g ld as t - university of floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/02/82/98/01406/00397.pdf · city pa...

vdfif1 LVV A jfi ii V A THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 25 190 6 > > > OUR R YORK i Ceata the Approved Spring Style The Princes and Empire Gowns De- mand UM ef the High lust Corset y MINE DEVERAUX The craze fort empire robes empire tf etA and all that la empire hits ex- Nolnl to tilt realm of costa and the aaodMi apriag jacket la the smart lit- tle poay coat bt length twentyfour It te abbreviated hex doable afegle to with coat cellar or re Term It baa leoae froas Ute shoul- der te the tack sad all faaaleu- at the present moment to designed for the g4orlicatle of tile aylpalike the ftcare of heavier proportions It In made with the wrolittlug back Ike ideevea are the plain mat and put to tbe arahole In a fanhiou BM to stand out to not droop for they mud Ire breadth to tbe shoulder and thus hake the waist rowinure seem smaller Coverts cheviots and broadcloths tin the material u ed and na this la the peep at the prevailing wale for spring they are no far een only in all bade of tau Those In wbltv broad Cloth are deMguM to alve Joy to the ttraaacr girl Arrayed In one of white broadcloth skirt and the Must la sailors she will be well e iul- ped to conquer paatvres new Quite the rhlreat toilet seen at Del agonlcoa OB a matinee day of tact week was a posy east of the lightest of tan broadcloth with skirt and shoes to Batch The little French rbaneaa of tile sa e color bad a medium straight Man aad high crows The elective ferlaamlag was tall rhlffoti dull The Eton aad tINt bolero are qalte the rage far every alad of wear These are saad op ta silk aad elaborately triasBied with Nee embroidery r chit The baadaeaw applique eaabrold- eriea avert opportaattiea for the man- ufacture of aad artistic little jacket a that will give elctareaqveneaa aid cachet area to the robe otherwise pals Irish crochet to mach aaod and yards aad yard of platting la WEEXU lETTER IlK Ilk lIb phi lace tea dial pony t as or- s 0 form- er k such rat lr these 1 a bile rosettes Lad f t gorge s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + FOKT COATS WILL BE TffV LKADIX1 ftfltixn STILL the trimming and makeup All are French For drvawy orvaalon nil are full and without exception elttow sleeves l4 n Ha an more elaborate nud man expensive thnn ever Muiiy of the very newest model Indicate deiirly tin Hues demanded In ftiHhlonahlo rtizurv by lateat Idea FnllniM of hut U deKlred and a high bunt Is deuinmled l till rln viiK gowns and waists of the dray At n faahlonable corwetalrva many novelties art aeen One of the latest concept IOIIN Is the hut auptort which If worn with any corset will give the correct hunt lines They an charming with frllla of lace ribbon knolM and shoulder trap of wide silk eliititlt whltb fasten under the ann There la a short comet waNt terminal lug under the iirm made of woven rll top und worn with the Imxt Dyes nre for the H ii lir tlKiire for wlilth there IM nUo the luac tr ktil front corwt with short hips and hut the new mil leiiRth rset for the stout tlgiirf In itiiile with thelower part of inri in the hlc nod s i cut ns to retliiiv their the liiiht high nnd slut or full IM d Mre l dud they an KortriiiiH In liatKte ImHho plain silk emlirolitenil or lir Kinltil r oailiet i tv ire mire attractive each year Itound gar t rs are with wiftly xhirre atln or flowere1 nlilMtn toverlnt the wide clan tic with a rather wide lure falling below The vertical Barter faaclnatlnK tritles of tlowertsi or plain rinhmi ohlrretl over elliptic nnd- bonlonM wllh namnv valenelfnne 1a t frill Clionx of chlffou form the ilnU- urit uil ptte or very deacriptlon are the Many nre dainty aid very the frisk support till I hth wiz Cur nUll I r i r the f t Inn h out I yruw ant 4E r frill- s err M hrh d is c > > > > < < + + + + A Silk Petticoat- At a Price Within the Retch f All vine at 379 Every woman enjoys wearing a Silk Petticoat The exorbitant price aual ly charged however prevent these In aaedlum clrvumxtanre trout Indulging In the use of them The MACY permit producing a Skirt at 370 which will give a good satisfaction ax- aay U Skirt ever sold The Skirt we over ta made of Bne quality black taffeta silk with deep accordeon plaited bounce finished with pinked ruche trimmed rattle extra dust ruse full width and well aaade price 370 We will promptly and cheerfully your money upon return of the Bklrt It It fas not In every way attofac tory to you This la our rule with all goods purchased from u Our but page spring and Summer cata- logue in encyclopedia or New York fash- ion nnd bouMhold supplies will be In March Sent free on request Wrtt for It Make UM of the low prices and iv money Address Room 3W R H MACY CO BROADWAY NEW YORK They adorn shirt vah ta nnd every kind i f nvnI- ttHt a wonl n bout tilt new U tvlH fur your Mnet fnxk ruy the leiiiiltm yhade Mlxeil urnys or town effMls In broken plal N or cluck or ritriM M almi plait In Hin H th rtnUhiiJ KiiKllh HiiltltiKK are on view In all the fmhlonaMe shops nnd Home of the frxkH di tiye t In the iiKNlUli Fifth avenue window tire Htunnlnu Hut of that more anon Our rtKilT nwy have any on tlon- ronrernlnic f hlrtn or falirdn armivcrvil without rhitiKe by K n Ix vi rail the fitiililoi rx rt tiv mlitrrolnff Rn IV- verait I o Built U t Mu4lon Square New York Inrlonlntc stamp for reply Luckiest Man in Arkansas Im the luckiest than in Arkau as write II L Stanley of Kruno ince the restoration of my wife health af- ter live years of continuous coughing and bleeding from the lungs and I owe my good fortune to the worlds greatest medicine Dr King New Dis- covery for Consumption which I know from eiKrieuce will cure consumption if taken in time My wife improved with flat bottle and twelve bottles completed the cure Cures the worst coughs and c Ids or money refunded At all drug store flOO Trial oltlei fret Forest Fires Raging Colorado Siirln c Fob 21 A forest tire I yu peaty pile from the mountains raging In the foothills 2 west this city inno r li n plui inline u the SiacH tiolit ICeiliulnp and Keiirliii tout pany tilt olden Cycle Mining ronipauy and the Portland Gold Mining imipanv ami valued at I3o0ri0uv ar In the direct path of the flames Fire tlKhtern have gone to the scene on a special train Jouc 00 J read I shepherd soft lit J lC and Ir Ill I nit un d NW 1f r d- Tffe Silk T w PohGwi 44 taw I- f ca meth- ods re- fund soy 1111 raft spring tidies 4t gold 1 Oil ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > > ¬ + + NEGRO CUTS THREE PERSONS Then Surrendered to and legs Their Protection Topeka Kilns Feb After cut- ting aiid hlasliltiK three white pvr suns twj of whom pruhubl will die Cyrus llayKiKxl of Kansas City a ns aril believed to be Insane Hit rendered to the puttee here ami l fsaS ins their protection lie ha1 been chased by friends of victims During the nlKiit Haygootl was Mir prised while attfinptlnc to rub the boarding house kept by Mr and Mrs E Coons In hid effort to escape the negro slashed Coons about the face neck and arms with u knife and cut ctfeveral gashes In Mrs Coons faceAfter escaping from the Coons liar good attacked David Brewer a new paver carrier whom ho evidently mis a policeman Brewers throat was no badly cut that he cannot tal Mrs Coona and Brewer may die Startling But True Feopte the world aver were horrified Yarning of the burning of a Chica- go theater In which nearly pix hundred people their liven yet more than five tunics thU number or over HiOO- prople died from pneumonia in Chic KO during the same year with scarcely a pasting notice Everyone of of pneumonia remled from cold and could hive bfen prevented by the timely use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy A wrest many who had every reason to fear pneumonia have wsrded it off by the prompt use of this The following is an instance of this sort Too mutt cannot be said in favor of Chamberlains Cough Rem- edy and especially for colds and in- fluenza I know that it cured my daughter Laura of severe cold and believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia W D Wilcox Logaa New York Sold by all druggists Jumped from an Cxprea Train Defiance O Feb 24 Becoming frightened by the scraping of an ash pan on the tie which had fallen down John Smith fireman on tbe 24hour ChicagoNew York paaenger trala OB the Baltimore and Ohio railway think- ing that a collUion impended jumped through the cab window while the train was going 50 miles an hour Al- most every bone In limbs were broken lie lost the sight of both eyes owing to the fact that the op tics wore badly ground by the cinder Smiths nose wax flattened on his face and lips tongue badly lacerated lie I now In the iarette hospital and his injuries will likely prove fatal Health Means the ability to do a good days workrwlthout undue fatigue and to Hod life worth living You cannot have indigestion or coiittipition it upsetting the liver and pol- luting the blood Such a condition may be Lest and quickest relieved by Herbln the best liver regulator that the world has ever known Mrs D W Smith writes April 3 Oi I llerbine and thud it the best medicine for constipation and regulating the liver I ever used 50 cents Sold by W 31 Johnson Moroccan Situation Before Cabinet Paris Fob 21 Premier Houvler laid the Moroccan sliuKlon before the cabinet Friday but no announcement was made concerning a nuMjltkutlon of the present i iiitii Minister of Ma tine Thomson announced Intention to ask parliament to build three battlt ships each of 1SOOO touH which will be the largest French ships con- structed Frightfully Burned W Moore a machinist of Ford City Pa bad his hand frightfully burned in an electrical furnace He applird Uucklen Arnica Salve with the usual result a quick and per- fect cure Greatest healer on earth for turn wound eczema and pile l5c at all drug stores Want Market In Philippines Washington Keb 1M Senator Clay has Mibmlttnl to the senate n memo- rial letter written him by leading cot ton mill mn of Griffin requesting that be support tb vending Philippine tar- iff bill Are You Restless at Night And harra rd by a bad rough Use Italian llnrehntind Syrup it will secure you round len aha effect a prompt and radical cure Sold by V 31 Johnson Po Ice i his E tookt on lost these his ute tt sorer i for cads rem- edy with- out his yet has ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ And you know u ny too Its those gray r Itiir Dcntycu know that Hair Vigor rcitor s wine to gray hair Well it does And it never fills either stops falling hair also and keeps the scalp can and healthy Do not riw old so fist No nid I i G I- tO ld Fas t J t1 h I rc alst awsssa w rva r liutaslaal Af ers Iii Po4J e + THRICE ESCAPES THE GALLOWS Governor Broward Revokes Death Varant for Iwlart Co r- Talhia r Fia FeO ftrr a acMsifii late board nlons- lamiiK nltiv da tiovernor ordtnd tie warrant of Isaiah h to liatij Feb 2S at If a remarkable case this being the tntrd iKtlli warrant bur Ct ojer- txectit lit iat lias been revoked Cooper WiiH conviittd In 1S 03 of the murder ot J II Uowen marshal of Punta tSorla tnd sentenced to be hung In August ll t Governor Jennh revoked the death warrant a few bourn before the time for execution Slnvc then two warrants have been Issued for x futlun and revoked by Governor IJruward The Physic When yi a want a physic that is mild and gentle y to take Iud certain u act always Cnamt erUin Stom- atrh and Lirer Tablets For by 1 druse LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AP PLY FOR LETTERS PATENT Notice i hereby Riven tint the uti designed wil to tle lionurnhle- X H Urorard fovernorof the Star of Flondit nt lallahaiee Florida on the 27th day of February A 1 19XJ or us soon thereafter as potato tilt Letter Patent incorporating The V Hyde Company under the charter the original of which it now on tile in the office of the Secretary of State at TallahaMee Florida G IV Hype deal Jos HORXEK J F HORSIER PROPOSED CHARTER OF THE G W COMPANY Tilt undersigned hereby associate themselves together for the purpose of beconiag Incorporated aad forniag a Laws of the State of Florida with and under the following proposed charter I The name of this corporation hall be The U W Coaapaay and its principal place of shall be ia the town of Gainesville county of Alaehsa sad State of Flor ida with branches at such other places u may be necessary or desirable II The general nature of the to be eagaged in sad transacted by the company be to buy sad at retail dry Roods notion mil Hasty furnishing and other general mfrchan and sell personal of all kinds and such real estate- as may be necessary is conducting the business of the coaapaay or to protect it from loss to subscribe pur receive sad hold for invest menl orotherwise sell or dispose of stocks shares securities or t of other corporations and while the owner or holder of such stocks or obligations to exercise all the rights and powers of ownership thereof and exercise any voting thereof and generally to do all other things that may for the purpose of conducting the business of the com- P ny Ill The amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall h Twenty five 2500000 Dollars to be divided into Two Hundred and Fifty U50 shares of the par value of One Hundred 1100 00 Dollars eash Twentyflve 25 cent of the stock shall be surd paid for in cash and property or Roods before the said corporation lit Iii ill aid Cooper II tIj A julia f l Best i HYDE virtue of est o dine to chase Ion npc U subscribed t y Urutt d nth Su- It use sate ts follow- ing zeal teal by eke busi- ness buy prop- erly > > > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < + + hall Iran act any in ne the balance of the cipiUl stuck or ueh portion thereof M may h d rrmined tie Hoard of D rctor l all be ii stable 1 cnli ir ol or property MIT or rvi at u jut valuation to tixd by the Hoard of Director at a meeting culled fur that HirtOe- IV Tie term fur whirl said Cjrpir- n ion shall exit shall l e ninetyniue- Ml hear V The tiusineM of ti mid v rti r- ation shell be conducted y the f now big officer A l reideit Viie rrs iiletit Secretary and Treasurer m- iny two of the offices may be lurid hy one and the same pemin nod a- board of tint le than three 3 mote than tire 5 Director The D- ireriom shall be elected by the stock- holders at each annual meeting all other officers of thi company shall be elected annually by the Directors The annual meeting of this company shall be held on the second Tuesday in Jan- uary of each year but the date of the meeting imy be changed by the Until the officers ejected at the fir t election shall l e qualified- the buine of company hall he- rnniiicteit bv the following otiieer V title President Tn eph Hornrr Vie Ptepiilen and General Manager Tame F Horner Sect- ary ami Troaiiirer And Ueorye V- Hjde Joseph Horner atd Unit F Horner Director VI The hiKh t amount rf iidhte- dttfs or liniiility to which tin com- pany can itself thhh be the MtniiDiit of Thcuatid- VII The names and reid net of th r tiihtcribing incorporntors of the said corporation with the amount of stock subscribed hy each are as follows Witnef our hand lhi l0ih day of January A l I0 i Hyde Gainesville Florida Fifty 50 Shares Jo Horner Gainesville Florida U5 Shares J F Horner Janksonvill Florida Seventyfive 75 Shares STATE OK FLORIDA i Alachua County i I certify that before me the undersigned authority personally ap- peared G W to me knows as individual described in and who eiecuted the foregoing charter and acknowledged that he executed the same for the uses and purposes there- in Witness my band and official seal at Gainesville Florida this M day of Jaaaary A D 1906 Seal EVAN HAILI Notary Public State of Florida at My Commission expire February STATE or FLORIDA Duval County I certify that before me tbe undersigned authority personally ap- peared James to m kaown to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing charter and acknowledged that he ex- ecuted the same for the uses and therein expressed haad and official seal at Jacksonville Duval Florida this 20th day of January A I 1906 Seal Titnv Notary Public State of Florida at LnrRe My Commission expires October 12th 1908 STATIC FLORIDA County of Orange I that before me the undersigned authority personally ap- peared to me well known to be the individual described- in and who executed the foregoing charter and acknowledged that he ex- ecuted the same for the uses and pur therein expressed Witness hand and official teal at Orlando Orange Florida this 20th day of January A I 19 0 steal 8 G DOIIVK Notary Public State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires 16 1907 sod I t r I i subject Cf5rJ 00 J W I prettied e 11 1109 t he I f count 0 I clrt pol eoont s nc this George r TwIII 11v Ilnllarr together Twenty flve pur- poses itness ¬ ¬ > ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + Take The Atlantic Coast Line FOR All EARTHLY POINTS VU i- Dupoat or JacluBrUle Swaraahlp Line 3 5p ra Daily nucvtfuxcrr Rapid Transit and Unsurpassed Service Tiata Table la affect Feb 121808 GAINESVILLE Arrive Frog wpm High Spnng Inter g mediate Points Ocala Leesburg 840pni Daily Intermediate Points Daily m Palatka Jacksonville North East and West Hi1 all Points North East West Daisy Kochelle Slicanopy and Citra 055 am- Dally Daily ex C DIs- WU iagto N 0 QOODWIN Ticket Ageist Qalnesvlllc Traf Mgt wilaiiagtOB H 0- I t VIa S th VIa W t a OIIOD P O or or Jaokvtr N ort as on es Depart For and I Daily 12 16 pm and Tampa and 1 I 1 Daily p I Brunswick I pm Daily Albany tlaata I a Wa fit p Interchangeable Mileage Tickets good over 18000 of among the rlc in Ststea are on b the agents Pullman Port Tamp to New York via Atlantic C Line oleo Atlantic Coast Line Southern For complete information call os J A FRANK BOYLSTON hat Agt W D STARK Pu Igs W Bay Fls H M EMERSON Tat Mgr J OUO IMpoch a aaa Jacluoartlle Daily j Daily m- ItJb m Springs Vayeross savannah 815 high spring 7IO m- ex Monday miles i the sale al via Railway Tray IW at Astor 1P Pass = ° < =

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Post on 21-Apr-2018




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Page 1: G ld as t - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01406/00397.pdf · City Pa bad his hand frightfully ... the usual result a quick and per-fect cure Greatest


A jfi iiV A


> >




Ceata the Approved Spring Style

The Princes and Empire Gowns De-

mand UM ef the High lust Corset

y MINE DEVERAUXThe craze fort empire robes empire

tfetA and all that la empire hits ex-

Nolnl to tilt realm of costa and theaaodMi apriag jacket la the smart lit-

tle poay coat bt length twentyfour

It te abbreviated hex doableafegle to with coat cellar or reTerm It baa leoae froas Ute shoul-

der te the tack sad all faaaleu-at the present moment to designed forthe g4orlicatle of tile aylpalike

the ftcare of heavier proportionsIt In made with the wrolittlug backIke ideevea are the plain mat and putto tbe arahole In a fanhiou BM tostand out to not droop for they mud

Ire breadth to tbe shoulder and thushake the waist rowinure seem smaller

Coverts cheviots and broadcloths tinthe material u ed and na this la the

peep at the prevailing wale forspring they are no far een only in allbade of tau Those In wbltv broad

Cloth are deMguM to alve Joy to thettraaacr girl Arrayed In one of

white broadcloth skirt and theMust la sailors she will be well e iul-

ped to conquer paatvres newQuite the rhlreat toilet seen at Del

agonlcoa OB a matinee day of tact weekwas a posy east of the lightest of tanbroadcloth with skirt and shoes toBatch The little French rbaneaa oftile s a e color bad a medium straightMan aad high crows The electiveferlaamlag was tall rhlffoti

dullThe Eton aad tINt bolero are qalte the

rage far every alad of wear Theseare saad op ta silk aad elaboratelytriasBied with Nee embroidery r chit

The baadaeaw applique eaabrold-eriea avert opportaattiea for the man-

ufacture of aad artistic littlejacket a that will give elctareaqveneaaaid cachet area to the robe otherwisepals Irish crochet to mach aaod andyards aad yard of platting la





phi lace





as or-







lr these



bile rosettesLad










the trimming and makeup All areFrench For drvawy orvaalon nil arefull and without exception elttowsleeves

l4 n Ha an more elaborate nud manexpensive thnn ever Muiiy of the verynewest model Indicate deiirly tin Huesdemanded In ftiHhlonahlo rtizurv by

lateat IdeaFnllniM of hut U deKlred and a

high bunt Is deuinmled l till rln viiKgowns and waists of the dray At nfaahlonable corwetalrva many noveltiesart aeen One of the latest concept IOIIN

Is the hut auptort which If worn withany corset will give the correct huntlines They an charming with frllla oflace ribbon knolM and shoulder trapof wide silk eliititlt whltb fasten underthe ann

There la a short comet waNt terminallug under the iirm made of woven rlltop und worn with the ImxtDyes nre for the H ii lir tlKiirefor wlilth there IM nUo the luac tr ktilfront corwt with short hips andhut

the new mil leiiRth rset forthe stout tlgiirf In itiiile with thelowerpart of inri in the hlc nod s i

cut ns to retliiiv their the liiihthigh nnd slut or full IM d Mre l dudthey an KortriiiiH In liatKte ImHhoplain silk emlirolitenil or lir Kinltil

r oailiet i t v iremire attractive each year Itound gart rs are with wiftly xhirre atlnor flowere1 nlilMtn toverlnt the wideclan tic with a rather wide lurefalling below The vertical BarterfaaclnatlnK tritles of tlowertsi or plainrinhmi ohlrretl over elliptic nnd-bonlonM wllh namnv valenelfnne1a t frill Clionx of chlffou form theilnU-

urit uil ptte or very deacriptlon arethe Many nre dainty aid very


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A Silk Petticoat-At a Price Withinthe Retch f All

vine at 379Every woman enjoys wearing a Silk

Petticoat The exorbitant price aually charged however prevent these Inaaedlum clrvumxtanre trout IndulgingIn the use of them The MACY

permit producing a Skirt at 370which will give a good satisfaction ax-

aay U Skirt ever sold

The Skirt we over ta made of Bnequality black taffeta silk with deepaccordeon plaited bounce finished withpinked ruche trimmed rattle extra dustruse full width and well aaade price370We will promptly and cheerfully

your money upon return of theBklrt It It fas not In every way attofactory to you This la our rule with allgoods purchased from u

Our but page spring and Summer cata-logue in encyclopedia or New York fash-ion nnd bouMhold supplies will beIn March Sent free on request Wrttfor It Make UM of the low pricesand iv money Address Room 3W


They adorn shirt vah ta nndevery kind i f nvnI-

ttHt a wonl n bout tilt newU tvlH fur your Mnet fnxk ruythe leiiiiltm yhade Mlxeil urnys ortown effMls In broken plal N or cluckor ritriM M almi plait InHin H th rtnUhiiJ KiiKllh HiiltltiKK areon view In all the fmhlonaMe shopsnnd Home of the frxkH di tiye t Inthe iiKNlUli Fifth avenue window tireHtunnlnu Hut of that more anon

Our rtKilT nwy have any on tlon-ronrernlnic f hlrtn or falirdn armivcrvilwithout rhitiKe by K n Ix vi rail thefitiililoi rx rt tiv mlitrrolnff Rn IV-verait I o Built U t Mu4lon SquareNew York Inrlonlntc stamp for reply

Luckiest Man in ArkansasIm the luckiest than in Arkau as

write II L Stanley of Kruno incethe restoration of my wife health af-

ter live years of continuous coughingand bleeding from the lungs and I

owe my good fortune to the worldsgreatest medicine Dr King New Dis-

covery for Consumption which I knowfrom eiKrieuce will cure consumptionif taken in time My wife improvedwith flat bottle and twelve bottlescompleted the cure Cures the worstcoughs and c Ids or money refundedAt all drug store flOO Trialoltlei fret

Forest Fires RagingColorado Siirln c Fob 21 A forest

tire I y u peaty pile from themountains raging In the foothills 2

west this city innor li n plui inline u the

SiacH tiolit ICeiliulnp and Keiirliiitout pany tilt olden Cycle Miningronipauy and the Portland Gold Miningimipanv ami valued at I3o0ri0uv ar

In the direct path of the flames FiretlKhtern have gone to the scene on aspecial train






shepherd soft



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1111 raft


tidies 4t gold1














Then Surrendered to and legsTheir Protection

Topeka Kilns Feb After cut-

ting aiid hlasliltiK three white pvrsuns twj of whom pruhubl will dieCyrus llayKiKxl of Kansas City a nsaril believed to be Insane Hit renderedto the puttee here ami l fsaS ins theirprotection lie ha1 been chased by

friends of victimsDuring the nlKiit Haygootl was Mir

prised while attfinptlnc to rub theboarding house kept by Mr and Mrs

E Coons In hid effort to escapethe negro slashed Coons about theface neck and arms with u knifeand cut ctfeveral gashes In Mrs Coons

faceAfterescaping from the Coons liar

good attacked David Brewer a newpaver carrier whom ho evidently mis

a policeman Brewers throatwas no badly cut that he cannot tal

Mrs Coona and Brewer may die

Startling But TrueFeopte the world aver were horrifiedYarning of the burning of a Chica-

go theater In which nearly pix hundredpeople their liven yet more thanfive tunics thU number or over HiOO-

prople died from pneumonia in ChicKO during the same year with scarcelya pasting notice Everyone of

of pneumonia remled from coldand could hive bfen prevented by thetimely use of Chamberlains CoughRemedy A wrest many who had everyreason to fear pneumonia have wsrdedit off by the prompt use of this

The following is an instance ofthis sort Too mutt cannot be saidin favor of Chamberlains Cough Rem-edy and especially for colds and in-

fluenza I know that it cured mydaughter Laura of severe cold andbelieve saved her life when she wasthreatened with pneumonia W DWilcox Logaa New York Sold by alldruggists

Jumped from an Cxprea TrainDefiance O Feb 24 Becoming

frightened by the scraping of an ashpan on the tie which had fallen downJohn Smith fireman on tbe 24hourChicagoNew York paaenger trala OB

the Baltimore and Ohio railway think-ing that a collUion impended jumpedthrough the cab window while thetrain was going 50 miles an hour Al-

most every bone In limbs werebroken lie lost the sight of botheyes owing to the fact that the optics wore badly ground by the cinderSmiths nose wax flattened on his faceand lips tongue badly lacerated lie I

now In the iarette hospital and hisinjuries will likely prove fatal

HealthMeans the ability to do a good days

workrwlthout undue fatigue and toHod life worth living You cannothave indigestion or coiittipition

it upsetting the liver and pol-

luting the blood Such a conditionmay be Lest and quickest relieved byHerbln the best liver regulator thatthe world has ever known Mrs DW Smith writes April 3 Oi I

llerbine and thud it the best medicinefor constipation and regulating theliver I ever used 50 cents Sold byW 31 Johnson

Moroccan Situation Before CabinetParis Fob 21 Premier Houvler

laid the Moroccan sliuKlon before thecabinet Friday but no announcementwas made concerning a nuMjltkutlon ofthe present i iiitii Minister of Matine Thomson announced Intentionto ask parliament to build three battltships each of 1SOOO touH which willbe the largest French ships con-structed

Frightfully BurnedW Moore a machinist of Ford

City Pa bad his hand frightfullyburned in an electrical furnace Heapplird Uucklen Arnica Salve withthe usual result a quick and per-

fect cure Greatest healer on earthfor turn wound eczema andpile l5c at all drug stores

Want Market In PhilippinesWashington Keb 1M Senator Clay

has Mibmlttnl to the senate n memo-rial letter written him by leading cotton mill mn of Griffin requesting thatbe support tb vending Philippine tar-iff bill

Are You Restless at Night

And harra rd by a bad rough UseItalian llnrehntind Syrup it willsecure you round len aha effect aprompt and radical cure Sold by V31 Johnson

Po Ice






























And you know u ny too Its those grayr Itiir Dcntycu know that HairVigor rcitor s wine to gray hair Wellit does And it never fills eitherstops falling hair also and keeps thescalp can and healthy Do not riwold so fist No nid I i


tO ld Fas t J t1 h Irc

alst awsssa w rva r liutaslaalAf ers

Iii Po4J




Governor Broward Revokes Death

Varant for Iwlart Co r-

Talhia r Fia FeO ftrr a

acMsifii late board nlons-

lamiiK nltiv da tiovernorordtnd tie warrant of Isaiah h

to liatij Feb 2S at

If a remarkable case this being

the tntrd iKtlli warrant bur Ct ojer-

txectit lit iat lias been revoked

Cooper WiiH conviittd In 1S 03 of

the murder ot J II Uowen marshal of

Punta tSorla tnd sentenced to be hung

In August ll t Governor Jennhrevoked the death warrant a few bourn

before the time for execution Slnvc

then two warrants have been Issued

for x futlun and revoked by Governor


The Physic

When yi a want a physic that is mild

and gentle y to take Iud certain u

act always Cnamt erUin Stom-

atrh and Lirer Tablets For by

1 druse




Notice i hereby Riven tint the utidesigned wil to tle lionurnhle-X H Urorard fovernorof the Starof Flondit nt lallahaiee Florida onthe 27th day of February A 1 19XJ

or us soon thereafter as potato tiltLetter Patent incorporating The

V Hyde Company under thecharter the original of

which it now on tile in the office of theSecretary of State at TallahaMeeFlorida G IV Hype deal



Tilt undersigned hereby associatethemselves together for the purpose ofbeconiag Incorporated aad forniag a

Laws of the State of Florida with andunder the following proposed charter

I The name of this corporationhall be The U W Coaapaay

and its principal place ofshall be ia the town of Gainesvillecounty of Alaehsa sad State of Florida with branches at such other placesu may be necessary or desirable

II The general nature of theto be eagaged in sad transacted

by the company be to buy sadat retail dry Roods notion mil

Hasty furnishingand other general mfrchan

and sell personalof all kinds and such real estate-

as may be necessary is conducting thebusiness of the coaapaay or to protectit from loss to subscribe pur

receive sad hold for investmenl orotherwise sell or dispose ofstocks shares securities ort of other corporations and whilethe owner or holder of such stocks orobligations to exercise all the rightsand powers of ownership thereof andexercise any voting thereofand generally to do all other thingsthat may for the purposeof conducting the business of the com-P ny

Ill The amount of the capital stockof said corporation shall h Twentyfive 2500000 Dollars tobe divided into Two Hundred andFifty U50 shares of the par value ofOne Hundred 1100 00 Dollars eashTwentyflve 25 cent of the

stock shall besurd paid for in cash and property orRoods before the said corporation

lit Iii illaid

Cooper II tIjA julia f l




virtue of


dine to







y Urutt

d nth







by eke


buy prop-erly













hall Iran act any in ne thebalance of the cipiUl stuck orueh portion thereof M may h drrmined tie Hoard of D rctor

l all be ii stable 1 cnli ir ol orproperty MIT or rvi at u jutvaluation to tixd by the Hoard ofDirector at a meeting culled fur thatHirtOe-

IV Tie term fur whirl said Cjrpir-n ion shall exit shall l e ninetyniue-Ml hear

V The tiusineM of ti mid v rti r-

ation shell be conducted y the f nowbig officer A l reideit Viie rrsiiletit Secretary and Treasurer m-

iny two of the offices may be luridhy one and the same pemin nod a-

board of tint le than three 3

mote than tire 5 Director The D-

ireriom shall be elected by the stock-holders at each annual meeting allother officers of thi company shall beelected annually by the Directors Theannual meeting of this company shallbe held on the second Tuesday in Jan-uary of each year but the date of the

meeting imy be changed bythe Until the officers ejectedat the fir t election shall l e qualified-the buine of company hall he-

rnniiicteit bv the following otiieerV title President Tn eph

Hornrr Vie Ptepiilen and GeneralManager Tame F Horner Sect-ary ami Troaiiirer And Ueorye V-

Hjde Joseph Horner atd Unit FHorner Director

VI The hiKh t amount rf iidhte-dttfs or liniiility to which tin com-

pany can itself thhh be theMtniiDiit of Thcuatid-

VII The names and reid net ofth r tiihtcribing incorporntors of thesaid corporation with theamount of stock subscribed hy eachare as follows Witnef our handlhi l0ih day of January A l I0

i Hyde Gainesville FloridaFifty 50 SharesJo Horner Gainesville Florida

U5 SharesJ F Horner Janksonvill Florida

Seventyfive 75 SharesSTATE OK FLORIDA i

Alachua County i

I certify that before me theundersigned authority personally ap-peared G W to me knowsas individual described in and whoeiecuted the foregoing charter andacknowledged that he executed thesame for the uses and purposes there-in

Witness my band and official seal atGainesville Florida this M day ofJaaaary A D 1906

Seal EVAN HAILINotary Public State of Florida at

My Commission expireFebruary

STATE or FLORIDADuval County

I certify that before me tbeundersigned authority personally ap-peared James to mkaown to be the individual describedin and who executed the foregoingcharter and acknowledged that he ex-

ecuted the same for the uses andtherein expressed

haad and official seal atJacksonville Duval Floridathis 20th day of January A I 1906

Seal TitnvNotary Public State of Florida at

LnrRe My Commission expiresOctober 12th 1908

STATIC FLORIDACounty of Orange

I that before me theundersigned authority personally ap-peared to me wellknown to be the individual described-in and who executed the foregoingcharter and acknowledged that he ex-ecuted the same for the uses and pur

therein expressedWitness hand and official teal at

Orlando Orange Florida this20th day of January A I 19 0

steal 8 G DOIIVKNotary Public State of Florida at

Large My Commission Expires16 1907







Cf5rJ 00


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TwIII 11v



Twenty flve
















+ +

Take The Atlantic Coast LineFOR All EARTHLY POINTS

VU i-




3 5 p raDaily

nucvtfuxcrrRapid Transit and Unsurpassed Service

Tiata Table la affect Feb 121808GAINESVILLE Arrive Frog

wpm High Spnng Inter gmediate Points

Ocala Leesburg 840pniDaily Intermediate Points Dailym Palatka Jacksonville

North East and WestHi1

all Points North East West Daisy

Kochelle Slicanopy and Citra 055 am-



C DIs-

WU iagto N 0

QOODWIN Ticket Ageist Qalnesvlllc

Traf MgtwilaiiagtOB H 0-



S thVIa

W ta

OIIOD P O oror JaokvtrN ort as on es

Depart For


Daily12 16 pm and Tampa and

1 I1


I BrunswickI

pmDaily Albany tlaataI

a W a fitp

Interchangeable Mileage Tickets good over 18000 of among the rlcin Ststea are on b the agentsPullman Port Tamp to New York via Atlantic CLine oleo Atlantic Coast Line SouthernFor complete information call osJ A


IMpocha aaa




Daily m-

ItJb m Springs Vayeross savannah 815

high spring 7IO m-

ex Monday

miles ithe salealvia


TrayIW at Astor1P Pass



