gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-01-29 [p...

I VOL XXV NO 53 Published Twice a and Thursday KAIXKSVILLK FLORIDA MONDAY JANUARY 2i IWHi ONE DOLLAfi A YEA1 1r t y Jf J Ii 8 4j 1 WeekMonday r w h jun w 1 < MOB ATTACKS JAIL AT CHATTANOOGA- Leaderless Mob Foiled In At tempt to Lynch GUARDS PROTECTED PRISONERS Two Men Were Wounded In the Fu- rious Attack Made by the People In- tent on Wreaking Vengeance on As- sailant of Girl Chaltumxifu Tcnu Ja 27 After a vain effort ut u leaderless mob rung tug at times truer Sun lo beveiul tbuu stud peraons to get posues iou o the zero who brutally ussuultod Mi s Ne- vada Taylor on Tuesday night nt the entrance to Fotest Hills cemetery in St Elmo a suburb of this city it finally became convinced through two commit ties of the truth of tbo coun- ty authorities statement that the ne- gro had been taken to Knoxvllle and tit 1230 oclock had practically dis- persed Troop B of the state guard now sur rounds tho jail to prevent further as aulta Before this however the mob entered the jail and being driven out by policemen battered In the doors and shattered the windows discharg- ing firearms Into the air every few seconds Wood Parker wns shot In the eye and Will Gentry In the leg as the re- sult of this promiscuous firing Both were bystanders Neither was seri- ously Injured At no tube did tho mob have a lead- er or organization and no one ap- peared to take charge It Is difficult to estimate the corm bur of persons actually In the mob Story of the Attack At mldnUht Thursday u mob of be- tween one and two thousand men sur rounded tho county jail demanding the negro who criminally assaulted Miss Nevada Taylor a highly respect- able young lady of St Elms n sub- urb of this city on Tuesday night Tho county authorities admit having arrested the guilty negro but they clnlmed that he was taken to Knox vllle by wnv of Hnrrlman However the mob refused to believe the state mint and were persistent In Its de- mand though the situation qulotcd down In tlu next hour or HO The crowd began to form as early us 7 oclock said shortly after S head- ed b an immense man carrying a doublt barrel shotgun marched Into the Jiil an I demanded the negro Tilt mob was told the negro was not there and t lie authorities offered to allow- n committee of ten to Inspect the pris- oners to hear out this statement The mull seemed to have no leader and this committee was named With the aid of the police reserves ho crowd was then driven from the jail offices Promptly It began bat- tering down the doom and succeeded In effecting an entrance The ringing of the rio hell served to add to the crowd but nothing further was done by the men a large number of whom were heavily armed except to remain about the jail All of the windows of the jail wore mashed In by rocks but deputies armed guarded the doorway lending to thi cell and would not allow the mob t pays and they were assisted by the pollro reserves The members of the mob came from all ports of the county hut beyond firing of pistols arid breaking in the doors lending to the offices of the jail nothing war done Negroes in Jail There Is one in In the jail who Is charge lt a tempting rape an- other with Ih thKder of n white man and several oi for whose wf t- f r t nt rtutiud h iM moS hav Parr dd in irtWtlng an en- trance ti tle jell tr XT During th earlier tnt vor trot i o Hrlajt of gum drew HMITP t pl to the a in of nt rfc o the a vlv- ni t 1 t tiTi u t niliiiiJe eft r t i f r v Cr a- nooca and beeji tie sere e t J tarn I the par of to Inr 1 I thin < eo I c w thin nn p reel pst w subup Gs bar ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > > > > > < of several attempted criminal assnults and murders hy negroes and fcollne everywhere U at a hkh pitch Tho successful flondlsh attack place on Tuesday 4ilKht- Mlas Thylor I nn rmployo at fhr- W W n o grocery or Mnri street nnd tiwo h M hom with her father nt a enMairo In ih cemetery STATEHOOD BILL CARRIED Opposition Was Exhausted In Fight- on Wednesday Washington Inn 21 The hoiie pnsMd tilt h rtThooi bill ntoriiiu to sclt uU on Tlmrsia- Tlu IJiuMti an oppoiilon to tle measure spent ii euiiie force and no- effirt wns niaii to t at itu bill on finnl but of tit inn gents voting atahit till iiieji ur The hall paved by the vote of I to TIll till pr od provides that Okla- homa find the Indian Territory shIll constitute one state under tIlt nnm of Oklahoma anti that Arizona and New Mexico shall constitute one state under the name of Arizona Should the terms of admission bo ratified by the residents of the territories In ques- tion their respective state constitu- tions must contain clauses prohibiting- the of Intoxicating liquors and plural marriages The constitution of Arizona must prohibit the sale of liquor to Indian forever and that of Oklahoma for 21 years There are many other stipulations governing schools courts and polltl crl subdivisions of the proposed new states Little Interest way manifest- ed In tilt days proceedings aside from tl actual vote on the bill Two Hundred Passengers Bruised Jeflorson City Mo Inn 27 A this fcourl IiKillc express train westbound crashed into n freight train standing- on the nnln track Friday and nearly Lt 0 passengers were bruised hut none way seriously hurt The frticht train caught tire and tin de- railed cars wore burnod TIll express was running at full speed and round- Ing a curve ploughed through tin of the 15 ears composing the fright Only one truck of u car of the pas- senger train lift tho rails and only the engirt was damaged Respon- sibility for the wreck has nut yet been officially placed Lumber Association Adjourns Washington Jan 27 The National Lumber Kx orters association closed Its sixth annual convention here on Thursday Olllcers were elected as fol- lows President D li Kusse Mem phis first vice president J I Alcock Baltimore treasurer Richard W Price Baltimore secretory and traffic manager Kdwnrd M Terry Now York The association placed Itself on rec- ord as In favor of reciprocity between this country and foreign countries and In favor of the Grosscup plan of regulation of freight rates in tho Unit cd States Murphy Ends His Life Barnesvllle Ga Jan 27 P A Murphy a will known citizen of this city about Jirt years of age committed HiilcMo by shooting himself through the l nrt with n Winchester rifle Ho was a member of the Murphy family which Is one of tho most widely kn wn families of this section III h iib and tttiandnl reverses art said to bo till cause f r the deid and that he lead C nt updated the act for some time Jeweler Works Streets Decatur Ali Jan 27 U Bachman a ir firiu rl of Hoche tei N Y ha b n co iictod of witobeating and lUiu worked on tit streets wltli shackles on his nnklos TIll law provides for n punishment of n h nnre In the ronl mine or work on the nots for e Much man own valuable property and li well known Several Reported Killed St Paul Jan 7 Mrif e pam to the DNpntofi rcc h d h r Forman N I of u n tit Mlnmaixlt S FBiii St Marie ailiiid n Thiir I mar thTi p r ir 1 lia v- raj persons took I Inrl I nfl w II I wary klU L1 JoL i ri hay Its pat 1i sal jr t thus tell i < < < > > > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > < = > + + WHEELER FUNERAL TO BE AT WASHINGTON IntermtiDt Will Be In Arlington Cemetery WITH FULL MILITARY HONORS- An Escort Consisting of Troops from All Branches of United States Ser- vice Will Accompany Remains to Last Resting Place Washington Jan 27 General Jo bepli Wheeler will bo buried in Ar- lington cemetery wills full military honors The tentative program pro- vided that the Mineral shall be held at St Johns Episcopal church here Monday afternoon and an escort con- sisting of troops from all branch of the j ervlc accompany the body to the cemetery Sketch of General Wheeler Brigadier General Joseph Wheeler United Stales army who was retired from active service Sept 1 Il n was born at Augusta ia Sept H- He graduated from West Point In 1S and in 1S 9 was given the honorary degree of LI l by Georgetown colI- ORO tie married Miss Nannie Ella Jones From ISi to ISO I he was second lieutenant of 1nlted States cavalry but on the outbreak of the civil war entered the confederate artillery with- a commission a first lieutenant Be- came of his military training and his dashing prowess he rapidly rube and became colonel of Infantry later brig adler general of cavalry major gener- al an I corps commander and at the cloy of the civil war was lieutenant general- He wns wounded three times six teen horses wore shut under him eight of Mt staff officers were killed and thirtytwo wounded He at one- time received the thanks of the con- federate government for his skill and gallantry In battle After the war he settled down to private life as A planter occasionally practicing law In ISS1 he was elect- ed congressman train the eighth dl- trlct of Alabama servlne until 1S99 a erlod of eighteen years bro only by his absence during I ho war He was reelected to the flflyslxth congress but resign- ed He was senior memberof con- gress of the Democratic slh Serer al times ho was a member of the hoard of visitors to the military academy and for fourteen years was a regent- of the Smithsonian Institute At the beginning of the Spanish American war he volunteered his ser- vices and on May I 1W wax np oliit ed major general of volunteers 1nlte States army and assigned to till com- mand of the cavalry division army of Santiago commanded I ho troops- In the engagement at Lnxguaslmnn Cuba line 21 19 was nlor officer In the Held at the battle of San Juan and was a senior member of n corn Ion which arranged the surrender of Santiago From August IS 1S99 until Febru- ary 7 1900 he commanded the First brigade Second division of the army in the Philippines He participated In a number of Important engagement In the conquest of three islands In Juno ho was appointed brigadier general of the regular Tnlted States armv and was In command of the of the lakes until September of that yenr when he was retired He was n member of the Society of Co- lonial Curs Sons of tio Revolution Sons nf the War of lSIl1 tit SoMety of Snntlnvo Inltod Confederate Vi i emus sorlatlon and the Naval and Mlllnry Ord r of the SpanlhhAmerl can War writings wore numerous deallnu- ltr ol with lehntrni military runner o wrote an urount of the Kentucky military ciu rnlgn of mo snit In tar ho compiled fur the ore of th eon federate ftv n tnnniinl of taoMr a inlllary hlxror- vf labama H iry of te rar aiirn n Mtirv of Cula and r rai Ills rfth E c Uauu CivllUuitou gj tbv War of the I fIlii lip a II y Iglu Span- Ish Ameriean lie de- parts nr Ills a ry writ n lug r ¬ > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > + I Nlnteenth Century He also wrote monographs upon the lives of Admiral George Dewey President William Me I Kin Icy General Stonewall Jackson and President Theodore Roosevelt HAD BOUGHT BOGUS LAND GRANT Man Thought He Had Bought Good Land in Georgia Atlanta Jan 27 A man who gave his name at J T Penv anti raid ho was from Nebraska called at the of flee of Secretary of State Philip Cool to lint tliiU a title which ho had ht had l o hl to 2I9 9 acres of land in Wa Mtigton county fia- Tii title on the face of It appeared to be n goo l one The only trouilu was the lust link In the chain was a one It was a bogus Geor- gia land grant ont of the many which have ben trafficked in at various point In Iht country and out of which the purchasers have secured only a little sorrowful experience- 1he land grant xn s ssed by Mr Peavy was for 2UM 0 acres of land In Washington county anti was alleged to have been made to Enoch Nllson The grant purported to have been recorded In Hook IE page 514 in Sec- retary Cooks once A reference to the book and page- in question showed that It contained a grant of 15 acres In Wllkes county- to Isaac Hodge MAKING A FIGHT ON DISPENSARY Petition Being Circulated Against the Athens Booze Emporium Athens Ja Jan 27 A petition Is being circulated throughout the county asking the legislature to pass a In abolishing the Athens dispensary- The movement Is being led by Rev V G Crawley pastor of Oconee street M thodlsl church and already quite a large number of names have been at- tached to time petition These petitions will be circulated In every counlry dis- trict as well as In the city- It Is claimed by those who are this movement that there w be no trouble In securing a majority of the voters on these lists and that the representative from Clarke Hon J U Rucker has pledged to advocate what- ever tho majority of the white peo- ple of tho county ask on this question Tho dldspcnsary advocates will op- pose the movement strenuously and do not seem to be worried about tho outcome Discovers New Stars Cambridge Mass Jan 27 The dis- covery of twentylive new variable stars by Miss Henrietta S evltt by a recent examination oJ tho plates tak en with a telescope has bees announced by the Harvard observa- tory Six of these stars are In the constellation of Orion three In the coa- stellat Ion of Virgo and sixteen In the constellation of Cygnus All the plates are of extremely tine quality tho I ages of at least 200000 stars having men caught with a clearness that will permit of comparisons The new variables In Cygnus are In the region of the great spiral nebelaub Landslide Wrecked Trains Spakanc Wash Jan 27 Burling- ton passenger train No C castbouad struck a landslide on tho Great North- ern railway near Rock Island Wash The engine was thrown Into almost a perpendicular position and the ten der and baggage car were thrown Into the Columbia river Martin Hurray the baggageman was drowned number of workmen were slightly In jured but none of the paasengurs were seriously hurt Killed While Saving Child Cincinnati O Jan 27 After pinna- It t p tho tames Into Charles 1 burning house at Mont Vn and safely bringing- out one of the children Jug King n well known character was killed by n falling tinker nn the walls fell out- ward fir Any unhurt Child Is Burned To Death DonaM tvil Jan 2 7 Tc two earold riilld of tie Itev T W Weaver ha b r iiru d to d nh chili was pla Ira niKiut hem all alone ni the was out the time nnd on retunilu io f U UUil wtf 0g i ia lame Ii I I I i that I Inch A W r 1 the mother I bail be- hind 24 goy Gut I r f > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ONLY 34 SURVIVORS OF VALENCIA DISASTER- Death List Vow Numbers Over- Due Hundred FIVE SURVIVORS WENT ASHORE Drifting on Raft Nine Men Were Pick- ed Up by Launch Shamrock Victoria After Being Found by Indiana B- Tvlvora Tell of Hardships Victoria Jan 27 Whh the lading- of four more burvlvors of the Valencia disaster on Turret Island oae of tkft archipelagoes In tho center of Berkley sound the total number of sHrrivers- ucouutud for reaches 37 peraoae Victoria II C Jan 27 Advices te the Express front Uclulet early today state that the ten men who left UM Valencia on Wednesday afternoon on the second life raft which was picked up by the steamer City of drifted Into sound On arriving at a small Island off Vil- lage Island Wilson the third neer jumped overboard sad ta to swim ashore was drew ed The remaining nine tended ea Turret Island Wednesday Before morning five went crazy and jumped into tho water One aria the strongest started out for kelp and had not returned when the f- mnlnlng men were taken oa board the launch Shamrock of Victoria After be- ing found by Indians While the mm were drifting OB the life raft they saw the steamer City of Topeka for a considerable httt were unable to attract attention al- though they tried frantically te de ae They saw Capo Beale light that nlftllt end tried to make for It sung to Wounded by Unknown Assailant Birmingham Ala Jan 27 Near Johns Thursday while a party which had lutes engaged In celebraUag Robert Humus birthday was diverti- ng an unknown person fired several shots Into a group of men ataadteg the front porch of J H Gordoaa residence J D Evans aaperlatea dent of the coke ovens for the Teases see Coal Iron and Railroad coataaay at Johns was dangerously wounded thigh McGecver member ef the Jefferson county board of means and a prominent Birmingham merchaat re- ceived a bad flesh wound It to not known who did tho shooting and ao arrests have been made Senate Paeeea Atlanta Sill Washington Jan 27 The bill ap propriating 1000000 for a new public building at Atlanta Ga barn been by the senate This to the Mil la traduced by Senator Clay It to des liar to one Colonel Livingston kern la- troduced in the house Some Senator Clay secured re- port of tho public buildings coamK tee upon this mcaaare aid he sailed It up under unanimous consent sad M passed by the senate wltbeat a dissenting vote Woman Denies Alleaatlen New York Jan 27 A detective from Boston came here and Ideatlied Mrs John Isaacs of Brooklyn whe had declared to the police aataerlUea of that through that her husband was nn accomplice In the murder of Ma hel raga of Weston Vas The Bo ton officer afterward said the dented that tube hal made nay CBCB al- legation and there was no rcaaea for holding her husband Roosevelt Declines te Parden Cete- Wanhlncton Jan 27 PreaMeat Roosevelt has declined a request to pardon Charles H Cole former presi- dent of tho Globe National baak oC Boston Mn s convicted of vtokUlon of the national bnnlle laws Icsed Sun Lovi f ruUf Jan 27 Tho lir i jfclj j the old eat n i tle kind la this cloiel lv iv The day itornta L order of the bank coinmlcsloaenL I I Dark ley oars 1 night on f j 1 fl f J liRa J 1 I 1 1 i- Or Of u I r Topeka eagf at- tempting a j line t- end x x pass- ed x days a s sus t was 4 weiss a i s cd G hunt city y 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ <

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-29 [p ] · tit Mlnmaixlt S FBiii St Marie ailiiid n Thiir I mar thTi



Published Twice a and Thursday


1r t y JfJ Ii 8 4j





h junw





Leaderless Mob Foiled In At

tempt to Lynch


Two Men Were Wounded In the Fu-

rious Attack Made by the People In-

tent on Wreaking Vengeance on As-

sailant of Girl

Chaltumxifu Tcnu Ja 27 Aftera vain effort ut u leaderless mob rungtug at times truer Sun lo beveiul tbuustud peraons to get posues iou o thezero who brutally ussuultod Mi s Ne-

vada Taylor on Tuesday night nt theentrance to Fotest Hills cemetery inSt Elmo a suburb of this city itfinally became convinced through twocommit ties of the truth of tbo coun-ty authorities statement that the ne-

gro had been taken to Knoxvllle andtit 1230 oclock had practically dis-

persedTroop B of the state guard now sur

rounds tho jail to prevent further asaulta Before this however the mobentered the jail and being driven outby policemen battered In the doorsand shattered the windows discharg-ing firearms Into the air every fewseconds

Wood Parker wns shot In the eyeand Will Gentry In the leg as the re-

sult of this promiscuous firing Bothwere bystanders Neither was seri-ously Injured

At no tube did tho mob have a lead-er or organization and no one ap-

peared to take chargeIt Is difficult to estimate the corm

bur of persons actually In the mob

Story of the AttackAt mldnUht Thursday u mob of be-

tween one and two thousand men surrounded tho county jail demandingthe negro who criminally assaultedMiss Nevada Taylor a highly respect-able young lady of St Elms n sub-

urb of this city on Tuesday nightTho county authorities admit havingarrested the guilty negro but theyclnlmed that he was taken to Knoxvllle by wnv of Hnrrlman Howeverthe mob refused to believe the statemint and were persistent In Its de-

mand though the situation qulotcddown In tlu next hour or HO

The crowd began to form as earlyus 7 oclock said shortly after S head-

ed b an immense man carrying adoublt barrel shotgun marched Intothe Jiil an I demanded the negro Tiltmob was told the negro was not thereand t lie authorities offered to allow-n committee of ten to Inspect the pris-

oners to hear out this statement Themull seemed to have no leader andthis committee was named

With the aid of the police reservesho crowd was then driven from the

jail offices Promptly It began bat-

tering down the doom and succeededIn effecting an entrance The ringingof the rio hell served to add to thecrowd but nothing further was doneby the men a large number of whomwere heavily armed except to remainabout the jail

All of the windows of the jail woremashed In by rocks but deputies

armed guarded the doorway lendingto thi cell and would not allow themob t pays and they were assistedby the pollro reserves

The members of the mob came fromall ports of the county hut beyondfiring of pistols arid breaking in thedoors lending to the offices of the jailnothing war done

Negroes in JailThere Is one in In the jail who

Is charge lt a tempting rape an-

other with Ih thKder of n white manand several oi for whose wf t-

f r t nt rtutiud h iM moShav Parr dd in irtWtlng an en-

trance ti tle jell tr XT

During th earlier tnt vortrot i o Hrlajt of gum drew HMITP

t pl to the a

in of nt rfc o the a vlv-

ni t 1 t tiTi u t niliiiiJeeft r

t i f r v Cr a-

nooca and beeji tie sere





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subup Gsbar















of several attempted criminal assnultsand murders hy negroes and fcollneeverywhere U at a hkh pitch Thosuccessful flondlsh attack placeon Tuesday 4ilKht-

Mlas Thylor I nn rmployo at fhr-W W n o grocery or Mnristreet nnd tiwo h M hom with herfather nt a enMairo In ih cemetery


Opposition Was Exhausted In Fight-on Wednesday

Washington Inn 21 The hoiiepnsMd tilt h rtThooi bill ntoriiiuto sclt uU on Tlmrsia-

Tlu IJiuMti an oppoiilon to tlemeasure spent ii euiiie force and no-

effirt wns niaii to t at itu bill onfinnl but of tit inn

gents voting atahit till iiieji urThe hall paved by the vote of I to

TIll till pr od provides that Okla-homa find the Indian Territory shIllconstitute one state under tIlt nnmof Oklahoma anti that Arizona andNew Mexico shall constitute one stateunder the name of Arizona Shouldthe terms of admission bo ratified bythe residents of the territories In ques-tion their respective state constitu-tions must contain clauses prohibiting-the of Intoxicating liquors andplural marriages

The constitution of Arizona mustprohibit the sale of liquor to Indianforever and that of Oklahoma for 21

yearsThere are many other stipulations

governing schools courts and polltlcrl subdivisions of the proposed newstates Little Interest way manifest-ed In tilt days proceedings asidefrom tl actual vote on the bill

Two Hundred Passengers BruisedJeflorson City Mo Inn 27 A this

fcourl IiKillc express train westboundcrashed into n freight train standing-on the nnln track Friday andnearly Lt 0 passengers were bruisedhut none way seriously hurt Thefrticht train caught tire and tin de-

railed cars wore burnod TIll expresswas running at full speed and round-Ing a curve ploughed through tin ofthe 15 ears composing the frightOnly one truck of u car of the pas-

senger train lift tho rails and onlythe engirt was damaged Respon-sibility for the wreck has nut yet beenofficially placed

Lumber Association AdjournsWashington Jan 27 The National

Lumber Kx orters association closedIts sixth annual convention here onThursday Olllcers were elected as fol-

lows President D li Kusse Memphis first vice president J I AlcockBaltimore treasurer Richard W

Price Baltimore secretory and trafficmanager Kdwnrd M Terry Now YorkThe association placed Itself on rec-

ord as In favor of reciprocity betweenthis country and foreign countriesand In favor of the Grosscup plan ofregulation of freight rates in tho Unitcd States

Murphy Ends His LifeBarnesvllle Ga Jan 27 P A

Murphy a will known citizen of thiscity about Jirt years of age committedHiilcMo by shooting himself throughthe l nrt with n Winchester rifle Howas a member of the Murphy familywhich Is one of tho most widelykn wn families of this section III

h iib and tttiandnl reverses art saidto bo till cause f r the deid andthat he lead C nt updated the act forsome time

Jeweler Works StreetsDecatur Ali Jan 27 U Bachman

a ir firiu rl of Hoche tei NY ha b n co iictod of witobeatingand lUiu worked on tit streetswltli shackles on his nnklos TIlllaw provides for n punishment of n

h nnre In the ronl mine or work onthe nots for e Much

man own valuable property and liwell known

Several Reported KilledSt Paul Jan 7 Mrif e pam

to the DNpntofi rcc h d h rForman N I of u n

tit Mlnmaixlt S FBiii

St Marie ailiiid n Thiir I

mar thTi p r ir 1 lia v-

raj persons









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IntermtiDt Will Be In ArlingtonCemetery


An Escort Consisting of Troops fromAll Branches of United States Ser-

vice Will Accompany Remains to

Last Resting Place

Washington Jan 27 General Jobepli Wheeler will bo buried in Ar-

lington cemetery wills full militaryhonors The tentative program pro-

vided that the Mineral shall be heldat St Johns Episcopal church hereMonday afternoon and an escort con-

sisting of troops from all branch ofthe j ervlc accompany the body tothe cemetery

Sketch of General WheelerBrigadier General Joseph Wheeler

United Stales army who was retiredfrom active service Sept 1 Il n wasborn at Augusta ia Sept H-

He graduated from West Point In 1S

and in 1S 9 was given the honorarydegree of LI l by Georgetown colI-

ORO tie married Miss Nannie EllaJones

From ISi to ISO I he was secondlieutenant of 1nlted States cavalrybut on the outbreak of the civil warentered the confederate artillery with-a commission a first lieutenant Be-

came of his military training and hisdashing prowess he rapidly rube andbecame colonel of Infantry later brigadler general of cavalry major gener-al an I corps commander and at thecloy of the civil war was lieutenantgeneral-

He wns wounded three times sixteen horses wore shut under himeight of Mt staff officers were killedand thirtytwo wounded He at one-

time received the thanks of the con-

federate government for his skill andgallantry In battle

After the war he settled down toprivate life as A planter occasionallypracticing law In ISS1 he was elect-ed congressman train the eighth dl-

trlct of Alabama servlne until 1S99a erlod of eighteen years broonly by his absence during I ho

war He was reelectedto the flflyslxth congress but resign-ed He was senior memberof con-

gress of the Democratic slh Sereral times ho was a member of the hoardof visitors to the military academyand for fourteen years was a regent-of the Smithsonian Institute

At the beginning of the SpanishAmerican war he volunteered his ser-vices and on May I 1W wax np oliited major general of volunteers 1nlteStates army and assigned to till com-

mand of the cavalry division army ofSantiago commanded I ho troops-In the engagement at LnxguaslmnnCuba line 21 19 was nlor officerIn the Held at the battle of San Juanand was a senior member of n cornIon which arranged the surrender ofSantiago

From August IS 1S99 until Febru-ary 7 1900 he commanded the Firstbrigade Second division of the armyin the Philippines He participatedIn a number of Important engagementIn the conquest of three islands InJuno ho was appointed brigadiergeneral of the regular Tnlted Statesarmv and was In command of the

of the lakes until Septemberof that yenr when he was retired Hewas n member of the Society of Co-

lonial Curs Sons of tio RevolutionSons nf the War of lSIl1 tit SoMetyof Snntlnvo Inltod Confederate Vi i

emus sorlatlon and the Naval andMlllnry Ord r of the SpanlhhAmerlcan War

writings wore numerous deallnu-ltr ol with lehntrni military runner

o wrote an urount of the Kentuckymilitary ciu rnlgn of mo snit In tarho compiled fur the ore of th eonfederate ftv n tnnniinl oftaoMr a inlllary hlxror-vf labama H iry of terar aiirn n Mtirv of Cula andr rai Ills rfth E cUauu CivllUuitou gj tbv War of the

I fIlii





Span-Ish Ameriean



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I Nlnteenth Century He also wrotemonographs upon the lives of AdmiralGeorge Dewey President William Me

I Kin Icy General Stonewall Jacksonand President Theodore Roosevelt


Man Thought He Had Bought GoodLand in Georgia

Atlanta Jan 27 A man who gavehis name at J T Penv anti raid howas from Nebraska called at the offlee of Secretary of State Philip Coolto lint tliiU a title which ho hadht had l o hl to 2I9 9 acres ofland in Wa Mtigton county fia-

Tii title on the face of It appearedto be n goo l one The only trouiluwas the lust link In the chainwas a one It was a bogus Geor-gia land grant ont of the many whichhave ben trafficked in at variouspoint In Iht country and out ofwhich the purchasers have securedonly a little sorrowful experience-

1he land grant xn s ssed by MrPeavy was for 2UM 0 acres of land InWashington county anti was allegedto have been made to Enoch NllsonThe grant purported to have beenrecorded In Hook IE page 514 in Sec-retary Cooks once

A reference to the book and page-

in question showed that It containeda grant of 15 acres In Wllkes county-to Isaac Hodge


Petition Being Circulated Against theAthens Booze Emporium

Athens Ja Jan 27 A petition Isbeing circulated throughout the countyasking the legislature to pass a In

abolishing the Athens dispensary-The movement Is being led by Rev

V G Crawley pastor of Oconee streetM thodlsl church and already quite alarge number of names have been at-

tached to time petition These petitionswill be circulated In every counlry dis-

trict as well as In the city-It Is claimed by those who are

this movement that there w beno trouble In securing a majority ofthe voters on these lists and that therepresentative from Clarke Hon J URucker has pledged to advocate what-ever tho majority of the white peo-

ple of tho county ask on this questionTho dldspcnsary advocates will op-

pose the movement strenuously anddo not seem to be worried about thooutcome

Discovers New StarsCambridge Mass Jan 27 The dis-

covery of twentylive new variablestars by Miss Henrietta S evltt bya recent examination oJ tho plates taken with a telescope has beesannounced by the Harvard observa-tory Six of these stars are In theconstellation of Orion three In the coa-stellat Ion of Virgo and sixteen In theconstellation of Cygnus All the platesare of extremely tine quality tho I

ages of at least 200000 stars havingmen caught with a clearness that willpermit of comparisons The newvariables In Cygnus are In the regionof the great spiral nebelaub

Landslide Wrecked TrainsSpakanc Wash Jan 27 Burling-

ton passenger train No C castbouadstruck a landslide on tho Great North-ern railway near Rock Island WashThe engine was thrown Into almost aperpendicular position and the tender and baggage car were thrown Intothe Columbia river Martin Hurraythe baggageman was drownednumber of workmen were slightly Injured but none of the paasengurs wereseriously hurt

Killed While Saving ChildCincinnati O Jan 27 After pinna-

It t p tho tames Into Charles1 burning house at Mont

Vn and safely bringing-out one of the children Jug King nwell known character was killed by nfalling tinker nn the walls fell out-ward fir Any unhurt

Child Is Burned To DeathDonaM tvil Jan 2 7 Tc

two earold riilld of tie Itev T WWeaver ha b r iiru d to d nhchili was pla Ira niKiut hemall alone ni the was outthe time nnd on retunilu io fU UUil wtf0g i ia lame







































Death List Vow Numbers Over-

Due Hundred


Drifting on Raft Nine Men Were Pick-

ed Up by Launch Shamrock VictoriaAfter Being Found by Indiana B-Tvlvora Tell of Hardships

Victoria Jan 27 Whh the lading-of four more burvlvors of the Valenciadisaster on Turret Island oae of tkftarchipelagoes In tho center of Berkleysound the total number of sHrrivers-ucouutud for reaches 37 peraoae

Victoria II C Jan 27 Advices tethe Express front Uclulet early todaystate that the ten men who left UMValencia on Wednesday afternoon onthe second life raft which was pickedup by the steamer City ofdrifted Into sound

On arriving at a small Island off Vil-

lage Island Wilson the thirdneer jumped overboard sad ta

to swim ashore was drewed The remaining nine tended eaTurret Island Wednesday

Before morning five went crazy andjumped into tho water One ariathe strongest started out for kelpand had not returned when the f-

mnlnlng men were taken oa board thelaunch Shamrock of Victoria After be-

ing found by IndiansWhile the mm were drifting OB the

life raft they saw the steamer Cityof Topeka for a considerable htttwere unable to attract attention al-

though they tried frantically te de aeThey saw Capo Beale light that nlftlltend tried to make for It sung to

Wounded by Unknown AssailantBirmingham Ala Jan 27 Near

Johns Thursday while a partywhich had lutes engaged In celebraUagRobert Humus birthday was diverti-ng an unknown person fired severalshots Into a group of men ataadteg

the front porch of J H Gordoaaresidence J D Evans aaperlateadent of the coke ovens for the Teasessee Coal Iron and Railroad coataaayat Johns was dangerously wounded

thigh McGecver member ef theJefferson county board of means anda prominent Birmingham merchaat re-

ceived a bad flesh wound It to notknown who did tho shooting and aoarrests have been made

Senate Paeeea Atlanta SillWashington Jan 27 The bill ap

propriating 1000000 for a new publicbuilding at Atlanta Ga barn been

by the senate This to the Mil latraduced by Senator Clay It to desliar to one Colonel Livingston kern la-

troduced in the house SomeSenator Clay secured re-port of tho public buildings coamKtee upon this mcaaare aid he sailedIt up under unanimous consent sad M

passed by the senate wltbeat adissenting vote

Woman Denies AlleaatlenNew York Jan 27 A detective

from Boston came here and IdeatliedMrs John Isaacs of Brooklyn whehad declared to the police aataerlUeaof that through that her husband wasnn accomplice In the murder of Mahel raga of Weston Vas The Boton officer afterward said thedented that tube hal made nay CBCB al-

legation and there was no rcaaea forholding her husband

Roosevelt Declines te Parden Cete-Wanhlncton Jan 27 PreaMeat

Roosevelt has declined a request topardon Charles H Cole former presi-dent of tho Globe National baak oC

Boston Mn s convicted of vtokUlonof the national bnnlle laws

IcsedSun Lovi f ruUf Jan 27

Tho lir i jfclj j the oldeat n i tle kind la thiscloiel lv iv The day itornta L

order of the bank coinmlcsloaenL



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