g e o g r a p h y s t a n d a r d


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LOCATION: Describes “Where is it?”

•LATITUDE- imaginary lines that circle earth parallel to equator & measure distance North & South of Equator .

•Equator lies at 0 degrees latitude.

• Poles at 90 degrees N & 90 S.

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•LONGITUDE- lines run from pole to pole & measure distance EAST or WEST of Prime Meridian (O degrees longitude).

•Measure 180 degrees each direction.

•Lines NOT same distance apart (closer near poles)

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•GRID SYSTEM- lines of latitude & longitude cross one another

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KEY- explains symbols on a map

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•COMPASS ROSE- shows cardinal directions: N, E, S, & W

•intermediate also (NW).

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•SCALE- certain measurement on a map represents a certain measurement on earth’s surface.

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•All maps distort size, shapes & distances.

•A map projection takes a round earth &

puts it on a flat surface.

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Place describes “What's it like there? (Don’t write)

All places have physical features (land, soil, water, weather, plants & animals) & human features- kinds of people, activities, religions, languages

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•Resources have different values based on place, time, supply & demand.

• renewable resources - replace themselves naturally or can grow continuous supplies

•non-renewable resources- can not be replaced

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•Imports resources/goods bought by a country

•Exports-resources/goods sold to another country

• Interdependent- countries rely on each other for goods & services due to lack of resources.

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•Standard of living: level of comfort & resources available to a society or individual. Looks at: Housing, money education, healthcare.

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1.Gross domestic product- add up the value of all goods & services produced by citizens working inside or outside of a country

2.Per capita income-how much money

per person a region earns

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3. Death rates: number of deaths per 1000 people

4. Birth rates (fertility): o avg # of children per woman (2 in US, 7.46 in Niger

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5. Literacy rates: Percent of pop who can read (97% in US, 25% for men, %9.7 for womenNiger)

6. Infant Mortality- number of deaths per 1000 live births (6 in US, 118 in Niger)

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•Pop growth rates: add up how many people are born and subtract how many die tells how much pop grows

• When rates are equal, 0% pop growth

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•Population distribution- How people are spread out

•1/3 of Earth’s land is populated, but 1/2 is mtns, deserts & unlivable. Most live near water (rivers, lakes, oceans).

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•Population density- avg # of people per sq mile

Canada-8 people per sq mile

Bangladesh- 2320 per sq mile.

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DON’T WRITE!!!•Developed countries- produce

many goods & services, employ many workers. Have hi levels of housing, education, food

•Developing countries- don’t have modern tech. Lack money, resources, & skilled workers. Poor edu, little food or healthcare

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•People have a relationship with the environment: we adapt to & change the environment (Light clothes in hot areas, irrigation in the desert)

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•We change the Climate by burning fossil fuels, building dams & deforestation (cutting down trees)

•Pollution-unclean elements in environment

(land, air or water).

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•MOVEMENT: People LEAVE and area to escape famine or religious or political conflicts

•People MOVE to gain land, political or religious freedoms, money, education, jobs,


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•CULTURAL DIFFUSION- spread of people, practices, ideas, & goods from 1 culture to another

•Faster due to improved communication

•GLOBALIZATION- world interacts & no longer contained within political borders

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•URBANIZATION growth of cities.

•People move to cities for jobs, education, healthcare, escape poverty’, $$$$

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•Too many people creates crime, unemployment, pollution & strains facilities such as schools & hospitals

•As countries industrialize, face more growth.

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•REGION: We divide up world based on human or physical characteristics.

•Conflicts often start over resources & political boundaries

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•Nations with similar political, economic, & social systems have more cooperation