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15/11/2015 /g/ - /flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread - Technology - 4chan https://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/51351454#p51355859 1/20 [ Settings ][ Home ] 171 / 11 / 47 / 1 [ a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / w / wg ][ i / ic ][ r9k ][ s4s ][ cm / hm / lgbt / y ][ 3 / aco / adv / an / asp / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / out / po / pol / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / x ] /g/ Technology Please support 4chan by disabling your ad blocker on *.4chan.org/*, purchasing a selfserve ad , or buying a 4chan Pass . [Post a Reply] 11/12/15 Name changed. WWE topics on /asp/ Alternative Sports & Wrestling 11/09/15 New trial board added: /trash/ OffTopic 11/06/15 Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box! [Hide][Show All] Please support 4chan by disabling your ad blocker on *.4chan.org/*, purchasing a selfserve ad , or buying a 4chan Pass . You anon might like it more. "Anonymous Documentary How Anonymous Hackers Changed the World Full Documentary" [ ][Return][Catalog][Bottom][Update][ Auto] 7 File: wisdom_of_the_ancients.png (27 KB, 485x270) /flt/ Friendly Linux Thread Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)03:48:36 No.51351454 >>51353747 Intended for users of all levels, including absolute beginners. Although it is recommended to install a Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes", it is better to try the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a full Linux experience. If you are serious about switching to Linux and if you have Windows dualbooted (recommended for pure newbies), use it exclusively for 2 weeks, avoid Windows dual booting for that period of time, or it's likely you will start retreating back to windows instead of getting used to Linux as your new home and working on making it feel the way you want it. >Recommended for beginners: *buntus except vanilla Ubuntu (Unity) openSUSE LinuxMint (a.k.a Ubuntu LTS + Cinnamon) Before asking, please find the answers to your questions in resources. Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread. Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, (although maybe wine can make up for it.) Resources: man <insert command here> your neighborhood search engine >>>/g/sqt /r/linux4noobs /r/linuxquestions https://www.codecademy.com/en/courses/learnthecommandline https://wiki.archlinux.org/ https://wiki.installgentoo.com/

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File: wisdom_of_the_ancients.png (27 KB, 485x270) /flt/ Friendly Linux Thread Anonymous

11/15/15(Sun)03:48:36 No.51351454 >>51353747

Intended for users of all levels, includingabsolute beginners.

Although it is recommended to install a LinuxOS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for"safety purposes", it is better to try the LiveISO directly without installing anything, that

way, you can get a full Linux experience.

If you are serious about switching to Linux and if you have Windows dualbooted(recommended for pure newbies), use it exclusively for 2 weeks, avoid Windows dualbooting for that period of time, or it's likely you will start retreating back to windowsinstead of getting used to Linux as your new home and working on making it feel theway you want it.

>Recommended for beginners:*buntus except vanilla Ubuntu (Unity)openSUSELinuxMint (a.k.a Ubuntu LTS + Cinnamon)

Before asking, please find the answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, (althoughmaybe wine can make up for it.)

Resources:man <insert command here>your neighborhood search engine>>>/g/sqt/r/linux4noobs/r/linuxquestionshttps://www.codecademy.com/en/courses/learnthecommandlinehttps://wiki.archlinux.org/https://wiki.installgentoo.com/

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Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)03:50:07 No.51351470

What is Linux (or GNU/Linux for Stallmanists)?https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/GNU/Linux

Babby's First Linux (What distro to choose?)https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Babbies_First_Linux

What software does /g/ recommend? (Please DON'T include the so calledinfographic refer all your recommended software here, and no, Vivaldi is notrecommended in the wiki.)https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/List_of_recommended_GNU/Linux_software

Ricing on Linux (Make it good and functional or make it worse like those at desktopthreads)https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/GNU/Linux_ricing

For next OPs: Please use this template:http://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php//flt/

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:07:09 No.51351610 >>51351685 >>51351698 >>51353824

My mechanical keyboard is compatible with linux right?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:15:46 No.51351685


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:17:07 No.51351698 >>51351714

>>51351610If it's a standard 101 or 105 key board, you shouldn't have any issues.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:18:57 No.51351714 >>51351824

>>51351698its 68 keys for some company in china

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:23:34 No.51351751 >>51351780 >>51351783

Okay /g/, Im setting up i3 on my fedora install. It wont display anything on mysecond monitor. My primary monitor is wired via HDMI through my GFX card, andthe secondary one through the VGA port on the Motherboard I/O.

Any suggestions how I can get my second monitor working with i3?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:26:26 No.51351780 >>51351823


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:26:43 No.51351783 >>51351823

>>51351751>gfx card>trying to use mobo videoum doesn't the gfx care automagically disable mobo video?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:27:17 No.51351786 >>51351829 >>51351914

Hey, i have windows 8 and kali linux in my laptop, i boot using rEFInd and workspretty nice, but i want to install manjaro and override my kali partition, but themanjaro install say that i have tomount a boot efi partition, if i do that my boot

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manager will stop working?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:30:13 No.51351823 >>51351835 >>51351886

>>51351780Already did the xrandr shite. didnt effect anything :C Will give it another go though.

>>51351783Its working within Win10 as we speak, with the exact setup im trying to use forFedora.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:30:16 No.51351824

>>51351714Outside of generic 101,102,104,105 keyboards, you're going to have to be a littlemore specific than some company in china.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:30:46 No.51351829 >>51351852 >>51351854

>>51351786>kali installed>manjarostop dicking around with shitty meme distros

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:31:08 No.51351835

>>51351823well shit, guess I r a dumbass

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:32:26 No.51351852

>>51351829so what do you recommend?hannah montana linux?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:32:36 No.51351854 >>51351877

>>51351829Nice piece of solution you got there, memelord

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:35:07 No.51351877 >>51351921

>>51351854What do you expect moron? Using something that's not supposed to be installedon a laptop and the fixing it by putting something that is a buggy mess and theworst distro of all. Have a word with yourself.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:36:13 No.51351886

>>51351823Use the GUIfrontend to make it easier.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:38:58 No.51351914 >>51351932 >>51351947

>>51351786Go into your BIOS settings and see if there's a legacy option instead of uefi. Youshould be able to nuke the kali parts and install grub on /dev/sda1 from there.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:39:52 No.51351921 >>51351930

>>51351877>the worst distro of allSounds like a personal opinion. Pretty hostile for an opinionated pile of garbage.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:40:41 No.51351930 >>51351944 >>51351959

>>51351921No, it's the opinion of the majority of /g/.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:40:56 No.51351932 >>51351964

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>>51351914am I the only one who hates uefi and thinks it was a bad idea? are there anycurrent mobo or pc options for no uefi?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:42:05 No.51351944

>>51351930>hurr I speak for the majority

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:42:23 No.51351947 >>51352017

>>51351914but grub doesn't work for me, i mean, instead of using a boot loader i'm using aboot manager

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:43:06 No.51351959 >>51351974

>>51351930>Opinion of the mejority of /g/ Wow. Your idiocy is showing. Now leave

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:43:25 No.51351964

>>51351932It's dogshit. I have a motherboard that will boot to the usual Windows filesytems,UFS, and EXT, but ZFS kicks me right back to the BIOS settings screen.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:44:17 No.51351974 >>51351992 >>51352105 >>51352337

>>51351959>thinks manjaro is goodlol ok son. Have you seen it recommended here? It's a joke.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:45:39 No.51351989 >>51352013

So I'm trying to load a copy of the kernel. I have it compiled successfully and havemoved the bzImage to /boot/. However grub can't find it. I've ran sudo update-grub and it finds the other kernel images in /boot/ but it doesn'tseem to list mine. Any ideas?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:45:58 No.51351992 >>51352020 >>51352040

>>51351974it's fucking arch linux, like 50% of /g/ use arch

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:48:08 No.51352013 >>51352042

>>51351989Is it just looking for kernel images, or is it looking for bziped kernel images as well?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:48:29 No.51352017

>>51351947Grub is both boot loader and manager. It should see Windows and make thatoption selectable as well as Linux. UEFI is a hot mess though so change any BIOSsettings to legacy and this should fix the issue.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:48:33 No.51352020

>>51351992No, it isn't dear.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:50:27 No.51352040

>>51351992>like 50% of /g/ use archNot really. Most polls and shit seem to place /g/ at less that one third Linux users.And I doubt more than a quarter of them actually use Arch.

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Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:51:04 No.51352042 >>51352060 >>51352132File: kgTgE9F.png (106 KB, 1089x463)


I'm not sure. Is there a way I can check for that? I'm pretty new tothis sort of thing, I apologize.

Pic related is what is happening. My kernel image (bzImage) is myNewKernel.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:52:09 No.51352060 >>51352132


I should note I have not edited any grub config files as I am currently under the

impression that sudo update-grub should regenerate them for me when itfinds my image.

I say currently under the impression because I could be very wrong.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:57:09 No.51352105 >>51352247 >>51352337

>>51351974>Using a distro just because people tell you to do>Referring to the installgentoo wikiNever seen a kek like you. Up until this point you neither have given any solutionnor stopped bashing on a particular distro. A linux distribution enables the user to completely take control of his system and,therefore, a distro can be good or bad and it largely depends on its user.Shut up and respect the freedom linux gives you.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)04:59:25 No.51352132 >>51352149

>>51352042>>51352060https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Features.html>Can decompress files which were compressed by gzip or xzGonna have to gzip them.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:01:22 No.51352149 >>51352242 >>51352251


Gzipped. Still didn't appear :(

I appreciate the help btw

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:04:35 No.51352177 >>51352220 >>51352249

Which beginner Linux distro would you recommend for Intel Atom laptops?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:08:26 No.51352220

>>51352177Debian is stable and will run. What really matters for a lightweight system is yourwindow manager. I'd recommend XFCE or LXDE for that. Those are nice, beginnerfriendly, lightweight WMs.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:09:44 No.51352239 >>51352309 >>51352328 >>51352337

>people here still run piece of shit manjarohttps://archive.is/JeOLo

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:10:06 No.51352242

>>51352149The only time I ever went to the trouble to compile a kernel was for an ARM singleboard, and manually edited grub.cfg. I look at my current grub.cfg and it says it'sautomatically generated by grubmkconfig. It wouldn't hurt to peruse the GentooHandbook as you must configure and compile your kernel as part of installation.

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That will probably give you more information than /g/.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:10:45 No.51352247 >>51352264 >>51352328


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:10:52 No.51352249

>>51352177I'm running Debian testing + LXDE on an old Toshiba netbook. It took a little moresetup than I was expecting (and there's a couple of minor things I still need to fix)but overall it's pretty nice.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:11:22 No.51352251 >>51352282

>>51352149Try naming vmlinuzsomething and see if it finds it then.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:12:17 No.51352264

>>51352247those are 100% freesome are lessstill can enjoy your freedom

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:13:11 No.51352272

I want to run arch to rice the shit out of my laptop like those in Desktop threads, butim finding that the screen may too be small to take advantage of tiling windowmanagers. I'll be honest I installed Arch with awesome WM and im hating theexperience. Is there an in between distro that is less bare bones and still riceable?Or should I take the time in to learn Arch in a DE first and give it time.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:13:27 No.51352276 >>51352303File: 20151115_161239.jpg (475 KB, 2048x1152)

I only get this pink line down myscreen with Arch

It's driving me nuts

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:13:43 No.51352282 >>51352315


holy shit that worked

any idea why? did my use of capital letters offend it?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:15:25 No.51352303 >>51352316

>>51352276With the live CD only or with the installed system too

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:15:54 No.51352309 >>51352337File: 45629.jpg (1.02 MB, 1920x1080)

>>51352239>Manjaro used an expired SSLcert

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:16:16 No.51352315 >>51352356


and it fails on boot lel

pls kill me

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Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:16:18 No.51352316

>>51352303With the installed system too

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:17:58 No.51352328 >>51352343

>>51352239Next meme, please. Getting tired of it>>51352247Nice link, what's your point though?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:19:09 No.51352337File: 1371205749507.jpg (29 KB, 448x335)

>>51352309>>51352239>>51352105>>51351974Jesus Christ, go take yourdistro war elsewhere.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:19:25 No.51352343 >>51352431

>>51352328>what's your point

>Shut up and respect the freedom linux gives you.Linux doesn't give freedom, FSF does.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:20:38 No.51352356 >>51352372

>>51352315If you do make menuconfig, and don't tick all the right hardware you can end upwith a bad kernel. This is one of the reasons why people get frustrated wheninstalling Gentoo, and why the meme exists.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:22:07 No.51352372 >>51352413 >>51352612


That's probably what I did. Thanks for mention it. I'll recompile I guess. Does itnormally take 2 fucking hours? Because that's about how long it took me withmodules. Virtual Machine but still.

Thanks for all the help btw. Really helping me.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:24:00 No.51352394

how do i remove title bars on all windows on xubuntu?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:26:09 No.51352413 >>51352432

>>51352372It can take awhile depending on how fast your hardware is. You need to know whathardware the virtual machine emulates and tick the appropriate boxes. I onceforgot to tick an onboard IDE host controller which wasn't in the base default configfile for x86 machines. It took me all night to figure out where I went wrong.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:26:30 No.51352420 >>51352441 >>51352443 >>51353318

Should I switch from windows 7? I do some hardcore gaming on my pc. also i'm a tech retard.

explain everything to me in babby's terms pls.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:27:36 No.51352431 >>51352467

>>51352343>Linux doesn't give freedom, FSF does.

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Ideal freedom is almost impossible to gain. You can only go so far. Try not tochange the topic of discussion. 1. No distro is good or bad2. You don't install a distro just because you think /g/ tells you to3. Respect others' decision/taste Bye

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:27:41 No.51352432 >>51352468


Yeah I've been less than thorough in previous attempts. Will make sure to usecorrect info this time. My hardware is pretty good. i7 3770. Still takes around 2hours.

Oh well at least it's hands off.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:28:34 No.51352441 >>51353318

>>51352420No. Gaming on Linux is not the same if the game doesnt have a Linux port madeby the Devs. Dont let anyone tell you that its the same. Being on Linux has mademe game less. It can be a hassle sometimes and you need to be a problem solver.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:28:40 No.51352443 >>51353318

>>51352420> I do some hardcore gaming on my pc. Linux still has a long way to go before it catches up with Windows for gaming. Thatsaid, which games do you play?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:31:44 No.51352467

>>51352431No I don't. Your topic is "Linux gives you freedom" nonsense. Linux doesn't giveyou freedom or anything. It's just a kernel without a social goal at the end. GNU onthe other hand does.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:32:01 No.51352468

>>51352432You might try adding j 4 after make. The configuration will be screwy because it'son virtual machine. If you have more problems, check out the Gentoo Handbook.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:37:38 No.51352513 >>51352524 >>51352587

Do i need to reinstall arch to remove my current window manager and install a newone

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:37:40 No.51352514 >>51352571

is there a way to stretch a wallpaper across a vertical and horizontal monitors

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:38:18 No.51352524 >>51352534


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:39:02 No.51352534 >>51352539

>>51352524is it as simple as removing it with your package manager in like xterm?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:39:40 No.51352539


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:42:16 No.51352571 >>51352575 >>51352579 >>51352587

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>>51352514Easy way:1. Remove your display manager2. Reboot3. At the tty, Remove your current window manager using pacman Rs4. Install your preferred window manager / DE5. Install your preferred Display manager and enable it6. Reboot.Caution: Some Desktop Managers may NOT fully support certain window manager

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:43:17 No.51352575

>>51352571Desktop environments*

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:43:41 No.51352579

>>51352571forgot to mention i'm running xubuntu and default display manager

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:44:18 No.51352587

>>51352571 is meant for >>51352513

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)05:46:10 No.51352612 >>51353173

>>51352372there are some super basic things you need: your drives, basic video output,filesystem types, network or wifi drivers, etc. The list is actually pretty small to get abootable kernel, but it might involve being really specific.

I don't think compiling a kernel shouldn't take 2 hours and I don't remember it evertaking that long, even on a gentoo VM using genkernel. But it definitely won't takethat long next time. Unless you make clean, all of those modules you compiledaren't really going to be changing and the object files sitting around for them will bereused. Compiling a kernel you know the specific config for will be short for thesame reason, since you won't be wasting time compiling all kinds of modules youdon't need.

also just a fyi but I spent like 30 minutes trying to troubleshoot a kernel build andfinding the config for the VMware sata drivers I was using but it turned out not to bebooting because GRUB wanted a root=/dev/sdx instead of root=uuiduuiduuiduuiduuid. Fucking sucked!

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)06:52:17 No.51353173

>>51352612It took me like 15 hours to emerge my kernel on a pentium 3 celeron with basicallyonly what I needed in it, so YMMV. It'd take a lot longer if you made a christmastree kernel.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)07:03:49 No.51353289 >>51353370

So I've just installed Xubuntu Core 15.10 with a Thinkpad X200s, so using stockdrivers for the Intel GMA 4500MHD.

I'm trying to get vsync to work. If I disable the compositor entirely, full screenapplications work. If I enable the compositor, nothing works with vsync. If I replacethe default compositor with Compton, everything works with vsync, but then Steamstarts flickering and failing to visually update (chat window remains static while Ireceive message notifications, minimizing and maximizing fixes for a few seconds).I'm at a loss as my problem seems extremely specific and googlefu has gotten menothing but generic "Enable Compton" or "Use these drivers if you're on Nvidia."

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)07:09:10 No.51353318

>>51352420Not if you play League of Legends or other nonlinux native games. Playonlinux ispassable, but many games, like LoL, are tremendous buggy piles because theirdevelopers don't care about Linux.

>>51352441Yup. I had to troubleshoot some games for a decent part of a day and read the

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PlayonLinux forums. It's generally not worth the effort to play nonlinux nativegames if you can't problem solve.

>>51352443Steam games have a icon that tells you if they run natively on Linux. I can play halfmy library natively, and the rest of it was mostly indie shit that I got for a dime andwas bad anyway. Most of theV Valve inhouse games work lovely on Linux.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)07:09:50 No.51353324 >>51353506

I'm on manjaro. sudo systemctl suspend sometimes, randomly, locks up thecomputer unresponsive with the display off. Haven't tested audio, but it probablystops too.

It's truly random. Once I put the computer to sleep and accidentally woke it up so Iput it straight back to sleep and it froze with the display off and unresponsive.

I think it might have something to do with disk access because the startup consoleprints a bunch with the label of my root partition in the text and something aboutblocks.

I don't remember whether suspend worked out of the box but if it didn't I wouldhave tried more than one thing to make it work or fix it.

Yes, I've scoured google and asked the manjaro IRC channel.

I'm using manjaro CLI to have something close to archlinux but with a releasecycle.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)07:15:14 No.51353370

>>51353289Try using the TearFree option for intel driverssee https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel_graphics#Tearfree_videoIt should be possible to get vsync to work without needing a compositor at all.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)07:33:04 No.51353506 >>51353521

>>51353324Do not use Manjaro. Manjaro is rolling release, but they do nonsense bullshit.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)07:35:37 No.51353521

>>51353506I know they do. I avoided the normal channels of arch support because I know it's adifferent distro; mhwd, etc.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:09:58 No.51353747

>>51351454 (OP)What's a good btrfs subvolume layout? Do I keep root and home/var/optsubvolumes on the same level, or should I make root a parent subvolume?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:19:36 No.51353824

>>51351610"compatable"Im sorry what are keycodes and xev

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:20:07 No.51353828 >>51353850

why does the json from visiting in Firefox and

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curl https://avatar.leagueoflegends.com/[/curl]

have different values for remoteIP ?

only in Firefox does it display my actual IP

wget displays my actual IP too but I have to use --content-on-error since the page

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:20:43 No.51353834 >>51353856 >>51353868 >>51353909

Anyone here REALLY sick of shitty software??Which OS uses quality binaries and doesn't allow shitware in it. I've tried Linux Mintbust most of the programs are completely broken. APT is fucking shit as well. Andwhy the fuck is it so slow? Why is gnome dog shit slow and full of assertianfailures? Running any gnomebased program with an open stderr/stdout streamyou get flooded with failures, like god damn its disgusting, why do distros allow thisshit in? No quality control? Are there any linux distros that don't allow dumbassprograms and ape coders?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:24:26 No.51353850

>>51353828I realize my problem

I was doing curl avatar.leagueoflegends.comwhich went for http instead of https

no idea what the http IP is but it feels like weird proxy stuff

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:25:06 No.51353856

>>51353834Try avoiding GNOME shit next time

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:27:22 No.51353868

>>51353834>LinuxMintThere is your problem.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:33:39 No.51353909 >>51354031

>>51353834Mint and Ubuntu took Debian and added cruft on top to make it more user friendly.Gnome 3 is worse than Unity. Apt is probably slow because you didn't select amirror near you. If you want a no frills desktop with low overhead, use XFCE orLXDE. If you want shiny, you're probably better off with OSX.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:50:14 No.51354031

>>51353909But KDE is shiny.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)08:51:45 No.51354037

Arch just doesn't want to cooperate with my wifi adapter

Anomalous 11/15/15(Sun)08:53:21 No.51354051 >>51354084 >>51354118File: b0d2a72471a74c2f8e993(...).jpg (40 KB, 600x446)

Good distro/os for a celeron 466mhz and 256mbram laptop?Tried tiny core, didn't like. Tried slitaz, it's pretty good but a little laggywhen I try to do anything. Dragging an open window is laggy for example.

Anomalous 11/15/15(Sun)08:56:48 No.51354084 >>51354114File: b3c7a20253e540d4b65d8(...).jpg (54 KB, 600x446)

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>>51354051Also, not sure if increasing ram to512mb would help.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:00:18 No.51354114 >>51354442

>>51354084>256mb RAM>not sure if increasing ram to 512mb would help.>not sure>not liking Tiny core>implying choices are availableniceAlso, can you not trash this fossil?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:00:47 No.51354118 >>51354442

>>51354051What gen celeron?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:07:59 No.51354185 >>51354273 >>51354603File: Screenshot from 2015111(...).png (116 KB, 1015x754)

So I've been linuxing for 2 weeks now, using it for all my dayto day tasks and dualbooting in to Windows 10 for muhgaems.

Running Linux mint because all the guides said it was thebest for beginners, without being shit like Ubuntu.

How do I install something that's not found in the software manager?I'm trying to install Tiny Media Manager, so I downloaded the tar.gz then I extractedit and got pic related.

These are the install instructions,http://www.tinymediamanager.org/index.php/usage/installation/I have no clue what to do? I assume I copy paste all of those files to somewhere?/usr? Maybe?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:17:53 No.51354273

>>51354185Just FYI, if something isn't in software manager, your next stop should be Synaptic.The software manager rarely has everything available through the repositories.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:18:50 No.51354280 >>51354289 >>51354294

Anyone got that picture with various linux software?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:20:04 No.51354289 >>51354341 >>51354349File: fixit.png (1.44 MB, 1024x1400)


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:21:06 No.51354294


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:27:31 No.51354341

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Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:28:41 No.51354349 >>51354366 >>51354385 >>51354499

>>51354289Why are you mad with sublime text? It's comfy

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:30:47 No.51354366 >>51354371 >>51354483


If you code in Linux you don't need Sublime piece of shit. Go back to Windows ifyou want to use Sublime.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:31:28 No.51354371

>>51354366Make me.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:32:52 No.51354385 >>51354417

>>51354349vim/emacs are enough for development.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:35:39 No.51354417 >>51354440

>>51354385Which of them do you use?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:37:54 No.51354440 >>51354456


Anomalous 11/15/15(Sun)09:38:02 No.51354442 >>51354463

>>51354118It's an inspiron 3700, not sure which gen but the laptop is from 2000 and shippedwith windows 98. Would gentoo run better or arch? It doesn't have wifi btw, but itdoes have a usb 1.1 port.

>>51354114>trash this fossilWhy? Other than the lag it feels so much better to use than any other laptop I'vetried. The keyboard is solid, the trackpad is accurate, it has a nipple mouse, the screendoesn't rock back and forth when you try to use it.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:39:16 No.51354456 >>51354502

>>51354440post your vimrc if you do

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:39:19 No.51354457 >>51355234

I'm sorry for reposting this, but last night when I said that my Xubuntu often timesdoes a lengthy filesystem check before booting someone asked for contents of myfstab.


I changed it to this after installing Xubuntu, because the extra partitions wheremounted in media which made them constantly visible on the desktop, and i didn'twant that. Someone from /flt/ here told me what to write in fstab for Windowspartitions, but for that final Ext3 one I looked it up on the Internet, so its possiblethat I might not have set up everything the best I can.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:39:35 No.51354463 >>51354525

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>>51354442Use the computer the RMS way:https://stallman.org/stallmancomputing.html

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:41:20 No.51354483

>>51354366What actually do use?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:42:39 No.51354499 >>51354528

>>51354349ed is the standard text editor.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:42:48 No.51354502

>>51354456Relax, it doesn't matterThese two are probably NEET anyways

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:44:36 No.51354525 >>51354631

>>51354463>I spend most of my time editing in Emacs. I read and send mail with Emacs usingMx rmail and Cx m. I have no experience with any other email client programs. Inprinciple I would be glad to know about other free email clients, but learning aboutthem is not a priority for me and I don't have time.

Jesus Christ why this piece of shit emails with Emacs? Haven't he heard of UNIXphilosophy?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:44:51 No.51354528


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:52:03 No.51354603

>>51354185Open a terminal from that directory and type ./tinyMediaManager.sh

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:55:10 No.51354631 >>51354652

>>51354525GNU is not Unix.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)09:57:28 No.51354652

>>51354631"Do one thing, do one thing good"

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:14:10 No.51354802 >>51354826 >>51355014

Is openSUSE tumbleweed a good alternative to Arch for a new user that wantsrolling release bleeding edge and wants to play steam games?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:17:57 No.51354826 >>51355014

>>51354802>new user>bleeding edgeWhy? You could also consider Mint Debian edition.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:23:16 No.51354868 >>51355022File: 11fedora22to23upgrad(...).png (7 KB, 720x400)

Lately I have upgraded my Fedora to version 23 using dnfsystemupgrade. Everything went alright and works flawlesly.

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But now I have three instances in the grub menu: currentversion, old version and old rescue version. Is it normal? Howdo I remove the unnesessary ones?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:35:14 No.51354969 >>51355000 >>51355041

I'm so fed up at this point, still looking for a distro. Xfce lacks 50% of basic settings,lubuntu has this stupid 2004 funpark design. Who the fuck designed Mint. I couldgo on. I just want minimalist design with extended system settings and no brainerpreinstalled programs. So frustrated atm baka.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:40:01 No.51355000

>>51354969It seems your issues are more with Desktop Environments.Install Arch with Mate or KDE

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:42:22 No.51355014

>>51354802>>51354826Don't use Mint, it's bullshit.

Arch is fine, but new user should probably go Ubuntu.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:43:24 No.51355022

>>51354868Edit your grub.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:45:04 No.51355041

>>51354969Use a pure WM such as Openbox, then you can customize it your own way.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:53:54 No.51355104 >>51355130 >>51355324 >>51355372

I need a very newbiefriendly and protected distro for my relatives. I tried everyversion of Windows but they still manage to fuck it up, installing shit tons of thingseven without admin privileges.

What distro should I use for them? Something very lightweight, as they only usefacebook and MS Office stuff. And they are luddites, so something that is easy touse (as they are already accustomed to windows)

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:57:06 No.51355130


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)10:58:14 No.51355143 >>51355169 >>51355324

Whats the best distro for dual booting?I plan to keep win 10 for vidya and the linux for everything else

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:01:55 No.51355169

>>51355143Any distro that uses GRUB/Syslinux.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:02:01 No.51355171 >>51355184 >>51355194 >>51355204>>51355205 >>51355218 >>51355324

Why is it that wine can only run a small 3D game at 1/4th native speed and withassets missing?

How do people say this is a viable option to replace windows?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:03:11 No.51355184 >>51355192

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they're not gamers

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:04:05 No.51355192

>>51355184Apparently. This game shouldn't make my computer sputter. At all.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:04:45 No.51355194 >>51355204 >>51355213

>>51355171What "small 3D game" ? Check onhttp://appsdb.winehq.org

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:05:46 No.51355204

>>51355171>>51355194I meant http://appdb.winehq.org

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:05:54 No.51355205

>>51355171get with the times, vmpassthrough is the hot new meme for running windowsapplications

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:06:52 No.51355213

>>51355194Ys Origin.

Just loads in with awful frames on the title screen and when I click options it justgoes all black

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:07:31 No.51355218 >>51355233


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:08:49 No.51355233 >>51355239

>>51355218It's read as One fourth

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:08:51 No.51355234

>>51354457Can anyone help me with this now that the thread is lively again?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:09:23 No.51355239 >>51355295

>>51355233who says "one fourth"?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:09:57 No.51355247

Is apricityOS good for newbs?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:14:51 No.51355295 >>51355358

>>51355239Anyone that passed 3rd grade math in america

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:16:52 No.51355324 >>51355372

>>51355104a distribution with cinnamon should be fine. I personally installed debian withcinnamon for my parents and they don't have any troubles. You'll have to find outhow to make office works. Or they don't bother using libre office, abiword or any

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alternatives, or you can install office via playonlinux/wine

>>51355143any distributions permits you to dualboot easily. Look at screenshots and selectthe distribution you prefer. If you want to try it, set up a VM and install debiantesting with all the desktop environments during the install process. you'll be able toselect which DE you want to use on the login screen, and you'll make yourself abetter idea of what you want.Once you have choose a DE, install a distribution that comes with it.Debian is somehow particular and needs to be configured a little to be good for anormal user (installing the drivers for the wifi, modifying a file to be on the testingversion. Nothing difficult)

>>51355171because using wine I can run all the old games that windows can't run, andbecause hots and diablo 3 run fine (I have to lower the graphic quality, but theperformances are good)

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:20:02 No.51355358


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:21:03 No.51355372 >>51355382 >>51355411

>>51355104>>51355324>a distribution with cinnamon should be fineDon't listen to this shit, Cinnamon is shit.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:22:19 No.51355382 >>51355445

>>51355372but it's user friendly.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:24:25 No.51355411

>>51355372I'm using Cinnamon for myself (with mint), why is it shit? Everybody keepsrecommending me that.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:28:06 No.51355445 >>51355484

>>51355382No its not, it is a clunky, ugly piece, worse than GNOME 3.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:32:18 No.51355484

>>51355445It's objectively the best DE unless you need something lightweight.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:38:08 No.51355543 >>51355583 >>51355664

Can I use youtubedl to somehow automate downloading an entire channel's oruser's videos?

I really don't want to do each separately but I really need to get an entire channel'svideos

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:41:41 No.51355583 >>51355631 >>51355664

>>51355543youtube-dl -citA --restrict-filenames "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA955A8F9A95378CE"

path can be to a playlist or to channels whole videos section...

explained commandhttp://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=youtubedl+citA+restrictfilenames

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Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:49:45 No.51355631File: adultwork.com 5047063.jpg (135 KB, 1280x960)

>>51355583I love you man, reverse search fora pretty amazing ass

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:54:57 No.51355664 >>51355715 >>51355739

>>51355583you don't need any of that

it's really just as simple asyoutubedl url_of_channel_or_playlist

>>51355543you can also use youtubedl to download from a lot more sites than just youtube


just in case you didn't know

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)11:59:34 No.51355715 >>51355728

>>51355664>you don't need any of thatI love this butthurt morons who react like this when improved version of what theywere doing is revealedoh yeah, you dont need any of that, its just better in every way than plain command

oh, naming videos to be in order, ignore errors that could interrupt few hours ofdownload, ignore non ascii stuff in filenames.. yeah, you dont need any of that. Butif you are not a moron and actually used the shit, you already know about it.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:00:36 No.51355725 >>51355799

How do I run a program as part of my X session instead of the terminal, but fromthe terminal?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:00:57 No.51355728 >>51355739

>>51355715I'm butthurt?


Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:02:25 No.51355739 >>51355753

>>51355728Yes Jesus, it seems that way by this comment >>51355664

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:03:46 No.51355753 >>51355821

>>51355739how? how was i hostile or butthurt?

you're projecting.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:09:17 No.51355799

>>51355725most graphical programs will kill themselves / crash when X closes, so ___ &disown should be appropriate for such programs

Just make sure to kill the program if it doesn't kill itself/crash when X goes down.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:09:51 No.51355809 >>51355862File: 20151115223716_1366x76(...).png (694 KB, 1366x768)

I've used Linux before, but this time I'm serious about it. I'm

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pretty much giving up all video games. I have no plans toinstall Steam. I spent way too much time playing gamesanyway.

Tips for the future?Neat things I might not know about Linux yet?Any comments / death threats appreciated. <3

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:11:35 No.51355821 >>51355837 >>51355842

>>51355753Why are you bringing hostile in to this? I am being hostile so you call yourself victimof being called hostile? I did not call you hostile, is thumblr victimhood leeking?

>or butthurt

what was point of this?

>you don't need any of that>it's really just as simple as>youtubedl url_of_channel_or_playlist

its inferior advice in every way, posted after question already was answered andthanked for.Why would someone do this?

Well they used it in that simple way, and got bit butthurt when they saw that theway they used it was not one being recommended. So instead of reading up onscary arguments why its better, butthurt goes in and starts to talk about the worseapproach.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:12:52 No.51355837 >>51355859

>>51355821c i t are standard behaviour, A isn't necessary

don't overestimate yoursefl

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:13:14 No.51355842

>>51355821Are you high or something?

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:14:58 No.51355859 >>51355885

>>51355837>c i t are standard behaviour,quote source?

>A isn't necessarywhy is it not benefitial to have videos in correct order? explain yourself

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:15:19 No.51355862 >>51355877

>>51355809Lola I ran acrh exclusively on my only system until yesterday. I decided arch is toomuch to maintain.

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:17:21 No.51355877

>>51355862>I decided that I am too dumb to maintain archftfy

Anonymous 11/15/15(Sun)12:18:48 No.51355885

>>51355859Will it continue unfinished downloads without c ?Will it ignore errors without i ?Will it use the title without t ?

If only there was a way to find out ...

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