game season^- marine, hay fidelity phenix, virginia ......jminsula fcrprist accomac court house, va....

Capt. John Riley Marshall, a well- known and popular citizen of Saxis Ifland, died at his home on Wed oesday, December 23rd, from blood poisoning, which resulted from a gut shot wound in the foot about foul weeks ago, made by the accidenta discharge of a gun in the hands of s boy with whom he was "fooling.' He was about GO years of age. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Ayres, a most es

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Page 1: Game Season^- Marine, Hay Fidelity Phenix, Virginia ......jminsula fcrprist ACCOMAC COURT HOUSE, VA. Saturday, January 2, 1901. RnteredstttePostofflceat Acoomso C. H., Vs., asseoond-oluamatter

jminsula fcrpristACCOMAC COURT HOUSE, VA.

Saturday, January 2, 1901.

Rntered st tte Postofflce at Acoomso C. H.,Vs., as seoond-olua matter.

In ita last issue the Knterprise ex¬

pressed the belief that the Senate of

Virginia, with its reputation for con¬

servatism and intelligent act ion,cou ki

not concur with the House iu the

passage of the iniquitous measure,

known as the JordanOyster Bill, and

it is gratifying to us to be able to re¬

joice with the people of Tidewater thatthe bill was defeated. That it WM I

great victory in the interest of righiand justice there is no question, butamid our rejoicings it is well for us to

remember, that the few who by theirearnest and active efforts made it pos¬sible need something more than con¬

gratulations if we would have them

perpetuate for the most part the vic¬

tory which they have gained for us

In a word, those who honestly, perhaps.but ignorantly believe "there art

millions in the oyster industry" andthat other class,who are backing them.because they wish to appropriate to

their own private use "thc naturalbeds, rocks anti shoals" have not

abaudoned the tight. That contest

will doubtless be renewed during tiasession which begins January 18th,and prompt action on the part of our

people, therefore, is necessary. Thcfact, that the Seuate declared, that the

principle of the Jordan bill was rightand defeated it. not on its merits, butbecause of defects apparent on theface of it, emphasises the necessity ofthe people of Tidewater getting to¬

gether and acting as promptly as pos¬sible. In what way we can best pre¬pare ourselves to make the tight is an¬

other question. One thing, at least,seems certain that concessions willhave to be made by us, and to thatend another survey has been suggestedas the best means of satisfying the de¬mands of those remote from Tidewater,"Whether or not this suggestion is a

good one, we are not prepared to say,but if changes must be made in our

oyster laws, there can be no question,that the step in that direction shouldbe made by the people of Tidewater.The day of opposing all oyster legisla¬tion has passed. We must act if we

would not have the wild and visionaryschemes of others prevail to the detri¬ment not only of those engaged in thc

oyster industry but of all of the peopleof Virginia.

The Jamestown Exposition is as¬

sured, as appears from the followingin the is,sue of the Virginian-Pilot ol

January 1st:At a ' watch night" meeting held in

the rooms of the Board of Trade andBusiness Men's Association last nightthe amount necessary to save the char¬ter of the Exposition Company andassure the holding of the great fair,which is t j commemorate one of themost notable events in the history ol

America, the landing of the first set

tiers at Jamestown Island, was subscribed. Tho meeting was attended bjabout one hundred representative cit,Izens of thia city and section. A sim

Har meeting was held at XewporNews and reports of subscription!from the city of tl ie James were re¬

ceived by telephone aud announce)

by Mr. G. T. Shepherd, the secretanof the Exposition Company, Tinhands of the clock had pas.->ed the houof ll when it waan nounced that bu$.5,400 was needed to make up th$1,000,000 required. Newport Newcontributed 15,000, and Mr. I). Lowen

berg, director general of the Expoejtiou Company, on behalf of the Noifolk-Hampton Roads Company, sui:scribed for the balance, amid heart,cheers. The announcement that a!the money required had been suljscribed was the signal for felicitationall 'round, and then those present le:the building to join in the celebratioincident to the advent of the Xe^Year, an event which at this timiunder the circumstances, has a doublmeaning for Norfolk and for titoswho are interested in her future we


The closing day of 1903 found tlLegislature still unable to do busineion account of the absence of memberThe system adopted of calling the roin the House increased the attendantthere, but the body was still ten vobshort of a quorum. The Senate, whichad sixteen members Wednesday,on!had fifteen Thursday,and the body ai

journed until to-day almost imuueditely after being called to order TlHouse followed suit and it is now tiimpression that neither branch wisecure a working majority before Moday, January 4, which leaves jueight working days before the Bessieexpires by limittation.

After eight years we are to have aother leap year, 1904 being on tcalendar as such. Ib96 was the lsleap year. The year 1900, was noileap year because, according to tGregorian calendar, every year divible by four, without a remainder, itleap year, except it be the last ircentury,and then it is a leap year onwhen divisible by 400 without a

maiuder. As 1900 was not divisilwithout a remainder, it was not a leyear.

Many of the couples married in Vgiuia since the 12th of December wlimarriage licenses issued by courcourt clerks became invalid havecured other licenses from circuit coiclerks and been married the seen

time to make sure..Rich. Corr. IndiAppeal.

A charter has been issued bycorporation commission in Richmcto The Baptist Education Commissof Virginia, incorporated, RichmoiR H. Pitt, president; real estate Iiited to 10,000 acres,

Teacher's Xmas Gifts.

Mr. Editor;.A few days beforechool closed for Xmas holidays thehildren of Fair Oaks ' school askedue what I wanted Santa Claus to

wing me. 1 told them If he shouldmppeu to come my way he couldnit himself in his gifts. 1 was very

igreeably surprised on Friday moro¬

ng, when every one of the children,ihat have been goiug to school to mc

;his session besieged my desk in a

body and laid down their present*[ can only tell you in part what theywere, viz: money, canned goods,pretty cuff buttons, mustache cupand saucer, picture frame.toilet soap,cologne, nine pocket handkerchiefs,collars and neck tie, pocket book,writing pad, tobacco, box of tooth¬picks, apples, confectioneries.'&c.While the presents were nice, pret¬

ty and cost money I appreciate themfor that, but I appreciate them more

for the kind expressions they bringto me. I could not find words to ex¬

press my gratitude to the childrenfor the kind feeling they manifested.I shall ever look back to it as one of

the brightest and most pleasant daysof my school life. I told them we

have had it very pleasant in this littie school room. I must say in be

half cf the children that it seems as

if each one has tried to see who could

giro me the least trouble and I shallresume my work after the holidaysare over resolved to do them all the

good I can and hope my successor

may have it as pleasant in his or her

work as I have had it thus far thissession. Happy New Year to all.

George W. Nock, Teacher.


Dr. William J. Scott, a retiredphysician and one of the most prom¬inent and highly respected citizensof Northampton county, died in his

carriage while on his way from Sea¬view to Cape Charles on Thursday ,oflast week, aged 70 years.Mr. Riley F. Byrd, a well known

and highly esteemed citizen,died sud¬denly at his home, near Mearsville.onWednesday, December 23d, aged 73

years. He had charge of Shiloh pub¬lic school up to hie death and was the

oldest teacher in the county.

Capt. John Riley Marshall, a well-known and popular citizen of SaxisIfland, died at his home on Wedoesday, December 23rd, from blood

poisoning, which resulted from a gutshot wound in the foot about foulweeks ago, made by the accidentadischarge of a gun in the hands of s

boy with whom he was "fooling.'He was about GO years of age.

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Ayres, a most es

ti mable lady, relict of the late Uichard S. Ayres, and mother of Dr. J. HAyres, died at his home at AccomaiC., Saturday, December 26th, after i

l,0ug illness, aged 74 years. Fuueraservices were held over her remainat St. George Episcopal Church oi

Sunday, conducted by her pastorRev. J. Scott Meredith.interment ii

cemetery at that church. She is sur

vived by one son, Dr. John H. Ayreand three daughters, Mrs. Geo. E

Winder, of Baltimore, Mrs. P. T. fl

Ayres, of Purgoteague, and Mis

Daisey Ayres, of Accomac C. H.

Pastor Pounded.

Mr. Editor:.Will you give me spacin your paper to express thanks ti

the members and friends of ou

church in Onancock, for the pounding they gave me on the evening o

December 17th.W. G. Bates.

Serious Stomach Trouble Cured.

I was troubled with a distress imy stomach, sour Btomach and von

itiog spells, and can truthfully sa

that Chamberlain's Stomach an

Liver Tablets cured me..Mrs. T. \Williams, Laingsbnrg, Mich. Thestablets are guaranteed to cure ever

case of stomach trouble of this chaiac'er. For sale by All Medicine Deaors.

Builders'MaterialFertilizers &c.,We desire to call the attentionhe public to our large and w

selected stock of

Sash, Doors, Blinds, MouldingBuilders' Hardware, Shingle

LathSjLirae, Bricks,LocustFence and Gate Posts and

Building Material generallalso Paints, Oils and Painter

Supplies,and all else that tends to enhance tvalue and beauty of your buildinjWe would also invite special e

tention to our stock of Fertilizeparticularly our high grade Bw<Potato Mixture and Pure FiGround Dry Fish.Gall and inspect our stock befc

buyia g, aswe will be pleated to shiyou our goods and feel sure tlquality and prices will be satisfacto

MARTIN & MASON CO.,Harborton, Va.

holiday dood;The time for selecting HOLID,

GOODS has arrived and my 6tockthe largest I have ever shown in ttown. Complete with best assc

inent of

Jewelry and Useful Gifts,IN

Ladies and Gentlemen's Watch

of the beBt makes, set with diamonRings, Chains, Lockets.

Everything in the Jewelry 1can be found at my place. Lailine of Clocks of the best mahSterling Silver and Silverwarelarge varieties. These goods willoffered at way down prices.

J. ADELSTEIN,BdcicBuijding, Onancock, Va.

Wanted for 1903-4.One good fireman. Can furnish

lim with house and lot or a small'arin, convenient to mill and R. R.itatlon.Good white tenant on a two horse

truck farm, with plenty resourcesconvenient.For sale or exchange, a good 2nd

hand truck barrel stave cylinder sawfor a good 2nd hand veneer machine

Fill orders for holly boxes at lowestcash prices.Will sell or exchange a farm horse

for 1200 to MOO lb. horse for oil wagon.Hogs, calves, eggs, poultry, corn,

pork and other produce at highestprices for merchandise.Hereby forewarn all persons from

trespassing on Cropper land.

Harry T. White,BLOOMTOWN, VA.



If so, write to the


LAUREL, DEL.,.Davis & Bro., Proprietors,.For prices on Head and Foot

Stones, Monument, Iron Railingand all cemetery work in gen¬eral, and save money.

Davis & Bro.,LAUREL, DEL.

Agents.W. H.Pruitt,Temperanceville; E. J. Windkr, Onancock;Gko. W. Abdkll, Belle Haven;Bird & Drummond, Orangeville;Lloyd Smith, Puugoteague.

Cemetery Notice.Persons in Accomac and adjoining

counties wishing to mark the graveof a relative cr friend with a

.MONUMENT.-TABLET, TOMB or HEADSTONEIn Marble or Polished Granite, caD

now do so at a very small outlay as

we ke p in etock a lavge collection offinished work of modern designs ofthe best workmanship and at thevery lowest prices.115 N. Liberty St. near Lexing¬

ton also 314 S. Charles St.

Estat^hed 8eventy-FlTe Years.BALTIMORE, MD.


and JewelryRepaired on Short Notice.

i Have For Bale

Watches, Hlocks, JewelrySpectacles, "Eye "Glasses^

and Silverwaren many styles and at lowest prlcet

Wm. SartoriusPocomoke City, Md.

BJ"WiU be at Accomac 0. H. eveocourt day.

Covington & Bro.,




Undertakers,. NEW CHURCH, VA. -

We are well fitted up for taking canof the dead. We have 2 fine hearsesone undertaker's wagon and 2 pailhorses. A full line of Coffins,Casketiand Trimmings to select from.Will meet boat or train when re

quested. Respectfully,COVINGTON* BRO.

Taket Notice





J. J. Bailey & Bro. have just i

ceived a car load of

Bricks, a lull supply of LinuHair, Laths, Nails andJohn Lucas' best Paint.

Also have a full line of GenenMerchandise.

J.J. Bailey & Bro,0NLEY, VA.

New Store at KellciWe have lately opened our ne

store at Keller and can now suppthe trade with

A Line of Goods.ALL NEWat lowest margin of profit, consistii


Dry Goods, Notions,Groceries,

Shoes, Hats, Caps,Crockery, Hardware, &c.

Call and give us the opportunitysave you money in the many linwe have to offer you.

A. W. Mears & 8on,Keller, Va.

choice Jioliday G00^Old Kris has arrived at my storeith a choice selection of everythinge bi ings to children at

Xmas Timesnd left enough for the older folkBtoo and all at rock bottom prices.

My store is full from floor to cell-ag with

Toys, Confectioneries.nd presents for the little ones and a

arge and select line of

Staple Goodsor the older ones, including stock ofHioes for men, boys, ladies, missesind children that can't be beat on

he Bhore.The invitation ls to all to come and

lo their Xmas shopping with me andlave money.

E. W. RUSSELL,Leemont, Va.

N. B..All persons Indebted to me

ire respectfully but earnestly re

guested to settle either by cash or

note by January 1,1004. E. W. R.

Q. S. Wapleswith

WM. WATERALL & CO.,4th & Race Sts.,Philadelphia, Pa.

Manufacturers ot.Combination and Uni¬versal Mixed Paints,

White Lead,Roof Paints, Etc.

For Salo By-J. W. Rogers & Bros.,Finney, Boggs & Co.,Powell & Waples,

Martin Mason Co.Rogers Bros.Rogers & Boggs, Melfa, Va.

Marsh & Bros., Chesconnessex, Va.G. F. Byrd, Messongo, Va.

Baltimore Office:.401 Fidelity Building.

Game Season^-At a meeting of the Board of Supervi¬

sors of Aeconiack County, holdat the Court House thereof, on

Wednesday, the 11th day of No¬vember, A. D. Pj03.

By virtue of authority conferred byan "Act of the General Assembly of

Virginia, approved May 11th, 1908,section live of rtiiid Act, it is ordered hythia Board that it shall he unlawfulfor any person to hunt, kill, or capturein any manner, or buy or oder for

sale, or have in possession, any quailor partridges between the First day of

January and the Fifteenth day of No¬vember; and to track, hunt, kill, or

capture in any manner, or buy or ollerfor sale, or have in possession, anyi|iiail or partridge! ut anytime whilesnow is on the ground: And it isfurther ordered that any citi/.eu of this

county shall he, until otherwise order¬ed, permitted to ship wild water fowlfrom this county and out of this State,by regulations not inconsistent withthe provisions of said Act of the Gen¬eral Assembly of Virginia, approved iu

e 14th day of MtA Copy :.

um.aforesaid on the 14th day of AiayCopy:.Test: ltobt. II. Oldham,C. B.8.


Fall and Winter1Millinery

Has Arrived.




It embraces all the latesttyles of the season.

Our Pricesare below all competitors,and nothing but first-classwork turned ouc. We re



Invite you to call*

Miss Duncan & Co.,BELLEHAVEN,




Sewing MachinesI can eave you from $10 to $20 o

any standard make of Hewing Machines. I sell all makes. The Wheeer & WINon No. 9, ball-bearing, ThWhite, New Home, Singer an

Standard. Other makes as low s

$12 75 with a 5 year guarantee. I se

cheap for cash or on eapy paymentI will take your old machine as papayment on new ones All wavs ha\big stock on hand. Just receivedcar load. I also handle music iuetriments. I have a good selection <

ORGANSjust como in. The Weaver and Farand in oak and walnut. I can sarly say I have the best organs on tlmarket. They have been tested fiover 30 years.are still good and sinlng their own praises.Do not purchase any other uni

you try the Weaver. After a trial <

a Weaver you will be convincedits superiority.Call and see me or write for priceJOHN T. ROBINSON,

North St., ONANCOCK, V

Hessler's ClotheProduce that smilethat won't come off.



Will Be Married.nd you will need a Wedding Pres¬et for the occasion. To get it youinst come to me. If you want theest, for the least money. My stockf Sterling Silverware, and otherrt ides suitable for wedding presentsi unusually large and complete, as

Iso my stock of Watches, Jewelry,Uiver Novelties and everything be¬foging to a Jewelry 8tore of the pIrst-class (now in my new brick store r>etween Postoillce and Hotel.

Tho reason that my pricesaro so low, ls thatkeep close for cash.and tin satisfied with much smaller profits (han t

¦on pay elsewhere. You save moro than I *

oakc on each iirtlclc you buy from me. Mynngexpcrloucc toaehos mo that this methoda best for mo aa well as my customers. I umgraduate optician and refraetlonlst and lit

'ou properly with glasses.making no vhargoor examining- your cyoa.

JNO. W. DUNCAN,.Jeweler and Optician,.

*°Maiukslt^lock. Onancock, Va

Great Slaughter Sale^

No. 1 Timothy Hay.per ton, $17 00.Flour middlings.per ton, $23 00.Granulated sutfar.5 lbs. 25.Babbitts lye.3 boxes 25.Drugs.3 10 cent bottles 25.Do -0 5 " " 25

Parrot and Monkey yeast powder4 hoses 25.

drain pepper.per lb. 20.Molasses.per gallon 25.Boston rubber hip boote $1.00.

¦ ¦ knee " $3 00.

A lot of shoes and ready madecoats, hats, &c, at and below cont.36 cents per dozen paid for hen

eggs in exchange for goods.Boneless beef side bacon

per pound, 8 cents.

Xmas Goods just received beauti¬fully displayed on glass counters.Car of corn to arrive for sale at 00

cents per bushel.Lot of bed quilts and blankets at

cost.Ready mixed paints and oil at cost

for cash.A. F. MEARS & CO.

Mears, Va.

INSURANCE.Virginia Fire & Marine,

Richmond Va.

Phenix,Brooklyn, N. Y.

iEtna,Hartford, Conn.,

Petersburg Savings & InsuranceCompany,

Petersburg, Va.

Virginia State,Richmond, Va.

Mutual Life,New York.



Correspondence Solicited.Strict attention to business


I have just arrived home frortBaltimore with a nice and se

lect line of

Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, &c.and my friends and the publi<generally are invited to call ant

inspect my stock and secun

bargains.Market price paid for produci

of all kinds.Respectfully,W. B. Daugherty,

Daugherty, Va.

N. B..I have for sale a nice collMorgan and Morrell stock, 13 mouthold, good size.

W.B D.


Accomack C. H., . Virginia.Deposits Solicited..

Negotiable Paper DiscounteMoney Loaned on Bonds,

Stocks and otherSecurities.

Doors open from 9 a. m. to

p. m.

We will bond youThe United States Fidelityand Guaranty Company ofBALTIMORE, MD.

CAPITAL: - - $1,500,000.01Becomes solo security on the bonds of A

minlstrators, Executors, Guardians, Comm!tees of Lunatics. Curators, Trustees, Keceiers, State and County Officers, ContractoiClerks, Salesmen, Ax., and ls so accepted I

the Courts nf the State.For particulars and rates address

O. L. Parker, General Agen8. Stewart K. Powell, Attorney.

Onancock, Va.

IE OFFER FOR SALof round timber and land, 103,0acres, title perfect, all in HillsboConnty, Florida, bisected by 8e

board Air Line R. R. for 20 milefronts Tampa Bay for 20 miles, (10,0acres east of R. R., 43,000 acres we

of R. R. Will sell all or either shat $3.25 an acre. Easy terms. Qo<timber, good land, good water andhealthy country.


New Church, Va.



VIRGINIA..In the Circuitourt for the county of Aceo-tack, in the Vacation of thelid court, the 28th day of De-amber, A. D., 1903.Benjamin G. Johnson,


usie A. Johnson, Defendant.In Chancery.

The object of this suit is tobtain a decree divorcing the.arties to said suit a vinculoaatriraonii.Affidavit having been made

tefore the clerk of the said court,hat Susie A. Johnson, the de-endant in the above entitled:ause, is a non-resident of thekate of Virginia, on thenotion of the plaintiff, byiis attorney, it is ordered,hat she, the said non-residentlefendant do appear herewithin fifteen days after duejublication of this order andlo what is necessary tc protectier interest; and that this or

ler be published once a weokfor four successive weeks in the'Peninsula Enterprise", a news¬

paper published at Accomack0. H., Virginia, and also postedat the front-door of the court¬house of the said county on thefirst day of the next term of thecounty court of the said county.

Test: John D. Grant, c. o.A Copy-

Test: John D. Grant, a. a

John ll. & J. Harry Kew, p. q.

VIRGINIA:-At Rules heldin tho clerk's office of the cir¬cuit court for tho county of Ac¬comack, on the third Monday inDecember, A. D., 1903, the samebeing tho 2ist day of said month.

Patrick M. Fisher, Plaintiff,against

Inda A. Fisher, Defendant.In Chancery.

Tho object of this suit is toobtain a decree divorcing theparties to said suit a vinculomatrimonii.

Affidavit having been madebefore the dork of the saidcourt that Inda M. Fisher, thedefendant in tho above entitledcause, is a non-resident of theState of Virginia, on the motionof the plaintiff, by his attorney,it* is ordered that she, thesaid non-resident defendant, doappear here within fifteen daysafter due publication of this or¬

der and do what is necessary to

protect her interest; and thatthis order be published once a

week for four successive weeksin the "Peninsula Enterprise,"a newspaper published at Acco¬mack C. H., Virginia, and alsoposted at the front door of thecourthouse of the said countyon the first day of the next termof the county court of the saidcounty.

Test; John D. Grant, c. c.

A Copy-Test: John D. Grant, c. c.

John R. & J. Harry Rew, p. q.

VIRGIXIA:-At Rules heldin the clerk's office of the cir¬cuit court lor the county of Ac¬comack, on the third Monday inDecember, A. D., 1903,the same

being the 21st day of said month.Annie S. Kilmon, Plaintiff,

againstRaymond Kilmon, Defendant.

In Chancery.The object of this suit is to

obtain a decree divorcing the

parties to said suit a mensa ettoro.

Affidavit having been madebefore the clerk of the saidcourt that Raymond Kilmon,the defendant in the above en¬

titled cause, isa non-resident ofthe State of Virginia, on themotion of the plaintiff, by herattorney, it is ordered that he,the said non-resident defendant,do appear here within fifteendays after due publication ofthis order and do what is neces¬

sary to protect his interests;andthat this order be publishedonce a week for four successiveweeks in the "Peninsula Enter¬prise," a newspaper publishedat Accomack C. H., Virginiaand also posted at the frontdoor of the Court-House of thesaid county on the fir3t day olthe next term of the countjcourt of the said county.

Te*te: John D. (irant, C. 0.

A Copy.Teste: John D. Grant, c. C.

John R. & J. Harry Rew, p. q.

Notice toCreditorsCommissioner's Offlce, )

Accomack. Va-, [December 28th, 1903.)

To the creditors of T. BerkleySmith, James E. Hyslup, Garrett F. Johnson and Pete:Godfrey, deceased, and alothers concerned: You are hereby notified that, at the requesof the personal representative!of the said decedents, I have appointed the 26th day of Januarnext,at my said office, for re

ceiving proof of all debts an<

demands against the said decedents or their estates;at whicltime and place you are requireito attend and prove your claimsGiven under my hand the da;

and year first above written.Jno. S. Parsous.

Commissioner of Accounts of Accoruack County Court.

Livery, Sale fi ExchangiStables.

George B. Savage, Proprietoi


All trains met and passengerconveyed to all parts of Peninsula with comfort and dispatchSteamboats met on requeslPhone connections.Patronage of the public sa


rh Moment of Your Time will be Dote to Tug/t*-A LINE OF-

ook Stoves, Ranges and Heaters that will equal any on the

shore in quantity and quality and surpass any in price.Our line of GUNS and AMMUNITION is the largest we ever bought

id we know we can save you money. Get our prices before buying.

Our line of PLU3H ROBES, SQUARE BLANKET8 and STAPLELANKET8 are open for your inspection. The large line we have boughtmbles us to compete with city prices. If you need a suit of

HARNESSfor any purpose see us before buying. We carry In stock

full Hue of Hardware, Sash,Doors, Blinds, Mouldiuge,Palnts, Oil & Glan.

BELL <3c JUSTIS,Hardware Dealers. ONANCOCK VA.

COME NOW.We have a few heavy Merchandise in the way of

Suits, Pants, Shoes, Blankets and Comforts,which we will close out at iust

one-half l/2their value in order to make room for

Spring Goods Now Arriving Daily.Come Now and Sive Money-

Very truly,

GM & GO..The Busy Corner.


Fertilizers, Hay, Mill Feed,GENERAL MERCHANDISE &C

For sale by the undersigned at lowest margin of profitSALT.Car of salt just arrived for sale cheap.FERTILIZER8-T0 suit all crops and of best grades.TERRA COTTA PIPING-all site.-also Plastering Han, Lime, Coal and

Farming Implements.MILL FEEDS.All kinds and always at bottom prices, also Hay, Corn, fte.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE-Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, &e., in¬cluding a line of farmers' supplies of many kinds.

Your patronage solicited.and prices right in all lines.

J. W. Barnes, Bloxnm, Va.

Hay Goal, Flour, Bricks, Lime, Lathes.Shingles, Terra Cotta Piping,

General Merchandise.FURNITURE.


IN Furniture, we hare Suits, Rockers.both lu Cobler Seats and Reedsuitable for Xmas Presents.

IN Terra Cotta Piping we have the following sizes: 6, 8,10,12, 13,18, 20and 24, bought direct from the kilns and sold cheaper than wholesalecity prices. 18, 20 and 24 inch for well tubes will cost about the sameas cypress tubing superior to it in quality and will last a century.

IN General Merchandise our stock is always full,well selected and in greatvariety, and we carry in addition to above also Plows. Cultivators,14 tooth Harrows and other Farming implements,Hay, Flour,PotatoBed Frames, 6x8 Glass, Egg and Stove Coal 2.240 lbs. to the Ton, Ac,also J. W. Masury & Son's Best Liquid Paints. We buy for spot ca*h

and sell at the lowest margin of profit.

John W. Rogers & Bros.,ONLY. VA.

SOHMER PIANOS.For Power, Purity, Sweetness and Deration of tone, no piano

on earth will equal the Sohmer.


Fruin the New York Mun, Sunday, Sept. 26,1895.."The magnificent tonesof the "Sohmer" swell out in sweet and sympathetic individuality, excellingall others."

From the New York World, Dec. 19,1886.."The famous "Sohmer" pianoscombine a rich pure tone of great volume and rare quality, with a delicacyand sympathetic responsiveness of tone seldom found in other iustrments."

J. P. CAULFIELD & CO.,222 N- Howard St.,

Baltimore, Md.Headquarter! for SOHHER and other high grade pianos and Mason &

Hamlin Organs.

I. H. Merrill, Proprietor. E. H. Benson, Manager

Peninsula Tailoring Co.,


Will Visit Accomac C. H. Every Court Day.

E. W. POLK,-Formerly of.POLK & BENSON"

MERCHANTXAILOPocomoke City nd*

Will visit Accomac C. H., every court day.

.Manufacturers of.

Marble and Granite Moauinents, Headstoneb,

Tablet*, &c.

YOUNG & LANO^OEETProprietors,

Pocomoke City, Md.


Onancock, Va.

Dealer In

Honuments, Head Stones,

Iron Fence, &c

100 feet Iron Fence, Including Gate and Posts, Put up Complete for $60.0*