gagnier - unabridged equations / balancing chemical equations to be reflected upon…

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It is written all over my face, I am proud of what I have learned…


Gagnier - Unabridged Equations / Balancing Chemical Equations to be reflected upon I Got Skills Maybe not numchuck or shooting wolverines but I got skills. And I improved them over this summer vacation! It is written all over my face, I am proud of what I have learned I was SHOCKED when they said I needed to do a presentation. O.M.G. Nyah, I thought, I can handle this Come, follow me to the MATH Side!!! The Force tells me that you need to know more about how I will teach EQUATIONS!!!! Letters and numbers!!!The concept of balancing equations Take a look at this chemical word equation: Aluminium + Oxygen = Aluminium Oxide Al + O 2 Al 2 O 3 Remember what I told you about that whole if letters and numbers are in the same sentence, that cant be good kind of thought??? 1. _____ Fe + _____ S --> _____ FeS 2. _____ H2 + _____ Cl2 --> _____ HCl 3. _____ Mg + _____ O2 --> _____ MgO Yup THATs the face they all give when we start talking about this stuff ELL Aspects 3 of the 5 Languages of Learning Language of Reasoning Lang. of Explanation Procedural Language Hyde 2006 CONNECT To consider that two things are related CONCLUDE To reach a decision or arrive at a logical end by reasoning based on evidence INTERPRET To explain the meaning or to conceive the significance of something SIOP In 1999, the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) was developed [following intensive observation of sheltered English teaching. Protocol identifies 30 important elements of sheltered instruction under 8 broad categories. Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2004 Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2004 SIOP Key Points Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/Application Lesson Delivery Review and Assessment A SIOP Lesson WHY??? Sheltered lessons help students make connections between new knowledge and prior experience. Teachers plan meaningful, relevant learning activities to enable those connections. The teacher seeks to ensure that students have sufficient background knowledge to tackle new curriculum material. Teachers modify their speech and, when necessary and feasible, content text Explicitly teach learning strategies provide ample opportunities for students to interact in the target language around purposeful tasks Now I Know to Develop this Tier 2 Vocab : Factors Balance Variable Identify Table Steps Products Possible Tier 3 Words: Moles Elements (could be Tier 2) Reactants Sample site for what balancing chemical equations entails INTERACTIVE PHYSICS!!!! Try it or show it to a friends using this simulations.php Can you DIG THAT?!?! Are we now copacetic? Thanks, friends, for all feedback you will soon give and heres to all the learning in our future.