fy 2015 homeland security grant program local … county fire...fy 2015 homeland security grant...

FY 2015 Homeland Security Grant Program Local Jurisdiction Project Worksheet NOTE: This worksheet is saved and protected as a form; areas are navigated by tabbing from one text field to the next. To tab back to a previous field, press Shift + Tab. The boxes for text fields will expand if necessary as you type. Applicant/Jurisdiction: Bosque County Texas Point of Contact: Tim Jeske Title: Emergency Management Coordinator Phone: 254-435-2807 Email: [email protected] 1. Project Name Bosque Fire Repeater Replacement 2. Needs to be addressed by this project (Why is this project needed?) The current repeater used by Bosque County for all fire and emergency medical dispatch is over a decade old and with continuous use since its installation it has seen over 100,000 hours of service. While the equipment has been taken care of it is past its service life and every day that passes we get closer to having errors and the possibility of the repeater ceasing operations. Bosque County does not have available funding to replace the repeater from local budgets if the equipment was to fail. A complete failure of the repeater would severely limit first responder communications and safety across the entire county. We would be forced to have all traffic on our existing law enforcement frequencies causing frequency crowding and safety concerns. Every day that passes is one day closer to Bosque County experiencing failures with its essential communications infrastructure. 3. Project Description (How will the needs be met?) This project includes the replacement of our existing Motorola MTR-2000 repeater with a new Tait TB- 9135 100W VHF repeater. The Tait TB-9135 repeater is similar to the repeater purchased with a HSGP grant a few years ago for Law Enforcement. The Tait TB-9135 is P25 capable and complaint with all existing FCC rules and licenses. 4. New or Existing project? New project Existing project (Describe how this is an enhancement, expansion, addition, etc. of an existing project in ―Notes‖ field.) Emergency (Describe circumstances in ―Notes‖ field.) Notes

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FY 2015 Homeland Security Grant Program Local Jurisdiction Project Worksheet

NOTE: This worksheet is saved and protected as a form; areas are navigated by tabbing from one text field to the next. To tab back to a previous field, press Shift + Tab. The boxes for text fields will expand if necessary as you type.

Applicant/Jurisdiction: Bosque County Texas

Point of Contact: Tim Jeske

Title: Emergency Management Coordinator

Phone: 254-435-2807

Email: [email protected]

1. Project Name

Bosque Fire Repeater Replacement

2. Needs to be addressed by this project (Why is this project needed?)

The current repeater used by Bosque County for all fire and emergency medical dispatch is over a decade old and with continuous use since its installation it has seen over 100,000 hours of service. While

the equipment has been taken care of it is past its service life and every day that passes we get closer

to having errors and the possibility of the repeater ceasing operations. Bosque County does not have available funding to replace the repeater from local budgets if the equipment was to fail. A complete

failure of the repeater would severely limit first responder communications and safety across the entire county. We would be forced to have all traffic on our existing law enforcement frequencies causing

frequency crowding and safety concerns. Every day that passes is one day closer to Bosque County

experiencing failures with its essential communications infrastructure.

3. Project Description (How will the needs be met?)

This project includes the replacement of our existing Motorola MTR-2000 repeater with a new Tait TB-9135 100W VHF repeater. The Tait TB-9135 repeater is similar to the repeater purchased with a HSGP

grant a few years ago for Law Enforcement. The Tait TB-9135 is P25 capable and complaint with all existing FCC rules and licenses.

4. New or Existing project?

New project

Existing project (Describe how this is an enhancement, expansion, addition, etc. of an existing project in ―Notes‖ field.)

Emergency (Describe circumstances in ―Notes‖ field.)



5. Regional Impact (Identify the investment strategies addressed by the project. How does this project enhance regional preparedness?)

Bosque County agrees to keep its existing Motorola MTR-2000 in working condition and available at all

times as a replacement VHF repeater for any county in the HOTCOG region at no cost. If another County

needed to use the loaner repeater it could be delivered to their location within six hours. The receiving county would be responsible for reprogramming by a vendor of their choosing. This loaner program

would ensure any county using a VHF radio system would have limited downtime and would not be at the mercy of a radio vendors charges for loaner equipment.

6. Project Scalability (Explain whether this project is being done as a single component or in phases)

One-time project

Phased project (Describe previous funding in ―Notes‖ field.)



7. Project Sustainability (Explain your jurisdiction’s plan for sustaining this project—maintenance, upgrades, calibration, etc.)

Bosque County will maintain the equipment using our existing radio vendors and local funds.

8. Local Matching Funds (It is unknown if matching funds—non-federal—will be required for FY2011. This match could be 20%-25% of the award. Check the box to affirm that your jurisdiction understands that this grant may be contingent upon your ability to provide matching funds, and, to the extent possible, indicate the source of these matching funds in the box below.)

Bosque County does not have any local funds available for a match at this time.

9. Budget (Include as much detail as possible): The expenditure categories are Equipment, Planning, Organization, Training, and Exercises. Please attach quotes, if available.


AEL Code


(Select from list) Quantity Unit Cost Total

Tait TB-9135 Repeater Equipment 1 $22679.78 $22679.78


Tait TB-9135 Repeater Equipment 1 $17812.78 $17812.78

w/o P25

Total $22679.78

10. Is this project part of a multi-jurisdiction project? (Check box if ―Yes.‖)

If ―Yes,‖ list the other participating jurisdictions.



11. Disciplines Involved in the Project (Please indicate the percentage of funds expected to be allocated in each discipline. Use all disciplines that apply):

Discipline Percentage of Project $

Agriculture 0.00%

Law Enforcement 33.34%

Emergency Medical Services - Non-Fire Based 33.33%

Emergency Medical Services - Fire Based 0.00%

Fire Service 33.33%

Hazardous Materials 0.00%

Public Works 0.00%

Public Safety Communications 0.00%

Health Care 0.00%

Emergency Management Agency 0.00%

Public Health 0.00%

Governmental Administrative 0.00%

Cyber Security 0.00%

Not for Profit/Non-Profit 0.00%

Regional Transit System 0.00%

Signature of Requestor

This signature certifies that the requestor understands the eligibility requirements, procedures, and deliverables,

including any possible requirement for matching funds, coinciding with this request for funding and has

the authority to apply for the governing body of this organization.

Requestor Date

Printed Name Title

Signature of Project Manager

The following person is authorized to receive direction, manage work performed, complete and sign required

reports, and otherwise act on behalf of the jurisdiction for this project.

Project Manager Date

Check box if letters of support are attached.




Timothy Jeske

TB9100 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

© Tait Limited 2014. www.taitradio.com

Intelligence, flexibility and high performance.


Ideal for P25 trunked, simulcast and conventional networks

Tested in a Department of Homeland Security-recognized P25 Compliance Assessment Program lab

Supports P25 open standard DES and AES encryption

Dual mode operation for ease of analog-to-digital migration

Remote programming and software licenses reduce the need for site visits and hardware upgrades

Smart AC/DC switching to ensure continuity of service

Built-in test equipment provides self-monitoring with local and remote logging of alarms

Digital console interfaces are provided for IP-connected consoles (DFSI for P25 conventional and CSSI for P25 trunked)

An analog line interface (4-wire + E&M) allows connection to legacy analog consoles.

The TB9100 base station is intelligent and

flexible, offering dual mode to ease migration

with seamless FM or P25 switching.

The modular design combined with intuitive

programming software make the Tait P25

TB9100 base station an ideal solution for

conventional, trunked and simulcast.

TB9100 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

© Tait Limited 2014. * www.taitradio.com


Interoperable and versatile

Fully P25-compliant, the TB9100 can be

configured as a repeater or as a base

station in a digital P25, analog FM or

mixed-mode radio network.

Totally flexible Task Manager

Routines and code can be written quickly

and easily allowing fast development and

delivery of value-adding custom


Convenient Windows-based

software programming

Change over 150 parameters with

intuitive drop downs, tick boxes and other

easy-to-master software commands. Tait

Customer Service Software makes the

TB9100 easy to configure and upgrade.

IP connection for ease

of diagnostics

No special equipment will be needed to

ensure total control of your base station.

Connect and configure alerts and alarms,

monitor performance and administer the

site remotely.

Integrated VoIP networking

with voting

Network your TB9100s using VoIP with

built-in centralized voting while eliminating


Comprehensive and intuitive software can be used to change configuration quickly and easily.

Clean back panel design with industry-standard interface enables easy connectivity to the rest of the system and third party vendors.

Pictured: Dual 50W systems with AC/DC Power Management Unit.

Front-loading modules slip into the 4U

subrack, making building the system,

replacing a module or accessing a system

interface board fast and simple. TB9100

modules include:

Reciter - contains the receiver and


Power Amplifier - available as 5W, 50W

and 100W modules

Power Management Unit – can be AC

and/or DC powered, and includes an

auxiliary power supply

Network Board - provides access to

multiple interfaces

Subrack, front panel and control panel.

Showing a small sub-routine written into the TB9100 task manager to deliver customized behavior for a specific situation.

TB9100 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

© Tait Limited 2014. www.taitradio.com


Operational frequency+ VHF






Electronic switching range ≥2% of the center frequency (e.g. 10MHz @ 500MHz)

Channel/network capacity 255

Channel spacing 12.5kHz, 20kHz, 25kHz

Channel increment 0.125kHz


HxWxD (subrack only)

HxWxD (including front panel)

7in (177.8mm) x 19in (482.6mm) x 15.2in (386mm)

7in (177.8mm) x 19in (482.6mm) x 16.1in (409mm)

Weight (with AC and DC PMU)

5/50W base station system (single channel)

100W base station system

47.0lb (21.5kg)

50.2lb (22.8kg)

Operational temperature -22ºF to 140ºF (-30ºC to 60ºC)

Description Modular base station/Repeater/Receiver

Frequency stability ±0.5ppm (-22ºF to 140ºF/-30ºC to 60ºC)

External Reference 10MHz or 12.8MHz

Power Consumption

Standby Tx @ 5W

Tx @ 50W

Tx @ 100W

12V Pa





12V PMu





24V PMu





48V PMu















Supply Requirements



88 to 264V (PFC Power Factor Correction)

12V, 24V, 48V (Nominal +ve or -ve earth)

Adjacent Channel Power

Analog 20/25kHz

Analog 12.5kHz

Digital 12.5kHz

<-70dB (EIA)

<-60dB (EIA)

<-60dB (IS-102)

Environmental Standards Applicable MIL-STD-810 C, D, E and F tests



600Ω Balanced



600Ω Balanced

Monitor Speaker

Audio Interfaces

Audio Interface Level -20dBm to 0dBm nominal

(300 to 3,400Hz)

-20dBm to -14dBm nominal

(67 to 300Hz)

-20dBm to 6dBm nominal

(300 to 3,400Hz)

-20dBm to -14dBm nominal

(67 to 300Hz)

Frequency Response +0.5/-2.0dB rel. 1kHz (300 to 3,000Hz)

Audio Distortion <3% typical


Analog sensitivity (12dB SINAD) <0.25µV (-119.0dBm)

Digital sensitivity (TIA/EIA-102) 0.21µV (-120.5dBm) @ 5% BER

Spurious Emissions


<-57dBm EIRP to 1GHz

<-47dBm EIRP above 1GHz


<-90dBm to 1GHz

<-70dBm above 1GHz

Spurious Response ≥100dB [ANSI/TIA]

Intermodulation 80dB [ETSI]


Selectivity (EIA 603) VHF/UHF

85dB (NB), 90dB (WB)


79dB (NB), 84dB (WB)

Digital Adjacent Channel Rejection 60dB TIA 102A + ETSI 300 -113 (across all bands)

TB9100 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

© Tait Limited 2014. Tait_SS_TB9100_V7 www.taitradio.com


Modulation Limiting

12.5kHz channel

20kHz channel

25kHz channel




Modulation Fidelity <3% (TIA/102A)

Transmit Rise Time ≤2.5ms

Transmitter Power Rating

Single 1/5W Base Station System

Single 5/50W Base Station System

Single 10/100W Base Station System

FM Hum and Noise

12.5kHz and 20kHz channels

25kHz channel

-49.0dB (300Hz–3kHz [ANSI/TIA])

51.5dB (300Hz–3kHz [ANSI/TIA])

Conducted/Radiated Emissions VHF/UHF

<-36dBm 9KHz to 1GHz


<-20dBm to 9GHz <-30dBm 1GHz

Emission Designators

11K0F3E, 16K0F3E, 6K60F2D, 9K60F2D

8K10F1E, 10K10F1E, 8K10F7E, 10K0F7E,

8K10F1D, 10K10F1D, 8K10F7D, 10K0F7D

The customer service software (CSS) enables remote configuration and real time display of received and transmitted signals.


For complete regulatory information please refer to the TB9100 Specifications Manual.

Authorized Partners

Specifications are subject to change without notice and

shall not form part of any contract. They are issued for

guidance purposes only. All specifications shown are


*Contact your local Tait representative for

more information.

For further information please check with your nearest

Tait office or authorized dealer.

The word “Tait” and the Tait logo are trademarks of Tait Limited.

Tait Limited facilities are certified for ISO9001:2008 (Quality Management System), ISO14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) and ISO18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) for aspects associated with the design, manufacture and distribution of radio communications and control equipment, systems and services. In addition, all our Regional Head Offices are certified to ISO9001:2008.

DuplexersLow Band, Aviation, and VHF Duplexers

Q2222 Series


Also referred as: Q2222E*1

Duplexer, Q-Circuit, Res-Lok, compact, 4 cavity, rack mount, 139-165 MHz• Duplexer of choice when space is limited• Excellent performance characteristics at one half the size of the Q2220E

Duplexer of choice when space is limitedExcellent performance characteristics at one half the size of the Q2220E

Region United States Europe, Middle East and Africa Caribbean and Latin America Canada and rest of the world

Telephone USA: 1 800 263 3275 International: +44 (0) 1487 84 28 19 International: +1 905 726 7676 Canada: 1 800 263 3275International: +1 905 727 0165

E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Specification Sheet Q2222E-1 Issue: 46 Dated: 05-01-15EPR 16573 Dated: 05-01-15Customer Tech Manual 005787 Sinclair’s commitment to product leadership may result in improvement or change to this product

Copyright © Sinclair Technologies Page 1/2





DuplexersLow Band, Aviation, and VHF Duplexers

Q2222 Series

Electrical SpecificationsFrequency Range MHz 139 to 165Input VSWR (max) 1.5:1Impedance Ω 50Average Power Input (max) W 120Connectors N-FemaleFrequency separation (min) MHz 3Insertion loss Rx to antenna (max) dB 0.8Insertion loss Tx to antenna (max) dB 0.8Isolation (min) dB 75

Mechanical SpecificationsDepth in (mm) 17 (432)Length/ Height in (mm) 4.17 (106)Width in (mm) 19 (483)Weight lbs (kg) 18 (8.17)Finish chromate conversionActual Shipping weight lbs (kg) 25 (11.35)Shipping dimensions in (mm) 19x8x22 (483x203x559)Mounting configurations 19 inch rack

Environmental SpecificationsTemperature range °F (°C) -22 to +140 (-30 to +60)

Region United States Europe, Middle East and Africa Caribbean and Latin America Canada and rest of the world

Telephone USA: 1 800 263 3275 International: +44 (0) 1487 84 28 19 International: +1 905 726 7676 Canada: 1 800 263 3275International: +1 905 727 0165

E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Specification Sheet Q2222E-1 Issue: 46 Dated: 05-01-15EPR 16573 Dated: 05-01-15Customer Tech Manual 005787 Sinclair’s commitment to product leadership may result in improvement or change to this product

Copyright © Sinclair Technologies Page 2/2





Smart-UPS 120 V Advanced line interactive power protection for servers and network equipment

The world’s most popular network and server UPS

The award-winning Smart-UPS™ unit from APC™ by Schneider Electric™ is the most popular UPS in the world for servers, storage, and networks. Trusted to protect critical data and equipment from power problems, the UPS supplies clean and reliable network-grade power. In addition to Legendary Reliability

and manageability, Smart-UPS units have extremely high efficiency at low, medium, and high load levels, making them ideal for today’s multi-core or virtualized servers that have varying load consumption. Available in a variety of form factors (tower, rack-mount, rack/tower convertible), there is a model for every application and budget.

Intelligent and efficient network power protection from entry level to scaleable runtime. Ideal for servers, point-of-sale, routers, switches, hubs, and other network devices.

• Reliable• Intelligent• Efficient• Manageable

Smart-UPS Tower and Rack-mount 750 – 3,000 VAApplication-optimized standard models, ideal for servers, storage, point-of-sale, and other network devices

Standard FeaturesHigh-efficiency Green Mode: Optimum efficiency which saves utility and cooling costs

Emergency Power Off (EPO): Provides for remote UPS shut-off in the event of a fire or other emergency (2,200 VA and above)

Alphanumeric LCD Display: Intuitive interface provides detailed and accurate information with ability to configure locally

Battery Disconnect: Convenient way to disconnect battery for transport

Network-grade Power: Provides most stable power conditions by filtering noise, automatic voltage regulation (AVR), and surge protection

Communication Ports: Serial, USB, and SmartSlotTM for accessory cards

Advanced Battery Management: Temperature-compensated charging extends life and advanced algorithms recommend replacement date

[ SMT750 ]

[ SMT1500RM2U ]

[ SMT1500RM2U ]

[ SMT750 ]


[ SMT1500RM1U ]

Management CardsAP9630: UPS Network Management Card

AP9631: UPS Network Management Card with Environmental Monitoring

AP9620: Legacy Communications SmartSlot Card

Battery PacksSMX48RMBP2U: APC Smart-UPS 48 VExternal Battery Pack Rack/Tower

SMX120RMBP2U: APC Smart-UPS 120 V External Battery Pack Rack/Tower

Additional AccessoriesAP9625: APC Smart-UPS Two-post Rail Kit

SMX039-2: APC Smart-UPS 48V Battery Extension Cable

SMX040: APC Smart-UPS 120V Battery Extension Cable

Service Bypass PanelsSBP1500RM: APC Service Bypass PDU, 120 V; 15 AMP W/ (8) NEMA 5-15R

SBP3000RM: APC Service Bypass PDU, 120 V; 30 AMP W/ (4) NEMA 5-20R and (1) L5-30R

SBP3000: APC Service Bypass Panel- 100 – 240 V; 30 A; BBM; Hard-wire Input/Output

SBP3000RMHW: APC Service Bypass Panel- 100 – 240 V; 30 A; BBM; Hard-wire Input/Output

Smart-UPS Display


LCD Display Screen Clear, consistent, and detailed information in your choice of basic or advanced menus

Power Status: • Operating mode and efficiency • Load VA/Watts/Amps • Input/Output voltage and frequency • Battery capacity and runtime • Energy meter and more

Control: UPS and outlet group settings

Configuration: • Language • Power quality settings • Alarm, delay, and threshold settings

Test and Diagnostics: Initiate battery and runtime calibration tests

Logs: See explanation of last 10 transfers and faults

About: UPS and replacement battery part numbers, serial numbers, battery install, and suggested replacement dates



About: UPS and replacement battery part numbers, serial numbers, battery install, and suggested replacement dates

Quick Status Indicators Online, on battery, fault, and replace battery LEDs for quick status identification

Escape: Exits to the previous menu or screen

Return: Used to enter or confirm settings

Navigation Arrows: Allow for quick adjustment of settings

Standard Features

Schneider Electric Critical Power & Cooling Services (CPCS) provides the highest quality services and solutions by trained and trusted professionals. Our world-class services offer a smart way to build, operate, and maintain your critical applications, ensuring the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

Product Services and Accessories

Intuitive, easy-to-use LCD interface


Standard Tower models

Product feature SMT750 SMT1000 SMT1500 SMT2200 SMT3000OutputPower capacity 500 W/750 VA 700 W/1,000 VA 1,000 W/1,440 VA 1,980 W/2,200 VA 2,700 W/3,000 VA

Nominal output voltage 120 V

Output frequency 57 – 63 Hz

Waveform type Sine wave

Output connections (NEMA) (6) 5-15R (8) 5-15R (8) 5-15R(2) 5-20R

Switched outlet groups - 1

InputNominal input voltage 120 V

Input voltage range for main operations (Max adjustable range) 82 – 144 V (75 – 154 V)

Input frequency 50/60 Hz +/- 3 Hz (auto sensing)

Input connection 5-15P, 6 ft. cord 5-20P L5-30P

Batteries and runtimeBattery type Maintenance-free sealed lead-acid battery with suspended electrolyte; leak proof

Replacement battery RBC48 RBC6 RBC7 RBC55

Runtime estimates200 W :22 :45 1:24 2:17 2:29

500 W :05 :10 :23 :51 :55

700 W :06 :12 :34 :37

1,000 W :07 :21 :23

1,400 W :13 :14

1,600 W :10 :12

Full load :05 :06 :07 :07 :06

Communication and managementInterface ports Serial (RJ45), USB, and SmartSlot

Control panel and audible alarms Alpha-numeric LCD display with LED status indicators; alarm on battery, distinctive low battery alarm and configurable delays

Emergency power off (EPO) Optional Yes

Surge protection and filteringSurge energy rating 459 J 480 J

Filtering meets Full-time multi-pole noise filtering: 0.3% IEEE surge let-through, zero clamping response time, meets UL 1449

PhysicalMaximum height (inches) 6.2 8.5 8.5 17.0 17.0

Maximum width (inches) 5.4 6.7 6.7 7.7 7.7

Maximum depth (inches) 14.1 17.3 17.3 21.5 21.5

Net weight (pounds) 29 42 53 112 116

ConformanceRegulatory UL 1778, CSA

Warranty and equipment protection policy 3-year electronics, 2-years battery, and $150,000 lifetime EPP
