gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-09...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 19 1109 T w r 1 15 8 = + NEWS OF OHm COUNTY CONDENSED MASTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST SECURED DY SUN REPORTERS What Has Happened and What la Go Ing to Happen Personal and Social Items f the City Den T Arnow has returned from- a business trip to Jacksonville Toilet sets Closing out on this ar- ticle 250 to Tho Dig Furniture Store Postmaster G C Crom of Ocala favored Gainesville with his presence yesterday J B Brooks left yesterday for WorthlngtoV Springs where ho will spend Sunday Coleus Japonicas Palms and Ferns Pecan and Fruit trees In va rlety H S Grave Phone 179 N Francisco has received a carload of bananas fine No 1 fruit 15 cents dozen Phone 223 Free delivery Hosiery is ono of our specialties- We keep tho Black Cat and other makes that are the best L C Smith We arc offering matting this week both China and Japan at 20c to 25t per yard tho ron The Big Furniture Store Remember when using flue Ribbon Vanilla Extract that only half the amount Is required The flavor is perfect Miss Harrington will opena Music Studio September 20th Ledbettcrs piano store Reference W S B Mathouu Chicago Conservatory Horses and Thursday Sept 23rd we will receive our third shipment of horses and mules Quick sales and small profits Is our motto Oliver Kite To call It a hotel will not change it to one If It is run on boarding house principles For serv ice tablo and general tone stop at tho Brown House F D Warner has returned from New York where ho hart been for sev- eral weeks on business and pleasure combined Mrs Warner will remain in tho great metropolis until cooler weather sets In THE WHITE HOUSE Sunday Dinner Menu Essence of Chicken Broiled Spanish Mackerel Drawn Butter Sliced Tomatoes New Radishes Queea Olives Kalamazoo Celery Roast Loin of fleet Drip Gravy ted Young Turkey Cranberry Sauce Roman Punch Mayonnaise of Oysters Florentine of Apple Virginia Corn Tone English Peas Snowflake Potatoes Asparagus Tips on Toast Steamed Rico Cocoanut Plo Caramel Ice Cream Assorted Cakes Mixed Nuts Layer Raisins Iced Jersey Milk Tea Coffee Dinner 1230 to 230 I J 10 MulesOn t I c t i t Ii upto date t t i R ¬ ¬ ¬ Iron beds all colors styles and olbt 2 a tcr3 The Store Stenographic work and typewriting L Mcllvaine T B Ellis office building Agent V M Dullard of the Sea made a flying business trip to Lake Butler yesterday Baird Theatre Motion Pictures and Vaudeville Show will begin October- 1st and continue through season X Francisco has received a carload of bananas One No 1 fruit cents dozen Phone 223 Free delivery- A large lot assorted window shades slightly damaged going at Uc lurmtr prices 50c to 1 The Big Furniture Store Mrs Effle Sutherland and little daughter Sophie left yesterday for a brief visit to friends In High Springs For firstclass resin barrel staves and heading write or Phone T J Cone Raleigh Fla Can make prompt shipment at market prices Goods with quality behind them may always be found in our Jewelry department In Fpiemlid trim ror the fall trade C Smith Ed Brown of the Hardwood Company has returned from a combined business and pleas- ure trip to Jacksonville and Pablo Beach When a mattress you would buy let the Red Cross be your guide for its built for vase comfort and wear Ing qualities 10 The Big Furni- ture Store- J A Manning has gone to Atlanta for the purpose or purchasing a car load of horses and mules for this market and will have something to say In The Sun upon his return Mrs S A Ledbetter and daugh- ter little Miss Marguerite returned Friday from points in Georgia Ten- nessee and Alabama where they have been on a visit to relatives and friends F B Atwater of High Springs was among the visitors to Gainesville yes- terday lie Is one of the best citizens of the northern portion of the county and has many friends here who are always glad to see him Mrs R E Huffman left yesterday- for Daytona where she Joined her husband last night Mr Huffman who is a timber cruiser In the United States general land office Is spending a few days on the East Coast on oflU vial business Mr and Mrs T N Smith of Waca hoota spent Thursday night and as guests of Mr and Mrs C C Pedrick They were en route to their home at Wacahoota from DayUia Beach where they spent a couple of weeks pleasantly- Mr and Mrs Chas W Parham son Wallace and daughter Jancace returned last night from Fletcher N C where they have been on a pleas- ant outing Mrs Parham and chil dren have been absent for the past month but Mr Parham was gone only about ten days Again complaint Is made to The Sun that parties are violating the game law by killing quail In the neighborhood of this city It seems Impossible to catch up with the guilty parties but they hail better cease the slaughter of birds before they have to pay the penalty of the law DIg Fulul t 1 I I I l which Is Drown Jenings Fri- day ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > JUST A Solid Carload of the Famous JACKSON G SMITH BARNESVILLE BUGGIES Wo buy in car lots so as to got a tatter price null give our customers tho advantage of it Gail on us when in need of a Buggy Crawford A Davis lk ccwwt Is Wlcital Whither U v tall Pliiftir Bro ARRIVED I T YOUR 1rW Bnkr pnear WILSON COMPANYSN- EW STORE THE PRIDE OF GAINESVILLE m markets most IhLa stools DRY GOODS IRIEAIDy TO WEAR IMIILLZ- ohiasecL this Phone 109 WILSON COMPANY j 0 Mr azd Miss Bessie King are the se- lecting the acd a p todat e of LADIE S1 t NEE y aDd GENTS FUR f- NISHINGS ever pur for city Butt Our Gardner ow d soma GOODS I erns = Dr H LeRoy Denham of Starke Gainesville a brief visit yestcr George Gleason and D W L Barton f Rocky Point were in the city yes- terday Attorney A V Long of Starke was in the city on professional business yesterday John W English of Tacoma was those who came to Gainesville trading yesterday Captain A R has accepted position as bookkeeper with Simp Bros plumbers E H Galney of LaCrosse was In city yesterday and made The an agreeable call Dr and Sirs Buriand wellknown residents of Port Inglis favored with a visit yesterday- N Francisco has received a carload f bananas fine No 1 fruit 15 cents dozen Phone Free delivery Matting art squares grass art body Brussels and Welton squares all at the Big Furniture Store Harry Wellington manager of the Electric Air Dome returned yester- day from a business trip to High Captain W D Dickinson has return d from Worthington Springs where le has been recuperating for the past days If you really appreciate good values will become a customer In our deiHiriment New lines are con reveled and we have U com stuck for men women and chll L C Smith Army Ferguson an energetic color il farmer of the Yuvnhootu section who line been n regular sulucrtbei f The Sun for several years wa- in the city trading yevterUitv li- ailed at till office ang rcnewtil bt II Register n clerk in oftin- f the Southern Kxi re COIIIIMUIV u- hi city Us been promoted to In- tgeHt of tile comiwny Ht Hitch SKHKS- uul will new dubs lu a few tint Mr Register lie many rrtindit In this city who will eongrntii huts upon hU iroinotloti butt lailUH solid gohl UuntliiK- fano O Ut Walthummovement watch with unmll McraicUeil number In bock X71i on fob was a Randolph Macon pin ami halfdollar- rharut May hUt been loit on nalnvtvlIWllochelleMloanopy road Reward fur return of saute tu this llfflC- tddltlonal f hart Items on Pap Tv I Elmore 3 th s la t I ubs cried inn- S assure his ware > ¬ > ¬ > > > > >> 5 Cents Per Line- FOR RENT FOR RENT house near square Apply to J A OR RENT Nice large furnished room conveniently located Apply Sun office FURNISHED ROOMS to rent with all modern conveniences Apply 501 East Seminary street FIFTY ACRES Vegetable land one fourth mile from depot to rent for I winters crop D G Edwards FOR RENT Cottage In Veitchs Addi- tion South Gainesville to colored tenant only Apply at Sun office FOR RENT Three cottages with all modern improvements in East Gainesville 10 month Gaines- ville Furniture Co ACME APARTMENT HOTEL V J Shlpman Manager Nice comfortable rooms at reason able rates Roomers wanted by day or week Rates reasonable FOR STOCK HOUSES AND MflKS On Thursday Sept 2in we will rerehe our third shipment of and unties Quick salts and tiuaU pri flth Is our motto Ollvtr t Ku WANTS Ph tier SALELIVE hurt room six room Jack- sonville ¬ ¬ SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED to sell to grocers druggists and confectioners 10000 per month and expenses California Cider Extract Co St Louis Mo FOR SALE FOR SALE Typewriter ribbons both copy and record 75 cents sack Sun office FOR SALB Thoroughbred White Wyandottes extra fine and large Cock hens and pullets F H Craig bill 301 West Main street FOR 100x125 feet corner West Main and Boundary streets Halt cash balance on own terms with eight per cent Interest H H McCreary LOST LOST ladies solid gold hunting case Walthammovement watch with small scratched number in back case X 7179 on fob was a RandolphMacon pin and lar charm May have been lost on road Reward for return of same to this office The want ads do more real estate luslnetis than all other brokers COM sued in fuel they start most of b3 business that tie brokers sail Ll WANTS J j I SALELot r i I f nr N I O size half dol t- iGalnesville Rochelle Mlcanopy uteati b ¬ UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY First National BankGAI- NESVILLE FLORIDA Capital 10000000 Surplus 0000000 CONSERVATIVE PROGRESSIVE We pieaiiirv in placing our adlitiiM at your dUposal ant will be ika tl to haw you write or call on iw H you rant mnlt owning a chwkuitf or account FOUR Plat CENT PAID IX OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Jaa M urban E Baird VlcfrP H E Tafior U w Awt C tak Prre Cashier Grab I J either Irvin

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09 … · THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 19 1109 T w r 115 8


T w r



= +




What Has Happened and What la Go

Ing to Happen Personal and

Social Items f the City

Den T Arnow has returned from-

a business trip to JacksonvilleToilet sets Closing out on this ar-

ticle 250 to Tho Dig FurnitureStore

Postmaster G C Crom of Ocalafavored Gainesville with his presenceyesterday

J B Brooks left yesterday forWorthlngtoV Springs where ho willspend Sunday

Coleus Japonicas Palms andFerns Pecan and Fruit trees In varlety H S Grave Phone 179

N Francisco has received a carloadof bananas fine No 1 fruit 15 centsdozen Phone 223 Free delivery

Hosiery is ono of our specialties-We keep tho Black Cat and othermakes that are the best L C Smith

We arc offering matting this weekboth China and Japan at 20c to 25tper yard tho ron The Big FurnitureStore

Remember when using flue RibbonVanilla Extract that only half theamount Is required The flavor isperfect

Miss Harrington will opena MusicStudio September 20th Ledbettcrspiano store Reference W S B

Mathouu Chicago Conservatory

Horses and ThursdaySept 23rd we will receive our thirdshipment of horses and mules Quicksales and small profits Is our mottoOliver Kite

To call It a hotel will not changeit to one If It is run on boardinghouse principles For service tablo and general tone stop attho Brown House

F D Warner has returned fromNew York where ho hart been for sev-

eral weeks on business and pleasurecombined Mrs Warner will remainin tho great metropolis until coolerweather sets In


MenuEssence of Chicken

Broiled Spanish MackerelDrawn Butter

Sliced Tomatoes New RadishesQueea Olives

Kalamazoo CeleryRoast Loin of fleet Drip Gravy

ted Young TurkeyCranberry Sauce

Roman PunchMayonnaise of Oysters

Florentine of AppleVirginia Corn Tone

English Peas Snowflake PotatoesAsparagus Tips on Toast

Steamed RicoCocoanut Plo Caramel Ice Cream

Assorted CakesMixed Nuts Layer Raisins

Iced Jersey MilkTea Coffee

Dinner 1230 to 230











upto date


t i R




Iron beds all colors styles andolbt 2 a tcr3 The

StoreStenographic work and typewriting

L Mcllvaine T B Ellis officebuilding

Agent V M Dullard of the Seamade a flying business trip to

Lake Butler yesterdayBaird Theatre Motion Pictures and

Vaudeville Show will begin October-1st and continue through season

X Francisco has received a carloadof bananas One No 1 fruit centsdozen Phone 223 Free delivery-

A large lot assorted window shadesslightly damaged going at Uc lurmtrprices 50c to 1 The Big FurnitureStore

Mrs Effle Sutherland and littledaughter Sophie left yesterday fora brief visit to friends In HighSprings

For firstclass resin barrel stavesand heading write or Phone T JCone Raleigh Fla Can make promptshipment at market prices

Goods with quality behind themmay always be found in our Jewelrydepartment In Fpiemlid trimror the fall trade C Smith

Ed Brown of theHardwood Company has returnedfrom a combined business and pleas-ure trip to Jacksonville and PabloBeach

When a mattress you would buylet the Red Cross be your guide forits built for vase comfort and wearIng qualities 10 The Big Furni-ture Store-

J A Manning has gone to Atlantafor the purpose or purchasing a carload of horses and mules for thismarket and will have something tosay In The Sun upon his return

Mrs S A Ledbetter and daugh-ter little Miss Marguerite returnedFriday from points in Georgia Ten-

nessee and Alabama where they havebeen on a visit to relatives andfriends

F B Atwater of High Springs wasamong the visitors to Gainesville yes-

terday lie Is one of the best citizensof the northern portion of the countyand has many friends here who arealways glad to see him

Mrs R E Huffman left yesterday-for Daytona where she Joined herhusband last night Mr Huffmanwho is a timber cruiser In the UnitedStates general land office Is spendinga few days on the East Coast on oflU

vial businessMr and Mrs T N Smith of Waca

hoota spent Thursday night andas guests of Mr and Mrs C C

Pedrick They were en route to theirhome at Wacahoota from DayUiaBeach where they spent a couple ofweeks pleasantly-

Mr and Mrs Chas W Parhamson Wallace and daughter Jancacereturned last night from Fletcher NC where they have been on a pleas-ant outing Mrs Parham and children have been absent for the pastmonth but Mr Parham was goneonly about ten days

Again complaint Is made to TheSun that parties are violating thegame law by killing quail In theneighborhood of this city It seemsImpossible to catch up with the guiltyparties but they hail better cease theslaughter of birds before they haveto pay the penalty of the law

DIg Fulul







which Is

Drown Jenings











JUSTA Solid Carload of the Famous


BARNESVILLE BUGGIESWo buy in car lots so as to got a tatter price null give

our customers tho advantage of it Gail on uswhen in need of a Buggy

Crawford A Davis

lk ccwwt Is Wlcital Whither

U v tallPliiftir Bro







m marketsmost IhLa



ohiasecL this




Mr azdMiss Bessie King are

the se-lecting the

acd a p todat eof




NISHINGS ever purfor city


Our Gardnerow






Dr H LeRoy Denham of StarkeGainesville a brief visit yestcr

George Gleason and D W L Bartonf Rocky Point were in the city yes-

terdayAttorney A V Long of Starke was

in the city on professional businessyesterday

John W English of Tacoma wasthose who came to Gainesville

trading yesterdayCaptain A R has acceptedposition as bookkeeper with Simp

Bros plumbersE H Galney of LaCrosse was In

city yesterday and made Thean agreeable call

Dr and Sirs Buriand wellknownresidents of Port Inglis favored

with a visit yesterday-N Francisco has received a carload

f bananas fine No 1 fruit 15 centsdozen Phone Free deliveryMatting art squares grass art

body Brussels and Weltonsquares all at the Big Furniture

StoreHarry Wellington manager of the

Electric Air Dome returned yester-day from a business trip to High

Captain W D Dickinson has returnd from Worthington Springs wherele has been recuperating for the past

daysIf you really appreciate good values

will become a customer In ourdeiHiriment New lines are con

reveled and we have U comstuck for men women and chll

L C SmithArmy Ferguson an energetic color

il farmer of the Yuvnhootu sectionwho line been n regular sulucrtbei

f The Sun for several years wa-

in the city trading yevterUitv li-

ailed at till office ang rcnewtil bt

II Register n clerk in oftin-f the Southern Kxi re COIIIIMUIV u-

hi city Us been promoted to In-

tgeHt of tile comiwny Ht Hitch SKHKS-uul will new dubs lu afew tint Mr Register lie manyrrtindit In this city who will eongrntii

huts upon hU iroinotlotibutt lailUH solid gohl UuntliiK-

fano O Ut Walthummovementwatch with unmll McraicUeil numberIn bock X71i on fob was aRandolph Macon pin ami halfdollar-rharut May hUt been loit onnalnvtvlIWllochelleMloanopy roadReward fur return of saute tu thisllfflC-

tddltlonal fhart Items on Pap Tv






la t


ubs cried inn-


assure his


> ¬







> >

5 Cents Per Line-


FOR RENT house nearsquare Apply to J A

OR RENT Nice large furnishedroom conveniently located ApplySun office

FURNISHED ROOMS to rent with allmodern conveniences Apply 501East Seminary street

FIFTY ACRES Vegetable land onefourth mile from depot to rent for

I winters crop D G Edwards

FOR RENT Cottage In Veitchs Addi-tion South Gainesville to coloredtenant only Apply at Sun office

FOR RENT Three cottageswith all modern improvements inEast Gainesville 10 month Gaines-ville Furniture Co


Nice comfortable rooms at reasonable rates Roomers wanted by dayor week Rates reasonable


HOUSES AND MflKS On ThursdaySept 2in we will rerehe our thirdshipment of and untiesQuick salts and tiuaU pri flth Is ourmotto Ollvtr t Ku


Ph tier




six room





SALESMAN WANTED to sell togrocers druggists and confectioners

10000 per month and expensesCalifornia Cider Extract CoSt Louis Mo


FOR SALE Typewriter ribbons bothcopy and record 75 cents sackSun office

FOR SALB Thoroughbred WhiteWyandottes extra fine and largeCock hens and pullets F H Craigbill 301 West Main street

FOR 100x125 feet cornerWest Main and Boundary streetsHalt cash balance on own termswith eight per cent Interest H HMcCreary


LOST ladies solid gold huntingcase Walthammovementwatch with small scratched numberin back case X 7179 on fob wasa RandolphMacon pin andlar charm May have been lost on

roadReward for return of same to thisoffice

The want ads do more real estateluslnetis than all other brokers COM

sued in fuel they start most ofb3 business that tie brokers sail












O size

half dolt-

iGalnesville Rochelle Mlcanopy




First National BankGAI-

NESVILLE FLORIDACapital 10000000 Surplus 0000000

CONSERVATIVE PROGRESSIVEWe pieaiiirv in placing our adlitiiM at your dUposal ant will beika tl to haw you write or call on iw H you rant mnlt owning


Jaa M urbanE Baird VlcfrP

H E TafiorU w Awt C


Prre CashierGrab


