gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-02-28 [p...

wt IS VOL XX11I NO IV ciALNESVILLE FLORIDA WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 28 TEN CENTS A WIll nn i I a ly4lb r i p 4- t t = = HENDERSON ANSWERS GRIM REAPERS CALL Former Speaker of House of Representatives Dead HE WAS ILL FOR NINE MONTHS Attack of Paresla Cause of Death of Scotchman Who Once Wielded the Gavel in National House Waa Blind Past Week Dubuque Iowa Feb 27 Forraor Speaker David D Henderson of the national hoiiso of ruprusenutlvfs died at 2 oclock Sunday afternoon at Mer- cy hospital of paresis which attacked him itiue mouths ago He began to sink Friday afternoon rallied Saturday morning In the utter Goon lapsed Into unconsctousnenH anti failed rapidly until the end came All of his family except a on in California were at the bcdulde but Colonel Henderson had been unable- to recognize any one but his wife since a week ago except on Friday when he partly regained his mental facul ties Colonel Henderson was stricken with paresis last May and his ctrndl grew grave that he was removed I 0 n To- tally t 11 r 1 j ItO r y 4 1 ¬ DAVID B HENDERSON- to ti himtlMl In H pti mhcr eon til Inn r iiiijlij1 prarli llv tinchiinmi- lIxrtpl tin usual of surd until a week ami Friday when he suffered anniliiT btrnUe- vlilch ntiiiltid In total lilindness The spanker failed rapidly physically and uientall nniil Friday when his mental powers ivtiirned fur few hour followed a relapse winch ended In death Thu funeral whlrh will be held Thursday with services In tilt Epis- copal ubuivb under the auspices of the Grand Army Former COIIKH wan Jeoree Ierklns of Sioux City will deliver an eulogy The body Is to lie In state on 1 hurl day nt church Longwortha at Santiago New York Feb 2 A ratite from llavatiii oa morning say that nail Mrs Nlcboiiirt li ngvnrtli left there Sunday nleht for Sutrlnpi n a tH ul train Ilif ulna vis- Ited Kr ntori when Mr Uing worth ttinw i to Macala tho tal- OotiN Iflin who won the M- end tt of th tume SiibH i ntly thy liuiir in the 1ralo came cu t i with i uti ti- Jjaruniay I n tin f niiy i t il carnival luai nn rm d wire on- rrxtf ti evininu Mr mi- Mr l micunr1 4r nni at a din- nT given by Si Mr uf OFni rill studs I 1un vii cut Will Tae Depositions Knn a K h 27 Mrrbfrt S Iludlfy attoiiuy ytiifrnl of MU oiiri and Ruth Uikc M xliiant atorriey- i n rnl left hrre Mmdny fur OUltho- ma Civ t i doposlMons fur iisi II the Iaf i alnst th prici lnis to oust tho SurMnrl O and aUl IK- IjianlcH from this state His fur dl Ii b U 11 r she It run sad hat the f ate tts II e progress ra s furl r the pAP r rope player Ins out t the I tttt pre ¬ > <> < < > = THREE FATALLY INJURED Aa a Result ef a Row at a Candy Pull- Ing Party Woodbury Tenn Feb 27 The JohnsonMotley feud In this Can- non county broke out afresh and as- a result the following are fatally in- jured Sam Blair shut four times In the stomach Bob Motley shot twice In groin t Richard Johnson throat cut Tho trouble between the Motleys and the Johnsons two largo families cf the Pea Klilxe neighborhood near the IVkftlb county line originated ten years tgo over the operation of in Illicit ilintlllery when blood wits shed and has broken out Intermittently since TIe renewal came pt a young people pulling H ih Motif and Blair V T yt hr uhnnon but who cut the hitters thnmt l unknown The sheriff tiaa Koue Iu the scene which in a wild niountainouH dis- trict and hopes to prevent any fur ther trouble although It Is said consid- erable excitement prevails GOVERNOR MAY WITNESS DEATH Probable that Blanchard Will See Charles Coleman Hanged Shreveport la Feb 27 It Is that tovernor Blanchard will wit- ness the hanging of Charles Coleman the negro murderer of Margaret I ear In the parish jail here next The hanging will take place between the hours of 11 a m nnd 2 p m Gov- ernor Blanchard has left for Baton Rouge unit will return to Shreveport Thursday morning accompanied by the assistant secretary of state who bring the seal with him Iminedl utter the governors arrival here lie will sign the death warrant Feeling having Kubslded the mili- tary company from Monroe which has peen hero jmanltnp Cofftnun has been relieved from duty and ordered hunts Three companies are Htill at the jail anal will be kept there until i after the hanging I Husband Kills Wife Richmond Va Feb 27 Mrs Mat- tie I lodges of Durham N C has hen brutally murdered In tier bed by her husband John II Hodges She was drugged from a nick bed by the Infuriated man her left arm being broken In tho scuffle She was shot through tilt heart ns she lay on the lloor at her husbands fret The trage- dy was witnessed the l yparold son of the coupl who watt himself knocked down by the father when he ittempted to Interfere Tbcro hail h en domestic infelicity In the Hodges household for some time Mrs He- ges had recently Instituted divorce proceedings against her husband T murderer was promptly captured and confessed the crime Germany Will Make Concessions Berlin Fob 27 The Herman gov- ernment ba decided to make a fur- ther concession trt the French views on the Moroccan question provided France will also yield something The extent of Germanys proposals wlU be- come known only at Algpclras where they will be communicated to the French delegates Emperor William and Chancellor Von Buclow It IH tin derstoxl would rather make an effort to reconcile the French dmnnnds sail SermanTs Interests than allow the MrloiM situation to drift Man Killed by Engine Atlanta Fe Thomas A Les- ter enllne cli rk fi r the Western Allan e itnH was xiruek hv- iiiti rn train Sunday mornliig alKiu- s and died within ten tutu tit lie wax Ifailly brulnoil alwint for all of his l irs were fill just I ll Hllnles l Jttrl wer n nch n character that unthiRK I i for him by the doctor who Miujniomd Rural Guards Capture llnvkiia K nerul UHirluuez- chl f of h twits bas rer lr a r tetra to effect that a driuchr- rn it of rural ulHrdo hud raptur l th cnmi of the iituabacoa rioters bt- litved tr negroes near lapuM The cutprtts sitittered And only one m wi captured but the poHcc s l a horses and a quantity af provis jftd j rna I h stet I I I I h k head hit h I I lit till Camp I j i al t- It I zrn prob- able Thurs- day Is 4jIw rat a ton was G ten ten n z ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < > < > < < CASTRO IS BITTER AGAINST FOREIGNERS- Will Break Up Monroe Doctrine dud Humble France GAYS U S IS AFTER HIS COUNTRY After He la Done with French He Will Start on Americans Englishmen and Germans Who He Declares Worse Than Chinese Wlileuistnd Curacao Feb 27 Ad- vices here from Venezuela- are to the eflcct that President Castro Nays ho will humbly France break up the Monroe Doctrine clear out the French from Venezuela and then start on Americans Englishmen and tier wars who h declares are worse than Chinese- He Is reported as saying that he ail clear the country of foreigners He Is very bitter against Americans who be hays are after his country The is yearning for an American protectorate and the better clasH of Venezuelans are reported us saying taut the situation demands Im- mediate Intervention by the United States for the sake of humanity Bishops Life Attempted Curacao Feb 27 AI vices received here from Caracas says that President Castro Is greatly un- nerved atf the result of nc unsuccess- ful uttunpt by an unknown person to poison the Most Rev Dr Juan Bautlt- ii Castro arch Idshop of Venezuela liy putting nitrate of silver In the com- munal wine on Sunday Feb 18 which cansd a great cn atlon The arch- bishop some t1 i ago an en- cyllrnl rebuking the Venezuelan cler- gy lur thir Immorality The attempt on tin blsho s fo is generally uttrtb irid to a priest Wants United States to Arbitrate Wlllemstad Curacao Felt 27 It Is learned Irom oiliclal at Carac- as Venezuela that President Castros next move in the French finest Ion wil be to call oa the Pulsed States to ar- bitrate the jinstlon of the amount of damage done by France In permitting- the fitting out of the filibustering strainer Ban High at Port de France Island of Martinique to prey on Ven- etielan niniincrcc and transport the troops duriiiK the Mutes revolt Ife Inlted rftales claim against Jrcat Brit- ain in the case of the Alabama will be cited as a precedent Mart Gras in Full Blast New nrl in i Fell 27 With the r rmnl rntry of Rex the carnival Is In full blurt The day opened ill rent en lively with predictions of ruin with Mioinlho of clear and weather Tuesday only a slight shower fell however All previous records In the matter of attendance promise to be broken all trains now arriving here being broken uy Into sections nail Illled to their full capaci- ty It Is pntltnaed that ten thousand people wire tiiiiled into the city Sun- day and that iiitnher will probably In duplicated Monday with cheap excur- sions from all the surrounding coun try Reid and Carter Attend Levee Ijimlon Feb 27 Ambesxidoi ant Edward liei Mn iit t York I flirter aii nded King ii levi e at Buckingham The only American Allen or N lmti y rft r the lave kittu bin cr litittnU tu tlmi aiJi li r to tho Court of H- Chatf i l To Bs Retired Winki np n Peb 27 Orders hoc pniti ilLt MI navy Feb s 1 Admiral F K un uintidil ltar A HniupMitr th war with Siwi1 Million Dollar Blaze N Brims w 27 Firs Ittok in the shop r rie In- Ulitiiii llviroad compa tr this aiil Vrf I wa pit out 1 rijjir at llOOOoeo i j populace 1tIt IlI tall hire btu 1 Ihltl Sit rtnnt prrnted I ben i J r r F 1 J rrcc teed Issued sources cold- er errtu1 s iM per a14 rs 1 ltw IIatastlt ml sti r rant rl the art tnelat announrlnK Ih r rlr m n re iIel u irk lIP during Mon toll n- tl de- s rot tale f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > < < > + ONE KILLED ANOTHER INJURES New Orleana and Northeastern Has a Wreck Near Meridian MUM New Orleans Feb 27 Oae trala man wag killed another InJued and nine passengers bruised In a wreck- on tin New Orleans and Northern 11 miles south of Meridian at 630 Sua The local paxenger leaving Meridian at ti oclock and a train of empty pas- senger coaches from New Orleans used In bringing carnival visitors met Both engines were derailed but all the other cars remained on the track Engineer J D ice of the northbound train who had been In the service of the company for twenty years was killed Engineer Clsnna was slightly hurl None of the Injured passengers had bones broken The property damage amounted to f HM M Train service was delayed- for three hours CASE ENTERS EIGHTH WEEK Much Interest Centers In lodge Saeera Probable Ruling Savannah Oa Feb 27 The Green and care eaters Ita eighth week Judge Speer oa adjoaar ment of court Saturday expressed sat- isfaction with the progress made dur- ing the week and the hope that the coming weok would witness ca great expedition as the couasel for the gov- ernment and tho defense had show during that Just passed With much Intercut counsel on both sides are looking forward to Judge Hpecrn announcement of his decisloa as to whether the defense should be permitted to C P Good- year of Brunswick touching the dyna- mite blastings of the harbor bed of that port Such crossexamination was begun and promised to he later stung Jut was interrupted by the court who titled against Ita adnissl- bility Feudlsta to Face Counts Jackson Ky Feb 27 A feud echo of sensational proportions was heart here when the Brcathll county grand jury render I Indictments against Judge James Hargls Ed Callahan D F French John Smith and John Ab net chnrghiR murded and accessory to the same In the death of Attorney J H Marcum here two years ago Sen- ator Alex Hargls was not Indicted Judge Hargls and Callahan are named as tho principals and smith and Ahner as accessories before the fact Mar cum was killed In the feudal troubles here In the court hetise door his death being a familiar Incident to tho readers of tho story of the Breathltt county troubles Will Build Road to the Gulf Baltimore Md Feb 27 A syndi- cate headed by Mlddendorf Williams- Co of Baltimore and John Wil lianas of Richmond Imvt itc ulrtd several small railroad lines In the south which they will connect and form a new trunk line from Augusta Ga to the Culf of Mexico The to tnl mileage of the new system when extensions planned are completed will be about 4M miles The lines tray erse the section between Augusta and Valdosta a a distance of about 200 miles less than 100 miles of new road will have to be built to connect those already purchased Win Withdraw from Missouri Jefferson City Feb 27 State Su- perintendent of Insurance Vandlver has received n letter from Vice Pres- ident Kldrldge of the Mutual Reserve Insurance company that the company will not fill with the Insur- ance ilopartment n statement of li business fir and would withdraw from the state Superintendent Van diver mid lie rcctptlon of this com nninlcatlon would relieve him from Is xiitng an OII ILT which he was prepur Inn ijgtd Stabbed U i FcS t public r l vtn rrook and TMgliy see ra tfortyMw shy Car highs nf the T r was Hldenlv halved liy o n n of wbiim held hits in ft r hbi Sr n- Lehln1 him afi wMrh i i Vh I ri u 1 J J an1 Olllltu ti th tilt one of fcUl J neck ant let hem I I pOll I I 1 and iOn till r11 whit J a I day ntdht head on Ca nor cross examine stat lug I dust I ca- t ltn his his v s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > AMERICAN MISSIONS s Four English MiftsioMria Ax Reported Killed FOURTEEN AMKRICANS IMAM The United at Nankin Proceed Immediately ef the Trouble Washington Feb 27 Coaxal al Rodgers at Shanghai cables state department under Mondays that the American mission at at Naacheai sad lUcas have beast strayed The probable cave to local Jr Telegrams received frog butte points state that the A aart can adaeioaarSea at V hat tile Ktacaaa laatfr lisa two adalta awl twa rtlUfami af t reported to have kttai The Amcrkaa gaahaat M rat jiii- Naakia aaa been erdewto v Immediately to Kia Klaac will probably arrive ay Wtiaaiiii The scene af traajila la aaawk Cot miles p Ute Taa rta rttar A atlll later dtoaatek tram Wi gets received May at la partmeat says that the HafcaU miMloaartea are reported MI A cablefraai tress aMiMAaf Fletcher the aealor eAaaraf T- elgh at flaaachal rdaeltaaU all envy departaieat Maa4ay ia riiML 4- auhataatlally Caaml Oea M IbMipat report f A The oAdata aee RMi- cral Rodgers aaggestioa ale at Kaa Caeac laaal M MM ecea the ease wHk taa laat tars ata Jg- cedlag attacks oa Coralca ailttloaa lax Chlaa Therefore taara la HUIa f- preaeaakm the travMa Nit vj aoread J 5- R ert la Cenftmtaal New York Feb 27 Keaarfa aff at the atatiaa la 5 i- Naachcag aad af elffct 7- Amertcaa Bitaeioaariea atatieaed tINe were received hers kjr sable at MM j Methodist board of forelca The Methodist board a station at that place The Mkltma- watea waa sent ay Make J W r ford Methodist Eptaeoaal kiakof- tdeace at Shanghai sad atade paMto by Dr H K Carroll of tke U board la as follow Mlsstoa Naachcsg rioted Matav edict mlaaloaarlea eeeapad ea aaaC The eagles of the Methodist plittta j arles at Nanchex are Rev Kdward Jamca cad wife of Wtoeoaota Dr M Charles sad wife of Ada 0 snit law Americas woman Gertrude flour Geaavieva Hagkee Alia Needy Kate I Ogdora la addltiea ta tkatr eight aalMtoaaries ale Metkiihn board had ORe Chlaese woaiaa Ads Kahn stationed at Naaekaac Ne News Received at Pekla- Pckla Feb 27 Tke Methodist mission has a ataUaa at NancbeBK No aewa of Ute whales arlcs has beea received a Pekla It Is supposed they escaped to Kla Taught 8 8 Claw Forty Years CblcnKa Feb 27 Arthur Dlxoa the nf the Dixon Trans for company was awarded a gold me l nl for 44 years continuous atteadaoca at the Sundriv school of the First AlethodM KIJ copal church For years Mr Dlxnn leas been teach of whnt ta known as the Strangers Cln nt HM Sunday school It 1 a Illblu clasM of ynunt men In that ln has taught sonic of the no v prominent men of Chicago ills HUT pupils nfl scattered nil over the world Farmer Robbed of Big Sum Chlcaj Feh 27 John Halley n farmer near Fox III TT rubbed of Ulo Monday l y plckptx Ilailc had obtain u money iiy Ct talc of a imvtgaso ard was rMj un n cor wSca kia HAVE REEK DESTllYEI 0 nee t- aped c IJ c J t V IJ I J t Ae ne ABa rt fur 4 stet saee s rc ICed 4 4N tr r w mates Gunleat II Has Seen let tte tl4me S 1 a pcs rr bees r the MIN k kite bat tilts flu a Opa that t fIht s- tag taste the tie Melatts has iaksisB 4 es Met 4la 1 r R aa1 igl i K- ant a press z s time Y alt Inc Lake err just J < > > < > > +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-28 [p ] IS VOL XX11I NO IV ciALNESVILLE FLORIDA WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 28

wt IS


nniI a






= =



Former Speaker of House ofRepresentatives Dead


Attack of Paresla Cause of Death ofScotchman Who Once Wielded theGavel in National House Waa

Blind Past Week

Dubuque Iowa Feb 27 ForraorSpeaker David D Henderson of thenational hoiiso of ruprusenutlvfs diedat 2 oclock Sunday afternoon at Mer-cy hospital of paresis which attackedhim itiue mouths ago

He began to sink Friday afternoonrallied Saturday morning In the utterGoon lapsed Into unconsctousnenH antifailed rapidly until the end came

All of his family except a on inCalifornia were at the bcdulde butColonel Henderson had been unable-to recognize any one but his wife sincea week ago except on Friday whenhe partly regained his mental faculties

Colonel Henderson was strickenwith paresis last May and his ctrndlgrew grave that he was removed













to ti himtlMl In H pti mhcr eontil Inn r iiiijlij1 prarli llv tinchiinmi-lIxrtpl tin usual of surd

until a week ami Fridaywhen he suffered anniliiT btrnUe-vlilch ntiiiltid In total lilindness

The spanker failed rapidlyphysically and uientall nniil Fridaywhen his mental powers ivtiirned fur

few hour followed a relapsewinch ended In death

Thu funeral whlrh will be heldThursday with services In tilt Epis-copal ubuivb under the auspices ofthe Grand Army Former COIIKHwan Jeoree Ierklns of Sioux Citywill deliver an eulogy

The body Is to lie In state on 1 hurlday nt church

Longwortha at SantiagoNew York Feb 2 A ratite from

llavatiii o a morning say thatnail Mrs Nlcboiiirt li ngvnrtli left

there Sunday nleht for Sutrlnpi n a

tH ul train Ilif ulna vis-

Ited Kr ntori when Mr Uingworth ttinw i to Macala tho tal-

OotiN Iflin who won the M-

end tt of th tume SiibH i ntlythy liuiir in the 1ralo

came cu t i with i uti ti-

Jjaruniay I n tin f niiy i t ilcarnival luai nn rm d wire on-

rrxtf ti evininu Mr mi-Mr l micunr1 4r nni at a din-n T given by Si Mr uf OFnirill studs I 1un viicut

Will Tae DepositionsKnn a K h 27 Mrrbfrt S

Iludlfy attoiiuy ytiifrnl of MU oiiriand Ruth Uikc M xliiant atorriey-i n rnl left hrre Mmdny fur OUltho-ma Civ t i doposlMons fur iisi II

the Iaf i alnst th prici lnis tooust tho SurMnrl O and aUl IK-IjianlcH from this state



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runsad hat







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< >






Aa a Result ef a Row at a Candy Pull-Ing Party

Woodbury Tenn Feb 27 TheJohnsonMotley feud In this Can-non county broke out afresh and as-

a result the following are fatally in-

juredSam Blair shut four times In the

stomachBob Motley shot twice In groin

t Richard Johnson throat cutTho trouble between the Motleys

and the Johnsons two largo familiescf the Pea Klilxe neighborhood nearthe IVkftlb county line originated tenyears tgo over the operation of inIllicit ilintlllery when blood wits shedand has broken out Intermittentlysince TIe renewal came pt a youngpeople pulling H ih Motifand Blair V T yt hr uhnnon butwho cut the hitters thnmt l unknown

The sheriff tiaa Koue Iu the scenewhich in a wild niountainouH dis-

trict and hopes to prevent any further trouble although It Is said consid-erable excitement prevails


Probable that Blanchard Will SeeCharles Coleman Hanged

Shreveport la Feb 27 It Isthat tovernor Blanchard will wit-

ness the hanging of Charles Colemanthe negro murderer of Margaret I earIn the parish jail here next

The hanging will take place betweenthe hours of 11 a m nnd 2 p m Gov-

ernor Blanchard has left for BatonRouge unit will return to ShreveportThursday morning accompanied by theassistant secretary of state whobring the seal with him Iminedl

utter the governors arrival herelie will sign the death warrant

Feeling having Kubslded the mili-tary company from Monroe whichhas peen hero jmanltnp Cofftnun hasbeen relieved from duty and orderedhunts Three companies are Htill atthe jail anal will be kept there until i

after the hanging I

Husband Kills WifeRichmond Va Feb 27 Mrs Mat-

tie I lodges of Durham N C hashen brutally murdered In tier bed byher husband John II Hodges Shewas drugged from a nick bed by theInfuriated man her left arm beingbroken In tho scuffle She was shotthrough tilt heart ns she lay on thelloor at her husbands fret The trage-dy was witnessed the l yparoldson of the coupl who watt himselfknocked down by the father when heittempted to Interfere Tbcro hailh en domestic infelicity In the Hodgeshousehold for some time Mrs He-

ges had recently Instituted divorceproceedings against her husband Tmurderer was promptly captured andconfessed the crime

Germany Will Make ConcessionsBerlin Fob 27 The Herman gov-

ernment ba decided to make a fur-

ther concession trt the French viewson the Moroccan question providedFrance will also yield something Theextent of Germanys proposals wlU be-come known only at Algpclras wherethey will be communicated to theFrench delegates Emperor Williamand Chancellor Von Buclow It IH tinderstoxl would rather make an effortto reconcile the French dmnnnds sailSermanTs Interests than allow theMrloiM situation to drift

Man Killed by EngineAtlanta Fe Thomas A Les-

ter enllne cli rk fi r the WesternAllan e itnH was xiruek hv-

iiiti rn train Sunday mornliig alKiu-s and died within ten tututit lie wax Ifailly brulnoil alwintfor all of his l irs were

fill just I ll Hllnlesl Jttrl wer n nch n character thatunthiRK I i for him by thedoctor who Miujniomd

Rural Guards Capturellnvkiia K nerul UHirluuez-

chl f of h twits bas rer lra r tetra to effect that a driuchr-rn it of rural ulHrdo hud raptur l thcnmi of the iituabacoa rioters bt-

litved tr negroes near lapuMThe cutprtts sitittered And only one

m wi captured but the poHccs l a horses and a quantityaf provis jftd











head hit h I

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< <




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Will Break Up Monroe Doctrinedud Humble France


After He la Done with French He Will

Start on Americans Englishmen andGermans Who He Declares WorseThan Chinese

Wlileuistnd Curacao Feb 27 Ad-

vices here from Venezuela-are to the eflcct that President CastroNays ho will humbly France breakup the Monroe Doctrine clear out theFrench from Venezuela and then starton Americans Englishmen and tierwars who h declares are worsethan Chinese-

He Is reported as saying that he ailclear the country of foreigners HeIs very bitter against Americans whobe hays are after his country

The is yearning for anAmerican protectorate and the betterclasH of Venezuelans are reported ussaying taut the situation demands Im-

mediate Intervention by the UnitedStates for the sake of humanity

Bishops Life AttemptedCuracao Feb 27 AI

vices received here from Caracas saysthat President Castro Is greatly un-

nerved atf the result of nc unsuccess-ful uttunpt by an unknown person topoison the Most Rev Dr Juan Bautlt-

ii Castro arch Idshop of Venezuelaliy putting nitrate of silver In the com-

munal wine on Sunday Feb 18 whichcansd a great cn atlon The arch-bishop some t1 i ago an en-

cyllrnl rebuking the Venezuelan cler-gy lur thir Immorality The attempton tin blsho s fo is generally uttrtbirid to a priest

Wants United States to ArbitrateWlllemstad Curacao Felt 27 It Is

learned Irom oiliclal at Carac-as Venezuela that President Castrosnext move in the French finest Ion wilbe to call oa the Pulsed States to ar-

bitrate the jinstlon of the amount ofdamage done by France In permitting-the fitting out of the filibusteringstrainer Ban High at Port de FranceIsland of Martinique to prey on Ven-

etielan niniincrcc and transport thetroops duriiiK the Mutes revolt IfeInlted rftales claim against Jrcat Brit-

ain in the case of the Alabama will becited as a precedent

Mart Gras in Full BlastNew nrl in i Fell 27 With the

r rmnl rntry of Rex the carnival IsIn full blurt The day openedill rent en lively with predictions of ruin

with Mioinlho of clear andweather Tuesday only a slight

shower fell however All previousrecords In the matter of attendancepromise to be broken all trains nowarriving here being broken uy Intosections nail Illled to their full capaci-ty It Is pntltnaed that ten thousandpeople wire tiiiiled into the city Sun-day and that iiitnher will probably Induplicated Monday with cheap excur-sions from all the surrounding country

Reid and Carter Attend LeveeIjimlon Feb 27 Ambesxidoi


liei Mn

iit t

York I

flirter aii nded Kingii levi e at Buckingham

The only AmericanAllen or N

lmti y rft r the lave

kittu bin cr litittnU tu tlmiaiJi li r to tho Court of H-

Chatf i l To Bs RetiredWinki np n Peb 27 Orders hoc

pniti ilLt MI navy

Feb s 1 Admiral F K

un uintidil ltar A

HniupMitr th warwith Siwi1

Million Dollar BlazeN Brims w 27

Firs Ittok in the shop r rie In-

Ulitiiii llviroad compa tr thisaiil Vrf I wa pit out

1 rijjir at llOOOoeo




1tIt IlI tall


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ltw IIatastlt ml

sti rrant

rl the arttnelat announrlnK Ih r rlr m n re

iIelu irk

lIP during

Mon tolln-


s rot tale

















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New Orleana and Northeastern Has aWreck Near Meridian MUM

New Orleans Feb 27 Oae tralaman wag killed another InJued andnine passengers bruised In a wreck-on tin New Orleans and Northern 11

miles south of Meridian at 630 Sua

The local paxenger leaving Meridianat ti oclock and a train of empty pas-senger coaches from New Orleansused In bringing carnival visitors met

Both engines were derailed but allthe other cars remained on the trackEngineer J D ice of the northboundtrain who had been In the service ofthe company for twenty years waskilled Engineer Clsnna was slightlyhurl None of the Injured passengershad bones broken

The property damage amounted tof HM M Train service was delayed-for three hours


Much Interest Centers In lodgeSaeera Probable Ruling

Savannah Oa Feb 27 The Greenand care eaters Itaeighth week Judge Speer oa adjoaarment of court Saturday expressed sat-isfaction with the progress made dur-ing the week and the hope that thecoming weok would witness ca greatexpedition as the couasel for the gov-

ernment and tho defense had showduring that Just passed

With much Intercut counsel on bothsides are looking forward to JudgeHpecrn announcement of his decisloaas to whether the defense should bepermitted to C P Good-year of Brunswick touching the dyna-mite blastings of the harbor bed ofthat port Such crossexaminationwas begun and promised to he laterstung Jut was interrupted by thecourt who titled against Ita adnissl-bility

Feudlsta to Face CountsJackson Ky Feb 27 A feud echo

of sensational proportions was hearthere when the Brcathll county grandjury render I Indictments againstJudge James Hargls Ed Callahan DF French John Smith and John Abnet chnrghiR murded and accessory tothe same In the death of Attorney JH Marcum here two years ago Sen-ator Alex Hargls was not IndictedJudge Hargls and Callahan are namedas tho principals and smith and Ahneras accessories before the fact Marcum was killed In the feudal troubleshere In the court hetise door hisdeath being a familiar Incident to thoreaders of tho story of the Breathlttcounty troubles

Will Build Road to the GulfBaltimore Md Feb 27 A syndi-

cate headed by Mlddendorf Williams-Co of Baltimore and John Wil

lianas of Richmond Imvt itc ulrtdseveral small railroad lines In thesouth which they will connect andform a new trunk line from AugustaGa to the Culf of Mexico The totnl mileage of the new system whenextensions planned are completed willbe about 4M miles The lines trayerse the section between Augusta andValdosta a a distance of about 200miles less than 100 miles of newroad will have to be built to connectthose already purchased

Win Withdraw from MissouriJefferson City Feb 27 State Su-

perintendent of Insurance Vandlverhas received n letter from Vice Pres-ident Kldrldge of the Mutual ReserveInsurance company that thecompany will not fill with the Insur-ance ilopartment n statement of libusiness fir and would withdrawfrom the state Superintendent Vandiver mid lie rcctptlon of this comnninlcatlon would relieve him from Isxiitng an OII ILT which he was prepurInn

ijgtd StabbedU i FcS t public

r l vtn rrook and TMgliy seera tfortyMw shy Car highs

nf the T r was Hldenlvhalved liy o n n of wbiim heldhits in ft r hbi Sr n-

Lehln1 him afi wMrh i i

Vh I ri u 1 J J

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Four English MiftsioMria Ax

Reported Killed


The Unitedat NankinProceed Immediately

ef the Trouble

Washington Feb 27 Coaxalal Rodgers at Shanghai cablesstate department under Mondaysthat the American mission atat Naacheai sad lUcas have beaststrayed

The probable cave to local JrTelegrams received frog butte

points state that the A aartcan adaeioaarSea at V

hat tile Ktacaaa laatfrlisa two adalta awl twa rtlUfami af treported to have kttai

The Amcrkaa gaahaat M rat jiii-Naakia aaa been erdewto v

Immediately to Kia Klaacwill probably arrive ay Wtiaaiiii

The scene af traajila la aaawkCot miles p Ute Taa rta rttar

A atlll later dtoaatek tram Wigets received May at lapartmeat says that the HafcaUmiMloaartea are reported MI

A cablefraai tress aMiMAafFletcher the aealor eAaaraf T-

elgh at flaaachal rdaeltaaU allenvy departaieat Maa4ay ia riiML 4-

auhataatlally Caaml Oea M IbMipatreport f A

The oAdata aee RMi-cral Rodgers aaggestioaale at Kaa Caeac laaal M MMecea the ease wHk taa laat tars ata Jg-cedlag attacks oa Coralca ailttloaa laxChlaa Therefore taara la HUIa f-

preaeaakm the travMa Nitvj

aoread J5-

R ert la CenftmtaalNew York Feb 27 Keaarfa aff

at the atatiaa la 5 i-

Naachcag aad af elffct 7-Amertcaa Bitaeioaariea atatieaed tINewere received hers kjr sable at MM jMethodist board of forelcaThe Methodist board astation at that place The Mkltma-watea waa sent ay Make J W rford Methodist Eptaeoaal kiakof-tdeace at Shanghai sad atade paMtoby Dr H K Carroll of tke Uboard la as follow

Mlsstoa Naachcsg rioted Matavedict mlaaloaarlea eeeapad ea aaaC

The eagles of the Methodist plittta j

arles at Nanchex are Rev KdwardJamca cad wife of Wtoeoaota Dr MCharles sad wife of Ada 0 snit lawAmericas woman Gertrude flourGeaavieva Hagkee Alia NeedyKate I Ogdora la addltiea ta tkatreight aalMtoaaries ale Metkiihnboard had ORe Chlaese woaiaa AdsKahn stationed at Naaekaac

Ne News Received at Pekla-Pckla Feb 27 Tke

Methodist mission has a ataUaa atNancbeBK No aewa of Ute whalesarlcs has beea received a Pekla ItIs supposed they escaped to Kla

Taught 8 8 Claw Forty YearsCblcnKa Feb 27 Arthur Dlxoa

the nf the Dixon Transfor company was awarded a gold me l

nl for 44 years continuous atteadaocaat the Sundriv school of the FirstAlethodM KIJ copal church Foryears Mr Dlxnn leas been teachof whnt ta known as the StrangersCln nt HM Sunday school It 1

a Illblu clasM of ynunt men In thatln has taught sonic of the no v

prominent men of Chicago illsHUT pupils nfl scattered nil over theworld

Farmer Robbed of Big SumChlcaj Feh 27 John Halley n

farmer near Fox III TTrubbed of Ulo Monday l y plckptx

Ilailc had obtain umoney iiy Ct talc of a imvtgaso ardwas rMj un n cor wSca kia




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