furry art from amon, falvie and more furry horoscope! anime

1 Nr̊ 1 Furry Art From Amon, Falvie and more Dust: An Elysian Tail an action role-playing game. developed by: independent designer Dean Dodrill Furry horoscope! anime Wolf’s Rain Tweets & Stories Art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rhyu/ 2014 TAG

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Post on 03-Jan-2017




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Nr̊ 1

Furry ArtFrom Amon, Falvie and more

Dust: An Elysian Tailan action role-playing game.developed by:independent designer Dean Dodrill

Furry horoscope!

animeWolf’s Rain

Tweets & Stories

Art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rhyu/




Art by Z1FF 3

Dust: An Elysian Tail 4-5

#Furry Tweets 6

Art by Amon 7

A Furry story by Tiberius Rings 8-9-10-11

Art by Flavie 12

Furcadia: a free to play MMOSG/MMORPG 13-14

Art by gorshdolderan 15

Anime: Wolf’s Rain 16-17-18

Art by (unknown) 19

TuaniFur Gaming 20

Furry Songs 21-22

Art by AeroSocks 23

Furry Horoscope 24-25-26-27


3Dakes le great - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/z1ff/


In game screenshot of dust

DUSTAn Elysian Tail

> Gameplay

Dust takes place in the fictional world of Falana, inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. Gameplay is presented on

a 2D side-scrolling plane. The player controls the titular main character, Dust (Lucien Dodge), as he tries to remember

his past. Dust wields a sentient sword, the Blade of Ahrah (Edward Bosco), as his main weapon. Fidget (Kimlinh Tran),

the sword’s guardian, acts as a companion for Dust and can use magical attacks. As the player travels the world,

they can acquire power-ups that permanently alter gameplay, such as the ability to double jump or climb to previous-

ly unreachable areas. Incorporating elements of role-playing games, Dust can gain experience points by defeating

enemies, and in turn may level up. These can be used to raise various attributes, such as health, strength, defense or

magic. Non-playable characters can be interacted with throughout the game’s world to sell items or receive quests.

> Plot

The game begins with Dust awakening in a forest meadow, approached by a floating, sentient sword. Dust is joined

by Fidget, a small flying creature and the sword’s guardian, and sets out for a small town in search of answers.

Upon arriving in Aurora, the group find the

town overrun with monsters. The mayor of

the town asks Dust for his help, and he tracks

down the leader of the enemies, Fuse. Just

before he dies, Fuse reveals himself to be a

Moonblood, creatures who are victims of

a genocide perpetrated by a man known

as General Gaius. Fuse also tells Dust that

he played a role in the war at some point.


Mayor Bram instructs Dust to speak to a woman in Aurora named Ginger, who may have more knowledge of the

Moonbloods. She is revealed to be part of a group of Moonblood sympathizers, a group that was recently found

and killed by General Gaius’s soldiers.

After travelling into the northern mountains, Dust and Fidget come across an abandoned village, where Ginger

and the leader of the Moonbloods, Elder Gray Eyes, are waiting. Gray Eyes reveals that Dust was created by

the Moonbloods from two people who perished at the same time: Jin (Ginger’s brother) and Cassius (an assassin

employed by Gaius). These two were exact opposites, Cassius was purely evil but of great skill with the sword, and

Jin was completely innocent and good but incapable of defeating Gaius; their combination together became Moon-

blood’s “Sen-Mithrarin”.

The group then heads to the Moonblood base in a volcanic region to the north named Everdawn Basin, where

Dust assists the Moonbloods in fighting back Gaius’s troops. Reaching the peak of a volcano, Dust fights General

Gaius in a lengthy battle. Eventually, Gaius is hanging from an outcrop over a pool of lava, where he tells Dust that

Cassius is no longer part of him, then throws himself into the lava. Collapsed from exhaustion, Fidget tries to get Dust

back up, but he refuses, and is consumed by the volcano.

After the battle, Elder Gray Eyes gives a speech to the remaining Moonbloods, telling them that because of Dust’s

sacrifice, they can now rebuild and live at peace with the rest of the world. During his dialogue, Ginger and Fidget

witness the Blade of Ahrah rising out of the volcano and flying off, suggesting Dust may still be alive.

> Development

Aside from voice acting, soundtrack, and parts of the story, Dust was designed and programmed entirely by Dodrill. A self-taught illustrator and animator, he had previously done artwork and cinematics on Epic Games’ Jazz Jackrab-bit 2, and was in the process of creating an independent animated film, Elysian Tail. He assumed it would take three months to complete the game; it actually took over three-and-a-half years. He originally envisioned an 8-bit-style platformer for the game, similar to earlier entries in the Castlevania series. Inspirations for the final game came from such titles as Metroid, Golden Axe, and Ys I & II, which Dodrill cites as his favorite games.[

The game was originally targeted for the Xbox 360 Indie Games channel, but upon winning the 2009 Microsoft Dream.Build.Play Challenge, it was awarded a contract for an Xbox Live Arcade release. Dust: An Elysian Tail was originally expected to be released in late 2011, but was later delayed until summer 2012.


7To Relive A Memory - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nonnietuanione/


#1 of The Half-Moon Tribe


You know, that’s my life. Running. I run here and there, across forests, hills, valleys, mountains, and even once a desert. I run as fast as I can to get where I need to go, stopping only when my mission isn’t vital. Sometimes I can’t stop and must run until I not only get to my destination, but back home.

I am a Strider.

You see, in my world, a world so unlike the one of today with computers, internet, iPods and various other ways to exchange media and information, I am a form of internet. To my caern that is. I am one of many wolves of the stri-der sect who relay messages for our Alpha Male and his council, working like diligant little soldiers who carry vital information on our backs, as well as local gossip.

Now, don’t think I hate my job. My name is Slayn, head strider for the Half Moon wolf caern. It is nestled in what many of you would call modern day Europe, somewhere near France, I think. Maps back then, well, they weren’t as intricate and borders were not as clearly defined, espe-cially our own. I’m not saying that you can even go to the woods in France and look for our home; it’s gone now. But back then, when Kings, Queens, knights and mercenaries roamed the world, it was an amazing place.

Our home was hidden from the outside world. Back then, there were many packs, and caerns, and species. Espe-cially wolves. Ours was one of the largest in the area

The Half-Moon TribeBy: Tiberius Rings - https://tiberius-rings.sofurry.com/

and our enemies were far to the north, but we were also friends with many neighbouring factions of different spe-cies. Our closest allies, the leopards lead by their alpha male Apollo, were but a week’s run away and ready to come to our aid if we ever needed it. I often visited them as Strider-Alpha, relaying our Alpha’s most vital informati-on to Apollo and his people. My job sent me to all kinds of wonderful places, and I saw things very few wolves ever did. However, whenever I was away I missed home. Home is where the heart is, some modern thinker once said. My heart was with someone who didn’t even know I existed, and he rarely left our woods.

What we used as shelter was an amazing complex. Some long time ago, before our scholars kept written records we think, our ancestors found an abandoned temple from a people long gone. Our caern took it over and for se-veral generations it has been where we live and raise our families. The temple rises high and barely peeks abo-ve the canopy of the trees. It is a honeycomb of various tunnels and passages and this is where the Alpha Male resides, and Council business is conducted. Some of the Warriors--Oh, I didn’t explain Warriors. I explained why you people can’t find our home, but not about how our caern operates. You see, a caern has sub-sects, a type of caste you’re born into, or grow into. There are Striders, who’re the official messengers of the pack. The Scouts, in charge of keeping our borders well protected and under observation. Mages, who oversee our magical and literal history and add a different kind of defense. And Warriors. Warriors are often the biggest men and women, our front line troops who follow orders without hesitation and train all their lives to be the best combatants they can be. Of course this is not the only thing we do as people. Our


sects are not isolated and we realize we have a society to expand and develop. Warriors cook along-side stri-ders, scouts and mages weave our clothing, and so forth. The sects are designed so one has a sense of belonging, but with every day life, everyone pitches in. I will admit, however bashfully in these moden days and thought, a lot of women handled the domestic needs, such as weaving, cleaning and cooking. This was by no means a variation of sexism or trying to opress the opposite sex; hardly the case! A female wolf can make even the most dominant man squirm, and we never viewed them as lesser. Our women were natural nurturers, mothers, carers, and loved taking care of the men, but there were men who saw the same desire. Our pack worked well, and for the most part, is usually peaceful.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes. The warriors have bar-racks and homes on the lower level of the tiered temple, the barracks for the males and females without life mates or children. If someone does become mated, they are gi-ven a suite inside the temple where they can raise their family if they so desire. Not all of us live in there, no sir. My striders, we live outside the temple. Our homes are not made of stone and brick, but cured leather and rope. We live in the tents along an avenue that moved to the west of the temple. Someone would say it looks like a poorer section compared to the stone structure behind our tents, but it is hardly the case. Striders are the second most nu-merous wolf sect, and we are always constantly moving, leaving and coming in various hours of the day and night. We sleep in our large tents usually in groups.

Striders are the smallest of the wolves, since we are de-signed for speed and agility and not always for com-bat. There is something about our tents that strikes us as homey. We love the night and the woods, and if we want to sleep in the sweet, rich grass and under the sparkling stars, it is only a few feet outside of our tents. No strider hates living outside, lets get that straight.

The scouts and mages, they live in their own enclaves, but more about them later. I mean, really. If you’ve read a story about a spell-weaver wearing long flowing robes or someone slinking through the forest, that describes them in essence. They aren’t part of my story--yet. I have a lot of good friends who’re both Scouts and Mages, but for now, I want to focus on what is relevant. Trying not to overload you too much. Heheh.

Remember when I mentioned I was in love? Well, I’ll tell

you who I loved, or at least had a crush on. In our society, a man can love a man with no hesitation, just as much as a woman can love a woman. Society doesn’t frown on it like it does today, and it is celebrated if a male takes another male as a mate and same if a woman decides to. What we celebrate is the happiness between two people and not if they’re able to consumate their union. Adoption is always a possibility anyway. Well, now to get to the embarrassing part. You see, I was 18 years old and already head strider, Alpha-Strider, but I hated that title. I liked people usng my name and not my rank. The alpha male of our caern, a man who went by the name of Arch, appointed me as head strider. He said I was the fastest male he had ever seen, and while he had trouble remembering my name, he gave me the rank and title and larger tent. The moment he had talked to me, face to face, I had fallen in love.

I was such a kid, crushing on a male who was so far abo-ve me in rank and stature, a warrior by nature as well. I was the poster child for what a strider should be; short, lean, compact muscular body and natural speed. My fur was a creamy under coat that resembles caramel, and my overcoat, my pride and joy, is a rich cinnamony brownish red color.

Arch, well, if you liked big men, he could easily be the poster child for that division of manliness as well. Arch stood a bit taller than seven feet tall, and his fur was mid-night black. So black it was hard to see his muscles, but he had broad shoulders, thick arms, an amazing chest of firm, flat pectorals with abdominals of intricate cut, cast from marble itself. His legs were long and thick, full of muscle and power. His eyes were a yellow that could pierce the night and soul with one look. He was amazing to watch and admire, he hunted with a grace and fought with a fluid passion. Arch turned heads, and not only because of his rank. He was an amazing man who was father and brother to us all. He was young for an alpha, too. Our old alpha, Kaudi, whom I barely remember, had asked Arch’s old caern for him to come live with us when Arch had been a small boy. Kaudi had personally groomed Arch to be the new alpha. Kaudi could not have children, an injury from a war with the Deep Fang caern had made sure of that. When Kaudi died, Arch got the rank and title by declaration. Of course some males had challenged Arch for his position but all had fallen to Arch’s powerful body.

Arch was also, how can I put this politely, enjoying his po-sition? When he wasn’t working he usually had someone


in his bed chambers, but hardly females. He was a single male, and wanted to avoid becoming a father without trying for it. It was an honor to be in Arch’s chambers, but trying for it was something Arch detested. He liked picking his company, and wanted to see someone natu-rally. Of course this was only when Arch wasn’t busy, but lately there had been a stirring in the north and Arch had been very busy. People talked of Arch falling asleep in the council room and taking all his meals there. It had been days since anyone had seen Arch outside the temple. He was a good leader, even if he had a sexual appitite.

I had just come back from a mission, nothing too big; Just a mission to one of our outer bases to report in that all was well. It was usually beneath me to do such a task, but I had wanted to go; the exercise would have done me good and I wanted to just see the base, it was near the lake and during this time of day, around high noon, I think its the best view in the territory. The message was clear; there was no sign of danger and the scout and warrior rotation was on schedule. Usually a verbal confirmation was in order, but with the Alpha on such high strung emo-tions, he asked for written documentation of everything. I had the lead warrior in the small outpost sign the slip that everything was okay, and returned to the caern to report in and give the message to Arch personally.

The steps up to the lobby of the temple were high, I once spent a day as a child counting them, and I lost count at around 40. I was a kid, can you blame me? It killed ten minutes and my parents seemed to enjoy the distraction. The lobby was large and cool, open with pillars holding it up with small candles lining the wall, showing off the interior. This was where business was handled, outside of the Council room. There were central stairs that led up and down into the temple, going to rooms and storage areas, and various chambers even I didn’t know existed. I was going to have to explore one day. Today, however, I wasn’t even going to set foot on those stairs, I was going to be right behind them and entering the Council Room where Arch was working.

I stood outside the two wooden doors guarded by warri-ors, one to my left decided on using a heavy two-handed axe as his weapon of choice. The man on the right had a hammer of some kind. Wonderful. Note to self, don’t piss off the guards by stumbling and groping someone you love. Or at least crush on. I did a quick spot check on myself, making sure I didn’t look too much like a strider. I

was still Alpha-Strider, I should look clean enough to see Arch and not have some of the more snobbish council members raise their noses at me. I was naked; well, I wore a loincloth, it was a simple dark burgandy loincloth with no back flap. It tended to get in the way of running, or at least providing a distraction when I ran if it licked at me. So, like most wolves, I just wore a loincloth with a front flap. I had my messenger bag slung over my shoulder, it was long and cylinder like, with a snap near the middle that would let me open it up and pull out or put in con-tents. This was worn for larger messages that would be needed sometimes, and I made sure to have mine on my person a lot, not all the time, but a lot. I didn’t want to have to run home and fetch it or go out with a large stack of papers in my hands.

The two guards opened the heavy doors and revealed the council room. It was a large stone room with a circular stone table, surrounded by chairs of dark black wood.. The room was ancient, and in the center of the table was an intricate carving cut right into the table’s stone of a wolf howling at a half moon. The room had the scent of dust and age, and of course wisdom. The room had been where countless alphas and their council made decisions that impacted so many lives. Sitting at the far side of the circular table was Arch, my Alpha.

Arch was doing some paperwork, and I know many of you out there think a big black wolf doing papers in a tri-bal situation may sound funny, but it wasn’t. Arch looked serious, his brow in concentration and so many stacks of papers around him, supplies and control orders, things not meant for your eyes or mine. He was seated so I could only see half his body, but god, what I could see made my knees quiver. He was handsome, so wonderfully cut in muscular frame, his body in such the right perportion that he was easily a good model for any artwork. It was probably why the painting of Arch in the lounge above them looked so good; he was easy to draw.

“Alpha?” I said, moving closer and pulling my bag off my shoulder.

“Hm? Oh. Alpha-Strider. Stain, right?” His voice was deep and rich, but being called “stain” hurt. I winced and shook my head, putting my bag on the table as I stood close, trying my best not to look his body over and just stare into his face. “No, Alpha. Slayn, remember?”


“Oh, right, Slayn. I’m sorry, the orders and papers I have to read, I get names wrong or mixed up. No hard fee-lings.” He smiled to himself and went back to his paper-work. “What do you need?”

“I have the report from the lake outpost, Alpha.” My hand slipped into the bag and pulled out the scrap of paper, and put it on the table. Arch reached out and pulled it close, and then looked right at me.

“The lake outpost? I only asked for this two hours ago. It takes five to get there and back.” Arch was thinking outl-oud, and not making it a real question. I stood there, stotic and still, wondering if I had done something wrong. Did he want the reports promptly at a certain hour?

“Yes, Alpha. I’m fast.”

“Very fast,” Arch said, watching me so closely. He leaned forward. “Stai--Slayn, I want you to go on a mission for me.” Arch reached over the stacks of papers, pulling out a stack of letters infront of me. I saw the moon seal of wax closing the envelopes, and the Arrow mark of Apollo’s caern in a corner. “Apollo’s caern is a week’s travel away, two for a round trip. I need Apollo to get these letters in five days, not seven, not six. Five. Go.” Arch motioned to the door, and went back to work.

Five days to Apollo’s caern? I could do it, if I didn’t stop at some of my usual spots. I would have asked ‘why’ usually but I didn’t, for some reason I knew time was of the essen-ce. I grabbed the letters and shoved them into my bag. “Yes, Alpha.” And with that, I took off.

Read the rest of the story at: http://www.sofurry.com/view/55079

12 http://www.furaffinity.net/user/falvie/


furcadiaa free to play MMOSG

Furcadia is a free to play MMOSG/MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Social Game/ Roleplaying Game) or graphical MUD, set in a fantasy world inhabited by anthropomorphic creatures. The game is based on user-cre-ated content, socializing and free-form roleplaying, and has a large volunteer program called the Beekin Helpers which allows players to help with community moderation, welcoming new players, in-game technical support, running in game events, creating art for the game itself, accessing and updating the game’s website, and bug hunting. Furca-dia holds the Guinness World Records title for the longest continuously running social MMORPG.In 2008, Furcadia was reported as having over 60,000 players.

>> Gameplay

> Characters

The character, or avatar on Furcadia is called a “Furry” and can be set to one of several species of anthropo-morphic animal that Furcadia offers. A Furry can be one of three genders: male, female, and unspecified. These genders modify the default portrait, as well as specitags, icons seen to the left of players’ names in chat.

> Customization

Players can customize their avatars by choosing colors from a palette. These colors are shown on both the walkabout and portrait. The walkabout has a basic walking animation with the ability to stand, sit, or lie down. There are default portraits for each avatar, however, players may upload a 95x95 custom portrait for a small fee. Custom avatars and portraits may be added and used inside private dreams.

Each character can also have a brief description, which can include character details, external links to websites, or internal links to private dreams. Some players choose to link to third-party websites to extend their descriptions beyo-nd the character-limit the standard Furcadia description allows.Furcadia and the furry fandom


Although Furcadia’s anthropomorphic animal characters are related to those of the furry fandom, and the game was inspired in part by FurryMUCK, Furcadia has never been intended as an exclusively ‘furry’ game. A significant portion of Furcadia’s player-base do not identify as ‘furries’ nor have any interest in the furry aspect of the game. Furthermore, players can use hyooman (human) avatars if purchased.

> Dreams

The primary focus of Furcadia is user-generated content. To this end, the Furcadia game download includes an art editor, a map creating program, a skin editor, and a script editor. Users are encouraged to create their own virtual worlds, called Dreams, using these free tools. These worlds can be uploaded to the Furcadia server for free and used for a variety of purposes, examples being text based role playing, a place to hang out with friends, or playing multiplayer games and quests with other users, etc.. Dreams remain open to the public area in which they are uploa-ded, so long as it is inhabited, and, if unoccupied, it is eventually unloaded automatically.

While there are several types of dreams that are popular, users continue to create new things with the tools they are given. Furcadia hosts a variety of roleplaying dreams, ranging from strict-continuity roleplay (in which the dream is its own independent world) to persona play. Roleplaying dreams also come in a number of different forms, ranging from feral (wild animal) to Furry (anthropomorphic animal) to human. Many dreams revolve around fantasy plots and themes, based on popular books, television programs, ancient mythology, or original creations of Furcadia players.

Furcadia itself is basically made up of several dreams, the ones made by its users and the main maps.

> Patches

Almost all of the default art files shown in Furcadia can be patched over and displayed in a Dream, including the skin, buttons, avatars, items, walls, effects, and floors. Additional art may be added to a Dream in file types ending with ‘e’, such as iteme, floore, etc., which does not overwrite the default art. Much user created patch art is availa-ble for download via third party websites. Dreams can also include the use of audio files in the WMA, Ogg, MOD, S3M, WAV and MIDI (.mid) formats. Scripting

Players may add interactivity to dreams chiefly through a custom scripting language known as DragonSpeak, or “DS”. DragonSpeak commands may be triggered by in-game actions or by custom buttons displayed over the game interface. Other custom scripting tools include PhoenixSpeak, which is used to store information to a permanent data-base,and an animation scripting language called KitterSpeak.

These scripting languages enable players to script actions ranging from the simple, like opening a door, to the more complex, such as a complete game of chess or laser-tag.

Dream owners are allowed to make and use bots to accomplish things that DragonSpeak cannot, but these are not officially supported by Furcadia.



Note from Designer: I know this is nothing “furry” :3

but meh, i love the anime and i’m sure other furries will

like it ^-^

Wolf’s Rain is an anime series created by writer and

story editor Keiko Nobumoto and produced by Bones

Studio. It was directed by Tensai Okamura and featu-

red character designs by Toshihiro Kawamoto with a

soundtrack produced and arranged by Yoko Kanno. It

focuses on the journey of four lone wolves who cross

paths while following the scent of the Lunar Flower

and seek for Paradise.

Wolf’s Rain spans twenty-six television episodes and

four original video animation (OVA) episodes, with

each episode running approximately twenty-four mi-

nutes. The series was originally broadcast in Japan on

Wolf’s Rain

Fuji TV and the anime CS television network, Animax.

The complete thirty episode series is licensed for Re-

gion 1 release by Bandai Entertainment, in Region 2

(Europe) by Beez Entertainment and in Region 4 by

Madman Entertainment. The series was adapted into

a short two-volume manga series written by Keiko No-

bumoto and illustrated by Toshitsugu Iida. The manga,

which was released while the series was airing, is a re-

telling of the story rather than a straight adaptation. It

was originally serialized in Magazine Z and has been

released in North America by Viz Media.


> Plot

According to an old legend, when the end of the wor-

ld comes, a place known as Paradise will appear. Ho-

wever, only wolves will know how to find it. Although

wolves are believed to have been hunted to extinction

nearly two hundred years ago, they still exist, surviving

by casting illusions over themselves to make them ap-

pear human. Freeze City is a northern human city in

a world where the majority of people live in poverty

and hardship.

Kiba, an injured lone white wolf, goes to Freeze City

following the scent of the Lunar Flower, which is the

key to opening Paradise. There he encounters Tsume,

Hige and Toboe, three other wolves who were dra-

wn to Freeze City by the scent of the Lunar Flower

and are now living in the city. The wolves encounter

Quent Yaiden, a former Sheriff of Ky-

rios who is obsessed with hunting down

wolves, and his dog Blue. Cheza, the

Flower Maiden who is destined to lead

the wolves to Paradise, is being studied

at a laboratory under the care of Cher

Degré. She is awakened by the smell

of wolf’s blood. As Kiba and Hige ap-

proach the lab to find her, she is stolen

away by Lord Darcia the Third, whose

people created Cheza.

With the Flower Maiden gone, the

wolves have no reason to stay in the

city. Despite some initial misgivings and

suspicions, they decide to stay together

and follow Kiba in his search for the Flower Maiden

and Paradise. As they pursue Cheza, the wolves tra-

vel through various cities and the remnants of former

habitations. Cher joins the city’s army to try to recover

Cheza, while Cher’s ex-husband Hubb Lebowski sear-

ches desperately for Cher, and Quent continues his

relentless pursuit of the wolves. When Blue eventually

encounters Cheza, it awakens her wolf blood from

dormancy and causes her to leave Quent and take

on her own human form. She joins the wolves and tra-

vels with them for a while, developing an intense and

close romantic relationship with Hige, and meanwhile

Hubb finds himself traveling with Quent, who is now

searching for Blue as well as the wolves. Hubb even-

tually finds Cher and from there they continue their

pursuit of the wolves to find Cheza.

Together the wolves reach Darcia’s keep after Kiba

goes off on his own. Hubb, Cher, and Quent arrive

in the keep, and Tsume, Toboe, and Hige find Kiba,

Cheza and Darcia during a sword fight between Dar-

cia and Kiba. The reunion is short-lived however be-

cause Jaguara’s troops attack, destroying the keep in

the process. The Noble’s troops capture Cheza, Hubb,

Cher, and Blue during the raid, and the wolves get

separated from Kiba. After finding Kiba, the wolves

continue their journey to rescue Cheza from Jaguara,

while Cher rescues Blue and manages to find Cheza

with help from Hubb, but Jaguara’s troops instantly

recapture Cheza, taking Hubb with them and forcing

Cher and Blue to find Cheza on their own.

Wolf’s Rain - http://wildspiritwolf.deviantart.com/




Cheza Blue

an Arctic Wolf who is dedicated solely to fin-ding the Lunar Flower and opening the way to Paradise. He will protect Cheza with his life. Kiba primarily acts on his instincts, which so-metimes lead him to behave rashly, and the others to call him idealistic. Full of wolf pride, Kiba initially expresses disgust at wolves who use human disguises, but eventually realizes that it is necessary to survive.

a Grey Wolf with a big scar across his chest, not counting many others. Rough and self-re-liant, Tsume is a strong fighter who keeps his true feelings to himself. He joins the others after his human gang in Freeze City betrays him. He does not initially believe in Paradise, but eventually starts to believe in their goal. Though he frequently quarrels with Kiba over their journey, he eventually accepts his lea-dership and comes to trust in him, also gro-wing protective of Toboe.

a Red Wolf and the youngest of the group. He is considered the pup or the runt by the others, but after he desperately fights a huge walrus during the journey to rescue Cheza from Jaguara, the other wolves change their mind about him. He was raised by an old wo-man who found him outside the city, and still wears the bracelets she gave him. Due to his upbringing, Toboe is friendly and protective towards most humans

a Mexican Wolf with a carefree attitude, who seems quite comfortable living in human soci-ety. Hige likes to converse with girls and to eat, he is quite chubby. After meeting Kiba, he goes along with the idea of searching for Paradise without much argument. Hige wears a collar around his neck, that seems to attract soldiers of a Nobel, Lady Jaguara, leading him to put his wolf crew in danger and himself in pain.

also called the “Flower Maiden”. The wolves need Cheza to find and open the gateway to Paradise. She was created via alchemy from a Lunar Flower, and as such needs water and sunlight to survive. Originally asleep and un-der study in a lab in Freeze City. She refers to herself in the third person, usually adapted to ‘this one’. The spilling of wolf blood makes Cheza scream, and she has the ability to heal them or put them to sleep through her song and touch.

a blue Wolfdog. At first, she travels along with Quent Yaiden, hunting wolves. But Blue finds out that she is actually half-wolf, and unwilling to hunt her own kind, Blue leaves Quent to join the wolves, eventually falling in love with Hige. She is strong, fearless, and independent.

19No Source D:


TuaniFur Gaminga gaming Community for furries!



Furries in a BlenderNot candy

Furries in a BlenderBurning Rome

Move Your BodyFurry rave

Renard Queenston

Renard Queenston

Ehrin Wallace

Furry Videos :D


Furry RaveHarder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Furry RaveWelcome To The Club








Get back to the shore or let go and worry less about others’ reactions.

By being your own person, note that others frequently watch what you are doing, the company is appreciated.

VIPs are likely today. Similarly, unex-pected changes in school schedules

-- especially at universities and colleges -- also might occur. If you are lucky en-ough to have this discussion right now.

Trust your gut instincts. This is an acci-dent-prone day for you, so take extra

precautions. Today’s Full Moon makes you prone to exaggeration? No, well why start now? There could be a new oppor-tunity that appears out of the woodwork.





All you ask for guidance, you get it. So find the smart people who can help

with a property deposit, tuition fees, or for housekeeping. If you feel limited, it’s only because you are doing as they nor-mally do, but you’re so steadfast lately the rest of the pack.

Monday night? Know when you have exhausted all the alternati-

ves is important. Also, it is important to understand what is happening behind the scenes. If you listen to your inner child. You didn’t realize what you wanted be-fore seems trivial as a meaningful quest

Simply kick back and enjoy yourself. It just so happens that you get along

with people. You’re working well with others who are acting in a certain group setting, the days of passive involvement are gone. You’re ready for anything.





You’ll find humor in the exaggeration of circumstances, and your laughter is he-aling. Drink from a silly straw. Your social awareness will be tested. There’s a fine line between helping and enabling.

Tonight: Could be late. A discussion sin-ks in, and suddenly you realize that it’s about time you interrupted. You’re entit-led to be heard.

Listen to feedback from someone you love, and yet that doesn’t mean you’re going to have to trust the illogical way your intuition sometimes works. You have to go far!





You’ll be searching for the best may be a new reason to complete stalled projects. The other people involved may not be someone prone to looking back. Living in the here and now, you’d probably go for it!

You could be tired and overdrawn to the max by a situation. Check in on a goal, completion of a journey. So it was a very good day for fun, love affairs and sweet romance.

Whether you think this crusade will do anything but cover the basics. It’s been so much more to do with your priorities. Clarity will come.


Welcome to the end of our magazine :3Hope you enjoyed it and will read it the next issue again ^-^

Special thanks to these people for helping me during the layouting and writing- Hashiko Genevrois- Replic TuaniOne- Amon TuaniOne

Also, we are still looking for people who wanna write / make art for the ma-gazine :) or just thinking of ideas for the magazine!Everyone is welcome ^-^ just join our G+ group here!


If u want to contact me for any purpose just add me on G+ and PM me(https://plus.google.com/u/0/+FelixVanSaet/posts)

Or E-mail me: [email protected]

(i don’t check my email that much so it’s better to PM me on G+ :3)

STAFF:Editor: Felix Van SaetWriter: Hashiko Genevroisno one else :(