gamesgosocial pres final 20080926 go supermodel

From Game Developer to Social From Game Developer to Social From Game Developer to Social From Game Developer to Social Media company Media company Media company Media company – – case watAgame case watAgame case watAgame case watAgame Marko Orenius – watAgame ApS Joost Bazelmans – Red Chocolate BV

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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From Game Developer to Social From Game Developer to Social From Game Developer to Social From Game Developer to Social

Media company Media company Media company Media company –––– case watAgamecase watAgamecase watAgamecase watAgame

Marko Orenius – watAgame ApS

Joost Bazelmans – Red Chocolate BV

Introducing watAgameIntroducing watAgameIntroducing watAgameIntroducing watAgame

watAgame established in 2003watAgame established in 2003watAgame established in 2003watAgame established in 2003

An experienced team built around the vision of developing An experienced team built around the vision of developing An experienced team built around the vision of developing An experienced team built around the vision of developing

world dominating multiplayer mobile gamesworld dominating multiplayer mobile gamesworld dominating multiplayer mobile gamesworld dominating multiplayer mobile games

2005 onwards company focused on Web based social 2005 onwards company focused on Web based social 2005 onwards company focused on Web based social 2005 onwards company focused on Web based social

game (web 2.0) game (web 2.0) game (web 2.0) game (web 2.0) ––––

Investors on board to allow for global expansion and Investors on board to allow for global expansion and Investors on board to allow for global expansion and Investors on board to allow for global expansion and

product developmentproduct developmentproduct developmentproduct development

Today goSupermodel is present on 10 marketsToday goSupermodel is present on 10 marketsToday goSupermodel is present on 10 marketsToday goSupermodel is present on 10 markets

5,8 Million registered users, 750.000 users monthly and 5,8 Million registered users, 750.000 users monthly and 5,8 Million registered users, 750.000 users monthly and 5,8 Million registered users, 750.000 users monthly and

1,8 Million unique visitors monthly1,8 Million unique visitors monthly1,8 Million unique visitors monthly1,8 Million unique visitors monthly

The business model is built on user revenues via The business model is built on user revenues via The business model is built on user revenues via The business model is built on user revenues via

micropayments and advertising on the sitemicropayments and advertising on the sitemicropayments and advertising on the sitemicropayments and advertising on the site

Early daysEarly daysEarly daysEarly days

2003 - Mobile battles

Several products developed

and launched through mobile

operator portals

2005 - Change of direction

A different type of product

begins development

The product changes the

company on the way to


Growing with goSupermodelGrowing with goSupermodelGrowing with goSupermodelGrowing with goSupermodel

The original team of developers The original team of developers The original team of developers The original team of developers

worked to get the basic functionality of the worked to get the basic functionality of the worked to get the basic functionality of the worked to get the basic functionality of the

product togetherproduct togetherproduct togetherproduct together

goSupermodel is a directgoSupermodel is a directgoSupermodel is a directgoSupermodel is a direct----totototo----consumer consumer consumer consumer

service (online social game and community)service (online social game and community)service (online social game and community)service (online social game and community)

Delivery requires different channel and Delivery requires different channel and Delivery requires different channel and Delivery requires different channel and

process process process process –––– a media channel with a daily showa media channel with a daily showa media channel with a daily showa media channel with a daily show

A whole new team needed along with A whole new team needed along with A whole new team needed along with A whole new team needed along with

new marketing skillsnew marketing skillsnew marketing skillsnew marketing skills

Inspiration and models found elsewhere in other Inspiration and models found elsewhere in other Inspiration and models found elsewhere in other Inspiration and models found elsewhere in other

companies companies companies companies

FFFFrom Developer to Mediarom Developer to Mediarom Developer to Mediarom Developer to Media

Game development for a

third party channel is a

linear process. Once the

product is in the channel,

the team typically begins

work with the next case

which can be a totally

different product

Publishing an online social

game engages the whole

organization with the users.

The feedback cycle needs to

be the source for the next

iteration of the same


Organizing the teamOrganizing the teamOrganizing the teamOrganizing the team

Change your organization from a developer to a Change your organization from a developer to a Change your organization from a developer to a Change your organization from a developer to a

customer service teamcustomer service teamcustomer service teamcustomer service team

Become peopleBecome peopleBecome peopleBecome people----focused, marketing oriented, focused, marketing oriented, focused, marketing oriented, focused, marketing oriented,

sales drivensales drivensales drivensales driven

Developer Team

-Technical skills

-Graphics skills

-Game design

-Internally focused

Media Team

-Marketing skills

-Copywriting skills

-Customer service

-Externally focused

OOOOrganize around servicerganize around servicerganize around servicerganize around service

Earn your customers daily and respect Earn your customers daily and respect Earn your customers daily and respect Earn your customers daily and respect

their preferencestheir preferencestheir preferencestheir preferences

Ad sales customers have adAd sales customers have adAd sales customers have adAd sales customers have ad----hoc needshoc needshoc needshoc needs

Recognize the value of constant customer Recognize the value of constant customer Recognize the value of constant customer Recognize the value of constant customer

feedback for product developmentfeedback for product developmentfeedback for product developmentfeedback for product development

Short development cycles allow delivery Short development cycles allow delivery Short development cycles allow delivery Short development cycles allow delivery

of small improvements oftenof small improvements oftenof small improvements oftenof small improvements often

Brand integration in Brand integration in Brand integration in Brand integration in

community gamescommunity gamescommunity gamescommunity games• Red Chocolate License holder goSupermodel BeneluxRed Chocolate License holder goSupermodel BeneluxRed Chocolate License holder goSupermodel BeneluxRed Chocolate License holder goSupermodel Benelux

• Founded in 2006 and grew with watAgame into a specialist Founded in 2006 and grew with watAgame into a specialist Founded in 2006 and grew with watAgame into a specialist Founded in 2006 and grew with watAgame into a specialist

in social mediain social mediain social mediain social media

• Specialize in:Specialize in:Specialize in:Specialize in:

– community management, community management, community management, community management,

– community marketing community marketing community marketing community marketing

– ingame & community advertisingingame & community advertisingingame & community advertisingingame & community advertising

Brand integrationBrand integrationBrand integrationBrand integration

CaseCaseCaseCase RabobankRabobankRabobankRabobank• Brief explanation of the cooperation & integrationBrief explanation of the cooperation & integrationBrief explanation of the cooperation & integrationBrief explanation of the cooperation & integration

• Relevance is keyRelevance is keyRelevance is keyRelevance is key

• Elements of integration o.a.Elements of integration o.a.Elements of integration o.a.Elements of integration o.a.

– Chat botChat botChat botChat bot

– Interest on virtual moneyInterest on virtual moneyInterest on virtual moneyInterest on virtual money

– Educational featuresEducational featuresEducational featuresEducational features

– Conversion to MSN buddy listConversion to MSN buddy listConversion to MSN buddy listConversion to MSN buddy list

Ingame bank shopIngame bank shopIngame bank shopIngame bank shop

Online researchOnline researchOnline researchOnline research

– via goSupermodel sitevia goSupermodel sitevia goSupermodel sitevia goSupermodel site

– via Newcom panel (control group, nonvia Newcom panel (control group, nonvia Newcom panel (control group, nonvia Newcom panel (control group, non----users)users)users)users)

• Sounding: Sounding: Sounding: Sounding:

– zero measurement March 2008 (week 13)zero measurement March 2008 (week 13)zero measurement March 2008 (week 13)zero measurement March 2008 (week 13)

– one measurement May 2008 (week 19)one measurement May 2008 (week 19)one measurement May 2008 (week 19)one measurement May 2008 (week 19)

• Separate questionnairesSeparate questionnairesSeparate questionnairesSeparate questionnaires

Effects of ingame advertisingEffects of ingame advertisingEffects of ingame advertisingEffects of ingame advertising


Number of respondents (girls aged 10Number of respondents (girls aged 10Number of respondents (girls aged 10Number of respondents (girls aged 10----18):18):18):18):

• Zero measurement: Zero measurement: Zero measurement: Zero measurement:

– 1,482 gSm users1,482 gSm users1,482 gSm users1,482 gSm users

– 238 non238 non238 non238 non----usersusersusersusers

• One measurement: One measurement: One measurement: One measurement:

– 2,470 gSm users2,470 gSm users2,470 gSm users2,470 gSm users

– 297 non297 non297 non297 non----usersusersusersusers

• For both measurements:For both measurements:For both measurements:For both measurements:

– Results easy to generalizeResults easy to generalizeResults easy to generalizeResults easy to generalize

– At both aggregated and target group levelsAt both aggregated and target group levelsAt both aggregated and target group levelsAt both aggregated and target group levels

Effects of ingame advertisingEffects of ingame advertisingEffects of ingame advertisingEffects of ingame advertising


Effects of ingame advertisingEffects of ingame advertisingEffects of ingame advertisingEffects of ingame advertising


• The Rabobank was far more top of mind of the The Rabobank was far more top of mind of the The Rabobank was far more top of mind of the The Rabobank was far more top of mind of the girls in the 10girls in the 10girls in the 10girls in the 10----18 age group after the opening of 18 age group after the opening of 18 age group after the opening of 18 age group after the opening of the branch on the goSupermodel site (increase of the branch on the goSupermodel site (increase of the branch on the goSupermodel site (increase of the branch on the goSupermodel site (increase of around 30%).around 30%).around 30%).around 30%).

• The appreciation of the Rabobank increased The appreciation of the Rabobank increased The appreciation of the Rabobank increased The appreciation of the Rabobank increased significantly after the opening (score increase by significantly after the opening (score increase by significantly after the opening (score increase by significantly after the opening (score increase by 1.3 points).1.3 points).1.3 points).1.3 points).

• The Rabobank is now more strongly associated The Rabobank is now more strongly associated The Rabobank is now more strongly associated The Rabobank is now more strongly associated with positive characteristics, even amongst the with positive characteristics, even amongst the with positive characteristics, even amongst the with positive characteristics, even amongst the girls who do not have a Rabobank account.girls who do not have a Rabobank account.girls who do not have a Rabobank account.girls who do not have a Rabobank account.

• Intention to open a real bank account with the Intention to open a real bank account with the Intention to open a real bank account with the Intention to open a real bank account with the Rabobank relatively high (according to forecast Rabobank relatively high (according to forecast Rabobank relatively high (according to forecast Rabobank relatively high (according to forecast this would be an increase of 16.8%).this would be an increase of 16.8%).this would be an increase of 16.8%).this would be an increase of 16.8%).

From Game Developer to Social Media From Game Developer to Social Media From Game Developer to Social Media From Game Developer to Social Media

company company company company –––– case watAgamecase watAgamecase watAgamecase watAgame

Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!


Marko Orenius – watAgame ApS

Joost Bazelmans – Red Chocolate bv