fy 2018 budget manual - manassas city public schools · fy 2018 budget manual 2 revised september...


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Page 1: FY 2018 Budget Manual - Manassas City Public Schools · FY 2018 Budget Manual 2 Revised September 2016 . Table of Contents
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FY 2018 Budget Manual

2 Revised September 2016

Table of Contents Contact Information ........................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

Budget Process .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Budget Calendar ............................................................................................................................................ 6

Budget Allocations ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Funding Estimates ......................................................................................................................................... 7

Staffing Allotments ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Zero Based Approach .................................................................................................................................... 9

Budget Allocation Requests .......................................................................................................................... 9

Budget Levels ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Budgetary Management .............................................................................................................................. 10

Budget Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................... 11

Assessment and Planning ............................................................................................................................ 11

Schools’ Budget Responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 11

Central Office Budget Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 16

Central Office Budget Administrator Contacts ........................................................................................... 19

Budget Submittal in MUNIS .......................................................................................................................... 20

Personnel and Other Requests ........................................................................................................................ 20

Department / School Technology Requests.................................................................................................... 21

Understanding the Account Codes ................................................................................................................. 22

Appendix 1 – Budget Request Entry in MUNIS ............................................................................................ 30

Appendix 2 – Personnel and Other Requests ................................................................................................. 36

Appendix 3 – Technology Requests ............................................................................................................... 40

Appendix 4 - Instructions for Preparing Detail Budget Report ..................................................................... 45

Appendix 5 – Org Code Listing ...................................................................................................................... 49

Appendix 6 – Rates of Pay ............................................................................................................................. 77

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FY 2018 Budget Manual

3 Revised September 2016

Contact Information The Manassas City Public Schools’ Budget Office prepares the Budget Manual for use by City School Budget Holders in preparation of their budget requests as well as annual budget maintenance. The Manual is to be used as a guide for both completing and managing their budgets in accordance with all pertinent fiscal regulations and policies. It is the responsibility of the Budget Holders and their fiscal staff to acquaint themselves with this manual.

Questions related to budget preparation/maintenance should be referred to the appropriate budget staff in the Financial Services Department at the following contact numbers:

Budget Office Contact #’s

• Andy Hawkins

Executive Director of Financial Services and Operations….571-377-6035

• Lee Miller, Budget Supervisor……..……………….………571-377-6034

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FY 2018 Budget Manual

4 Revised September 2016


The budget is a financial plan that estimates and allocates resources to support our entity wide needs for the coming year(s). The operating budget (addressed herein) and the capital improvement plan combine to form the complete budget of the school board for the coming year. The budget also establishes maximum overall spending limits by fund, state category, budget administrator, grant, project, or program. The budget process engages all stakeholders in decision making. By focusing on our strategic plan, individual school improvement plans and departmental action plans, we identify our needs to achieve our collective goals and objectives and measure our progress through our balanced scorecard and student achievement. We obtain student, teacher, parent and community input through committees, working groups, public input and other media to help us focus our resources on student achievement. Our zero based budget approach requires an annual (and ongoing) review of how we currently utilize our resources and facilitates planning for how to utilize resources moving forward to best achieve our mission. In developing the budget process for FY 2018 and this manual, we focus on clarity, relevance, transparency, best practices and process. Any suggestions for improving our process or this manual should be submitted to the budget office contacts listed above. Thank you for your contributions in developing the FY 2018 City of Manassas School Board budget.

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FY 2018 Budget Manual

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Budget Process In a release of draft of best practices in school budgeting, the Government Finance Officers’ Association (GFOA) outlined key budget development areas for K-12 schools budgeting. Key budget development areas are outlined in the table below:

Our process seeks to incorporate recommended best practices in many of these areas. The table below outlines budget practices followed by MCPS that align to the GFOA best practices model.

GFOA Best Practices for K-12 Schools Budgeting: Plan and Prepare - 1: Organize Process A - Develop Principles and Policies to Guide the Budget Process B - Establish a Partnership between Finance and Instructional Leaders Plan and Prepare - 2: Assess Landscape A - Identify Financial Position B - Analyze Current Levels of Student Learning Plan and Prepare - 3: Start Engaging Stakeholders A - Identify Communications Strategy Set Instructional Priorities - 4: Develop Priorities A - Develop Goals B - Identify Root Cause of Gap between Goal and Current State C - Research & Develop Potential Instructional Priorities D - Evaluate Choices between Instructional Priorities E - Develop a Plan of Action Pay for Priorities - 6 and 7: Identify and Analyze Top Savings Options A - Evaluate & Prioritize Expenditures to Enact the Instructional Priorities Implement Plan - 8: Balance Budget Tradeoffs Implement Plan – 9: Present plan and gain community support Implement Plan - 10: Adopt Annual Budget A - Allocate Resources to Individual School Sites B - Develop Budget Document Ensure Sustainability - 12: Plan for Continuous Improvement A - Put the Strategies into Practice and Evaluate Results

1. A. Budget Calendar; Budget Manual; 1. B. Budget meetings with Executive Cabinet, Principals and Financial Support Staff members 2. A. Update Enrollment Projections; Update Current Staffing Assignments and Allocations; Update Current Revenue Projections and Cost Estimates; 2. B. Balanced Scorecard 3. A. Public Input Meetings; Saturday with the Superintendent; Committee and Advisory Group Meetings; Parent, teacher, student and community engagement 4. (A-E) Strategic Plan Alignment (School Improvement and Departmental Action Plans); Zero Based Approach; Five Level Budget Tracking; Benchmarking 6-7. Executive Cabinet and Superintendent Recommendations (Levels 2 and 3) 8. Superintendent’s Proposed Budget (Level 4); School Board Budget Work Sessions; Capital Planning; 10. School Board Approves Budget; City Council Approves Budget; Letter to Parents; Five Year CIP and Five Year Financial Forecast 12. Balanced Scorecard; Program Evaluation; Financial Forecasting and Reporting

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Budget Calendar The budget calendar provides the budget development timeline and identifies the various phases and key activities that occur during budget development. Below is the budget calendar for FY 2018.

DATE DESCRIPTION August 31 – November 14, 2016 All budget holders solicit, collect and analyze data on current and proposed

staffing and other resources to be requested during the budget process. September 16, 2016 Principal CIP requests submitted to Support Services September 30, 2016 Operating Budget manual posted to website October 6, 2016 Budget Development Training (Central Office, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) October 13, 2016 School Board Budget Work Session – Capital Improvement Plan (6:30 p.m.) –

Central Office October 22, 2016 Saturday with Superintendent – Public Budget Input (10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

noon) Weems Elementary October 25, 2016 School Board Regular business meeting – Capital Improvement Plan

Presentation (7:00 p.m.) – City Hall October through December 2016

Meetings with executive cabinet and Principals, Directors, Coordinators, and Supervisors as appropriate to discuss personnel and non-personnel needs and resources available to meet needs (scheduled biweekly Principal meetings at Central Office). Formulate and prioritize budget requests. Enter budget data in MUNIS and complete and submit the Excel workbooks provided for Technology, Staffing and Other Requests.

November 1, 2016 School Board Budget Work Session – Enrollment projections; Staffing allocations (pupil teacher ratio); Salary Scales; New course proposals; Capital Improvement Plan (6:30 p.m.) – Central Office

November 14, 2016 Completed Personnel and Other Requests and Department/School Technology Requests Workbooks Submitted

November 15, 2016 School Board Regular Business Meeting – Public Input - Capital Improvement Plan and Operating Budget (7:00 p.m.) – City Hall

December 13, 2016 Regular Business Meeting – Public Input; School Board Approves Capital Improvement Plan (7:00 p.m.) – City Hall

December 14, 2016 Schools and departments submit requests for personnel and non-personnel expenditures including justification for all planned expenditures - LEVEL I BUDGET (SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT REQUESTED) SUBMITTED

January 5 – 13, 2017 School and department budget presentations to Executive Cabinet – Central Office (times to be determined)

January 17, 2017 Budget Work Session: Revenue Estimates; State Budget Update; Five Year Forecast; (6:30 p.m.) – Central Office

January 19, 2017 Budget requests have been reviewed and revisions are entered in MUNIS – LEVEL II (SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT REVISED BUDGET REQUEST) SUBMITTED

February 2, 2017 Budget review – LEVEL III Superintendent’s Request – BUDGET SUBMITTED February 14, 2017 Regular Business Meeting – Superintendent presents Proposed Budget for

FY 2018 (7:00 p.m.) – City Hall February 21, 2017 Budget Work Session – Staffing Allocations; (6:30 p.m.) – Central Office

March 7, 2017 Budget Work Session – Compensation (Salary Scales and Fringe Benefits) (6:30 p.m.) – Central Office

March 14, 2017 Regular Business Meeting – Public Input (7:00 p.m.) - City Hall March 21, 2017 Budget Work Session – State Budget Update; Budget Mark-Up; other TBD

(6:30 p.m.) – Central Office March 28, 2017 Regular Business Meeting – School Board approves Budget for FY 2018

(7:00 p.m.) – City Hall April 2016 City Council Meeting – School Board presents Proposed Budget to City Council –

Public Works Building May 2016 Regular Business Meeting – School Board approves Final Budget (7:00 p.m.)

– City Hall

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FY 2018 Budget Manual

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Budget Allocations

In the final budget, schools will be allocated funds for staffing, materials, supplies, and equipment. Most staffing allocations are made based upon the number and type of students, specific school improvement plans, and school priorities to support student needs. The resource allocation for each school is determined by the type or level of the school, projected student enrollment, and the instructional programs offered in the school. Each school starts with an appropriate fixed allocation of staffing directly related to student enrollment. Additional staffing is based on specific student population needs and is approved centrally. Non-personnel allocations are requested by the Principal to support costs of materials, supplies and programs using a “zero based” approach. All uses must be explained and justified in the budget request. While schools are given control of resources based on approved budget requests, they must administer budget funds within established parameters and always ensure funds are used for purposes consistent with approved programs and uses. School Principals are accountable to the Superintendent and School Board for the manner in which allocated budget resources are used.

Funding Estimates

Funding estimates are prepared centrally by the budget office staff based on the various proposed sources to support our budget. These include local, state and federal funds and any other sources such as fees and charges, student tuition fees, donations, grants, rebates, proffers (for CIP) collected by the City, and any other sources to support our mission. Funding estimates are performed quarterly and reviewed for budget alignment purposes. A significant portion of the budget costs are driven by state standards of quality and other state programs. The state published calculation templates are used to project state funding for Manassas City Public Schools. Based upon the State budget actions, funding estimates (and required effort) may change. Revenue updates are provided throughout the budget process to communicate budget impact from potential and/or actual state budget legislation. City Revenue estimates are based on the latest projections provided under the School Board/City Council Joint Budget Agreement. Proffer estimates are based upon actual prior year collections (for year 1 of our CIP) and estimated future collections. Federal funds are projected for instructional programs and student meal programs based on participation, eligibility, program requirements, and eligible uses for these funds. Other revenue is estimated based on prior year actual, known or planned resources, etc.

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Staffing Allotments

The bulk of the School Division’s budget supports the cost of staffing. Staffing costs are budgeted centrally and non-staff resources are allocated using an appropriate and equitable method based on the instructional and support resources needed for the educational programs available in the schools. The allocation process must provide sufficient and equitable support for schools with diverse program and student enrollment needs and promote school improvement.

Allocation factors

Allocation factors’ definitions

Staffing allocations are based on the following factors:

• Projected September 30th student membership • Available funds (i.e. state funded incentive and categorical programs, federal, state

and local grants, etc.) • Equity and achievement for all students • Current staffing allotments for schools and central office departments • Actual/projected salary and benefit costs

The forecasting methodology used to predict the number of students who will be enrolled in Manassas City Public Schools is a combination of state estimates, enrollment forecasting based on current student enrollment (using a grade progression model) and an independent consultant used by the school division to project student enrollment trends. Staffing (both existing and new) must be justified and is allocated based on the following criteria:

a. Ensuring minimum state staffing levels required to comply with the state Standards of Quality and federal mandates

b. Staffing other state and federally funded services and programs c. Staffing needed to support School Board approved strategies and

initiatives d. School based and/or central office level staffing needed to support

functional responsibilities and expected support service levels e. Appropriate administrative and support staff to meet operational needs and

support implementation and ongoing improvement as outlined in the strategic plan.

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Zero Based Approach

Budget Holders (School Principals and Central Office Administrators) shall adopt a zero based approach in preparing and submitting budget requests. This approach incorporates a fresh look at what we do and how we do it (and associated costs) annually. Under this approach, budget holders resist the pressures to do what we’ve always done simply because that’s how we have done things in the past. Instead, we must ask how each cost benefits our students and serves to achieve our primary mission, strategic plan, and implements our school improvement and departmental action plans. Due to limited resources, we cannot add new initiatives and programs unless we abandon others to free up resources. Budget Holders are tasked with managing and embracing changes in student membership and related student needs, technology, and expectations of all staff members with minimal new resources.

Budget Allocation Requests

Budget allocation requests shall be submitted in one of three ways as outlined below:

1. Entry in MUNIS - Budget Holders will submit detailed budget requests and justifications directly into MUNIS for services, materials, supplies, and other items needed for ongoing operations.

2. “Personnel and Other Request” Workbook - Budget Holders requesting additional staffing allocations and funding for part time or overtime costs submit requests for proposed staffing adjustments using the “Personnel and Other Request” workbook. These requests will be entered in MUNIS as “decision packages” in the Level 1 phase of budget development (Level 1 School / Department Requested).

3. “Technology Request Workbook” – Budget Holders will submit Technology Requests in the “Technology Request” workbook for consideration in the Technology Budget Plan. Instructions for submitting budget allocation requests are included in this manual.

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Budget Levels The budget development process includes five (5) phases or budget levels as follows: Level 1 – Dept. Request – Completed by December 14, 2016 Level 2 – Dept. Revised – Completed by January 19, 2017 Level 3 – Supt. Request – Completed by February 2, 2017 Level 4 – Supt. Proposed – Presented to School Board February 14, 2017 Level 5 – School Board Approved – Finalized May 2017 The budget levels document the costs estimates at each phase of the budget development process. Budget Levels 4 and 5 will be balanced budgets in that budget allocations will be prioritized and adjusted to fit within estimated resources.

Budgetary Management

Budget Holders Responsibility

Upon receipt of the final budget allocation, budget holders are required to formulate and manage a budget with the following responsibilities in mind:

• Maintain a balanced budget • Budget must reflect site’s strategic plan • End-of-year spending should adhere to plan • Budget must be documented and available for the public

Staff should be aware of the budget and school plan Information should be provided upon request

• Hire and compensate employees using the approved positions, contract lengths, and salary schedules

• Obtain approval of proposed budget transfers prior to committing reallocated funds

• Beware of pressures to maintain unaffordable low pupil-teacher ratios • Whenever possible, make staff adjustments prior to the start of the school year • Communicate and collaborate with others when making staffing changes • Ensure compliance with school board policies and regulations • Develop a spending plan for unanticipated deficits or surpluses • Involve your staff and community in the development of your school’s plan and


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Budget Responsibilities

This section will focus on the budgeting responsibilities for schools and central office departments.

Assessment and Planning

During the planning phase, it is the responsibility of the principal and school leaders to:

• Involve all school staff ensuring everyone is cognizant of the set-forth goals and

how they individually and collectively are accountable for achieving the goals • Submit a plan highlighting strategies that demonstrate how the school will

accomplish their identified goals • Prepare the proposed budget using the designated on-line software • Ensure the proposed budget reflects the School Plan • Consider how all costs align with the School Plan • Consider Alternatives, best practices, cost/benefit, and tradeoffs • Prioritize requests (clearly differentiate “must haves” from “wish lists”) • Similar planning is performed by central office departments based on

expected and desired service levels and departmental actions plans

Schools’ Budget Responsibilities

Resources available to the school system are allocated among both the schools and the central office support operations. These allocations are based on clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Control, use, responsibility, and accountability for resources associated with specific functions are assigned to whichever school or central office operation is receiving the resource. For example, responsibilities for budgeting and managing certain costs reside with the schools. These include, but are not limited to, the following: • All temporary / hourly / overtime pay (and related benefits) • Extra-Pay Supplements (Update from current approved) • Certain Substitute Costs (non-classroom position substitutes or substitutes needed for school authorized PD absences) • Consumable supplies and materials • Library collection and materials • School Based Staff Development • Mileage Reimbursement • Printing (Internal and External), Binding, and Publishing Services • Certain Equipment and Furniture (additional/replacement) • Other Services and Costs

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More detailed examples of costs to include in the School budget request are outlined in the following pages. Areas of exclusion represent costs budgeted centrally. These needs should be communicated to the appropriate responsible central office budget holder. A list of central office budget holders is provided in a subsequent section of this manual.

Responsibility Areas of Inclusion in School

Budgets Areas of Exclusion (Central Office Responsibility)

Extra-Duty Supplements

• Coaching Supplements • Academic Supplements • Extra-curricular Supplements • Other Extra-duty Supplements

• Division level supplements

Extra Periods • Included in allocated certified staffing FTEs

• Not applicable

Substitutes • Funding for non-classroom substitutes (i.e. use of clerical substitutes)

• Substitutes for sick & personal leave for classroom teachers

• Long term substitutes for other positions (approved by central office based on specific need)

Temporary, Part-time and Overtime

• Instructional & support staff hired to fill a school need for a limited duration or hourly part time basis

• Overtime for instructional & support staff services for school sponsored programs & activities

• Custodial overtime for emergency clean-up & snow removal

• Overtime for division-wide custodial cleaning service

• Overtime for division-wide custodial cleaning service

• Overtime for community use activities

Supplies and Materials • All instructional supplies & materials (excluding textbooks)

• Extra-curricular supplies & materials

• Non-mandatory testing & assessment materials

• Safety/protective supplies & materials

• Administration, non-instructional supplies & materials

• Textbooks and related workbooks

• Maintenance supplies & materials

• Division level publications & forms

• Mandatory testing & assessment materials

• Custodial supplies & materials

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Responsibility Areas of Inclusion in School Budgets

Areas of Exclusion (Central Office Responsibility)

Library Materials • Library books • Periodicals & newspapers • Library supplies & materials • Replacement & new software &


• Replacement & new software & hardware (i.e. projectors, mobile computer carts, etc.)

Staff Development • School-level initiated staff development activities for instructional & support personnel

• Conference expenses & fees for school personnel for school sponsored activities

• Travel expenses for school personnel for non-division travel

• Fees & expenses for external speakers & consultants

• Staff development supplies and materials

• Reference books, periodicals, & materials for staff use

• Costs & fees for contract courses

• Costs related to mandated division-wide staff development activities

• Services of central office personnel in support of school-level staff development activities

• Costs related to division-wide curriculum development activities

Field Trips and Transportation

• School field trips are not funded by school board monies unless approved centrally

• Regular student transportation

• Division approved/ sponsored trips and events

• Extra-curricular, athletic field trips


• School staff reimbursements • Mileage reimbursement for central office based staff

• Reimbursements for Central Office sponsored travel

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Responsibility Areas of Inclusion in School Budgets

Areas of Exclusion (Central Office Responsibility)

Printing, Binding, and Postage

• School publications and handbooks (that cannot be published online) • Non-standard forms • External printing services and additional internal copy projects

• Standard division forms and publications including student discipline referrals, interim reports, & report cards

• Postage for official mailings

Equipment and furniture

• Instructional • Laboratory • School owned musical

instruments • Athletic and physical


• Building, lighting and mechanical systems and related equipment

• Vehicles for driver education

• Standard classroom furniture

• Cafeteria furniture and equipment

Maintenance & Utilities

• Repair & maintenance of standard office equipment

• Repair & maintenance of non- standard equipment

• Contractual maintenance, repair & service agreements for musical instruments, lab equipment, & other specialized equipment

• Repair and maintenance of school buildings and grounds

• Utilities • Snow

removal for roads & parking areas

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Responsibility Areas of Inclusion in School Budgets

Areas of Exclusion (Central Office Responsibility)

Other Services and Fees

• Supplies, equipment, & labor costs associated with services offered by vocational programs

• Entry fees, transportation, banquet fees, accommodations, medallions, trophies, ribbons, athletic & extra- curricular activities

• School based student testing fees for PSAT and AP tests, certification testing fees

• Accompanists for music programs

• Facility or equipment rental for school specific events (i.e. graduation)

• School sponsored summer programs and activities not budgeted centrally

• Tuition for students attending out of district schools

• Accreditation expenses & fees

• General liability, fire, & property insurance

• Homebound instruction

• Adult Education & central-based Summer School programs

Technology • Computers and devices (above and beyond central computer replacements)

• Computer peripherals • Projectors (Non-Classroom) • Protective cases • Replacement printers • Technology-based licensing,

software, and online subscriptions (school/dept specific)

• Toner for printers

• Copier lease/service • Projector lamps • Replacement

computers and cart allocation

Areas of Exclusion from School Budget Requests are budgeted and controlled centrally. Needs in these areas should be communicated to the appropriate central office budget holder for consideration in their department budget request.

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Central Office Budget Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the central office departments include, but are not limited to, the following functions/costs:

Responsibility CO Budget Areas CO Department Instructional Staff • Psychologists

• Social Workers • School Nurse • Attendance Personnel • Gifted and Talented Resource

Teachers (K-3) • Division Specialists • Itinerant Special Education

Staff • Federally funded positions

(these are included in total school staffing allocations)

• Special Ed • Admin/ Student Svcs • Admin/ Student Svcs • Admin/ Student Svcs • Enrichment

• Achievement/Acct • Special Ed

• Achievement/Acct

Support Staff • Cafeteria Staff • Maintenance and custodial

personnel • Transportation personnel

• Food Svcs • Facilities/Maint

• Trans

Substitutes • School instructional classroom staff (teachers and assistants) for personal and sick leave absences

• School instructional staff for absences in support of activities initiated and required by central office departments

• Finance • Curriculum/Prof Dev

Overtime • Overtime for community use activities

• Overtime for technology support

• Finance/ Admin/ Student Svcs

• Information Technology

Supplies and Materials

• Maintenance supplies and materials for standardized, division approved equipment, CO copier supplies/paper, and technology

• Required division-wide publications and forms for students and parents (excludes agenda books)

• Cafeteria supplies and materials

• Admin/ Student Svcs

• Admin/ Student Svcs

• Food Services

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Responsibility CO Budget Areas CO Department • Mandatory testing and

assessment materials • Achievement/Acct

Library Materials • Division Library Media electronic resources

• Parent / Teacher Resource Center materials

• Achievement/Acct

Staff Development • Costs and fees for contract courses

• Costs related to mandated division-wide staff development activities

• Costs related to division-wide curriculum development activities

• Curriculum/Prof Dev

Field Trips and Transportation

• Student transportation to and from school and between locations based on student schedules

• Transportation for athletic and extracurricular activities

• Special busing based on student placement

• Division sponsored field trips

• Transportation

Mileage Reimbursement

• Mileage reimbursement for specialists and itinerants employed by central office departments

• Mileage reimbursement for attending activities required by central office departments (advance approval required)

• All mileage reimbursements are subject to school division regulations and only apply to mileage while on official school board business.

• Approving C/O Dept

Printing, Binding, and Publishing Services

• Division publications • Certain division forms and

interim report cards • Check stock, direct deposit

stubs and other forms

• Communications • Achievement/Acct

• Finance

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Responsibility CO Budget Areas CO Department Equipment and Furniture (Additional and Replacement)

• Cafeteria kitchen equipment • Cafeteria furniture • Vehicles for driver education • All Capital Improvement

Plan projects • Lighting and mechanical

systems for the school building

• Food Services • Food Services • Transportation • Facilities/Maint

• Facilities/Maint

Maintenance and Utilities

• Repair and maintenance of standard equipment

• Repair and maintenance of school buildings and grounds

• Utilities • Snow removal for roads and

parking areas

• Facilities and Maintenance

Technology • All computers and related devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, monitors, networked printers, servers, copiers, etc.

• Division wide software purchases and subscriptions

• All telecommunications including telephones and cell phones

• Technology supplies such as projector lamps and power adapters

• Director of Information Technology and Supervisor of Instructional Technology

Note: All Schools and departments should submit technology requests using the “Technology Request Workbook”

Other Services and Fees

• Tuition for students attending out of district schools

• Accreditation expenses and fees

• General liability, fire, and property insurance

• Homebound instruction • Alternative Education • Central Summer School


• SPED, Student Services, Enrichment

• Achieve/Acct

• Admin/ Student Svcs

• Admin/ Student Svcs • Admin/ Student Svcs • Curriculum/Inst

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Central Office Budget Administrator Contacts

Communications Director of Public Relations - *Almeta Radford Financial Services and Operations Exec. Director for Financial Services & Operations - *Andy Hawkins Director of Facilities & Maintenance - * Russ Helton Director of Food & Nutrition Services - *Laryssa Richmond Director of Transportation – *Joe Yankoviak

Supervisor of Accounting & Grants – Jan Schoenberger Supervisor of Administrative Services – Sandy Thompson Student Achievement Exec. Director of Student Achievement - *Dr. Melissa Saunders Director of Assessment & Accountability - *Dave Lyon Director of Instruction - *Dr. Ashley Cramp Supervisor of Digital Instruction and Innovation – Pedro Hernandez Supervisor K-12 Career & Technical Education – Susan McNamara

Coordinator of Professional Learning/Executive Director of MCPS Education Foundation - Kathryn Keegan

Coordinator of Gifted & Talented/Advanced Placement and World Languages – Carol Hartt

Human Resources Executive Director of Human Resources - *Billie Kay Wingfield Student Services Executive Director of Student Services - *Dr. Rebecca Stone Director of ESOL/Federal Program - *Megan Moore Technology Services Director of Information Technology - *Bobby Barrett Coordinator of Information Technology – Robert Sansone

* Members of Executive Cabinet

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Budget Submittal in MUNIS

All budget requests will be entered into the MUNIS budget system to facilitate tracking of requests throughout the budget development cycle. Personnel related budget projections will be tracked centrally based on actual personnel costs for salaries and fringe benefits. Requests for additional staffing, overtime, part-time, and hourly/temporary staffing should be submitted on the Personnel and Other Requests workbook. These requests will be entered in MUNIS by Finance staff. Non-Personnel Requests for existing programs, recurring costs, and maintaining current service levels should be entered directly in MUNIS. Costs for purchased services, professional development, travel, utilities, materials and supplies, equipment, and any other costs not paid to employees will be requested and justified in MUNIS. “Other Requests” for new or expanded programs will be entered in MUNIS as “Budget Requests Pending” and include detail estimates and justification submitted in the “Personnel and Other Requests” workbook. Technology Requests will be submitted using the “Technology Request” Workbook. Again this year, Budget Holders will NOT enter Technology Requests in MUNIS. These requests will be entered into MUNIS by the Technology Department. Training for entering FY 2018 Budget Requests in MUNIS (and working with the other budget workbooks described further below) will be held October 6, 2016 (1-4 pm).

Personnel and Other Requests

Personnel related budget projections will be tracked centrally based on actual personnel costs for salaries and fringe benefits. Requests for additional staffing and overtime, part-time, and hourly/temporary staffing should be submitted on the Personnel and Other Requests workbook. These requests will be entered in MUNIS by Finance staff. For estimation purposes when preparing Personnel and Other Requests, use actual costs, if known. If costs are not available, the following may be used:

Full time Teacher $73,000 Teacher Assistant $40,000 Custodian $45,000 Hourly Office Clerical (non-OT) $25/hr Hourly Office Clerical (OT) $38/hr Hourly Teacher/Specialist $35/hr

Training for entering FY 2018 Budget Requests in MUNIS (and working with the other budget workbooks) will be held October 6, 2016 (1-4 pm). All workbooks and detailed budget entry instructions will be sent to budget holders and MUNIS financial support staff by September 30, 2016. Completed workbooks should be submitted to Finance by Nov 14, 2016.

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Department / School Technology Requests

All requests for technology will be submitted using the Technology Request Workbook. These requests will be entered in MUNIS by Technology staff. Schools and departments should include in the Technology Request Workbook items such as:

• Computers or devices outside of the centralized computer refresh allocation • Computer peripherals (i.e. document cameras, scanners, monitors, speakers, headphones) • Non-classroom projectors • Protective cases and covers • Replacement printers • Technology-based licensing, software, and online subscriptions that are school or department

specific Technology requests should not only align with Division and school/department goals, but also with the Educational Technology Plan for Virginia. This plan outlines five statewide goals for all districts:

• Goal 1: Provide a safe, flexible, and effective learning environment for all students

• Goal 2: Engage students in meaningful curricular content through the purposeful and effective use of technology.

• Goal 3: Afford students with opportunities to apply technology effectively to gain knowledge, develop skills, and create and distribute artifacts that reflect their understandings.

• Goal 4: Provide students with access to authentic and appropriate tools to gain knowledge, develop skills, extend capabilities, and create and disseminate artifacts that demonstrate their understandings.

• Goal 5: Use technology to support a culture of data-driven decision making that relies upon data to evaluate and improve teaching and learning.

Requests included within the Technology Request Workbook should be submitted as total project costs (i.e. requesting 20 tablets might also include additional software, protective cases, and a charging station). All associated costs for each project will comprise one tab of the workbook. Any additional technology support services or resources should also be included within the appropriate workbook tab. This would include any necessary professional development or contracted services. For estimation purposes, use actual costs, if known. Information Technology has published many technology standards online with accurate pricing information to aid in the budgeting process.

Completed workbooks must be submitted to [email protected] no later than Nov 14, 2016 for consideration in the Information Technology Budget Plan. Training for working with the Technology Request Workbook will be held as part of the budget training scheduled for October 6, 2016 (1-4 pm).

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Understanding the Account Codes

The account codes used in budgeting and recording expenditures in MUNIS provides important information used in local, state, and federal reporting. The account structure is designed to meet all stakeholder reporting needs. In MUNIS, each account is identified by a long account code and a short account code, referred to as Org/Object. Accounts associated with grant funding and/or capital projects may also be assigned a Project Code. Fund, location, school/department, function and program codes are included in the ORG code structure. Budget requests are entered by users using the Org/Object account codes. The diagram below summarizes the org/object account structure for expenditure lines:

Below is a list of current FUNDS to be used when submitting budget requests (note CIP funds are not listed here)

Org Posn1 Fund Description



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Department (Budget Holder) Codes are shown at right: Location Codes are shown below:



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Org Position codes 4 and 5 combine to identify the State Function. Function codes defined by state reporting categories and corresponding 2 character org codes are outlined below.




Instruction includes activities that deal directly with the interaction between teachers and students. Instruction may be provided for students in a school classroom, at another location such as in a home or hospital, or in other learning situations such as those involving co-curricular activities.

61100 IC Classroom Instruction - Activities providing direct instruction to students. Includes all costs related to the delivery of classroom instruction and the interaction between students and teachers.

61210 IG

Guidance Services - Activities involving counseling students and parents, consulting with other staff members on learning problems, evaluating the abilities of students, assisting students as they make educational and career plans, assisting students with personal and social development, providing referral assistance, and working with other staff members in planning and conducting guidance programs for students.

61220 IS School Social Worker Services - Activities designed to improve student attendance at school and to help prevent or solve student problems involving the home, the school, and the community.

61230 IH Homebound Instruction - Activities designed to meet the educational needs of students who are unable to attend regular school because of illness, emotional disturbance, or accident, etc.

61310 II

Improvement of Instruction - Activities that assist instructional staff in planning, developing, and evaluating the process of providing learning experiences for students. These activities include curriculum development, techniques of instruction, child development, staff training, etc.

61320 IM

Media Services - Activities encompassing the utilization of all teaching and learning resources. Educational media are defined as any devices, content materials, methods, or experiences used for teaching and learning purposes.

61410 IP

Office of the Principal - Activities concerned with directing and managing the operation of a particular school. This includes the activities performed by the principal, assistant principals, and other assistants while they supervise the operations of the school, evaluate staff members of the school, assign duties to staff members, supervise and maintain the records of the school, and coordinate school instructional activities with those of the local education agency (LEA). These activities also include the work of clerical staff that support teaching and administrative duties.

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62000 Administration, Attendance and Health - Activities involving establishing and administering policy for Administration and the delivery of Attendance and Health services.

62100 AA Administration - Activities involving establishing and administering policy for operating the Local Educational Agency (LEA).

62110 AB School Board Administration - Activities of the elected body created according to state law and vested with the responsibility for educational activities in a given administrative unit.

62120 AE

Executive Administration Services - Activities associated with the overall general administration of, or executive responsibility for, the LEA, including the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and other staff who report directly to the Superintendent.

62130 AI

Information Services - Activities involving writing, editing, and other preparation necessary to disseminate educational and administrative information to students, staff, managers, and the public through direct mailing, the various news media, or personal contact.

62140 AH Personnel Services - Activities involving maintaining the school system's staff; including such activities as recruiting and placement, staff transfers, in-service training, health services, and staff accounting.

62150 AC Planning Services - Activities, other than general administration, which support each of the other instructional and support service programs. These activities include planning, research, development, evaluation, and information.

62160 AF Fiscal Services - Activities related to the fiscal operations of the LEA. This function includes budgeting, receiving, and disbursing, financial and property accounting, payroll, inventory control, internal auditing, and managing funds.

62170 AP Purchasing Services - Activities involving purchasing supplies, furniture, equipment, and materials used in schools or school system operations.


Attendance and Health Services - Activities designed to promote and improve children's attendance at school. Includes activities in the field of physical and mental health, such as medicine, dentistry, psychology, psychiatry, nursing services and student attendance services.

62210 HA Attendance Services - Activities promoting improved attitudes toward attendance, analyzing causes of non-attendance, and enforcing compulsory attendance laws.

62220 HH Health Services - Physical and mental health services not related to direct instruction. Included are activities that provide students with appropriate medical, dental, and nursing services.

62230 HP Psychological Services - Activities involving administering psychological tests and psychological counseling for students, staff, and parents.

62240 HS Speech/Audiology Services - Activities which identify, assess, and provide treatment to children with speech, hearing, and language impairments.

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63000 Pupil Transportation - Activities involving transporting students to and from school, as provided by state and federal law. This includes trips between home and school, and trips to and from school activities.

63310 VA Management and Direction - Activities that pertain to directing and managing student transportation services.

63320 VO Vehicle Operation Services - Activities involving operating vehicles for student transportation, from the time the vehicles leave the point of storage until they return to the point of storage.

63330 VM

Monitoring Services - Activities involving supervising students who are being transported between home and school and between school and school activities. Such supervision can occur while students are in transit, while they are loaded and unloaded, and when directing traffic at the loading stations. Includes school bus aides/attendants who assist drivers.

63340 VR Vehicle Maintenance Services - Activities involving maintaining student transportation vehicles. This includes repairing vehicle parts, replacing vehicle parts, cleaning, painting, fueling, and inspecting vehicles for safety.

63350 VE School Buses - Regular Purchases - Activities involving the regular purchase of school buses (does not include buses under lease-purchase agreements).


Operation and Maintenance - Activities involving keeping the physical plant open, comfortable, and safe for use, as well as keeping the grounds, buildings, and equipment operational This includes maintaining safety in buildings, on the grounds, and in the vicinity of schools.

64410 MA Management and Direction - Activities involved in directing, managing, and supervising the operation and maintenance of school plant facilities.

64420 MO Building Services - Activities involving keeping the physical plant clean and ready for daily use. Includes operating the heating, lighting, and ventilating systems, and repairing and replacing facilities and equipment. Also, includes related costs.

64430 MG Ground Services - Activities such as snow removal, landscaping, grounds maintenance designed to maintain and improve the land (excluding the building).

64440 ME Equipment Services - Activities involving maintaining equipment owned or used by LEA.

64450 MV Vehicle Services (Other than Pupil Transportation Vehicles) - Activities involving maintaining general purpose vehicles such as trucks, tractors, graders, and staff vehicles.

64460 MS

Security Services - Activities involving maintaining order and safety in school buildings, on the grounds, and in the vicinity of schools at all times. Includes police activities for school functions and traffic control. Also includes building alarm systems and hall monitoring services.

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65000 School Food Services and Other Non-Instructional Operations

65100 OF

School Food Services - Activities involving providing food to students and staff in a school or LEA. This service area includes preparing and serving regular and incidental meals, lunches, or snacks in connection with school activities and food delivery.

65300 OC

Community Services - Activities involving providing community services to students, staff, or other community participants. Examples include: the operation of a community swimming pool, recreation programs for the elderly, child care centers for working parents, etc.


Facilities - Activities involving acquiring land and buildings, remodeling buildings, constructing buildings and additions to buildings, installing or extending service systems and other built-in equipment, and improving sites.

66100 FA Site Acquisitions - Activities involving acquiring and improving new sites.

66200 FI Site Improvements - Activities involving improving existing sites and maintaining existing site improvements.

66300 FD

Architecture and Engineering Services - Includes the activities of architects and engineers related to acquiring and improving sites and improving buildings. Included in this function are charges for those preliminary activities that may or may not result in additions to the LEA's property.

66400 FE

Educational Specifications - Activities involving preparing and interpreting descriptions of specific space requirements for the various learning experiences of students to be accommodated in a building. The architects and engineers interpret these specifications in the early stages of blueprint development.

66500 FC Building Acquisition and Construction Services - Activities involving buying or constructing buildings.

66600 FX Building Addition and Improvement Services - Activities involving building additions and installing or extending service systems and other built-in equipment.

67000 Debt Service and Fund Transfers

67100 DS Debt Service - Includes payments for both principal and interest that service the debt of the LEA.

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68000 Technology - Any services (i.e., distance learning) involving the use of technology for instructional, public information, or any other use should be recorded exclusively in this function and not reported in other functional areas.

68100 TI Classroom Instruction - Includes technology expenditures directly related to the delivery of classroom instruction and the interaction between students and teachers, including actual instruction in technology.

68200 TS

Instructional Support - Includes technology expenditures related to instructional support services for students, staff, and school administration. Includes technology expenditures in the areas of: Guidance Services, School Social Worker Services, Homebound Instruction, Improvement of Instruction, Media Services, Office of the Principal, as well as for instructional technology resource positions that provide staff development, and technology support positions that provide technical support but that do not teach students.

68300 TA Administration - Includes technology-related expenditures that directly support activities involving establishing and administering policy for operating the LEA.

68400 TH

Attendance & Health - Includes technology-related expenditures that directly support activities whose primary purpose is the promotion and improvement of students' attendance at school through various student attendance and health services.

68500 TT Pupil Transportation - Includes technology-related expenditures that directly support activities involving transporting students to and from school.

68600 TM

Operations & Maintenance - Includes technology-related expenditures that directly support activities involving keeping the physical plant open, comfortable, and safe for use, and keeping the grounds, buildings, and equipment in effective working condition.

68700 TO

School Food Services and Other Non-Instructional Operations - Includes technology-related expenditures that directly support non-instructional services for students, staff, or the community, such as school food services, enterprise operations, and community services.

68800 TF

Facilities - Includes technology-related expenditures that directly support activities involving acquiring land and buildings, remodeling buildings, constructing buildings and additions to buildings, installing or extending service systems and other building equipment, and improving sites.

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69000 Contingency Reserves - Amounts budgeted as contingency reserve are shown under this function using the sub-functions described below.

69100 CI Classroom Instruction - Includes reserve expenditures directly related to the delivery of classroom instruction and the interaction between students and teachers.

69300 CA Administration - Includes reserve expenditures that directly support activities involving establishing and administering policy for operating the LEA.

69600 CM

Operations & Maintenance - Includes reserve expenditures that directly support activities involving keeping the physical plant open, comfortable, and safe for use, and keeping the grounds, buildings, and equipment in effective working condition.

69700 CF

School Food Services and Other Non-Instructional Operations - Includes reserve expenditures that directly support non-instructional services for students, staff, or the community, such as school food services, enterprise operations, and community services.

69800 CO

Facilities - Includes reserve expenditures that directly support activities involving acquiring land and buildings, remodeling buildings, constructing buildings and additions to buildings, installing or extending service systems and other built-in equipment, and improving sites.

Positions 6 and 7 of the org code identify the program. The program is also identified in the Org Code description, in most cases. Appendix 5 provides a complete listing of current ORG Codes used by MCPS for expenditure accounts.

The object code identifies the type of cost. The file below is a summary of object codes used by MCPS.

MUNIS – Account Code Structure SLIDE

Expenditure accounts are also assigned to budget rollup groups and classification groups to facilitate budget management, ensure accurate coding of expenditures, and better summarize costs.

Questions about account codes should be directed to the budget office.

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Appendix 1 – Budget Request Entry in MUNIS

Instructions for entering the FY2018 budget into MUNIS Requests MUST be entered in MUNIS by DUE DATE – DECEMBER 14, 2016 All schools and departments must enter non-personnel budget requests in MUNIS in accordance with these instructions. Requests to be entered in MUNIS include “maintenance” level requests for materials, supplies, and services. These include annually recurring costs to operate the schools and departments based on current and/or anticipated student enrollment, staffing levels, and current program service levels. Generally, budget holders should include requests that are already covered under their current budget allocations in their detailed budget requests. In addition, schools and departments must enter requests submitted through the “Personnel and Other Requests” workbook into MUNIS. These will be entered as “Budget Request Pending” items. This year, Budget Holders will complete the “Technology Request” workbook but will NOT enter these requests into MUNIS. The Technology Department will enter your “Budget Request Pending” items into MUNIS. Steps for Entering Budget Requests in MUNIS Provided below are step by step instructions for entering the FY 2018 Level 1 budget requests into Munis.

1. Using the MUNIS menu, select “Next Year Budget Entry”

Enter “Next Year Budget Entry” here. Click, Financials, Budget Processing and then Next Year Budget Entry

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To narrow the accounts for budget entry, use the advanced find by account segments. Click on Segment Find to pull up your school or department’s account codes.

Click on Segment Find to pull up your school or department’s account codes

The FY 2018 Level 1 Projection Number is 18010. This is the default projection in MUNIS Click on Accept

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This will return a complete listing of budget lines in the selected department as shown below. Select the line to enter budget detail, Click Accept.

Enter the Department Code for your budget. Enter 53..59 Character code to exclude salary and benefit lines. Click accept twice when done

Select the line you want to enter budget amounts to Then click detail info

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This budget projection has saved the descriptions used in the FY2018 Budget:

• To use one of the saved descriptions Click “Update,” make changes and then Click “Accept.” • To use a new description click “Add” to begin entering a new budget request. Once entered, Click

“Accept.” • Add multiple requests to the same account by clicking “Add” again and entering the next item.

Click “Accept” after each entry. • To delete a description that is no longer needed, click “Delete”

The next example shows detail entered for quantity of 1, unit cost $100 for educational supplies, for a total of $100 needed for supplies to support instruction. Once all lines have been updated and/or added, Click Return.

Click here to update or add a detail line request and then click accept. You can add multiple

lines to each budget code. Click Delete if you no

longer need the description.

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Important: If a specific description will not be used in the FY 2018 Budget, delete these records.

Verify the total reflects the correct budgeted amounts.

2. Enter, into Munis, the budget requests in the “Personnel and Other Request” workbook that were submitted on November 14, 2016. Add multiple requests to the same budget org object code by clicking “add” and then “accept” after each entry. Then click “return.” Remember, the system will automatically sum your requests. Use the object code 597000 – Budget Request Pending Items. When entering these requests into Munis use specific language in the “description” field. In the description field identify the name of the “worksheet” and the description used in the “Personnel and Other Request” workbook. Include the reason for this budget request in the “Justification” field. Each “worksheet” should be entered as a separate record in the “Budget Request Pending” Items.

This example shows (1 of 6) different records, each record with the same org object code,

with a different description and/or amount

After you have updated and/or added all lines, click accept

and return

The system will automatically sum the FY2018 budget


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For example: In the “Personnel and Other Requests” workbook the description should read – “Priority 1,” Special Education Teacher and associated expenses. Below is a listing of the org/object codes that can be used for the Budget Request Pending Items:

Make sure that the total budget amounts in the “Personnel and Other Request” workbook match the total amount entered into the “Budget Request Pending” lines. All Budget Requests MUST Be Entered IN MUNIS by DECEMBER 14, 2016 THANK YOU for your assistance in preparing the FY 2018 Budget. Please contact Lee Miller ([email protected]), ext. 6034 or Andy Hawkins ([email protected]) ext. 6035 if you need assistance or have questions or suggestions regarding the budget submission process.

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Appendix 2 – Personnel and Other Requests

Instructions for Submitting your FY 2018 Budget Request Instructions for Requesting Personnel and Other Requests – DUE DATE FOR LEVEL 1 REQUESTS– NOV 14, 2016 Tools Provided: Excel Workbook - FY 2018 Budget Request - Personnel and Other Requests

Personnel and Other Request Work

The above workbook should be used to itemize and summarize budget requests for positions beyond the base allotment, any proposed new or significantly expanded program requests, or other special requests. Click on the above to open the workbook. Then click “File”, “save as” and save the file to a location on your computer of your choice. You can name the file anything you want. Remember to save your file periodically as you complete the workbook. The workbook includes multiple worksheets as follows:

1. Worksheets to itemize your detailed requests. The workbook allows for the entry of your five (5) highest priority requests. Each Priority request will be considered as a “decision package”. Below is a screen shot of the Priority 1 worksheet. Begin entering your requests in this worksheet.

2. Complete the fields in the Priority Request worksheets as described below.

Double Click here to open the workbook

Enter your name and school/department here. (Once entered here, this information will populate automatically to all other worksheets)

Click “Priority 1” to enter your highest priority request first.

Select the Central Office department that would be responsible for budgeting this, if applicable

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Below is a sample completed “Priority” request worksheet.

Once you have entered Priority 1, click on the Priority 2 tab to enter your next request. Proceed to priority tabs 3 through 5 as applicable. If you have more than five priority requests, you can complete multiple workbooks. If this is the case, you should group these by the central office department areas. For example, multiple requests for instructional staff could be grouped in one workbook while multiple requests for technology could be grouped in another.

Provide a short description of your request in cell C5

and expanded explanation in cell


Provide a description of

costs and estimated

amounts in cells C10 to E15. Totals will populate


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3. Your Priority Requests are summarized on the “Summary” worksheet.

Once you have entered your detailed “Priority” requests, much of the “Summary” worksheet will already be populated. The only field you should have to update is the justification field in column C. Below is a screen shot of the “Summary” worksheet.

4. Save your workbook! When you have completed the workbook(s), send an electronic copy of your request to [email protected]. You may copy other central office departments as appropriate on your requests. Copies of all requests will be distributed to and reviewed by executive cabinet.

This field will populate from the “Priority 1” worksheet

The “Summary” worksheet summarizes your requests and entered into the “Priority” worksheets.

These fields will populate from the “Priority” worksheets

You can enter a short justification for each Priority in the Summary worksheet. The justification should relate the request to your school improvement plan or departmental action plan

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REQUESTS FOR HOURLY, TEMPORARY, AND OVERTIME PAY ASSIGNMENTS Requests for hourly, temporary, and overtime pay assignments should be listed on the “PT, OT and Hourly” worksheet. Provide detail justification for amounts requested. A listing of current hourly rates is provided in the worksheet to assist in estimating costs.

Below is a copy of the worksheet to list overtime, part time hourly and temporary staff requests.

All Personnel and Other Requests MUST be submitted by November 14, 2016 in order to receive consideration for inclusion in the FY 2018 Budget. THANK YOU for your assistance in preparing the FY 2018 Budget. Please contact Lee Miller ([email protected]) ext. 6034 or Andy Hawkins ([email protected]) ext. 6035 if you have

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questions or suggestions regarding the budget submission process.

Appendix 3 – Technology Requests The Technology Request Workbook is designed to gather your school/department technology requests. These requests include new or additional technologies to support your building/department goals, replacement of technology equipment and/or annually recurring costs, such as software maintenance. All technology requests should be in support of your school/department improvement plans and goals.

Technology Request Workbook Instructions for using the Technology Request Workbook: Click on the icon above to open the workbook. Then, click “File”, “Save As” and save the file to a location on your computer. You can rename the file anything you want. Remember to save your file periodically as you work. The Technology Request Workbook includes multiple worksheets as follows:

1. Summary: This worksheet provides a summary of all of the school or department technology requests.

2. Schl-xx: Each of these worksheets correlates to a project or initiative for your school or department.

3. Sample: This worksheet provides a sample illustration of a completed project tab.

Filling out the Technology Request Workbook. Summary Tab

1. Select your school or department from the drop-down list and enter the name of the workbook preparer. These entries will automatically carry over to the remaining worksheets.

2. On the lower portion of the worksheet is a summary section. Do not edit any of the information

as it will populate based upon your entries in the other worksheets.

Double Click here to open the workbook

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Schl-xx Tabs

1. Rename each of the tabs used by replacing “Schl” with your school or department name. Ten tabs

are included in the Technology Request Workbook. If you need more tabs for your requests, please create a second workbook for your school/department.

2. For each project/initiative that your school or department is requesting, complete the following sections (See Figure 1 for additional information): a. Project/Initiative Title:

This will be how the project/initiative will be identified throughout the budget process. Keep titles short, concise, and representative of the entire project.

b. Provide a full description of the project/initiative, including the key benefits:

Provide details and background information to help budget evaluators understand, at a high level, what the overall goals and objectives for the project/initiative are. Include the key benefits of funding the project.

c. How does this project/initiative align to the Strategic Plan/School Improvement Plan?

Cite the goals of this project/initiative and how it would support your school or department plan and/or correlation to the Division Strategic Plan. Include specific goals as needed.

d. How will students and/or staff utilize this project?

Provide details on how students and/or staff will use the hardware, software, or services included in the technology request. Give any relevant strategies or logistical information that may be helpful in understanding how the project/initiative will operate. Be sure to include any specific support requirements expected to be provided by the Information and Instructional Technology teams.

Select the school or department name

Type the preparer’s name

Rename each of these tabs, replacing “Schl” with your school or department name

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e. What is the expected outcome of the project and how will success be measured and monitored?

Provide the results expected if this project/initiative is approved in the final budget. Explain how the success or failure of the project will be measured and monitored.

Figure 1.

3. Budgeting FY2018 Costs:

Each of the Schl tabs is representative of a complete project/initiative. Include all of the costs associated with implementation of that technology request. There are sections for Hardware, Software, Materials/Supplies, and Other Costs. Not all of all the sections may be required for each request (See Figure 2 for additional information). For budgeting purposes, use actual costs, if known. Information Technology has published many technology standards online with accurate pricing information to aid in the budgeting process. If actual costs are not known, provide a best estimate. In order to denote that the amount is an estimate, place an asterisk (*) in column ‘H’ next to the total cost for each entry this applies to.

This information will auto populate from the Summary tab

Enter the appropriate information here for each project/initiative.

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Figure 2.

4. Budgeting Future Costs:

This section will provide information related to any recurring costs that may be required to sustain the project in future years. This is an important step in the budgeting process to ensure that future funding and support will be available for the technology project/initiative.

Enter all relevant information about costs needed to implement the project/initiative (Item description, Quantity, and Cost) The “Total Cost” cells will automatically calculate based upon the Quantity and Unit Cost entries.

Remember to place an asterisk (*) in column H to indicate that the cost is an estimate.

Remember to place an asterisk (*) in column H to indicate that the cost is an estimate.

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THANK YOU for your assistance in completing the Technology Request Workbook. If you have any questions regarding technology while you are preparing the Technology Request Workbook, contact Bobby Barrett (x6030) and/or Robert Sansone (x6029) in Information Technology or Pedro Hernandez (x6032) in Instructional Technology.

REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORKBOOK OFTEN! When your Technology Request Workbook is complete, submit it to [email protected]. All Technology Request Workbooks MUST be received by the close of business, November 14, 2016 in order to receive consideration for inclusion into the FY2018 Budget.

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Appendix 4 - Instructions for Preparing Detail Budget Report

INSTRUCTIONS for FY2018 Detail Budget Report To produce budget reports for the FY2018 budget entries, sign into MUNIS as follows:

Select Define

Select Financials, Budget Processing, Next Year Budget


Select Define

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Click on pull down arrow, select Projection 18010 – FY 2018 Budget Projection – Operating Funds, Click Accept twice (do NOT double-click).

Select Advanced to use a Segment Find if you want to narrow your report data by account segments.


Level 1

Select Advanced, Segment Find and

then Accept

Click Accept twice (do NOT double-click)

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Select report options and choose the type of report you want to produce, field order and subtotals, and data to be included in the report.

Enter 53..59 Character code to exclude salary and benefit

lines. Click Accept when done

Select Report Options

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Choose the type of report you want to produce, field order and subtotals, and data to be included in the report:

Select Accept to generate the report. You can view the report in PDF or export it to excel

Click Accept

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Appendix 5 – Org Code Listing Below is a complete listing of current ORG Codes used by MCPS for expenditure accounts:

Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 10AAI00 10 MGMT INFO SVC 0 A 62130 000 10ACS00 10 CONTINGENCY-ACHIEV&ACCT 0 A 69200 000 10AHA00 10 ASSESSMENT -ATTEND SRV 0 A 62210 000 10AIC10 10 ACHV CLASSRM INSTRUCTION 0 A 61100 100 10AII00 10 ASSESSMENT-IMPROV INSTR 0 A 61310 000 10AII10 10 ASSESSMNT-IMPROV INSTR CLSRM 0 A 61310 100 10ATS10 10 ACHIEV TECH SUPPORT INSTRUCT 0 A 68200 100 10BAB00 10 SCHOOL BOARD 0 B 62110 000 10BTA00 10 SCHOOL BOARD TECHNOLOGY 0 B 68300 000 10CAE00 10 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 0 C 62120 000 10CAI00 10 COMMUNITY LIAISON 0 C 62130 000 10CCI10 10 CURR INSTRUC RESERVE 0 C 69100 100 10CHA00 10 CURRICULUM - ATTENDANCE 0 C 62210 000 10CIC10 10 CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION 0 C 61100 100 10CIC12 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION-ENGLISH 0 C 61100 102 10CIC13 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION-MATH 0 C 61100 103 10CIC14 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - SCIENCE 0 C 61100 114 10CIC1F 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - AT RISK 0 C 61100 185 10CIC1J 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - ALTERNATIV 0 C 61100 122 10CIC1N 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - NON TRADIT 0 C 61100 126 10CIC1X 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - STEM 0 C 61100 151 10CIC20 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION-SPECIAL ED 0 C 61100 200 10CIC30 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - CTE 0 C 61100 300 10CIC3J 10 CURR CLASS INSTR CTE CRIM JUST 0 C 61100 385 10CIC40 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - GIFTED 0 C 61100 400 10CIC50 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - ACTIV 0 C 61100 500 10CIC53 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - ACTIVITIES 0 C 61100 530 10CIC54 10 ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS 0 C 61100 540 10CIC60 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION SUMMERSCH 0 C 61100 600 10CIC61 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - GT SUMMER 0 C 61100 610 10CIC63 10 SUMMER SCH CLASS INSTR - ELEM 0 C 61100 630 10CIC64 10 SUMMER SCHOOL - CI SECONDARY 0 C 61100 640 10CIC65 10 SUMMER SCHOOL CI MIDDLE SCH 0 C 61100 650 10CIC66 10 CLASSRM INSTR SUM SCH ESOL 0 C 61100 660 10CIC70 10 CURR - ADULT EDUCATION 0 C 61100 700 10CIC81 10 CLASS INSTR - 4 YEAR OLD 0 C 61100 811 10CIG10 10 GUIDANCE OFFICE 0 C 61210 118 10CIH00 10 INSTRUCTION RESERVE 0 C 61230 000

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 10CIH10 10 INSTRUCT- HOMEBOUND 0 C 61230 100 10CIH20 10 INSTRUCT-HOMEBOUND SPED 0 C 61230 200 10CIH62 10 INSTR -HOMEBOUND SUMMR 0 C 61230 620 10CII10 10 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 0 C 61310 100 10CII12 10 IMPROV INSTR - ENGLISH 0 C 61310 102 10CII16 10 CURR INSTR SUPPORT - HEALTH/PE 0 C 61310 106 10CII1N 10 IMPROV INSTR - NON TRADITIONAL 0 C 61310 126 10CII1S 10 IMPROV INSTR - STUDENT ASST 0 C 61310 128 10CII1X 10 CURR INSTRUCT - STEM 0 C 61310 151 10CII30 10 IMPROV INSTR - CTE 0 C 61310 300 10CII60 10 IMPROV INSTR - SUMMER SCH 0 C 61310 600 10CII61 10 IMPROV INSTR - GIFTED SUMR 0 C 61310 610 10CII63 10 IMPROV INSTR - ELEM SUMMR 0 C 61310 630 10CII64 10 IMPROV INSTR - SEC SUMMER 0 C 61310 640 10CII65 10 IMPROV INSTR - MID SUMMER 0 C 61310 650 10CTI10 10 INSTR TECHNOLOGY -CLASSROOM 0 C 68100 100 10CTI1N 10 INSTR TECHNOLOGY -NON-TRADITIO 0 C 68100 126 10CTI1X 10 CURR TECH INSTR STEM 0 C 68100 151 10CTI30 10 INSTR TECHNOLOGY - CTE 0 C 68100 300 10CTI81 10 TECHNOL INSTRUCT FOOTSTEPS 0 C 68100 811 10CTS10 10 TECHNOLOGY SUP - CLASSROOM 0 C 68200 100 10CTS30 10 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT-CTE 0 C 68200 300 10CTS64 10 TECH SUPP SUMMER SCH OHS 0 C 68200 640 10DHH00 10 HEALTH SERVICE 0 D 62220 000 10DHH20 10 HEALTH SERVICES - SPECIAL ED 0 D 62220 200 10DHH63 10 HEALTH SERV-ELEM SUMMER SCH 0 C 62220 630 10DHH65 10 HEALTH SERV-MID SUMMER SCH 0 C 62220 650 10DMS00 10 HEALTH SERVICES- SECURITY 0 D 64600 000 10DTA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION 0 D 68300 000 10DTH00 10 TECHNOLOGY - HEALTH 0 D 68400 000 10DTH52 10 HEALTH TECHNOL ATHLETICS 0 D 68400 520 10EAE00 10 ESOL ADMIN 0 E 62120 100 10EIC10 10 ESOL CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION 0 E 61100 123 10EII10 10 ESOL IMPROV INSTRUCTION 0 E 61310 123 10ETI10 10 ESOL TECH INSTRUCTION 0 E 68100 100 10GIC10 10 CLASSROOM INSTR - GIFTED 0 G 61100 400 10GIC1A 10 CLASSROOM INSTR - ADVCRS 0 G 61100 150 10GIC41 10 GIFTED INSTRUCT GOV SCH 0 G 61100 401 10GII10 10 IMPROV INSTR - GIFTED 0 G 61310 400 10GII1A 10 IMPROV INSTR - ADV COURSE 0 G 61310 150 10GII41 10 IMPROV INSTR - GOV SCHOOL 0 G 61310 401 10GTI10 10 INSTR TECHNOLOGY-GIFTED 0 G 68100 400 10GTS10 10 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT - GIFTED 0 G 68200 400 10HAE00 10 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 0 H 62120 000

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 10HAH00 10 HUMAN RESOURCES 0 H 62140 000 10HMS00 10 HUMAN RESOURCES -SECURITY 0 H 64600 000 10HTA00 10 HUMAN RESOURCES -ADMIN TECH 0 H 68300 000 10ICT00 10 CONTINGENCY - TEHCNOLOGY 0 I 69950 000 10IMO00 10 TECHNOLOGY-BLDG SERVICES 0 I 64200 000 10ITA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION 0 I 68300 000 10ITA10 10 IT ADMIN - BUDGET USE 0 I 68300 100 10ITI00 10 IT CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION 0 I 68100 000 10ITI10 10 INSTR TECHNOLOGY-REG PRG 0 I 68100 100 10ITI1S 10 TECH-STUDENT ASSISTANCE 0 I 68100 128 10ITI20 10 INSTR TECHNOLOGY-SPECIAL ED 0 I 68100 200 10ITI81 10 TECHNOL - CLASS INSTR PRE-K 0 I 68100 811 10ITM00 10 TECHNOLOGY OPER/MAINT 0 I 68600 000 10ITM10 10 TECHNOLOGY OPER/MAINT REG 0 I 68600 100 10ITS00 10 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT 0 I 68200 000 10ITS10 10 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT -REG PRG 0 I 68200 100 10ITS1L 10 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT -LIBRARY 0 I 68200 120 10ITT00 10 TECHNOL - TRANSPORTATION 0 I 68500 000 10JAF00 10 FINANCE -FISCAL SERVICES 0 J 62160 000 10JAH00 10 FINANCE -BENEFITS 0 J 62140 000 10JIC00 10 FINANCE - INTERNAL FOR BENEF R 0 J 61100 000 10JIC10 10 FINANCE - LAPSE & TURNOVER 0 J 61100 100 10JMO00 10 FINANCE -POSTAL SERVICES 0 J 64200 000 10JTA00 10 FINANCE TECHNOLOGY ADMIN 0 J 68300 000 10JTI00 10 FINANCE TECHNOLOGY INSTRUC 0 J 68100 000 10KAE00 10 ADMIN SRV -EXEC ADMIN 0 K 62120 000 10KAI00 10 ADMIN SRV INFO SRV 0 K 62130 000 10KAR00 10 ADMIN SRV -REPROGRAPHICS 0 K 62180 000 10KCA00 10 ADMIN SRV-RESERVE 0 K 69300 000 10KHA00 10 ADMIN SERVICES - ATTENDANCE 0 K 62210 000 10KIC1N 10 ADMIN NON-TRAD LEARNING 0 K 61100 126 10KIS10 10 ADMIN SERV - SOCIAL WORKERS 0 K 61220 100 10KIS20 10 ADMIN SERV - SOCIAL WORKERS 0 K 61310 200 10KMA00 10 ADMIN SERV-OPERATIONS ADMIN 0 K 64100 000 10KME00 10 ADMIN SRV -EQUIP SERVICES 0 K 64400 000 10KMO00 10 ADMIN- COURIER 0 K 64200 000 10KMS00 10 SECURITY-SCH RESOURCE OFFCR 0 K 64600 000 10KTM00 10 ADMIN TECH MAINT/SECURITY 0 K 68600 000 10LAP00 10 PURCHASING SERVICES 0 L 62170 000 10MMA00 10 MAINT - MAINT ADMIN 0 M 64100 000 10MME00 10 MAINT - EQUIPMENT SERVICE 0 M 64400 000 10MMG00 10 MAINT - GROUNDS SERVICE 0 M 64300 000 10MMO00 10 MAINT - BUILDING SERVICES 0 M 64200 000 10MMO30 10 MAINT - BUILDING SRV CTE 0 M 64200 300

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 10MMS00 10 MAINT - SECURITY SERVICES 0 M 64600 000 10MMV00 10 MAINT - VEHICLE SERVICES 0 M 64500 000 10MTM00 10 MAINT & OPER TECHNOLOGY 0 M 68600 000 10NHH20 10 SPECIAL ED - HEALTH SRV OT 0 N 62220 256 10NHP00 10 SPECIAL ED - PSYCHOLOGICAL 0 N 62230 000 10NHP20 10 SPECIAL ED - PSYCHOLOG SPED 0 N 62230 200 10NHP25 10 SPECIAL ED -PSYCHOLICAL MD 0 N 62230 250 10NHS20 10 SPECIAL ED - BUILDING SERVICES 0 N 62240 200 10NHS27 10 SPECIAL ED- SPEECH/AUD SRV 0 N 62240 253 10NIC16 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT APE 0 N 61100 106 10NIC20 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPECIAL ED 0 N 61100 200 10NIC21 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPED ID 0 N 61100 210 10NIC22 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPED TBI 0 N 61100 260 10NIC23 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPED ED 0 N 61100 230 10NIC25 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPED MD 0 N 61100 250 10NIC26 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPED HI 0 N 61100 251 10NIC27 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPED SPEECH 0 N 61100 253 10NIC28 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPED VI 0 N 61100 254 10NIC29 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPED AUTSM 0 N 61100 259 10NIC2H 10 CLASS INSTR-SPED OHI 0 N 61100 245 10NIC2O 10 CLASS INSTR -SPED OT 0 N 61100 256 10NIC2T 10 CLASSROOM INSTR -SPED PT 0 N 61100 257 10NIC62 10 CLASS INSTRUCTION - SPED ESY 0 N 61100 620 10NIC67 10 CLASS INSTR - SPED PRESCH DD S 0 N 61100 625 10NII20 10 INSTR SUPPORT -SPECIAL ED 0 N 61310 200 10NII21 10 SPED IMPROV INSTRUCT ID 0 N 61310 210 10NII24 10 SPED IMPROV INSTRUCT LD 0 N 61310 240 10NII26 10 INSTR SUPPORT - SPED HI 0 N 61310 251 10NII27 10 INSTR SUPPORT-SPED SPEECH 0 N 61310 253 10NII29 10 SPED IMPROV INSTRUCT AUTISM 0 N 61310 259 10NII2H 10 SPED IMPROV INSTRUCT OHI 0 N 61310 245 10NII62 10 IMPROV INSTR - SPED ESY SUMMR 0 N 61310 620 10NII67 10 IMPROV INSTR - SPED PRESCH DD 0 N 61310 625 10NIS10 10 SOCIAL WORKER - REG PRG 0 N 61220 100 10NIS20 10 SOCIAL WORKER -SPECIAL ED 0 N 61220 200 10NTI20 10 INSTR TECHNOL SPECIAL ED 0 N 68100 200 10NTI23 10 INSTR TECHNOL SPED ED 0 N 68100 230 10NTI25 10 INSTR TECHNOL SPED MD 0 N 68100 250 10NTI27 10 INSTR TECHNOL SPED SPEECH 0 N 68100 253 10NTI28 10 TECHNOLOGY CLASS INSTR VISION 0 N 68100 254 10NTS20 10 TECHNOL SUP -SPECIAL ED 0 N 68200 200 10OAP00 10 OPERATIONS - PURCHASING 0 O 62170 000 10OAR00 10 OPER - REPROGRAPHICS 0 O 62180 000 10OFC00 10 BUILDING ACQ/CONSTR 0 O 66500 000

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 10OFI00 10 OPERATIONS - SITE IMPROV 0 O 66200 000 10OFX00 10 OPERATIONS - FACILITIES 0 O 66600 000 10OMA00 10 OPERATIONS - ADMIN 0 O 64100 000 10OME00 10 OPER - EQUIP SERVICE 0 O 64400 000 10OMG00 10 OPER - GROUNDS MAINT 0 O 64300 000 10OMO00 10 OPERATIONS - BUILDING SRV 0 O 64200 000 10OMS00 10 OPERATIONS - SECURITY SRV 0 O 64600 000 10OTM00 10 OPERATIONS - TECHNOLOGY 0 O 68600 000 10PII10 10 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING 0 P 61310 100 10RAI00 10 PUBLIC RELATIONS 0 R 62130 000 10SAC00 10 ADMIN PLANNING SERVICES 0 S 62150 000 10SAE00 10 SUPERINTENDENT-EXEC ADM 0 S 62120 000 10SAI00 10 PUBLIC RELATIONS 0 S 62130 000 10SCA00 10 SUPERINTENDENT-CONTINGENCY 0 S 69300 000 10SCI00 10 SUPERINTENDENT-CONTINGENCY 0 S 69100 000 10SII70 10 INSTR SUPPRT - ADULT ED 0 S 61310 700 10STA00 10 SUPERINTENDENT-TECHNOL 0 S 68300 000 10TME00 10 TRANSP-EQ SERVICE 0 S 64400 000 10TMS00 10 TRANSP-SECURITY SERVICE 0 S 64600 000 10TMV00 10 TRANSP - VEHICLE SERVICE 0 T 64500 000 10TOC90 10 TRANSP - COMMUNITY SRV CA 0 T 65300 900 10TOC93 10 TRANSP - COMMUNITY SRV 0 T 65300 930 10TTT00 10 TRANSP - PUPILS-TECHNOL 0 T 68500 000 10TVA00 10 TRANSP - MANAGEMENT 0 T 63100 000 10TVE00 10 TRANSP - SCHOOL BUSES 0 T 63500 000 10TVM00 10 TRANSP - VEHICLE MAINT 0 T 63300 000 10TVM20 10 TRANSP - MONITOR SRV SPED 0 T 63300 200 10TVM53 10 TRANSP - MONITR-COMMUN 0 T 63300 530 10TVM62 10 TRANSP -MONITR-ELEM SUMMR 0 T 63300 620 10TVM67 10 TRANSP -MONITR-SPED DD PRESCH 0 T 63300 625 10TVO00 10 TRANSP - OPERATORS 0 T 63200 000 10TVO10 10 TRANSP-OPERATORS SOL 0 T 63200 100 10TVO19 10 TRANSP - DRIVERS ED 0 T 63200 112 10TVO20 10 TRANSP - VEH OPER SPED 0 T 63200 200 10TVO40 10 TRANSP - VEH OPER GIFTED 0 T 63200 400 10TVO50 10 TRANSP - VEH OPER OTHER 0 T 63200 500 10TVO52 10 TRANSP - VEH OPER ATHLETICS 0 T 63200 520 10TVO53 10 TRANSP - VEH OPER ACTIV 0 T 63200 530 10TVO54 10 PUPIL TRANSP-ENRICH PRGMS 0 T 63200 540 10TVO60 10 TRANSP -VEH OP SUMMR SCH 0 T 63200 600 10TVO62 10 TRANSP-VEH OP SE EY SUMMR 0 T 63200 620 10TVO63 10 TRANSP -VEH OP ELEM SUMMER 0 T 63200 630 10TVO64 10 TRANSP -VEH OP SEC SUMMR 0 T 63200 640 10TVO65 10 TRANSP SUMMER SCHOOL METZ 0 T 63200 650

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 10TVO66 10 TRANSP-VEH OP ESOL SUMMR 0 T 63200 660 10TVO67 10 TRANSP-VEH OP PRESCHOOL DD SUM 0 T 63200 625 10TVO92 10 TRANSP -VEH OP GMU/NVCC 0 T 63200 920 10TVO93 10 TRANSP-VEH OP COMM EVENT 0 T 63200 930 10TVR00 10 TRANSP - VEHICLE MAINT 0 T 63400 000 10TVR20 10 TRANSP - VEHICLE MAINT SPED 0 T 63400 200 10ZIC00 10 NON DEPT BUDGET ESTIMATES 0 Z 61100 000 110040 10 LOCAL FUNDS - BALDWIN 1 0 00000 040 111IC10 10 BALD CLASS INSTR REG PROG 1 1 61100 100 111IC11 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -ART 1 1 61100 101 111IC12 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -ENGLISH 1 1 61100 102 111IC13 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -MATH 1 1 61100 103 111IC14 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -SCIENCE 1 1 61100 114 111IC15 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -SOC STUD 1 1 61100 109 111IC16 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -PHYS ED 1 1 61100 106 111IC18 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -MUSIC 1 1 61100 110 111IC1C 10 BALD CL INSTR -REG CLASS 1 1 61100 130 111IC1E 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -ESOL 1 1 61100 123 111IC1K 10 BALD CL INSTR -KINDERGART 1 1 61100 119 111IC20 10 BALD CL INSTR -SPECIAL ED 1 1 61100 200 111IC23 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -SPED ED 1 1 61100 230 111IC24 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -SPED LD 1 1 61100 240 111IC27 10 BALD SPEECH 1 1 61100 253 111IC29 10 BALD CL INSTR -SPED AUTISM 1 1 61100 259 111IC40 10 BALD CLASS INSTR -GIFTED 1 1 61100 400 111IC81 10 BALD 4 YR OLD PROGRAM 1 1 61100 811 111IG10 10 BALD GUIDANCE OFFICE 1 1 61210 118 111II10 10 BALD INSTR SUPPRT REGLR 1 1 61310 100 111II14 10 BALD SCI COACH 1 1 61310 114 111II20 10 BALD INSTR SUPP SPECIAL ED 1 1 61310 200 111II40 10 BALD INSTR SUPPRT GIFTED 1 1 61310 400 111IM10 10 BALD MEDIA SERVICES 1 1 61320 100 111IP10 10 BALD PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 1 1 61410 100 111MO00 10 MAINT SUPPLIES 1 1 64200 000 111TI10 10 BALD TECH INSTR 1 1 68100 100 111TI1P 10 BALD TI PRINC 1 1 68100 125 111TI1T 10 BALD TECH INSTR-COMP LAB 1 1 68100 117 111TI20 10 BALD TECH INSTR SPED 1 1 68100 200 111TS10 10 BALD TECH SUPP-CLASSROOM 1 1 68200 100 111TS1L 10 BALD TECH SUPPRT -LIBRARY 1 1 68200 120 111TS1P 10 BALD TECH SUP -PRINC OFF 1 1 68200 125 111TS1T 10 BALD TECH SUP -COMP LAB 1 1 68200 117 11CIC10 10 BALD INSTR CLASSROOM 1 C 61100 100 11CIC1K 10 CURR-BALD CL INSTR GR K 1 C 61100 119

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 11CIC63 10 SUMMER SCH CI BALDWIN 1 C 61100 630 11CIC81 10 CLASS INSTR - 4 YR OLD - BALD 1 C 61100 811 11CII10 10 CURR IMPROV INSTR BALDWIN 1 C 61310 100 11CII63 10 SUMSCH INSTRUC SUPPORT BALDWIN 1 C 61310 630 11DHH00 10 HEALTH SERVICES - BALDWIN 1 D 62220 000 11IIC10 10 TECH BALDWIN 1 I 68100 100 11ITA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMIN BALDWIN 1 I 68300 000 11ITI10 10 TECH CLASS INSTR-BALDWIN 1 I 68100 100 11ITI81 10 TECHNOL INSTRUCT 4YR PRG BALD 1 I 68100 811 11ITS00 10 BALDWIN SALARIES OTHER TECH 1 I 68200 000 11ITS10 10 IT TECH SUPPORT BALDWIN 1 I 68200 100 11MME00 10 MAINT-BALD EQUIP SRV 1 M 64400 000 11MME1L 10 MAINT-BALD EQ SRV LIBRARY 1 M 64400 120 11MMG00 10 MAINT-BALD GROUNDS 1 M 64300 000 11MMO00 10 MAINT-BALD BUILDING SRV 1 M 64200 000 11MMO10 10 MAINT-BALD BLDG SRV REGPRG 1 M 64200 100 11MMS00 10 MAINT-BALD SECURITY SRV 1 M 64600 000 11NIC24 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT SLD BALD 1 N 61100 240 11NIC27 10 TEACHER - SPEECH BALDWIN 1 N 61100 253 11NIC2D 10 SPED CLASS INSTR NONPRESCH DD 1 N 61100 215 11NIC2H 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT OHI BALD 1 N 61100 245 120040 10 LOCAL FUNDS - DEAN 2 0 00000 040 122IC10 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR REGULAR 2 2 61100 100 122IC11 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -ART 2 2 61100 101 122IC12 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -ENGLISH 2 2 61100 102 122IC13 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -MATH 2 2 61100 103 122IC14 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -SCIENCE 2 2 61100 114 122IC15 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -SOC STUD 2 2 61100 109 122IC16 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -PHYS ED 2 2 61100 106 122IC18 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -MUSIC 2 2 61100 110 122IC1C 10 DEAN CL INSTR -REG CLASS 2 2 61100 130 122IC1E 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -ESOL 2 2 61100 123 122IC1K 10 DEAN CL INSTR-KINDERGART 2 2 61100 119 122IC20 10 DEAN CL INSTR -SPECIAL ED 2 2 61100 200 122IC21 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -SPED ID 2 2 61100 210 122IC24 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -SPED LD 2 2 61100 240 122IC27 10 DEAN CL INST-SPED SPCH IMP 2 2 61100 253 122IC40 10 DEAN CLASS INSTR -GIFTED 2 2 61100 400 122IC81 10 DEAN 4 YR OLD PROGRAM 2 2 61100 811 122IG10 10 DEAN GUIDANCE OFFICE 2 2 61210 118 122II10 10 DEAN INSTR SUPPRT REGULAR 2 2 61310 100 122II20 10 DEAN INSTR SUPPORT SPED 2 2 61310 200 122II40 10 DEAN INSTR SUPPRT -GIFTED 2 2 61310 400 122IM10 10 DEAN INSTR MEDIA SERVICES 2 2 61320 100

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 122IP10 10 DEAN PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 2 2 61410 125 122TI10 10 DEAN TECH INSTR-REG CLASS 2 2 68100 100 122TI12 10 DEAN TECH INSTR-ENGLISH 2 2 68100 102 122TI1P 10 DEAN TI PRINC 2 2 68100 125 122TI1T 10 DEAN TECH INSTR-COMP LAB 2 2 68100 117 122TS10 10 DEAN TECH SUPPORT 2 2 68200 100 122TS1L 10 DEAN TECH SUPPRT -LIBRARY 2 2 68200 120 122TS1P 10 DEAN TECH SUP -PRINC OFF 2 2 68200 125 122TS1T 10 DEAN TECH SUP -COMP LAB 2 2 68200 117 12CIC10 10 CURR DEAN INSTRUCTION 2 C 61100 100 12CIC1K 10 CURR-CL INSTR DEAN KINDERGARTN 2 C 61100 119 12CIC63 10 SUMMER SCHOOL CI DEAN 2 C 61100 630 12CIC81 10 CLASS INSTR - 4 YR OLD - DEAN 2 C 61100 811 12CIG63 10 SUMMER SCHOOL GUIDANCE - ELEM 2 C 61210 630 12CII10 10 CURR IMPROV INSTR DEAN 2 C 61310 100 12CII63 10 SUMMER SCH IMPROV INSTR -DEAN 2 C 61310 630 12DHH00 10 HEALTH SERVICES - DEAN 2 D 62220 000 12ITA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMIN DEAN 2 I 68300 000 12ITI10 10 TECHNOLOGY INSTRUCTION DEAN 2 I 68100 100 12ITI81 10 TECHNOL INSTRUCT 4YR PRG DEAN 2 I 68100 811 12ITS00 10 TECH SUPPORT - DEAN 2 I 68200 000 12ITS10 10 IT TECH SUPPORT DEAN 2 I 68200 100 12MMA00 10 MAINTENANCE - DEAN 2 M 64100 000 12MMG00 10 DEAN MAINT- GROUNDS 2 M 64300 000 12MMO00 10 DEAN MAINT- BUILDING SRV 2 M 64200 000 12MMO94 10 DEAN MAINT- BUILDING USE 2 M 64200 940 12MMS00 10 DEAN MAINT- SECURITY SRV 2 M 64600 000 12NIC20 10 DEAN INSTR CLASS SPED 2 N 61100 200 12NIC21 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT-ID DEAN 2 N 61100 210 12NIC23 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ED R DEAN 2 N 61100 230 12NIC24 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT SLD DEAN 2 N 61100 240 12NIC27 10 TEACHER - SPEECH 2 N 61100 253 12NIC2H 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT OHI DEAN 2 N 61100 245 12NIC2P 10 DEAN INSTR CLASS PRE DD 2 N 61100 201 12NIC80 10 DEAN INSTR CLASS NONDAY 2 N 61100 800 12NTI20 10 DEAN TECH INSTR SPED 2 N 68100 200 12NTI2P 10 DEAN TECH INSTR SPED DD 2 N 68100 201 12NTI80 10 SPED TECHINST NON-REG DAY 2 N 68100 800 130040 10 LOCAL FUNDS - HAYDON 3 0 00000 040 133IC10 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR REGULAR 3 3 61100 100 133IC11 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -ART 3 3 61100 101 133IC12 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -ENGLISH 3 3 61100 102 133IC13 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -MATH 3 3 61100 103 133IC14 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -SCIENCE 3 3 61100 114

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 133IC15 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -SOC STUD 3 3 61100 109 133IC16 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -PHYS ED 3 3 61100 106 133IC17 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR WORLD LANG 3 3 61100 111 133IC18 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -MUSIC 3 3 61100 110 133IC1C 10 HAYD CL INSTR -REG CLASS 3 3 61100 130 133IC1E 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -ESOL 3 3 61100 123 133IC1K 10 HAYD CL INSTR -KINDERGART 3 3 61100 119 133IC1T 10 INSTRUCT SUPPLIES - COMP LAB 3 3 61100 117 133IC20 10 HAYD CL INSTR -SPECIAL ED 3 3 61100 200 133IC21 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -SPED ID 3 3 61100 210 133IC23 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -SPED ED 3 3 61100 230 133IC24 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -SPED LD 3 3 61100 240 133IC26 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -SPED HI 3 3 61100 251 133IC27 10 HAYD CL INSTR -SPED SPEECH 3 3 61100 253 133IC2O 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -SPED OT 3 3 61100 256 133IC2S 10 HAYD CL INSTR -SPED SP IMP 3 3 61100 258 133IC2T 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -SPED PT 3 3 61100 257 133IC40 10 HAYD CLASS INSTR -GIFTED 3 3 61100 400 133IC81 10 HAYDON 4 YR OLD PROGRAM 3 3 61100 811 133IG10 10 HAYD GUIDANCE OFFICE 3 3 61210 118 133II10 10 HAYD INSTR SUPP-REGULAR 3 3 61310 100 133II17 10 HAYD IMPROV INSTR WORLD LANG 3 3 61310 111 133II1X 10 HAYD INSTR IMPROV STEM 3 3 61310 151 133II20 10 HAYD INSTR SUPPRT-SPEC ED 3 3 61310 200 133II40 10 HAYD INSTR SUPPORT-GIFTED 3 3 61310 400 133IM10 10 HAYD INSTR MEDIA SERVICES 3 3 61320 100 133IP10 10 HAYD PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 3 3 61410 100 133TI10 10 HAYD TECH INSTR 3 3 68100 100 133TI1E 10 HAYD TECH INSTR-ESOL 3 3 68100 123 133TI1T 10 HAYD TECHINSTR-COMP LAB 3 3 68100 117 133TI20 10 HAYD TECH INSTR -SPED 3 3 68100 200 133TS10 10 HAYD TECH SUPPORT 3 3 68200 100 133TS1L 10 HAYD TECH SUP - LIBRARY 3 3 68200 120 133TS1P 10 HAYD TECH SUP -PRINC OFF 3 3 68200 125 133TS1T 10 HAYD TECH SUP-COMP LAB 3 3 68200 117 13CIC10 10 HAYD INSTR CLASSROOM 3 C 61100 100 13CIC1K 10 CURR CL INSTR HAYD KINDERGARTN 3 C 61100 119 13CIC63 10 SUMMER SCHOOL CI HAYDON 3 C 61100 630 13CIC81 10 CLASS INSTR - 4 YR OLD - HAYD 3 C 61100 811 13CII10 10 CURR IMPROV INSTR HAYDON 3 C 61310 100 13CII63 10 SUMMER SCH IMPROV INSTR HAYD 3 C 61310 630 13DHH00 10 HEALTH SERVICES - HAYDON 3 D 62220 000 13GIC10 10 CLASSRM INSTR - GIFTED 3 G 61100 100 13ITA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMIN HAYDON 3 I 68300 000

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 13ITI10 10 TECHN CLASS INSTRUCT HAYDON 3 I 68100 100 13ITI40 10 TECHNOL INSTRUCT GIFTED HAYD 3 I 68100 400 13ITI81 10 TECHNOL INSTRUCT 4YR PRG HAYD 3 I 68100 811 13ITS00 10 HAYDON SALARIES OTHER TECH 3 I 68200 000 13ITS10 10 IT TECH SUPPORT HAYDON 3 I 68200 100 13ITS1P 10 TECHNOLOGY HAYDON 3 I 68200 125 13MME1P 10 MAINT-HAYD EQ SRV PRINC 3 M 64400 125 13MMG00 10 MAINT-HAYD GROUNDS 3 M 64300 000 13MMO00 10 MAINT- HAYD BUILDING SRV 3 M 64200 000 13MMO94 10 MAINT-HAYD BUILDING USE 3 M 64200 940 13MMS00 10 MAINT -HAYD SECURITY SRV 3 M 64600 000 13NIC24 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT SLD HAYD 3 N 61100 240 13NIC26 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT HI HAYDON 3 N 61100 251 13NIC27 10 TEACHER - SPEECH 3 N 61100 253 13NIC29 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUC AUTISM HAYD 3 N 61100 259 13NIC2D 10 SPED CLASS INSTR DD NOT PRESCH 3 N 61100 215 13NIC2H 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT OHI HAYD 3 N 61100 245 140040 10 LOCAL FUNDS - ROUND 4 0 00000 040 144IC10 10 ROUN CLASS INSTR REGULAR 4 4 61100 100 144IC11 10 ROUN CLASS INSTR -ART 4 4 61100 101 144IC12 10 ROUN CLASS INSTR -ENGLISH 4 4 61100 102 144IC13 10 ROUN CLASS INSTR -MATH 4 4 61100 103 144IC14 10 ROUN CLASS INSTR -SCIENCE 4 4 61100 114 144IC15 10 ROUN CLASS INSTR -SOC STUD 4 4 61100 109 144IC16 10 ROUN CLASS INSTR -PHYS ED 4 4 61100 106 144IC18 10 ROUN CLASS INSTR -MUSIC 4 4 61100 110 144IC1C 10 ROUN CL INSTR -REG CLASS 4 4 61100 130 144IC1E 10 ROUN CLASS INSTR -ESOL 4 4 61100 123 144IC1K 10 ROUN CL INSTR -KINDERGART 4 4 61100 119 144IC20 10 ROUN CL INSTR -SPECIAL ED 4 4 61100 200 144IC21 10 ROUN CL INSTR -SPED ID 4 4 61100 210 144IC23 10 ROUN CL INSTR -SPED ED 4 4 61100 230 144IC24 10 RJOUN CL INSTR -SPED LD 4 4 61100 240 144IC25 10 ROUN CL INSTR -SPED MD 4 4 61100 250 144IC26 10 ROUN CL INSTR -SPED HI 4 4 61100 251 144IC27 10 ROUN CL INSTR-SPED SPEECH 4 4 61100 253 144IC29 10 ROUN CL INSTR-SPED AUTISM 4 4 61100 259 144IC40 10 ROUN CL INSTR -GIFTED 4 4 61100 400 144IC81 10 ROUND 4 YR OLD PROGRAM 4 4 61100 811 144IG10 10 ROUN GUIDANCE OFFICE 4 4 61210 100 144II10 10 ROUN INSTR SUPP-REGULAR 4 4 61310 100 144II12 10 ROUND INSTR IMPROV 4 4 61310 102 144IM10 10 ROUN INSTR MEDIA SERVICES 4 4 61320 100 144IP10 10 ROUN PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 4 4 61410 100

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 144TI10 10 ROUN TECH INSTR 4 4 68100 100 144TI1T 10 ROUN TECH INSTR -COMP LAB 4 4 68100 117 144TI20 10 ROUN TECH INSTR -SPEC ED 4 4 68100 200 144TS10 10 ROUN TECH SUP -REGULAR 4 4 68200 100 144TS1L 10 ROUN TECH SUP-LIBRARY 4 4 68200 120 144TS1P 10 ROUN TECH SUP-PRINC OFF 4 4 68200 125 144TS1T 10 ROUN TECH SUP-COMP LAB 4 4 68200 117 14CIC10 10 CURR CLASS INSTR CLSSROOM 4 C 61100 100 14CIC1K 10 CURR CL INSTR ROUND KINDERGART 4 C 61100 119 14CIC63 10 SUMMER SCHOOL CI ROUND 4 C 61100 630 14CIC81 10 CLASS INSTR - 4 YR OLD - ROUND 4 C 61100 811 14CIC82 10 CURR CLASS INSTR HEADSTART 4 C 61100 812 14CII10 10 CURR IMPROV INSTR ROUND 4 C 61310 100 14CII63 10 INSTR SUPP SUM SCH ELEM ROUND 4 C 61310 630 14CTI82 10 CURR TECH INSTR HEADSTART 4 C 68100 812 14DHH00 10 HEALTH SERVICES - ROUND 4 D 62220 000 14ITA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMIN ROUND 4 I 68300 000 14ITI10 10 TECH CLASSRM INSTRUCT ROUND 4 I 68100 100 14ITI81 10 TECHNOL INSTRUCT 4YR PRG ROUN 4 I 68100 811 14ITM00 10 IT SECURITY -ROUND 4 I 68600 000 14ITS00 10 SALARY - ROUND TECHNOL SUPPORT 4 I 68200 000 14ITS10 10 INSTRUC TECHNOLOGY - ROUND 4 I 68200 100 14ITS1P 10 TECH INSTR SUPP-PRINC ROUND 4 I 68200 125 14MME00 10 MAINT-ROUND EQUIPMENT 4 M 64400 000 14MMG00 10 MAINT-ROUND GROUNDS 4 M 64300 000 14MMO00 10 MAINT-ROUND BUILDING SRV 4 M 64200 000 14MMO94 10 MAINT-ROUND BUILDING USE 4 M 64200 940 14MMS00 10 MAINT-ROUND SECURITY SRV 4 M 64600 000 14NIC21 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ID ROUND 4 N 61100 210 14NIC24 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT SLD ROUND 4 N 61100 240 14NIC25 10 SPECIAL ED CLASS INSTR - ROUND 4 N 61100 250 14NIC27 10 TEACHER - SPEECH 4 N 61100 253 14NIC29 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUC AUTISM ROUN 4 N 61100 259 14NIC2D 10 SPED CLASS INSTR-DD NON-PRESCH 4 N 61100 215 14NIC2H 10 SPED CLASS INSTR OHI ROUND 4 N 61100 245 150040 10 LOCAL FUNDS - WEEMS 5 0 00000 040 155IC10 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR REGULAR 5 5 61100 100 155IC11 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR -ART 5 5 61100 101 155IC12 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR -ENGLISH 5 5 61100 102 155IC13 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR -MATH 5 5 61100 103 155IC14 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR -SCIENCE 5 5 61100 114 155IC15 10 WEEM CL INSTR-SOC STUDIES 5 5 61100 109 155IC16 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR -PHYS ED 5 5 61100 106 155IC18 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR -MUSIC 5 5 61100 110

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 155IC1C 10 WEEM CL INSTR -REG CLASS 5 5 61100 130 155IC1E 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR -ESOL 5 5 61100 123 155IC1K 10 WEEM CL INSTR -KINDERGART 5 5 61100 119 155IC20 10 WEEM CL INSTR -SPECIAL ED 5 5 61100 200 155IC21 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR -SPED ID 5 5 61100 210 155IC24 10 WEEM CLASS INSTR -SPED LD 5 5 61100 240 155IC27 10 WEEM CL INSTR-SPED SPEECH 5 5 61100 253 155IC29 10 WEEM CL INSTR-SPED AUTISM 5 5 61100 259 155IC81 10 WEEMS 4 YR OLD PROGRAM 5 5 61100 811 155IG10 10 WEEM GUIDANCE OFFICE 5 5 61210 100 155II10 10 WEEM INSTR SUPP-REGULAR 5 5 61310 100 155II40 10 WEEM GT INSTR IMPROV 5 5 61310 400 155IM10 10 WEEM INSTR MEDIA SERVICE 5 5 61320 100 155IP10 10 WEEM PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 5 5 61410 100 155TI10 10 WEEM TECH SUPPRT-REGULAR 5 5 68100 100 155TI12 10 WEEM TECH SUPPRT-ENGLISH 5 5 68100 102 155TI13 10 WEEM TECH SUPPRT-MATH 5 5 68100 103 155TI18 10 WEEM TECH SUPPRT-MUSIC 5 5 68100 110 155TI1T 10 WEEM TECH SUP-COMP LAB 5 5 68100 117 155TI20 10 WEEM TECH INSTR -SPEC ED 5 5 68100 200 155TS10 10 WEEM TECH SUPP-REG CLASS 5 5 68200 100 155TS1L 10 WEEM TECH SUP-LIBRARY 5 5 68200 120 155TS1P 10 WEEM TECH SUP-PRINC OFF 5 5 68200 125 155TS1T 10 WEEM TECH SUP-COMP LAB 5 5 68200 117 15CIC10 10 WEEM INSTR CLASSRM TECHN 5 C 61100 100 15CIC1K 10 CURR CL INSTR WEEMS KINDERGART 5 C 61100 119 15CIC63 10 SUMMER SCHOOL CI WEEMS 5 C 61100 630 15CIC81 10 CLASS INSTR - 4 YR OLD - WEEMS 5 C 61100 811 15CII10 10 CURR IMPROV INSTR WEEMS 5 C 61310 100 15CII63 10 SUMMER SCH IMPROV INSTR WEEMS 5 C 61310 630 15DHH00 10 HEALTH SERVICES - WEEMS 5 D 62220 000 15GIC10 10 CLASS INSTRUCT GIFTED WEEMS 5 G 61100 100 15ITA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMIN WEEMS 5 I 68300 000 15ITI00 10 TECHNOLOGY CL INSTR WEEMS 5 I 68100 000 15ITI10 10 TECHNOLOGY INSTRUCT WEEMS 5 I 68100 100 15ITI81 10 TECHNOL INSTRUCT 4YR PRG WEEMS 5 I 68100 811 15ITM00 10 ADMIN TECH SCH OP/MAIN WEEMS 5 I 68600 000 15ITS00 10 WEEM SALARIES OTHER TECH 5 I 68200 000 15ITS10 10 IT TECH SUPPORT WEEMS 5 I 68200 100 15ITS1P 10 TECH INSTR SUPP-PRINC WEEMS 5 I 68200 125 15MME1P 10 MAINT-WEEMS EQSERV PRINC 5 M 64400 125 15MMG00 10 MAINT-WEEMS GROUNDS 5 M 64300 000 15MMO00 10 MAINT-WEEMS BUILDING SRV 5 M 64200 000 15MMO94 10 MAINT-WEEMS BUILDING USE 5 M 64200 940

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 15MMS00 10 MAINT-WEEMS SECURITY SRV 5 M 64600 000 15NIC24 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT SLD WEEMS 5 N 61100 240 15NIC27 10 TEACHER - SPEECH WEEMS 5 N 61100 253 15NIC2D 10 SPED DEVEL DELAYED NON PRESCH 5 N 61100 215 15NIC2H 10 SPED OHI CLASS INSTRUCT WEEMS 5 N 61100 245 170040 10 LOCAL FUNDS - MAYFIELD 7 0 00000 040 177IC10 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR REGULAR 7 7 61100 100 177IC11 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -ART 7 7 61100 101 177IC12 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -ENGLISH 7 7 61100 102 177IC13 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -MATH 7 7 61100 103 177IC14 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -SCIENCE 7 7 61100 114 177IC15 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -SOC STUD 7 7 61100 109 177IC16 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -PHYS ED 7 7 61100 106 177IC17 10 MAYF CL INSTR-WORLD LANG 7 7 61100 111 177IC18 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -MUSIC 7 7 61100 110 177IC1C 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR-REG CLASS 7 7 61100 130 177IC1D 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -ISD 7 7 61100 115 177IC1E 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -ESOL 7 7 61100 123 177IC1V 10 MAYF CLASSRM INSTRUCT AVID 7 7 61100 152 177IC1X 10 MAYF CLASSROOM INSTRUCT - STEM 7 7 61100 151 177IC20 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -SPEC ED 7 7 61100 200 177IC21 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -SPED ID 7 7 61100 210 177IC23 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -SPED ED 7 7 61100 230 177IC24 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -SPED LD 7 7 61100 240 177IC27 10 MAYF CL INSTR -SPED SP IMP 7 7 61100 253 177IC29 10 MAYF CL INSTR-SPED AUTISM 7 7 61100 259 177IC30 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR -CTE 7 7 61100 300 177IC3B 10 MAYF CL INSTR-CTE BUSINESS 7 7 61100 360 177IC40 10 MAYF CLASS INSTR-GIFTED 7 7 61100 400 177IG10 10 MAYF GUIDANCE OFFICE 7 7 61210 118 177II10 10 MAYF INSTR SUPPRT-REGULAR 7 7 61310 100 177IM10 10 MAYF INSTR MEDIA SERVICES 7 7 61320 100 177IP10 10 MAYF PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 7 7 61410 125 177MS00 10 MAYF SECURITY SERVICES 7 7 64600 000 177TI10 10 MAYF TECH INSTR -REGULAR 7 7 68100 100 177TI12 10 MAYF TECH INSTR -ENGLISH 7 7 68100 102 177TI13 10 MAYF TECH INSTR-MATH 7 7 68100 103 177TI1T 10 MAYF TECHINSTR-COMP LAB 7 7 68100 117 177TS10 10 MAYF TECH SUPPRT-REGULAR 7 7 68200 100 177TS1L 10 MAYF TECH SUPPRT-LIBRARY 7 7 68200 120 177TS1P 10 MAYF TECH SUPP-PRINC OFF 7 7 68200 125 177TS1T 10 MAYF TECH SUPPRT-COMP LAB 7 7 68200 117 17CIC10 10 CURR - CLASS INSTRUCT-MYFLD 7 C 61100 100 17CIC63 10 CURR SUMMER SCHOOL ELEM MAYFLD 7 C 61100 630

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 17CII10 10 CURR IMPROV INSTR MAYFIELD 7 C 61310 100 17CII63 10 CURR SUMMER SCH ELEM MAYFIELD 7 C 61310 630 17DHH00 10 HEALTH SERVICES - MAYFIELD 7 D 62220 000 17GIC10 10 CLASS INSTRUCT GT MAYFLD 7 G 61100 100 17ITA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMIN MAYFIELD 7 I 68300 000 17ITI10 10 TECHNOLOGY INSTRUCT MAYFLD 7 I 68100 100 17ITS00 10 MAYFLD SALARIES OTHER TECH 7 I 68200 000 17ITS10 10 IT TECH SUPPORT MAYFIELD 7 I 68200 100 17ITS1L 10 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT LIBRARY 7 I 68200 120 17MME00 10 MAINT-MAYF EQUIPMENT 7 M 64400 000 17MMG00 10 MAINT-MAYF GROUNDS 7 M 64300 000 17MMG10 10 MAINT-MAYF GROUNDS REG 7 M 64300 100 17MMO00 10 MAINT -MAYF BUILDING SRV 7 M 64200 000 17MMO10 10 MAINT -MAYF BLDG SRC REG 7 M 64200 100 17MMO94 10 MAINT-MAYF BUILDING USE 7 M 64200 940 17MMS00 10 MAINT-MAYF SECURITY SRV 7 M 64600 000 17MMS10 10 MAINT-MAYF SECURITY REG 7 M 64600 100 17NIC20 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT MAYFIELD 7 N 61100 200 17NIC21 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ID MAYFLD 7 N 61100 210 17NIC23 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ED MAYFLD 7 N 61100 230 17NIC24 10 SPED LD CLASS INSTRUCT MAYFLD 7 N 61100 240 17NIC25 10 SPECIAL ED CLASS INSTR -MAYFLD 7 N 61100 250 17NIC26 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT HI MAYF 7 N 61100 251 17NIC27 10 TEACHER - SPEECH 7 N 61100 253 17NIC29 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT AUT MAYFLD 7 N 61100 259 17NIC2H 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT OHI MAYFLD 7 N 61100 245 17OFX00 10 MAINT-MAYF BLDG IMPROV 7 M 66600 000 180040 10 LOCAL FUNDS - METZ 8 0 00000 040 188IC10 10 METZ CLASS INSTR REGULAR 8 8 61100 100 188IC11 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -ART 8 8 61100 101 188IC12 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -ENGLISH 8 8 61100 102 188IC13 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -MATH 8 8 61100 103 188IC14 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -SCIENCE 8 8 61100 114 188IC15 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -SOC STUD 8 8 61100 109 188IC16 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -PHYS ED 8 8 61100 106 188IC17 10 METZ CL INSTR-WORLD LANG 8 8 61100 111 188IC18 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -MUSIC 8 8 61100 110 188IC1D 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -ISD 8 8 61100 115 188IC1E 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -ESOL 8 8 61100 123 188IC1V 10 METZ CLASS INSTRUCTION -AVID 8 8 61100 152 188IC1X 10 CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION -STEM 8 8 61100 151 188IC20 10 METZ CL INSTR -SPECIAL ED 8 8 61100 200 188IC21 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -SPED ID 8 8 61100 210 188IC23 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -SPED ED 8 8 61100 230

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 188IC24 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -SPED LD 8 8 61100 240 188IC25 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -SPED MD 8 8 61100 250 188IC29 10 METZ CLASS INSTRUCT - AUTISM 8 8 61100 259 188IC30 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -CTE 8 8 61100 300 188IC3B 10 METZ CL INSTR-CTE BUSINESS 8 8 61100 360 188IC3F 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -FACS 8 8 61100 340 188IC3W 10 METZ CL INSTR -WOOD TECH 8 8 61100 371 188IC40 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -GIFTED 8 8 61100 400 188IC50 10 METZ CLASS INSTR -OTHER 8 8 61100 500 188IC52 10 METZ CL INSTR -ATHLETICS 8 8 61100 520 188IG10 10 METZ GUIDANCE OFFICE 8 8 61210 100 188IG1V 10 METZ GUIDANCE - AVID 8 8 61210 152 188II10 10 METZ INSTR SUPPRT - REG PRG 8 8 61310 100 188II1V 10 METZ IMPROV INSTRUCT-AVID 8 8 61310 152 188IM10 10 METZ INSTR MEDIA SERVICES 8 8 61320 100 188IP10 10 METZ PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 8 8 61410 100 188IP50 10 METZ PRINC OFFICE-ACTIV 8 8 61410 500 188IP52 10 METZ PRINC OFF-ATHLETICS 8 8 61410 520 188TI10 10 METZ TECH INSTR -REGLR PRG 8 8 68100 100 188TI12 10 METZ TECH INSTR -ENGLISH 8 8 68100 102 188TI14 10 METZ TECH INSTR -SCIENCE 8 8 68100 114 188TI15 10 METZ TECH INSTR -SOC STUD 8 8 68100 109 188TI18 10 TECH CLASS INSTRUCT - MUSIC 8 8 68100 110 188TI1L 10 METZ TECHINSTR-LIBRARY 8 8 68100 120 188TI1T 10 METZ TECHINSTR-COMP LAB 8 8 68100 117 188TI20 10 METZ TECH INSTR SPECIAL ED 8 8 68100 200 188TI23 10 METZ TECH INSTR -SPED ED 8 8 68100 230 188TI30 10 METZ TECH INSTR - CTE 8 8 68100 300 188TI3B 10 METZ TECH INSTR -BUSINESS 8 8 68100 360 188TS10 10 METZ TECH SUPPORT 8 8 68200 100 188TS1L 10 METZ TECH SUPPORT-LIBRARY 8 8 68200 120 188TS1P 10 METZ TECH SUPPRT-PRINC OFFIC 8 8 68200 125 188TS1T 10 METZ TECH SUPPRT-COMP LAB 8 8 68200 117 18CIC10 10 CURR CLASS INSTRUCT METZ 8 C 61100 100 18CII10 10 IMPROV INSTR METZ REG CLSSRM 8 C 61310 100 18CMO10 10 CURR-BLDG SERVICES 8 C 64200 100 18DHH00 10 HEALTH SERVICES - METZ 8 D 62220 000 18GIC10 10 METZ GIFTED CLASSRM INSTRUCT 8 G 61100 100 18ITA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMIN METZ 8 I 68300 000 18ITI10 10 METZ TECHN CLASSROOM INSTR 8 I 68100 100 18ITI14 10 METZ IT CLSSRM SCIENCE 8 I 68100 114 18ITI1N 10 TECHNOL CLASS INSTR-NONTRAD 8 I 68100 126 18ITS00 10 METZ SALARIES OTHER TECH 8 I 68200 000 18ITS10 10 IT TECH SUPPORT METZ 8 I 68200 100

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 18ITS1L 10 TECH SUPPORT LIBRARY METZ 8 I 68200 120 18ITS1P 10 TECH INSTRUC SUPP-PRINC METZ 8 I 68200 125 18MME00 10 METZ MAINT- EQUIP SRV REG 8 M 64400 000 18MMG00 10 METZ MAINT -GROUNDS 8 M 64300 000 18MMO00 10 METZ MAINT-BUILDING SRV 8 M 64200 000 18MMO10 10 METZ MAINT -BLDG SVC REG 8 M 64200 100 18MMO94 10 METZ MAINT -BUILDING USE 8 M 64200 940 18MMS00 10 METZ MAINT-SECURITY SRV 8 M 64600 000 18NIC20 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT METZ 8 N 61100 200 18NIC21 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ID METZ 8 N 61100 210 18NIC23 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ED METZ 8 N 61100 230 18NIC24 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT SLD METZ 8 N 61100 240 18NIC29 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT AUT METZ 8 N 61100 259 18NIC2H 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT OHI METZ 8 N 61100 245 18NIC2S 10 SPED CLASS INSTR LANG THERAP 8 N 61100 258 18OFX00 10 BLDG IMPROV METZ 8 O 66600 000 190040 10 LOCAL FUNDS - OSBOURN 9 0 00000 040 199IC10 10 OHS CLASS INSTR REGULAR 9 9 61100 100 199IC11 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -ART 9 9 61100 101 199IC12 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -ENGLISH 9 9 61100 102 199IC13 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -MATH 9 9 61100 103 199IC14 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -SCIENCE 9 9 61100 114 199IC15 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -SOC STUD 9 9 61100 109 199IC16 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -PHYS ED 9 9 61100 106 199IC17 10 OHS CL INSTR -WORLD LANG 9 9 61100 111 199IC18 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -MUSIC 9 9 61100 110 199IC19 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -REG CLASS 9 9 61100 112 199IC1A 10 OHS CLASS INSTR-ADV COURSE 9 9 61100 150 199IC1D 10 OHS IN-SCHOOL DETENTION 9 9 61100 115 199IC1E 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -ESOL 9 9 61100 123 199IC1F 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -AT RISK 9 9 61100 185 199IC1J 10 OHS ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION 9 9 61100 122 199IC1N 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -NON TRADITION 9 9 61100 126 199IC1V 10 OHS CLASS INSTRUCTION - AVID 9 9 61100 152 199IC20 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -SPED 9 9 61100 200 199IC21 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -SPED ID 9 9 61100 210 199IC22 10 OHS CLASSRM INSTR SPED TBI 9 9 61100 260 199IC23 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -SPED ED 9 9 61100 230 199IC24 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -SPED LD 9 9 61100 240 199IC25 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -SPED MD 9 9 61100 250 199IC27 10 OHS CL INSTR-SPED SPCH IMP 9 9 61100 253 199IC29 10 OHS CL INSTR -SPED AUTISM 9 9 61100 259 199IC30 10 OHS CLASS INSTR - CTE 9 9 61100 300 199IC3A 10 OHS CL INSTR-AUTO BODY 9 9 61100 381

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 199IC3B 10 OHS CL INSTR - BUSINESS 9 9 61100 360 199IC3C 10 OHS CL INSTR-COSMETOLOGY 9 9 61100 383 199IC3D 10 OHS CL INSTR -DRAFTING 9 9 61100 372 199IC3E 10 OHS CL INSTR-ELECTRONICS 9 9 61100 384 199IC3F 10 OHS CL INSTR -FACS 9 9 61100 340 199IC3G 10 OHS CL INSTR -GRAPHICS 9 9 61100 373 199IC3J 10 OHS CL INSTR -CRIMINAL JUSTICE 9 9 61100 385 199IC3P 10 OHS CL INSTR -PHARMACY TECH 9 9 61100 350 199IC3R 10 OHS CL INSTR -AUTO MECH 9 9 61100 382 199IC3S 10 OHS CL INSTR -SPORTS MEDICINE 9 9 61100 355 199IC3W 10 OHS CL INSTR -WOOD TECH 9 9 61100 371 199IC3X 10 OHS CLASS INSTRUCT CTE ENGINEE 9 9 61100 375 199IC40 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -GIFTED 9 9 61100 400 199IC50 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -OTHER 9 9 61100 500 199IC52 10 OHS CLASS INSTR -ATHLETICS 9 9 61100 520 199IG10 10 OHS GUIDANCE OFFICE 9 9 61210 118 199IG1V 10 OHS GUID - AVID 9 9 61210 152 199II10 10 OHS INSTR SUPPRT - REG PRG 9 9 61310 100 199II12 10 OHS INSTR IMPROV-ENGLISH 9 9 61310 102 199II1E 10 OHS INSTR SUPPRT - ESOL 9 9 61310 123 199II1J 10 OHS INSTR SUPPORT ALTED 9 9 61310 122 199II1N 10 OHS INSTR SUPPRT - NON TRADITI 9 9 61310 126 199II1V 10 OHS IMPROV INSTRUCT - AVID 9 9 61310 152 199II20 10 OHS INSTR SUPPRT-SPECIAL ED 9 9 61310 200 199II24 10 OHS INSTR SUPPRT - SPED LD 9 9 61310 240 199II30 10 IMPROV OF INSTRUCT - CTE 9 9 61310 300 199II3B 10 OHS INSTR SUPP -BUSINESS 9 9 61310 360 199II3R 10 OHS INSTR SUPP-AUTO MECH 9 9 61310 382 199II3W 10 OHS INSTR SUPP-WOOD TECH 9 9 61310 371 199II3X 10 OHS IMPROV INSTRUC CTE ENGR 9 9 61310 375 199II40 10 OHS INSTR SUPPRT - GIFTED 9 9 61310 400 199II50 10 OHS INSTR SUPPRT - OTHER 9 9 61310 500 199II52 10 OHS INSTR SUPPRT-ATHLETICS 9 9 61310 520 199IM10 10 OHS INSTR SUPPRT- MEDIA SRV 9 9 61320 100 199IP10 10 OHS PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 9 9 61410 100 199IP20 10 OHS PRINC OFFICE - SPECIAL ED 9 9 61410 200 199IP50 10 OHS PRINC OFFICE - OTHER 9 9 61410 500 199IP52 10 OHS PRINC OFF - ATHLETICS 9 9 61410 520 199MO1N 10 OHS BLDG SERVICE NON TRADITION 9 9 64200 126 199MS52 10 OHS SECURITY - ATHLETICS 9 9 64600 520 199TI10 10 OHS TECH INSTR REGLR PRG 9 9 68100 100 199TI11 10 OHS TECH INSTR - ART 9 9 68100 101 199TI12 10 OHS TECH INSTR - ENGLISH 9 9 68100 102 199TI13 10 OHS TECH INSTR - MATH 9 9 68100 103

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 199TI14 10 OHS TECH INSTR - SCIENCE 9 9 68100 114 199TI15 10 OHS TECH INSTR - SOC STUD 9 9 68100 109 199TI16 10 OHS TECH INSTR - PHYS ED 9 9 68100 106 199TI17 10 OHS TECH INSTR-WORLD LANG 9 9 68100 111 199TI18 10 OHS TECH INSTR - MUSIC 9 9 68100 110 199TI1A 10 OHS TECH INSTR-ADV COURSE 9 9 68100 150 199TI1D 10 OHS TECH INSTR - ISD 9 9 68100 115 199TI1E 10 OHS TECH INSTR - ESOL 9 9 68100 123 199TI1L 10 OHS TECH INSTR - LIBRARY 9 9 68100 120 199TI1N 10 OHS TECH INSTR - NON TRADITION 9 9 68100 126 199TI1T 10 OHS TECH INSTR-COMP SCIENC 9 9 68100 117 199TI20 10 OHS TECH INSTR - SPECIAL ED 9 9 68100 200 199TI21 10 OHS TECH INSTR - SPED ID 9 9 68100 210 199TI23 10 OHS TECH INSTR - SPED ED 9 9 68100 230 199TI24 10 OHS TECH INSTR - SPED LD 9 9 68100 240 199TI25 10 OHS TECH INSTR - SPED MD 9 9 68100 250 199TI29 10 OHS TECH INSTR-SPED AUTISM 9 9 68100 259 199TI30 10 OHS TECH INSTR - CTE 9 9 68100 300 199TI3A 10 OHS TECH INSTR -AUTO BODY 9 9 68100 381 199TI3B 10 OHS TECH INSTR - BUSINESS 9 9 68100 360 199TI3D 10 OHS TECH INSTR - DRAFTING 9 9 68100 372 199TI3F 10 OHS TECH INSTR - FACS 9 9 68100 340 199TI3G 10 OHS TECH INSTR - GRAPHICS 9 9 68100 373 199TI3R 10 OHS TECH INSTR-AUTO MECH 9 9 68100 382 199TS10 10 OHS TECH SUPPRT-REGLR PRG 9 9 68200 100 199TS1G 10 OHS TECH SUPPRT-GUIDANCE 9 9 68200 118 199TS1L 10 OHS TECH SUPPRT - LIBRARY 9 9 68200 120 199TS1N 10 OHS TECH SUPPRT-NON TRADITIONA 9 9 68200 126 199TS1P 10 OHS TECH SUPPRT-PRINC OFF 9 9 68200 125 199TS1T 10 OHS TECHSUPP-COMP SCIENCE 9 9 68200 117 199TS30 10 OHS TECH SUPPRT-CTE 9 9 68200 300 199TS3G 10 OHS TECH SUPPRT -GRAPHICS 9 9 68200 373 199TS50 10 OHS TECH SUPPT - ACTIV 9 9 68200 500 199TS52 10 OHS TECH SUPPRT-ATHLETICS 9 9 68200 520 19CIC10 10 CURR OHS REGULAR PROGRAM 9 C 61100 100 19CIC1A 10 CURR OHS ADV COURSE 9 C 61100 150 19CIC30 10 CURR OHS CAREER & TECH ED 9 C 61100 300 19CIC3B 10 CURR OHS BUSINESS 9 C 61100 360 19CIC3C 10 CURR OHS COSMETOLOGY 9 C 61100 383 19CIC3D 10 CURR OHS DRAFTING 9 C 61100 372 19CIC3F 10 CURR OHS FAMILY & CONSUMER SCI 9 C 61100 340 19CIC3R 10 OHS CL INSTR-AUTO MECHANICS 9 C 61100 382 19CIC54 10 CURR INSTRUCT- ENRICHMENT OHS 9 C 61100 540 19CII10 10 CURR OHS IMPROV INSTRUCTION 9 C 61310 100

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 19CII30 10 CURR IMPROV INSTR - CTE OHS 9 C 61310 300 19CTI30 10 CURR OHS TECHNOLOGY CTE 9 C 68100 300 19CTI3A 10 CURR OHS AUTO MECH 9 C 68100 381 19CTI3B 10 CURR OHS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS 9 C 68100 360 19CTI3D 10 CURR OHS TECHNOLOGY DRAFTING 9 C 68100 372 19CTI3E 10 CURR OHS TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONIC 9 C 68100 384 19CTI3F 10 CURR OHS TECHNOLOGY FACS 9 C 68100 340 19CTS54 10 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT OHS ENRICHM 9 C 68200 540 19DHH00 10 HEALTH SERVICES - OHS 9 D 62220 000 19ITA00 10 TECHNOLOGY ADMIN OHS 9 I 68300 000 19ITI00 10 TECH CLASSRM INSTRUCT OHS 9 I 68100 000 19ITI10 10 TECH INSTRUCTIONAL -OHS 9 I 68100 100 19ITI1N 10 TECHN CLASS INSTR-OHS NONTRAD 9 I 68100 126 19ITI1T 10 SALARIES OHS COMPUTER LAB 9 I 68100 117 19ITI20 10 INSTRUCT TECHNOL SPED OHS 9 I 68100 200 19ITM00 10 ADMIN TECH OP/MTNCE OHS 9 I 68600 000 19ITS00 10 OHS SALARIES OTHER TECH 9 I 68200 000 19ITS10 10 IT TECH SUPPORT OHS 9 I 68200 100 19ITS1L 10 TECH SUPPORT LIBRARY OHS 9 I 68200 120 19MME00 10 MAINT-OHS EQUIP SRV REG 9 M 64400 000 19MME20 10 MAINT-OHSEQUIP SRV- SPED 9 M 64400 200 19MMG00 10 MAINT-OHS GROUNDS 9 M 64300 000 19MMO00 10 MAINT-OHS BUILDING SRV 9 M 64200 000 19MMO52 10 MAINT-OHS BLDG SRV ATHLET 9 M 64200 520 19MMO94 10 MAINT-OHS BUILDING USE 9 M 64200 940 19MMS00 10 MAINT-OHS SECURITY SRV 9 M 64600 000 19MMS52 10 MAINT OHS SECURITY 9 M 64600 520 19MMV00 10 MAINT-OHS VEHICLE SERVICE 9 M 64500 000 19NIC20 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUC OHS 9 N 61100 200 19NIC21 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ID OHS 9 N 61100 210 19NIC23 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ED OHS 9 N 61100 230 19NIC24 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT SLD OHS 9 N 61100 240 19NIC26 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT HI OHS 9 N 61100 251 19NIC27 10 TEACHER - SALARY 9 N 61100 253 19NIC28 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT VI OHS 9 N 61100 254 19NIC29 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT AUTISM OHS 9 N 61100 259 19NIC2H 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT OHI OHS 9 N 61100 245 19NIC2R 10 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT OI OHS 9 N 61100 220 19NII20 10 SPECIAL ED IMPRV INSTR OHS 9 N 61310 200 19NIP20 10 OHS IP SPED 9 N 61410 200 19OFX00 10 OPER FUND BLDG IMPROV OHS 9 O 66200 000 delete1 10 DEAN INSR IMPROV READING 2 2 61310 102 delete2 10 DEAN INSTR IMPROV MATH 2 2 61310 103 18NIC27 12 TEACHER - SALARY 8 N 61100 253

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program R00000 12 BALANCE SHEET ACCT 0 0 00000 000 R00020 12 SPECIAL ED REGIONAL PRG STATE 0 0 00000 020 R00040 12 SPEC ED REGIONAL PRG OTHER 0 N 00000 040 R0NAF20 12 REG SPED - FINANCE DEPT 0 N 62160 200 R0NHP20 12 REG SPED - PSYCHOLOGIST 0 N 62230 200 R0NHP23 12 REG SPED - PSYCH ED 0 N 62230 230 R0NHP24 12 REG SPED - PSYCH LD 0 N 62230 240 R0NHP25 12 REG SPED - PSYCH MD 0 N 62230 250 R0NHP29 12 REG SPED - PSYCH AUTISM 0 N 62230 259 R0NIC20 12 REG SPED -CLASS INSTR 0 N 61100 200 R0NIC23 12 REG SPED -CLASS INSTR ED 0 N 61100 230 R0NIC25 12 REG SPED -CLASS INSTR MD 0 N 61100 250 R0NIC26 12 REG SPED -CLASS INSTR HI 0 N 61100 251 R0NIC27 12 REG SPED -CLASS INSTR SPCH 0 N 61100 253 R0NIC28 12 REG SPED -CLASS INSTR VI 0 N 61100 254 R0NIC29 12 REG SPED -CL INSTR AUTSM 0 N 61100 259 R0NIC2O 12 SPED REGNL OCCUP THERAPY 0 N 61100 256 R0NIC2T 12 SPED REGIONAL PHYSICAL THERAPY 0 N 61100 257 R0NII20 12 REG SPED -INSTR SUPPORT 0 N 61310 200 R0NII23 12 REG SPED -INSTR SUPPRT ED 0 N 61310 230 R0NII24 12 REG SPED -INSTR SUPPRT LD 0 N 61310 240 R0NII25 12 REG SPED -INSTR SUPPRT MD 0 N 61310 250 R0NII26 12 REG SPED -INSTR SUPPRT HI 0 N 61310 251 R0NII29 12 REG SPED-INSTR SUPP AUTISM 0 N 61310 259 R0NIS20 12 REG SPED -SOCIAL WORKER 0 N 61220 200 R0NIS23 12 REG SPED -SOC WORK ED 0 N 61220 230 R0NIS29 12 REG SPED-SOC WORK AUTISM 0 N 61220 259 R0NMO00 12 REG SPED-BLDG SERVICES 0 N 64200 000 R0NTI20 12 REG SPED -TECH INSTR 0 N 68100 200 R0NTI25 12 REG SPED -TECH INSTR MD 0 N 68100 250 R0NTI29 12 REG SPED-TECH INSTR AUTISM 0 N 68100 259 R1NIC20 12 REG SPED -BALD CLASS INSTR 1 N 61100 200 R1NIC23 12 REG SPED -BALD CL INSTR ED 1 N 61100 230 R1NIC25 12 REG SPED -BALD CL - MD 1 N 61100 250 R1NIC29 12 REG SPED -BALD INSTR AUTSM 1 N 61100 259 R2NIC22 12 REG SPED -DEAN CL INSTR TBI 2 N 61100 260 R2NIC23 12 REG SPED -DEAN CL INSTR ED 2 N 61100 230 R2NIC25 12 REG SPED -DEAN CL INSTR MD 2 N 61100 250 R2NIC29 12 REG SPED-DEAN CL INSTR AUTISM 2 N 61100 259 R3NIC22 12 REG SPED -HAYD CL INSTR TBI 3 N 61100 260 R3NIC23 12 REG SPED -HAYD CL INSTR ED 3 N 61100 230 R3NIC24 12 REG SPED -HAYD CL INSTR LD 3 N 61100 240 R3NIC29 12 REG SPED-HAYD CL INSTR AUTISM 3 N 61100 259 R4NIC21 12 REG SPED -ROUN CL INSTR ID 4 N 61100 210

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program R4NIC23 12 REG SPED -ROUN CL INSTR ED 4 N 61100 230 R4NIC24 12 REG SPED -ROUN CL INSTR LD 4 N 61100 240 R4NIC25 12 REG SPED -ROUN CL INSTR MD 4 N 61100 250 R4NIC27 12 RGNL SPED CLASS INSTR - SPEECH 4 N 61100 253 R4NIC29 12 REG SPED-ROUN CL INSTR AUTISM 4 N 61100 259 R5NIC23 12 REG SPED -WEEM CL INSTR ED 5 N 61100 230 R5NIC24 12 RGNL SPED CLASS INSTR SLD WEEM 5 N 61100 240 R5NIC25 12 REG SPED -WEEM CL INSTR MD 5 N 61100 250 R5NIC29 12 REG SPED-WEEM CL INSTR AUTISM 5 N 61100 259 R7NIC23 12 REG SPED -MAYF CL INSTR ED 7 N 61100 230 R7NIC24 12 REG SPED -MAYF CL INSTR LD 7 N 61100 240 R7NIC25 12 SPECIAL ED REG CL INSTR 7 N 61100 250 R7NIC29 12 REG SPED-MAYF CL INSTR AUTISM 7 N 61100 259 R8NIC20 12 REG SPED -METZ CLASS INSTR 8 N 61100 200 R8NIC21 12 REG SPED -METZ CL INSTR ID 8 N 61100 210 R8NIC23 12 REG SPED -METZ CL INSTR ED 8 N 61100 230 R8NIC24 12 REG SPED -METZ CL INSTR LD 8 N 61100 240 R8NIC25 12 REG SPED -METZ CL INSTR MD 8 N 61100 250 R8NIC29 12 REG SPED-METZ CL INSTR AUTISM 8 N 61100 259 R9NIC20 12 REG SPED -OHS CLASS INSTR 9 N 61100 200 R9NIC22 12 REG SPED -OHS CL INSTR TBI 9 N 61100 260 R9NIC23 12 REG SPED -OHS CL INSTR ED 9 N 61100 230 R9NIC24 12 REG SPED -OHS CL INSTR LD 9 N 61100 240 R9NIC25 12 REG SPED -OHS CLD INSTR MD 9 N 61100 250 R9NIC29 12 REG SPED-OHS CL INSTR AUTISM 9 N 61100 259 R9NIP20 12 SPED REGIONAL AP ADMIN 9 N 61410 200 200000 20 BALANCE SHEET ACCT 0 0 00000 000 200030 20 FEDERAL FUNDS - GRANT 0 0 00000 030 20CCI10 20 CURR INSTRUCTION RESERVE 0 C 69100 100 20CHA00 20 CURR ATTEND/HEALTH 0 C 62210 000 20CHH00 20 CURR HEALTH SERV 0 C 62220 000 20CIC10 20 CURR CLASS INSTR REG 0 C 61100 100 20CIC12 20 ACCTBIL CLASS INSTR-ENGLISH 0 C 61100 102 20CIC13 20 ACCTBIL CLASS INSTR - MATH 0 C 61100 103 20CIC1E 20 ACCTBIL CLASS INSTR - ESOL 0 C 61100 123 20CII10 20 CURR IMPROV INSTRUCT 0 C 61310 100 20CII12 20 ACCTBIL INSTR SUPP -ENGLISH 0 C 61310 102 20CIP10 20 ACCTBIL PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 0 C 61410 100 20CMO10 20 ACCTBIL BLDG SERV 0 C 64200 100 20CTI10 20 ACCTBIL TECH INSTR REG PRG 0 C 68100 100 20CTS10 20 CURR -TECH SUPPRT REG PRG 0 C 68200 100 20EAI00 20 ESOL-INFORMATION SERVICES 0 E 62130 000 20EAI10 20 ESOL-INFORMATION SRV CL 0 E 62130 100 20EIC10 20 ESOL-CLASSRM INSTRUCTION 0 E 61100 100

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 20EIC63 20 ESOL-CL INSTR-SUMMER SCH 0 E 61100 630 20EIG10 20 GRANT TITLE III LEP GUID SRV 0 E 61210 100 20EII10 20 ESOL - INSTR SUPPORT 0 E 61310 123 20ETI10 20 ESOL-TECH INSTR CLASSROOM 0 E 68100 123 20III10 20 TECH IMPROV INSTR -REG PRG 0 I 61310 100 20ITI10 20 TECH CLASSRM INSTR REGPRG 0 I 68100 100 20ITS10 20 TECH SUPPORT-REG PROGRAM 0 I 68200 100 20NHP20 20 GRANT SPED PSYCHOLOGIST 0 N 62230 200 20NIC16 20 SPEC ED CLASS INSTR-PHYS ED 0 N 61100 106 20NIC20 20 SPECIAL ED CLASS INSTR 0 N 61100 200 20NIC21 20 SPECIAL ED CLASS INSTR - ID 0 N 61100 210 20NIC23 20 SPECIAL ED CLASS INSTR - ED 0 N 61100 230 20NIC24 20 SPECIAL ED CLASS INSTR - LD 0 N 61100 240 20NIC25 20 SPECIAL ED CLASS INSTR - MD 0 N 61100 250 20NIC27 20 SPECIAL ED CL INSTR-SPCH IMP 0 N 61100 253 20NIC29 20 SPECIAL ED CL INSTR -AUTISM 0 N 61100 259 20NIC2P 20 SPECIAL ED CL INSTR -DD PRE 0 N 61100 201 20NIC62 20 SPECIAL ED CL INSTR SUMMER 0 N 61100 620 20NII20 20 SPECIAL ED INSTR SUPPORT 0 N 61310 200 20NTA20 20 SPECIAL ED TECHNOLOGY ADM 0 N 68300 200 20NTI20 20 SPECIAL ED TECH INSTR 0 N 68100 200 20NTS20 20 SPECIAL ED TECH SUPPORT 0 N 68200 200 20NVE20 20 SPECIAL ED BUSES 0 N 63500 200 20PIC10 20 PROF LEARN-CLASS INSTR 0 P 61100 100 20PIC12 20 PROF LEARN-INSTR ENGLISH 0 P 61100 102 20PIC1C 20 PROF LEARN-INSTR REGPRG 0 P 61100 130 20PIC40 20 PROF LEARN-INSTR GIFTED 0 P 61100 400 20PII10 20 PROF LEARN-INSTR SUP CLSRM 0 P 61310 100 20PII1E 20 PROF LEARN-INSTR SUP ESOL 0 P 61310 123 20PTS10 20 PROF LEARN-TECH SUPPRT 0 P 68200 100 20TVA00 20 TRANS ADMIN MGMT 0 T 63100 000 20TVO00 20 TITLE I TRANSPORTATION 0 T 63200 000 211IC24 20 BALDWIN CL INSTR SPED LD 1 1 61100 240 211II12 20 BALDWIN INSTR IMPROV READING 1 1 61310 102 211II13 20 BALDWIN INSTR IMPROV MATH 1 1 61310 103 21CIC10 20 GRANT - CLASS INSTRUCTION BALD 1 C 61100 100 21CIC12 20 CLASS INSTR - READING BALD 1 C 61100 102 21CIC13 20 CLASS INSTR - MATH BALD 1 C 61100 103 21CTI10 20 BALD TECH CLASSROOM INSTRUCTIO 1 C 68100 100 21NIC24 20 GRANT-CLSRM INSTRUCT SPED LD 1 N 61100 240 21NIC2H 20 TITLE VIB CLASS INSTRUCT OHI 1 N 61100 245 21PIC10 20 TITLE II CLASS INSTR-BALDWIN 1 P 61100 100 222IC24 20 DEAN CL INSTRUCTION - SLD 2 2 61100 240 222IC2P 20 DEAN PRESCHOOL 619 2 2 61100 201

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 222II12 20 FED GRANT DEAN 2 2 61310 102 222II13 20 FED GRANT DEAN 2 2 61310 103 22CIC10 20 GRANT - CLASS INSTRUCTION DEAN 2 C 61100 100 22CIC12 20 CLASS INSTR - READING - DEAN 2 C 61100 102 22CIC13 20 CLASS INSTR - MATH - DEAN 2 C 61100 103 22CTI10 20 GRANT- TECH CLASS INSTRUC DEAN 2 C 68100 100 22NIC21 20 GRANT SPED CLASS INSTR-ID DEAN 2 N 61100 210 22NIC2H 20 SPED CLASS INSTR-OTH HLTH IMPA 2 N 61100 245 22NIC2P 20 SPECIAL ED CI PRESCH DD 2 N 61100 201 22PIC10 20 TITLE II CLASS INSTR - DEAN 2 P 61100 100 233IC27 20 HAYD CL INSTRUCTION SPEECH 3 3 61100 253 233II12 20 HAYD INSTRUCT IMPROV READING 3 3 61310 102 233II13 20 HAYD INSTR IMPROV MATH 3 3 61310 103 23CIC10 20 GRANT - CLASS INSTRUCTION HAYD 3 C 61100 100 23CIC12 20 CLASS INSTR - READING - HAYDON 3 C 61100 102 23CIC13 20 CLASS INSTR - MATH - HAYDON 3 C 61100 103 23NIC24 20 CL INSTRUCT SPED LD HAYD 3 N 61100 240 23PIC10 20 TITLE II CLASS INSTR - HAYD 3 P 61100 100 23PIC12 20 TITLE II CLASS INSTR READ-HAYD 3 P 61100 102 244IC24 20 ROUND CL INSTR SPED LD 4 4 61100 240 244II12 20 ROUND INSTR IMPROV READING 4 4 61310 102 244II13 20 ROUND INSTR IMPROV MATH 4 4 61310 103 24CIC10 20 GRANT CLASS INSTRUCTION ROUND 4 C 61100 100 24CIC12 20 CLASS INSTR - READING - ROUND 4 C 61100 102 24CIC13 20 CLASS INSTR - MATH - ROUND 4 C 61100 103 24NIC2H 20 TITLE VIB CLASS INSTRUCT OHI 4 N 61100 245 24PIC13 20 TITLE II CLAS INSTR MATH-ROUND 4 P 61100 103 24TVO00 20 TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS ROUND 4 T 63200 000 255II12 20 WEEMS INSTR IMPROV READING 5 5 61310 102 255II13 20 WEEMS INSTR IMPROV MATH 5 5 61310 103 25CIC10 20 GRANT CLASS INSTRUCTION WEEMS 5 C 61100 100 25CIC12 20 CLASS INSTR - READING - WEEMS 5 C 61100 102 25CIC13 20 CLASS INSTR - MATH - WEEMS 5 C 61100 103 25CTI10 20 WEEM TECH CLASSROOM INSTRUCTIO 5 C 68100 100 25NIC23 20 CL INSTRUCT SPED WEEMS 5 N 61100 230 25NIC25 20 CL INSTRUCT SPED MD WEEMS 5 N 61100 250 25NIC29 20 CL INSTRUCT SPED AUT WEEMS 5 N 61100 259 277IC24 20 MAYFLD CL INSTR SPED LD 7 7 61100 240 27EIC10 20 GRANT ESOL CLASS INSTR- MAYFLD 7 E 61100 100 27NIC21 20 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ID MAY 7 N 61100 210 27NIC24 20 CL INSTRUCTION SPED LD MAYF 7 N 61100 240 27NIC2H 20 TITLE VIB CLASS INSTRUCT OHI 7 N 61100 245 28EIC10 20 GRANT ESOL CLASS INSTR - METZ 8 E 61100 100 28NIC21 20 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT ID METZ 8 N 61100 210

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 28NIC25 20 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT-MD 8 N 61100 250 28NIC29 20 SPED CLASS INSTRUCT - AUTISM 8 N 61100 259 28NIC2H 20 TITLE VIB CLASS INSTRUCT OHI 8 N 61100 245 290030 20 FEDERAL FUNDS - GRANT 9 9 00000 030 299IC24 20 OHS CL INSTR SPED PD 9 9 61100 240 299IC30 20 OHS CL INSTR CTE 9 9 61100 300 299II30 20 OHS INSTR IMPROV CTE 9 9 61310 300 299TI30 20 OHS TECH CL INSTR CTE 9 9 68100 300 29CIC10 20 OHS CLASS INSTR REG PROG 9 C 61100 100 29CIC30 20 OHS CLASS INSTR CTE 9 C 61100 300 29CII30 20 OHS INSTR SUPPRT CTE 9 C 61310 300 29CMO30 20 OHS MAINT - BLDG SERV CTE 9 9 64200 300 29CTI30 20 OHS TECH INSTR CTE 9 C 68100 300 29CTS30 20 OHS TECH SUPPRT INSTR CTE 9 9 68200 300 29EIC10 20 GRANT ESOL CLASS INSTR - OHS 9 E 61100 100 29NIC20 20 IDEA SWD PRG IMPROV SUBGRANT 9 N 61100 200 29NIC24 20 CL INSTRUCT SPED LD OHS 9 N 61100 240 29NIC2H 20 TITLE VIB CLASS INSTRUCT OHI 9 N 61100 245 2A0030 20 FEDERAL REV-ASSESSEMENT 0 A 00000 030 2C0030 20 FEDERAL REV - CURRICULUM 0 C 00000 030 2I0030 20 FEDERAL REV - TECHNOLOGY 0 I 00000 030 2J0030 20 FEDERAL REV - CONTINGENCY RESE 0 J 00000 030 2N0030 20 FEDERAL REV - SPECIAL ED 0 N 00000 030 2P0030 20 FEDERAL REV -PROF LEARNING 0 P 00000 030 A00000 21 BALANCE SHEET ACCT 0 0 00000 000 A00030 21 FEDERAL FUNDS 0 0 00000 030 A0CIC10 21 ACCTBIL CL INSTR REG PRG 0 C 61100 100 A0CIC12 21 ACCTBIL CL INSTR ENGLISH 0 A 61100 102 A0CII10 21 ACCTBIL CL INSTR SUPPORT 0 A 61310 100 A0CII12 21 ACCTBIL INSTR SUPP REG PRG 0 A 61310 102 A0ITS10 21 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT - CLASSROOM 0 I 68200 100 A0JIC10 21 CLASSROOM INSTR REG PRG 0 J 61100 100 A0JIC12 21 CLASSROOM INSTR ENGLISH 0 J 61100 102 A0JIC13 21 CLASSROOM INSTR MATH 0 J 61100 103 A0JIC14 21 CLASSROOM INSTR SCIENCE 0 J 61100 114 A0JIC15 21 CLASSROOM INSTR SOCIAL STUDIES 0 J 61100 109 A0JIC1C 21 CLASSROOM INSTR REG CLASS 0 J 61100 130 A0JIC20 21 CLASSROOM INSTR SPED 0 J 61100 200 A0JIC21 21 CLASSROOM INSTR SPED ID 0 J 61100 210 A0JIC24 21 CLASSROOM INSTR SPED LD 0 J 61100 240 A0JIM10 21 MEDIA SERVICES 0 J 61320 100 A0JIP10 21 PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 0 J 61410 125 A0NIC20 21 SPECIAL ED CL INSTR SPED 0 N 61100 200 A0NIC21 21 SPECIAL ED CL INSTR ID 0 N 61100 210

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program A0NIC24 21 SPECIAL ED CL INSTR LD 0 N 61100 240 A0NTI20 21 SPECIAL ED TECH INSTR 0 N 68100 200 A0TVO00 21 TRANS VEHICLE OPERATIONS 0 T 63200 000 A1JIC1K 21 CL INSTR-KINDERGRTN BALD 1 J 61100 119 A2JIC1K 21 CL INSTR-KINDERGRTN DEAN 2 J 61100 119 A2NIC2P 21 CL INSTR-PRESCHOOL DD 2 N 61100 201 A3JIC1K 21 CL INSTR-KINDERGRTN HAYD 3 J 61100 119 A4JIC1K 21 CL INSTR-KINDERGRTN ROUN 4 J 61100 119 A5JIC1K 21 CL INSTR-KINDERGRTN WEEM 5 J 61100 119 A7JIC11 21 CLASS INSTR - ART MAYF 7 J 61100 101 A7JIC12 21 CLASS INSTR - ENGLISH MAYF 7 J 61100 102 A7JIC13 21 CLASS INSTR - MATH MAYF 7 J 61100 103 A7JIC16 21 CLASS INSTR - PHYS ED MAYF 7 J 61100 106 A7JIC17 21 CL INSTR-WORLD LANG MAYF 7 J 61100 111 A7JIC18 21 CLASS INSTR - MUSIC MAYF 7 J 61100 110 AA0030 21 FEDERAL ARRA REV-ASSESSEMNT 0 A 00000 030 AC0030 21 FEDERAL ARRA REV-CURRICULUM 0 C 00000 030 AI0030 21 FEDERAL ARRA REV - TECHNOLOGY 0 I 00000 030 AJ0030 21 FEDERAL ARRA FUNDS 0 J 00000 030 AN0030 21 FEDEAL ARRA - SPECIAL ED 0 N 00000 030 300000 30 BALANCE SHEET ACCT 0 0 00000 000 300050 30 CITY APPROPRIATION 0 0 00000 050 300052 30 USE OF FUND BALANCE 0 0 00000 052 30IMO00 30 CIP TECHNOLOGY OPER 0 I 64200 000 30ITA00 30 CIP TECHNOLOGY ADMIN 0 I 68300 000 30ITF00 30 CIP PAY GO TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES 0 I 68800 000 30OFA00 30 CIP SITE ACQUISITIONS 0 O 66100 000 30OFC00 30 CIP BUILDING ACQUISTIONS & CON 0 O 66500 000 30OFX00 30 CIP BUILDING IMPROV 0 O 66600 000 30OMO00 30 CIP BUILDING SERVICES 0 O 64200 000 30TVO00 30 CIP TRANSP VEHICLE OPER 0 T 63200 000 31OFI00 30 BALDWIN SITE IMPROVEMENTS 1 O 66200 000 31OFX00 30 CIP BUILDING IMRPOV 1 O 66600 000 31OMO00 30 CIP BUILDING SERVICES 1 O 64200 000 32OFX00 30 CIP BUILDING IMRPOV DEAN 2 O 66600 000 32OMO00 30 CIP DEAN BUILDING SERVICES 2 O 64200 000 32OMS00 30 CIP SECURITY DEAN 2 O 64600 000 33OFX00 30 CIP BUILDING IMRPOV HAYD 3 O 66600 000 34OFX00 30 CIP BUILDING IMRPOV ROUN 4 O 66600 000 34OMS00 30 CIP ROUND SECURITY SYSTEM 4 O 64600 000 35OFX00 30 CIP BUILDING IMRPOV WEEM 5 O 66600 000 35OMO00 30 CIP BUILDING SRV WEEMS 5 O 64200 000 35OMS00 30 CIP SECURITY WEEMS 5 O 64600 000 37OFX00 30 CIP BUILDING IMRPOV MAYF 7 O 66600 000

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 38OFI00 30 CIP SITE IMPROV METZ 8 O 66200 000 38OFX00 30 CIP BUILDING IMRPOV METZ 8 O 66600 000 38OMO00 30 CIP BUILDING SERVICES 8 O 64200 000 39ITM00 30 CIP TECHNOLOGY BLDG SRV 9 I 68600 000 39OFD00 30 CIP SITE IMPROV ARCH/ENGR 9 O 66300 000 39OFI00 30 CIP SITE IMPROV OHS 9 O 66200 000 39OFX00 30 CIP BUILDING IMRPOV OHS 9 O 66600 000 39OMG00 30 CIP GROUNDS OHS 9 O 64300 000 39OMO00 30 CIP BUILDING SERVICES OHS 9 O 64200 000 39OMS00 30 CIP SECURITY OHS 9 O 64600 000 B00000 31 BALANCE SHEET ACCT 0 0 00000 000 B00050 31 BOND FUND - CITY PROFFER 0 0 00000 050 B00052 31 BOND FUND USE OF FUND BAL 0 0 00000 052 B0ITF00 31 BOND CIP TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES 0 I 68800 000 B1OFC00 31 BOND BALDWIN BUILDING CONSTRUC 1 O 66500 000 B3OFX00 31 BOND - FACILITIES HAYDON 3 O 66600 000 B4OFI00 31 BOND ROUND SITE IMPROVEMENTS 4 O 66200 000 B4OFX00 31 BOND ROUND BUILDING IMPROV 4 O 66600 000 B5OFX00 31 BOND - FACILITIES WEEMS 5 O 66600 000 B8OFI00 31 BOND METZ SITE IMPROVEMENTS 8 O 66200 000 B9OFI00 31 BOND OHS SITE IMPROVEMENTS 9 O 66200 000 B9OFX00 31 BOND JLC 2ND FLOOR 9 O 66600 000 V00000 35 BALANCE SHEET ACCT 0 0 00000 000 V00050 35 CITY APPROPRIATION 0 0 00000 050 V00052 35 USE OF FUND BALANCE 0 0 00000 052 V0IMO00 35 CIP TECHNOLOGY OPER 0 I 64200 000 V0ITA00 35 CIP TECHNOLOGY ADMIN 0 I 68300 000 V0ITF00 35 CIP TECHNOLOGY DIVISIONWIDE 0 I 68800 000 V0OFA00 35 CIP SITE ACQUISITIONS 0 O 66100 000 V0OFC00 35 CIP BUILDING ACQUIS & CONSTRUC 0 O 66500 000 V0OFX00 35 CIP BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 O 66600 000 V0OMO00 35 CIP BUILDING SERVICES 0 O 64200 000 V0TVO00 35 CIP TRANSP VEHICLE OPERATIONS 0 T 63200 000 V1OFC00 35 CIP BLDG ACQ/CONSTRUCTION BALD 1 O 66500 000 V1OFX00 35 CIP BUILDING IMPROV BALDWIN 1 O 66600 000 V2OFX00 35 CIP BUILDING IMPROV DEAN 2 O 66600 000 V3OFX00 35 CIP BUILDING IMPROV HAYDON 3 O 66600 000 V3OMS00 35 CIP SECURITY HAYDON 3 O 64600 000 V4OFX00 35 CIP BUILDING IMPROV ROUND 4 O 66600 000 V5OFI00 35 CIP SITE IMPROVEMENTS WEEMS 5 O 66200 000 V5OFX00 35 CIP BUILDING IMPROV WEEMS 5 O 66600 000 V5OMO00 35 CIP BUILDING SERVICES WEEMS 5 O 64200 000 V7OFX00 35 CIP BUILDING IMPROV MAYFIELD 7 O 66600 000 V8OFI00 35 CIP SITE IMPROVEMENTS METZ 8 O 66200 000

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program V8OFX00 35 CIP BUILDING IMPROV METZ 8 O 66600 000 V8OMO00 35 CIP BUILDING SERVICES METZ 8 O 64200 000 V9OFI00 35 CIP SITE IMPROVEMENTS OHS 9 O 66200 000 V9OFX00 35 CIP BUILDING IMPROV OHS 9 O 66600 000 V9OMO00 35 CIP BUILDING SERVICES OHS 9 O 64200 000 W00000 36 BALANCE SHEET CIP FY16 0 0 00000 000 W00050 36 CITY APPROPRIATION 0 0 00000 050 W00052 36 CIP USE OF FUND BALANCE 0 0 00000 052 W0ITF00 36 CIP TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE 0 I 68800 000 W0OFX00 36 CIP BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 O 66600 000 W0TVO00 36 CIP TRANSP VEHICLE OPERATIONS 0 T 63200 000 W2OMO00 36 CIP DEAN LIGHTING 2 O 64200 000 W3OFX00 36 CIP HAYDON BUILDING IMPROVEMEN 3 O 66600 000 W4OMO00 36 CIP ROUND BUILDING SERVICES 4 O 64200 000 W7OMS00 36 CIP MAYF SECURITY UPGRADES 7 O 66600 000 W8OMS00 36 CIP FY16 METZ SECURITY 8 O 64600 000 W9OFI00 36 CIP OHS SITE IMPROVEMENTS 9 O 66200 000 W9OFI52 36 CIP OHS SITE IMPROV - ATHLETIC 9 O 66200 520 W9OMO00 36 CIP FACILITIES BLDG IMPROV OHS 9 O 64200 000 W9OMS00 36 CIP OHS SECURITY UPGRADES 9 O 64600 000 X00000 37 BALANCE SHEET CIP FY17 0 0 00000 000 X00050 37 CITY APPROPRIATION 0 0 00000 050 X00052 37 CIP USE OF FUND BALANCE 0 0 00000 052 X0ITF00 37 CIP FY17 TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES 0 I 68800 000 X0TVO00 37 CIP FY17 TRANSP BUS PURCHASES 0 T 63200 000 X1OFC00 37 CIP FY17 BLDG ACQ/CONSTR-BALD 1 O 66500 000 X4OFI00 37 CIP FY17 SITE IMPROV - ROUND 4 O 66200 000 X9OFI00 37 CIP FY17 SITE IMPROV - OHS 9 O 66200 000 X9OFX00 37 CIP FACILITIES BLDG IMPROV OHS 9 O 66600 000 X9OMO00 37 CIP FY17 BUILDING SERVICES OHS 9 O 64200 000 400000 40 BALANCE SHEET ACCT 0 0 00000 000 400040 40 DEBT REVENUE -LOCAL FUNDS 0 0 00000 040 400050 40 CITY APPROPRIATION 0 0 00000 050 40JDS00 40 DEBT SERVICE 0 J 67100 000 500000 50 BALANCE SHEET ACCT 0 0 00000 000 500020 50 SCH FOOD STATE FUNDS 0 0 00000 020 500030 50 SCH FOOD FEDERAL FUNDS 0 0 00000 030 500040 50 SCH FOOD OTHER FUNDS 0 0 00000 040 500052 50 USE OF FUND BALANCE 0 0 00000 052 500090 50 FEDERAL COMMODITIES 0 0 00000 090 50FCF00 50 SCHOOL FOOD CONTINGENCY 0 F 69700 000 50FMO00 50 SCH FOOD BUILDING SRV 0 F 64200 000 50FOF00 50 SCH FOOD 0 F 65100 000 50FOF60 50 SCH FOOD SUMMER SCHOOL 0 F 65100 600

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FY 2018 Budget Manual

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Org Code Fund Description Location Department Function Program 50FOF63 50 SCH FOOD ELEM SUMMER SCH 0 F 65100 630 50FTO00 50 SCH FOOD TECHNOLOGY 0 F 68700 000 510030 50 SCH FOOD BALD FEDERAL 1 1 00000 030 510040 50 SCH FOOD BALD OTHER 1 1 00000 040 51FOF00 50 SCH FOOD - BALDWIN 1 F 65100 000 51FTO00 50 SCH FOOD TECHNOLOG-BALD 1 F 68700 000 520030 50 SCH FOOD DEAN FEDERAL 2 2 00000 030 520040 50 SCH FOOD DEAN OTHER 2 2 00000 040 52FOF00 50 SCH FOOD - DEAN 2 F 65100 000 52FTO00 50 SCH FOOD TECHNOLOG-DEAN 2 F 68700 000 530030 50 SCH FOOD HAYD FEDERAL 3 3 00000 030 530040 50 SCH FOOD HAYD OTHER 3 3 00000 040 53FOF00 50 SCH FOOD - HAYDON 3 F 65100 000 53FTO00 50 SCH FOOD TECHNOLOG-HAYD 3 F 68700 000 540030 50 SCH FOOD ROUND FEDERAL 4 4 00000 030 540040 50 SCH FOOD ROUND OTHER 4 4 00000 040 54FOF00 50 SCH FOOD - ROUND 4 F 65100 000 54FTO00 50 SCH FOOD TECHNOLOG-ROUN 4 F 68700 000 550030 50 SCH FOOD WEEMS FEDERAL 5 5 00000 030 550040 50 SCH FOOD WEEMS OTHER 5 5 00000 040 55FOF00 50 SCH FOOD - WEEMS 5 F 65100 000 55FTO00 50 SCH FOOD TECHNOLOG-WEEMS 5 F 68700 000 570030 50 SCH FOOD MAYF FEDERAL 7 7 00000 030 570040 50 SCH FOOD MAYF OTHER 7 7 00000 040 57FOF00 50 SCH FOOD - MAYFIELD 7 F 65100 000 57FTO00 50 SCH FOOD TECHNOLOG-MAYF 7 F 68700 000 580030 50 SCH FOOD METZ FEDERAL 8 8 00000 030 580040 50 SCH FOOD METZ OTHER 8 8 00000 040 58FOF00 50 SCH FOOD - METZ 8 F 65100 000 58FTO00 50 SCH FOOD TECHNOLOGY-METZ 8 F 68700 000 590030 50 SCH FOOD OHS FEDERAL 9 9 00000 030 590040 50 SCH FOOD OHS OTHER 9 9 00000 040 59FOF00 50 SCH FOOD - OHS 9 F 65100 000 59FTO00 50 SCH FOOD TECHNOLOGY-OHS 9 F 68700 000

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FY 2018 Budget Manual

77 Revised September 2016

Appendix 6 – Rates of Pay

School Year 2016-2017 Rate of Pay

Summer Programs Position Hourly rate Assistant Coordinator (licensed) $33.60 Clerical Support $13.79 Coordinator (licensed) $35.20 Instructional Assistant /Sun IA $13.79 Interpreter/Translator $18.63 On-line Coordinator $13.79 Registered Nurse $32 Substitute Instructional Assistant $13.79 Substitute Teacher $32 (Planning rate $20) Substitute Teacher (4 year degree) $20 (Planning rate $13.79) Substitute Teacher (no degree) $13.79 Summer Feeding Program - Student Food Service Worker $10 Summer Feeding Program - Food Service Worker $16 Summer Feeding Program - Food Service Supervisor $17 Teacher (licensed) $32 (Planning rate $20) Teacher Positions (require teaching license) Hourly rate After School Tutoring $32 Camp Eagle Instruction $32 Camp Eagle Planning $20 Curriculum Development $20 GED Teaching $32 GED Planning $20 Homebound $32 Instructional Programs (i.e., Saturday School) $32 Kindergarten/VPI Assessment $32 Support Positions Hourly rate Hourly rates apply only to non-FTE support staff. The applicable rate of pay for overtime worked for FTE staff will be based upon their job assignment and hourly rate of pay Clerical Assistant $8 Laborer Assistant $8 Receptionist $9 Clerical Technical (Specialized Skill) $11.43 Registered Nurse $32 Other Support Positions Varies (based on position and incumbent) Instructional Assistant (temporary) $13.79 Interpreter/Translator $18.63 Bus Driver Trainee $16.00 Building Usage - Supervisor $35 Building Usage - Custodian Actual hourly rate

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FY 2018 Budget Manual

78 Revised September 2016

School Year 2016-2017 Rate of Pay (Continued) Standards of Learning and Other Assessments Hourly rate WIDA Testing $25 Administer/Proctor Testing $16 AVID Tutors $15.68 AVID Tutors - Saturday Learning Seminar $15.68 Professional Development Daily rate Attending professional development off contract $100/full day Ticket Takers Hourly rate Ticket Takers - Metz 1 event $35 Ticket Takers - Osbourn Freshman/JV $40 Ticket Takers - Osbourn Varsity $40

Substitutes - Daily Rate Teacher Shadowing $75.00 Training $100.00 High school degree, Associate's degree $75.00 Short Term Assignment - Bachelor's degree - 15 days or less $106.73 Retired MCPS Teacher - Short Term Assignment - 15 days or less $114.98 Long Term Assignment - 16 consecutive days or more $151.05 Long-Term Assignment Retired MCPS Teacher - 16 consecutive days or more $164.33 Support Substitutes Shadowing $75.00 Instructional Assistant $75.00 Clerical $75.00

Substitutes - Hourly Rates Custodian $13.90 Cafeteria Worker $13.90 Bus Driver $18.63 Bus Attendant $14.60