fylbion; - wellesley township heritage & historical · pdf file/• and ct'emne*....

Wellesley, Thursday, August 4th, 1904. Western $anfc of C QnQ^ Q Capital Authorized <1,000,000 00 Capital Paid Up - 435,000.00 Riwkkve and undivided profit* - 225,000.00 Ahheth OVER . . . . 4,450.000.00 Savings Bank Department. ARE YOU SAVING MONEY ? If so, don't you want your money to draw interest? Money loaned to relatives anil friends often taken wings and llien. Aha general rule it is safer and better to place yonr money in u bank oven at u lower rate of interest. Wo pay tlio highest interest on savings consistent with safoty. Interest allowod from day of deposit and com- pounded half yearly. A General Banking Bchixkhh T ransacted. W. E 3 . WEST. MANAGER WELLESLEY BRANCO. POOLE. Fall wheat harvesting is in full swing in these parts. The orop pro- mises to be a very good ono. Berry picking season is nearly over. Raspberries aro still quite plentiful but Ellice swamp has not been as generonu this year in its supply of huckleberries. Thoro was a curious snako on ex- hibition at the Poole hotel last week. It was killed by Mrs. Schmidt at her gate at Mnsselburg. It is said to be a copper snake. It is a very pretty reptile a couple of feet long, with oval spots on its lack, and groups of squares on the under side. No one s»-ems to have seen ono like it in the neighborhood before. WM. GUISTER. M. D., C. M., U'tUMUT. /"YII.Ditnd 8llr«r Mt-t»lit. L*t* H»o**Huj- 17 Toronto Hmmi-.I Hcxpitiil. O men Hot'S*:—»> to 10n. m. 1to * p. tn. /• and ct'emne*. HILTS ~*~Den.tist> Wellesley 1 be in Millbank on the second Tuesday of oach month. . P. CLEMENT, K. C. later, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc. rj to Loon on Mortsa** of B**l K«Uto. —T U B - fylbion; HOTEL. JOHN MAYER, PKOPRIETOR,* ONT. “53r« •ry room L4SO« -AMCt- SOOM. * * Evert accommodation for th« fr*v«lltus PuH e CHOICEST M Q t W g ANI> C1‘ GA US at th* BAR Ooo-t SiaMt** *n<l HortUt*. ® ® ^ A UK RICA'S ^ ®BEST $ E ditorially F earless. CONSISTENTLY REPUBLICAN. N*w» from nil of the world—Well writ- ten orlffitml »torle»—Anawera to qnerle*- Artlrlr, on Health. thn Home. n»w Book* and on work about the Farm mi l Gordon. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN In■» member of the Awoolnted rrc*«, th* only Wettern Newepnperreecivinctbaen- tire telegraphic new* *«rv|ee of the New York Han mid Sneoinl oahle of'the New York World—dolly report* from over t.tnii epeclol corroepondent* throughout the Estray Beast H^onimolfr^m^fu^ofY»« TIME TABLE Of the Preston and Berlin Electrle Railway., Cars leave Berlin for Preston— 8.10, 0.00, 9.45 and 10.55 a tn; 12.10,1 20.2.30,,6.15, 7.20, 8.25 9 35. 10.30 and 11.20 p.m. (Last car runs to Preston only.) Lea Vo Preston for Berlin—7.40, 8.35, 9.15, 10.20 and 11.36 a .m .;, 3.05, 4.12, 5.25, 6.40, 7.50, 9.00, 10.10 and 10.55,p.m Leave Galt to connect at Preston ns follows:—7.05, 7.35, 8.45,9.45, 10.55,12.07. 1.20, 2.30. 3.40, 4.50, 5.55, 7.12, 8.25, 9.30, 10.10, Cars leaving Berlin at 9.00, a m., and 5.00 and 6.15 p.m. connoct with C P R trains atOalt without chongo. 00 YEARS’ ‘HADE MAW*.* Designs Copyrights <tc. idex------ fro* _Jo. < --------- luJtxiOkMi l’.’lrnU " r s l*At-r.tt tLk. i inf Muon K i n*fkv, without clMtrro, tuth<? Scitnitfic JSsiitrican. A h*nitK.mrlr |1lu»tr»tM *.r*ly, r*nr~t Hr- ............ I *>-ywM ’lUJO* ’ ■ Tern «. n o David Rudy Licensed Auctioneer and VALUATOR For the Counties of WATERLOO, PERTH arid OXFORD d of tilth Hue, Kn»t riv/nrocK roirofr/or r* irmv be left _ „ Z LEAK OKKJ nd I ibnrolttirm* om.ureUioee H. AUUKH. M1LLDANK. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Haig are away on a holiday trip at present- Onr three entrance candidate* all passed with high marks, John Dav- idson getting 730, Florenco Coulter 676, and Willie Mat^cson 662. Miss Katie Tuttle, of Stratford, is the guest of friends here. Tlio opening of the Methodist Church occurred on Sunday last. Wheat harvest is in full swing, although delayed by the soniowhnt wot weather. The yield is a good one. High Quality of our Gold Rings Is What Counts ! Onr Ruud nro on top b*cou*« th«y ar* the ht<< that can bv modonnd the ktoxidord f»r onolity. You con plicltly rrly on our Kinc* boing »trlctljr tho qunlitT of cold lln-y or* *tompo<l Wo gaormitro th*ni Our prior* o low o* it i* poiwiblo to tell for oad fur- I nUh th* iioality icpr***nt«d. W* hot* Ladle*’ locorot Solid Gold King* ot li.iA.tl Kiun.l (1.75 ooch.whlch oro not tiMtt«n for price oad quality. E. J. ROOS, WATCHMAKER’ Central Block, WATERLOO. ST. CLEMENTS. Brick work on the now residencs being erected heroin St. Clemonts by Mr. Jos. Arnold, has been start- ed, and the work if completion will bo pushed ahead as speodily as pos- sible. Masons aro engaged this week at tho new school house building, and tho first storey will bo completed shortly. Tho local brick-yard is at the present time manufacturing hollow block ware which can Ik: nsed for building purposes. Ono of the above brick is tho sizo of nine com- mon ones, and at. the sati\o time its strength is not lessened by its size A game of base ball between the Bridge Nine” and tho local juniors calling themoolves “ Sweepers,” has been arranged for Wednesday of this week. We uro too early to furnish the outcome bnt will have it in our “ Leaf” budget uuxt week. Mrs. Andrew Hincbbcrger. of De- troit. Mich, is a visitor in our towtr| at present. Mias Carrie Busch visited Water- loo for a few days und returned on Saturday Messrs. Sam and Ben Wuechtcr. of Bruoo county, aro visiting in this district at present. Mr. und Mrs. Jos Weber, Toron to, are visiting relatives in St. Clements Mr, Jolm Querin, Berlin, stayed in St. Clemcnta over Sunday. Mr. Peter Weber and friends vis- ited under the jiurental roof on Hunduy HAWKESVILLE. The Misses MeCallister entertain- ed a nnmber of young people on thoir lawn, Weduosday evonirg but when the rain came on tho party proceeded to the Hall. After send- ing several hours tn games, etc., a dainty Innch of ice-cream and eake was nerved. Thoy all bad u very pleasant fcimo. On Thursday, last. Miss Emma Laekuer had her young friends over for tho afternoon in honor of hor friend Miss Wilson, of Toronto, who who was spending a few days with her. Our young pooplo had a nice little picnic in Mr. Gumaliel Lackner'« bush last Friday aftornoon. Mrs. A. MeCallister and Miss Stella attended tbo Lawn Social at Bloomingdolo lost wook. Mr. Kenzio and family of Brunt- ford aro visiting at Mr. Ruler’s. Mr. Mnrk Donald and family of Berlin spont Sunday and Monday with the former’s parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Brandt and daugh- ter spent Sunday at Mr.Diefen- baker’s. Mr. Ben. Ballard spent afowdnys under the pu rental roof. Mr. and Mrs. James Fonton, of Listowel, spent Sunday with the latter’s father. Mr. and Miss Foster were the guests of tho Misses M'Callistcr on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8nyder, Miss Annette Sholly and Mr. A. Bnckor spent Sunday at Mr. J. C. 8belley’£* Mrs. Chas. Paterson and his son Raymond and Miss Jessie McCul- loch aro visiting friends hero. Mr. E Mussolman and family spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Stickor of Moro- ficld paid a flying visit at Mr. F. S. Spies on Saturday. Miss Edna Oakes is visiting with friends in Floradule. Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Leicliner, of Floradule, spent last week at the former’s homo. Quito a number from hero attend, od the Laying of the Corner Stone for tho Lutheran church at Linwood on Sunday. Miss Elma Froehlich, of Welles- ley, was tho guest of Mlsa Vera Ottman last week. Mr. M’Callister is shipping hoops right ulong. Rev. Mr. Gilchrist, of Waterloo, will occupy the pulpit of the Pros- byterian church next Sunday. Three beers a day will offset In a year, ono barrel of flour, fifty pounds of sugar, twenty pounds corn starch, ten pounds of marooni. ten qnarts of Loans, four twolve pound haras, one bushel sweet po- tatoes, twelvo bushels of Irish po- tatoes, ten pounds of coffeo. ten pounds of raisins, ten pounds of rice, twouty pounds of crackers, one hundred bars soap, throe twolve- ponml turkeys, flvo quarts of cran- berries, ten bunches of celery, ten pounds prunes, fonr dozen oranges, ten pounds of mtxed nnts, making four big barrels heaped up; und in the bottom of tho lust bkrrel, a pnrse with a five dollar gold piocc marked, “ A Dress for Mother;” and a ten dollar bill. To Buy Shoes for tho Children.” Which? J no. H. Keys. An little forethought may savo you noend of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rulo to keep Chamber- lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhaja Remedy at hand knows this to bo a fuct. For sale by A. J. Saunders, druggist, Wellesley. , .SHAKESPEARE. Wheat harvest is on. Mrs. Tenn Crerar, of Toronto, is visiting at the homo of her parents, Mr. und Mrs. John A. Crcrur. Rev. D. Riednr, of Port Elgin, was a guest at Mr L. Capling’s last week. Mr. Jas. Woiss is improving his hotel premises by moving tho barn to the rear of the lot. Miss V. Whiteman was tho guest of friends in Tavistock last week. Mrs Weber, of St. Thomas, is ot present home on a visit. Miss Lottie McFarlane is visiting friends in Lisbon und Amulree this week. Colic and Diarrluivt-A Remedy that Is Prompt nnd Pleasant. The prompt results produced by Clinmberluin's Colic, Cholera ami Diurhicu Remedy together with itH pleasant taste have won for it a place in many households. Mr. W. T. Taylor, u merchant of Winslow. Ala., writes: "I lmve used Cham- berlain’s. Colic, Cholera and Diu- crimen Remedy myself and also with men on my place, for Diarrhoea ami Colic und it always give* relief promptly and pleasantly.” For Sale by A. J. Saunders, druggist. Wellesley. HIGHER VALUE. A father recently overheard his young son use a word ho did not ap- prove, and culling tho child to him, s d d ; “ My son. if yon will promise me never to use that- word ugain, I’ll givo you a silver dime.” Tho little fellow promised, and, trno to his word rofrainod. About a week Liter be went to his tatber and said; “ Papa, I've learned a new word worth 50 cents. "-PhiladelpLiaPreaa |NORTH EASTHOPE COUNCIL Council met at tho township hall on the 18th day of July. Members all present except J. C. Cook. Minutes of previous nice ting read and confirmed. Mr. Dennis Mungovun.of Orange- ville, owner of part lots 39 nnd 40. con. 4, upperred at tho Board and requested the council to help in the cleaning ont of the ditch on tho 4th concession opposite his lots. The reeve and J. A. Fraser wore ap- pointed to meet Mr. Mangoven on Saturday, July 23, at 9 a m., on tho ground. Lonis Peters asked tho council to olean ont nnd enlarge the township's share of the Kneisel a ward drain on the northern gravel rord. Left In tho hands of the reeve to deal with. Mr. HolTmoier rejmrted that he had let the following contracts: Fixing the Nithbvrg bridge, to Jno. Forler; pointing the stono abut- ments of tho Nithburg and Moflot bridges, to Geo. Schmidt. The^Y^oyo ro|M>rt<\i that there were no tenders for the bridge on con. 6 approach to northern gralel roud. Tiie following accounts were or- dor»sl paid: Monuo Schneider, on acoonnt for cleaning ont township's Share o f the Jiintzi drain, : Alex Fraser, two cement culverts as per eoiitraei, *122 ; D. Henry, fixing culvert on northern gravel road, half amount. <1.75; Menno Schnei- der, iiiiing hole on northern gravel road, hslf amount, $1.25. T:’c er’ineil then adjourned. J . D. Fimiku. Clerk. Tiy a Johnny Canuck” cigar i'la n yon want a really good one. HI* Part. The rVictor—You regard society rs merely n machine. <lo you? Wbnt pari of the machinery do you consider ma for Instance? The Professor— Yon are ono ot th* cruuka.—Exchange. Returned HI* Lore. Friend-What’* the matter, old man? Doesn’t she return your love? Jilted One—That’s Just Ihe trouble. She returned It nud told me to give It to some other girl. Heard* and llaaatnno. Clean shaven Russians are very uo-‘ common. Nearly every man wears a beard. At one time It was the genera) belief In Russia that a beardless man waa soulless. Trlntdad’* U k * ot Pltc-H. The Groat Pitch lake of Trlntdad covers ninety-nine acres and contain* millions ot tons of so called pitch. This Ls in reality • mixture of asphalt and oil, which Is continually ooslng n » through cracks and crevice* beneath tho pressure ot th* strata ot r o « ahor*. _________________ _ i

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W ellesley, Thursday, A ugust 4th, 1904.

W e s t e r n $ a n f c o f C QnQ^ QCapital A uthorized <1,000,000 00Capital Paid Up - 435,000.00R iwkkve and undivided profit* - 225,000.00Ahheth OVER . . . . 4,450.000.00

Savings Bank Department.ARE YOU SAVING MONEY ? I f so, don 't you

want your money to draw interest?Money loaned to relatives anil friends often taken wings

and llien. Aha general rule it is safer and better to place yonr money in u bank oven at u lower rate of interest.

Wo pay tlio highest interest on savings consistent with safoty. Interest allowod from day of deposit and com­pounded half yearly.

A G eneral Banking Bchixkhh T ransacted.W . E3 . W E S T .



Fall wheat harvesting is in full swing in these parts. The orop pro­mises to be a very good ono.

Berry picking season is nearly over. Raspberries aro still quite plentiful but Ellice swamp has not been as generonu this year in its supply of huckleberries.

Thoro was a curious snako on ex­hibition at the Poole hotel last week. It was killed by Mrs. Schmidt at her gate at Mnsselburg. It is said to be a copper snake. It is a very pretty reptile a couple of feet long, with oval spots on its lack, and groups o f squares on the under side. No one s»-ems to have seen ono like it in the neighborhood before.


/"YII.Ditnd 8llr«r M t-t»lit. L*t* H»o**Huj- 17 Toronto Hmmi-.I Hcxpitiil.

Omen Hot'S*:—»> to 10 n. m. 1 to * p. tn. /• and ct'emne*.


W ellesley1 be in Millbank on the second

Tuesday of oach month.

. P . C L E M E N T , K. C.later, Solicitor, Notary Public,

Conveyancer, Etc.

rj to Loon on Mortsa** of B**l K«Uto.

—T U B -

f y l b i o n ;HOTEL.



“ 5 3 r «•ry roomL4SO« -AMCt- SOOM. * *

Evert accommodation for th« fr*v«lltus PuH e

CHOICEST M Q tW g ANI> C1‘ G A US at th* BAR

Ooo-t SiaMt** *n<l HortUt*.

® ®^ A UK RICA'S ^

® BEST $E d it o r ia l l y F e a r l e s s .CONSISTENTLY REPUBLICAN.

N*w» from nil of the world—Well writ­ten orlffitml »torle»—Anawera to qnerle*- Artlrlr, on Health. thn Home. n»w Book* and on work about the Farm mi l Gordon.


In ■» member of the Awoolnted rrc*«, th* only Wettern Newepnperreecivinctbaen­tire telegraphic new* *«rv|ee of the New York Han mid Sneoinl oahle of'the New York World—dolly report* from over t.tnii epeclol corroepondent* throughout the

Estray BeastH^onimolfr^m^fu^ofY»«

T IM E T A B L E Of the Preston and Berlin Electrle

Railway.,Cars leave Berlin for Preston—

8.10, 0.00, 9.45 and 10.55 a tn; 12.10,1 20.2.30,,6.15, 7.20, 8.25 9 35. 10.30 and 11.20 p.m.(Last car runs to Preston only.)

Lea Vo Preston for Berlin—7.40, 8.35, 9.15, 10.20 and 11.36 a .m .;, 3.05, 4.12, 5.25, 6.40, 7.50, 9.00, 10.10 and 10.55,p.m

Leave Galt to connect at Preston ns follow s:—7.05, 7.35, 8.45,9.45, 10.55,12.07. 1.20, 2.30. 3.40, 4.50,5.55, 7.12, 8.25, 9.30, 10.10,

Cars leaving Berlin at 9.00, a m., and 5.00 and 6.15 p.m. connoct with C P R trains atOalt without chongo.


‘HADE MAW*.* Designs

C opyrights <tc.idex------fro*_Jo. < ---------luJtxiOkMi l’.’lrnU" r sl*At-r.tt tLk. i inf Muon K in *fkv, without clMtrro, tu th<?

Scitnitfic JSsiitrican.A h*nitK.mrlr |1lu»tr»tM *.r*ly, r*nr~t Hr- ............I *>-y wM’lUJO*’ ■ ■ Tern «. n o

David RudyLicensed

Auctioneera n d V A L U A T O R

For the Counties of WATERLOO, PERTH arid OXFORD

d of tilth Hue, Kn»t

riv/nrocK r o i r o f r /o rr* irmv be left

_ „ Z LEAK OKKJ nd I ibnrolttirm*

om.ureUioee H. AUUKH.


Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Haig are away on a holiday trip at present-

Onr three entrance candidate* all passed with high marks, John Dav- idson getting 730, Florenco Coulter 676, and Willie Mat^cson 662.

Miss Katie Tuttle, of Stratford, is the guest of friends here.

Tlio opening of the Methodist Church occurred on Sunday last.

Wheat harvest is in full swing, although delayed by the soniowhnt wot weather. The yield is a good one.

High Qualityo f our

Gold RingsIs W hat Counts !

Onr Ruud nro on top b*cou*« th«y ar* the ht<< that can bv modonndthe ktoxidord f»r onolity. You con plicltly rrly on our Kinc* boing »trlctljr tho qunlitT of cold lln-y or* *tompo<l Wo gaormitro th*ni Our prior* o low o* it i* poiwiblo to tell for oad fur- I nUh th* iioality icpr***nt«d.

W* hot* Ladle*’ locorot Solid Gold King* ot li.iA.tl Kiun.l (1.75 ooch.whlch oro not tiMtt«n for price oad quality.


Central Block, WATERLOO.

ST. CLEMENTS.Brick work on the now residencs

being erected heroin St. Clemonts by Mr. Jos. Arnold, has been start­ed, and the work i f completion will bo pushed ahead as speodily as pos­sible.

Masons aro engaged this week at tho new school house building, and tho first storey will bo completed shortly.

Tho local brick-yard is at the present time manufacturing hollow block ware which can Ik: nsed for building purposes. Ono of the above brick is tho sizo of nine com­mon ones, and at. the sati\o time its strength is not lessened by its size

A game of base ball between theBridge Nine” and tho local juniors

calling themoolves “ Sweepers,” has been arranged for Wednesday of this week. We uro too early to furnish the outcome bnt will have it in our “ Leaf” budget uuxt week.

Mrs. Andrew Hincbbcrger. of De­troit. Mich, is a visitor in our towtr| at present.

Mias Carrie Busch visited Water­loo for a few days und returned on Saturday

Messrs. Sam and Ben Wuechtcr. of Bruoo county, aro visiting in this district at present.

Mr. und Mrs. Jos Weber, Toron to, are visiting relatives in St. Clements

Mr, Jolm Querin, Berlin, stayed in St. Clemcnta over Sunday.

Mr. Peter Weber and friends vis- ited under the jiurental roof on Hunduy


The Misses MeCallister entertain­ed a nnmber of young people on thoir lawn, Weduosday evonirg but when the rain came on tho party proceeded to the Hall. After s e n d ­ing several hours tn games, etc., a dainty Innch of ice-cream and eake was nerved. Thoy all bad u very pleasant fcimo.

On Thursday, last. Miss Emma Laekuer had her young friends over for tho afternoon in honor of hor friend Miss Wilson, of Toronto, who who was spending a few days with her.

Our young pooplo had a nice little picnic in Mr. Gumaliel Lackner'« bush last Friday aftornoon.

Mrs. A. MeCallister and Miss Stella attended tbo Lawn Social at Bloomingdolo lost wook.

Mr. Kenzio and family of Brunt- ford aro visiting at Mr. Ruler’s.

Mr. Mnrk Donald and family of Berlin spont Sunday and Monday with the former’s parents.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Brandt and daugh­ter spent Sunday at Mr.Diefen- baker’s.

Mr. Ben. Ballard spent afowdnys under the pu rental roof.

Mr. and Mrs. James Fonton, of Listowel, spent Sunday with the latter’s father.

Mr. and Miss Foster were the guests o f tho Misses M'Callistcr on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. 8nyder, Miss Annette Sholly and Mr. A. Bnckor spent Sunday at Mr. J. C. 8belley’£*

Mrs. Chas. Paterson and his son Raymond and Miss Jessie McCul­loch aro visiting friends hero.

Mr. E Mussolman and family spent Sunday with friends in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Stickor of Moro- ficld paid a flying visit at Mr. F. S. Spies on Saturday.

Miss Edna Oakes is visiting with friends in Floradule.

Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Leicliner, of Floradule, spent last week at the former’s homo.

Quito a number from hero attend, od the Laying o f the Corner Stone for tho Lutheran church at Linwood on Sunday.

Miss Elma Froehlich, of Welles­ley, was tho guest of Mlsa Vera Ottman last week.

Mr. M’Callister is shipping hoops right ulong.

Rev. Mr. Gilchrist, of Waterloo, will occupy the pulpit of the Pros- byterian church next Sunday.

Three beers a day will offset In a year, ono barrel of flour, fifty pounds of sugar, twenty pounds corn starch, ten pounds of marooni. ten qnarts of Loans, four twolve pound haras, one bushel sweet po­tatoes, twelvo bushels o f Irish po­tatoes, ten pounds of coffeo. ten pounds of raisins, ten pounds of rice, twouty pounds of crackers, one hundred bars soap, throe twolve- ponml turkeys, flvo quarts of cran­berries, ten bunches of celery, ten pounds prunes, fonr dozen oranges, ten pounds of mtxed nnts, making four big barrels heaped u p ; und in the bottom of tho lust bkrrel, a pnrse with a five dollar gold piocc marked, “ A Dress for Mother;” and a ten dollar bill. To Buy Shoes for tho Children.” Which?

Jno. H. Keys.

An little forethought may savo you noend of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rulo to keep Chamber­lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhaja Remedy at hand knows this to bo a fuct. For sale by A. J. Saunders, druggist, Wellesley.


Wheat harvest is on.Mrs. Tenn Crerar, of Toronto, is

visiting at the homo of her parents, Mr. und Mrs. John A. Crcrur.

Rev. D. Riednr, of Port Elgin, was a guest at Mr L. Capling’s last week.

Mr. Jas. Woiss is improving his hotel premises by moving tho barn to the rear of the lot.

Miss V. Whiteman was tho guest of friends in Tavistock last week.

Mrs Weber, o f St. Thomas, is ot present home on a visit.

Miss Lottie McFarlane is visiting friends in Lisbon und Amulree this week.

Colic and Diarrluivt-A Remedy that Is Prompt nnd Pleasant.

The prompt results produced by Clinmberluin's Colic, Cholera ami Diurhicu Remedy together with itH pleasant taste have won for it a place in many households. Mr. W. T. Taylor, u merchant of Winslow. Ala., writes: " I lmve used Cham­berlain’s. Colic, Cholera and Diu- crimen Remedy myself and also with men on my place, for Diarrhoea ami Colic und it always give* relief promptly and pleasantly.” For Sale by A. J. Saunders, druggist. Wellesley.


A father recently overheard his young son use a word ho did not ap­prove, and culling tho child to him, s d d ;

“ My son. if yon will promise me never to use that- word ugain, I ’ll givo you a silver dime.”

Tho little fellow promised, and, trno to his word rofrainod. About a week Liter be went to his tatber and said;

“ Papa, I've learned a new word worth 50 cents. "-PhiladelpLiaPreaa


Council met at tho township hall on the 18th day of July. Members all present except J. C. Cook.

Minutes of previous nice ting read and confirmed.

Mr. Dennis Mungovun.of Orange­ville, owner of part lots 39 nnd 40. con. 4, upperred at tho Board and requested the council to help in the cleaning ont of the ditch on tho 4th concession opposite his lots. The reeve and J. A. Fraser wore ap­pointed to meet Mr. Mangoven on Saturday, July 23, at 9 a m., on tho ground.

Lonis Peters asked tho council to olean ont nnd enlarge the township's share of the Kneisel a ward drain on the northern gravel rord. Left In tho hands of the reeve to deal with.

Mr. HolTmoier rejmrted that he had let the following contracts: Fixing the Nithbvrg bridge, to Jno. Forler; pointing the stono abut­ments of tho Nithburg and Moflot bridges, to Geo. Schmidt.

The^Y^oyo ro|M>rt<\i that there were no tenders for the bridge on con. 6 approach to northern gralel roud.

Tiie following accounts were or- dor»sl paid: Monuo Schneider, on acoonnt for cleaning ont township's Share o f the Jiintzi drain, : Alex Fraser, two cement culverts as per eoiitraei, *122 ; D. Henry, fixing culvert on northern gravel road, half amount. <1.75; Menno Schnei­der, iiiiing hole on northern gravel road, hslf amount, $1.25.

T:’c er’ineil then adjourned.J . D. Fimiku. Clerk.

Tiy a Johnny Canuck” cigari'la n yon want a really good one.

HI* Part.The rVictor—You regard society rs

merely n machine. <lo you? Wbnt pari of the machinery do you consider ma for Instance?

The Professor— Yon are ono ot th* cruuka.—Exchange.

R etu rn ed HI* L ore .Friend-What’* the matter, old man?

Doesn’t she return your love?Jilted One—That’s Just Ihe trouble.

She returned It nud told me to give It to some other girl.

Heard* and llaaatnno.Clean shaven Russians are very uo-‘

common. Nearly every man wears a beard. At one time It was the genera) belief In Russia that a beardless man waa soulless.

Trlntdad’* U k * o t Pltc-H.The Groat Pitch lake of Trlntdad

covers ninety-nine acres and contain* millions ot tons of so called pitch. This Ls in reality • mixture of asphalt and oil, which Is continually ooslng n» through cracks and crevice* beneath tho pressure ot th* strata ot r o « ahor*. _________________ _ i


Going for Chamberlain's Colic," Cholera and Diarrhoea

Remedy.Don't pot yourself in this man's place,

bnt keep a bottle of this remedy in vonr borne. There is nothing bo good for


Berlin is j-trmrgling with electric railway problem*. Mr W I!. Bro.it- lurapt ' , scheme to run «n electric

DinnerWhen redu< ened ft is pleaj to take.

o ' untold benefit t«» the county town and th:‘ oQicoIh shouhl find an on-


Berlin '.<* tardiness may easily throw this proposed feeder into tho same kind o f n muddle us they have now got the Wellesley extension.

Tlie nicest and most np- to-datc Selection of

Will *l»n-l -• fo lio ' *MON PA Y-B oon »f PliUipshars ki>UI: iiis'-i

** Mir I m j-.m il l»t.*rl. Now IIi. ii 1 *ir«.- Tl’ E -D A Y - n« JU kolm IUn»ii, . . niahl-• *» Sh*k**t*p**fp

\V*n»SRj*I»AY i.oon «» Amnlrpo hot* I; Uiitl'* »,t Conrad K»ulh«f. r *

T1J!'K*1»A V triHUi at J. Pat«rM»>'-. Bistil a! John R. i.ii-Mr ..

yillltA Y—tw-.«i Ht Ji.. OerW t'*; «*n<u> t il th ’ ft.liowiliK Mutl'lar lilmwii »t«Mi


Lisbon B.Prieto are always reasonable, ar.d

satisfaction guaranteed Call when in town whether you buy or n< t.

Just hitch up. drive in to Lin-! wood and ace me

Farm 'for Sale.Bldnglot 11. con. R, w. s. Wellesley/'OX.T.VININO I ^ U ffrt. KiDerli n-r^s <00*1 w har-iwoo-l bn.b ' l*lnm-u in ir< -I ••"tr ■>! cultivation, wait and wtr..l-nilll |**w-ur at karri. WM1 f J fl — ----------------tliar.l. Twvlvoaor.n a r m »r«vl*<l t o «»»«>•■

.-tr. fi.niforO naca in cellar.

1 .IN'till atvl cn.jr *«•A»>niy....... ......... SOLOMON U. LEIS

Wulli »li:}' 1*. O.proprietor,

The Import**! Clydathle St.illion,

U»T4, will maiiii i»» foil*Mon-In ir noon at J..hn J4njni’>. *»

then at RoynI hotel \V*iltv.ic>; l-.r iiiirht at lluiiry II... rlo’ v ui--,r Hun

Tuen lajr noun at l»*vl l jW>»h«rt * Oliver N«I*raans *. „ ,\NVIin-* Ut noon i t Jo.. l-i«li»i ■it MivmielOerlier’ *.near < t*

Thor, In}- noon at Jv»cr«l'..r* hot. hour nt St.AiMth.i-. nijlit •»» * /of.:

tlion hoiue. HASTINGS IJIIOS.. Prop*.

The »tauilar>t-i>rt<l Trottinic stallii



Office: Next the R o l l e r Mills.

Subscription 7oc. a yeur in ad­vance. Otherwise ?1 °0


Prorougation of the Dominic parlnmieut is oxjioctcd this weefe


Tlie most durable crockery mnde. We have »C- special lot of this want to sell a t :


_____ _ ■ _________ . terr i—Diarrhoea. It is equally valuable for rn << . 5 5 cSummer Complaint and Cholera Infan- _ , , „ ctnm and baa saved the lives of more Breakfast Plates - 9 0 C

75c, ____ _________jne of your family, are o u u p t 45c / ) 65c .

l in e north into Woolwich would be sure to need this remedy sooner or later Q a t m e a l b o w l s , e a c h 5 c

aud the othcnls should find rrumv for the road into tho heurt of tu« So>tn without an hour’s un- necesNiry delay. If this road is to carry freight it must have connec­tion with the G . T, R. or the P. A* R. or both, which ought to be accom- plisod Hy a right-of-way for a s o ­cial tntek to connect with tlm-e roads, while the passenger traffic might })...-> over tho Bridgeport road under u fraliciso ivliich wouldsuit Mr. Breithaupt s ncw K Br.t ‘ p ^ t c T C i i i k - y

In un address given r.t n Farmers’ Institute meeting in Crossbill n j year ago last winter tho editor of the Mnpie Loaf stated flint Wellesley township is cxjiending enough on its roads every year to pay the iu- terc-it on n ^K'O.W'ti debt for ]K*mm- nent roads. Th<‘ ri>iK>rt o f the Com­missioner fur Public Highways, just issued, shows that this state- mont was under rather than over the mark. For ten years preceding 186 * Wellesley township sjient on its roads in monoy and statute labor (at t l a Cur) tlie immense sum of

IJliis sum woulu have built 60 miles o f j ermanent roads in the township and left over $5000 per year tospeml on road nnd bridge repairs for the ten years enumerat­ed. In forty years, according to these figures, every foot o f the 108 miles of public roads in Wellesley township could hemitdo into mod- ern. graced, drained, pejmnr.ent roads, with a fund of SCCtOjcr year to spend in rejairs. TLe Maple U a f dots not r.rge that the t<wn- ship should ji mp at once into a per mancni road ‘ ’cruzo,” but the above figutes aie « fficial and tt'jiresent a atntc <1 affairs which is worth in­vestigating e ’oscly in these days Tl;e u « fuh:,rss o f thestutnte luhor systetn bus about jmssri] nwny, and the necessity for jienimuent. rends and bridges is pressing itself n]K>n this ern of scientific fanning, so that every step towards making the road from the form to the



W h o ’s Y ou r Tailor —

. ; A poor-flttim.* snit of Cl *th«*smay sonietimes cost less money o w r tiie count -r. hut you w on’t get the c o m - fo ft 'o r the value out of it that yon do tr •:» a siii! made 8]K*einllv to fit yon.

An *8 outfit, that von become dis­gusted with and tlirow uway inside of three months is not as ebcup us the <112 natty suit thut you cling to wi»T? pleasure for a yctfr or more

and st- c ’.; Brick >n b a n d , i iri ini )K'CuUse it was bnilt to fit y.mBriel: r t.m» in wells. SHE THE PUINT?

Fire-brick < i • 1 to any on the con- W ell. just, now I have someanaps tine,,,‘ jin cloth that le a n make up into

T i le o f a l l ' • ~ 'r vr. M ' inches up the ••year-or-more” pWsnreahle to 10 in. l.c : v ays in st*xik. fit, nnd yet sell nt just about the

* -------- ------------------ ! "three-mrinths” price.

Dealer in Tobaccos and Cigars, BERLIN.

Bicycle Repairing is our Specialty.

First-class wo^kmnnsh t » ditto repair shop oilitiea to do anything in the lino of Bicycle repairing.from a punc­ture right up to a now wheel.

Bring or send your wheel in und W, Will repair it as thoroughly and as Q uickly as the work cun he done in Ontario.

1 have a special preparation for punctures on single tube tires and antos which is simply nn-iKNituhlo.


Nearly opposite the Walper Hor.se. Berlin.

M erchant Tailor,LINWOOD.

ye-OpenerTo Horsemen.

TIi. fu rs Uri-l ('II'Iw IkIv Sljllinti. '.w» l-y i Lif WVIU-,U> Clrl< Hi>r»v- l«r.


Y oung M acQ,ueen

_ Till* tmrr l - r s ld j !t - U)c s‘ t«!!i. i

C D. KCEixL-jR, L ord Charming\, JSSl, 7.V.L o

/ S - lCHANT TAILOR. Monday i

• nUlit/nl K«i

V . R . B E R L E T , - ^ . , Tilmfcn Sliar.i/.’ . \Vnt*rl«in rmt-l.y___ . . a „ , , i U V inm U y noon •» srlirnl'l*-r‘ « I0 1 ril AN>N S NEW BLOCK, Gl-Ntnpn**: ia/lit nt lii«o»i >tili|i

___ ) Tliurwlri}-»K,t.n nt H tii l!l|cbi«ni-i>.**Li ill.o ., niffht M Win l hii!ii.< r-'. llor.iiyOr

W ellesley, Kri-Uy noon «t KoM. TurnliOilX, town linn; tlivii liotns.


Hy Golil Rina s »?i. will »tnnS »• folii£,w» Monday noon nt Putiit I. •dill'*; nl«lit

-----. Mm n*ISn»llir»,Upp*rStr«*t.market better ia a step towards r«d | Tu*«Uyn.s»n «t iii>inbur«.ui*h*ni M'cbnoi | economy, and a , , , , , , , bo op-to- niun.c. « . . . . . juare floriculturist should get ready vi*rk«-t imisi. iwriin: cixbtjnt Doottiiurcito tuke.

In the jirovince of Ontario tbero are 20 townohipg which have entire­ly abandoned statute labor syHtem leaving the money for the rouds to !>e raised in tho regular tuxes; 87 townships have wholly commuted thoir nfntnto labor, the fund being oxpended by overseers appoin ed f i r the purpose; 17 townshiiw bnvo partially commuted, giving the roud-l«eats the choice of working or jicying. Tho itulunee o f tho town­ships o f tho Province, 363 in num­ber, including nearly all o f tho nn- settled New Ontario,’are still under the old stutnto labor system.

Nothing on the Market Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and

Diarrhoea Remedy.This fuct is well known to drug­

gists everywhere, and nino out of ten will give thoir customers this preparation when the best is asked for. Mr. Opo Witmer, a prominent arnggist of Joplin, Mo., in a circular to his customers, says: “ There is nothing on the mnrket in the way of patent m ojicine which equals Chamborluin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhufu Remedy for IkjwoI com- plaints. We sell and recommond this preparation. For sale by A. J. •Saunders, druggist, Wellesley.

hotel, flriilRtif Tbnr»4tiy boon *t Hvidt'.burc liutvl: niitbt

at homo.FJi'Uy noon at Millbank hotel: uiebt «t

pool., hotel.HASTINGS BROS.. PROPS

C 3

Grand Upright N ew Piano—

New imirroved scalo, hand carved, 7Y$ octavos, repeat­ing uction. donblo voneorod. nickel plated. lontinuous hin­ges. .Boston fall, holght 5 ft 2 inches,

$200.00 Cash.W A N LE SS’ MUSIC ^ STORE -----


W H a t ’ s t h e P r i c e T o - D a y ?

The Carmer who already knows the market prices for grain and produce need fear no combination of buyers when he goes to market

How often the buyers Hget together” on prices every farmer knows.

How often has a farmer sold his grain in one town for a couple of cents less than the buyers were paying in a neigh­boring market ? »

It pays to keep posted on the markets.The T o ro n to D aily »Star has the best market reports of

any city paper. It has men who do nothing else but study the markets—who give it all their time and attention, and you can get all this information in the Star every weekday for a year and your own local paper as well for $2.20.

If you save a cent a bushel on only two loads of grain by knowing the prices it will about pay the price, won’t it ? Besides think of being in touch with the world’s news every day.

Subscribe direct to the Star or through the office of this \k paper. Both the D aily Star aiid this paper for $2.20.


i BillsConcert Posters



Cards, Circulars or any thing in the line

o f Printing.

Miss Annie Moyer, of B erliD , was! Try a Johnny Canuck" cigar


NO MAPLE LEAF NEXT WEEK Following oar usual custom the

Mu pic Leuf will take its mid-sum- mor holiday next wock, so no papor will bo issnod.

Mr. Chas. D. Koohlcr spent Snn- day the guest of friond* in Pres­ton.

Mrs. R. J. Proiss and children nro absent in Preston on a two weeks holiday trip.

Mrs J. W. Green is enjoying a two weeks holiday visit at her brother's in Buffalo.

Mr: Wm. Kelterborn is spending n week or so on a pleasure trip to Detroit and Ann Arbor, Mich.

Miss Kate Doersam took in the Herald's Detroit excursion last Saturday, returning homo on Tuos- d iy .

It is expected that the new coal fnrnaces for the school will bo put in position by the latter part of nextweek.

Arrangements are completed for a foot hall match here this evening between tho famous Tavistock team und the Wollesleys.

Mr. und Mra. A. £. Ratz, their daughter, Miss Tottie, and Mr. J.C. Cook, of Tavistock, were guests ut Mr. John Hill’s yesterday.

Misses Ida und Bertha Mickus and Miss Martha Koehler attended tho corner-stone-laying of tho now Lutheran church at Linwood on Sunday lust.

Mr. und Mrs. W . Peppier, of Tuvistock, and his mother, Mrs. John Peppier, of Hamburg, were guests ut Mr. John Peppier‘s, here, yesterday.

The trustees of the Wcllosloy pnblic school have accepted tho ap­'d i cat ion of Miss M. M. Smythe, of To *outo, to fill tho vacancy caused mused by tho resignation of Miss Stretton.

Mr. T- H. McMillan, of Osliawu, | President of the Western Bank of Canada, paid un officol vi-it to tho Wellesley Branch lust Friday. He was aocomjwnied by Mr. C. J. Fox, Mnnugor of tho Hamburg Bank.

The choir of tho Miss. Lutheran church took part in the missionary sorvleoB in the Wellington-st Luth, church in Tavistock last. Sunday. Next Sunday this popular choir will sing ut similar services in Elmira.

The following solution is recom­mended by the expormlnontul farm as a preventive for |»otato rot: 6 lbs. bluostone, 4 lbs. lime. 40 gals, j water. If lirao cannot be got sub- stitntc 7'/i lbs. washing soda. Ap­ply with sprinkling oun. This sol- nt ion has also proven poworful to increase tho yield. Try It.

On the whole tho crop prospects in this section nro very bright. The hay crop was above tho uvor- ugo and is safely housed. Fall wheat is light in nomo places, but yield Is nearly np to tho average. Harley is nearly ready for tho rcap- 01, whilo outs aro rlponlng rapidly ; »>oth of these will bo bumper har­vests. Roots aro taking on size

homo dver Bunday last.Messrs. Peter and Ernst Bolling­

er, of Toronto, were in town from Saturday to Monday, the guests of their brother, Mr.Georgc Bellinger.

Mrs. Jno. Palmer, of Riverside, a Chicago suburb, accompanied by her children, Adole and Gay. are at present tho guests of her consin Mr. Honry Kelly, 5th line.

At a moating of tho Directors of the Electrio Railway Co., held in Berlin last Thursday, tho charter

j was takon over by tho Board, and ‘ the Wellesley representivos return- ed confident that building would be begun as soon as tho Berlin bonus muddle is settled.

Considerable improvements are being made to tho 5th line school daring tho holidays. A cement platform is being bntlt outside und a walk laid from the school to the gate. Tho interior is renovated and decorate 1 with ulabastino. Mr. Alex Stulilo of Wellesley has the contract for the interior work, and Mr. J. Roy the cement work.

In tho Tavistock Gazette's report of the South Easthope ccnucil min­utes one of tho accounts passed was In favor of "W O.Burn,'* no donbt

when yon want a really good one.A little forethought may savo

yon no end of trouble. Anyonowbo makes it a rule to koop Chamber; Inin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to bo a fact. For sale by A. J. Saunders, druggist, Wollosloy.

The Maple Leaf and the Farmers' Bun to Jon. i;i605, for 55 cents.

Parties who havo bottles and kogs belonging to me will please return thorn without dolay or they will bo charged. Pitter Glebe.

A Warning to Mothers.Too mnoh care cannot bo used

with smull children during the hot weather o f tho summer months to i guard against bowel trouble. As a rule it is only necessary to givo the child a dose of cantor oil to correct any disordor of tho bowols. Do not use any substitute, but give tho old- fashioned castor oil. and see that itj is tresh, ns rancid oil nauseates and has a tendency to grip. If this does not check the bowols givo Chamber­lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and then a doze of castor oil. and the disease may be* checked in its incipiency and all danger a- voided. The castor oil nnd this remedy should l>o procured at once and kept ready for instant uso as soon os tho first indication o f any bowel trouble appears. Tins is the moat sucesstul treatment known

_ _________ „ — w «»■* a pronounced success, mlines being cleared out. In oar dress Goods department tho sale Was enormous, os it might well be, hondrods of yards being sold in one day at 15c, 20c and 25o per yard, worth 35c, 50c and 75c. Now othor linos aro being laid out on oar sale tables and tho prices aro being made very attractive. Profits have disappeared and in many cases less than half price is taken.

**” '*''• Jaud may Iks relied npo’u with im- mcaning W . O Bierne. tho versatile | plitrit confidence even in cases of head of the Stratford Beacon. The | cholera infantum. Forsule by A. J. Gazette editor-** a now man and j Saunders. DruggNt. Wellesley.not yet n^qanfitted with all the j ........1 ■classic names of this section. Butif the the South Easthope council would get its printing done in its vjllagtf’ theso errors would bo avoid­ed.

TENNIS.Wellesley always wins, but wo had

to resort to counting "games.” to capture this mutch. Two doubles from Tavistock were hero on Sut- nrduv afternoon and an exciting bnt pleasant match wus the result.

Messrs. Kerr and E. Reiner (W) beat Messrs. Steoklc and McTavish (T; 5-2. 5-2. 5-2.

Dr. Steele and Mr. J. A Scott (T) beat Messrs. West and Rogers (W ) 6-8, 9-7, 5-2. This was a very pretty struggle, the visitors deserv­ing thoir hard-earned victory.

Notice o f Registration o f By-Law for the Is- $

sue o f Debentures.

Townihip of \\ vlir.lt-): «n the J3rd day ... July, A. It. IS-I providing fur the i.,ue of -loKnnturf* to tIt,.,mount of r»irif,,r rh.- pur. poteoferectlnit -, nrw acho«l I,utile <n ft.l-.ti x-bool Section No. It. mi l Wool-wicii towuiblpe. mill that »ucb *.> law vn, register<-‘l in the HrgUtry Oflio at Berlin, in jheCoantjof \\ ii ter loo, tlio j»Jth d« j of July,

1*»U4 the t»tb Her » ' .lulr m .r c - r ia ; f . s c u l m m e h .


THE NEW CEMENT CULVERT Wellesley now has what Is con­

sidered the largest cerapnt arch cul­vert in the Dominion of Canada. It is built over tho crock just north of the School. The span is z9 feet and the arch is 11 foot high in the centre. Tho roadway is 14 foet wide, with iron railing protections. Under the road bed the arch is one foot thick. A mixture of 7 parts to 1 was used, except for tho facing, where the proportion was 6 to J. The culvert contains, including the wings, tho liouvy foundations am* tho guard walls, about 100 cubic yards of cement, and the cost will i be about $600. Mr. C. Kennel has) a gang of men ut work on the filling up of the approaches, for which' purpi'se tho hill on both sides is be­ing lowered and graded. lie ex­pects to have his contract complet­ed und tho road bod ready for gruvol- ing this week.

To Horsemen.Tli® Part Hrwd C!y<le*H*le Stallion. own®-! by

the WclUiUy «'!> K .'lnlr Horn Diwilts' Akiociation,

Y oung MacQ,ueenWill be kept for 'Service, until fur­

ther notioo. at Grohm’s Livery Stable, Wellesley Villago.

Service, $10.

A m.,nufucturer's stock of Umbrellas will bo offerod at less than cost o f manutacturo.

3 doz. heavy twill Men’s Umbrellas, 26-inch steel rod, paragon frame. Reg. price $i eecb. Sale price 69c.

Reg2 doz Mon' vulne $1.25. i extra fine twill Umbrella, stool roil, paragon frame.

Sale pnoe 90c.Children’s fancy parasols, 25c, 35c, 45c, und 50c.Bargains in ull departments daring this sale.20 yurdc 18-inch Crash Towelling for $1.


Cash and one Price Cheap Cash Store.

X <,v <*> *4> -p -4» -4> *4* , , 1%

Estray Cattle

Dog Found

THE HERALD’S EXCURSION SJuloch must go. When the

Stratford Dully Horald sendsucou­ple of Detroit excursion pusses this giant local pajier wo wunt a bloomin' postniuster-General who will seo that tho goods arcilellvored in time. Our pootic nuturo was hungering for those passes. A cou­ple of years ago we dignified the Herald excursion by our austere presence, and wo longed once more to drink in the pleasures of the shores und shoals—and bars—of that splendid river trip. But alas! Muloch paraded those passes up and down the mall service from July 18th to tho 28th, then sent them dragging along boro too late for ns to borrow the tonner which woald lmvo completed our ability to grace the mast delightful annual excur­sion which leaves Western Ontario for anywheres.

nicely ; turnips aro doing well, butnot nearly so proliflo In appoaranoo | F• Kell’s "Condnctor’a Punch os mangolds, whilo field carrots an,l “ Johnny Canuok” cigars for and boots promiso surpassing excel- w lo evorywhoro. Try ono ;|they’r

Und liuc.l.lniik. wIlhTwhito tip*. Tim'•qnMtr l «o prove property. puy t>xpen»c I ilk l It away.

lotto sen \ni.Queen** hotel. Wellesley

Bivour’ sNew

Qrocerv - - Store


PARIS GrREENGuaranteed Absolutely Pure.

Hellebore,Slug Shot,Insect Powder,Instant Louse Killer,

-------FDRlSALE AT--------

THE D R U G STOREW ellesley :

School Books of all kinds.New Bnihling und New Goods. In­

cludingStaple and Fancy Gro­

ceries, Candies,Nuts, Etc.

Everything sold as close as possi­ble to the cobt mark.

Cash for Egg*-Best Machine Oil kept on hand.All kinds of FRUIT in season ;

Lowest priori*. Dolivorcd.Every lino of Groceries now full j Choice Honey, Maple Syrup, etc. (New line of Sodas and b*'l Cakc^ j --------100-ponnd bags of Granulated | w e want your trade. Call and aeo us. Sngnr on hand.

, t, ,i , , i , «h ,v X-IwIwIwIwJwlwICVN *;» #4* <;» •*> -»■* -4* *4' 'C -5 »4»


YQU wunt one or all o f tho above articles.W*E want to dispose of them.

VDU must liny what yon want ut Homo;markut, ami why not^uiuko that market the

W ellesley Roller Mills fAmerican and Canadian'Ccal Oil Butter anil Eggs takon.


Jnst wost of Morton’s Block,WELLESLEY.

nVir»nniTKX—-I» given special attention, and we won't keep von O D O p p iu g waiting. Just givo us a trial.

r t r io t in c r — Give ns your gristing trade ; In retarn we will give U T lS U U g . yoa tb(? kiQd Qf fluUr yoa

lonoo. I dandies.

Small Farm for Sale.BEtNO purl lo ts . >on.9. North K«»thojH-,

in Voliinvillv. south of lJkl-011. A si-o i Uriiii fran.ii house. situated on twelve acres of good fnrmiDi; land. On tba property U • I*o a (rood l-arn with driving that], pig »labl» •to. Land all under cultivation and well fenced Two Rood well®.

Term* aasy aud a •nap larrain for a quirk bttyor. JOHN 1IAUUKR,

* Lubon **. O.

SEED PEAS.—300 bushels yet unsold, your order now. Place

SEED CORN.—A tull stock always kept on hand.


WAVS OF WINGED WOOERSh fld r s d Jtliilratlir fk i CtmtHl

Jfde « f D1rd U f4 .W<*lne UlW iritis* fa t*» h™t

a n lu J f.ilu of bird ilfo, aud ■tc a* nrivd oinoDji ottr fathered Hdfiblwre u* ujnPLiK uunjol via T Lm c I-

.* of dl^nlflitj wiurtstJp rcfl dlfr F*pr'.?.t;to Fi rint"!-!^" v.cre* tfcown by tiro wo 11 fciwwn hdrJik when (lift pret *nw u[ e liv;il teti-Dititak ufeira.

Twe rurrlc fluchre. iiiiLon lot tt((b.t t. r t i' thn FJlQie «P«JTTJwllic niAldi-B,placid ttieinpji'le B nu «ich Mdc about a foot from her nil" I off'.'rtl Jl cuMCm, FlWtdOC Ettlflt lr 'niptunjtti •ODP, eying Up Iflfa tie . *caThvfa eiiiri'il out nnd anowy breain ’ msy *IyjuIdeF& more tardy than c o . "lie #ola flu J sbed. be droplKil tmrt tL |h*rch and politely wilted, while a - rlVBl pourvd tils muidrifLaJ, This cl[HTnato display eoDtluuod mice (.os, and n;iprcn;lr tbr umpire found It Mrtl to cbOcSr*. for ate evrded dftdltoD bp IjitStg Clsht—both a niton follow In U,

Different was the method of ttrn prcluird orlok-s, ono In the Immature planiii|E of the Hooond 1-ci.r. Thu ullicfin tf.c full tlary of maturity TtiH * t t n wmnflin. acwwifcLruoti t*j scold- 11*ff ri!i) avluq h'itniKTiLrion from bf^iir niHH to L'Uih If tin- flicory of vclcctfan fcy tine dnns IrO Uth*. dci'Jaloa iltauld have Lwq caay, blit nfacr n whol*fljiy% 'rill flm fair Tnpn refin'd it Ujf n truly fviiliUiJji' F -.um of thrtTfa** Olep- JOE WH3- h-r phifjirrduHor. lesvfajj (be eorjj'Hjuu older to console himself with oaoclier Lirlde^whkli ho did before the can went down.—CoIUot'h Wmitly,

w**.TinTti K tvMjct.-n n ideassre In

■ wry renl ffWTTif dUctrtlrr, A iuuI*. it Are or nTTfitSHiaj horeo arouse* a ■cn-ntJcn o f (emir la tho iperlafar flUile ujmrt freiu f a d r jKHeiitED llty o fhnrpti r<n blowrlr, slow farce Jn eot «• l* pitppoaMl Iht last or uuiH'jit of miiL A c .hlllzM war nontd Law mare ter­rors for the ttockjM.lwr than tho mt- tapi r w, ro LL mil for tho thrr.it of vra- ftJTemitJ f'ltH-o rtllnl hohlnrt Iho Puhfrfltlo or X'ltritlliLii is*;l(Uiig. Wv are nenr quite oorlaln at an army. The dlf"ij'Unh-d Lrdnudo whloli nowadsya Cnplutoa tliO rnomy's oapltnl an- tender­ly = S It tvouhl fiuqRi ita ova had, nor- crtbcieut thi' annie badEea oh n* but- tuna us those which wcn> fob tod wt|h the rape of Ron 5ebanUan nnd the mur­der of HiHu-I'low. It tuny drawn Ita nisruirrs nt jiclj itVOmH-nt In n torrent of blond p.nd tours, timi e(jLtL-aaim rind othiTF norer f&rnet the fart, Wllf ll but the trust of the mlrenn. Ftrea of UdUliomlilo horror hum hprienth* Thf POTT pcrfi TtJon of the discipline *hlch L-ontrolf IlL.un la orldenoe ofman'ft dread of disorder, far H la emir frar that weMa an strongly the faroatK dedti.'-lil.n1 kwoodV.

( a d i e s , 9 o u r K l 11 A t t e n t i o n !The balance of our large stock of Spring and S u m m e r M illm eryw ill

be sold at greatly reduced prices regardless of Prout. t>au ea_ ly and secure a good selection. Stock still well assorted. A great op port unity to purchase a stylish, up-to-date hat for little money.

Men’s and boys’ Ready-Made Clothing.^ —R E D U C E D P R IC E S T O M O V E Q U IC K .

M en 'a re g u la r $ 0 ,5 0 a n d $7*00 S u its 5 5 .0 0 ** l< 3 .5 0 “ “ 6 .5 0

B o y s ' " 6 .0 0 a n d 6 .5 0 11 ' 4 .5 0(1 (l 4 .5 0 a n d 5 .0 0 ,H 3 .7 5

E v e ry th in g re g u la r . N o th in g jb b b y . B e sp ry i f y o n -w a n t a b a rga in . J

Reiner Bros. & Co.Ji'ho Oot'un Si nul

■igut of uEi.. the l^-t h'*c


1Baden Hardware

Si.crelA’akr hi ail "f

H ardw ari^ a n d (JoaL

piplntntflii rftrnurniT.ft Is UltcJy to In the MK Id Aitwrln

that a3 time gt** 01) ntnl oar nclatloni With fare lm powen ti i unit ifmtie ttid IBOrc {ttinpllretnl nnd f>i1,rfcn ii-frpticc in cOMdlir end dlpluoiiidt flllli-e, hiS'il ti|n>U knnWledgo and pwrMl tit. dcm, will In- tlm nil . This may ljoiiu thnl it will no; |» *i> commou ji [irac- Oc? tn Uibe R..il.ol:jpa 1(1 ill lo tk r l from prlr-ilc life aui place Itu1!*) Raddctlly in fartlfln coiiBLikiiPB uml iu u len , But eren thcri It ts Hhcly that our Liter­ature will Ihl wrlchtd by tl)o worl; of turn who haw bwjoipc nUthore whllo *njny[np the opporCfrHltlH for tivLW *tudh'S flrJ breddot obsomillgu alford- rd by tlie PweLpfl Pcn‘ l«* of their coun­try. BO tlint lr hstberto literature bns eohtHbufad fa dlplomcj hw nntt we {bull m'H.' tiur dl|*LDatacy contrLbuMFut fa our literalttiv, n« bna uot LiLfivquvDtly Already t>eci the rflfu^CeDtnry.

T b t Tlnnian L op c ltn ,The ncinjin liiptrtlo, which Is olraoHl

IndlFlluEuSahabte ftwra tlie ft culled VnmcriLulfiD dog. inrnrlubly trie* fa tuiy 0- carer over Buy foml Hlren hlui w ild be dues not llkn. If fad oa b Imiio drupi-'r-t he will ahlllfaqlly coirr op thr nbuosJ jUE food3 if the va^u'i I? nailed dbmt Rn that lie catinol do thli fie ges* tbnuiEb the ckjicE proMisi wllh hl9 nose which Would tarn over the pUfa It it were tCKKnblc, The lupotto lit* a jrenerel contempt for nay but meat diet and, Iboiygh be edbv cinde- •ccnd to accept bread aud ttlllt oat of flffereait to lil> owner (umuy of them would not makt this codchrioq*, ho la •are to go threugb the farip uf hloLMl HrrL

D lrdflklb F a r n i i i l i .Eaktmo wnmun wear iho most pp.

riuiia Hind nf umlcrclGthlnt; It* pecul­iarity being flint It la mqdo of t!* PtHia of blrdi. Until bUdk before bo fal BeWrf fagetber. art Cbrwcd well by tho women In order to tab to them ■oft About rt hundred aklmi ere re­quired to eiaHc q DJilrt, and th* labor of chewing the iklna wblcb farm then ginncnlB li quit* enongb to accouat ifer th* mftiilvfc well dcTclopod |4wa «f Rttlbrt Women.

Wollohi^y, A|irj] lhth, UN! J Wo, tLc- hhdirrttiud business

non t*f tb c V illage pf WelJpu'cr, icrcliy luviulxd ond ogrue tu cIum: ht*r rcsjicrliv i’ plju^w uf bind litvis,

■ ill and after ilio 1ir=*t<luy o f May nujit. nnt Ll fnrtlipr aotlcu, at 7 Vdemli p-f)!,, every uVutliUg. ulcflpt Wodnesdiiyti >:i[urdrkj't, una tvi;n ingi* before huliduyH,

It. J - 1-ltF.lHIUjisikil UHtw. & Cii. FkiKH GlbveFkhluwakd BiMIDUK L. FLElSdlKAUEn ,1. N ZlN K ANN W, KKLlKItriOEtN C. Bahheli H. IT ELT ERB MRS If. K , F^em-kh Chas. F. f>rr»A3!i C, t>. KokhierA. J SACfiPtRSRCttftV Al.TKH.ftV

fSludMlietin JVitX F cth iirr , AVle1 IViiliatiih

Sewing A/iii/untSi ?/emA L L E N B E C H T E L .


Y orkshire PigsF O R S A L E ,

I mforted Boar kept Tor servlcs.

Quits* n namhi^r of Imported pi£Hin stock jma now acti for sulu.

Imported Shorthorn Bull *-Nom-PAttllir AHL’BtlEt,’ * for tscj-vleo,

BtiimtoI ropifiercd OSydcsdalchrvfodingmuru^ for stJa,

R ilvs> u tsc a f e w lit iu l o f B h e r l-htim Cattle for hdIo.

Rcas-onabh P r ic e i,


R e s id e n c e fo r S a le .

J im north of Zchr'K foundry, in Wollos-lry vllhiao.

1 m uli HHnii. ___-----^ ™,„ jUbl.Hckri-upatalilr.St-ii- tvhiLI I. i .1 jiitrut'. I In* e»;f* »tvl a Ttln rfHT

irl tun.J, vl(Ei lm-v fbiiLc, .■.■■.■ 1 arnliiiixt Boil I :...!■Tj i ir l . T..rqi» finj.M Iili Ht (men la

CHRIS. BELLES. Prop- SliHtb ilir.C.

I f v o n w a n t an U p - t o -D a te B u g g y —

One that rides euy am\wesrs well, Call yn

C. SC H W A L M .Befure hnylng any othsr maki

try the Di: La Val L’rs'am Bdjwr.iL. Ion. They lire Buh tautlBl and easy to operate and wash.

N E W - = >L IV E R Y .

In W s lle a le y ,

Uhivlug opened (l Livery in con­nection With my Ktage &ml ftdipiLt- Lug husinew I tun pi'e|wred bo fnr- Tlistl fin ! ‘flliitr* turn-osrtO. Good horees and nobby r j^ .

Prices ^eeisoDuMe,


at:# *


D o i n g s -There are always Doings

H. E . F O R L E R 'S .

^ Among the Things we m s doing jtu't uuw mne:

JHu^nlar I He Coffee at be pttr lb ." lV/nt} ■' ICru- "11 JJd “ IJc J1M l£c rcai(li!d ” He M

All in FRUIT JARS. Got our prices on these be­fore liv in g olsewherL-.


Wellesley, Qnt,





t . BLASKSTEES, -y --. ,Maquf^cturcr vt FlUE Chj.i Ici, -kJ I I I W O O Q

Berlin Out.A[lkM.ne*,J| an eltpM t l r '.Jal.pnr«H»vniqH £"iu.s r.Th* - <l«nL*rr t Lr i>rj hvil !W. JlL*-nnbclpnr.

■'P It" I"!- Tti(»[ft1bD u]i1 ■jjmiiLp- bil m -rlr...ASK *V»Et THEPK...THn"5S(K30fa

*» DlnaarTaa IU«d*4.H*—Tnp aiiratoger dotetibed yoQ »

•KtlT and 04Id that 1 WnUkl many RM

Bln—Pca-t you think ft wdj a r u t icf moucy to cnuait hlmT

“W hyr“I could biro told yeti U« *ani| rhn>»

jfc£Hl| If yon b*fl uktd BJ*y.

N E W M AC H IN E SHOP IN W E L L E S L E Y ----- --

I hare Wild my cbopptog mill and have instulled In ifa place 4 plant for

H ?ve You Got FEET ?

If I f ynn liny?, brin^ tbeni'to me. r u do the H'ilt!

My Spring Stock "of

Boots and Shoeslinsbcei) porelllKCia IlHiltT I T an n priirticq] mifi rstHLriuncrdshiy.-iiuik- ut)- thry so it. tliia wetiom tbrv uro tho htfa-ht styloH; they wh'iu- w,t:il: they.will hIwuvh ho oumfor- tuhlu ; tlioy will look tiEWt : TftKY will Bl' it Yoi- 1

I hnv9 wniielhiDg for die wholefjLTtiily. Jr^u Mil' tLr.ii^j h n ly V fu o tup to the eldest greiiKl iaiKi'tit

Prices^—Ob, yi H> they w-tll ptili yon, faw>. Your ntimcy -’urns H niwJo lot for yon In ray sfan*.

R e p a ir in g D on e , and S h o e s m ad e t o O rdar.

C. HAMMER,W e lle s le y

Repairing Farm .Machinery, Implements, Engines etc., and general Ironwork.,

' ' J - J'" ■ ,:l; ■:■Sha Iting* Pulleys, etc,, supplied or repaired^



‘Toronto W orlds p e c i a l c o m b in a t io n withtho Bright Tunmto a Morning

***HL*,Tn-bri( -l ■ h

*BTl»* 14,

Thn tVorld a. year lThe Snmlay WorM 13 a y w 1 au 3 Tho Maplu Lvnl *1 a, yow. )

y?e will givB worth for ff.po.oit tor ih* UmLi n lrf*r ui4 fa DaiiT

r£ur (Hiu r**roui L-*ic« ii T

Them ttn many desiru. bio tilings, bdi D othW i*liw m gratlfylnt' ji


V . R . B E R LE T’S

Merchant Tailor,

displuyof Bqiti

e^Tblr*-f-facin^nR it

If V. RCliaihesthcy Pit. iftnd they u« CHEAP

P B ^m o g

That Please

ARE THE t lN n YO$lwaysgetwJhy o u r o r d e r is f ii


g r e e n a co s

