gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-08...

THJS DAILY SUN MINE WILE FLORIDA AUCiUST 21 1903 T ri NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA T i ioimnMloiu1 f Puxnl count ha Jitded to pave two muiv tulle of road ont niHe the South Jack K iMllePttblo rood and one mile on tIll King road using No 2 vitritktl trick Si Augustine new steamboat line from Savan nah to Sanford via Brunswick Per nandlna Jacksonville and Palatka is the latest rumor and from present it appears that the line be established within a hor white Cocoa and Kovklvdge Xt Henry M Flagler expects to ride Into Key Vet ou January Id his rush birthday on the linn passenger train otter the Key NVest extension of the Florida East Coast railway frets Idem Taft will probably be lib iui t- on this occasion Jacksonville Me- tropolis Mr B J Abrnms of Columbia S C was oxcrtoiue by the xct i heat iit Jacksonville lm Thursday She was carried Into FurcliROttrt more and had to remain there several hours before sli was removed to her sons home In Riverside This fs the fir a OHM of prostration from huat that Jacksonville has hart in several years Sharks Mill continue to he plentiful in Ptnsaeola Hay One measuring fK t and 4 Inches was caught there on Wednesday night by a party of share bunter After hooking he shark it toik four men an hour to land th flsh and then the hands of nil men were blistered from the rope Several other smaller sharks Were caught th night V V Jackson of Charleston S C who recently moved to Jacksonville has entered the local lumoer market by establishing a large warehouse sales yards at the Seaboard terminals- Mr Jackson is not a stranger in lumber trade of the South as for number of years he has been in charge- of one of the largest concerns In thf Stare of South Carolina Realizing the advantages of Jacksonville as a point of receiving and distributing hun ber and kindred products he decided to make that his future headquarters Starting out with a gang of Gainesville Furniture Co We Carry Line of Oak and Mahogany Suits Odd Dressers Wash Stands Chiffonniers and Chifforobes Refrigerators- Ice Cream Freezers Vudor Porch Shades and Porch Rugs Complete line of Stoves and Ranges Furniture Ci i t I I I Ii It e S four and the R t forty t a Fine i 1 GIiMlYiHe is Rvt rd- A In- dications very amp k t w ° > negroes at 1 oclock in the morhln a contractor who is doing some woir for the city at 1 oclock yesterday a ternoon found that his force tin dwindled down to a dozen men tlv balance having deserted their work a various times during the day Tin bear Is got him was the ready an- nouncement when a man quit work lint It way the heat At 11 oclock it was In the shade Its rooking out there said one de ferting negro as he left the Job Pen huoolu J A Parker clalmnlg to be a rest dent for Fort Lauderdale went on tlu warpath at the court house yesterday and was locked In the county Jail In Sheriff Hardle to sleep It off Parker took exception to County Judge Grain ling failing to give him certain Infor niation as quickly as he desired it Drawing a knife and getting In and ready condition he threw the weapon into county clerk office barely missing one of th deputy clerks About this time SheriT- Mardff appeared on the scene anti Parker went to Jail He had celebrat- ed his visit to Miami most too freely liatnl NewsRecord The champion ice cream eaters of this section met last night at War rington In Amos Musel an artillery mUll and Frank Koccla of the band both stationed at Fort Barrancas The event was an Ice cream eating contest given at Warrington the loser to pay for all the cream eaten There wan u big supply on hand when the two set- tled down to eating and dish after dish disappeared When each had eaten 43 dishes the cream bad become exhausted and the contest was declar- ed a draw Each man said he was capable of Cutting away many more dishes fensacola Journal- It Is now an evident fact that Pa latka is to have her long looked for steel bridge The bonds have all betn sold and now the county commission ers have appointed trustees to proceed with the work The gentlemen ap- pointed as trustees were G B Seldon 1 N Walton and J A Crosby We fooii nope to see her beautiful bridge panning from one shore to the opu- lte Then the people of ialatka will have free access to vlblt tilt hustling town of Hastings and will have a better opportunity to go over and take in the sights of the bigger and better Ialatkn Hasting Rev J B Culpepper and his son Burke have literally taken Mulberry- for Christ Never In the history of the town has so much enthusiasm been manifested iu a revival Fifty persons were added to the churches this week and a large number are coming forward dally At the close of the temperance lecture Wednesday delivered under the auspices of the W C T V by Rev 1 B Culpepper more than live hundred men marched down the aisle and donned the white ribbon bow Some of th prom Incut blind tiger men In the city eager to pin on till ItulgMln of temvrwHre vIrtue and truth Tk- t ir in 4 Ut IN d nf uifollnR n DUagreeable at jutn of mo W M M M Kr w b with MH ni IH risky JA hum K dU w 4tMw M rr If y N In y r lf tNt ON rr Mi ap H ml tW huts lltiW BILIOUS J FOR SPEEDY RELIEF lint J all ram I th our people most ut I h 1 err Not ball Ih- w IN fir r uhl lit W Jstiascu r e n yes- terday 96 th- rough Advo- cate parr ratue NtN dututttsi iarxM siwNs nuNi frNviNg Ihr Hems Net Its the ANti Ierl IksNSe ws17 YN11 Mtst hNy a of Ii illersl a IIrWN itNil put our Mi4W YtI altsl atetiwstk- At i tt ttiN wsl iwl tier u- rl a tt r Phis u ttlh I N ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + + + + + AFTER BIG MONEY Arkansas Will Prosecute Insurance Companies LITTLE ROCK Aug J AlUgln that sixtyfive insurance comimnl- frepresuitins t eoiuldn d capital oi- ir it i nHi dull i tti il Sat t Arkntunx r Into ial lutiibination on l Prosecuting Attorney It i I iTry of the Third judicial circuit IHd suit against these companU tidy for penalties aggregating tin jiM under the State uiute The suit was brought at 0 A port Ark in the Jackson counts circuit court All of the companies sued are rep re Tilted at Newport It Is alleged b the State that a combination was t fectcd before the law as ius ed an that subsequent to the enactment o the antitrust statute the batten dominated Insurance companl organized here The argeement at cording to the charges brought b Prosecuting Attorney Jeffrey existed 221 days expiring on August 17 lOOi DOWN THE MISSISSIPPI- Hon Frank Clark Will Go With Presl dent Taft in October Congressman Frank Clark of tin Second Florida District has accepted- the invitation of the Business liens League of St Louis and the theGulf Deep Waterway Association to be a guest of these organizations during President Tufts visit to St Louts and his journey down the Mis- sissippi river to Xew Orleans which will Include the week of October 2oth to October th The President of the United States will also be the guest of these two organizations and Congressman Clark Is informed that nil expenses Includ- ing accommodations at the ht t lintels in St Louis and New Orleans will be paid Metropolis CASTOR IA For Infants and Children 718 Kind You llava Alv3js sought GAINESVILLE FLA I tilt r I > antitrust com I Boars t d If- f4 fU t IZ- Tur DUTTON DAnn Ie tnt a Lakes to Jack oiiIll > > > > > ¬ ¬ < CAPITAL 87500000 SURPLUS 2500000 OFFICERS- W R Thomas President Q K Broome First E D Turner Cashier W i TaMor Second DIRECTORS Q K Irobme J I Padgett H F Dutton J A Maultsby J G Nichols M Venable W R Thomas W i Taylor 4 Per Cent Paid Savings Department Umtll INDBK SROTIOK or k flU 4 t I 4 in M A rOK t uV Iu1 i- IEfjN II c ItA It 1 h- It tel till I l iI- hll II 1 t 11 111 A I Vice PreslOnt Vice President WnItl tt1 I UCATkn T11C r Itttrfkh- 44t ItWle w lesaar I L I M W of si NM yaof 1tsl ssA A r ewrtMsl t- i w e eUw kst t I Ii n tar rtstitieii sw ww- irtl stliew3s t tt ewkatttd P A 1 1IN ai2 11e110 dr14- e y9ee- Aeiut wlteNeeele to- RN vat iel a l be J 1- IM M thl tor e r 1 It i- Cll k M i it t rh t < = > = = + + tirtbeSloKchsandDowds- oMS UUIMUN H neither nor Mineral NARCOTIC for tion Sour StonachDiarrhoca YoraisConviilsionsfeverish- ocss and Loss OF SLEEP facsimile Signature of NEW YOUR For Infants and Children The Kind You HavES Always Bought Signature For Over Thirty Years tACT copy or witAprca cnrTAv new M e- rrrgsf P Vi THE BLACKSTOISIE SCHOOL MOTTO ante Umaxfe at mlmiin- CMC oat tkatMa RESULT i SSi185ffi S Sew begmito THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VHICiNI- AV Apply nnMmiHffli brat Laundry m dkl AttcoUVm colUrc tuHlon ta all a ctw except music and elocution to MV JAMS CAMfON JIU MA MMI BIG CLEARANCE SALE Mens Summer Clothing UPWARDS OF 1000 Blue Black and Fancy Suits NOV OFFERED AT Discounts of From 25 to 50 Per Gt LOT 1 LIT 2 LIT 3 7Cfl ftfll4H fill 1Duu I LIT 4 I pOI vi ill oml two or throo M t f v lot for your iUition B H LEVY BRO GOU- COKUU I I Revs the Promotes Di tionChet uJ pIum 0 NOT to t- SJ I w- Al d D J- I fit Use A CC f E FifR GIRLS lellN TIle of k tenJa JJI r q1l Qlril n t toil tM to wait to t r- pIue wlaere ttsishit w n v sliest r St all for the IedIIIIhw for ud f1WW v 1 OF I j i tit J a I H NAn In n I OmiJ I i I A1cgebPreparattcafxAss- tmi ipitu6JrftJvOMLTl tom I CASTORIA ins Established slat tie sebeot eksr set Wile t Aee T e shot wsssilHibed ly Mtbedkt Cbzebet seal 11 threw atia a ht N t uea stoat u ehrsee yer she tslle beset vs etec 15 ken sad eatalosw lisek N NET NET NET NET 1i tilt t r < > < = > > + >

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08 … iit Jacksonville lm Thursday She was carried Into FurcliROttrt





T i ioimnMloiu1 f Puxnl count

ha Jitded to pave two muiv tulleof road ont niHe the South Jack

K iMllePttblo rood and one mile on

tIll King road using No 2 vitritktltrick Si Augustine

new steamboat line from Savan

nah to Sanford via Brunswick Pernandlna Jacksonville and Palatka is

the latest rumor and from presentit appears that the line

be established within a horwhite Cocoa and Kovklvdge Xt

Henry M Flagler expects to ride

Into Key Vet ou January Id his

rush birthday on the linn passenger

train otter the Key NVest extension of

the Florida East Coast railway fretsIdem Taft will probably be lib iui t-

on this occasion Jacksonville Me-


Mr B J Abrnms of Columbia S

C was oxcrtoiue by the xct i

heat iit Jacksonville lm Thursday

She was carried Into FurcliROttrt more

and had to remain there several hoursbefore sli was removed to hersons home In Riverside This fs thefir a OHM of prostration from huat

that Jacksonville has hart in severalyears

Sharks Mill continue to he plentifulin Ptnsaeola Hay One measuringfK t and 4 Inches was caught there on

Wednesday night by a party of sharebunter After hooking he shark it

toik four men an hour to land thflsh and then the hands of nil

men were blistered from the ropeSeveral other smaller sharks Werecaught th night

V V Jackson of Charleston S C

who recently moved to Jacksonvillehas entered the local lumoer marketby establishing a large warehousesales yards at the Seaboard terminals-Mr Jackson is not a stranger inlumber trade of the South as fornumber of years he has been in charge-

of one of the largest concerns In thfStare of South Carolina Realizingthe advantages of Jacksonville as a

point of receiving and distributing hunber and kindred products he decidedto make that his future headquarters

Starting out with a gang of

Gainesville Furniture Co

We Carry

Line of

Oak and



Odd Dressers

Wash Stands

Chiffonniersand Chifforobes


Ice CreamFreezers

Vudor PorchShades andPorch Rugs

Complete lineof Stoves andRanges

Furniture Ci







It e








a Fine





Rvt rd-










negroes at 1 oclock in the morhlna contractor who is doing some woirfor the city at 1 oclock yesterday aternoon found that his force tindwindled down to a dozen men tlvbalance having deserted their work avarious times during the day Tinbear Is got him was the ready an-

nouncement when a man quit worklint It way the heat At 11 oclock

it was In the shadeIts rooking out there said one deferting negro as he left the Job Penhuoolu

J A Parker clalmnlg to be a restdent for Fort Lauderdale went on tluwarpath at the court house yesterdayand was locked In the county Jail InSheriff Hardle to sleep It off Parkertook exception to County Judge Grainling failing to give him certain Inforniation as quickly as he desired itDrawing a knife and getting In

and ready condition he threwthe weapon into county clerkoffice barely missing one of thdeputy clerks About this time SheriT-Mardff appeared on the scene antiParker went to Jail He had celebrat-ed his visit to Miami most too freelyliatnl NewsRecord

The champion ice cream eaters ofthis section met last night at Warrington In Amos Musel an artillerymUll and Frank Koccla of the bandboth stationed at Fort Barrancas Theevent was an Ice cream eating contestgiven at Warrington the loser to payfor all the cream eaten There wan ubig supply on hand when the two set-

tled down to eating and dish afterdish disappeared When each hadeaten 43 dishes the cream bad becomeexhausted and the contest was declar-ed a draw Each man said he wascapable of Cutting away many moredishes fensacola Journal-

It Is now an evident fact that Palatka is to have her long looked forsteel bridge The bonds have all betnsold and now the county commissioners have appointed trustees to proceedwith the work The gentlemen ap-

pointed as trustees were G B Seldon1 N Walton and J A Crosby Wefooii nope to see her beautiful bridgepanning from one shore to the opu-

lte Then the people of ialatka willhave free access to vlblt tilt hustlingtown of Hastings and willhave a better opportunity to go overand take in the sights of the biggerand better Ialatkn Hasting

Rev J B Culpepper and his sonBurke have literally taken Mulberry-

for Christ Never In the history ofthe town has so much enthusiasmbeen manifested iu a revival Fiftypersons were added to the churchesthis week and a large number arecoming forward dally At the closeof the temperance lecture Wednesdaydelivered under the auspices of theW C T V by Rev 1 B Culpeppermore than live hundred men marcheddown the aisle and donned the whiteribbon bow Some of th promIncut blind tiger men In the city

eager to pin on till ItulgMln of

temvrwHre vIrtue and truth Tk-

t ir in 4 Ut IN dnf uifollnR


DUagreeable atjutn of mo W M M M

Kr w b with MH ni IH riskyJA hum K dU w 4tMw

M rr If y N In y r lf tNtON rr Mi ap H ml tW huts lltiW





J all ram I


our people



I h

1 err



w IN

firr uhl lit W





terday 96






ratue NtN dututttsi iarxM siwNs nuNifrNviNg Ihr


Its theANti

IerlIksNSe ws17 YN11 Mtst hNy aof Ii illersl a IIrWN itNil put our

Mi4W YtI altsl atetiwstk-At i tt ttiN wsl iwl tier u-

rl a tt r Phis u ttlh I









+ + +


Arkansas Will Prosecute InsuranceCompanies

LITTLE ROCK Aug J AlUglnthat sixtyfive insurance comimnl-frepresuitins t eoiuldn d capital oi-

ir it i nHi dull i tti il

Sat t Arkntunx r Intoial lutiibination onl Prosecuting Attorney It iI iTry of the Third judicial circuitIHd suit against these companU

tidy for penalties aggregatingtin jiM under the State

uiute The suit was brought at0 A port Ark in the Jackson counts

circuit courtAll of the companies sued are rep

re Tilted at Newport It Is alleged bthe State that a combination was t

fectcd before the law as ius ed anthat subsequent to the enactment othe antitrust statute thebatten dominated Insurance companlorganized here The argeement atcording to the charges brought bProsecuting Attorney Jeffrey existed221 days expiring on August 17 lOOi


Hon Frank Clark Will Go With Presldent Taft in October

Congressman Frank Clark of tinSecond Florida District has accepted-the invitation of the Business liensLeague of St Louis and thetheGulf Deep Waterway Associationto be a guest of these organizationsduring President Tufts visit to StLouts and his journey down the Mis-

sissippi river to Xew Orleans whichwill Include the week of October 2othto October th

The President of the United Stateswill also be the guest of these twoorganizations and Congressman ClarkIs informed that nil expenses Includ-

ing accommodations at the ht t lintelsin St Louis and New Orleans will bepaid Metropolis

CASTOR IAFor Infants and Children

718 Kind You llava Alv3js sought



tiltr I

> antitrust

com I

Boars t d If-f4 fU t IZ-


Ie tnt


Lakes to

Jack oiiIll









CAPITAL 87500000SURPLUS 2500000


W R Thomas PresidentQ K Broome FirstE D Turner CashierW i TaMor Second


Q K IrobmeJ I PadgettH F DuttonJ A Maultsby

J G NicholsM VenableW R ThomasW i Taylor

4 Per Cent PaidSavings Department


k flU

4 t

I 4



A rOKt

uV Iu1 i-


c ItAIt



It teltill


l iI-

hll II1

t 11111 A


Vice PreslOnt

Vice President

WnItl tt1 I UCATkn T11Cr Itttrfkh-

44t ItWlew lesaar I L I M W of

siNM yaof 1tsl ssA A r

ewrtMsl t-

i w e eUw kst t I Ii ntar rtstitieii sw ww-

irtlstliew3st tt ewkatttd PA


1IN ai2 11e110 dr14-e y9ee-Aeiut wlteNeeele to-

RNvat iel a l be J 1-

IM M thl tor e r1 It i-

Cll k


iit t

rh t <


= =





neithernor Mineral


fortion Sour StonachDiarrhocaYoraisConviilsionsfeverish-

ocss and Loss OF SLEEP

facsimile Signature of


For Infants and Children

The Kind You HavES

Always Bought


For Over

Thirty Years

tACT copy or witAprca

cnrTAv new M e-

rrrgsf PVi


MOTTOante Umaxfe at mlmiin-

CMC oat tkatMaRESULT i SSi185ffi S Sew



AV Apply nnMmiHfflibrat Laundry m dkl AttcoUVm colUrc tuHlon ta all a ctwexcept music and elocution to



Mens Summer Clothing


Blue Black and Fancy SuitsNOV OFFERED AT

Discounts of From 25 to 50 Per Gt


7Cfl ftfll4H fill1Duu ILIT 4

I pOI vi ill oml two or throoM t f v lot for your iUition





Revs the

Promotes Di tionChet uJ

pIum 0NOT




w-Al d D


I fit UseA CC


E FifR GIRLSlellN TIle of k tenJa

JJI r q1l Qlriln t toil

tM to wait to t r-

pIue wlaere ttsishit w n vsliest rSt

all for the IedIIIIhw

for udf1WW v








H NAn In n



iI A1cgebPreparattcafxAss-




Established slat tie sebeot eksr set Wilet Aee

T e shot wsssilHibed ly Mtbedkt Cbzebet seal 11threw atia aht

N tuea stoat

uehrsee yer she tslle beset vs etec15 ken sadeatalosw lisek



1i tilt t






> >

