future tense by laura

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  • 7/27/2019 Future Tense by Laura



    1 LSC13


    There are several different ways in English that you can talk about the future. We use future to

    talk about:

    1. Predictions/statements of fact

    The auxiliary verb will is used in making predictions or simple statements of fact about the


    The sun will rise at 6.30 tomorrow. Lunch break today will be 10 minutes longer than usual. In the year 2050 all students will have their own computers in school. If you help me, I will help you. Do you think she will come soon? You won't pass your exams if you don't start working harder. I know my parents won't let me go to the party. Will it snow for Christmas? I know she's sick, but will she be back in school tomorrow?

    2. Intentions

    The auxiliary verb going to is used in talking about intentions. (An intention is a plan for the

    future that you have already thought about.)

    We're going to buy a new car next month. I'm going to work in a bank when I leave school. In the new year I'm going to stop eating so much junk. He's not going to go to the dance. He's got too much work. I'm not going to watch TV until my science project is finished. Are you going to play basketball after school? What are you going to have for lunch today?

  • 7/27/2019 Future Tense by Laura



    2 LSC13

    Note: going to is often used in the past tense to talk about an unfulfilled intention. Examples: I was

    going to study for my grammar test, but I had no time. / He was going to call you, but he couldn't find his

    mobile phone. / My grandmother was going to visit us, but she fell and broke her arm.

    3. Arrangements

    Thepresent continuous tense is used in talking about arrangements. (An arrangement is is a

    plan for the future that you have already thought about and discussed with someone else.)

    I'm meeting my mother at the airport tomorrow. Our grandparents are visiting us this Christmas. Sorry, I can't stay after school today; I'm playing tennis with Jun-Sik. My sister's going to the dentist tomorrow. I'm not returning home for the holidays, so I can come to your party after all! Are you doing anything on Sunday morning? Do you know if he is going to the dance with Maiko next week?

    4. Scheduled events

    Thepresent simple tense is usually used to refer to future events that are scheduled (and

    outside of our control).

    Hurry up! The train departs in 10 minutes. I leave Frankfurt at 5 o'clock in the morning and arrive in New York at midnight the next


    She has an appointment with the headmaster after school today. There's no need to hurry. The train doesn't leave for another 30 minutes. When does the meeting begin?

  • 7/27/2019 Future Tense by Laura



    3 LSC13


    1. Complete the sentences with to be going to and the verbs in brackets:

    Example: We are going to cook (cook) dinner this evening.

    a. Next summer, I _______________ (travel) to England.

    b. My sister Mara_______________ (live) in Madrid.

    c. They_______________ (play) tennis this afternoon.

    d. My father_______________ (buy) a new car.

    e. Susan and David_______________ (see) the film tonight.

    f. I _______________ (visit) the dentist tomorrow.

    2. Make questions with to be going to using these words and answer them in the negative


    Example: Tony / read / this / book.

    Is Tony going to read this book? No, Tony isnt going to read this book.

    a. Your friends / listen to music.

    _____________________________________________ ? - No, ___________________________

    b. Peter / wash / his car.

    _____________________________________________ ? - No, ___________________________

    c. She / write a letter.

    _____________________________________________ ? - No, ___________________________

    d. Philip and Frank / have a birthday party.

    _____________________________________________ ? - No, ___________________________

    e. He / repair my bicycle.

    _____________________________________________ ? - No, ___________________________

    f. Your grandparents /visit you / next weekend.

    _____________________________________________ ? - No, ___________________________

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    3. Write the following words in the right order to form sentences with to be going to in

    affirmative, negative or interrogative:

    Example: is / to / a / Fred / doctor / going / be.

    Fred is going to be a doctor.

    a. to / am / dentist / the / I / this / going / visit / afternoon.


    b. swim / arent / They / to / going / tomorrow.


    c. her / paint / isnt / to / room / going / She.________________________________________________________________________

    d. do / his / Philip / going / homework / is / to?


    e. am / not / I / to / France / going / travel / to.


    f. study / to / are / They / English / on / going / Monday.


    4. Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present progressive).

    1. I love London. I will probably go there next year.2. Our train (leave) ___________________ at 4:47.3. What (wear / you) ___________________ at the party tonight?4. I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I (find) ___________________ something nice inmy mum's wardrobe.

    5. This is my last day here. I (go) ___________________back to England tomorrow.6. Hurry up! The conference (begin) ___________________in 20 minutes.7. My horoscope says that I (meet) ___________________an old friend this week.8. Look at these big black clouds! It (rain) ___________________.9. Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be) ___________________ dry and sunny.

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    10. What does a blonde say when she sees a banana skin lying just a few metres in front ofher? - Oh dear! I (slip) ___________________!

    5. Use the proper verb form to express future actions in the following sentences:

    1. We'll have peace together when he ___________________ (to be) gone.2. I wonder what the weather is going to be like and if it ___________________ (to be) warm.3. I'll see that everything ___________________ (to be) properly packed and put into store.4. Stay by the door and wait to make sure that he (to switch) ___________________ off thelight at the gates.5. If all___________________ (to go) well, I shall finish it in a fortnight.6. He wants to know if I ___________________ (to deliver) this paercel.7. He will take care that they ___________________ (to be) fit to do the job.8. He will be very useful if you___________________ (to treat) him right.9. I advise you to make sure the bottle ___________________ (not to be) showing out of thebox.

    10. He asks if you ___________________ (to meet) him in the library at 7 o'clock.11. You will stay here and make sure no one___________________ (to approach) the road.12. We'll wait here till it ___________________ (to get) dark.13. Joseph, see that there___________________ (to be) plenty of lamps for the guests.14. I don't know when she ___________________ (to be) home.15. I'll see that everything___________________ (to be) in order.16. We'll talk when we ___________________ (to get) there.

    6. Use the present simple or continuous tenses and future forms to complete this text.

    I ______________ (not do) housework on Sundays normally. But tomorrow I ______________

    (tidy) my room, because my boyfriend Jim ______________ (come). The bus ______________

    (arrive) at 10. I think Jim ______________ (come) on time as usual, because he _____________

    (like) to be punctual. I ______________ (look) forward to him. We ______________ (have) a

  • 7/27/2019 Future Tense by Laura



    6 LSC13

    date every Sunday and I ______________ (always look) forward to him. Tomorrow we

    _____________ (have) a special date. We ______________ (go) to see his parents. We

    _____________ (have) a good time, I hope.

    7. Make questions to match the answers.

    What time ....................................................... ? The meeting starts at 8.30 tonight.

    ......................................................................... ? No, I don't watch TV every day.

    What ............................................ after school? I don't know what I'll do.

    ........................................................................ ? Yes, she is going to try it.

    When .............................................................. ? He is leaving next month.How often ....................................................... ? She helps me twice a week.

    ......................................................................... ? No, no. Marion won't study at university.

    8. Match these sentences.


    1. He's getting married a. sooner or later.

    2. He'll get married b. on Saturday.

    1. It snows here. a. This is a cold place.

    2. It is snowing here. b. Look at that.

    1. I'm writing a story. a. I'm not a novelist.

    2. I write short stories. b. I'm going to finish it soon.

    1. This bag is a Are you going so heavy! to take it?

    2. The final exam is b Will you take it, on Monday. please?

    1. My laptop doesn't a What are you work! going to do?

    2. I can see you! b What will you do?