funda exam 39

St. Augustine Foundation Colleges Cabanatuan City Fundamentals of Caregiving I CG B39 Gen eral I nstr uctio n: Str ictly NO ERASUR ES!!! Wron g spe llin g is inc orrect. I. Identificat ion: Write your answer at the space provided before the number. 1. Sing le mos t basi c pro cedure to pre vent i nfect ion 2. Temp eratur e of wa ter use d in han d was hing a nd bed bath 3. The wave of blood created by the contraction of the ventricles of the heart. 4. The hea t regul ator of the bod y whic h is loc ated in t he brai n 5. The sound h eard dur ing asse ssment of bl ood pre ssure usin g a stethos cope and sphygmomanometer 6. Posi tion o f the patient during perineal care 7. Avoiding or removing wrinkles in linen red uces the r isk of ha ving  _________________. 8. When insti lling ey e medici nes, put/d rop the meds at the __ ___ of the eye. 9. Posi tion of t he head of pati ent when g iving nasal drops. 10.Sound produced when auscultating blood pressure. 11.Sound heard when auscultating apical pulse. 12.The difference between systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. 13.The difference between apical pulse and radial pulse. 14.After how many minutes will you wait before getting the temp of a patient who had his dinner? 15.Main regulator of respiration. 16.Site of diffusion during respiration. 17.Part of the stethoscope used to auscultate low pitch sound. 18.The area in the arm which serves as a landmark used when placing the BP cuff and when locating the brachial pulse is called ___________. 19.Gloves are made of ___________. 20.Main principle when doing sterile gloving. 21.It is important to raise side rails of bed when taking care of semi/unconscious patient to prevent _____________. 22.It is important to raise bed at waist level to prevent  _______________________. 23.Equipment in bed making, which is used in transferring the patient. 24.Purpose of using bath blanket during bed bath. 25.When cleaning the face, start with the ___________ to ____________ of the eye. 26.Temperature of water in the pitcher which will be used in sitz bath. 27.Chair-like equipment used in sitz bath. 28.The equipment placed under the hips of the patient during perineal care. 29.How many cotton balls will you use in the perineal care of female patient? 30.Because of the structural formation of the gums, you must brush the teeth in _________ motion. 31.Color of pen used when plotting pulse. 32.Color of pen used when plotting temperature. 33.Color of pen used during night shift. 34.Color of pen used during morning shift. 35.Color of pen used during afternoon shift.

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Page 1: Funda Exam 39

8/3/2019 Funda Exam 39 1/3

St. Augustine Foundation CollegesCabanatuan City

Fundamentals of Caregiving ICG B39

General Instruction: Strictly NO ERASURES!!! Wrong spelling is incorrect.I. Identification: Write your answer at the space provided before the number.

1. Single most basic procedure to prevent infection

2. Temperature of water used in hand washing and bed bath

3. The wave of blood created by the contraction of the ventricles of the


4. The heat regulator of the body which is located in the brain

5. The sound heard during assessment of blood pressure using a stethoscope

and sphygmomanometer

6. Position of the patient during perineal care

7. Avoiding or removing wrinkles in linen reduces the risk of having _________________.

8. When instilling eye medicines, put/drop the meds at the _____________ of 

the eye.

9. Position of the head of patient when giving nasal drops.

10.Sound produced when auscultating blood pressure.

11.Sound heard when auscultating apical pulse.

12.The difference between systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.

13.The difference between apical pulse and radial pulse.

14.After how many minutes will you wait before getting the temp of a patient

who had his dinner?

15.Main regulator of respiration.

16.Site of diffusion during respiration.

17.Part of the stethoscope used to auscultate low pitch sound.

18.The area in the arm which serves as a landmark used when placing the BP

cuff and when locating the brachial pulse is called ___________.

19.Gloves are made of ___________.

20.Main principle when doing sterile gloving.

21.It is important to raise side rails of bed when taking care of 

semi/unconscious patient to prevent _____________.

22.It is important to raise bed at waist level to prevent

 _______________________.23.Equipment in bed making, which is used in transferring the patient.

24.Purpose of using bath blanket during bed bath.

25.When cleaning the face, start with the ___________ to ____________ of the


26.Temperature of water in the pitcher which will be used in sitz bath.

27.Chair-like equipment used in sitz bath.

28.The equipment placed under the hips of the patient during perineal care.

29.How many cotton balls will you use in the perineal care of female patient?

30.Because of the structural formation of the gums, you must brush the teeth

in _________ motion.31.Color of pen used when plotting pulse.

32.Color of pen used when plotting temperature.

33.Color of pen used during night shift.

34.Color of pen used during morning shift.

35.Color of pen used during afternoon shift.

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II. Classify the following: If it will give a Low Result or False Low Result of theindicated vital sign, write “low”. If it will give a High Result or False High Result,write “high”. If no changes will happen write, “normal”.

A. Blood Pressure B. Respiration Rate1. Too tight


1. exercise

2. Too widebladder

2. stress

3. Aboveheart level

3. sleep

4. Belowheart level

4. high altitude places

5. Tooloose cuff 

5. low altitude places

C. Temperature D. Pulse Rate1. Exercise 1. newborn2. Diurnal

variation at 8pmto 12mn

2. stress

3. Diurnalvariation at 4amto 6am

3. hemorrhage

4. Fertile 4. exercise5. Infection 5. fertile

III. Multiple choice (2 points each) Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Situation: You, a practical nurse, was assigned to Mr. Juan, a 72 years old bed ridden patient.

1. Upon assessing the vital signs of Mr. Juan, you noted that his blood pressure is140/90mmHg. You must:A. Re-asses again the blood pressure of Mr. Juan since it’s in the above borderline of normal range of BP.B. Proceed to your next task since it is normal for Mr. Juan.C. Report it to the physician.D. Ask the patient if he went out for a walk or jogging. If he did, wait for 30mminutes then recheck again the vital signs.

2. In getting the blood pressure of the patient, it is important to deflate the cuff properlybecause:A. Deflating the cuff too quickly will cause false low systolic and false high diastolic

B. Deflating the cuff too slowly will cause false low systolic and false low diastolicC. Deflating the cuff too quickly will cause false high systolic and false high diastolicD. Deflating the cuff too slowly will cause false low systolic and false high diastolic

Situation: You are caring for 60 year old patient named Norania. She was diagnosed withbreast cancer (right) stage III. Upon checking her vital signs you noted the following: temp(axillary) 37.7 C, PR - 70bpm, RR – 22bpm. She is complaining of pain assessed at level 5.

3. Based on the above situation, you know that Norania is having:a. Hyperthermia, tachycardia, tachypnea and mild painb. Normal temperature, tachycardia, eupnea, and severe painc. Normal temperature, normal PR, tachypnea and moderate paind. Hyperthermia, normal PR, eupnea, and moderate pain

Giving medication:4. When giving otic medication to an adult client, you must:

a. pull the pinna upward then backwardb. pull the pinna downward then backwardc. pull the pinna backward then upwardd. pull the pinna backward then downward

5. When giving otic medication to a pediatric client, you must:a. pull the pinna upward then backwardb. pull the pinna downward then backward

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c. pull the pinna backward then upwardd. pull the pinna backward then downward

6. When doing medical hand washing, it is important to remember that:a. hands are considered the cleanest and should be kept lower than the elbowb. hands are considered the cleanest and should be kept lower than the elbowc. elbows are considered the cleanest and should be kept lower than the handsd. elbows are considered the cleanest and should be kept lower than the hands

7. How will you dress the patient with a left arm injury?a. undress the patient by removing the sleeves on the right arm first then on the leftarm; dress the patient by putting sleeves on the right arm first then on the left arm.b. undress the patient by removing the sleeves on the right arm first then on the leftarm; dress the patient by putting sleeves on the left arm first then on the right arm.c. undress the patient by removing the sleeves on the left arm first then on the rightarm; dress the patient by putting sleeves on the right arm first then on the left arm.d. undress the patient by removing the sleeves on the left arm first then on the rightarm; dress the patient by putting sleeves on the left arm first then on the right arm.

IV. Identify the meaning of the following abbreviation:1. DAT2. TID3. BID4. OD5. ANST6. PRN7. q16h8. stat9. ac10.ou11.IVP12.IVF13.NPO14.ID15.IM

IV. Enumeration1-4 process of heat loss5-8 patterns of fever9-11 factors to be assessed in getting pulse

12-14 types of sphygmomanometer15-17 purpose of glovings18-20 reason why warm water is used in handwashing21-23 scale used in assessing pain24-26 rationale of using bath mitt27-33 types of diet

Prepared by:

 Ycofel Joy R. Dotimas- Mauyao
