fuzzy topology through fuzzy neighbourhood...

Chapter I FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEM The concepts of fuzzy point, fuzzy point belong- ing to fuzzy subsets and fuzzy neighbourhood are revisited in this chapter. The various definitions by different authors are analysed. Most appropriate definitions are deduced. A new definition of fuzzy neighbourhood systems is introduced. A characterization of fuzzy topology in terms of fuzzy neighbourhoods is arrived at. In 1974, C.K. Wong [34] introduced the concept of 'fuzzy point belongs to a fuzzy set'. Later the same concept was defined in different ways by Piu and Liu[27], M. Sarkar [23 ], Srivastava, Lal and Srivastava [30]. The definitions of the relation 'E' of a fuzzy point belong- ing to a fuzzy set, given independently by these authors seem to be very much alike at a glance. But on thorough analysis, they are found to differ in certain aspects. We arrive at the conclusion that the definition given by Piu and Liu [27] is the most appropriate one for fuzzy set theory. Piu and Liu [27], Demitri and Pascali [4] introduced the notion of fuzzy neighbourhood system . Both the

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Page 1: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X

Chapter I


The concepts of fuzzy point, fuzzy point belong-

ing to fuzzy subsets and fuzzy neighbourhood are revisited

in this chapter. The various definitions by different

authors are analysed. Most appropriate definitions are

deduced. A new definition of fuzzy neighbourhood systems

is introduced. A characterization of fuzzy topology in

terms of fuzzy neighbourhoods is arrived at.

In 1974, C.K. Wong [34] introduced the concept of

'fuzzy point belongs to a fuzzy set'. Later the same

concept was defined in different ways by Piu and Liu[27],

M. Sarkar [23 ], Srivastava, Lal and Srivastava [30]. The

definitions of the relation 'E' of a fuzzy point belong-

ing to a fuzzy set, given independently by these authors

seem to be very much alike at a glance. But on thorough

analysis, they are found to differ in certain aspects.

We arrive at the conclusion that the definition given by

Piu and Liu [27] is the most appropriate one for fuzzy

set theory.

Piu and Liu [27], Demitri and Pascali [4] introduced

the notion of fuzzy neighbourhood system . Both the

Page 2: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


definitions do not generalize the corresponding

definition of ordinary topology [12]. To rectify this

anomaly we introduce a new definition for fuzzy neigh-

bourhood system.


In this section, some definitions and results

that are needed later on, are given. Throughout this

chapter, X is taken to be a non empty set. A fuzzy subset

of X is considered as a function from X to L, where L is

a complete and distributive lattice. The least element

and greatest element are denoted by 0 and 1 respectively.

The set of all fuzzy subsets of X is denoted as LX

1.1.1 Definition

A point x of X with a non zero membership value

x E L is a fuzzy point of X, and is denoted by p(x,,C).

1.1.2 Definition Ell

The fuzzy singleton determined by a fuzzy point

p(x,,) is a fuzzy subset s(x,,i) such that for y e X,

0 if yx

,Q if y = x

Page 3: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


1.1.3. Definition

A subset R of L is join complete (meet complete)

if R is closed for arbitrary join operation (meet


1.1.4. Definition

A lattice L is said to be join complete (meet

complete ) if every subset of L is join complete (meet


The following remarks are immediate consequences

of the definitions.

1.1.5. Remark

(i) A join complete lattice with 0 is complete.

(ii) A meet complete lattice with 1 is complete.

(iii) A join complete ( meet complete ) lattice is a


(iv) L is a finite chain if and only if it is joincomplete and meet complete.


Different definitions of the relation ' E ' are given

and they are analysed.

Page 4: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


1.2.1 Definitions [ [23],[26],[29] ]

Let a be a fuzzy subset and p(x,A?) a fuzzy

point, of X.

(i) p(x,Y) E a if and only if X < a(x) -- (A)

(ii) p(x,Q) e a if and only if ,Q< a(x) -- (B)

(iii) p(x,,Q) e a if and only if a(x) -- (C)

1.2.2 Remark

(1) According to definitions (A) and (B)a fuzzy

singleton may contain more than one fuzzy point. How-

ever, by definition (C), a fuzzy singleton uniquely

contains a fuzzy point.

(2) Ordinary set theory can be considered as a special

case of fuzzy set theory , taking L = ^0,11. But then,

by definition (A) p(x,l ) ^ s(x,l ). Hence definition (A)

is not considered further . However , p(x,l) E s(x,l)

according to definition ( B) and (C).

In ordinary set theory we have for any two subsets

A,B of X, A C B if and only if x e A x E B . The existence

of corresponding characterization for two fuzzy subsets

of X is studied.

Page 5: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


1.2.3 Theorem

Let a and b be fuzzy subsets of X. Then the

following are equivalent.

(1) a ^< b ( i.e., a(x ) ,< b(x) for all x)

(2) p(x,Q) E b for all p(x,Q)e a (we use definition1.2.1 (B) )

Proof: Let (1) holds and p ( x,!) E a.

Then I,< a(x).

i.e., J,< a (x) ,< b(x) ' 4 b(x)

p(x,!)E b which is (2)

(2) (1) is straight forward.

1.2.4 Remark

If we use definition (C) in (1.2.3) (2) in the

above theorem , (1) * (2). It may be noted that if we

use definition (C), theorem (1.2.3) holds if and only if


1.2.5 Remark

Owing to the fact that definitions (A) and (C)

of (1.2.1) are unable to generalize ordinary set theory,

hereafter, only definition 1.2.1 (B) is used.

Page 6: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


1.2.6 Theorem

Let ^ai

: i E I} be an arbitrary family of fuzzyn

subsets of X and a = V ai."p(x, .,C) E a # p(x, f) E aii E I

for some i ", is true if and only if L is join complete.


( ) Suppose L is not join complete. Then there is

a subset R of L which is not join complete. Let

R = $ rj : j E J3 and r = V rj . Then r A rj for every j.j

Let Za denotes the constant fuzzy subset such that

Q (x) = X for all x E X , for C E L. Clearly r A 0.

Then p ( x,r) E r, but p(x,r) rj for every j. Thus

p(x,r) € V r-. p(x,r) rj for some j. Hencej

L must be join complete.

( ) Let {ai:i E 13 be an arbitrary family of

fuzzy subsets of X and a = V a and L be join complete.i EI

Let p ( x,,Q) C a. Then A a(x) . a( x) = ai(x ) for some i

since ai(x):i E I} C L, and L is join complete.

.'. L< ai( x) . i.e., p ( x,f) E ai for some i E I.

Hence the theorem.

Page 7: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


From the preceding theorem we have immediately

the following theorem.

1.2.7. Theorem

Let . ai:i e Ij be an arbitrary family of fuzzy

subsets of X and a = A ai. " p(x ,$) E ai for every ii

p(x,L) C all is true if and only if L is meet


Proof: Dual of theorem (1.2.6).

1.2.8. Remark

The above theorems ( 1.2.6) and (1.2.7) hold

simultaneously if and only if L is a finite chain

(1.1.5 iv ).


In this section fuzzy neighbourhood system of a

fuzzy point, is studied.

1.3.1. Definition [3]

An ordered pair ( X where , is a family

of fuzzy, subsets of X is called a fuzzy topological

space (fts) if 9 satisfies the following conditions.

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(1) 0, T E

(2) If al,a2 E then alA a2E cr

(3) If a i I is a family of members ofiEI

then V ai S'i

Every member of ^ is called a fuzzy open subset

of X.

1.3.2. Definition

Let (X,c ) be a fuzzy topological space. A fuzzy

subset ' a' is a fuzzy neighbourhood of a fuzzy point

p(x,t) if and only if there exists a fuzzy open subset

' g' such that p(x, Q)E g < a.

In terms of this concept, we have the following

trivial but useful characterization of fuzzy open sets.

1.3.3. Theorem

Let a be a fuzzy subset in a fuzzy topological

space (X, 9 ) . 'a' is fuzzy open if and only if for each

fuzzy point p(x,t)E a, a is a fuzzy neighbourhood of

P(x, e) •

Page 9: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


Proof : ( > ) obvious.

Let p(x,e) be an arbitrary fuzzy point of a.

Then a is a fuzzy neighbourhood of p(x,t). Then

gp(x,t) be fuzzy open such that p(x,Q) E gp(x,t) . a,

p(x, XE agp(x, f) ,< a. i.e., for every yE X, Vgp(x,t ) ( y),< a(y)

We claim that Vgp(x,e )( y) = a(y) for every y G Y.

Suppose not:

i.e., there exists a,y e Y such that Vgp(x,e)(y) < a(y).

i.e., gp(x' Q (y) < a(y) for every p(x,t) E a

Then p(y,a(y))e a and p (y,a(y)) ^ gp(y,a(y)) which is

a contradiction. Hence the claim.

1.3.4 Definition

Let (X,S) be a fuzzy topological space and p(x,Q)

be a fuzzy point . Let Jp (x'o be the set of all fuzzy

neighbourhoods of p(x , t). The family7vp(x,f ) is called

the fuzzy neighbourhood system at p(x,t).

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The next theorem is similar to theorem [ 12(2.5)]

about neighbourhood system in ordinary topology [12].

The theorem lists properties of the fuzzy neighbour-

hood systems which can be used to generate fuzzy

neighbourhood system without invoking a fuzzy topology.

1.3.5. Theorem

Let (X ,c ) be a fuzzy topological space and

p(x, C.) be a fuzzy point. LetAP P(Xgt)

be the fuzzy

neighbourhood system at p(x,t). Then

(1) If ac- Np( x,o then p (x,P) C a

(2) For any a ,bG Op(x,f) 9 a t \b C- Op(x,L)

(3) If a p( x•4) and b > a then be -APP(x,t)

(4) If a p (xV-) then there exists bc-,^/^p(x,e)

such that b < a and be -1\Pp(y,m)

for every

p(y,m) G b.


(1) Let a E ,l?p(x,e) • Then a is a fuzzy neighbourhood

of p(x , t.). i.e., there exists a fuzzy open subset g such

that p(x,C) E g < a. By theorem (1.2.3) p(x,t) G a.

Page 11: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


(2) Let a, b C Op(x, f) . Then there exists fuzzy

open sets gbh such that p(xj) E g a and p(xj) G h \< b.

Then p(x,C) C- g Ah < a A b.

a A b ca PPp(x, f) since g A h E' .

(3) Let a c- Mp(x,e ). Then there exists fuzzy open

set g such that p(x,L) E g < a. But b > a. Then

p(x, t) G g < a -< b.

b c- p(x,$)

(4) Let a E3 'A? p( x, e) . Then there exists fuzzy open

subset b such that p(x, t) Eb < a. This b E- ,Mp(y,m)

for every p(y,m) E b by (1.2.3).

We now introduce fuzzy neighbourhood systems

independent of a fuzzy topology.

1.3.6. Theorem

Let X be an arbitrary set, L a join complete

lattice and suppose for each fuzzy point p ( x,{), a

non empty family 4p(x, e) of fuzzy subsets of X is

given satisfying conditions (1) to (4 ) of theorem

(1.3.5). Then there exists a unique fuzzy topology c on

X such that for each fuzzy point p (x,t), pp(x,e)

Page 12: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


coincides with the family of all fuzzy neighbourhoods

of p(x , ..) with respect to ^-.


Let = [a E LX: a c-- 0p(x, f) for all p(x,e) C- a3

We shall now prove that b is a fuzzy topology on X.

Obviously, 0 belongs to d . From condition (3)

it follows that 1 C- I\/ (x, t) for all p(x,e) E 1 and then

Now let al,a2 e g and p(x,t) E a1n a2. Then

p(x, () E a1 and p(x, e) C a2 so that ale N' ( x,'e) and

a2 C ,p(x, Q) . By condition (2), al A a2 I^Pp( )

Since this holds for every p(x,t) E al A a2, al A a2E S.

Now let {ai:i e Il be an arbitrary family of members

of If p(x,f)E V ai, by theorem ( 1.2.6), there


exists 10G I such that p(x,e) G aio. Since aioC- S'

we have aio 6 -Mp( x,.) and therefore by condition (3),

V a E Since this holds for everyC. i P(x,i)*

p(xj) E \( ai, it follows that V ai E Thus the

family is fuzzy topology on X.

Condition ( 4) means that for every fuzzy point

p(x,I) and a E0 p(x,1), there exists a fuzzy open

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subset"b' such that b e p(x, and b ( a. From

condition (1) it follows that p(x,t)E b. Hence every

member of,,/J'p(x,.) is a fuzzy neighbourhood of p(xj)

with respect to 9 .

Conversely , let`a ' be a fuzzy neighbourhood of

p(x,f) with respect to 9 . There exists ` b'fuzzy open

such tha t p(x, Q) e b < a. Since b c- 9, we have

b c- ,/ P ( x, 0 and thus by condition (3) a E 'V p(x, e) •

Thus the fuzzy neighbourhoods of p(x ,t ) with respect

to rare precisely the members of 0 p(x, ) for each

If ^1 is a fuzzy topology for X, where yVp(x,{)

is again the fuzzy neighbourhood system at p(x,e) for

each fuzzy point p ( x,f), then 9 = ^1 (by 1.3.3).

To show that the condition: 'L is join complete'

is necessary , consider the following example.

1.3.7. Example

Let L = [0,1]

Define -Vx, vt- t< . ,.J^ ) _ a ELX: ap(x9e

X ,7 ' YA p ( x,.f) _ 1

Page 14: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


9p(x,e) satisfies all the conditions in the above


Define fuzzy subsets an such that an (x) n

for n E DV , n ) 2, for every x. Now

P( x j) C an > < 7 - n . i.e., T,< anan eOP(x,C

an's are fuzzy open . But V an = 1 is not fuzzy

open since p(x, 2) E and (x, 2 ).

A modified version of theorem (1.3.5)by introducing

two more properties of the fuzzy neighbourhood system is

given below.

1.3.8. Theorem

Let (X ,S) be a fuzzy topological space and p(x,t)

be a fuzzy point . Let ,p (x,t) be the fuzzy neighbour-

hood system at p(x,t). Then the following hold.

(1) If aE OP(x

, ) then p(x, Q) C a

(2) For any a ,bG'' a A bE P(x,t)

(3) If aE NPP(x,t) and b

a then b E'^p(x,^)

Page 15: FUZZY TOPOLOGY THROUGH FUZZY NEIGHBOURHOOD SYSTEMshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1108/5/05... · 2020. 6. 25. · independent of a fuzzy topology. 1.3.6. Theorem Let X


(4) If ac- p ( x , e ) then there exists bE,pp(x,f)

such that b < a and be,l\fp(y,m) for all p ( y,m) E b.

(5) If m c- L \M and t < m then ' p(x,m) Cp(x, 0)

(6) If = Vrt

a and a E ,/\P p(x ^a) for every a,a E,

then ae 4\?p(X,t) •


(1) to (4) are proved in theorem (1.3.5). Hence

we need only to prove (5) and (6).

(5): Let t< m and a e p(x, m). Then there

exists a fuzzy open subset g such that p(x,m)E g < a.

i.e., m < g ( x) < a(x) for all x.

But - < m. Then f< m < g(x) < a (x) for all x.

i.e., p(x ,t) E g < a.

i.e., a EpD p(x,t) Therefore 'p(x,m)c Mp(x,..)'

) for a and let - = ' ta. Then(6) : a€ p(x, ea a

there exist fuzzy open sets ge' s such that p(x, ta) C- gQ<a

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i.e., ta -, ga(x) < a(x) for every a and for every x.

i.e., Vga( x) < a(x)a

i.e., P(x, V^a ) C- a ga < a

Since V ga fuzzy open, ac--Wa P(x,)̂a

Now we partially generalise theorem (1.3.6) by

omitting the condition of L being join complete.

1.3.9. Theorem.

Let L be a complete chain. If with each fuzzy

point p ( x,E) is associated a family Vp(x,e) of fuzzy

subsets of X satisfying conditions (1) -&o (6) of

theorem ( 1.3.8) are satisfied, then there exists a

unique fuzzy topology on X with p(x,o as the fuzzy

neighbourhood system at p(x, 1) .


Let [a e LX: ac-Mp( x'f) for all p(x,{)E aJ

We shall now prove that ^ is a fuzzy topology on X.

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Obviously 0 E From condition (3) it follows

that 1 E Let al, •a2 E 9 and p(x,4.) e al A a2. Then

.p(x, E al and p(x, t) Ea2 so that alG, J p (x,{) and

a2 E p(xm. By condition (2) al n a2C0p(x,t ) . Since

this holds for every p(x, {) C- al A a2, a1 Aa2 E S . Let

jaaa be anarbitrary family of members of and


Vas = a. We shall now show that a E c^. Let p(x,t) ea.

Then Q,<, a(x). Then we have two cases:

(i) f < a(x), (ii) -. = a(x).

Case (i) 4.< a(x).

Since L is a chain , there exists a0 C I such that


( x) < a(x). Since p(x,aa0 (x)) E as0


aaoE'APp(x,aao (

x) ) . By (5 ) aao Mp( x,t) . But aa0< a

and by (3) a ep(xW

Case (ii) ^= a(x).

We have as ca Op(x,a (x)) for every a and a a S, a.a

By (3) a E'i (x,a (x)) for every a. By (6) a e 'Mp(xa(x)a

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i.e., aC,Mp( x,t). Thus in both cases

p(x,t) E a,=> a E,MP(xre ). i.e., a 6--- Thus the

family S "defines a fuzzy topology on X. Last part of

the theorem follows from theorem (1.3.6).

The following examples illustrate that the

condition ' L is a complete chain ' in the above theorem

is not necessary.

1.3.10. Example.

Let the membership lattice be




The theorem (1.3.9) holds in this case because, in this

case also if k 0/ - k . i ifor some i C I since

ieI i

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Case ( i) if some ^i' is 1 then the proof is trivial.

Case ( ii) none of the - i' s, is exclusively from 10,f.11

or {O,m,l } then , being completeness the proof


Case ( iii)Otherwise some of the I s s are L and others

are either m or 0, then VPi = 1 and k <

k = I or m or 0 and the result holds.

The following examples show that the conditions

(5) and (6) are independent from the others and is

necessary in the fuzzy context.

1.3.11. I Example

Let L = [0,1] .

Define V x, 2


[a € LX: a

)'^p(x,^) ^1 IHere ,YV p(x,e) satisfies (1) - (5) but does not satisfy

property (6).

Define fuzzy subsets an such that

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an(x) = 1 - 1 for every x and for every n > 2,

n e N


Let 9


= fa E LX: a ca v\(ap(x, 0 for all p(x,^) G- al .

Now an C- , for every n.

In particular p(x, 2)E V an 2n

But17 'Mp(x, )•

V an 9. Hence is not a fuzzy topology.

1.3.12. II Example

Let L = [0,1]. Define for every x, for every

1 01^) -1 ^ Vx, b`^>, , p(x, e) _ f a C- LX :ap(x,


We can easily observe that this family satisfies properties

(1) (4) and ( 6) but does not satisfy (5).

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Define _ {a G LX: a e 0 (x for all p(x, t) C- ap I

and let an e S, where an(x) = 2 - n for every x, n > 2.

P(x, 2 - n )C 2 . But 2 P(x^ 2 - 1 )n

1.3.13. Remark

Conditions ( 5) and ( 6) of theorem ( 1.3.9) do not

have parallels in ordinary topology . However, they

trivially true when L = 40,13 . It may also be noted

that L , then is a complete chain as well as a join

complete lattice . Theorem ( 1.3.9) shows that fuzzy

neighbourhood systems is indeed a generalization of

neighbourhood system in ordinary topology . Thus the

characterization theorem generalizes the corresponding

theorem in ordinary topology.