50 %• MCQ and Structured essay paper – 15 %

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Course outline 1. Introduction to the module & to Sociology2. Culture, Society and the Individual3. Family & Marriage4. Gender and Sexuality 5. Socialization & Stratification and Class Structure Social Interaction in Everyday

life6. Ethnicity and Race7. Deviance and Crime8. Education & Religion9. Population 10.Sociology project


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1. Follow the PP presentation for each topic 1. PP 01 , 02 ….2. Handouts – H 01 , H 02…..3. Videos – V 01 , 02 ….

2. David.M.N., Sociology-Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life, 4thed, Pine Forge, 2002

3. Roger. E., The ways of Religion-An introduction to the Major Traditions, Oxford, 1999

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Session 01

Session plan – we use PP presentations as a guide and videos and handouts as study aid . Please discuss among your groups and describe a mind map each for each question

A.SociologyB.SocietyC.Sociological PerspectiveD.Theories of SociologyE.Social structures 04/20/23 Sociology for healthcare professionals - DR

KE 2013

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Q 01 - What is Sociology

• You are requested organize most effective definition for Sociology and also elaborate the importance of Sociology.

• Refer Handout ( H 01, H 02 ) • Watch V -A

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Q 02 : What is Society ?

1. Give you views on how to define the Society 2. Watch V – B3. Handout HO – 03

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The Sociological Perspective


WHICH PEOPLE COME TO VIEW THE WORLD04/20/23 Sociology for healthcare professionals - DR

KE 2013

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Q 03 : What is Sociological Perspective ?

1. What does is mean to you “ Sociological Perspective ?

2.Watch V C3.Use HO 04 & HO 05

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Q 04 : Theories of Sociology

1. Discuss the different theories in Sociology 2. Watch V –D V3. Handout – HO 06 & HO 06

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Q 05 : What are Social Structures

1. Discuss the different Social Structures 2. Watch V –E 3. Handout – HO 07

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Question 01

Discuss how studying sociology could uplift the professional status and the effective

work environment in hospitals ?

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Activity 01 Format for presentations

1. Power point presentation2. Allocated time 10 mnts. – 08 + 2 question time3. No bullet points 4. Only a caption is allowed per slide 5. Totally on pictures / images / diagrams6. Two presenters and must rotate the presentations 7. All must know how to answer the questions

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Activity 01 1. Disuses the importance of the studying

sociology for your professional life ?2. Disuses the culture and the Layers of

culture3. Describe the Elements of Culture- Language,

Norms and Values 4. Describe the Elements of Culture- Beliefs &

ideologies , Social Collectives, Cultural Integration. & Statuses and Role

5. Discuss the Organization of a culture in the society

See you next week !Sociology for healthcare professionals - DR

KE 2013 04/20/23