fys opinion on gun control

Brittany Cummings Harold Blanco 16 February 2014 Opinion on Gun Control/Rights There are much larger questions than whether or not I think there should be stricter legislation that governs the purchasing of firearms. With the little I know and (pathetically admitting) care to know about the detailed context of which the Second Amendment was written, I feel as if the nation the nation was originally at a good understanding that a citizen had a constitutional right to own a firearm for their protection, whatever they might need to protect themselves from. I fully recognize that not everyone agrees with this in the present day and I see this dispute yielding from a change in not only the types of weapons that citizens are now capable of purchasing, but also a dramatic change in gun violence in society. Now, with a background check, one can purchase semi-automatic weapons. Being the type of person who would rather not hold a gun

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Page 1: Fys  opinion on gun control

Brittany Cummings

Harold Blanco

16 February 2014

Opinion on Gun Control/Rights

There are much larger questions than whether or not I think there should

be stricter legislation that governs the purchasing of firearms. With the little I

know and (pathetically admitting) care to know about the detailed context of

which the Second Amendment was written, I feel as if the nation the nation was

originally at a good understanding that a citizen had a constitutional right to own

a firearm for their protection, whatever they might need to protect themselves

from. I fully recognize that not everyone agrees with this in the present day and I

see this dispute yielding from a change in not only the types of weapons that

citizens are now capable of purchasing, but also a dramatic change in gun

violence in society. Now, with a background check, one can purchase semi-

automatic weapons. Being the type of person who would rather not hold a gun

even with the bullet chamber empty, I do not plan to ever have any sort of semi-

automatic weapon but also have not been presented with a legitimate reason for

anyone to need one. This being said, I’m not educated enough to know if citizens

should have a constitutional right to weapons with such capacities for

ammunition. But I do believe that gun control legislation largely limits the wrong

group of people, that being the people who abide laws and would never commit

gun violence anyway.