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GP Information Guide


Delivering excellent care to the NHS

Call 0121 272 9515

CREATE Fertility Birmingham for NHS IVF Treatment

CREATE Fertility is one of the leading providers of fertility treatment in the UK, delivering excellent success rates and treatment experience with no waiting lists. We offer individualised patient treatment plans from our internationally renowned team of fertility consultants, who are pioneers in the field.

For the following CCGs, we are the provider for NHS-funded IVF:

· Walsall CCG

· Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG

· Wolverhampton CCG

· Dudley CCG

Patients must meet the eligibility criteria set out by the CCGs. Patients can also be referred to us on a self-funded basis.

(6270 Bishops Court, Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park,B37 7YB)Where to find us

Further Information:

If you would like to find out more about how we can support your NHS patients, please email our dedicated NHS Support team at [email protected].

CALL US ON 0121 272 9515

Why refer your patients to CREATE Fertility Birmingham?

No waiting lists

Once we receive a referral, it usually takes no longer than 1-3 days to in touch with our patients to book their first appointment.

Excellent success rates

Our personalised treatment protocols at CREATE Birmingham deliver successful results whilst also protecting the health of women and babies.

Easily accessible

CREATE Fertility Birmingham is conveniently sited in Birmingham Business Park, which is easily accessible from across the West Midlands. Throughout treatment, patients will be able to use our free, on-site parking.

Simple and easy referral process

Just fill in our easy to use form and email it to us.

One of the UK’s largest IVF providers

We provide fertility services for more than 25 CCGs in England, and are one of the few approved NHS IVF providers for patients living in Wolverhampton and West Birmingham CCG areas.

World class IVF in Birmingham

Our clinic is a state-of-the-art facility and we utilise the latest in evidence-based treatment to give patients the best chance of conceiving and having a baby.

Led by medical experts

Our directors are pioneers in the field of IVF, Reproductive Medicine, and Advanced Ultrasound Technology with decades of combined experience.

Advanced 3D and ‘Doppler’ scanning

This advanced technology can assist in predicting ovarian reserve, egg quality, ovarian response to stimulation, implantation and risk of miscarriage, and helps us to individualise treatment protocols and optimise success rates.


(CALL US ON 0121 272 9515)Trust CREATE Fertility for the care of your patients

At CREATE fertility we pride ourselves on a proven track record for safety and success. Our personalised treatment methods deliver excellent success rates for patients.

Providing that all eligibility criteria of your CCG are met, for females/ couples in whom this is clinically indicated, the Commissioner will fund one of the following:

· IVF with or without ICSI (Standard package will include): A cycle will consist of ovulation induction, egg retrieval, fertilisation and embryo transfer to the uterus, including all appropriate diagnostic tests, scans and pharmacological therapy. (Also includes 12 months embryo freezing and storage following completion of NHS treatment).

· Surgical sperm recovery (TESA/PESA including storage for up to 12 months where required).

· Donor oocyte cycle.

· Donor Sperm insemination.

· Egg and sperm storage for patients undergoing cancer treatments - Cryopreserved material may be stored for an initial period of 10 years.

(createfertility.co.uk)Eligibility criteria

For patients to be accepted for NHS funding they must be eligible based on the below list of criteria. These vary across CCGs so please refer to the links at the bottom of the page for full criteria for your CCG.

· Duration of infertility

· Diagnosed cause of absolute infertility

· Number of years of infertility despite regular unprotected vaginal sexual intercourse with the partner seeking treatment or a diagnosed cause of absolute infertility

· Previous IVF cycles (whether self or NHS funded)

· Age of female at date of referral to IVF provider service

(policy states treatment must begin before 40th birthday)

· Age of male at date of referral to IVF provider service

(policy states under 55 years)

· BMI of female at date of referral to IVF provider service

Must be no more than 30 (some CCGs state it must be greater than 19)

· BMI of partner at date of referral to IVF provider service

Must be no more than 30 (some CCGs state it must be greater than 19)

· Residency: Patient registered with a GP in the CCG?

· How many years registered with GP?

· Residency: Partner registered with a GP in the CCG?

· How many years registered with GP?

Sandwell & West Birmingham




Our directorsProfessor Dr. Geeta Nargund, CREATE Founder & Medical Director

A pioneer in the field of physiological approaches to IVF and advanced ultrasound technology in reproductive medicine, Professor Nargund has published many peer reviewed scientific papers in the field of Reproductive Medicine.

She is also a Senior Consultant Gynaecologist and Lead Consultant for reproductive medicine services at St George’s Hospital, London.

Professor Nargund is the president of the International Society for Mild Approaches in Assisted Reproduction (ISMAAR), a UK registered charity. Through her leading role, she has been the global voice for women’s choice, health, and education in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

She is the co-editor-in-chief of The European Scientific Journal, the Facts,

Views, and Vision in OBGYN, and is on the International Editorial Board of The Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. Professor Nargund has

also introduced fertility education in secondary schools in London and is a passionate campaigner for women’s health and safety in IVF treatment.

Professor Stuart Campbell, CREATE Consultant and Director of Ultrasound

A pioneer in ultra-sound diagnosis in obstetrics and gynaecology, Professor Campbell has introduced many new techniques in reproductive and foetal medicine.

He is an emeritus professor from St George’s Medical School in London. He was the head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at King’s College Hospital Medical School, and at St George’s Hospital Medical School. He is the Director of Ultrasound at CREATE Fertility UK.

CALL US ON 0121 272 9515

Meet our Birmingham fertility specialists

Our highly experienced Birmingham team will guide you through the initial fertility process from ultrasound scanning right through to tailored treatment options.

Dr Adrija Kumar Datta

IVF Consultant

Paul Wilson

Laboratory Manager


Patient Coordinator

Dr Nirmal Felix

IVF Consultant


Clinic manager


Patient Coordinator

(createfertility.co.uk) (9/10)Patient Satisfaction Score

Over last 3 months (Mar - May 2020) at CREATE Fertility, Birmingham

Referral process Fertility Policy Funding Pathway

Referral source; GP referral to secondary care as a result of fertility concerns

GP to refer the Patient for Secondary care/infertility investigations, due to fertility concerns and requiring assisted conception. GP to check that the patient meets the eligibility check list before referring to the Assisted Conception Service

(or in the case of Dudley CCG, via IFR Team).

Prior Approval/IFR Full Eligibility criteria checklist completed. If criteria is not met, the referral will be rejected and returned to the referring clinician. The clinician will need to make a new referral once the criteria is met.

Assisted Conception Provider; Full Eligibility criteria checklist completed. If criteria is not met, the referral will be rejected and returned to the referring Clinician.

The clinician will need to make a new referral once the criteria is met.

Criteria not met

After prior approval or assessment, the patient does not meet the eligibility criteria for NHS treatment

Criteria met

After prior approval or assessment the patient meets the eligibility criteria and is treated

Clinically exceptional circumstances submitted for consideration via Individual Funding Request (IFR) form completed for consideration

Individual Funding Request decision

The IFR team may seek further information from the referrer, GP or patient.

No clinically exceptional circumstances

Funding Declined

Funding Approved


(CALL US ON 0121 272 9515)Declined

Advise relevant parties of the decision. Reconsideration will only be given if additional clinical information is provided

Approved Letter to referrer and appropriate parties to

(GPSecondary CareCCG / IFRAssisted Conception Service)confirm funding.

(createfertility.co.uk)NHS referrals continued

How to refer patients to CREATE Fertility Birmingham:

· Please review your CCGs criteria and ensure the patient is eligible for NHS funded treatment

· Print out our simple 4-page referral form, fill in the required information and attach the copies of the investigations

(If Dudley CCG please use your local referral form)

· Email to [email protected]

· You will receive a response within 5 days

(Assisted Conception - Consultant Referral to Specialist Provider for IVF Treatment)

Couples who do not meet the CCG Assisted Conception Policy eligibility criteria and consider they have exceptional clinical circumstances may be referred to the CCG’s Exceptional Cases Panel

CCG:Wolverhampton CCGWalsall CCGSandwell & West Birmingham CCG

Dudley CCG (use local referral form and refer to local commissioning arrangements)


(Is the patient aware of this referral and the content of this form?YesNo)

(PATIENT INFORMATION)By submitting this request you are confirming that you have fully explained to the patient why they are eligible for NHS treatment and they have consented to you submitting this referral. You established with each parent that there is no safeguarding/welfare of child concern.

Patient’s namePartner’s name






Home Tel No:Home Tel No:

Mobile Tel No:Mobile Tel No:

GP Information

Name:Tel No:

Address:NHS net email address:

Consultant Information

GP referral date:D


Name:Tel No:

Hospital of Referring Consultant:

Date of Referral:D



((including sign language))Is an interpreter required? YesNoIf ‘Yes’ what language

(CCG Eligibility Criteria(see local Assisted Conception Policy for details of eligibility and number of cycles likely to be available for the patient))


Duration of infertility:Years

Diagnosed cause of absolute infertility:State: Number of years of infertility despite regular unprotected


(for provider use only)


vaginal sexual intercourse with the partner seeking treatment Years: or a diagnosed cause of absolute infertility:

Previous IVF cycles (whether self or NHS funded)Number:

Age of female at date of referral to IVF provider service (policy states treatment must begin before 40th birthday)

Age of male at date of referral to IVF provider service (policy states under 55 years)

BMI of female at date of referral to IVF provider service

Must be no more than 30 (some CCGs state it must be greater than 19)

BMI of partner at date of referral to IVF provider service

Must be no more than 30 (some CCGs state it must be greater than 19)

Years: Years: BMI:


AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone)Level Residency: Patient registered with a GP in the CCG?Yes/No How many years registered with GP?Years Residency: Partner registered with a GP in the CCG?Yes/No How many years registered with GP?Years

Not eligible if answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions:PatientPartnerEligible


Smoking – does either partner smoke at time of referral?

If the answer is ‘no’ to previous question, has either partner been a regular smoker in the previous 12 months?

Is alcohol consumption above Department of Health guidelines?

Has either partner used recreational drugs within the previous 12 months?

Parental Status – are there any living children from the couple’s current or previous relationships – this includes adopted children in their current or previous relationships?

Has either partner been sterilised?

Any other relevant information, e.g. allergies, medical history requiring pre-conceptual care i.e. diabetes, epilepsy, genetic conditions and others.

If the answer is yes to the question above, please state the additional information:


(for provider use only)


(Procedure/treatment requiredIVF with or without ICSI (Standard package will include):A cycle will consist of ovulation induction, egg retrieval, fertilisation and embryo transfer to the uterus, including all appropriate diagnostic tests, scans and pharmacological therapy. (Also includes 12 months embryo freezing and storage following completions of NHS treatment)Surgical sperm recovery (TESA/PESA including storage where required) Will be funded for up to 12 months following completion of NHS TreatmentDonor oocyte cycleFor individual with embryo/blastocyst storedDonor Sperm inseminationEgg and sperm storage for patients undergoing cancer treatmentsCryopreserved material may be stored for an initial period of 10 years.YesNo) (ProviderCREATE Fertility6270 Bishops Court, Birmingham Business Park, Solihull,Birmingham, B37 7YBTel: 0333 240 7300All referrals should be sent to the following email address: NHS net: [email protected]: www.createfertility.co.ukPlease note that some CCGs require an IFR approval prior to the referral being sent to CREATE. Please follow the local CCG guidelines. Currently Dudley CCG requires the form to be sent for AGEM CSU approval first.) (Clinical InformationNumber of TOPs:Number of miscarriages/ectopics:) (Please fill in all relevant information that is known at the time of referral. Please ensure copies of investigations and virology are attached. Date: ResultUltrasound or pelvic/uterine assessment (specify procedure):Investigations FemaleLH (day 2-4):Estradiol (day 2-4):Tubal PatencyCopies of Investigations Female attached?YesNo)


(Investigations MaleSemen Analysis:Date:Volume:Sperm Count:Progressively motiles:Normal forms:) (Sperm storage (if required)Nature of diagnosis requiring this procedure:Copies of Investigations Male attached?YesNoDate of diagnosis:Planned treatment/surgery:Treatment start date:) (Any other relevant information, e.g. allergies:) (Screening (within last 2 months)*Copies of Screenings attached?FemaleTestHIV ScreeningHep B Surface AntigenDateResultsDateYesNoMaleResultsHep B Core Antibody Hep CRubella* This is to facilitate implementation of HFEA guidelines on 3 month duration between test and start of treatment.) (Signature:Date:DDMMYYName and position:)

(CALL US ON 0121 272 9515)What our Birmingham patients say

18th June 2020

5* treatment received from CREATE Birmingham

Having previously had treatment with an NHS hospital that failed we was sceptical with the treatment provided at CREATE Fertility. We went to a free open evening with a group talk and consultation. From the moment we walked through the doors the staff were very welcoming and we felt positive about our next steps with CREATE Fertility. The process was very quick and went to a time frame that suited us. I can not say a bad word about the experience we had, all the staff were very friendly and cared about our journey, we were kept up to date with our progress. My husband was even allowed to be with me every step of the way, something he wasn’t allowed to do with the NHS. We are now proud parents to a perfect 6 week old baby girl.

22nd May 2020

Thank you CREATE Birmingham

All I can say is from start to finish of the whole process every person that we came into contact with at CREATE Birmingham were totally fantastic. Everything was clearly explained throughout each step of the process with care, help and support to make what is a very challenging experience as

smooth as possible. Thank you CREATE, our little baby boy is just perfect and we couldn’t be happier (just maybe a little sleep deprived, but that’s a small price to pay for our little miracle).

3rd May 2020

Made our dreams come true

After trying 2 clinics before. We decided to have one final try with CREATE Birmingham. We felt at ease at our consultation & decided to go ahead. All the staff were absolutely wonderful. The girls on reception was always so helpful & friendly, the nurses were brilliant & so lovely, especially sally who we saw more of she was just amazing. The consultants, embryologists, all the medical staff were very professional. Nothing was sugar coated we were told straight & that’s what I like. I felt in safe hands & trusted them completely. We are now 18 weeks pregnant, expecting a little girl. We are over the moon. We can’t thank each & everyone of you at create enough for making our dreams come true. You are all truly amazing people. We can’t recommend CREATE highly enough. A special thank you to Morag for everything. We’ll never forget how much you helped us.