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MAY 2015 Derek Orosz, Tyler Doran, Nikita Mathew

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GAME OF THRONES CRISIS COMMITTEE History of Westeros The history of Westeros stretches back over 12,000 years and historians separate it into several different eras. In the first of these, ‘The Dawn Age’, Westeros was inhabited by a small and mythical species known as ‘The Children of the Forest’. They were said to possess powers, although little is currently known about them. When ‘The First Men’ crossed a land bridge into Westeros from the eastern continent of Essos, it ushered in an age of conflict with The Children of the Forest known as the ‘Age of Heroes’. After many years of fighting, the two sides eventually came to a peaceful agreement in 10,000 BAL (Before Aegon’s Landing), known as the Pact. The two allies were tested around 8000 BAL by the ‘Long Night’, a winter that lasted an exceptionally long period of time as ice and snow stretched across most of the continent of Westeros. With this winter came fierce attacks from creatures known as the White Walkers, a deadly species of pale grey appearance. Although formidable, The Children of the Forest and the First Men came together and held off the White Walkers from the southern part of Westeros, driving them back into the north. After the war with the White Walkers, fear of another attack in the future drove Brandon Stark to build a massive wall of ice in the northern part of Westeros referred to as ‘The Wall’. The Night’s Watch was also founded at this time to guard The Wall and protect Westeros from the unknown dangers to the north. Brandon Stark also established Winterfell and declared himself ‘King of the North’, after which other noble families followed and declared themselves Kings of their respective regions. The next era in Westeros, ‘The Andal Invasion” started with a second wave of invaders crossing the narrow sea from Essos into Westeros about 6000 years after The First Men. The Andals possessed superior steel weapons and technology and were able to conquer most of Westeros, installing their own religious and cultural beliefs. Furthermore, they eliminated the Children of the Forest, who they considered evil, and forced the few remaining First Men to the north where their descendants remain today. The future of Westeros was irrevocably changed by the subsequent development of Valyria in Essos approximately 5000 years ago. The people of Valyria discovered dragons in a volcano and tamed them. The power of dragons allowed them to advance and become one of the most sophisticated and powerful civilizations to ever exist. The Valyrian civilization thrived and expanded for thousands of years. One particular Valyrian family, the Targaryens, relocated to an island in the Narrow Sea called Dragonstone right before a catastrophic disaster known as ‘The Doom’ wiped out all of Valyria in 100 BAL. As the only surviving family, and with the last three dragons in existence, Aegon Targaryen led an invasion of Westeros with his wives Rhaenys and Visenya and a small army. Aegon handily defeated the seven kingdoms and conquered Westeros. The capital city of King’s Landing was established where he first landed in Westeros, and it became the seat of their power. The Targaryens ruled Westeros for more than 250 years when their final King, Aerys II, took the throne in 259 AL.

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Robert’s Rebellion As King of Westeros, Aerys II was widely referred to as “The Mad King” for his decline into insanity and increasing violent and paranoid behavior at the end of his reign. This paranoia manifested itself around 270s AL with his fear that Hand of the King, Tywin Lannister, was perceived as the true ruler of Westeros. As punishment, Aerys decided not to wed his son and heir Rhaegar to Tywin’s daughter Cersei Lannister, and instead Rhaegar married Elia Martell, forging an alliance with the southern region of Dorne. In 280 AL, Aerys also appointed Tywin’s oldest son and heir Jaime Lannister to the Kingsguard, where he was sworn by oath to protect the King for the remainder of his life, eliminating his ability to carry on the Lannister bloodline. In response, Tywin quit his position as Hand and returned to his home at Casterly Rock. Political upheaval was catalyzed at the Great Tourney of Harrenhal when Rhaegar Targaryen passed over his own wife Elia Martell and kidnapped Lyanna Stark. In response, Brandon Stark decided to ride to King’s Landing and demand a response from Aerys. When Brandon arrived, he was promptly arrested for treason and Aerys demanded a ransom for his release. Upon the ransom being paying, Aerys decided instead to torture and execute Brandon Stark and his soldiers in front of an audience in the capital. Furthering his brutality, Aerys demanded that the arrest and execution of Eddard “Ned” Stark and Robert Baratheon, who were wards of Lord Jon Arryn of the Vale at the time. The men refused and instead raised their banners as an act of war in 280 AL. In their war efforts, Ned and Jon Arryn secured political and military support from House Tully of Riverrun through the marriage of Ned to Catelyn Tully, and the marriage of Jon to her younger sister Lysa Tully. The marriages ensured an alliance forged in blood, and together Stark, Arryn, and Tully rode to battle. On the other battlefront, Robert Baratheon killed Rhaegar in direct combat, and the subsequent lack of leadership caused the Targaryen troops to scatter and retreat. While Ned and his army rode for King’s Landing, the Lannisters joined the rebellion late and reached there first. The Lannisters were allowed through the gates where they proceeded to sack the city. This attack ended with the betrayal and murder of Aerys at the hands of Jaime Lannister, who was sworn by oath to protect him. After the victory, Tywin Lannister ordered the elimination of all remaining Targaryens, which resulted in the murder of Elia Martell and her children, since she was the wife of Rhaegar. In the aftermath of the rebellion, Ned Stark redirected his troops to Storm’s End, the seat of the Baratheons, where he assisted in ending the siege of the Tyrells against Stannis Baratheon. At this point, Stannis sent a fleet of ships to Dragonstone to search for any remaining Targaryens. Before he could arrive, the two remaining children of Aerys, Daenerys and Viserys, were sent to safety in Essos. With no more Targaryens left to continue their dynasty in Westeros, the rebellion was victorious and Robert Baratheon became the new King of Westeros by late 281 AL. He married Cersei Lannister to merge the two families in a new alliance. Jon Arryn became his hand of the King and Ned Stark returned to Winterfell where he continued to rule as King of the North.

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The Crisis The time is now 297 AL, and while some years have passed since Robert’s Rebellion, this is very much a time of uncertainty in Westeros. This is the first non-Targaryen rule in almost 300 years, and the realm subsequently faces two critical threats from different directions, which must be addressed.

1) The threat of the White Walkers: Word has spread from the north of the re-emergence of White Walkers who are venturing increasingly closer to the Wall. While White Walkers have not been a threat for thousands of years and are considered by many to be a myth, there have been multiple credible claims of their violent and deadly attacks from men of the Night’s Watch. If history repeats itself, this will be a violent and costly struggle for the people of Westeros, and one it may not win this time around. Compounding this threat is the role of the “Free Folk”, or wildlings as they are referred to south of the Wall. The wildlings are ethnically similar to the people of Westeros, but culturally distinct in their rejection of oaths and ownership. Further, the tense and hostile relationship they have with the Night’s Watch and Westeros will be amplified by the presence and dangers associated with White Walkers. A major assault on the Wall to by wildlings seeking refuge and safety from White Walkers is therefore a serious possibility, which must be considered.

2) The return of Daenerys with dragons: The second major threat to Westeros comes from the eastern continent of Essos. The orphaned daughter of Aerys, Daenerys, has reportedly found dragon eggs, which have hatched and continue to grow under her supervision and control. Similar to the immense power gained by ancient Valyria when they acquired dragons, this is a considerable threat to Westeros under the reign of King Robert Baratheon. While many considered Daenerys to be hesitant about crossing the Narrow Sea (at least for a few more seasons), evidence is significantly mounting which contradicts this. Daenerys has already gained military support from the nomadic warriors known as Dothraki, and she continues her rapid groundswell of support across Essos. Despite dragons being similarly regarded as mythical beasts that have not been seen for thousands of years, these reports are numbered and constitute a legitimate topic of discussion and action. The sooner Daenerys crosses the Narrow Sea and invades Westeros, the more legitimate her claim will be to the Iron Throne given the recent history of Targaryen rule in Westeros.

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Your Task: A Meeting of the Great Houses As representatives of the Great Houses and powerful actors of Westeros, you have been summoned to meet in King’s Landing to discuss the political and strategic maneuvering of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros moving forward. Robert Baratheon’s rule is hardly consolidated, and the Houses are adjusting to a new political reality that is rife with uncertainties. Yet, despite these uncertainties, cooperation is an absolute necessity if the Kingdom is to effectively and comprehensively address the major crises at hand, as well as an additionally issues which may arise. Therefore, the politics of power are always in play in Westeros, but all delegates are acutely aware of the necessity for cooperation in a unified defense of the Kingdom from external and internal threats. Your task as delegates is to come up with a comprehensive resolution for the Seven Kingdoms, which seeks to consolidate and stabilize power, affirm cooperation among the great Houses, and draft a military or political strategy to address the crisis of an invasion from the north or the east. Depending on your regional locations and alliances, delegates may be more inclined to address one crisis over another. That being said, overzealously pursing personal interests at the expense of Westeros will be a unpopular decision. It is important to recognize that this is the current alliance and leadership of the Seven Kingdoms is still young. The people of Westeros have yet to see their new rulers tested in such a way, and a failure to draft a comprehensive resolution may cast a shadow of doubt throughout the realm about the ability of this committee to protect its people. Such incompetence will undoubtedly fuel rebellion and thrust Westeros into a period of constant warfare and power struggles. Thus while individual political factors will undoubtedly play a role, delegates are advised to maintain a vision of cooperation and unity when faced with two potentially existential threats.

Further, while both of major threats may be perceived as mythical by some, the leaders of the noble houses are still aware of the imminent threat they pose if unaddressed, especially for a new and unstable Kingdom. The fate of your people, and truly all of Westeros is in your hands.

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House Profiles The following is a brief primer on the different Houses and actors that will be involved in this committee. Delegates are expected to maintain character and stay faithful the positions that would be taken by their assigned Houses/Actors (no delegates representing the Greyjoys or Targaryens).

House Arryn (As High As Honour) - House Arryn rules the Vale that shares its name, a fertile land nestled within the great range of the Mountains of the Moon. In their idyllic domain and protected by their stronghold, the Eyrie, the Arryns have often found themselves isolated from the greater events of the realm. This ended as Lord Jon Arryn’s devotion to his former wards, Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon, drew House Arryn

directly into the events that ended the Mad King’s reign. The Arryns have often been men and women of true worth, both wise and honest. The house has given birth to gallant knights and beautiful women, all of whom could be relied upon to take their responsibilities to the Vale very seriously. Duty and loyalty are among the watchwords for the children of this house. As Hand to the King, Lord Jon speaks with King Robert’s voice. ALLIED HOUSES: Stark, Tully, Baratheon ENEMY HOUSES: Lannister

House Baratheon (Ours Is The Fury) - Baratheon lords are a diverse lot, all using different tactics to achieve their goals. They understand the value of pageantry and direct action, but they do not eschew politics or intrigue when these are the right tools for the job. A Baratheon lord must be aware of all of the different factions competing for dominance and must be willing to stand his ground even when compromise seems the best option; any sign of weakness and the others may pounce.

Robert took the Iron Throne after leading the successful rebellion against Aerys II. This conflict, called Robert’s Rebellion by his allies and the War of the Usurper by his enemies, reaffirmed the power and fury of House Baratheon — a house with a tendency towards ending reigns and making kings. The might and claim of the Baratheons is bolstered by Robert’s marriage to Cersei Lannister, daughter of the richest house of the Seven Kingdoms. Still, Robert is a warrior who cares little for politics. This willful blindness has turned King’s Landing into a viper’s nest of those who would take advantage of the King’s carelessness. House Baratheon may be the most influential of Westeros’ great houses, but the individualistic nature and selfish motivations of its lords may yet be its downfall. ALLIED HOUSES: Lannister, Stark, Arryn ENEMY HOUSES: Targaryen House Greyjoy (We Do Not Sow) - House Greyjoy resides on the Iron Islands, west of the Neck and the Westerlands. It stands apart from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms not only geographically, but also religiously — the ironborn worship

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the Drowned God — and culturally, for they choose to follow a custom of piracy and make enemies of all the lords of Westeros by doing so. Greyjoys are, if possible, even more blunt and direct than the Starks. Existence on the islands is a meager one; raiding the mainland is the only true hope for prosperity. Ironborn only own what they earn, even in the case of lords. The people of the Iron Islands are not the type to

gladly bend their knees for sake of a title, but they pay proper respect to those who warrant it. Greyjoy is an insignificant house compared to the other great houses of Westeros. It has few resources at its disposal and is well removed, both socially and geographically, from the politics of King’s Landing. Furthermore, the whole area has been under probation since Lord Balon’s attempted rebellion, and is in no position to curry favour with the royal court. ALLIED HOUSES: None ENEMY HOUSES: All Great Houses of Westeros The Iron Bank of Braavos - The Iron Bank of Braavos is arguably the most powerful financial institution in the Known World, with clients across Essos and Westeros. Though all the Free Cities have their own banks, the Iron Bank is richer and more powerful than all the others combined and has a fearsome reputation when collecting debts. The Iron Bank has been steadily funding the Iron Throne under Robert Baratheon, although when kings default on their debts or are foolish enough not to honour their agreements, the Iron Bank supports rebellions for would-be kings. If successful, these new kings then honour the previous debt along with paying back the money the bank loaned them in claiming their new power, always aware that “The Iron Bank will have its due.” NEUTRAL

House Lannister (Hear Me Roar) - Home to the wealthiest of the great houses, the keep at Casterly Rock literally sits on top of a gold mine, built into the very rock. From that lofty yet uncomfortable position, House Lannister rules over the Westerlands (and influences all of Westeros, by virtue of the kingdom’s purse strings). With the ascension of Lord Tywin to the house seat, the Lords of the Rock developed a reputation

for ruthlessness as well as riches. Extensive gold mines run beneath the castle. The Lannisters also control gold mines at Castamere, Nunn’s Deep, the Pendric Hills, and the Golden Tooth. To be a Lannister is to know one deserves nobility. ALLIED HOUSES: Baratheon ENEMY HOUSES: Stark, Tully The Night’s Watch – Founded thousands of years ago, the Night’s Watch serves to protect Westeros from the dangers north of the 700-foot-high Wall they guard. For the vast majority of its history, volunteers of the noble houses manned

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the Watch. However, it has recently fallen on hard times and serves as a practical penal colony, filled with petty and violent criminals, political exiles, and vanquished nobility. Although their numbers are dwindling and the title of Brother of the Night's Watch no longer holds the honor and prestige it once did, the core of the Watch is still composed of capable and dedicated men. These men now serve the Watch and the Realm of Men by helping ensure that the human settlers of the areas north of the Wall, known as wildlings, are not allowed to raid south of the Wall. Despite the fact that their ancient task is all but forgotten by time and mostly replaced by practical, modern concerns, they have an important role which may potentially be revived given the current threats arising again in the north. NEUTRAL

House Martell (Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken) - Separated from the rest of the realm by history, culture, and geography, Dorne is unique among the regions on the mainland. The Martells style themselves princes rather than lords or kings. The Martells are “salty” Dornishmen, a label applied by the Young Dragon, distinguishing them from “sandy” and “stony” kin. The blood of the Rhoynar runs thick in their veins, which

may explain why the men are known for their hot tempers and the women are said to be wild and wanton. In the Reach, though, it is said that the hot spices of Dornish food are more to blame. Having neither great wealth nor great influence, House Martell and Dorne are largely uninvolved in the current events of the realm. This is in part by choice, following the murders of Princess Elia and her children during the Sack of King’s Landing. These great tragedies nearly led Dorne to rebel against the newly crowned Robert, and they have since taken a more isolated position regarding political events in Westeros. ALLIED HOUSES: None ENEMY HOUSES: Lannister, Tyrell

House Stark (Winter Is Coming) - House Stark is the most influential and notable power in the North. From their stronghold at Winterfell, the Starks guard the old ways against the dishonourable and fractious houses of the Seven Kingdoms. Their devotion to honour and the old gods wins them few friends in the court of King’s Landing and beyond, but this very same dedication to tradition commands respect

from the lords of the North. Those Northmen who bend the knee to Eddard Stark have been hard won with respect, devotion, and justice. Starks rarely turn to intrigue when confronted with a problem, preferring instead to face the problem head on — no matter the consequences. Honour is very important to House Stark, and their actions are governed by it — sometimes even past the point of wisdom. Their history of defending the Seven Kingdoms from the threats in the North has made them hard and practical. Starks tend to speak plainly and

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truthfully, although they know and use the courtesies of the court as needed. House Stark is the third most powerful House in the Seven Kingdoms, behind the Baratheons upon the Iron Throne and the wealthy Lannisters who married into King’s Landing. ALLIED HOUSES: Baratheon, Tully, Arryn ENEMY HOUSES: Greyjoy, Lannister, Targaryen

House Targaryen (Fire and Blood) - A broken house, the blood of the Dragon were once the conquerors of all Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. House Targaryen ruled as the Kings of Westeros for nearly 300 years until the reign of Aerys II, the Mad King. In their pride, the Targaryens placed themselves above the laws of the gods. They wed brother to sister following the Valyrian tradition, which led to their unnatural

beauty, moments of genius, and bouts of madness. Exiled from the Seven Kingdoms, House Targaryen is under threat of death should it ever seek to regain the Iron Throne or even return to Westeros. ALLIED HOUSES: None ENEMY HOUSES: All Great Houses of Westeros

House Tully (Family, Duty, Honour) - House Tully is the principal house of the Riverlands in Westeros. The house has developed a reputation for not surrendering easily. The members of the house each present their own variation on that pride and tenacity. Each does what he or she thinks is best for the family, but not all agree on the best way to fulfill the obligations of honour; this threatens to tear the house apart.

Tully is a house of middling rank — not as powerful as the other great houses, but still tremendously positioned across the fertile Riverlands, and it commands many influential bannermen. The house’s main strength is its control of the heart of the Seven Kingdoms. The paths across the mighty forks and tributaries of the Trident all lay within the purview of the Lord of Riverrun. Though the Tullys have no direct ties to the crown, they have familial bonds with both the North and the Vale of Arryn. ALLIED HOUSES: Stark, Arryn ENEMY HOUSES: Lannister

House Tyrell (Growing Strong) - House Tyrell is the principal noble house of the Reach in Westeros, the most populous region of the Seven Kingdoms. The Reach is steeped in the customs of knighthood and the faith of the Seven, and the Tyrells are paragons of these traditions, presiding over the feasts and tourneys that give the Reach its reputation. The Tyrells place much stock in courteous speech and manners,

but it does not necessarily extend to their actions. Many of them are ambitious, filled with pride and a desire to win ever-lasting fame. This thirst for glory can

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make members of the house appear to be arrogant, beholden to empty chivalry rather than true courtesy. Long since forgiven by King Robert for taking Aerys’ part during Robert’s Rebellion. The Tyrells cannot overcome their longstanding animosity with the Dornishmen, however. ALLIED HOUSES: Baratheon ENEMY HOUSES: Lannister, Martell Concluding Remarks Considering the history of Westeros up to this point and the political realities of the Seven Kingdoms, a response must be formulated. While this committee is based on the George R.R. Martin novels and the Game of Thrones television show, it will necessarily diverge based on the discussion and debate of delegates. As such, any knowledge of future events in the source material beyond the timeline established will have no bearing on this committee. The Chair and Vice-Chairs expect all delegates to participate throughout the conference, portraying their roles and representing the interests of their roles to the best of their ability. We look forward to seeing you all in May! Regards, Derek Orosz, Tyler Doran, and Nikita Mathew

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Sources and Further Reading