fusion in europe 2013 july


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News & Views on the Progress of Fusion Research


Page 1: Fusion in Europe 2013 July


30 YEARS OF JETPav i n g t h e way to i t e R ’s ta k e o f f




2 | 2013


Page 2: Fusion in Europe 2013 July



ContentsMoving Forward

EFDA3 Building up the next generation of fusion scientists

5 Building up competences for DEMO

Beyond EFDA6 Fusion research in Korea

Associates8 A fruitful collaboration between neighbours

10 ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility: Construction isprogressing fast in Padova

12 Tore Supra becomes WEST

14 Fusion in Europe invites: Günther Oettinger

JETInsight16 30 Years of JET – Paving the way to ITER’s take off

20 JET restarts to exploit the ITER-Like-Wall further

22 Co-pilots of JET

24 JET Guestbook


25 Young faces of fusion

26 A physicist among the engineers

In dialogue

27 Ideas 2020 – how to solve today’s major challenges

27 MAT21 – a magazine for Czech high schoolstudents

28 The state of fusion research worldwide

Miscellaneous29 Newsflash

30 Newsflash, EFDA online

Title pictures: EFDA; Consorzio RFX



ISSN 1818-5355

For more information see the website:


EFDA Close Support Unit – Garching

Boltzmannstr. 2

85748 Garching / Munich


phone: +49-89-3299-4263

fax: +49-89-3299-4197

e-mail: [email protected]

editors: Petra Nieckchen, Christine Rüth

Subscribe at [email protected]

© Francesco Romanelli (EFDA Leader) 2013.This newsletter or parts of it may not be reproducedwithout permission. Text, pictures and layout, ex-cept where noted, courtesy of the EFDA Parties.The EFDA Parties are the European Commissionand the Associates of the European Fusion Pro -gramme which is co-ordinated and managed bythe Commission. Neither the Commission, theAssociates nor anyone acting on their behalf is re-sponsible for any damage resulting from the useof information contained in this publication.

( Picture: EFDA)

( Picture: Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft)

22Co-pilots of JET

27Ideas 2020 – how to solve today’s major challenges

22Co-pilots of JET

27Ideas 2020 – how to solve today’s major challenges

(Picture: IPP, Anja Richter Ullmann)

8A fruitful collaboration between neighbours

8A fruitful collaboration between neighbours

Page 3: Fusion in Europe 2013 July


| Moving Forward | EFDA |


Scientific excellence and high-quality, international research projects won twelve

postdoctoral researchers EFDA fellowships which will support them for two years.

The new fellows come from nine Associate laboratories and they succeeded in a

two-stage selection process from a total of 22 applicants. EFDA wishes all fellows a suc-

cessful two years. Since the programme started in 2007, EFDA has supported 57 fellows.

“I investigate tungsten laminates for DEMO divertor applications. I am grateful for having re-

ceived an EFDA fellowship as it allows me to continue my work on the foil laminate materials.

I really appreciate the opportunity to get in touch with material experts from all over the


“My work will be focused on the experimental validation of turbu-

lent transport models in the ASDEX-Upgrade tokamak. The physi-

cal processes responsible for the ejection of macroscopic coherent

plasma structures – known as filaments – are one of the key open

questions regarding the transport of heat and particles to the dif-

ferent plasma facing components. A proper and validated model

of these is required in order to ensure the safe operation of the

next generation of tokamaks.”

“My simulations will provide fundamental understanding of how hydrogen and helium inter-

act with reactor structural materials.”

“The electrical network of ITER or of a fusion power plant has to

bear unprecedented loads. In some operating conditions un-

wanted instabilities in the network might occur, for instance fast

voltage variations. My research project aims to develop analytical

models that can identify and prevent such effects. The work will

complement studies which aim at guaranteeing the correct oper-

ation of the ITER power supply system.”

“To reliably predict power exhaust in a fusion reactor, sophisti-

cated numerical modelling is needed in combination with experi-

mental validation. I will use this EFDA fellowship to conduct and

model impurity-seeded discharges in ASDEX Upgrade and JET, for

the purpose of achieving DEMO-relevant scalings of exhaust


Jens ReiseRKIT, Germany

danieL CaRRaLeRoIPP, Germany

CLaudio finottiENEA-RFX

Leena aho MantiLaTEKES, Finland

eRin haywaRdCEA, France

Page 4: Fusion in Europe 2013 July

FUSION IN EUROPE | Moving Forward | EFDA |


“At MAST, I am implementing a new Doppler backscattering diagnostic for measurements of

density fluctuations and plasma flows. It is hoped that the data obtained will provide new in-

sights into the turbulence that generates transport of particles, momentum, and energy

across field lines in magnetic confinement fusion devices.”

“My research project aims at contributing to the unification of 3D

physics in all three magnetic configurations (Tokamak, Reversed

Field Pinch and Stellarator) by using a common approach. The re-

search project will be focused on the study of physical effects of

3D magnetic fields, such as the externally applied magnetic per-

turbations for the control of the helical structures occurring in the

core plasma and a wealth of other phenomena taking place in

the outer plasma.“

“The project is dedicated to experimental multi-diagnostic stud-

ies of interplay between energetic ions and basic plasma instabil-

ities, such as neoclassical tearing modes. The studies will be con-

ducted on ASDEX Upgrade which is equipped with a number of

fast ion diagnostics and versatile sources of fast ions. This knowl-

edge is important since good confinement of fast ions and a

proper removal of helium ash is vital for future fusion machines

and requires understanding of underlying physics.”

“I will investigate the performance of liquid metals as an alterna-

tive divertor solution for DEMO and future fusion devices. This

work will take place at the MAGNUM-PSI linear device at FOM-


“I am implementing a new numerical method called Iso -

Geometric Analysis into computer models that simulate the be-

haviour of a fusion plasma in a tokamak. With the numerical

tools I am developing, one can achieve complex and realistic

tokamak geometries. Ultimately, we will be able to handle more

realistic ITER plasma simulations.”

“This project will contribute to an ITER priority research subject:

the prediction of imminent disruptions. For that, shots from JET’s

ITER-Like-Wall campaigns will be used to develop an adaptive

ITER-suitable system using Artificial Intelligence techniques.”

“My research project focusses on ICRF plasma discharge production

aiming at consolidating the related vacuum vessel conditioning

technique, Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning, for application on ITER

and W7-X. I will closely participate in the multi-machine experimental activities related to ICRF

discharge conditioning, and perform modelling of ICRF discharge production combined with

dedicated experiments to benchmark the codes.”

(All Pictures: private)

Jon hiLLesheiMCCFE, UK

dMitRy MoosevDiffer, The Netherlands


thoMas MoRganFOM-Differ, The Netherlands

ahMed RataniCEA, France

toM wauteRsLPP-ERM/KMS, Belgium

giusePPe a. RattágutiêRRezCIEMAT, Spain

Page 5: Fusion in Europe 2013 July


| Moving Forward | EFDA |

BuIlDIng uP comPEtEncEsFor DEmo

How is fusion training and education organised now?

NIEK: EFDA runs programs for goal-oriented trainingand early career researchers. FuseNet is the Europeannetwork of laboratories, universities and industries thatare involved in fusion training and education. It coversthe whole range from bachelor to master and early ca-reer. FIIF comprises industrial representatives and ad-vises the Commission and EFDA on industrial involve-ment and also on training. The three – EFDA, FuseNetand FIIF work closely together. Christian – FIIF mem-ber – is on the FuseNet board.

What additional training needs do you see?

CHRISTIAN: We laid that out in the Education andTraining annex of the EFDA Roadmap. With the tran-sition to ITER and then DEMO, fusion will go from ascience-driven, lab-based exercise to an industry-drivenand technology-driven program. Moreover, it will moveinto a nuclear environment. This means that engineersas well as technicians will have to be aware of nuclear

safety, licensing and regulations. Generic nuclear tech-nology training is available from the fission field andwe have to enhance that with fusion-specific content.

NIEK: Industry will be much more involved in fusionand will need people who, besides being experts intheir field, also know about fusion. In fusion, we alreadyhave engineers and scientists with specialist fusionknowledge, but now we will work more closely withindustrial and nuclear engineers and we need peoplewho know how to do that. We will need to organisethat, too. In education, and human resource manage-ment, you need to plan ahead because it takes aboutten years from when the students arrive at the universityuntil they are the young professionals that realise ourdreams – their dreams.

What kind of training needs does industry have?

CHRISTIAN: We are currently building up a betterknowledge of those needs. As Niek said, our people

Christian schönfelder (Picture: private) niek Lopes Cardozo (Picture: private)

The EFDA Roadmap identi-

fies the need for training

programmes in order to

build up a future fusion work

force. We interview co-authors of

this section of the roadmap, Niek

Lopes Cardozo, Chairman of the

European Fusion Education Net-

work (FuseNet) and Christian

Schönfelder, who works at the

AREVA Training Center and is

member of the Fusion Industry

and Innovation Forum (FIIF).

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FUSION IN EUROPE | Moving Forward | Beyond EFDA |

will have to know about fusion systems. Companiesthat are applying for ITER contracts already have thatsituation. To define more specific needs, we have to re-fine this picture and to consider the technological de-velopment ahead of us.

Although the Roadmap implementation plans arecurrently being discussed are there any ideas already?

NIEK: Yes, we are in the process of discussing this, solet me not run too much ahead of developments. Basicallywe follow the lines set out in the Roadmap, which dis-tinguishes six action lines. First, coordination of educa-tion, with joint academic criteria and support to jointeducational events, mobility of students, joint develop-ment of materials, etc. Then, importantly, support to PhDprogrammes in the fusion institutions or universities,lined up with Roadmap priorities. Next, training of(mostly) engineers that enter the fusion field, in someform of follow-up of the present goal-oriented trainingprogramme. Fourth, follow-up of the early career excel-lence programme, the EFDA fellowships. Furthermore,we envisage in-company training of engineers who workin an industrial environment and are involved in fusion-

related tasks. And finally, as already mentioned, dedicatedtraining of fusion experts on licensing, regulation, (nu-clear) safety, balance of plant etc. is required for the tran-sition to a nuclear technology.

Christian, you have been working as a senior advisorfor fission. Can fusion learn from fission?

CHRISTIAN: Yes, I see similarities between large fis-sion projects like the current building of new, thirdgeneration fission plants and ITER and DEMO. Weare training engineers and customer personnel for thesenew plants and there are things which could be broughtinto the fusion education and training programme. TheITER Organisation expressed some specific trainingneeds there, not only for fusion related issues but alsorelated to organisation and management of such largescale and technologically very demanding projects. �

Contact & information:Christian Schönfelder: [email protected] N.J. Lopes Cardozo: [email protected] (German)/www.areva.com

Fusion research

in Korea

Fusion in Europe talks to

Lee Gyung-Su, former

Director of the Korean

National Fusion Research In-


Gyung-Su, you came here to discuss potential collab-orations about DEMO?

Yes. There is a large gap to bridge between ITER andDEMO and currently no one has the resources to fillthat gap alone. But we cannot wait until ITER is done.Instead, we should have a DEMO concept ready bythen. At the moment, I view Europe as having the lead-ing edge in the DEMO preparation work among theITER partners. Traditionally, Korean fusion researchhas strong ties to the US. Through ITER we learnedabout the capabilities of Europe. Europe is very ad-vanced, especially in the areas of heat removal, divertorphysics and engineering as well as divertor materials.

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| Moving Forward | Beyond EFDA |


(Picture: private)

to attract the people that are best in their fields by of-fering challenging and advanced development pro-grammes. If scientists excel with a research project thatwas initiated by fusion, they will support us.

Is the Korean public aware of fusion energy? What isits opinion of the field?

Koreans are very well educated. And we are proud.When KSTAR worked, the public was proud of thatsuccess and wanted to know more about it. I believethat this is the way to go in communication with publicin general. Most scientists want to teach people, but inmy opinion, that never works. You have to get peopleinterested and then they will seek information with theirown initiatives. �

Lee Gyung-Su studied and worked at US fusion

laboratories before he returned to Korea in 1991 to

contribute to the start of a national fusion pro-

gramme. He oversaw the design and construction

of the fusion experiment KSTAR and led Korean par-

ticipation in the ITER Project. Lee is currently leading

the Korean DEMO activities and came to Europe in

February 2013.

That’s why I visited the Karlsruhe Institute of Tech -nology and EFDA.

How is fusion research in Korea organised?

The National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI) is themain institute, but we intentionally design our projectsin a collaborative way. We want to get access to theknowledge present in Korean industry and science in-stitutions, like our atomic research institute or groupsthat work on material research or on hydrogen storagesystems. In a way, NFRI acts as facilitator and bringsup issues to invite other experts to participate in ourprogramme.

You mentioned that Korean fusion research receivesstrong support by politics and industry?

Yes, we do, I believe. We aimed for a legal foundationfrom the very start of the programme. A fusion law au-thorises an annual budget to us, which lies now at250 million USD. What helps us is our good track record:KSTAR was a very difficult project and there were largedoubts. But we were successful and our industry deliveredon time and in good quality. That is an important aspect,because from the start we wanted to build KSTAR ac-cording to industrial standards. With these credentials,we moved on to ITER and now to DEMO.

Why does Korea support fusion so strongly? Is it amatter of securing energy supply?

Energy is important, but energy alone is not the answer.Korea does not expect to solve a problem alone whichother nations have tackled for decades and not suc-ceeded yet. Another reason lies in the Korean society.Korea successfully became a technology nation in thefields of electronics, telecommunication, automobile,ship-building, and steel. Now we want to advance as ascience nation. Korea is a small country and our R&Dbudget is limited – we have to carefully select whichprojects we make our avenues to scientific excellence.Fusion is one of them.

In Europe, we find that it takes some effort to getyoung people interested in a fusion career. What isthe situation in Korea?

It is similar. When I studied physics, this field was re-garded higher than even medicine or law. That haschanged, like in many other countries. We are hoping

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FUSION IN EUROPE | Moving Forward | Associates |

A fruitful collABorAtionBetween neighBours

The Polish fusion Association is

heavily engaged in the advan-

ced stellarator Wendelstein 7-X.

The experiment is under construction

in Greifswald, Germany – less than

100 kilometres away from the border

to Poland. With a total investment of

EUR 6.5 million, Poland is the second

largest contributor to Wendelstein

7-X after the US. In return Poland be-

comes scientific partner of the project.

“I can get faster to Warsawthan to Munich, becauseSzczecin airport is so near,”says Thomas Klinger, projectleader of Wendelstein 7-X(W7-X), when asked how theclose ties between IPP Greifs -wald and the Polish Asso -ciates came about. “Right afterPoland joined the Eu ropeanUnioin, I got on the train andpresented the W7-X project atall research institutes inPoland. In 2007 we had a firstmeeting with Polish andGerman government repre-sentatives.” Also Roman Za -górski from the Institute ofPlasma Physics and LaserMicrofusion (IPPLM) in War -saw remembers those firstdays of collaboration: “My

contact to IPP star ted in the late nineties with modellingwork. During that time other Polish researchers also es-tablished ties to IPP. Eventually Poland decided to con-tribute to the assembly of W7-X. I was not directly in-volved back then. As far as I know, Poland hadconsidered a national fusion experiment and opted fora partnership with W7-X instead.” Roman Zagórski isHead of Research Unit of the Polish fusion Association,which comprises eleven institutions across the country.Two of them are located in Szczecin, only 80 km fromGreifswald, he says: “I hope that they will strongly par-ticipate in the Wendelstein 7-X experiment and I amtrying to stimulate that at the moment.“

superconducting joints. Poland brings lots of expert-ise for the complex assembly of W7-X. The HenrykNiewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ PAN)in Cracow is extraordinarily accomplished when it comesto assembling superconducting cables. Financed by thePolish Government, between ten and twenty techniciansfrom Cracow were working at any time in Greifswald tomake the 184 joints for the superconducting magnets.About 50 engineers and technicians were involved in

difficult connection: specialists from Cracow (ifJ Pan) install the complex superconductingcoils of wendelstein 7-X. (Picture: IPP, Anja Richter Ullmann)

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| Moving Forward | Associates |

the preparation and training for the assembly of thesesuperconducting connectors known as busbars. In total,the effort lasted for more than six years and amountedto more than 160 Full Time Equivalent Years of workingtime. “Long before the project was finished in late 2012,the Polish teams had become part of our W7-X family,”Thomas Klinger recalls. “The complex geometry andvery limited space inside the cryostat was quite a chal-lenge for these experts. I am really impressed by theirwork.” Because of their expertise, the group is wellbooked: Before coming to W7-X, they had worked atCERN and now they are involved in the construction ofthe European X-ray laser XFEL.

neutral beam heating system. A second large proj-ect, the neutral beam heating system, is well under way.Experts for particle accelerators from the NationalCentre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) in Swierk are re-sponsible for the construction of the concrete supportstructures. The institute also contributes to the coolingsystem that dissipates the heat generated during theprocess of producing the powerful neutral particlebeams. Together with the gate valves, which separatethe injector boxes from the plasma, and two magnets,which reflect the particle beams, the total value of theNCBJ project amounts to five million euro. Most com-ponents are already in Greifswald and the final deliveryis scheduled for September 2013.

mechanical analysis, diagnostic and modelling.In 2004, the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)started with structural and mechanical analyses of theW7-X magnetic system. Among other tasks, the groupcollaborated with IPP to develop finite element para-metric models of critical system elements. Those modelsenabled a numerical analyses of the mechanical con-nections, helped understand the behaviour of the jointsand allowed simulation of complex manufacture andassembly processes. The Institute for Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusionis building two sophisticated soft X-ray diagnostic sys-tems, which will be used to study impurities and veryfast electrons in the plasma. For their design, a numer-ical code to simulate and evaluate the X-ray emissionof a stellarator plasma was developed. IPPLM and IPPhave been collaborating for the development of a code(FINDF) for simulating the parameters in the plasmaedge region of the stellarator W7-X. This collaborationis expected to continue for further plasma edge model-ling and for using the FINDF code to interpret theexperimental results of W7-X. Further diagnostic systemsfor W7-X are developed by other Polish institutions,

helium-filled balloons were enlisted to levitate the perfectly shaped and sensitive supercon-ducting connectors carefully into the hall. (Picture: IPP, Anja Richter Ullmann)

e.g. IFJ PAN Instruments for neutron measurementsand the Opole University impurity monitors.

research plans. The investment in Wendelstein 7-Xearns Poland a seat in the experiment’s internationalprogramme committee. In June, IPP and the Polish part-ners held their first workshop to discuss their researchplans. The options are plentiful. Wendelstein 7-X willbenefit from Polish know-how in fields like neutronand x-ray diagnostic and in simulations, believes ThomasKlinger. Also Roman Zagórski envisages diagnosticwork: “IPPLM has contributed to the diagnostic sys-tems, so we are interested in such projects.” Other op-tions would lie in the areas of plasma wall interactionand plasma modelling. Roman Zagórski is looking for-ward to the start of experiments: “There are not somany fusion devices in Europe at which our scientistscan conduct their research. Having access to the newestand most advanced experiment in Europe is certainly agood opportunity for us.” �

Contact & information: Prof Dr Thomas Klinger, IPP, [email protected] Dr Roman Zagórski, IPPLM, [email protected] EURATOM-IPPLM:http://tinyurl.com/euratom-ipplmWendelstein 7-X: http://tinyurl.com/IPP-Wendelstein-7XThe Polish contributions to W7-X:http://tinyurl.com/Polish-participation-W7-X

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FUSION IN EUROPE | Moving Forward | Associates |


constructIon Is ProgrEssIng FAstIn PADovA

Unique, in being the only mainITER plant not based inCadarache, the Neutral Beam TestFacility (NBTF) is a big enterprise.The scope of the project is chal-lenging: “providing a true reliableneutral beam injector for ITER,able to achieve full performance,giving confidence in terms of fatigue life predictions andidentification of potential failures to avoid lost operationtime in ITER” says Prof. Piergiorgio Sonato, fromConsorzio RFX, while looking at the four Deputy ProjectLeaders to gain their agreement.We are at a large area of the National Research Council,where the plant is being constructed. It will host two in-dependent experiments: SPIDER, the negative ionsource prototype, and MITICA, the neutral beam injectorsystem. Construction activity is buzzing around us. About400 foundation pillars and the 1000 m³ undergroundcooling water basins have already been laid out. Theupwards construction is imminent. In a few months itwill be ready to begin installing SPIDER. Techniciansfrom the Cooperativa Ravennate company are workingfeverishly to make the deadline: to have the buildingsready to allow the start of SPIDER operation in early2015 and that of MITICA around three years later.

thermomechanicsThe challenging nature of the enterprise lies in removingthe large amounts of power that are dissipated in MITICAduring the beam generation process. Of the approximately60 megawatts (MW) supplied to the system, 16.5 MWwill reach the plasma. The remaining 45 MW have to beremoved. Peak power densities can reach 20 MW/m²,which is equivalent to 20,000 times the power of the sunon a sunny day. This calls for adequate surface cooling inthe accelerator grids to avoid particle trajectory deviations.“Removal of heat loads will be guaranteed by keepingtemperatures as well as mechanical tolerances and defor-mations tightly controlled, to ensure the required power,uniformity and aiming of the beam,” explains Dr. PierluigiZaccaria, Project Leader for the mechanical components.The MITICA injector components alone are cooled bytwo huge cryopumps – 2.5 meters high and eight meterslong – kept cooled at four degrees Kelvin.

Imagine a beam of neutral atoms accelerated at high speed

and fired into the plasma; the atoms will collide with the

plasma particles and transfer some of their energy, thus

heating the plasma. To develop and test the source of these

high-speed atoms and the injection system for ITER, two ex-

periments are being constructed within a dedicated facility

in Padova, Italy, the Neutral Beam Test Facility.

walking the Prima construction site. from left: vanni toigo, Maria teresa orlando, adriano Luchetta, Roberto Pasqualotto, Pierluigi zaccaria. (Picture: Consorzio RFX)

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| Moving Forward | Associates |

the PRiMa construction site in June 2013. (Picture: Consorzio RFX)

Diagnostic and controlOptimising the injectors for ITER calls for extensive di-agnostic systems and for innovative real-time systemcontrol. “Fast real-time control is unique among neutralbeam injectors,” says Dr. Adriano Luchetta, ProjectLeader for the Control and Data Acquisition Systems,“it will allow us to iteratively optimise the beam opera-tion without having to modify the power supply controlsystems.”“A comprehensive set of measurements will be provided,using different techniques – some already exploited inother test facilities, others brand new”, adds Dr. RobertoPasqualotto, Project Leader for the diagnostics systems.“The data is necessary to determine and verify the oper-ating requirements. ITER provides only a limited numberof diagnostic systems and there will be no time to opti-mise the injector performance.” Talking about the innovative capabilities that are being

brought into play in this endeavor, where fusionscience and engineering integrate, the PRIMA teamradiates confidence. After all, it can draw on theexperience with the realisation of previous projectsand experiments carried out by Consorzio RFX.Moreover, there is high confidence in the interna-tional collaboration for the PRIMA project. �

Dr Maria Teresa Orlando, Consorzio RFX

The NBTF collaboration is a truly international collab-oration, embedded in the agreements signed by the ITER

Organization, F4E and RFX at the end of 2011. Coordinated

by F4E, Europe is responsible for procuring the large ma-

jority of the NBTF components and it contributes finan-

cially to the NBTF design

and operation. Other

main components are pro-

cured by Japan and some

contributions come from

India. Consorzio RFX hosts

the NBTF, provides the

buildings, the necessary

site adaptations and the

team to design and oper-

ate the facility.

Power supply“Just think about the high voltages involved in operatingfor a long time and of the systems connecting the supplyto the injector. This has never been built before,” saysDr. Vanni Toigo, Project Leader for Power Supplies. Heis responsible for construction and operation of thePower Supply and Voltage Distribution System, and col-laborates with the Japanese ITER Domestic Agencywhich procures part of the high voltage power supplies.Generating one MV direct current (DC) voltage andtransmitting it to MITICA requires technologies, espe-cially for electrical insulation, which in part do not existtoday.

Neutral Beam Heating systems heat a fusion plasma by injecting

powerful beams of neutral particles. Traditionally, they accelerate pos-

itive ions and neutralise them before injecting them into the plasma.

The ITER Neutral Beam system will use negative ion beams, because

the efficiency of neutralising positive ions declines heavily with increas-

ing beam power. Its beams have unprecedented energies of one mega-

electronvolt (MeV) and they are on for a much longer time (up to one

hour) than today’s systems (several tens of seconds). Each of the currently

planned two injectors transmits 16.5 MW of power.

PRIMA – Padua Research on ITER MegavoltAcceleratorThe objective of the PRIMA project is to develop,

construct and test the full-size prototype of the ITER

neutral beam heating system, NBTF. It comprises

two independent test-stands: The negative ion

source SPIDER produces hydrogen and deuterium

ions and accelerates them with up to 100 kV.

MITICA, a first full-size and full performance ITER

injector, accelerates these ions up to 1 MeV.

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FUSION IN EUROPE | Moving Forward | Associates |

The Tore Supra tokamak at CEA

is famous for its long pulses.

In 2003, it set the world re-

cord with a plasma lasting for six mi-

nutes. Now, 25 years after the first

plasma lit up in Tore Supra, the ex-

perimental machine starts a new

life. It will transform into a test bed

dedicated to ITER divertor issues:

WEST – Tungsten (W) Environment

in Steady-state Tokamak.

Tore Suprabecomes WEST

WEST fills a gap in the tungsten R&D in Europe as itinvestigates actively cooled tungsten divertor compo-nents in a fusion device. It rounds off the strong R&Dprogramme on tungsten plasma facing components thathas been implemented in Europe for more thanten years. Designed for long pulse operation, Tore Suprais the only European tokamak combining supercon-ducting toroidal magnetic field coils, actively water-cooled plasma facing components and adequate addi-tional heating systems. It holds the world record ofinjected/extracted energy in a one mega-amp class toka-mak at a multi-megawatt (MW) level: During a 400 sec-ond plasma pulse, into which three MW of heatingpower were injected, its plasma facing components re-moved one gigajoule of energy from the plasma.Tokamak operation with active cooling lies at the heartof the expertise of the Institute for Magnetic FusionResearch (CEA/IRFM). WEST will bring key insightsinto steady state operation of a tungsten divertor andits impact on plasma performance. Critical issues areoptimisation of the active cooling design, componentmonitoring during operation, and impact of off-normalevents on component ageing.

the transformation from the present circular limiter geometry of tore supra to the required X-point configuration will be achieved by installing a set of copper poloidal field coils inside thelower and upper parts of the vacuum vessel. (Picture: CEA)

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| Moving Forward | Associates |

in May 2013, Cea celebrated the 25th anniversary of first plasma in tore supra. since its inception, this experimental machine has never ceased to evolve in order to adapt to new scientificand technical challenges and to optimise the performance of the plasmas studied. (from left: alain Becoulet, head of the Cea/iRfM, Bruno ely, curator of the Musée granet, Michel Chatelier,former head of the Cea/iRfM). (Picture: CEA)

modifying tore supraThe WEST project is based on a modification of ToreSupra, transforming it into an X-point divertor device.Thus it will be capable of testing the technologies usedfor the ITER high heat flux components in relevantplasma conditions. The divertor is a crucial componentwhich must handle the highest thermal and particleloads in the vessel. The ITER full tungsten divertorbrings new challenges both in terms of industrial seriesproduction of actively-cooled tungsten components andin operation. The WEST project addresses both aspectsand is targeted at minimising the associated risks.

The tungsten components to be tested with the WESTplatform will be fully representative of the high heat fluxflat parts of the ITER divertor plasma facing units. Thesame technology will be implemented and operated insimilar thermal hydraulic conditions as foreseen for ITER(Water pressure and temperature during operation/con-ditioning: 35/60 bars and 100/200 °C). In addition themodular design of the WEST divertor sectors will offerthe possibility to test variants (e.g. detailed design shapingor tungsten grades). The overall number of tungsten ele-ments to be manufactured for WEST represents roughly15 percent of the amount needed for ITER, which makesthe WEST procurement a relevant industrial pre-series,contributing to the optimisation of the series manufac-turing process for ITER. The WEST configuration will

provide the capability to run long pulses in the high con-finement regime (H mode), a plasma operational modealso foreseen for ITER, and test plasma facing compo-nents under realistic plasma conditions in terms of pulseduration, heat and particle load.

Works to transform Tore Supra into WEST has begun.CEA has already met one-third of the funding requiredand is confident that these early successes will bringabout the support of other partners and will lead to thenecessary budget being raised. The internal elements ofthe Tore Supra tokamak will be modified significantly.A supporting structure for the divertor coils and plasmafacing components will replace the Toroidal PumpedLimiter. New components like ICRH antennas, newpower supplies for the divertor coils, new diagnosticswill be implemented. WEST, which is scheduled to enterinto operation in 2016, will provide a key facility toprepare and be prepared for ITER, and is already fullyopen to international partnerships. �

Sylvie Gibert, CEA

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Page 14: Fusion in Europe 2013 July

FUSION IN EUROPE | Moving Forward | Associates |


six years ago the EU set itself ambitious energy andclimate change objectives for 2020 – to reducegreenhouse gas emissions by 20%, to increase the

share of renewable energy to 20% and to make a 20%improvement in energy efficiency. This triggered majorefforts at EU-level as well as across Member States in anumber of areas, starting with the adoption of the EUdirectives on energy efficiency, renewables and emissiontrading scheme and ending with developments in re-search, technology and demand-side management.These are the first steps in what will be a radical restruc-turing of the energy landscape.

Keeping in mind the grand vision of reducing ourgreenhouse gas emissions by 80–95% by 2050, whileimproving Europe’s competitiveness and ensuring se-curity of supply, the European Commission togetherwith stakeholders is currently considering the type, na-ture and level of climate and energy targets that couldbe set for 2030. The EU Energy Roadmap 2050, tabledby the Commission at the end of 2011, presents variouspossible scenarios leading towards the 80–95% decar-bonisation objective. Based on the analysis of a set ofscenarios, the document describes the consequences ofa carbon free energy system and the policy frameworkneeded. This should allow member states to make therequired energy choices and create a stable businessclimate for private investment, especially until 2030.

Of the five decarbonisation scenarios, three arebased on the assumption that nuclear energy (14–19%)will retain a significant role in the electricity mix. Thisis based on the belief, that Member States wishing toexploit nuclear technology will either extend operationof existing plants or build the latest ‘Generation-III’plants. The Commission therefore continues to play akey role in ensuring that safety remains paramount inthe use of nuclear energy.

Fusion research is aimed at developing a safe, abun-dant and environmentally sound energy source. TheEFDA roadmap on fusion energy, endorsed recently byEurope’s fusion research stakeholders, foresees the op-eration of a ‘DEMO’ plant, which would supply elec-tricity to the grid, by the middle of the 21st century.This would be followed by a FOAK (first of a kind)power plant and then commercial deployment of fusionin the second half of the century. To this end the suc-cessful construction and exploitation of ITER, which

Eu commIssIonErFor EnErgy,günthEr h.oEttIngEr

was Minister-Presidentof the German StateBaden-Württembergfrom 2005 until he tookover the position asCommissioner in Feb-ruary 2010. He studiedlaw and economics inTübingen, Germany,and worked as lawyerand CEO of an auditingand tax consulting firm.

Between 1984 and 2010 he was member of the State Par-liament of Baden-Württemberg. Oettinger is a member ofthe Governing Board and the Federal Executive Committeeof the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDUDeutschland).

will be the first fusion facility to demonstrate the feasi-bility of fusion power at the reactor scale, cannot beunderestimated. As one of the world’s largest joint re-search endeavours, ITER is a challenge not only scien-tifically but also organisationally. The European AtomicEnergy Community is the main contributor to this cut-ting-edge project, and I am personally committed to en-suring its success. I hope that the European fusion com-munity will put all their efforts into this project andthat it will become a showcase for fusion science andtechnology in general and for European competencesand know-how in particular. The Euratom programmein Horizon 2020 will be an important opportunity toshow our commitment and make significant progressalong the EFDA roadmap.

Fusion has all the right credentials to contribute tothe supply of plentiful, competitive and sustainable en-ergy in the longer term. Although few of us will live tosee the full realisation of this energy form we have a re-sponsibility towards future generations to carry out thenecessary R&D and explore all the avenues. I am con-vinced that if we join our forces in Europe and collab-orate effectively with our international partners we willreach these ambitious goals.

F U S I O N I N E U R O P E I N V I T E S :

GÜNTHER OETTINGERfusion’s role in europe’s low cArBon energy future

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| JETInsight |

eFDa provides the work platform to exploit JeT in

an efficient and focused way. More than 40 euro -

pean fusion laboratories collectively contribute to

the JeT scientific programme and develop the

hardware of the machine further. The tokamak is

located at the culham science centre near oxford

in the uK. it is funded by euraToM, by the euro -

pean associates, and by uK’s fusion associate, the

culham centre for Fusion energy (ccFe) as host.

ccFe operates the JeT facilities including carrying

out the maintenance and refurbishment work re-

quired to realise the given scientific goals.

the Joint europeAn torus, Jet

the Jet vessel in May 2011, featuring the complete iteR-Like wall. (Picture: EFDA)

europe’s lArgest fusion device – funded And used in pArtnership

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People from all sections of the fusionresearch community came to-gether at Culham to celebrate JET’s

30th birthday, on the 24th and 25th of June.Over two days various events brought to-gether former staff with their currentcounterparts, while stakeholders from thelocal community and the broader Euro-pean context mingled with journalistsfrom around Europe.

Those who could not attend in personwere able to follow the presentations re-motely; including a large contingent of ex-JET personnel that gathered at the ITERsite and were able to convey their bestwishes to the party-goers at Culham.


25th June 1983very first plasmaachieved at Jet


9th AprilJet officiallyopened by herMajesty Queenelizabeth ii


9th november the world’s firstcontrolled releaseof fusion energy


Jet converted todivertor configu-ration


world record! Jetproduces 16 mega -watts of fusionpower


remote handlingfirst used for in-vessel work


the collective useof Jet and its sci-entific programmebecomes man-aged throughefdA


Jet starts opera-tion with iter-likemagnetic config-urations


installation of theiter-like wall


Jet reports firstencouraging re-sults with theiter like wall

2013 onwards

Jet continues tosupport iter

EFDA Leader Francesco Romanelli toasted the assembled crowd of current and ex-JET staff.

The focus was on the future and JET’s crit-ical role in the development and testing ofITER design and operational scenarios. Thegroup of journalists that attended wentaway aware and enthused that JET re-mains a big part of fusion’s future.

A big thank you to the Anniversary teamwithin EFDA and CCFE, who pulled themany events together.

30 YEARS OF JET – pavin

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25th June 1983very first plasmaachieved at Jet


9th AprilJet officiallyopened by herMajesty Queenelizabeth ii


9th november the world’s firstcontrolled releaseof fusion energy


Jet converted todivertor configu-ration


world record! Jetproduces 16 mega -watts of fusionpower


remote handlingfirst used for in-vessel work


the collective useof Jet and its sci-entific programmebecomes man-aged throughefdA


Jet starts opera-tion with iter-likemagnetic config-urations


installation of theiter-like wall


Jet reports firstencouraging re-sults with theiter like wall

2013 onwards

Jet continues tosupport iter


| JETInsight |

Paul-Henri Rebut (JET director 1985–1992)

g the way to iter’s take offToast to the futureof JET and ITER!

From left: Jean Jaquinot(JET Director 1999),Paul Henri Rebut (JETDirector 1985–1992),Hans Otto Wüster’s (JETDirector 1978–1985)widow Gisela Wüster,Martin Keilhacker (JETDirector 1992–1999),Francesco Romanelli(EFDA and JET Leader),Jerôme Pamela (JETDirector 2000–2006)

Old colleagues had the chance to catch up witheach other – Jerome Pamela (JET director

2000–2006 ) chats with Sir Chris Llewellyn-Smith (former director UKAEA Culham).

“To meet Europe’s energy challenge, we willneed a portfolio of options. The potential of fu-sion power is almost unlimited and it is vital toget it on the grid. Thanks to JET, we know howto make fusion work. Testing technology onJET today saves time for ITER tomorrow.”

EFDA Leader Francesco Romanelli presentsthe European Roadmap to fusion electricity.

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25th June 1983very first plasmaachieved at Jet


9th AprilJet officiallyopened by herMajesty Queenelizabeth ii


9th november the world’s firstcontrolled releaseof fusion energy


Jet converted todivertor configu-ration


world record! Jetproduces 16 mega -watts of fusionpower


remote handlingfirst used for in-vessel work


the collective useof Jet and its sci-entific programmebecomes man-aged throughefdA

After the formal presentations a large crowd gathered inthe marquee.

“JET has created a culture of scienceand engineering across Europe thatgoes beyond fusion. It serves as anexample to follow for other interna-tional projects.“

András Siegler, Director EuropeanCommission, DG Research andInnovation, opened proceedings onJune 25.

During a live cross with the ITER site, ex-JET staffnow working at ITER sent their congratulations tothose onsite in the marquee.

To celebrate toroidal geometrydoughnuts were served. Clearly stilla favourite with Paul-Henri Rebutand Jerome Pamela.


Jet starts opera-tion with iter-likemagnetic config-urations


installation of theiter-like wall


Jet reports firstencouraging re-sults with theiter like wall

2013 onwards

Jet continues tosupport iter

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| JETInsight |



25th June 1983very first plasmaachieved at Jet


9th AprilJet officiallyopened by herMajesty Queenelizabeth ii


9th november the world’s firstcontrolled releaseof fusion energy


Jet converted todivertor configu-ration


world record! Jetproduces 16 mega -watts of fusionpower


remote handlingfirst used for in-vessel work


the collective useof Jet and its sci-entific programmebecomes man-aged throughefdA

Text: Phil Dooley, EFDA; all pictures: EFDA

Journalists from around Europe,including Roberto Rizzo from Italy

and Ana Mellado from Spaintoured the torus hall with JETDirector Francesco Romanelli.

At the time of the re-enactment of JET’soriginal pulse a crowd assembled in thecontrol room to compare the originalequipment that measured the first pulse’splasma current and emitted light …

… with the state of the art now. We’ve come a long way!

The younger generationshowed just how far we havecome – Session LeaderMaximos Tsalas points outdetails to former directorRebut.


Jet starts opera-tion with iter-likemagnetic config-urations


installation of theiter-like wall


Jet reports firstencouraging re-sults with theiter like wall

2013 onwards

Jet continues tosupport iter

Page 20: Fusion in Europe 2013 July



By the time you read this, JET will

be back in operation and in its

31st year. It is remarkable that it is

still state-of-the-art, but the combina-

tion of excellent design and continuous

upgrades has kept JET at the forefront of

fusion technology.

JET restarts to exploit theITER-Like-Wall further

some of the tiles lining Jet’s inner wall will be deliberately misaligned tiles to test the material behaviour of tungsten. (Picture: EFDA)

The primary focus of the first JET campaigns with theITER-Like-Wall was to study the interaction of theplasma with beryllium and tungsten plasma facing com-ponents. The impact of the materials on plasma behav-iour and operating space was very dramatic, with manysurprises. Now that the basic JET and ITER operatingscenarios have been re-established along with the bene-fits and challenges of the new materials, the upcomingcampaigns will focus on pushing to higher fusion per-formance by making full use of the upgraded heatingpower. The programme also includes time to followthrough the studies of the most critical physics issuesidentified in the first campaigns.

A wide variety of experiments have been agreed forthe next campaigns. To achieve this, a practical planningassumption has been made that JET will be availableabout 85 percent of the time, ensuring that there is someflexibility in usage of the machine. This is an importantpart of planning, as maintenance activities have to beaccommodated in the operation of a large and complexplant like this.

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| JETInsight |


Fuel retention and removal continues to be a hottopic. The new wall components retain much less fuelthan the old carbon tiles. Not only are the scientists in-terested in quantifying this further, but they are interestedin finding the best ways to remove trapped fuel.Essentially there are two methods of doing this, namelyraising the temperature and bombarding the surface withenergetic particles. For ITER this information will proveimportant for the period where it starts to use tritium.

Deliberate melt-experimentsPerhaps the most surprising experiments are those wheretungsten plasma facing components will be deliberatelymelted. Some tiles have been prepared in such a waythat the plasma can be positioned to cause a specifictype of damage which is of interest to ITER and onlyaccessible in a large machine such as JET. These tileshave sharp edges that are raised above the normal tilesurface, which is the opposite of normal practice whereefforts are made to shadow the leading edges behindanother tile. A region in the divertor where the plasmadoes not usually touch has been selected so that theother experiments in the campaign should not be af-fected. For the melting experiments the strike point ofthe plasma can be directed onto them. This experimentis not just in the interests of science but a response to aspecific request from ITER. It will contribute to the finaldesign of its plasma facing components. It could poten-tially save ITER a few hundred million euros if it can bebuilt with a tungsten divertor without having to buildone with carbon components for early operation. Itseems likely that the JET control room will be well at-tended for these exciting sessions. �

Nick Balshaw, CCFE

Plasma scenarios and impuritiesThe largest amount of experimental time is dedicated tothe development of the JET high performance ‘baseline’and ‘hybrid’ scenarios – different plasma configurationsthat promise to be useful as fusion technology develops.In hybrid scenarios the physicists attempt to alter themagnetic field’s ‘twist’ in the plasma in such a way thata lower current is required to achieve high confinement.This has several benefits, including a reduction of theforces that are produced in the event of a plasma dis-ruption. There are still different opinions about how tobest implement hybrid scenarios, and much experimentaltime will be devoted to a better understanding of theseplasmas.

The role of impurities in the plasma is also consid-ered highly important and a large proportion of the timewill be devoted to studying them. Some experiments willfocus on deliberate injection of impurities – nitrogen orneon – to study how heat can be radiated from theplasma edge effectively by them. Other sessions willstudy the unwanted impurities that are inevitably presentin the plasma with a view to minimising their effect onperformance. Impurity control has always been an im-portant topic in tokamaks, and it will probably remainso for years to come. With the new metal wall it is foundthat carbon is no longer the principal impurity; howevertraces of tungsten can have a strong effect on the coreplasma and so control measures are a priority area.

Page 22: Fusion in Europe 2013 July



Remember when you were learning

to drive a car? It seemed incredibly

difficult – recalling which pedal to

push or lever to move, while still keeping a

close eye on the road ahead seemed more

than the human brain could cope with. So

imagine how trainees learning to run JET

feel: How could one possibly feel confident

enough about all the systems that go to-

gether to make the world’s largest fusion


Co-pilots of JET

eva Belonohy from asdeX upgrade at iPP and Luca garzotti from Mast at CCfe are among the Jet session leader trainees.

For a start, the task of “running” JET is divided betweentwo roles, the Session Leader and the Engineer-in-Charge, both of which are rostered between a numberof qualified people. At a broad level the session leader isin charge of the scientific aims of the experiment, whilethe Engineer-in-Charge makes sure that the systems arefunctioning properly and are used safely. JET’s operationis organised into scientific campaigns which are aroundsix to twelve months long. A campaign consists of aseries of experiments, each of which might span over anumber of days – a day comprises two shifts, each witha separate Engineer-in-Charge and Session Leader.

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| JETInsight |


session leader and Engineer-in-chargeIn a given shift the Session Leader’s role is to work to-wards the current experimental goals, picking up wherethe previous shift left off. To do this they need to be notonly accomplishedphysicists, they needto understand thecurrent experiment,and they need toknow what JET iscapable of. For instance they need to know how to createthe type of plasma scenario required for the experiment.The Engineer-in-Charge oversees the systems as theyexecute the plan of the Session Leader, ensuring every-thing is safe for both equipment and personnel. Theyhave the ultimate authority over JET during their shift,and take advice from engineers from all the different ar-eas: power supplies, gases and vacuum systems, heatingsystems, measurement systems and the computer systems– both safety systems and data acquisition. In actualitythe lines blur somewhat and the two roles cooperateclosely, says Dr George Sips, from Operations in theJET department, who runs part of the Session Leadertraining. “Session Leaders have to be creative, to do asmuch as you can with the machine, but within safelimits. The Engineer in Charge can’t check every singlething; they have to rely on the other person!”Coordinator of the Engineer-in-Charge training, DrStuart Knipe, also emphasises the flexibility required ofthe Engineer-in-Charge in the face of a creative SessionLeader: “It’s an experiment; things change, it’s not alwaysblack and white, you need to use your nous and yourengineering intuition.”

Extensive trainingsBoth training regimes are extensive and in-clude lectures, practical exercises and then anextended apprenticeship of sitting alongside arange of experienced staff to watch and learn,and then gradually taking the reins. There isnot a regular intake for trainees, as it can bedifficult to find a good time to schedule a train-ing programme. However when the numbers of SessionLeaders or Engineers-in-Charge begin to decline, then acall is issued, often during the lower intensity times suchas a maintenance shutdown. Says coordinator ofEngineer-in-Charge training Stuart Knipe. “We put a callout to department managers to nominate people whoare capable, available and willing.” The trainee Engineers-in-Charge receive 32 lectures over a six month period,and then sit in on ten shifts with different Engineers-in-Charge.

In contrast the 24 Session Leader lectures and tenhours of practical exercises are grouped into a week-long training at JET to allow for scientists from all aroundEurope to take part. They too then spend ten to fifteen

shifts alongside experienced session leaderslearning the ropes. This means the traininghas to be conducted just before an experi-mental campaign commences so that thetrainees are able to gain as much experi-ence as possible throughout the full lengthof the campaign. “It’s quite a daunting task,

the first time they see the 17-page spreadsheet of checksand balances that they have to type in as a sessionleader!” says George Sips. Session leaders are drawnfrom a range of backgrounds, he points out. “Some aretechnical, while others have the scientific know-how,and others are software modelling whiz-kids”. Similarlythe Engineers-in-Charge could come from any area ofJET, for example diagnostics, cryogenics, beams, or activegas handling.

strong teamworkTo gain the breadth of knowledge required for theseroles requires a big commitment. Engineers-in-Chargeare expected to do at least two shifts per week. SessionLeaders, generally only have one shift a week, but eventhis amounts to a heavy load, says Sips. “Typical prepa-ration for a session is one to two days, then a day in thecontrol room, and then reporting to the meetings after-wards.” Of the forty-five Session Leader trainees in the2012 program, only the best ten were taken. This quali-fies them to run only simple plasmas, less than 2.5 Megaamperes plasma current – to gain a full licence, to runplasmas up to four mega-amps takes another 2–3 years.

Despite the well-rounded trainingprogram, peoplehave individualstrengths andweaknesses, andthe success of theexperiment is

very much a product of strong teamwork between thetwo roles. In fact the Engineer in Charge training evenincludes a lecture from experienced session leader PeterLomas entitled “Under standing the Session Leader”.Says Stuart Knipe: “A big part of it is interacting withthe people, to get the maximum out of the session.” Itcan take over a year to become a qualified Engineer inCharge, but Knipe says the thrill of running the world’slargest fusion experiment is worth it. “It takes a lot ofyour time, but it’s a fun role!” � Phil Dooley, EFDA

“I love working on the machinesand being in the control room.”EvA BELONhy

“I enjoy working on MAST,and to learn the complexities ofJET was a clear step forward.”LUCA GARzOTTI

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� In April the French Embassy’sScience Attaché, Cyrille van Effen-terre, paid a visit to JET. The FrenchEmbassy in London has a specialconnection to JET, as it fincanciallysupports a French-European stu-dent exchange. The programme al-lows around four to five French stu-dents per year to spend betweenthree and six months at JET. �

Some of the nearly 1800 visitors who came to JETfrom January through June 2013:

� 238 university students attended tours and information days

� 420 school students, along with 35 teachers, learned about fusion and JET

� 160 industry professionals came came for information and networking

� 280 scientists came for workshops and discussions

� Around thirty journalists journalists and film crews visited

� 100 former JET staff celebrated JET’s 30th anniversary with us

from left: francesco Romanelli (efda Leader), Catherine soltane (head of efda administration), Cyrille van effenterre,Lorne horton (head of efda Jet department). (Picture: EFDA)

� Members of the European Parliament and its Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), together withrepresentatives of the European Comission DG Research and Innovation came in March for discussions. �

from left: duarte Borba, Lorne horton (efda), sandor zoletnic (vice Chairman efda staC) tim Jones (CCfe), Roger Cashmore (Chair of the united kingdom atomic energy authority), francescoRomanelli (efda Leader), edith herczog (MeP, itRe), steve Cowley (CCfe), andrás siegler (european Commission, dg Research and innovation – director energy), Rudolf strohmeier (europeanCommission, deputy director-general Research and innovation) . not shown: Mr James elles, MeP. (Picture: EFDA)

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| Community | People |


Johann, what is your research about?

I am developing methods to enhance tungsten withtungsten fibres, in order make it less brittle. Tungstenis the foreseen wall material for fusion reactors, and itsbrittleness is still a serious problem.

How did you come to fusion science?

Well, I studied mechanical engineering and chose ma-terial sciences and aerospace engineering as major sub-jects. I have always wanted to work on something chal-lenging and idealistic. As a student I had met HaraldBolt, who was then director for material sciences atIPP. I approached him about a PhD project and he re-ferred me to Jeong-Ha You. The project and the envi-ronment at IPP appealed to me, so I started.

Is the international environment, that fusion sciencetakes place in, important for you?

I carried out part of my PhD work within the Europeanproject FEMAS, whose aim was to connect fusion re-search with Europe’s materials scientists and their fa-cilities. That was really good for me, because at IPP wedo not really have the means to fabricate materials, but

Johann Riesch is a me-chanical engineer and in-vestigates materials for fu-sion. He recently passedhis PhD with distinctionat TU München (and IPP)and now works as post-doctoral researcher at IPP.The picture shows himand his daughter hikingnear Tegernsee.

(Picture: private)

we have a material problem to solve. Through FEMASI could build up a network across Europe and find theright collaborators for manufacturing and characteris-ing our materials. The strong expertise in fusion mate-rials embedded in such an international network isquite unique here at IPP.

With your new position, you will continue workingin fusion research. Did the idea of working on a fu-ture energy source influence that decision?

It would be a lie to say that I had always wanted to dofusion research. But I am drawn to that idealistic idea,which is also somehow connected to Max Planck, thatone should try to solve the really big problems. And theother fascinating aspect of course is the fact that we aretrying to crack the hardest research problem one canpossibly think of.

Do you have a dream job where you would like to bein, let’s say ten years?

Judging from my current situation, I would really liketo continue doing materials research at IPP. �

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FUSION IN EUROPE | Community | People |



Ronald, how does it feel to work as a plasma physicistwithin a group of engineers?

It is really fascinating! I enjoy working at this interfacebetween physics and engineering.

What are you doing in your job?

Our department prepares the step from ITER toDEMO. It is important to work on this now in orderto enable a fast track to fusion energy. I am responsiblefor DEMO physics integration. My job is to make surethat as much of the available physical knowledge aspossible enters our design considerations.The core of our investigations is a system code, whichmodels the full DEMO plant with a relatively low levelof detail. We use this code to find an optimum set ofkey parameters of DEMO such as dimensions, mag-netic field, plasma current etc. In order to keep thisconsistent with the current knowledge we employ state-of-the-art physics codes to investigate partial aspects,for example plasma stability, with a much higher levelof detail.

After your physics studies, you worked as a physicsteacher. Why did you later enter fusion science?

After a few years in school, I needed new ideas and newchallenges. I was able to start working for EFDA at JETin the area of machine operation. Later I was involvedin various fields, for instance in the ITER-Like-Wallproject and in the high frequency pellet injector project,

for which I became deputy project leader. Plasmaphysics, though, was quite new to me. I began readingthe scientific literature and really enjoyed studyingagain. In my spare time I started to do my own re-search. When I returned to Germany, I got the oppor-tunity to do a PhD at IPP with Hartmut Zohm assupervisor. I consider myself really lucky, because Icould learn endlessly from him.

You successfully finished your PhD some months ago– what is it about?

Generally speaking, it is about the physics of edge lo-calized modes (ELMs). This is a hot topic in fusion sci-ence, as ELMs cannot be tolerated in future fusiondevices. There are non-linear processes during the evo-lution of an ELM and in order to predict an ELM cor-rectly, one needs to understand these better. I comparedELM simulations with data from experiments inASDEX Upgrade at IPP and in TCV at CRPP. My workled to a more complete picture of the processes duringELMs. Eventually it might also contribute to an ELMmodel, which is capable of reliably predicting ELM sizesand evolution.

Will you still find time for your band, then?

Oh, yes! Together with Harmut Zohm, Thomas Eichand some others I am playing in a band called “Arbi-trary Unit”. We do vintage rock and modern tunes – justcover songs. I sing and play guitar. �

Being responsible for the DEMO conceptual

design, the EFDA Power Plant Physics and

Technology Department comprises mostly

engineers. Recently, EFDA appointed fusion scien-

tist Ronald Wenninger to ensure that the design

work reflects the current physical knowledge.

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| Community | In dialogue |

in the Czech Republic, the project “Materials for theNew Millenium (MAT21)” brings science closer toprimary and secondary school students. It supports

school activities such as study projects or amateur andhobby circles with videos, lectures for students and forteachers or visit-days. Covering fusion and some ma-terials science, IPP Prague participates in the pro-gramme and contributes to the project’s magazine,MAT21. Published four times a year, MAT21 coversmainly the fields of astronomy and fusion. It is distrib-uted to libraries, hobby circles and to project partners.IPP also plans to host Fusion Expo in connection toMAT21 next year.

The MAT21 project is funded by the Czech Ministryof education, youth and sports, partly with support bythe European Social Fund. It started in July 2012 andwill last for two years. Vitkovice, a Czech R&D com-pany, is the main sponsor of the MAT21 project. �



fusion is one of the research fields presented bythe interactive exhibition “Ideas 2020 – A Tourof Tomorrow’s World”. German Federal Minister

of Education and Research, Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka,opened the exhibition of the Helmholtz Association inMarch 2013 in Berlin. Now the show is touring thecountry, highlighting some of the major scientific re-search projects being carried out in Germany. Visitorsencounter seven pillars; each representing a great chal-lenge society faces today. Multi-touch screens providefascinating insights into the work of scientists andallow visitors to ask questions about the future. One ofthose challenges – represented by an ice block – is thequestion how to organise a climate-friendly energysupply. It also showcases IPP’s research towards a fu-ture fusion power plant. �

More information:http://www.ideen2020.de/en

Contact & information:Milan Ripa, IPP Prague: [email protected] 21 (Czech): http://www.materialy21.czIPP Prague: www.ipp.cas.cz

(Picture: Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft)

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FUSION IN EUROPE | Community | In dialogue |

in front of the tCv tokamak at CRPP, Prof M.Q. tran, director general CRPP, Prof a. fasoli, exec-utive director CRPP, Prof J. Li, dr h. Bindslev, dr f. Romanelli, Prof J. van dam. (Picture: EPFL)

Swiss Associate CRPP, which is part of EPFL, organisedthe conference in order to present the EuropeanRoadmap for Fusion Electricity – along with comparableplans laid out in other parts of the world. About200 people attended the event, among them mostly sci-entists, but also industry representatives, teachers andother interested persons.

Professor Philippe Gillet, EPFL Vice-President forAcademic Affairs, opened the meeting and emphasisedthe importance of nuclear fusion as a safer means of en-ergy production compared to nuclear fission. Followingthe 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, Switzerland hasconfirmed its commitment to fusion research while grad-ually stepping out from nuclear fission.

In May, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale

de Lausanne (EPFL) invited high-level

representatives of fusion research

worldwide to discuss the progress

being made in this field.

Fusion in china. Prof Jiangang Li, Director of theAcademia Sinica Institute for Plasma Physics, gave anoverview of the progress of fusion activities in China.There has been a formidable increase in governmentalinvestment in recent years, which is reflected in overten university programs for fusion physics and threetheoretical centers with activities worth 40–60 millionUSD each year. China features a number of tokamaksfor fusion research, including the ExperimentalAdvanced Superconducting Tokamak EAST. China’sfuture in fusion lies in its participation in the ITER proj-ect, the construction and exploitation of the ChineseFusion Engineering Testing Reactor CFETR, which aimsto produce 200 megawatts of fusion power in the mid-2030s.

Fusion in the us. According to Professor JamesW. Van Dam, Director, Research Division Fusion EnergySciences, US Department of Energy, the US holds fusionin high regard. Examples are the numerous national fu-sion facilities, its international partnership with theITER project and activities such as the NationalSpherical Torus Experiment in Princeton University,which aims to improve plasma configurations in fusionreactors.

Fusion in Europe. Dr Francesco Romanelli, EFDALeader and EFDA Associate Leader for JET, delineatedEurope’s fusion roadmap, which focuses on providingfusion electricity to the grid by 2050. The JET Projecthas been successful in generating fusion power in thenineties, although not with a favourable energy balance.The key step in this roadmap is to construct and exploitITER, in order to verify the feasibility of fusion powerand then to construct DEMO, a reactor providing hun-dreds of megawatts of electric fusion power.

Closing the talks, Dr Henrik Bindslev, Director Generalof Fusion for Energy, gave an overview of the ITERproject. He characterised ITER’s mission as setting stan-dards and norms in the field of fusion and furthering itsagenda by strengthening the industrial competitivenessof fusion technologies. However, he commented thatITER faces challenges ahead, especially in better un-derstanding the behaviour of hot plasma and in the se-lection and/or development of suitable materials thatcan sustain large heat loads. �

Nik Papageorgiou, Yves Martin, Andrea Testa, EPFL

Contact & Information: Slide download: http://crpp.epfl.ch/fusionday13Dr Yves Martin, CRPP [email protected]


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| NewsFlash |

NEWSFLASHLast steel seam of Wendelstein 7-X sewn upThe last open seam on the steel outer cover of the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device was brazed shut in May.The core of the stellarator – its basic skeleton – is thus ready and can go into operation in Greifswald,Germany in 2014.

When completed, Wendelstein 7-X will be the world’s largest fusion device of the stellarator type. It is a ring-shaped device beinginstalled as five almost structurally identical modules: Each of the five sections of the plasma vessel, along which 14 magnet coilsare strung, is enclosed by a steel outer sheath, weighing altogether 120 tons. Assembled like slices of cake on the machine’s foun-dation, the five modules form a steel ring from which protrude numerous connection ports – inlets for measurement systems,heating facilities and pumps. The 254th and last port was brazed in between the plasma vessel and outer vessel with millimetre precision on 28 May 2013. Theelaborate port installation lasted two years. This was preceded by an equally long test phase – “a huge training session” asinstallation head Dr. Lutz Wegener put it – during which the methods for exact placement and connection of the variouslyconfigured ports to the bizarrely shaped plasma vessel were developed. One of the many challenges: As stainless steel inevitablyshrinks at the seam when it is brazed, the components are distorted and change position. Yet, all instruments fed through theports must act at precisely defined spots inside the plasma. Before installation of Wendelstein 7-X is completed in 2014, there are still a few tasks to be done, such as linking the magnets totheir power and helium supplies and doing the interior fittings of the plasma vessel. This will be accompanied by provision of thesystems for heating the plasma, the supply facilities for electric power and cooling, machine control and finally the numerousmeasuring instruments for diagnosing the behaviour of the plasma.

Isabella Milch, IPPMore information:http://www.ipp.mpg.de/ippcms/eng/presse/pi/05_13_pi.html

Precision work: one of over 250 ports being brazed in the plasma chamber. (Picture: IPP, Anja Richter Ullmann)

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EFDA JET Fusion Fusion Expo News Multimedia Collaborators

Careers Links FAQ’s Glossary User’s web page


Geoff Cordey recalls the first day of JET, in the days of working Saturdaysroutinely.

Michel Huguet recalls ten years leading up to JET’s first plasma, from the veryfirst design team meetings in 1973, through to last minute problem solving days be-fore the event.

Paul Thomas recollects the arrangements to display the very first data comingfrom JET, at the time of its first plasma in June 1983.

Phil Morgan recalls how the torus assumed a crazy angle during the firstplasma…

A travelling exhibition financed by EFDA.

Watch ex-JET staff recollect the first pulse at JET, 30 years ago.

Where is Fusion Expo?17 May–31 July 2013: Science Centre AHHAA, Tartu, Estonia

23–27 September 2013: Daugavpils University, Latvia

20–31 October 2013: Rust, Germany

1–15 November 2013: Prague, Czech Republic

http://www.efda.org/fusion-expoContact: Tomaž Skobe, [email protected]

7th Karlsruhe International School onFusion Technologies

Karlsruhe, Germany, 2–13 September 2013

Deadline for application: 31 July 2013

This international course is intended for students of engineeringand physics currently in technical high schools and universities,particularly after a successful intermediate diploma. PhD stu-dents and post-docs in relevant subjects are welcome as well.

More information:http://summerschool.fusion.kit.edu

Page 31: Fusion in Europe 2013 July

28 European countries signed an agreement to work on an energy source for the future:EFDA provides the framework, jET, the joint European Torus, is the shared experiment, fusion energy is the goal.

austrian academy of sciencesAUS TR I A

association euRatoM –university of Latvia

L AT V I ALithuanian energy institute


Ministry of education and Research ROMAN IA

Ministry of education, science, Cultureand sport


Centro de investigaciones energéticasMedioambientales y tecnológicas


swedish Research CouncilSWEDEN

Centre de Recherches en Physiquedes Plasmas


dutch institute for fundamentalenergy Research


euRatoM hellenic RepublicGRE E C E

wigner Research Centre for PhysicsHUNGARY


dublin universityI R E L AND

agenzia nazionale per le nuovetecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo

economico sostenibileI TA LY

university of tartuE S TON I A

finnish funding agency for technologyand innovationF I N L AND

Commissariat à l’énergie atomique etaux énergies alternatives

FRANC E GERMANY GERMANYMax-Planck-institut für Plasmaphysik


BE LG IUMBulgarian academy of sciences

BULGAR I Auniversity of Cyprus


institute of Plasma Physicsacademy of sciences of the

Czech RepublicC Z E CH R EPUBL I C

technical university of denmarkDENMARK

university of MaltaMALTA

institute of Plasma Physicsand Laser Microfusion

POLANDMinistère de l’energie


instituto superior técnicoPORTUGAL

Comenius universityS LOVAK I A


Our partners:

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