gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-09-01...

DAILY SON VILLE FLORIDA 1 Ifs E J r rAI IJ19 NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA- A iiw uulroAl i t o bHt- n N w Orlviuift and Ieiiiaiol- Mirs Kmma Tucker who 1 wii known all over the State conumnceu a series of Ulble readings In i woe TIt Clydv Mn la contmpatir Handing a mlUloti dollars on In- Itrovrmentrf of its whnrfaso proponl- In Jacksonville Th Aripvka Sawmills at Fhay which T II Martin is nuuins coon to build two additional mills a a cot ol 2i ju each Tli1 work of extending the city tier at is piorestiing nicely When completed this pier will bo one of the Bert piers on Indian riv r Th city council of West Palm Beach Has offered a reward or for the conviction of any person who attempts to kill a shade tree in that city Judae J H Wells of has publUhul a notice of his resignation an county Judso of Washington county It Is nut known yet who will sucrera him TIlt TimesUnion in response to the the Madison Recorder states that Jacksonville has 7 churches ant 110 saloons Florida Advocate Apalachlcolu claims to have dom- ain much If nut business in the unit twelve months than two other towns combined in West Florida IVn- Micoln exceptod The exclusive right to plant oysters In a part of the waters bordering on- Volusia county has been granted to certain turtles by the commissioners of that county Fort Pierce News The new dormitory at Stetson for law school ant college men is nearing It will accommodate more than one hundred men and will be ready In tine for the hall terns The little town of sustain- ed a heavy loss lat wk by tire Gainesville Furniture Co We Carry- a Fine Line of Oak and Mahogany Suits Odd Dressers Wash Stands Chiffonniers and Chifforobes Refrigerators- Ice Cream Freezers Vudor Porch Shades and Porch Rugs Complete line of Stoves and Ranges Furniture Co tI Qlaht S Into y th a 1 t Car lIIl fJ Ill t Ion of s mop om lllt Ion t Sarasota I r u GaineswiUe tt tI last 4 t Titusr ilk free I > ¬ VtvO tied Spmd Over Face Bony and Arms Spellings acre a Largo as a Broke Sores would Not Heal Sutured 3 Years MADE SOUND AND WELL BY 3 SETS OF CUTICURA My trouble bosnn nl mit throe year ago with little black t vi iiniir rattcici over face and oech li would disappear but would lnvo lltt wars that would luh at tins I couldnt keep from thorn Larger would ap ur in th tamo and they wore BO painted I could hardly lx ar it and mv would to tho sen Tim first doctor I went to tin disease vn scrofula but the trouble only Rct wrr tend spread this time wo all ov r my arms and r or m lv ly in big nwillintfj an large as a dollar It Walt to painful that 1 could not I to on my buck at night Th MCC nd dootoi my tli 0f iniiam- niaiion of tins glands Hi the HwollitiK but when would tweak would heal Ho trnil that h could Imt to no effect lie raid I niljht be tunnl but it would take a l n time iKUKht a set of thu Cuticura Krmedii and u tl I tIm according to directi n anti in hv than a week of the nearly well I continued with the Cull until I had u d tim wtf and now I am sound and well Tilt disease lasted thnv from the tune it commenced until I was cured Urn Christ ma comet hfng broke out on my seven year old brothers hand in form of large Hon 1 tried every thing I could of lint to no until I to think of Cutlcuru and ono application cured him Also not mv sister Rot u Iud hum on her ankle I have Ixen uMn Cull curn on that and it gave her scarcely any trouble 0 Wilson Feb R inns Wnnn hath wUi f f K n tip an intinRi with and milt doei f Culuura Tills Mllonl immediate relief and inint to n cure irf torturing disflRurin humors of the skin and blord infantd children and adults when nil rfce fails CiilKur n p fISc i to OJHM tilt Skin CnlUuri Oinimint iW tit the Skin rnl H trnt f c thetormnf hofitru lrtl inil per vwt of OOi to runfv Khmil Sold world A Uni Corp Bolt rr i llmtao J- lrUaiic4 Kit Cuucura 0 ok oo Skin OIMMM A portion of the business cinter was reduced to ashes a hardware store bakery and dinall barber shop Ijeius burned Another naval stores corporation is to IH orsanlzid in Volusla county with a capital stock of oiou It Is to bo known as the Hoilgers Naval stores Co taking in about lio m- acroH of the finest basher land In the State Capt II F Whitner superintend- ent of the State Hospital lor the In- sane at Chattahoocheo reports the number to bo increasing dally handsome now biiildhiR has boon completed Samuel A Swann one of Fernan wealthiest citizen and a highly and esteemed gentleman in Greenwich Conn last Friday people of Fernandlna were shock- d and grieved over the annoiinc- ment Miami Is soon to have a new Ice plant It is to cost and will all probability bo located on the convenient site on the Miami that can be obtained The plant have a dally capacltv of thirty tons The Phoenix Clttf of Jacksonville of the most prosperous social in the State with a of over seventylive have purchased the Iollak home Weaver street for a club house The members expect to trove Into new quarters this week A tlowitiK well has hues sunk near and bubbling over the of a pipe Thin I HiAn to the people tf thttt WC lor It will MOW v the Irrl lll litOH pn Kr i Ot K nod NKrkMlturnl luthtib hill tusk irrUnttw A iwct r IN IhUAalMt barbell Ifdm IN- MIIIM Nt lM4telt IWftW Uf h fW- M MfcttiuM lu play In iJiltt Pltv Iirr JhU k I n raw l Ml to bo m Mii Nl ul flip Mt 4uu TlNy U till asses M I W- i MI for V rvHMirlMbt IMHUI llulr U llHrlr t R- II r ir ihiir u HfMlim MMrMM- Ui IM- Tbw riut Iw ItlRi CURED ITCHING PAINfUL HUMOR Dollar When 111 llnl raid bear tat prth lilt I were I urn lInt happened I d f cur In t the the Utr q big A just ctntl lei urlu IUh liol twit the an II t fMrlaal r 1 h alb 1 u It they S l r i the lie f thy Iut M some s Mara Sap tt1II urn nt lint Kurt r lll t six Inch the lht snit ti c hair ea 1a ups phlt lie Ia1Ntt t frisk Isl stlt4 k dleitd I 4 hrybt e 4p f1 var4e > > > > > > ¬ > > > ¬ ¬ > < > < > > > < < + + + > + anj Flj cr oils battle Iniueeti Oiiforn vulture nod u raiilesnake wis wl lie isi d in the CVVUpnli ni uiifii- ver Calllnrnln It air In the The bis blvd hud selztl ti snake behlm the hettd xvus struj- riliiK npwtitil v Ih Its wrlihlui Beat burden lite MI ii i i a win ttit IK l tlm wii i irii The burden wis lutivv as tin relit wi pearly live reel iona The ultp of the lurtl on the snake b dv was tint of the best The t al veeinid lo bo s Ulnuilii fpm n tors ttilons at least fntli I i i It strike It irh ir seen in recoil ntd ii il- tuns of feathers II did tubs lUHe or I Win ltl l e a shriek the nlture dred I prey The bird was pmbably fe or iilmve the observers I lie a tnnlsheil men were then treats to- speclHh Heldom KIHMI Inn hinds hi a vulture cunld nccompllsh such a ten The Instant chits snake escaped fro the blrdH eiutcties It dropped pnril wanl like n shot and like n shot 11 bird dropped after It catching It it midair with a grip that cansrd tenth At nay rate the snake to and the vulture soared awny to n mountain peak to devour Its hard earned meal The Distinguished Guest Cnptnlh Kaiibe was n nine whose name had weight In the French caval- ry He VIH n tall moo belonging to the middle nued trooper type With military qualities of toe highest kind he lint a singular bearing a savage sort of misanthropy aunt a cynlcai tongue which stood In the way of pro- motion When he was In the Sixth lancers on garrison duty at Com mercy one of his comrades brought his father to dine with him at the oiflcers mess n Ulan of humble posi- tion nut unpretentiously dressed Cap- tain Itinl considering that this guest hind not l een Oily received gore expression to his opinion saying that It the executioner of Commcrcy hail nine In evening dress hp would have hat a letter reception The olIlreiH demurring IIP made no rejoinder but shortly afterward conic to mess with a guest whose drew was irreproach- able Every one lavished attentions on the unknown When dinner wan over Captain Kanhe raising his glass proposed the health of the execution- er of Com mercy Best Treatment for a Burn If for no other Chamber- lains Salve should bo kept in every household on account of grit value in the treatment of burns It allays the pain almost instantly and unless the Injury itt n severe one heals the parts without leaving n scar This salve Is also unequaled fur chapped hands sore nipples and dis- eases of the skill Trice cents For salt by all druggist Not Quilt That Way For the lInt time the old Indy about to iiiiilo ti railway Joiirnov and when arrlvttl at the utrttimi slut did not know what to do Y iun mriii she rM t n porter who looked il ut as old ilK Melbiise lab can you tell me where I fiin got uiy ticket Why mum he replied you get It at the boklng otJlce through the pi 20otihole- IJeiiii very tout she looked nt the hole III iiiiuDuineiit and then she burst out In n ni e- Go away with you you old idiot net can I tart thnuigh thrre I nlnt no blessed pigeonLondon Answers Have You a Baby Then watch It closely And above all things dont let It suffer for any length of time with worms that Is fatal If its complexion gets yellow and pasty If It is listless cross or peevish gets thin suffers with tlatu lonce give it Whites Cream Vermi- fuge the only cure that never falls and has no bad effects Sold by W M Johnson Not Interested I have called sold the book aieiil to goo If I can Interest you In a lulls work Young mini HIMPIMH the wonmi who Hiiiworod the door lust now I am lnteio te In winhlnic m dUlu dUsting rleMnlni up after tin uwth- flHcer iiiakltiK nit KMM MlMhlMt the skirts Mel line two more im U Iml- dnrnlUK ln jmlnt l kluipt- NtrlMcinx my NWM I IWH t I iu soy that HtNin m work tbMii- M4 t i r ib lyht i r tA4n N y miRl lni r tt MM In MJT muff THAT HEADACHE It A I lira I IM- U4 4 4 M n a n tIll I II and 04 I OIl s i It hit lit I I I I lilt I tensed his she I ItM uINtlltl sit t t I- PUDIN fer lIt soul Ike WIt t I Vulture Iii ear t tsar alts ass wrig- gle reason was a I- hsrsiwtxd n Irrtilit 1111 an It- tPrllt l0ra ss Ollt ktsl lhwt4liilw rartII- M this NerMIk iIika C1tpr4i- iet Ie alt yep IN linhiliss lbw kea4 Waeaa lhel Ni w- f1 IM rtrs a tlM < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ < > ° + Women Suffer mUll needless pain vKen they delay Cartful for their troubles been found to relieve headache backache in the side and arising from deranged It does more than if have writ ten to say that it I It Will Help You Mrs 3raxwell Johnson Fla writes Ctrdnl oiled me after doctors and everything else had failed I had been suffer with numb ever I was 16 years old One day I tr that it has cured me I odvtoo all suffering women to give Cardui a long and fair trial Mrs Johnson suffered years Havo you Do wish to But why suffer at all Give it a fair trial AT ALL DRUG STORES Miss Tebeaus SchoolT- HE DIOCESAN SCHOOL OF FLORIDA Reopens September 20 1909 ThirtySixth Year NO 300 WEST MAIN STREET S diz- ziness persistentlymany TAKE decided to take Cardui I have noW taken bottles and I can CarduL GAINESVILLE FLORIDA ¬ ¬ + UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Gainesville Florida An institution of the First Rank by State and Federal Funds- or Florida Young Men Thorough Courses Lending to Degrees cf B A B Sc M A M Sc and L L B- In Arts and Science Agriculture Chemical Civil Electrical and Me naulcal Engineering Law Normal choil Graduate School Expenses Exceedingly Low For Catalogue write to A A MURPHREE A M L L D President sup- ported TELEPHONE TALKST- he Long Distance System On of the most valuable features f our service to our subscribers and- o the public generally Is our connec with the extensive long distance of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the other as Bell Telephone companies- We own thousands of miles of long lines In the seven States In we operate and In addition can any telephone In our system lines extending to any other city n which a fell Telephone system Is These lens dlstancw aside are f the modern and Improved construe and are maintained at a hush ef efficiency The Sell Systems FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Tallahassee Florida A College without a parallel In the South offering degrees anti diploma In the following departments A College of Liberal Arts II A School of Industrial Arta III A School of Fine Arts IV A School of Expression- V A School for Teachers To Tuition Other expenses very low For further Information adJre t EDWARD CONRADI M A Ph President I D operating In various sections ef the country are uniform In thslr and In their methods of oper- ating Only by reason this close traffic arrangement between the Sell Tele- phone companies la It possible to go te- a Sell Telephone almost anywhere- ask for Long Distance and be put t communication with almost any palm In the country This vast network ef wire radial Ing throughout the nation le treed dally In commerce and for aeelal pun peeee by the banker the farmer and cltlxens In all walka ef life and plant here Is an Important link In tMo great chain f equip- ment evv Southern Bell Telephone- and Telegraph Company ElfrCkat Are YOU Being Hunted Oat of today want ads way be huntingjyou raniinok ing the eity for yon It may have a inensage for you of urgent pononnl importanoe ono that when you get it and heed it chiiigo the immediate currents of your ROtivltlw of your interMti may plaoo around and about n w- nvir nmonti new niiMintei may give you an entirely itart in a bunneii wuy Isnt It wtrth while to try to thud out whether thto may stet W trHM uday tomorrow or very Service c lalft- c o II II J tUft even new loon e IsswltAfc

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-01 · IhUAalMt barbell Ifdm IN-MIIIM Nt lM4telt IWftW Uf h fW-M MfcttiuM




A iiw uulroAl i t o bHt-n N w Orlviuift and Ieiiiaiol-

Mirs Kmma Tucker who 1 wiiknown all over the State conumnceu

a series of Ulble readings In i


TIt Clydv Mn la contmpatirHanding a mlUloti dollars on In-

Itrovrmentrf of its whnrfaso proponl-In Jacksonville

Th Aripvka Sawmills at Fhaywhich T II Martin is nuuinscoon to build two additional mills a

a cot ol 2i ju each

Tli1 work of extending the city tierat is piorestiing nicelyWhen completed this pier will bo oneof the Bert piers on Indian riv r

Th city council of West PalmBeach Has offered a reward or

for the conviction of any person whoattempts to kill a shade tree in thatcity

Judae J H Wells of haspublUhul a notice of his resignationan county Judso of Washington countyIt Is nut known yet who will sucrerahim

TIlt TimesUnion in response tothe the Madison Recorderstates that Jacksonville has 7

churches ant 110 saloons FloridaAdvocate

Apalachlcolu claims to have dom-

ain much If nut business in theunit twelve months than two othertowns combined in West Florida IVn-

Micoln exceptod

The exclusive right to plant oystersIn a part of the waters bordering on-

Volusia county has been granted tocertain turtles by the commissionersof that county Fort Pierce News

The new dormitory at Stetson forlaw school ant college men is nearing

It will accommodatemore than one hundred men and willbe ready In tine for the hall terns

The little town of sustain-ed a heavy loss lat wk by tire

Gainesville Furniture Co

We Carry-

a Fine

Line of

Oak and



Odd Dressers

Wash Stands

Chiffonniersand Chifforobes


Ice CreamFreezers

Vudor PorchShades andPorch Rugs

Complete lineof Stoves andRanges

Furniture Co

tIQlaht S





1 t

Car lIIl

fJ Ill t Ion ofs


om lllt Ion









Titusr ilk





VtvO tied Spmd Over Face Bonyand Arms Spellings acre aLargo as aBroke Sores would Not HealSutured 3 Years


My trouble bosnn nl mit throe yearago with little black t vi iiniir rattciciover face and oech li woulddisappear but would lnvo lltt

wars that would luh at tinsI couldnt keep from thornLarger would ap ur in thtamo and they wore BO painted Icould hardly lx ar it and mvwould to tho sen Tim firstdoctor I went to tin disease vnscrofula but the trouble only Rct wrrtend spread this time wo all ov rmy arms and r or mlv ly in big nwillintfj an large as a dollarIt Walt to painful that 1 could not I

to on my buck at night Th MCC nddootoi my tli 0f iniiam-niaiion of tins glands Hi

the HwollitiK but whenwould tweak would healHo trnil that h could Imtto no effect lie raid I niljht be tunnlbut it would take a l n time iKUKhta set of thu Cuticura Krmedii and u tl I

tIm according to directi n anti in hvthan a week of thenearly well I continued with the Cull

until I had u d timwtf and now I am sound and wellTilt disease lasted thnv from thetune it commenced until I was curedUrn Christ ma comet hfng broke outon my seven year old brothers handin form of large Hon 1 tried everything I could of lint to nountil I to think of Cutlcuruand ono application cured him Alsonot mv sister Rot u Iud humon her ankle I have Ixen uMn Cullcurn on that and it gave her scarcelyany trouble 0 Wilson

Feb R innsWnnn hath wUi f f K n

tip an intinRi withand milt doei f Culuura Tills Mllonlimmediate relief and inint to ncure irf torturing disflRurin humorsof the skin and blord infantdchildren and adults when nil rfce fails

CiilKur n p fISc i to OJHM tilt Skin CnlUuriOinimint iW tit the Skin rnlH trnt fc thetormnf hofitru lrtlinil per vwt of OOi to runfv Khmil Sold

world A Uni CorpBolt rr i llmtao J-

lrUaiic4 Kit Cuucura 0 ok oo Skin OIMMM

A portion of the business cinter wasreduced to ashes a hardware storebakery and dinall barber shop Ijeiusburned

Another naval stores corporationis to IH orsanlzid in Volusla countywith a capital stock of oiou ItIs to bo known as the Hoilgers Navalstores Co taking in about lio m-

acroH of the finest basher land In theState

Capt II F Whitner superintend-ent of the State Hospital lor the In-

sane at Chattahoocheo reports thenumber to bo increasing dallyhandsome now biiildhiR has booncompleted

Samuel A Swann one of Fernanwealthiest citizen and a highly

and esteemed gentlemanin Greenwich Conn last Fridaypeople of Fernandlna were shock-

d and grieved over the annoiinc-ment

Miami Is soon to have a new Iceplant It is to cost and will

all probability bo located on theconvenient site on the Miamithat can be obtained The plant

have a dally capacltv of thirtytons

The Phoenix Clttf of Jacksonvilleof the most prosperous social

in the State with aof over seventylive have

purchased the Iollak homeWeaver street for a club house

The members expect to trove Intonew quarters this week

A tlowitiK well has hues sunk nearand bubbling over the

of a pipe Thin I

HiAn to the people tf thttt WC

lor It will MOW v the Irrllll litOH pn Kr i Ot

K nod NKrkMlturnl luthtibhill tusk irrUnttw A iwct r IN

IhUAalMt barbell Ifdm IN-

MIIIM Nt lM4telt IWftW Uf h fW-

M MfcttiuM lu play In iJiltt PltvIirr JhU k I n

raw l Ml to bo m Mii Nl ul flipMt 4uu TlNy U

till asses M I W-

i MI for V rvHMirlMbt IMHUI

llulr U llHrlr t R-

II r ir ihiir u HfMlim MMrMM-

Ui IM-

Tbw riut Iw ItlRi



Dollar When





tatprth lilt


were I







cur In tthe

the Utrq







IUh liol


thean II t fMrlaal r

1 h











thyIut M



Mara Saptt1II urn nt

lint Kurt



six Inch



snit ti c

hairea 1aups

phlt lie Ia1Ntt

t frisk Isl stlt4 k dleitd I

4 hrybt e 4p

f1 var4e














< >

< >










anj Flj croils battle Iniueeti Oiiforn

vulture nod u raiilesnake wis wllie isi d in the CVVUpnli ni uiifii-

ver Calllnrnln It air In theThe bis blvd hud selztl ti

snake behlm the hettd xvus struj-

riliiK npwtitil v Ih Its wrlihlui Beatburden lite MI ii i i

a win ttit IK l tlm wii i iriiThe burden wis lutivv as tin relitwi pearly live reel iona

The ultp of the lurtl on the snakeb dv was tint of the best The t alveeinid lo bo s Ulnuilii fpm ntors ttilons at least fntli I i i

It strike It irh ir

seen in recoil ntd ii il-

tuns of feathersII did tubs lUHe or I Win ltl l e

a shriek the nlture dred I

prey The bird was pmbably feor iilmve the observers I lie atnnlsheil men were then treats to-

speclHh Heldom KIHMI Inn hinds hia vulture cunld nccompllsh such a ten

The Instant chits snake escaped frothe blrdH eiutcties It dropped pnrilwanl like n shot and like n shot 11

bird dropped after It catching It itmidair with a grip that cansrd tenthAt nay rate the snake to

and the vulture soared awny to n

mountain peak to devour Its hardearned meal

The Distinguished GuestCnptnlh Kaiibe was n nine whose

name had weight In the French caval-ry He VIH n tall moo belonging tothe middle nued trooper type Withmilitary qualities of toe highest kindhe lint a singular bearing a savagesort of misanthropy aunt a cynlcaitongue which stood In the way of pro-

motion When he was In the Sixthlancers on garrison duty at Commercy one of his comrades broughthis father to dine with him at theoiflcers mess n Ulan of humble posi-

tion nut unpretentiously dressed Cap-tain Itinl considering that thisguest hind not l een Oily received goreexpression to his opinion saying thatIt the executioner of Commcrcy hailnine In evening dress hp would havehat a letter reception The olIlreiHdemurring IIP made no rejoinder butshortly afterward conic to mess witha guest whose drew was irreproach-able Every one lavished attentionson the unknown When dinner wanover Captain Kanhe raising his glassproposed the health of the execution-er of Com mercy

Best Treatment for a BurnIf for no other Chamber-

lains Salve should bo kept in everyhousehold on account of gritvalue in the treatment of burns Itallays the pain almost instantly andunless the Injury itt n severe oneheals the parts without leaving nscar This salve Is also unequaled furchapped hands sore nipples and dis-

eases of the skill Trice centsFor salt by all druggist

Not Quilt That WayFor the lInt time the old Indy

about to iiiiilo ti railway Joiirnov andwhen arrlvttl at the utrttimi slutdid not know what to do

Y iun mriii she rM t n porterwho looked il ut as old ilK Melbiiselab can you tell me where I fiin gotuiy ticket

Why mum he replied you get Itat the boklng otJlce through the pi20otihole-

IJeiiii very tout she looked nt thehole III iiiiuDuineiit and then she burstout In n ni e-

Go away with you you old idiotnet can I tart thnuigh thrre I nlntno blessed pigeonLondon Answers

Have You a BabyThen watch It closely And above

all things dont let It suffer for anylength of time with worms that Isfatal If its complexion gets yellowand pasty If It is listless cross orpeevish gets thin suffers with tlatulonce give it Whites Cream Vermi-

fuge the only cure that never fallsand has no bad effects Sold by WM Johnson

Not InterestedI have called sold the book aieiil

to goo If I can Interest you In a lullswork

Young mini HIMPIMH the wonmiwho Hiiiworod the door lust now I

am lnteio te In winhlnic m dUludUsting rleMnlni up after tin uwth-flHcer iiiakltiK nit KMM MlMhlMt the

skirts Mel line two more im U Iml-dnrnlUK ln jmlnt l kluipt-NtrlMcinx my NWM I IWH t I iusoy that HtNin m work tbMii-

M4 t i r ib lyht i r tA4n N y

miRl lni r tt MM In MJT muff


It A I lira I IM-

U 4 4 4 M

n a

n tIll I II


04 I OIl


It hit litI










ItM uINtlltl




PUDIN ferlIt soul

Ike WIt




Iii ear



alts ass






hsrsiwtxd n Irrtilit 1111



tPrllt l0ra ss

Ollt ktsl lhwt4liilw rartII-

M this NerMIk iIika C1tpr4i-iet Ie alt yep IN linhiliss

lbw kea4 Waeaa lhel Ni w-


IM rtrs a tlM














Women SuffermUll needless pain vKen they delay Cartfulfor their troubles been found torelieve headache backache in the side and

arising from deranged It does morethan if have written to say that it


It Will Help YouMrs 3raxwell Johnson Fla writes Ctrdnl oiledme after doctors and everything else had failed I had been sufferwith numb ever I was 16 years old One day I


that it has cured me I odvtoo all suffering women to give Carduia long and fair trialMrs Johnson suffered years Havo you Do wish to

But why suffer at all Give it a fair trialAT ALL DRUG STORES


Reopens September 20 1909 ThirtySixth YearNO 300 WEST MAIN STREET S




decided to take Cardui I have noW taken bottles and I can







An institution of the First Rankby State and Federal Funds-

or Florida Young MenThorough Courses Lending to Degrees

cf B A B Sc M A M Scand L L B-

In Arts and Science AgricultureChemical Civil Electrical and Menaulcal Engineering Law Normalchoil Graduate SchoolExpenses Exceedingly Low For

Catalogue write toA A MURPHREE A M L L D




he Long Distance System

On of the most valuable featuresf our service to our subscribers and-o the public generally Is our connec

with the extensive long distanceof the American Telephone and

Telegraph Company and the other asBell Telephone companies-

We own thousands of miles of longlines In the seven States In

we operate and In addition canany telephone In our system

lines extending to any other cityn which a fell Telephone system Is

These lens dlstancw aside are f themodern and Improved construe

and are maintained at a hushef efficiency The Sell Systems


Tallahassee FloridaA College without a parallel In the

South offering degrees anti diplomaIn the following departments

A College of Liberal ArtsII A School of Industrial ArtaIII A School of Fine ArtsIV A School of Expression-V A School for Teachers

To Tuition Other expenses very lowFor further Information adJre t




operating In various sections ef thecountry are uniform In thslr

and In their methods of oper-ating

Only by reason this close trafficarrangement between the Sell Tele-phone companies la It possible to go te-

a Sell Telephone almost anywhere-ask for Long Distance and be put tcommunication with almost any palmIn the country

This vast network ef wire radialIng throughout the nation le treeddally In commerce and for aeelal punpeeee by the banker the farmer andcltlxens In all walka ef life andplant here Is an Important link In tMogreat chain




Southern Bell Telephone-

and Telegraph CompanyElfrCkat

Are YOU Being HuntedOat of today want ads way be huntingjyou raniinok

ing the eity for yon It may have a inensage for you of urgent

pononnl importanoe ono that when you get it and heedit chiiigo the immediate currents of your ROtivltlw ofyour interMti may plaoo around and about n w-

nvir nmonti new niiMintei may give you an entirelyitart in a bunneii wuy

Isnt It wtrth while to try to thud out whether thto maystet W trHM uday tomorrow or very




c oII II





