gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-03-20...

THE IUILY SUFI FLORIDA MARCH 20 1906 TAI KSIIIIIE NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA Britf Happenings From Various Sections of State THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS Transpiring in The Land of Flowers Things Boiled Down to Suit the Ruse Reader Items of Interest to All Classes New Smyrna ha a lodge of Word men of the World organized Ian week Work has ben oomm neeil on th terminal station of th A C Kiii road at Tampa The crop aronnd Bn nt are damaged hy th heary rain that have recently that faction Some of th potato in county has rotted in the ground and the farmer ar a trifle di courajfe- Th invvind etil light of city of Palm ll aoh will lie hut ofT at midnight on acenut of a teareity of fuel AptlaehiiiVa zn entertained the innil Committee on Rir rr and Hart ir lint wek in great style Tampi will hive all eisterni- ereeried and pr par to Rice the jny iito a cool r ptioa spring Since Tampa In heard Strah Hern hardt the of that city lava lofty ideas and wont fiol with a criminal if he int a graduate of some college or ha a big record A tire at Milton early on Friday morning dettrnyrd the tore of J A Allison Lose I5CO inured for 375 There was mi in nraue on the valued at W- OIVnaoola it to have a sanitarium or retort where people can come in to cure and quirt It will be a place with accommodations for of 75 euetts The O reola Hotel at Tarnre ha been old l y the Hon Alfred St Clair Abrams to 15 F M Cormick Mr it a wealthy lumberman and- i interested in other Tavares Grand Matter A C Uinkley of the Odd Fellow of Florida returned to hit home in from an orri cial viiit to the lodge of the State and reports the order in a flourishing condition The rrook vill v Hudtnii Railroad will bp inretUatfd by the Railroad GommiMion although The Brook rilie Star tay that the line all right and doing the fair thing to the people of that section in the tore of J W Watson of Miami on Friday morning did the amount of 25X with an in- surance of J15 fut The occupants of the econd story of the building were loser from damage by smoke and water The City Hall at Tampa i in shaky condition that there I talk of terming an injunction on the people retraining th m from using it That may h an ejjtiise to get a chance to terte an injunction a buine in that line ben eveedinzly drill for tome time pat Plluv Orher Wm H Burnhatn of IVnjToIa in trying to tnp a rngro- fight on Saturday evening in that city hot bj an unknown negro and died shortly attn The ball through hi right lung The dead of- ficer of the be t in the city It U thought they have the man who did the ihouting Sleeplessness Disorder of the stomach produce a nervous ondition and often prevent sleep Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets titnulate the digestive urgin restore the system to a healthy rendition and make sleep possible For yak by all druggists DONT rti uit mt j ti r n r foatijuc- tf Vb c oj nt IAltiK IMIt- TK IT from or c i ir tent will i r irt tio iv t itTffOt in iUr- joji utter to JAMES F SMITH Ma rr f FINK KADKU S Ki T- UKK Irani l i to Late M u- I r rc Iortralts ic Coor or Mono ehroan Ttf atrst and n t itrtutt- cicott and fuder fur i boto I visited Clay th eat I mO people rut upwards has rlos ola I Fir darn to 1 ouch a d n rOlr rot facture I 11 Ge and un to lee WOt Studl ltotl being I eeJ Cnn rs thin build- ing win- ter Mc- Cormick prop- erty hay way tae wrn one e urrtl 1Ort t itade- lr a ch care nu i ted i a t e ure y0 i E lah1l ked fa t > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < < > > > < > ± + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Impossible to Get Employment as- Face and Body Were Covered With Itching Sores Scratched Till Flesh Was Raw Spent Hun dreds of Dollars on Doctors and Hospitals and Grew Worst CURED BY CUTICURA- IN FIVE WEEKS Since the 1S94 I hare been troubled with a but raw of eczema which I have prwnt hundrrdc of dollar trying went to the hospital but they to cure mo MIl it LS getting worse all time Five wifks my wife bought a of Ointr men t and one cake of utit lira Soap mi I I am tnsay that iiuw completely i cured I via iuipo il Ie for me to get M uiy face hrul body were with Tire crzcmi first on the of my it vorkr all tho antund till bark of my nnk and around to my throat d vn my It to scratch it and the was ruw I would first wash the nfiVotrd parts with warm water and Cutirura and then npply Cutictira and let It rrtuuin on all night and in the morning I would u c Iutuura Soap am now all well which all my can testify to and I will be to the Cutirum- tmcdir to nny and all porpons who wi h n nn I cure of akin discus Thomas M ItowhiT2- DO Street Mar 30 1905 East range X J Cwnplm E trn 4t tntrnwl Tmtnmi tnr K- wi n r r iron llBri i- r ui U nf f 11 V a torn u AilJltaMltt4 kilt scaip tad Utfe Celebrate St Patricks Day New York March 19 Saturday war griHii In linds own day All over the country thorn were ma e8 anr- srrmons parades and reviews din- ners and tint jip rhrs In memory ol Irelands one In New York 5 l- OOM lrl hmn and IrtshArncrlran pa rn l il imd T the auspice of the An fitlit Order of Hibernians of Now York ami finmty In the rvenlnf th n will numerous dlnnerx am halls Cured Consumption Mr B W KrautClearwatr write My husband lay sick for three month The doctors aid he had quick consumption We procured a bottle of Ballard Horehound Syrup and it cartel him That years and ince then w have always kpt a bottle in the We can- not do wiliout it For coughs and cold it hat no equal 25V50c and fl Sold by W M Johnson EvacuaMon of Boston Celebrated Itiotun Minh Tier rel bratlor In M tiiriliiy of th an nlv Tsi tif tin iriiaMon of llistot hy tier Mvitlsh troops Wax ol sc with iiiin him lit usimi rorimr nlc Thf it Vs es wore begun will the of au s liy the warships It thc harior tied id forts Mavn- iFlfzseraM otieruln d hrenkfaKt tin rltys fjMclal evacuation guests a tic a larsi number of prominent clMz ns A Scientific Wonder The stand to its credit make Hucklens Arnica alve a ci n title wonder It cured K R Mulford lecturer for the Iatrousof Hutbandry- Vayne born Pa of a dijtr ing case of It heals burn s r boils ulcer cute wounds ehil- hlain and i ali thrum Only 2V at all drug store St Patrlcks Diy Ceebitcd In Rome Kin larch Tir trr alum dun i I MI oat i saiirii In tlir fitKi He rhun In h ri In hoiiii S u f till lraii etj a hart n re and s nt hi trr- Ines not only to th1 rlb in Ir ar1 but to thitv acro the A Lively TuMe With that old enemy f th ra CQn tipntion often eml in bp mli- citi To avoid ail Jerioijrouble with ctomncli awl bow l thke Dr Kim Lif Pil They perfectly regulate these organs without pain or diicomlyrt 5c at ill dr ggitt I DISfiGURING SKIN HUMOR I I I Cu tie ur I 4i1 will hit 1I1tlIt it I fI1 brad and hurl I body Dud nmund 10 I IJC obliged I 1 fnunnlIt lm t 1 ham Are I l ar pill elf WI frtI U 11 tu to rent h alp house II I fIt III at curt that pil th I haui trl lit Ia liual tit and ri1 the ii mft II It IHr jolts I U CY I eov rid di Val the would lie h ap Oint- ment jh awl y and ern tY rerny to IkYr hap IreeNn rn e W Te err W lml EtudcltQntdR Alnr ur 1v br AtWm i Alua t was six Snit stn lit tit worst r w tit t Irk Itr d 1itme prlnt b t lsulill 4 al sir r e New ¬ < > > > > < < > ¬ > < > > > > > + > + + + + + + Will Damage Stoesaels Reputation- St MT nira Mairn 1 Tin evl detir n In ci ir it Ituvst- ttfitMuti tutu the Miti n I r of Ior Attliir II ntitiant t5 tniil Sotes- w i h pniiably will on for six WMks liin ir will hfnvl datnaKe tin ripiiatlMti of Stoi ssel who Is now itptuamlltii that Nosl anti other Japan se rotnnian ers h sum nioned as xvltnesseH to testify to the burolc charteR of the defense Endicott la Reappointed Wafihlnstnn March 19 The presi- dent haw announced the reappolntment of Hear Admiral Modecal Thomas Kn- dlrott chief of the bun au of yard and dorks navy departnxnt gait cot term of duty expire on April next Admiral Kndlcott will continue as a m mt er of the Isthmian canal commission Ho will hp placed on the retired lUt of the navy next November St Vincents Academy Burned Slireveport li March 19 St Vltr rents araileniy e tt i h l thirty a o and one of the most widely known Cailiolir Institutions in the couth has been destroyed tire lOioiMi insurance JlriKi The fire orlKtnii from a defective Hue while the teachers and pupIlM wen at lunch Almost a resulted hut all ca- caped withnit Injury Celebrated 106th Birthday Intonovn Pa March in Mn Mary MeKlttrlek believed to Ue lest nldist person In western IVnsylvimM- on Saturday celebrated her loOth birth- day A lary1 number of friemls vis- Ited at r hour and nmJc ui r- ry over the event The Best Cough Syrup- S Apple eipnbate ot- tawa county Kansas write Thii- n to ay that I have u d Mallard Horehound Syrup for years and that I do not hesitate to recommend it a the belt jrup I have ever used Soul by W M Johnson Physicians Investigating Case New York March 19 A 1 rlbune from New Orleans that health officers of Mississippi am Alabama are In this city to Investigate a supposed case of yellow fever ot which local physicians have come U A WOMAN TO IE PRETTY Haut Have Lnvrtaat as Glee 7 Hair Na Matter Wkat Color Th flne t contour of a female fa e awr te t smile of a female mouth vomethlnic If the head crownnl with scant hair Scant and falllrc hilr It I now known In hy n para lt that tiurrows Into the Fcilp to the r t f It rape ih vitality The lit tie white seater the ir rm thrown ui In burro wlnpr aro railed UandrulT To euro permanently then and to M y fnllnK hair that cfrtn must t klll l llerplcliie an entirely now re- sult of the rhomloil laboratory destroys the inn lnifT term and of court stone SoM hy leading Jru rjrlf l S ni 1 V H for sample to Th Herplclifc Co Detroit zilch J S Bmlir rd A O Special Agents The Offers for the next 3 day the following at prije nam- ed l Three bottler Pukle ft Three cane Corn Thre eons Pea One 3lb Klberta Peache 20c Two Jlb can Klberta Peaches L5 heat Lamp Starch per Ib Ik Three can Corned or Roast heel 35j Compound Lard per Ib- He t grades of Hams arid Kreakfaot- Hacon and everything Cheap for Cash GIVE US A CALL- We can atNfy you lu th in qlaliy and TKLKPIIONE WILLIAM ANDERSON BICYCLES and Electrical Supplies dune promptl KlfCfi or all lied W UNION ST Iii ld b her h I 25e and 1 pedal nu Wri the kill Itt hair dandruff bro hair Cash Grocerr Co1 to low Salad 1lb net I I I h fur IIlflll Ittyttirltt I I 3 I l ski h East General Whose r tat Loop pane judge cough tit ti- the nays ii rreutent caused the where the falllni and prrvent bildneru tamps goods DltrkC Irealing 5 25C can SC prler- Iiti Iti IiieyrIe work a r > > > > < < < < ¬ > ¬ + + + + + F r bfimts as GUlim- I AVcCcfabic rrcparfllionrarAs Promotes DroslionCh tfiir HostContains neiilicr- OpiuniMofplujte nor Mineral The Ky You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Sour StonwhMiirrhKvi- ness ornl Loss Facsimile Stgnnlurc of XKW 11JK- ti t t lt1- lDov v EXACT copy or WRAPPER For Over Thirty Years HFDUTTONCO DEALERS IN Sea IslaixcL Cotton Sea IslantUCotton Seed Bagging and Twine Wtlrui Leather or Sides Manufacturers of the James English Sea Island Cotton Gin and Supplies for GAINESVILLE FLORIDA USA G S MERCHANT CO Retailers awl Jobbers Staple and Fancy BrocwiasH- v M VNH V vP Mv roW SOUTH SIDE SQUARE i i i OAINE8TILLI VLOIUDA Highest market price paid for ChlekeM Eai triad eUwr PfttfM A Complete stock of Hay Corn Oats Flour Rraa O MM Reel MttJ W oaly the VERY BEOT o l M MM LOW PRICES tad aoanuitee wtkfMitoa ftl rifs Take The Atlantic Coast LineF- OR ALL EARTHLY POUTS Via Duioo Via Duroti or- JtcktocrtMe Via Rapid Transit and Unsurpassed Service Depart For Time Table in elect Feb 12 1SCC GAINESVILLE Arrive Fro 310pm- Dily 1215pra Daily l50pm Daily I1105 p m Daily S 25 p m Daily 360 a m Daily exMonday High Springs ad later mediate Points Ocala Leesburg asd Tamps aad Intermediate Polat Palatka Jacksonville North East and West High Springs UaycroM Savaaaah Brauwiak Albany Atlanta all Points North East Kochelle Micanopy and Citra High Springs 8 JO a Dilly llOp Daily Dilly Dally BUan Daily- i Interchangeable Mileage Tickets good over 18000 miles of the prla railways in the State are oa sale the principal agent Through sleeper Port Tampa to New Coast- Line alto via Line Railway For complete iaforaaation call OB J A GOODWIN Ticket Aleut dalBcivllle Address FRANK C BOYL8TON Die Pass Agt W D STARK Tray Pan Agt m W Bay it Astor Fto H M EMERSON Traf Mgr W J CRAIG Paas Traf Mgr Vil I ftOB N 0 Wilmiaftwi M O i CASTORIA CASTD I fJll sin l1l1ng ua wg1h t It sand of i iIsuaumDlg- 71r I I au w- I n- I Use Apr t I HIm l I I I Wurmsf onVlI I0staISh I F I i n CISTO- RIIn leQ Dol N t E t S th W t Tie P O or as on es I I I i I ex 0BI Southern b 1ula JaeboaYllle t i r t y e5Io11taclrsiYdliollrad oTfRCUTIC lhtxdfh r I Aria d- itrt rwl 1 forrtin d I 1 tI SlF1i1 Y 9Iitlla eetlarllaa rteeeelaelae rv e F I a hid t d Meal EST a Dsioas ee of SNsw iP iefdt e aaa Jseksnrll a Llae 1letleeeftr r 11NP tllsp West 720p I Sunday i ax yr r- J ae r 411 tt > < > °

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-20 · THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS Transpiring in The Land of Flowers




Britf Happenings From VariousSections of State


Transpiring in The Land of FlowersThings Boiled Down to Suit theRuse Reader Items of Interest toAll Classes

New Smyrna ha a lodge of Wordmen of the World organized Ianweek

Work has ben oomm neeil on thterminal station of th A C Kiiiroad at Tampa

The crop aronnd Bn nt aredamaged hy th heary rain that haverecently that faction

Some of th potato incounty has rotted in the ground andthe farmer ar a trifle di courajfe-

Th invvind etil light of cityof Palm ll aoh will lie hut ofT atmidnight on acenut of a teareity offuel

AptlaehiiiVa zn entertainedthe innil Committee on Rirrr and Hart ir lint wek in greatstyle

Tampi will hive all eisterni-ereeried and pr par to Rice thejny iito a cool r ptioaspring

Since Tampa In heard Strah Hernhardt the of that city lava loftyideas and wont fiol with a criminalif he int a graduate of some collegeor ha a big record

A tire at Milton early on Fridaymorning dettrnyrd the tore of J A

Allison Lose I5CO inured for 375There was mi in nraue on the

valued at W-

OIVnaoola it to have a sanitarium orretort where people can come in

to cure and quirt It willbe a place with accommodations for

of 75 euettsThe O reola Hotel at Tarnre ha

been old l y the Hon Alfred St ClairAbrams to 15 F M Cormick Mr

it a wealthy lumberman and-i interested in other Tavares

Grand Matter A C Uinkley of theOdd Fellow of Florida returnedto hit home in from an orri

cial viiit to the lodge of the Stateand reports the order in a flourishingcondition

The rrook vill v Hudtnii Railroadwill bp inretUatfd by the RailroadGommiMion although The Brook rilieStar tay that the line all right anddoing the fair thing to the people ofthat section

in the tore of J W Watson ofMiami on Friday morning did

the amount of 25X with an in-

surance of J15 fut The occupants ofthe econd story of the building wereloser from damage by smoke andwater

The City Hall at Tampa i inshaky condition that there I talk ofterming an injunction on the peopleretraining th m from using it Thatmay h an ejjtiise to get a chance toterte an injunction a buine in thatline ben eveedinzly drill fortome time pat

Plluv Orher Wm H Burnhatn ofIVnjToIa in trying to tnp a rngro-fight on Saturday evening in that city

hot bj an unknown negro anddied shortly attn The ballthrough hi right lung The dead of-

ficer of the be t in the cityIt U thought they have the man whodid the ihouting


Disorder of the stomach produce anervous ondition and often preventsleep Chamberlains Stomach andLiver Tablets titnulate the digestiveurgin restore the system to a healthyrendition and make sleep possibleFor yak by all druggists

DONTrti uit m t j ti r n r foatijuc-tf Vb c oj nt IAltiK IMIt-

TK IT from or c i ir tent willi r irt tio iv t itTffOt in iUr-

joji utter toJAMES F SMITH

Ma rr f FINK KADKU S Ki T-

UKK Irani l i to Late M u-

I r rc Iortralts ic Coor or Monoehroan Ttf atrst and n t itrtutt-cicott and fuder fur i boto









rlos ola





ouch a


n rOlr rot



Ge and un to lee


Studl ltotl



Cnn rs











wrn one

e urrtl 1Ort t itade-lr a ch care nu


tedi a t e ure y0

iE lah1l ked fa











> >> <














+ +



Impossible to Get Employment as-

Face and Body Were Covered WithItching Sores Scratched TillFlesh Was Raw Spent Hun

dreds of Dollars on Doctors andHospitals and Grew Worst



Since the 1S94 I hare beentroubled with a but raw ofeczema which I have prwnt hundrrdc

of dollar tryingwent

to the hospitalbut they tocure mo MIl it

LS getting worseall time Fivewifks my wifebought a of

Ointrmen t and onecake of utit liraSoap mi I I am

tnsay that iiuw completelyi curedI via iuipo il Ie for me to get

M uiy face hrulbody were with Tirecrzcmi first on the ofmy it vorkr all tho

antund till bark of my nnkand around to my throat d vn my

Itto scratch it

and the was ruwI would first wash the nfiVotrd

parts with warm water and Cutiruraand then npply Cutictira

and let It rrtuuin on all night andin the morning I would u c IutuuraSoap am now all well which allmy can testify to and I will be

to the Cutirum-tmcdir to nny and all porpons who

wi h n nn I cure ofakin discus Thomas M ItowhiT2-

DO StreetMar 30 1905 East range X J

Cwnplm E trn 4t tntrnwl Tmtnmi tnr K-


n r r iron llBri i-

r ui U nff 1 1 V a torn u

AilJltaMltt4 kilt scaip tad Utfe

Celebrate St Patricks DayNew York March 19 Saturday war

griHii In linds own day All overthe country thorn were ma e8 anr-

srrmons parades and reviews din-

ners and tint jip rhrs In memory olIrelands one In New York 5 l-

OOM lrl hmn and IrtshArncrlran parn l il imd T the auspice of the Anfitlit Order of Hibernians of NowYork ami finmty In the rvenlnfth n will numerous dlnnerx amhalls

Cured ConsumptionMr B W KrautClearwatr

write My husband lay sick forthree month The doctors aid hehad quick consumption We procureda bottle of Ballard Horehound Syrupand it cartel him That years

and ince then w have alwayskpt a bottle in the We can-

not do wiliout it For coughs andcold it hat no equal 25V50c and flSold by W M Johnson

EvacuaMon of Boston CelebratedItiotun Minh Tier rel bratlor

In M tiiriliiy of th annlv Tsi tif tin iriiaMon of llistothy tier Mvitlsh troops Wax ol scwith iiiin him lit usimi rorimr nlcThf it Vs es wore begun willthe of au s liy the warships Itthc harior tied id forts Mavn-iFlfzseraM otieruln d hrenkfaKt tinrltys fjMclal evacuation guests a tica larsi number of prominent clMz ns

A Scientific WonderThe stand to its credit

make Hucklens Arnica alve a ci n

title wonder It cured K R Mulfordlecturer for the Iatrousof Hutbandry-Vayne born Pa of a dijtr ing case

of It heals burns r boils ulcer cute wounds ehil-hlain and i ali thrum Only 2V atall drug store

St Patrlcks Diy Ceebitcd In RomeKin larch Tir trr alum

dun i I MI oat i saiiriiIn tlir fitKi He rhun In

h ri In hoiiii S u

f till lraiietj a hart n re and s nt hi trr-Ines not only to th1 rlb in Ir ar1but to thitv acro the

A Lively TuMe

With that old enemy f th raCQn tipntion often eml in bp mli-

citi To avoid ail Jerioijrouble withctomncli awl bow l thke DrKim Lif Pil They perfectlyregulate these organs without pain ordiicomlyrt 5c at ill dr ggitt







Cu tie ur






fI1brad and hurl

Ibody Dud nmund10 I IJC obliged


1 fnunnlIt

lm t

1 ham AreI l ar pill

elf WI frtIU 11 tuto





I fIt



curt that

pil th



lit Ialiual tit

and ri1the ii mft II It IHr





eov rid

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andern tY rerny to

IkYr hap IreeNn rne W Te err Wlml EtudcltQntdR Alnr ur

1v brAtWm i Alua


was six

Snit stn

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tit t


Itr d 1itmeprlnt b t

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<> >












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+ +




Will Damage Stoesaels Reputation-St MT nira Mairn 1 Tin evl

detir n In ci ir it Ituvst-

ttfitMuti tutu the Miti n I r of IorAttliir II ntitiant t5 tniil Sotes-

w i h pniiably will on forsix WMks liin ir will hfnvl datnaKetin ripiiatlMti of Stoi ssel who Is nowitptuamlltii that Nosl antiother Japan se rotnnian ers h sumnioned as xvltnesseH to testify to theburolc charteR of the defense

Endicott la ReappointedWafihlnstnn March 19 The presi-

dent haw announced the reappolntmentof Hear Admiral Modecal Thomas Kn-

dlrott chief of the bun au of yard anddorks navy departnxnt gaitcot term of duty expire on Aprilnext Admiral Kndlcott will continueas a m mt er of the Isthmian canalcommission Ho will hp placed on theretired lUt of the navy next November

St Vincents Academy BurnedSlireveport li March 19 St Vltr

rents araileniy e tt i h l thirtya o and one of the most widely

known Cailiolir Institutions in thecouth has been destroyed tirelOioiMi insurance JlriKi The fireorlKtnii from a defective Hue whilethe teachers and pupIlM wen at lunchAlmost a resulted hut all ca-

caped withnit Injury

Celebrated 106th BirthdayIntonovn Pa March in Mn

Mary MeKlttrlek believed to Ue lest

nldist person In western IVnsylvimM-on Saturday celebrated her loOth birth-day A lary1 number of friemls vis-

Ited at r hour and nmJc ui r-

ry over the event

The Best Cough Syrup-S Apple eipnbate ot-

tawa county Kansas write Thii-

n to ay that I have u d MallardHorehound Syrup for years and thatI do not hesitate to recommend it athe belt jrup I have everused Soul by W

M Johnson

Physicians Investigating CaseNew York March 19 A

1 rlbune from New Orleansthat health officers of Mississippi amAlabama are In this city to Investigatea supposed case of yellow fever otwhich local physicians have come U


Haut Have Lnvrtaat as Glee 7 HairNa Matter Wkat Color

Th flne t contour of a female fa eawr te t smile of a female mouthvomethlnic If the head crownnl withscant hair Scant and falllrc hilr It I

now known In hy n para lt thattiurrows Into the Fcilp to the r t f

It rape ih vitality The littie white seater the ir rm thrown ui Inburro wlnpr aro railed UandrulT To euro

permanently then and to M yfnllnK hair that cfrtn must t klll l

llerplcliie an entirely now re-

sult of the rhomloil laboratory destroysthe inn lnifT term and of court stone

SoM hy leading Jru rjrlf l S ni 1 V Hfor sample to Th Herplclifc Co

Detroit zilchJ S Bmlir rd A O Special Agents


Offers for the next 3 day thefollowing at prije nam-ed l

Three bottler Pukle ft

Three cane CornThre eons PeaOne 3lb Klberta Peache 20cTwo Jlb can Klberta Peaches L5heat Lamp Starch per Ib IkThree can Corned or Roast

heel 35jCompound Lard per Ib-

He t grades of Hams arid Kreakfaot-Hacon and everything Cheap for Cash

GIVE US A CALL-We can atNfy you lu th in qlaliy and




Electrical Supplies

dune promptl KlfCfi

or all lied





her h


25e and 1









Cash Grocerr Co1

to low







h fur IIlflll Ittyttirltt

I I 3

I l

ski h










the nays

ii rreutent



the falllni and prrvent bildneru



DltrkC Irealing





Iiti Iti


a r


> >



< <










F r bfimts as GUlim-

I AVcCcfabic rrcparfllionrarAs

Promotes DroslionCh tfiirHostContains neiilicr-

OpiuniMofplujte nor Mineral

The Ky You Have

Always Bought

Bears theSignature

Sour StonwhMiirrhKvi-

ness ornl LossFacsimile Stgnnlurc of

XKW 11JK-ti t t lt1-

lDov v


For Over

Thirty Years


Sea IslaixcL CottonSea IslantUCotton Seed Bagging and Twine Wtlrui

Leather or Sides

Manufacturers of the James EnglishSea Island Cotton Gin and Supplies for


G S MERCHANT CORetailers awl Jobbers

Staple and Fancy BrocwiasH-


Highest market price paid for ChlekeM Eai triad eUwr PfttfM

A Complete stock of Hay Corn Oats Flour Rraa O MM Reel MttJW oaly the VERY BEOT o l M MM LOWPRICES tad aoanuitee wtkfMitoa ftl rifs

Take The Atlantic Coast LineF-OR ALL EARTHLY POUTS





Rapid Transit and Unsurpassed Service

Depart For

Time Table in elect Feb 12 1SCC





I1105 p mDaily

S 25 p m


360 a mDaily


High Springs ad latermediate Points

Ocala Leesburg asd Tamps aadIntermediate Polat

Palatka JacksonvilleNorth East and West

High Springs UaycroM Savaaaah BrauwiakAlbany Atlanta all Points North East

Kochelle Micanopy and Citra

High Springs

8 JO aDilly






Interchangeable Mileage Tickets good over 18000 miles of the prlarailways in the State are oa sale the principal agent

Through sleeper Port Tampa to New Coast-Line alto via Line Railway

For complete iaforaaation call OB

J A GOODWIN Ticket Aleut dalBcivllleAddress

FRANK C BOYL8TON Die Pass Agt W D STARK Tray Pan Agtm W Bay it Astor FtoH M EMERSON Traf Mgr W J CRAIG Paas Traf Mgr

Vil I ftOB N 0 Wilmiaftwi M O



sin l1l1ng uawg1h


It sand of


I Iau w-



UseApr t I HIm lI


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