further expansion of field strength

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  • 8/14/2019 further expansion of field strength


    Comments on the unification theory

    The one thing Einstein overlooked in his search for the unification theory ofeverything was simple. It was contained within his theory of relativity. Thetheory of relativity relates to oneness. In a theory of the relativity of motionhow is motion defined. In relationship to another object. Think about it. A singleobject in space could be moving at enormous speeds through space but how could youmeasure the motion unless there is something relative to measure its motion by. A

    singular object in space could be defined a the definition of one divided by zero.Further explained later on. Two objects in space allows measurement of motionremoving the zero from the undefined equation. In an atom, what is overlooked isthere are two motions. The neutron/proton vibration and the electron rotation. Twomotions. And I believe this to be angular. Angular motion relative to vectoredmotion. In a change of state the object in vectored motion is approaching speed oflight. The object internally is rotating during this change on its own axis aswell as traveling in a vector. These two motions are occurring at the same time.The rotational motion is allowing dispersal from one state to the other.In the astrophysical world, the moon is in motion around the earth which rotateson its axis which revolves around the sun which in turn is in motion relative toother stars. An atom is the definition of one. A hydrogen atom. But the ultimatecomplexity of the universe has to allow for more in the way of motion.

    Volume (length x width x height) times x amount of mass times x amount of energy(speed of light) times x amount of motion ( distance/ time) and the complexitiesof computation need a definition.The simple made as complex as you want it to be. Th

    Interestingly, matter is a constant. Matter simply changes forms. I admit thistakes energy to happen but energy is also matter in a different form. So what Isuppose is two kinds of matter. There is simply the matter we know exists. Also,the cosmic forces of the universe with the supposition all motion of planetaryect nature is due to the big band. Our known physical matter or in another formour energy, and the cosmic forces, represent two different ideas. If one, thephysical matter we know can be converted to matter, the cosmic forces, I wouldsuppose cannot be. It is just an effect. It may well be a constant. It would

    define cosmic forces as only energy and vibration, and physical matter as eitherenergy or matter.

    And as previously defined, there is constant state of motion in the universe. Itwould indicate the cosmic energy to be constant. The variations of cosmic forceswould be related to the variations in atomic structure vibrations.

    So, here is another supposition. If the big bang created the universe and itscosmic force what sustains it? I am supposing that the universe itself is abalance system. When stars and black holes explode, incredible amounts of energyare released. I am supposing that this energy of explosion is related to thecosmic energy as well as the physical energy. Suggesting a relationship, aduality, between the two energies. As atoms vibrate and seem to be related, the

    vibration of the universe in my view is reinforced by this explosions of matter.It is a possible relationship of all matter in the universe. In the burst of starsand black holes enormous explosive power, both energy states are in conjunctionwith each other as each is being reintroduced into the sustaining of the universe.

    Now what I am supposing here is different types of motion that define ouruniverse. I observe only two types of motion. There is vectored or straight linemotion and rotational motion, in the form of an ellipse.In vectored motion, the parameters that define it are already known. In non-Euclidian math the nature of elliptical motion is defined. My question is how

  • 8/14/2019 further expansion of field strength


    are they different? I find the difference is a center of gravity has to exist foran object mass to rotate around the center. Two objects are required. And a forceis introduced that is not present in vectored motion. And that is centripetalforce. Two variations from vectored motion.Vectored motion can occur with one object traveling through space. But this motioncannot be observed without a reference point to measure its motion by. Thatreference point gives the requirements in order to measure vectored motion. Onepoint is not a vector. But is it really still motion if there is no reference

    point, yes I believe there is. So how do we determine this vectored motion withoutregard to another point.This may seem a long shot. But I am beginning to suppose we need an imaginarypoint of reference.This tends to lead me to believe that such a concept would be related to themisunderstanding of centrifugal force. If the center of the universe is not theearth, are the true dynamics of the universe askew?

    Relating to gravity and magnetic forces, there is a similarity. Joseph Henrydiscover the theory of inductance. A coiled wire, wrapped around an iron bar. Thisforce of electricity through the wire induced the bar of iron to become magneticitself. With the exposed ends becoming the poles of + and -. Interestingly, as Istudy the gravitational fields of planets, I observe a field of strength similar

    to that of the magnetic bar. The maximum strength of the fields in each case areat the poles. And I have to ask this question: how is the suns axis aligned withplanetary axiss? it would suggest the weaker field strength is holding theplanets in orbit. And the poles of the sun, the maximum field strength of gravityare being ignored. Unless this polar gravitational strong field strength isaligned with other stars. Which would tend to suggest a complex matrix of weakand strong field strengths. Similar to what is observed in magnetic attractionfield strength. As quantum mechanics and its relationship to magnetic fields isstudied, I have to think that gravitational fields and magnetic fields may be animportant clue. This design with similar field strengths combined with thefluctuations in elliptical orbits and fluctuating field strengths may be thefirst true relationship that could reveal a relationship into the true nature ofthe universe. Quanta is so small and complex to study, yet it was Einsteins focus

    and blind spot, that to study more observable phenomenon may be the key tounlocking the unification theory mystery.