further and higher education in the uk


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Page 2: Further and higher education in the UK

Further education (FE)

• It has been traditionally characterized by part-time vocational courses for those who leave school at the age of 16 but need to acquire a skill, be that manual, technical or clerical field.

• Three million students enroll each year in part-time courses at FE colleges.

• All FE colleges are subject to regular inspections of OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills)

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FE in NORTHEN IRELAND• Further education in Northern

Ireland is provided through six multi-campus colleges . Northern Ireland's Department for Employment and Learning has the responsibility for providing FE in the province.

• Belfast Metropolitan CollegeNorth West Regional CollegeNorthern Regional College

• South Eastern Regional College South West College

• Southern Regional College


• Scotland's further education colleges provide education for those young people who follow a vocational route after the end of compulsory education at age 16. They offer a wide range of vocational qualifications to young people and older adults.

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FE in WALES• Further education

in Wales is provided through:

• Sixth form colleges FE colleges

• High school sixth form within secondary schools.

FE in IRELAND• Further education was for

many years the "poor relation" of education.There are many different types of further education awards known as Post Leaving Certificates.

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• It’s an optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after secondary education.

• Begins at 18 and usually lasts 3 or 4 years.• It has undergone a massive expansion

-in 1985 only 16 per cent of young people were enrolled in full-time higher education-but in 1995 no less than 30 per cent of their age groupThere are about 90 universities today.-only 17 in 1945

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Five broad categories

• The medieval English foundationsThe medieval Scottish ones• The 19th century ‘redbrick’ ones• The 20th century ‘plate-glass’• And finally the previous


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Oxford &

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OXBRIDGE They are founded in 13th and 14th centuries are the most famous of Britain’s universities.

‘Oxbridge’ as these two are known educate less than one-twentieth of Britain’s total student population.

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SCOTTISH UNIVERSITIES There are four ancient universities: -GLASGOW-EDINGHBURG -ST. ANDREW-ABERDEENThey provide four-year undergraduate courses.

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‘Plate glass’ universities

• With the expansion of HE in ’60s ‘plate glass’ universities were established named after counties and regions, for example Sussex, Kent, East Anglia and Strathclyde.

• In the 19th century were established to respond to the greatly increased demand for educated people as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Many of them seated in industrial centers as Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle...

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University of Kent and University of East Anglia

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Open University

-It is highly successful and provides every person in Britain with the opportunity to study for a degree without leaving their home.

-It conducts learning through correspondence, radio and television and through local study centres.

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HE institutions for performing and visual art

• 4 leading conservatories: the Royal College of Music, the Royal Academy of Music, Trinity College of Music and the Royal Northern College of Music. The most famous art college is the Royal College of Art (Henry Moore and David Hockney)

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Marija Jurošević