fundamentalismus in den usa - dr. dr. h.w. schäfer. ezus 2015 . manifest destiny...

Fundamentalismus in den USA EZUS Studium Generale 2015 Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer Universität Bielefeld

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Page 1: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Fundamentalismus in den USA

EZUS Studium Generale 2015 Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer

Universität Bielefeld

Page 2: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

„Pilgrim Fathers“ 9.11.1620 Das neue Jerusalem

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 3: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

John Winthrop (1588-1649) zweiter Gouverneur der Massachusetts Bay Colony Predigt A Model of Christian Charity von 1630: „for wee must Consider that wee shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eies of all people are uppon us“

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 4: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Treaty of Penn with the Indians (Benjamin West, 1771)

“Indians” “It is certain that the devil did here quietly enjoy his dominion over the poor Indians for many ages.“ (Jonathan Edwards, 1703–1758, theologian and president of Princeton University, "A History of the Work of Redemption," London, 1817)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 5: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

“Dissension in Utopia“ Early colonial society was “a dictatorship of the holy and regenerate.“ (Perry Miller, e.g. Anne Hutchinson called devilish, Antichrist)

The Witch, by Joseph E. Baker, 1892 “Witchcraft and the Devil's Plot Against New England” e.g. witchcraft episode of Salem in 1692.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 6: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

“The Revolutionary Antichrist” Anglican Church was itself steeped in the Antichrist's deceit, and by association, so was King George III. The clergy helped create a "collective identity" for colonial Americans by emphasizing that the first settlers had come not only for religious freedom but also for the sacred cause of political liberty. (Nathaniel Hatch)

Patriots tearing down the statue of King George III, Bowling Green, New York City. July 9, 1776.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Unabhängigkeitserklärung 1776

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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George Washington, erster Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, 1789 in seiner Inauguralansprache: Es wäre überaus unpassend, in dieser ersten offiziellen Handlung mein inbrünstiges Flehen an das Allmächtige Wesen zu übergehen, das über das Universum herrscht, das den Vorsitz genommen hat im Rat der Nationen und dessen voraussehende Hilfe jeden Fehler beheben kann, dass sein Segen die Freiheiten und das Glück der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit einer Regierung heiligen möge, welche sie selbst für diese heiligen Ziele geschaffen haben, und das Er helfen möge, jedes Instrument, das ihre Administration anwendet, erfolgreich werden zu lassen in der Funktion, die ihr pflichtgemäß zugefallen ist. … Kein Volk ist stärker verpflichtet, die Unsichtbare Hand anzuerkennen und zu verehren, die die Geschicke der Menschen lenkt, als die Vereinigten Staaten. Jeder Schritt, der uns dem Charakter einer unabhängigen Nation näher gebracht hat, scheint herausgehoben zu sein durch ein Zeichen des Handelns der Vorsehung. Die Erhaltung des heiligen Feuers der Freiheit und die Bestimmung des republikanischen Regierungsmodells sind, recht betrachtet, tief und endgültig jenem Experiment zugehörig, das den Händen des amerikanischen Volkes anvertraut wurde.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 9: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Benjamin Franklin, Proposed Articles of Confederation (1775): „Alliance“ with Indians. George Washington, vor Kongress 1795: Friedliche Assimilierung Andrew Jackson, 28.5.1830, The Indian Removal Act: Reservate westlich des Mississippi.

“The Indians were tranquil, but sombre and taciturn. … I asked why the Chactas were leaving their country. ‘To be free,’ he answered” (Alexis de Toqueville: Democracy in America 1835. „Indian wars“ North American Indian population: estimated 12 million in 1500 --- 237,000 in 1900 (Ward Churchill, University of Colorado)

1899, artist unknown

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to be peopled by one nation, speaking one language, professing one general system of religious and political principles, and accustomed to one general tenor of social usages and customs. For the common happiness of them all, for their peace and prosperity, I believe it is indispensable that they should be associated in one federal Union.” (John Quincy Adams (President 1825 to 1829), letter to his father)

American Progress, 1872, John Gast

Monroe Doctrine (1823) “…the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.” (James Monroe, Pres. 1817-1825 )

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 11: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Grundideen der Epoche: Exceptionalism: Einzigartigkeit des neuen Landes: Stadt auf dem Berge, Neues Jerusalem Covenant theology: Gottes spezieller Bund mit den Siedlern, Auserwähltheit des Volkes Postmillenarism: Das Land kann sich zum Reich Gottes auf Erden entwickeln Perfectionism: In Religion und Ökonomie: das Streben nach Erlösung durch Perfektion. (Privategoistischer, ökonomischer Leistungsdrang [Tocqueville]) Religion als Moral- und Gesetzgeber in Siedlergemeinschaften (lokale Autonomie und Verdacht gegen den Staat)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Protestantismus und kulturelle Modernisierung (19. Jh.) Rationalismus und Aufklärungstheologie: historische Kritik und die Bibel als historisches Dokument Historisches Denken: der garstige Graben (Lessing) und das Bewusstsein von Geschichtlichkeit auch der biblischen Wahrheit Evolutionismus (Darwin) Sozialdarwinismus bei einigen etablierten Kirchenangehörigen des ausgehenden 19 Jh.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Evangelikalismus: soziale Frage und religiöse Reaktion (ab 1850)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Page 15: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Charles Hodge 1865-1878. Archibald Alexander Hodge 1823--1886. Benjamin Warfield 1851-1921

Fundamentalismus: „Wissenschaftliche Theologie“ und kirchliche Macht (ab ca. 1850)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Page 17: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Fundamentalismus: Religiöse Wahrheit, erster Weltkrieg und kulturelle Dominanz (ab ca. 1900)

Billy Sunday (1862-1935) Passionate supporter of World War I. "I tell you it is [Kaiser] Bill against Woodrow, Germany against America, Hell against Heaven." (1918) "If you turn hell upside down, you will find 'Made in Germany' stamped on the bottom." (1917) Verdienst in besten Jahren: 800,-- $ pro Tag (~ Jahresverdienst eines Arbeiters)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 18: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Manifest Destiny: Woodrow Wilson vor dem Kongress 1920: Erster Weltkrieg als “final test” für die Demokratie… “This is the time of all others when Democracy should prove its purity and its spiritual power to prevail. It is surely the manifest destiny of the United States to lead in the attempt to make this spirit prevail.”

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Page 22: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to
Page 23: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to
Page 24: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to
Page 25: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to
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Page 27: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

„Crusades of hatred“ (Robert Fuller): Anti-Jew, - Catholic, -Socialism,- Blacks… (Mitte des 20. Jhs.)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Page 29: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Wahrgenommene Bedrohungen: „Antichrist“: immigration, northward migration of black workers, unions and socialist organizations, Bolshevik revolution in Russia worldwide Communist insurrection, Depression, Roosevelt's New Deal, international political organizations "modernist" ideas in schools

Reaktionen: „True Believers“ Ku-Klux-Klan (ab ca. 1915) Anti-Semitismus Anti-Katholizismus Anti-Sozialismus /Gewerkschaften Ambivalenz: Protest gegen Reiche. Anti-Kommunismus / Patriotismus Militarismus: “The military capability of the United States, … has already been neutralized because no one has the courage to use it decisively.” (H. Lindsay: Planet Earth 1970)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Page 31: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Die christliche Rechte (ab ca. 1970er Jahre)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Brocker 2004: 284

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Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Light Magazine (Southern Baptist Convention) May / June 2003 Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Franklin Graham appeared on the NBC Nightly News, commenting on Islam. He allegedly said: "We're not attacking Islam but Islam has attacked us. The God of Islam is not the same God. He's not the son of God of the Christian or Judeo-Christian faith. It's a different God, and I believe it [Islam] is a very evil and wicked religion." (16.11.2001, MS-NBC)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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The AD2000 & Beyond Movement has spread the vision for reaching the "10/40 Window," a region first identified by the Movement's International Director, Luis Bush. The 10/40 Window is the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude where 95 percent of the world's least-evangelized poor are found. The AD2000 prayer initiatives called "Praying Through the Window" have mobilized over 30 million intercessors to pray for the 10/40 Window over several years. It serves the whole Body of Christ. The Movement brings together the entire spectrum of the contemporary Protestant church, particularly removing the barriers between traditional Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Charismatics.

AD 2000 and beyond...Website

It is led by non-Westerners. Four of the key leaders of the AD2000 & Beyond Movement are: Luis Bush, International Director, from Argentina; Thomas Wang, Chairman, from Mainland China; John Richard, Associate International Director for Special Projects, from India; and Joon-Gon Kim, Chairman of the GCOWE Preparation Committee, from Korea.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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For the remaining years of the millennium, the AD2000 & Beyond Movement launched Joshua Project 2000 and National AD2000 Initiatives. Joshua Project 2000 is a global cooperative strategy which has identified 1,739 peoples most needing a church-planting effort. Joshua Project 2000 is bringing together workers to research these peoples, produce prayer profiles, enlist prayer teams and mobilize church-planting teams. The goal of Joshua Project 2000 is to make a priority of establishing, as a minimum, a pioneer church-planting movement within every ethno-linguistic people of over 10,000 individuals by December 31, 2000.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Benny Hinn

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Benny Hinn (ca. 2002) proclaimed to thousands of Christians at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX , that “… we are on God's side. This is not a war between Arabs and Jews. It's a war between God and the devil."

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Prophetically, we are seeing moment-by-moment news coverage of one of the most amazing turning points in history, and we must be aware that this could be our last chance to impact the world for Jesus Christ! (Eigenwerbung)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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What Prophecy Reveals About Extreme Islam and the West, offers valuable insights and startling documentation about the conflict which continues to spread around the globe. This power-packed book offers life-changing solutions to the challenge you face in today’s battle-filled world. Your faith will be lifted, and your heart encouraged. Order today! (Werbung) Website Benny Hinn

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Tea Party (ab ca. 2009)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Tea Party (ab ca. 2009)

Beginn 2009: Kleine lokale Gruppen, keine einheitlichen Ziele; sehr konservativ (Steuersenkungen, Staatsabbau, keine Abtreibung, Schulgebet. Demografie: Überdurchschnittlich … : + männlich + weiß + über 45 + wohlhabend + ausgebildet + “wiedergeborene Christen” Außenpolitik (Walter R. Mead: Foreign Affairs): + Jacksonian populists + American exceptionalism + skepticism of American's “ability to create a liberal world order”. + favor “total war” over “limited wars for limited goals”. Finanzierung: “Elite funding” (Koch Industries and others), fundraising Medien: Promoted by FOX Channel. (2010: 59 times more than National Social Forum) Religiöse Rechte: RR unterstützen Tea Party; aber nur 46% von TP wissen von RR-Aktivitäten

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Rezeption in der Bevölkerung (Timothy P. Weber: On the Road to Armageddon. 2004) “Recent Time/CNN poll”: 33% glauben, seit 9/11 wird baldiges Ende der Welt wahrscheinlicher. 36% halten die Bibel für “wörtlich” zu interpretierendes Wort Gottes. 59% glauben, die “Offenbarung” enthält Vorhersagen für die Zukunft. 25% glauben, dass 9/11 in der Bibel vorgesagt wurde. 20% glauben, das Ende der Welt noch zu erleben. 33% glauben, dass Israel gesamt Palästina besetzen muss, damit Christus wiederkommen kann.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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The company's spokesman, former Navy SEAL Ben ‘Mookie’ Thomas, told the Orlando Sentinel that he came up with the idea and believes that no devout Muslim would touch the weapon. "Off the cuff I said I'd like to have a gun that if a Muslim terrorist picked it up a bolt of lightning would hit and knock him dead," Thomas said.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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G. W. Bush, Gott, der Irak und das christliche Mandat

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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G . W. Bush über die Freiheit als Gabe des Allmächtigen (Christianity Today, Ted Olsen / AUGUST 28, 2007) In a July 13 [2007] meeting with nine conservative journalists, the President described his belief in the "universality of freedom: I strongly believe that Muslims desire to be free just like Methodists desire to be free." “It's idealistic to believe people long to be free. And nothing will change my belief. I come at it many different ways. Really not primarily from a political-science perspective; frankly, it's more of a theological perspective. I do believe there is an Almighty, and I believe a gift of that Almighty to all is freedom.”

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Donald Rumsfeld’s Memos to G . W. Bush (BY Helen Kennedy, DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER, Monday, May 18, 2009) Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld sent President George Bush top secret wartime memos with cover sheets that mixed Scripture and battle photos to cast the Iraq invasion as a holy Christian crusade. "Commit to the LORD, whatever you do, and your plans will succeed - Proverbs 16:3," appeared on a April 1, 2003 report over a photo of a U.S. soldier near a highway sign pointing to Baghdad. The next day, U.S. forces reached the Iraqi capital. "Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps the faith - Isaiah 26:2," appeared on a April 3, 2003 memo over a photo of a U.S. tank entering Baghdad.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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G .W. Bush, Jacques Chirac, and Gog and Magog (Counterpunch, Clive Hamilton, 22.5.2009 – Confirmed by Chriac) In 2003 while lobbying leaders to put together the Coalition of the Willing, President Bush spoke to France’s President Jacques Chirac. Bush wove a story about how the Biblical creatures Gog and Magog were at work in the Middle East and how they must be defeated. … Bush believed the time had now come for that battle, telling Chirac: “This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins”.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

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Presidential Addresses G. W. Bush und News Editorials (David Domke: God Willing? London 2004) Freiheitsbegriff im Verwendungszusammenhang: Rechtfertigung präventiver Militärschläge: Freedom / Liberty Discourse Freedom-loving, free trade, free market, liberty, enemies of liberty Mandated universal norms Freedom: deserved by, desired by, would benefit… all humanity. “We fight [the war on terrorism] … extend the blessings of freedom.” (9/11 memorial 2002) God’s desire God, Creator, Bible passages (not: providence, faith, callings…)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 65: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

“Freedom/liberty discourse in Bush’s addresses and in newspaper editorials – 1 Before 9/11 and after (David Domke: God Willing? London 2004, p. 98

Page 66: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

“Freedom/liberty discourse in Bush’s addresses and in newspaper editorials – 2 Different occasions (David Domke: ibid, p. 99)

1 2 3 4

1 = 9/11 2= Afghanistan war 3 = First 9/11 memorial 4 = Irak invasion

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 67: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

“Freedom/liberty discourse in Bush’s addresses and in newspaper editorials – 1 (David Domke: ibd., 103) 1 = Different post-attack occasions 2 = Iraq war period



_____Bush_____ ____Editorials____

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 68: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to
Page 69: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin

United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence under President George W. Bush from 2002 to 2007 36-year career in the military Christian political activist Executive vice president at the Family Research Council (ex Alliance Defense Fund) (Wikipedia)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 70: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin

Diverse Einlassungen in der Öffentlichkeit …the war on terrorism as a clash between Judeo-Christian values and Satan. …America, as a Christian nation, is engaged in a battle against idolatrous Muslims. …Enemies like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein "will only be defeated if we come against them in the name of Jesus" (Oregon church gathering) …"Black Hawk Down" in Mogadishu... Pointing to a dark shadow of Mogadishu's skyline, Boykin said it was "a demonic presence in that city that God revealed to me as the enemy." Boykin war verantwortlich für Abu Ghreib, stellt aber Zusammenhänge zu Folter in Abrede. Senate Armed Services Committee; Seymoure Hersh (The New Yorker)

Page 71: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Deployed U.S. servicemen pause in prayer before a mission. (16.11.2015)

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015

Page 72: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to
Page 73: Fundamentalismus in den USA - EZUS...Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015 . Manifest Destiny “The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by Divine Providence to

Since 2002/2007: PCPJ …. is a multicultural, gender inclusive, and ecumenical organization that promotes peace, justice, and reconciliation work among Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians.

Prof. Dr. Dr. H.W. Schäfer. EZUS 2015