funding opportunities additional funding opportunities ...funding opportunities *data in table is up...

Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to- date information before beginning the application process* Additional Funding Opportunities available at: PIVOT Pivot is a comprehensive database for identifying funding opportunities, finding potential collaborators, and promoting your research and creative activities. To create an account, access Pivot from Ohio University's IP range and use your "" email address. You can then access Pivot from anywhere. January Name Due Date Field Graduate Level Subject Other Eligibility Amount x time Funding Toward Application Components Other Notes Society of the Teaching of Psychology- Excellence in Teaching Award (Wilbert J. McKeachi Teaching Excellence Award for grad student January of each year Psychology Any Psychology $1500 (plus travel funds to accept the award) Not specified - Cover sheet - Current CV - Letters of rec (3-5 persons) - Statement of teaching philosophy (2pg) - Evidence to illustrate

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Page 1: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-

date information before beginning the application process*

Additional Funding Opportunities available at: PIVOT

Pivot is a comprehensive database for identifying funding opportunities, finding potential collaborators, and promoting your research and creative activities. To

create an account, access Pivot from Ohio University's IP range and use your "" email address. You can then access Pivot from anywhere.

January Name Due Date Field Graduate

Level Subject Other

Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward Application Components

Other Notes

Society of the Teaching of Psychology- Excellence in Teaching Award (Wilbert J. McKeachi Teaching Excellence Award for grad student

January of each year

Psychology Any Psychology $1500 (plus travel funds to accept the award)

Not specified - Cover sheet

- Current CV - Letters of

rec (3-5 persons)

- Statement of teaching philosophy (2pg)

- Evidence to illustrate

Page 2: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward Application Components

Other Notes

teachers) the award criteria

APA Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Predoctoral fellowship

January 15 clinical, counseling and school psychology, and other psychology doctoral students whose training prepares them for careers in behavioral health services.

-not on internship

ethnic minority behavioral health services or policy.

Not specified; 3 years maximum (renewed annually)

Not specified - Cover letter (1pg)

- Application form

- Two essays - Addictions

training plan

- CV - 3 rec

letters (with rec forms)

- Unofficial transcripts

- GRE report -

Ohio University Student Enhancement award

January 22, 2015

Any Any Any none $6,000 Research and travel to attend a professional meeting to present results

-cover page -checklist -abstract (1pg) -Project narrative ( 5 pgs) -Glossary (2 pgs) -Bibliography (2pgs) -Presentation of results (1pg)

Page 3: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward Application Components

Other Notes

-Mentor endorsement (1 pg) -Biographical information (3 pg) -Budget Justification

NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Short-Term Institutional Research Training Grants (T35)

January 25, May 25, September 25

Predoctoral and postdoctoral level individuals interested in careers in biomedical, behavioral and clinical research

-completed at least one semsester

Any (see list of funding institutions on website)

None Amounts vary (12 month appointment period)

Stipends, Training related expenses, facilities and administrative allowance, stipend supplementation, compensation, and other income (amounts vary)

Grant application package (available electronically) after registration: -Cover page -Location, project information, and personnel forms -Budget -Training Program Plan - Cover page supplement -Checklist

Page 4: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward Application Components

Other Notes

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grants (T32)

January 25, May 25, September 25

Predoctoral and Post doctoral trainees

- Any Any (see list of funding institutions on website)

None Amounts vary (12 month appointment period)

Stipends, Training related expenses, facilities and administrative allowance, stipend supplementation, compensation, and other income (amounts vary)

Grant application package (available electronically) after registration: -Cover page -Location, project information, and personnel forms -Budget -Training Program Plan - Cover page supplement -Checklist

Page 5: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

February Name Due Date Field Graduat

e Level Subject Other

Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

Ohio University Named Fellowships

February of each year

Any Any Any Eligible for financial aid

- Nomination Packet: -nomination form - project plan (2pg) -Abbreviated CV (2pg) -Latest DARS report - Letters of nomination (primary advisor plus 2 other faculty; 2pg each)

-Must be nominated by a faculty member -Each department/school is limited to 1 nomination

Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellowship Award

February 4, 2014

Graduate students in any field related to education

Doctoral educational pathways and experiences of high-achieving, low-income students

-Dissertation proposal successfully completed

6 one time grants of $25,000

Financial support to grad student while reporting

-Cover letter (1pg) -Keywords -summary of research proposal (6pgs) -Timeline -CV -Letter of

Page 6: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

rec -graduate transcript (official)

Ohio University GSS Travel Grant

September 26, 2014 & February 13, 2015

Any Any Any -enrolled in at least 1 credit hour,

Varying number of one-time $500 grants

- Local, national, or international travel to present original work at a conference, workshop or seminar

-Application form - Budget - Abstract (1pg) -document of acceptance (may be submitted at later date)

Summer grant cycle due in June upon availability of funds -Travel must take place after the deadline for the semester

APF Henry P. David Grants for Research and International Travel in Human Reproductive Behavior and Population Studies

February 15, 2015

Graduate students and early post docs in fields related human reproductive behavior and related population concerns with

Doctoral or post doc

Human reproductive behavior or area related to population concerns

One time grants of $1,500

Research expenses or travel to complete research or attend a relevant conference

-application form - research plan (2pgs) -2 letters of rec - Essay re: interest in human reproductive behavior or

Page 7: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

psychological approach to their research

population studies

Ohio University GSS Original Works Gra

September and February of each year

Any Any Any Varying number of one-time awards of $750 eachnt

Direct project related expenses

-Application form -Checklist -Abstract (1pg) -Narrative (4pg) -Budget (1pg) -Budget justification (2pg) -CV (5pg)

Summer grant cycle due in June upon availability of funds

Page 8: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

March Name Due Date Field Graduate

Level Subject Other Eligibility Amoun

t x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

Ohio University 1804 Fund

March of each year

Any Any maintaining, strengthening, and enhancing a learning-centered community. Collaboration among units.

-no singles invegator projects -multidisciplinary, multiple investigator projects with research training activities

Not stated

-supplies, equipment, faculty stipend, student wages, ortravel

The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues- The Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award

March 1 Professionals (especially graduate students) from across the social scienceswith relevance to psychological theory

Any psychological theory and research in the domain of intercultural and international relations

One-time award of $1,000

Not specified Online application

Page 9: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

APA/APF Wayne F. Placek Grants

March 1, 2015

Post-doctoral or graduate students in all fields of behavioral and social sciences

Any Research topicsrelated to lesbian, gay, or bisexual isseus (see site for current priorities)


-Cover Sheet (1pg) -Title and abstract (1pg) -Research description (3pgs) -Methodological Approach (4pgs) -Timeline (1pg) -CV

Experimental Psychology Society Grants for Study Visits

March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1

Graduate students and post docs in experimental psychology

Any N/A - Advisor a member of EPS

One time award of £2,000

travel to and accommodation at another institution outside an individual's academic base. The purpose of the visit is to develop the applicant's research skills,

-Application form - CV - Short reference from two EPS members - Letter of support from the institution to be visit

APA Div 7 Dissertation Research Grant in

March 15 Psychology within one year of successfully

advance content knowledge, methodology

none 1 to 3 one time $500

- Direct research costs (no conferenc

- - letter of rec (faculty supervisor)

Must be nominated by their faculty

Page 10: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

Developmental Psychology

defending their dissertation proposal

and/or theory in developmental psychology

grant e travel) - budget justification (1pg)


Page 11: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

April Name Due


Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

APF Ungerleider/Zimbardo Travel Scholarships

April 1, 2015

Graduate student in psycholoy

Any Any - Member of APAGS

7 one time $300 scholarships

Funding to present research at APA convention

- Application form

- Cover letter (1pg)

- Summary of research (2pg)

- Cv (2pg) - Additional

copy of application materials

The Melissa Institute Belfer-Aptman Dissertation Research Award

April 1, 2014

Graduate student in any field


Address issues of violence prevention and/or treatment

Dissertation proposal approved by dissertation committee prior to application

2 one-time awards $2,000 each

Dissertation research

-Cover page -Title of dissertation -300 word abstract --Curriculum vitae - Letter of rec from dissertation advisor

Winners required to submit a copy of the full proposal and documentation of committee approval

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues The applied social issues internship

April 25

Undergraduate seniors, graduate students, and first-year post

Any research that is conducted in cooperation with a

- Member of SPSSI

Awards from $300-$2500

Research costs, community organizing, intern

- Research proposal (3-6pg) - short resume - letter of rec (from sponsor/supervis

-Cost sharing by sponsoring department or organization

Page 12: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date

Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

doctorates in psychology, applied social science, and related disciplines

community or government organization, public interest group or other not-for-profit entity that will benefit directly from the project.

stipend or of project) - Letter from organizational sponsor -5 complete packets

is desirable

The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Clara May Grants

April 25

Graduate students in psychology, applied social science, and related disciplines

research on aspects of sexism, racism, or prejudice

Master’s -Member of SPSSI

6 one-time awards of $1,000

Research expenses

-Online application -Letter of rec - Institutional letter of support for matching funds

- Prefer individuals in terminal masters program

- College or university agreement to match is favored

Page 13: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

May Name Due Date Field Graduat

e Level Subject Other

Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

APA Div 15 Dissertation Research awards

May Psychology Any Educational Psychology

-APA Div 15 member

2 one-time $1000 grants

Dissertation Research Costs

-Title page -research summery (4pg) -CV -proof of membership status -email verification of program status from dissertation chair

APA Minority Psychology Summer Institute(Psychology Summer Institute)

May 1 Graduate students and post—doctoral trainees in Psychology and Neuroscience

“advanced doctoral students”

providing behavioral health services to ethnic minority communities.

Minority -60-80 one time awards, amount not disclosed

Full funding for travel, food, and lodging for institute

Application (available online)

APA Scott Mesh Honorary Grant for Research in Psychology

May 7, 2014

Graduate student in Psychology

Doctoral Any -At least half-time enrollment - Graduate Student

1 one time award of $1,000

Research costs -2 pg cover letter -3 pg research proposal - 2 pg

Page 14: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

Affiliate and member of APAGS

abbreviated CV - 2 pg letter of rec

Nancy B. Forest and L. Michael Honaker Master’s Grant for Research in Psychology

May 7, 2014

Graduate student in psychology

Masters Any - Member of APAGS

One time $1,000 grant

Thesis research

- Cover letter (2pg)

- Research proposal (3pgs)

- CV (2pgs)

- Letter of rec (2pgs)


Page 15: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

APAGS Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) Grant Program

May 7, 2013; December 3, 2014

Graduate students in psychology

Any ethnic minority graduate psychology students

-member of APAGS

4 one time $1,000 grants

projects that recruit, retain and/or enhance the training of ethnic minority graduate psychology students

-summary of proposed projects (2 pgs) - anticipated speakers - Evaluation procedures (2pgs) - organizational profile (2pgs) -

Workshops Conferences Speaker series Mentorship programs The development of student organizations with a focus on multiculturalism or ethnic minority concerns.

APA/APAGS Ellin Bloch and Pierre Ritchie Diversity Dissertation Scholarship

May 7 Graduate students in psychology

Doctoral issues of diversity such as varied ethnic backgrounds, women's issues, ageism, sexual orientation and disability

-Member of APAGS

One-time $1000 grant

Research expenses

-Cover letter (2pgs) - Research proposal (3pgs) -CV (2pgs) -Letter of rec (2pgs)

The Society for the Psychological

May 15 and Oct 25

Doctoral preferred but not

-member of SPSSI

scientific research in social

One-time grants of $1,000

Research expenses

Application packages (total of 7

-university agreement for matching

Page 16: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

Study of Social Issues- Grants in Aid

required problem areas related to the basic interests and goals of SPSSI (currently interpersonal violence, marriage equality, and immigration reform but see website for details)

pgs) -Cover sheet -Abstract (100 words or less) -project summary - Status of human subjects review -Resume -Budget

funds required

NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Short-Term Institutional Research Training Grants (T35)

January 25, May 25, September 25

Predoctoral and postdoctoral level individuals interested in careers in biomedical, behavioral and clinical research

-completed at least one semsester

Any (see list of funding institutions on website)

None Amounts vary (12 month appointment period)

Stipends, Training related expenses, facilities and administrative allowance, stipend supplementation, compensation, and other

Grant application package (available electronically) after registration: -Cover page -Location, project information

Page 17: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

income (amounts vary)

, and personnel forms -Budget -Training Program Plan - Cover page supplement -Checklist

Page 18: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

June Name Due Date Field Graduate

Level Subject Other

Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

Experimental Psychology Society Grants for Study Visits

March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1

Graduate students and post docs in experimental psychology

Any N/A - Advisor a member of EPS

One time award of £2,000

travel to and accommodation at another institution outside an individual's academic base. The purpose of the visit is to develop the applicant's research skills,

-Application form - CV - Short reference from two EPS members - Letter of support from the institution to be visit

APA F. J. McGuigan Dissertation Award

June 1, 2015

Graduate student in in behavioral or neuroscience

- Doctoral candidate

- research oriented toward advancing a unified conception of brain and behavior

-dissertation approved by comittee

One time award of $2,000

Dissertation research

-description of proposed project (7pgs) -nomination letter from advisor -Timeline -CV -Budget and justification

- Award pending IRB approval

Society of the Teaching of Psychology Sage Travel Award

June 1, 2014

Graduate student teacher

Any teaching Must be a member of the society for the teaching of psychology

1 one time $1250 travel grant

--travel to APA -Application form -CV

Page 19: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

APF Graduate Student Scholarships

June 30, 2014

Graduate Students in Psychology

Masters or Doctoral

Any Department of psychology that is a member of COGDOP

16 one time awards ranging from $1000-$5000

Completion of thesis or dissertation

-Application form (on website) -letter of rec from research advisor -3 pg outline of research project (up to 2 additional pgs of refs) -curriculum vitae -5 copies of application package

Only 1 student per department

APAGS/Psi Chi Junior Scientist Fellowship

June 30, 2014

Graduate Student in Psychology (research oriented)

Entering first year or first semester of second year

Any -Not eligible if have been in grad school for 12+ months -Must be member of APAGS and Psi Chi

One time $1,000 award

Direct research costs

-Personal Statement -Research Essay -Letter of Rec (undergraduate or graduate advisor) -CV (optional)

Page 20: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

July None found

Page 21: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

August Name Due

Date Field Graduat

e Level Subject Other Eligibility Amoun

t x time Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Frank W. Putnam Trauma Research Scholars

August 14, 2014

Graduate students in psychology (not yet updated for 2014-2015 SY)

Any Any - Member of APAGS

- Poster/paper accepted by an APA division for presentation

- First author

100 one-time awards of $300

Travel to the APA convention

- Application form

- Cover letter (1pg)

- Research summary (2pg)

- CV (2pg) - Copy of

letter of acceptance

- Extra copy of all materils

Each psychology department (i.e., not individual programs within a department) may endorse no more than three students per year for the travel award.

Epilepsy Foundation- Predoctoral Research Training Fellowship

August 23, 2013 (not updated for 2014-2015 SY)

Graduate students in neuroscience, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, biochemistry, genetics, nursing, or pharmacy.

Doctoral Epilepsy

- Advisor with epilepsy expertise

One time grants of $20,000

Stipend and travel to the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society

- Signature page - Letters of rec - online application (available on website)

-Contingent upon IRB approval

Page 22: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

September Name Due Date Field Graduate

Level Subject Other

Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward Application Components

Other Notes

Ohio University GSS Original Works Gra

September and February of each year

Any Any Any Varying number of one-time awards of $750 eachnt

Direct project related expenses

-Application form -Checklist -Abstract (1pg) -Narrative (4pg) -Budget (1pg) -Budget justification (2pg) -CV (5pg)

Summer grant cycle due in June upon availability of funds

Experimental Psychology Society Grants for Study Visits

March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1

Graduate students and post docs in experimental psychology

Any N/A - Advisor a member of EPS

One time award of £2,000

travel to and accommodation at another institution outside an individual's academic base. The purpose of the visit is to develop the applicant's research skills,

-Application form - CV - Short reference from two EPS members - Letter of support from the institution to be visit

American Educational Research Association

September 4, 2014

Graduate students in areas related to education (education, sociology, economics,

Doctoral Various topics related to education (see website for details

One-time awards of $20,000

Student support during dissertation writing, Travel to annual conference

-Abstract -research proposal (4pgs) -Dissemination plan -Models -budget

Page 23: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward Application Components

Other Notes

psychology, demography, statistics, and psychometrics.)

about current priorities)


APA Early Graduate Student Researcher Award

September 15, 2014

Psychololgy First 2 years of doctoral study OR entering 3rd year

-Outstanding Research abilitiesearly in graduate training -APA student affiliate

Up to 3 one-time awards for $1,000

-direct research expenses, software, and/or conference travel

-Application form -Research Statement (1,000 words) -Abbreviated CV -2 letters of recommendation (1 pg max)

APA Dissertation Research Award

September 15, 2014

Graduate Student In Psychology or related field (science oriented)

Doctoral Any Student affiliate of APA

30-40 grants $1000-$5000 each

Research costs 4 collated sets of the following: -Application form - Cover letter -2 pg summary of dissertation - 1 pg budget - 2 pg CV - 1 letter of rec

Must submit final report of funding use

Ohio University GSS Travel Grant

September 26, 2014 & February 13, 2015

Any Any Any -enrolled in at least 1 credit hour,

Varying number of one-time $500 grants

- Local, national, or international travel to present original

-Application form - Budget - Abstract (1pg) -document of acceptance

Summer grant cycle due in June upon availabilit

Page 24: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward Application Components

Other Notes

work at a conference, workshop or seminar

(may be submitted at later date)

y of funds -Travel must take place after the deadline for the semester

NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Short-Term Institutional Research Training Grants (T35)

January 25, May 25, September 25

Predoctoral and postdoctoral level individuals interested in careers in biomedical, behavioral and clinical research

-completed at least one semsester

Any (see list of funding institutions on website)

None Amounts vary (12 month appointment period)

Stipends, Training related expenses, facilities and administrative allowance, stipend supplementation, compensation, and other income (amounts vary)

Grant application package (available electronically) after registration: -Cover page -Location, project information, and personnel forms -Budget -Training Program Plan - Cover page supplement -Checklist

Page 25: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

October Name Due

Date Field Graduate

Level Subject Other

Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

APA Marion and Donald Routh Student Research Grant

October 1

Psychology Any Pediatric Psychology

Member of the Society of Pediatric Psychology

1 one-time award of $5000 and 1 one time runner up award of $1000

- Direct research costs ($500 toward conference travel)

-abstract (100 words) -Research proposal (4pgs) - budget - statement of investigator qualifications -statement of membership in div 54 -Letter of recommendation (faculty supervisor)

-Progress report required if awarded

APA Div 54 Student Research Award

October 1

Pre or post doctoral students in ped psych

Graduate, intern or postdoctoral fellow

Issues related to pediatric psychology and the health care of children

Must be a member of Div 54 Student is first author

1 one time $1,000 grant

- Not specified

- Cover letter - Letter of

support from faculty advisor

- Paper (20pg)

Papers may be up to one year post publication

The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues- Grants in Aid

May 15 and Oct 25

Doctoral preferred but not required

-member of SPSSI

scientific research in social problem areas related to the basic interests and goals of SPSSI (currently

One-time grants of $1,000

Research expenses

Application packages (total of 7 pgs) -Cover sheet -Abstract (100 words or less) -project summary

-university agreement for matching funds required

Page 26: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date

Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

interpersonal violence, marriage equality, and immigration reform but see website for details)

- Status of human subjects review -Resume -Budget

Page 27: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

November Name Due Date Field Graduate

Level Subject Other

Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

November 2013

Graduate students prusing degress in fields within the NSF’s mission

Completed no more than 12 monthsof full time graduate study

Anything within the NSF’s mission (see website for details)

-citizens, nationals, or permanent residents of the United States

2,700 grants of 44,000/year for 3 years (usable over a 5 year period)

Student support (stipend) and cost-of-education allowance

-Online application -Academic Transcripts -3 rec letters -Graduate research statement (2pgs)

Society for Human Resource Management- Student Scholarship Program

November 1, 2014

Grad student clearly pursuing an emphasis area in HR or an HR-related program (such as business, psychology or labor relations)

Masters - SHRM student member active in student chapter

5 one time awards of $5,000

Not specified

- Application - Resume - 2 letters of


- Transcript must be submitted prior to fund disbursement


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention- Young Investigator Grants


r 15

Post graduate and predoctoral students from a variety of

Doctoral research on suicide from a variety of disciplines

Up to $37,500 per year for two years Plus $5,000 per year to a mentor

Research costs

-cover sheet -contact form -abstract -budget w/ justification -Biographical information

-mainly meant for post doctoral but predoctoral applicants considered

Page 28: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

disciplines -project description -IRB approval -timeline -Recommendation of mentor

APA Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Graduate Student Fellowship

November 15, 2014

Graduate in Child Psychology

Doctoral Child Psychology

-Doctoral Candidate

5-8 one-time $25,000 award

-Research costs -Tuition waiver

-5 page description of proposed project -Timeline -Full budget w/ justification - Current CV - Two letters of rec (advisor and grad chair) - Copy of IRB approval

One application per institution per year

Page 29: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

December Name Due Date Field Graduat

e Level Subject Other

Eligibility Amount x time

Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

Experimental Psychology Society Grants for Study Visits

March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1

Graduate students and post docs in experimental psychology

Any N/A - Advisor a member of EPS

One time award of £2,000

travel to and accommodation at another institution outside an individual's academic base. The purpose of the visit is to develop the applicant's research skills,

-Application form - CV - Short reference from two EPS members - Letter of support from the institution to be visit

APAGS Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) Grant Program

May 7, 2013; December 3, 2014

Graduate students in psychology

Any ethnic minority graduate psychology students

-member of APAGS

4 one time $1,000 grants

projects that recruit, retain and/or enhance the training of ethnic minority graduate psychology students

-summary of proposed projects (2 pgs) - anticipated speakers - Evaluation procedures (2pgs) - organizational profile (2pgs) -

Workshops Conferences Speaker series Mentorship programs The development of student organizations with a focus on multiculturalism or ethnic minority concerns.

Rolling Decision or Unstated

Page 30: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due

Date Field Graduate

Level Subject Other

Eligibility Amount x time Funding

Toward Application Components

Other Notes

CHADD Young Scientist Research Fund Awards

Not listed

Early Career Scientist

Graduate or 3 years post graduate

Any area relevant to ADHDl

None $5000 plus travel expense to CHADD meeting


Contact Xuali Malsawma at [email protected] for more information

Ohio University CRSCA Discretionary Fund

open Any Any Any None $500 (requires a 1:1 match from the department/school/college)

research, scholarship, and creative activity

-Proposal (2pg)

For unique opportunities or emergencies

Experimental Psychology Society Grindley Grants for Conference Attendance

4 weeks before conference

Graduate students in experimental psychology

Any or postdoctoral

research on aspects of sexism, racism, or prejudice

- Need sponsor from EPS (possible exceptions)

One time grants of £500

travel at any academic conference relevant to the applicant's work in experimental psychology in UK

- Application form

- Preference for EPS conference travel

Page 31: Funding Opportunities Additional Funding Opportunities ...Funding Opportunities *Data in table is up to date as of June 2014 but please check each website for the most up-to-date information

Name Due Date

Field Graduate Level

Subject Other Eligibility

Amount x time Funding Toward

Application Components

Other Notes

National Association for Gifted Children- Hollingworth Award


professor, educational administrator, psychologist, teacher, graduate student, or other professional individual

Any poposals for publishable research projects concerning gifted and talented youth.

Not stated Research expenses

-research proposal (20pgs) -abstract (200 words) -statement of approval from sponsoring institution - letter of application