future of xforms

Tuukka Haapaniemi 26.11.2008

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Future of XForms. Tuukka Haapaniemi 26.11.2008. XForms – What’s the need?. HTML forms Very outdated Hard to develop and to maintain Requires lot of work To create basic validation To create basic calculations In effect, to make anything userfriendly’ish. Limitations of HTML forms. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Tuukka Haapaniemi26.11.2008

Page 2: Future of XForms

XForms – What’s the need?HTML forms

Very outdatedHard to develop and to maintainRequires lot of work

To create basic validation To create basic calculations In effect, to make anything userfriendly’ish

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Limitations of HTML formsProvides no means of separating data from

the viewData insertion into the templated form

Client -> Server ideologyHard to implement workflow

Flat, key-value paired data

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Page 4: Future of XForms

Key ideas of XFormsSeparation of data from views of data

Model View Controller –patternReferencing complex data easily from the

viewWorkflow by changing only the viewSimple calculationsSimple validationsDynamic controlsDevice specific rendering

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XForms’ requirementsXML namespacesXML XchemaXpathXML events CSS3

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How to use XForms nowBrowser specific plug-in

Common users propably don’t want to download

Server side XForms engineOrbeon FormsMany others

Client side parsingUbiquity XFormsMany others

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Server side XForms engineNo need for a separately downloaded plug-inSimilar idea as with PHP, ASP(.NET) etc.

Produce currently supported code, that is, HTML, JavaScript and CSS from the XFoms code on the server

Emulation layer creates extra payload on server

Multiple postbacks or heavy custom scripting required

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Client side parsingNo need for a separately downloaded plug-inBy using existing JavaScript libraries and

adding new APIs to them, parse the XForms code on client

Light on the serverA bit slower on the clientAjax support – less full postbacks requiredHard to make cross-platform and cross-

browser compatible

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Page 9: Future of XForms

Near future of XFormsCurrent implementations allow to test and learn

the technologyNew applications can be created with XForms

and used through the existing implementationsEasy to transform if/when native support arrivesIntelligent usage of supported technologies

possibleStrong ground through being a W3C standard

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Page 10: Future of XForms

Future of native XFormsFireFox

Has a good plug-in created close to the browsers coreImplements most of XForms’ requirementsIs constantly rising in ”market share” (44%, Oct 2008)

Microsoft Internet ExplorerHas one of the best plug-insMicrosoft has a competing product: InfoPathCould lose its market leader status (47,1%, Oct 2008)

Opera and Apple unenthusiastic

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Questions & discussion

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Thank you!

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