future helper-and the seven tower

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  • 7/31/2019 Future Helper-And the Seven Tower


  • 7/31/2019 Future Helper-And the Seven Tower


    Future helper

    Created by the jomarcenter....

    Future helper is unregistered trademark by the jomarcenter

    You have the rights to upload this story to anywhere with or without permission from jomarcenter but

    must credit to jomarcenter.

    All characters, name, location, etc may or may not be real or seen in real life

    This story is under creation

    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

    License. To view a copy of this license, visithttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

  • 7/31/2019 Future Helper-And the Seven Tower


    Table of Contents

    Intro - the creation ........................................................................................................................................ 4

    Chapter 1- the world ..................................................................................................................................... 4

    Chapter 1.1 ................................................................................................................................................ 6

    Chapter 1 puzzle ..................................................................................................................................... 11

    Chapter 1- end introduction ................................................................................................................... 11

    Chapter 2the home .............................................................................................................................. 11

  • 7/31/2019 Future Helper-And the Seven Tower


    Intro - the creation

    Year 192- the world was in peril of what coming to a possibility of the future which only one person

    know what would happen. She thinks that new world order will and can destroyed the human race as

    we know it... but she established a secret organization called The Future Helper

    Chapter 1- the world

    Year 193(one year after Future Helper was created)

    You will see a life of a boy who is the first who found out this organization but it will help the world???

    ----------------------------------------------------Central city, Angele kingdom -----------------------------------------------

    An house on the northern region of the city there is a boy name Alex which he wanted to have peace

    within the world with no wars, riots, Kingdom families separation and many problem within the world.But his life is about to changed.

    Year 193 Jan 12 Alex was leaving the house doing a chorus until suddenly Alex bummed into a person

    Alex: hey what are you doing it really hurt.

    ??? : Sorry about that are you really hurt

    Alex: no Im fine.

    ??? : Well then we didnt introduce ourselves. My name is Jade

    Alex: Im Alex nice to meet you

    Jade: well then are you doing something?

    Alex: Im just running an errand for my mother.

    Jade: you dont say tell me I will give you this money just a gift for you.

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    Alex got 1000 coins

    Jade: well then Im off

    Alex: yeah thank anyway

    Alex: (I couldnt swarm that I saw her in my dream) well then I will but this what is the list say

    about... oh yeah cows milk from alones Kingdom

    *meanwhile at Alex house*

    N-pad *ringing*

    Author note: an n-pad was a universal portable device that only a few who had it it was only some

    people (in this time line) who own it. Since it was created in the future

    Alex mom: yes

    ??? : is the plan is going to succeeded?

    Alex mom: yes Alex never knew what his true identity was.

    ??? : Well then. Im impressed about your plan

    Alex mom: now what do I going to do next?

    ??? : Just wait for the letter to arrive

    Alex mom: yes your highness

    N-pad *click*

    *meanwhile back at central city marketplace # 3*

    Alex: wow there a lot of people around here

    Alex: better buying the cows milk now

    *Alex goes to a nearest and cheap store to buy cows milk*

    Storeowner: get your free cows milk today were totally free for the whole day all 100 percent from

    alones Kingdom

    Alex: well can I get one

    Storeowner: well sure

    Alex got cows milk

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    Storeowner: oh before you leave here something for ya

    Alex got 10 potions

    Alex: Thank. you are really kind

    Storeowner: well if you want more people you have to give free stuff anyway

    Alex: oh well bye and thank for the free potions

    Storeowner: well then another satisfied costumer

    *while Alex is in the marketplace he checks the local news until he read this print*

    Wanted: gem a. Soriona for unknowing attack of a kid at pacific kingdom reward 1million coins

    Alex: oh shit it that my Mother.

    Alex: I gotta go home quick

    Chapter 1.1

    Alex was running to his home trying to tell his mom. That she will be arrested.

    *door slammed*

    Alex: Mom!!!

    Alex Mom: so you finally find out!!!

    Alex: Wait??? WHAT!!!

    Alex Mom: you didnt know huh Im NOT your mother

    Alex: Who Are you???

    Gem: my name is gem a soriona the person who Attack you!!! And erase all of your memory and

    filled with lies!!!!

    Gem: and now I will kill you

    *knife raised from her hand*

    *gunshots hit to the knife*

    Jade: STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!!!

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    Gem: And who are you?

    Jade: Im jade b. special youre been arrested by the future helper for attacking a kid

    Gem: well then I supposed I will kill ya first

    Gem: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


    *sword hit at gem*

    *gem tried to attack jade*


    Jade: FIREBLOW

    *fire comes out at mouth*

    *gem hit*

    Gem: you think you can kill me!!!

    *jade hit sword at gem heart*

    Gem: the one give me an unlimited life a...hh.!

    *gem died*

    Jade: mission accomplished!!!

    *jade open her n-pad*

    Jade: hey faith this is jade reporting

    Faith: hey jade I was trying to contact you

    Jade: how many times did I told you that dont try to contact me but I will contact you!!!

    Faith: sorry. No need for language adjustment ya know!!!

    Jade: just sent in some backup to get Gem

    Faith: where are you?

    Jade: just trace me!!!!

    Faith: alright?

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    Jade: so youre that missing child that we been looking for 5 years

    Alex: wait you mean that I was missing

    Jade: yes for 5 year

    Alex: look like I got forgot a lot of things about it

    Jade: before your real mother died she told me to give it to you if you were found

    *alex reads letter*


    Dear Alex

    I died when were looking for you a year ago but I cannot tell you a secret there is a box under our

    home that maybe only you can open it but be warned what you looking can make your life changed

    If you must. But I hoped that you will understand what happen in our world as we know it please take

    care of yourself and hoped that peace will be returned into our world. This is my last farewell to you I

    would miss you for good good bye.


    Your mom

    End of letter

    Alex: so this letter wrote by my real mom

    Jade: yes if you say so myself

    Alex: well can you help me

    Jade: yes your mom told me so to protect you if I found you

    Alex: thank

    *Alex and jade went to the house that the letter told what to do and*

    Jade: this is the place

    Alex: so this is the place

    Alex: but before we go.. Who am I

    Jade: Im so sorry but the report that your mom submitted to us does not give any personal information

    about her and you. Just your first name only been submitted

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    Alex: (wait why my real mother is trying to hide her identity)


    Faith: I want this house check while we prepared for the transport of Gem

    Guards: yes Sir

    Faith: how many time did I told you never called me SIR!!!!!!

    Guards: sorry Sir

    Faith: ughh anyway I want you to check the house


    Guard 1: what it that?

    Faith: alright on the count to 3 we open the door ready for an attack

    Faith: 123

    Everyone: this is the future helper and youre.? Huh?

    Faith: false alarm it just a package?

    Faith: wait? Jade doesnt tell me that there a package will be arrived?

    *Gem woke up*

    Guard 2: wait what the

    *gem tried to get the gun*

    *Guard 2 presses a red button*

    *siring noise Alert... Alert Alert*

    Faith: what it that

    Guard 1: oh shit

    *everyone ran to the room*


    *guard 2 killed*

    Guard 1: the prisoner had escaped

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    *Guard 3 ran to the room*

    Guard 3: Sir the package is gone

    Faith: wait what?

    Faith: alright I want the whole area and exits blocked now

    Guards: yes Sir!!!

    *all guard blocked all exits and entrances to the outside of the area

    Guard 1: area A-3 had been blocked Sir

    Faith: alright I will contact Jade

    *Faith tried to contact Jade*

    *back at the Alex (real) house...*

    N-pad: ringing

    Jade: yes?

    Faith: Jade the prisoner had escaped!!!

    Jade: you let her escape

    Faith: sorry the guard got off-guard and died!!!

    Jade: wait you mean he got killed..!!!

    Faith: yes

    Jade: Oh!!! Shit

    Jade: I want the team blocked all exits to central city now!!!

    Faith: yes Sir!!!

    N-pad: *clicked*

    Jade: OH!!! SHIT!!!

    End of chapter 1

  • 7/31/2019 Future Helper-And the Seven Tower


    Chapter 1 puzzle

    Solve the puzzle to grant access to alex profile

    (hint: the password had no space)



    Chapter 1- end introduction

    It there a secret about alex or not is the answer is lies into this house? And what is the secret they can

    Find or maybe it related to Gem escape what secret hold in the packageFInd out the answer on the

    next chapter

    Chapter 2 the home

    Year -193 Jan 13 (1 day after ale founded). Alex and Jade had go into the house and look for clues

    Alex: Look what I found

    Jade: it looks like a key?

    Alex: Im reading something in the key.

    the answer is lies a place where you can be warm and protected from thief

    Alex: it looks like a clue

    Alex: I think it the fireplace on this house

    *Alex and jade check out the fireplace*

    Alex: there a keyhole

    Jade: let check it out

    *Alex insert the key to the keyhole and something had happen*

    Jade: Alex looks

    *alex and jade look behind them and saw the bookshelves had been moved and opened a underground


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    Alex: it kinda looks like a pathway to somewhere

    Jade: lets take a look

    *both of them had go down and reaches an dead end of the tunnel*

    Alex: well then it a dead end

    Jade: let look around

    *alex and jade look around the dead end and notice there an note within the floor*

    Alex: it kinda looks like a log entry

    *alex and jade look at the log entry and see what just happen*

    Log entry # 01 june 14 189

    I just found out that this place isnt a dead end and I found some reading text on the wall after I read

    it the text just disappear but I manage to note it down

    The secret groups will gain revenge on the world for not understanding what were been hoped for

    and disobey us. We will gain revenge for those who dare to try to stop us

    But I dont get it who is this secret organization and who was the person who disobeys them?

    End of log

    Jade: it kinda looks like there something written in this wall but we should go back

    *jade and alex went back until*

    n-pad *ringing* *ringing*


    Jade: hello

    kate: we have a serious problem in our hand at area a-13 we need your help

    jade: what is it?

    Kate: there is an multiple monster attack at our area

    Jade: I be right on it


    Jade: Im so sorry to leave you like this but I have to go

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    Alex: why..?

    Jade: because there something happen to the city

    Alex: but what about me?

    Jade: faith will come to pick you up

    Alex: but I want to join you

    Jade: it too dangerous

    Alex: BUTbut...

    *jade left before alex said anything*

    Alex: look like Im just all alone?

    *alex look on the floor and found something*

    Alex: looks like a note.

    Note: If you want to join with us meet me at the central city town hall.

    Alex: looks like I have to go there

    Alex run to the town hall but at the town hall someone spotted alex

    ??? : So your name is alex?

    Alex: yes why?

    ???: no reason

    Alex: who are you?

    ??? : my name is jaden cane

    Jaden: Im the owner of the Future Helperorganization

    Jaden: Im here to help you to find out about your life.

    Alex: wait? You mean the secret organization about the future helper?

    Jaden: that right you will start your training right now

    *small monster spawned at the side of Alex*

    *Jaden throws some dagger to alex*

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    Alex: look like I have no choice but to fight

    Alex try to battle and been hit and hurt few many time but succeeded

    Alex: look like I won

    Jaden: look like you now ready to join us

    Jaden: now follow me!!!

    as jaden and alex is going to a secret organization know as the Future helper what would happen next

    Chapter 2 puzzle

    This puzzle is hard than what it seemed but try to complete it

    The answer is the password for

    With the power of light can achieved but evil can control ifyou try to go with the power of ______

    Chapter 3- past is always the answer

    Alex had never been outside for so long since he cannot leave the house unless told to. But the reaction

    on the situation is

    Alex: man where are we anyway can we just ride to there

    Jaden: just you wait until were in a certain area

    Alex: but why?

    Jaden: because it will be dangerous if someone find out about this

    At a certain place Jaden had showed some unknown devices that Alex doesntknow any of it