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Visit or call +44 20 8879 2430 1 Gartner Sourcing & Strategic Vendor Relationships Summit 2014 2 – 3 June | London, UK | Successful Sourcing in the Digital Economy — New Rules, New Value HOT TOPICS Adapting IT sourcing strategies for a digital future Navigating the IT services marketplace for the best deals Integrating traditional and cloud environments Managing vendors to optimize performance Sourcing for innovation SAVE €300 Register by 4 April 2014 by visiting

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Gartner Sourcing & Strategic Vendor Relationships Summit 20142 – 3 June | London, UK |

Successful Sourcing in the Digital Economy — New Rules, New Value


Adapting IT sourcing strategies for a digital future

Navigating the IT services marketplace for the best deals

Integrating traditional and cloud environments

Managing vendors to optimize performance

Sourcing for innovation

SaVE €300Register by 4 April 2014 by visiting

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Adapt your sourcing strategies to enable digital business transformation.

Businesses are being engulfed by a torrent of digital opportunities, but often enterprise IT is not set up to easily deliver on these digital dreams. In such an environment, driving optimal performance and value demands a fresh approach from your sourcing organization.

The Gartner Sourcing & Strategic Vendor Relationships Summit will help you to understand how to adapt your approaches and vendor eco-system to the growing requirements of digital business. From the creation of effective IT sourcing strategies, to the selection of “best fit” providers and the adoption of new pricing models, through to the management of current and emerging providers, the Summit will give you fresh new ideas and concrete, actionable ‘how to’ advice:

•Assessthechallenges and opportunities of digitalization for sourcing and for you

•Adjustyoursourcingstrategiestoenableagilityanddeliver innovation

• Integratethelatestthinkingintocontractandpricing negotiations

•Achieveoptimalresultsfromtheincreasingnumberofnew services and providers in the market

•Manage hybrid environments of traditional, cloud-enabled and globally delivered services

•Ensureyour sourcing team isn’t bypassed by the business in an era of “as a service” solutions

Delivering the best performance and value from traditional and emerging services demands new thinking and the adoption of new practices. Don’t get left behind!

Successful Sourcing in the Digital Economy — New Rules, New Value

Ian Marriott, Summit Chair


By 2016, the sourcing of 20% of the enterprise portfolio for business and IT services will be not be executed by sourcing teams.Ensure your sourcing team isn’t bypassed by the business!

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A CIOs and Senior Leaders: Innovating and Succeeding in a Demanding Business Environment

ThistrackfocusesonhowtoadjustITsourcingstrategiestotheneedsof digital business, delivering innovation through the souring ecosystem, preparing Sourcing for the impact of the nexus of forces. The evolution of digital business brings with it a complex range of opportunities and challenges.Enhancingsourcingstrategiestoplanfortheeffectiveuseofinternal and external resources, across traditional, cloud-based and globally delivered services creates a new level of complexity; but it can also deliver the benefits of sustainable business differentiation.

B Sourcing and Contract Managers: Effective Evaluation, Selection and Contracting in a Time of Change

This track will examine issues such as how to adopt contracting best practices to assure a smooth transition to cloud computing and successfully adopt traditional and cloud oriented outsourcing services. Recalibratingdealobjectivestowardsenhancingbusinessoutcomes,through traditional and industrialized services, requires a clear focus on industry leading practices. As such, evaluation, selection and optimized contracting have never been more important.

C Vendor Managers: Managing Vendors in the Digital Industrial Economy

This track will examine the optimum approaches to managing strategic vendors and emerging delivery models while optimizing vendor performance, mitigating risks, and enhancing relationships. IT vendors form an important ecosystem in any enterprise. They are important, not only to IT operations, but are also critical to business success. Achieving effective outcomes from the broadening ecosystem of providers requires a combination of new thinking, to effectively integrate a hybrid environment, and the execution of disciplined vendor management practices.

D Marketplace: Future-Proof Your Sourcing Strategies

Future proof your sourcing strategies. New vendors and new services willreshapetheEuropeanmarketplace.Anurgentreappraisalofthemarketplace is required to take advantage of the new opportunities and avoid damaging risks. This track will give you insight into specific service linesintheEuropeanmarketplace,includingcloud,applicationservices,data center, service desk, desktop and mobility services, and business process services.

E Practical Outsourcing

This track consists of a series of in-depth workshops, contract negotiation clinics and roundtable discussions, facilitated by Gartner analysts, with attendees expected to work together to identify best practices and share practical ideas and tips. Registration is required for these sessions and they are available to end users only.

Senior business and IT professionals including:


• ChiefSourcingOfficers,SourcingExecutives,HeadsofOutsourcing

• SourcingManagers

• VendorManagers

• ContractManagers

• ProcurementManagers

• BusinessUnitManagers


• GlobalSourcingManagers

Who should attend?

Get practical advice and best practices from your peers as they describe their real worldinitiatives.Casestudiesincluding:

Astellas: Using Applications Outsourcing as a Platform for a Strategic Partnership

Peter Hurst, Vice President, Information Systems and Strategies, Astellas Pharma

DSB A/S: Turning a Firm Infrastructure Outsourcing Contract into a Business Enabler

Martin Börjesson, VP and Group CIO, DSB

Leveraging Commoditised Technology and Services to Build Business Critical Applications

Steve Howes, Managing Director, Rail Settlement Plan

Schneider Electric: Leveraging New Outsourcing Partnerships to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Frederic Chanfrau, Senior Vice President, IT Regions, Schneider Electric

For more details, visit

Case studies

Cover all phases of the sourcing cycle

The agenda is specifically designed for key sourcing roles — bring your team.

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4 Gartner Sourcing & Strategic Vendor Relationships Summit 2014

Agenda at a Glance

07:30 – 20:00 Registration and Information

08:00 – 08:45 Getting Gartner and Meet the Analysts Moderator: Richard Mitchell

09:00 – 10:00 Gartner Keynote: Adapting Sourcing for a Digital Future Linda Cohen, Cathy Tornbohm and Ian Marriott

10:00 – 10:45 Guest Keynote: How to Nurture Ideas That Matter Tim Harford, Economist, Writer and Broadcaster

10:45 – 11:30 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 10:55 – 11:25 60 Seconds or Bust: Sponsor Snapshot Moderator: Richard Mitchell


CIOs and Senior Leaders: Innovating and Succeeding in a Demanding Business Environment


Sourcing and Contract Managers: EffectiveEvaluation,SelectionandContractinginaTimeofChange


Vendor Managers: Managing Vendors in the Digital Industrial Economy


Marketplace: Future-ProofYour Sourcing Strategies


Workshops and Roundtables

11:30 – 12:15 HowAdaptiveSourcingStrategiesDeliverAgility,EfficiencyandDigitalTransformation Claudio Da Rold

FiveKeyAreasThatCanMakeorBreakYourOutsourcingDeal Ruby Jivan

Vendor Management and Governance: Don't Be Bypassed by the Business Linda Cohen

NextGenerationEnd-UserServicesMust Support Digital Transformation Gainluca Tramacere

Analyst-UserRoundtable:HowcanYouuseCloudServicesforMission-CriticalOperations? Moderator: Ed Anderson

Analyst-UserRoundtable:HowcanYou Best Manage the Vendors that DeliverYourITprojects? Moderator: Chris Ambrose

12:15 – 13:30 Lunch in the Solution Showcase 12:45 – 13:30 PeerExchange

13:30 – 14:15 Implications for Sourcing in the 2014CIOAgenda:TamingtheDigital Dragon Dave Aron

Negotiating With the Software Mega-Vendors: IBM, Microsoft, OracleandSAP Alexa Bona

ManagingConflictandFrictionBetweenProcurementandVendorManagement Chris Ambrose

The New Look and Feel of ManagedServicesEnablingtheDigitalEnterprise Frances Karamouzis

Workshop: Avoiding Risk When ContractingforCloudServices Moderator: Frank Ridder

Workshop:EvaluatingandMaturing Your Vendor Management Capabilities Moderators: Gayla Sullivan and Linda Cohen

Analyst-UserRoundtable:HowCanYouMeasuretheCompetencyofDemandManagement? Moderator: Kris Doering

14:30 – 15:00 SolutionProviderSessions

15:00 – 15:30 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 15:00 – 15:30 PeerExchange

15:30 – 16:15 CaseStudy:DSBA/S:TurningaFirmInfrastructureOutsourcingContractintoaBusinessEnabler Martin Börjesson, VP and Group CIO, DSB

CaseStudy:SchneiderElectric:LeveragingNewOutsourcingPartnershipstoAccelerateDigitalTransformation Frederic Chanfrau, Senior Vice President, IT Regions, Schneider Electric

CaseStudy:Astellas:UsingApplicationsOutsourcingasaPlatformforaStrategicPartnership Peter Hurst, Vice President, Information Systems and Strategies, Astellas Pharma

CaseStudy:LeveragingCommoditisedTechnologyandServicestoBuildBusinessCriticalApplications Steve Howes, Managing Director, Rail Settlement Plan

Workshop: Successfully Negotiating InfrastructureOutsourcingContracts Moderator: William Maurer

Workshop: Ten Steps to Improving VendorPerformance Moderators: Chris Ambrose and Gayla Sullivan

Analyst-UserRoundtable:WhatistheValueofCloudServiceBrokerage? Moderator: Ed Anderson

16:30 – 17:15 HowtouseSourcingforInnovation Ed Anderson

UseCrowdSourcingCommunitiesto Improve Application Quality and ReduceCost Gilbert van der Heiden

Developing Vendor Management Metrics, Scorecards, and Dashboards Helen Huntley

Negotiating with and Managing the New Guard of IT Suppliers: Amazon, Apple, Google and Workday Alexa Bona

Analyst-UserRoundtable:WhatareCurrentUserExperiencesinConsumingCloudandUtilityServices? Moderator: Claudio Da Rold

17:30 – 18:00 TothePoint:HowDoesDigitalization Improve Your OutsourcingInitiative? Frank Ridder

TothePoint:WhatYouNeedtoKnowAboutOffshoreCaptiveCentersin2014 Ian Marriott

TothePoint:DeterminingtheBestOrganizationModelforVendorManagement Chris Ambrose

TothePoint:BPOandITO— WhataretheRealSynergies? Cathy Tornbohm

18:00 – 20:00 Networking Reception in the Solution Showcase

08:00 – 16:35 Registration and Information

08:00 – 08:45 IdeasExchanges

09:00 – 09:45 Gartner Keynote: Emerging Trends, Disruptions and Digital Business Steve Prentice

09:45 – 10:30 CIO Keynote:

10:30 – 11:00 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 10:30 – 11:00 PeerExchange

11:00 – 11:45 DrivingOptimalValueThroughGlobalDeliveryBestPractices Ian Marriott

UseDueDiligencetoAvoidCostlyMistakesinOutsourcingandCloudServiceProviderSelection Kris Doering

Vendor Management Techniques for CloudSourcing Linda Cohen

Integrate SaaS and Traditional Application Services to Achieve TangibleBusinessOutcomes Gilbert van der Heiden

Workshop:PracticalHintsforLayered Adaptive Sourcing Strategies Moderator: Claudio Da Rold

Workshop:BestPracticesforNegotiating Infrastructure "aaS" Contracts Moderator: William Maurer

Analyst-UserRoundtable: IsInsourcingFixingAllOutsourcingIssues? Moderator: Frank Ridder

12:00 – 12:30 SolutionProviderSessions

12:30 – 13:45 Lunch in the Solution Showcase 13:00 – 13:45 PeerExchange

13:45 – 14:30 CustomerCentricityDemandsNewApproach to Sourcing Strategies Frances Karamouzis

HowtoIntegrateCloudIntrastructure “aaS” with Traditional OutsourcingSolutions William Maurer

MitigateOutsourcingandCloudRisks by Applying a Vendor Risk Management Discipline Gayla Sullivan

Mobility Applications: Get Your Sourcing Strategy Right or Be Beaten to Market Kris Doering

Workshop: Achieving an Agile SourcingOrganization Moderator: Roger Cox

Workshop:BestPracticesforSelectingDataCenterServicesandProvidersRegionallyandGlobally Moderator: Claudio Da Rold

Analyst-UserRoundtable:WhataretheBestPracticesinManagingVendortoVendorTransitions? Moderator: Helen Huntley

14:45 – 15:15 TothePoint:HowSourcingOrganizationsShouldPreparetoSupporttheDigitalEconomy Ruby Jivan

TothePoint:DevelopingandManaging Great SLAs Gianluca Tramacere

TothePoint:GoingBeyondCostSavings:MeasuringandCommunicatingtheValueofVendorManagement Helen Huntley

TothePoint:HybridIT:DeliveringITUsingBothCloudandNon-CloudServices Ed Anderson

Analyst-UserRoundtable:WillYourInfrastructurePricingGuideYouTowardsSuccess? Moderator: William Maurer

15:15 – 15:45 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 15:15 – 15:45 PeerExchange

15:45 – 16:30 Guest Keynote: Natural Born Winners Robin Sieger, Best Selling Author and Broadcaster

16:30 – 16:35 SummitClose










At the Summit, please refer to the agenda in the event guide provided, for the most up to date session and location information

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Agenda correct as of 7 February 2014

07:30 – 20:00 Registration and Information

08:00 – 08:45 Getting Gartner and Meet the Analysts Moderator: Richard Mitchell

09:00 – 10:00 Gartner Keynote: Adapting Sourcing for a Digital Future Linda Cohen, Cathy Tornbohm and Ian Marriott

10:00 – 10:45 Guest Keynote: How to Nurture Ideas That Matter Tim Harford, Economist, Writer and Broadcaster

10:45 – 11:30 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 10:55 – 11:25 60 Seconds or Bust: Sponsor Snapshot Moderator: Richard Mitchell


CIOs and Senior Leaders: Innovating and Succeeding in a Demanding Business Environment


Sourcing and Contract Managers: EffectiveEvaluation,SelectionandContractinginaTimeofChange


Vendor Managers: Managing Vendors in the Digital Industrial Economy


Marketplace: Future-ProofYour Sourcing Strategies


Workshops and Roundtables

11:30 – 12:15 HowAdaptiveSourcingStrategiesDeliverAgility,EfficiencyandDigitalTransformation Claudio Da Rold

FiveKeyAreasThatCanMakeorBreakYourOutsourcingDeal Ruby Jivan

Vendor Management and Governance: Don't Be Bypassed by the Business Linda Cohen

NextGenerationEnd-UserServicesMust Support Digital Transformation Gainluca Tramacere

Analyst-UserRoundtable:HowcanYouuseCloudServicesforMission-CriticalOperations? Moderator: Ed Anderson

Analyst-UserRoundtable:HowcanYou Best Manage the Vendors that DeliverYourITprojects? Moderator: Chris Ambrose

12:15 – 13:30 Lunch in the Solution Showcase 12:45 – 13:30 PeerExchange

13:30 – 14:15 Implications for Sourcing in the 2014CIOAgenda:TamingtheDigital Dragon Dave Aron

Negotiating With the Software Mega-Vendors: IBM, Microsoft, OracleandSAP Alexa Bona

ManagingConflictandFrictionBetweenProcurementandVendorManagement Chris Ambrose

The New Look and Feel of ManagedServicesEnablingtheDigitalEnterprise Frances Karamouzis

Workshop: Avoiding Risk When ContractingforCloudServices Moderator: Frank Ridder

Workshop:EvaluatingandMaturing Your Vendor Management Capabilities Moderators: Gayla Sullivan and Linda Cohen

Analyst-UserRoundtable:HowCanYouMeasuretheCompetencyofDemandManagement? Moderator: Kris Doering

14:30 – 15:00 SolutionProviderSessions

15:00 – 15:30 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 15:00 – 15:30 PeerExchange

15:30 – 16:15 CaseStudy:DSBA/S:TurningaFirmInfrastructureOutsourcingContractintoaBusinessEnabler Martin Börjesson, VP and Group CIO, DSB

CaseStudy:SchneiderElectric:LeveragingNewOutsourcingPartnershipstoAccelerateDigitalTransformation Frederic Chanfrau, Senior Vice President, IT Regions, Schneider Electric

CaseStudy:Astellas:UsingApplicationsOutsourcingasaPlatformforaStrategicPartnership Peter Hurst, Vice President, Information Systems and Strategies, Astellas Pharma

CaseStudy:LeveragingCommoditisedTechnologyandServicestoBuildBusinessCriticalApplications Steve Howes, Managing Director, Rail Settlement Plan

Workshop: Successfully Negotiating InfrastructureOutsourcingContracts Moderator: William Maurer

Workshop: Ten Steps to Improving VendorPerformance Moderators: Chris Ambrose and Gayla Sullivan

Analyst-UserRoundtable:WhatistheValueofCloudServiceBrokerage? Moderator: Ed Anderson

16:30 – 17:15 HowtouseSourcingforInnovation Ed Anderson

UseCrowdSourcingCommunitiesto Improve Application Quality and ReduceCost Gilbert van der Heiden

Developing Vendor Management Metrics, Scorecards, and Dashboards Helen Huntley

Negotiating with and Managing the New Guard of IT Suppliers: Amazon, Apple, Google and Workday Alexa Bona

Analyst-UserRoundtable:WhatareCurrentUserExperiencesinConsumingCloudandUtilityServices? Moderator: Claudio Da Rold

17:30 – 18:00 TothePoint:HowDoesDigitalization Improve Your OutsourcingInitiative? Frank Ridder

TothePoint:WhatYouNeedtoKnowAboutOffshoreCaptiveCentersin2014 Ian Marriott

TothePoint:DeterminingtheBestOrganizationModelforVendorManagement Chris Ambrose

TothePoint:BPOandITO— WhataretheRealSynergies? Cathy Tornbohm

18:00 – 20:00 Networking Reception in the Solution Showcase

08:00 – 16:35 Registration and Information

08:00 – 08:45 IdeasExchanges

09:00 – 09:45 Gartner Keynote: Emerging Trends, Disruptions and Digital Business Steve Prentice

09:45 – 10:30 CIO Keynote:

10:30 – 11:00 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 10:30 – 11:00 PeerExchange

11:00 – 11:45 DrivingOptimalValueThroughGlobalDeliveryBestPractices Ian Marriott

UseDueDiligencetoAvoidCostlyMistakesinOutsourcingandCloudServiceProviderSelection Kris Doering

Vendor Management Techniques for CloudSourcing Linda Cohen

Integrate SaaS and Traditional Application Services to Achieve TangibleBusinessOutcomes Gilbert van der Heiden

Workshop:PracticalHintsforLayered Adaptive Sourcing Strategies Moderator: Claudio Da Rold

Workshop:BestPracticesforNegotiating Infrastructure "aaS" Contracts Moderator: William Maurer

Analyst-UserRoundtable: IsInsourcingFixingAllOutsourcingIssues? Moderator: Frank Ridder

12:00 – 12:30 SolutionProviderSessions

12:30 – 13:45 Lunch in the Solution Showcase 13:00 – 13:45 PeerExchange

13:45 – 14:30 CustomerCentricityDemandsNewApproach to Sourcing Strategies Frances Karamouzis

HowtoIntegrateCloudIntrastructure “aaS” with Traditional OutsourcingSolutions William Maurer

MitigateOutsourcingandCloudRisks by Applying a Vendor Risk Management Discipline Gayla Sullivan

Mobility Applications: Get Your Sourcing Strategy Right or Be Beaten to Market Kris Doering

Workshop: Achieving an Agile SourcingOrganization Moderator: Roger Cox

Workshop:BestPracticesforSelectingDataCenterServicesandProvidersRegionallyandGlobally Moderator: Claudio Da Rold

Analyst-UserRoundtable:WhataretheBestPracticesinManagingVendortoVendorTransitions? Moderator: Helen Huntley

14:45 – 15:15 TothePoint:HowSourcingOrganizationsShouldPreparetoSupporttheDigitalEconomy Ruby Jivan

TothePoint:DevelopingandManaging Great SLAs Gianluca Tramacere

TothePoint:GoingBeyondCostSavings:MeasuringandCommunicatingtheValueofVendorManagement Helen Huntley

TothePoint:HybridIT:DeliveringITUsingBothCloudandNon-CloudServices Ed Anderson

Analyst-UserRoundtable:WillYourInfrastructurePricingGuideYouTowardsSuccess? Moderator: William Maurer

15:15 – 15:45 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 15:15 – 15:45 PeerExchange

15:45 – 16:30 Guest Keynote: Natural Born Winners Robin Sieger, Best Selling Author and Broadcaster

16:30 – 16:35 SummitClose

Keynote SessionsGartner Opening Keynote: Adapting Sourcing for a Digital Future

Sourcing executives must achieve an important

balance between delivering an existing portfolio of day-to-day operations (Core services), and applying innovation to drive digital business enabled by technology. To date, sourcing has been largely focused on executing an efficiency based (cost driven) sourcing portfolio, to ‘run the core’. However, there is significant pressure to exploit new digital business opportunities, where future sourcing objectives are driven by speed and innovation. In this keynote, we will provide pragmatic advice on ‘running the core’ while adapting sourcing for a digital future.

Linda Cohen, Cathy Tornbohm and Ian Marriott

Guest Keynote: How to Nurture Ideas That Matter

What do a bizarre proposal from the British air force, a radical gene therapy, and an all-conquering sports team have in common? In each case, success depended on successful

innovation. In this keynote session, Tim Harford explores a fundamental pair of questions: where do ideas that matter come from — and how do we support them when those ideas are still young and fragile? Tim argues that amid highly promising approaches to innovation, we may be missing a vital component.

Tim Harford, Economist, Writer and Broadcaster

Gartner Keynote: Emerging Trends, Disruptions and Digital Business

The combined influence of social computing, mobile devices, big data and cloud everything has transformed the internet into a global platform for e-business and is ushering in a

new digital industrial economy. The next few years will see existing business models swept aside by a new wave of digital businesses which blur the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds and create new revenue opportunities and decisive competitive advantage. What are the key trends driving this new era? How do they combine and amplify their impact? What disruptions lie ahead — and for whom?

Steve Prentice

Guest Keynote: Natural Born Winners

As the rate of change within the commercial landscape increases in terms of competition, speed and scale, the factors which govern our ability to succeed personally and professionally

are of major importance; and in the hectic pace of modern business life too often overlooked. This presentation will explore the principles that lie at the heart of success and peak performance. An uplifting and thought provoking talk which will give a clear perspective on what we need to be doing to best equip ourselves to meet business challenges going forward.

Robin Sieger, Best Selling Author and Broadcaster

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6 Gartner Sourcing & Strategic Vendor Relationships Summit 2014

Meet the Analysts

Ian MarriottResearch VP, and Conference Chair

Offshore outsourcing; global delivery models; outsourcing and IT services in EMEA

Ruby JivanResearch Director

Frances KaramouzisVP, Distinguished Analyst

Services outsourcing strategy (IT and BPO); supplier evaluation and selection; vendor management; process optimization and offshore delivery management

Strategy; business case analysis, shared service centers; application development and outsourcing; applications services including SaaS and offshore/global delivery

Helen HuntleyResearch VP

Gilbert van der HeidenResearch VP

Kris DoeringResearch Director

Sourcing strategy, evaluation and selection; contract development and negotiations; vendor management; transitions; domestic, rural, nearshore and offshore/global delivery

Sourcing strategy; vendor selection; contracting; vendor management; application and testing services and metrics; operating level agreements

Sourcing strategies; provider evaluation/selection; contracting and negotiating; vendor management; application services

Claudio Da RoldIT Services and Sourcing Chief of Research; VP, Distinguished Analyst

Sourcing strategy; outsourcing market dynamics; alternative delivery models; IT infrastructure utility; IT services industrialization; industrialized low cost services

Linda CohenManaging VP

Alexa BonaManaging VP

Sourcing strategy; multisourcing; sourcing and vendor management; cloud sourcing strategy and governance

Trends in software licensing and pricing and maintenance; SaaS and cloud contracting; negotiating software license agreements with Microsoft, Oracle and SAP

Dave AronVP and Gartner Fellow

Ed AndersonResearch Director

Chris AmbroseResearch VP

Digital business strategy; IT strategy; leadership and C-level relationships

Cloud services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS); cloud market sizing, trends and forecast; IT services

Applications outsourcing; sourcing strategies and contracting; vendor performance and relationship management

Cathy TornbohmResearch VP

Gianluca TramacereResearch VP

Gayla SullivanResearch Director

Business process outsourcing (BPO); finance and accounting BPO; alternative delivery models; business process utility

Outsourcing market dynamics; evaluation and selection of service providers; global delivery

Vendor management, procurement, sourcing, contract negotiation/management, cloud and SaaS-based contracting and managing megavendors

William MaurerResearch VP

Infrastructure outsourcing including all “as a Service” solutions, contract negotiations and deal development (SLAs); performance management; vendor evaluation and selection

Frank RidderManaging VP

Steve PrenticeVP and Gartner Research Fellow

Contract and deal development; vendor management; vendor selection; infrastructure utilities; IaaS; cloud sourcing; sourcing strategy; infrastructure outsourcing

Emerging trends; digital business and innovation

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Solution ShowcaseDevelop a “shortlist” of technology providers who can meet your particular needs. We offer you exclusive access to some of the world’s leading technology and service solution providers in a variety of settings.

s o f t w a r e d e v e l o p m e n t

Unisys is a worldwide information technology company. We provide a portfolio of IT services, software, and technology that solves critical problems for clients. We specialize in helping clients secure their operations, increase the efficiency and utilization of their data centers, enhance support to their end users and constituents, and modernize their enterprise applications. With approximately 23,000 employees, Unisys serves commercial organizations and government agencies throughout the world.

Great relationships are underpinned by outstanding governance, trusted management information and high quality data. The MSS platform delivers multi-vendor governance, data cleansing and management information as a service.

Multichannel commerce, big data, managed services, mobile and so much more. We take pride in precisely crafting creative solutions through proven technologies.

We are an IT solutions provider with long-term outsourcing experience. Our local knowledge, international presence and trusted partners should make us your first choice when selecting partners in CEE.

OSF Global Services is an international firm specializing in technology customization, implementation and integration as well as custom software development. For more information visit

Premier sponsor

Silver sponsors

HCL is a $6.4 Billion global IT service provider, leveraging an extensive offshore global infrastructure in 31 countries to provide holistic, multi-service delivery.

Stefanini is a global IT outsourcing services company with 17,000 resources across 76 offices in 33 countries across the globe. Since 1987, Stefanini has been providing offshore, onshore and nearshore IT services, including application development services, IT infrastructure outsourcing (help desk support and desktop services), systems integration, consulting and strategic staffing to enterprises around the world.

Platinum sponsors

Media partners

Sponsorship opportunities

For further information about sponsoring this event:

Telephone: +44 1784 267456

Email: [email protected]

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GartnerEventshasdesignedanexperience that will help teams of 4 or more maximize their Summit experience while on-site and long after the event concludes.

Benefi ts

• TeammeetingwithaGartneranalyst(end-users only)

• Adviceandsupportonbuildingpersonalized agendas for your team

• Complimentarymeetingspace(based on team size, terms and conditions apply)

•Optionalteammeeting(s)withselect executives from vendor organizations

• Discountsonregistrationrates

Summit Team Discount Offers:




[email protected] or contact your Gartner Account Manager.

Please note that teams must be registered at the same time and we can only guarantee availability of team benefi ts if the team is registered at least three weeks in advance of the event.

Gartner Sourcing & Strategic Vendor Relationships Summit 20142 – 3 June | London,

© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affi liates. All rights reserved. Gartner is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. or its affi liates. For more information, email [email protected] or visit

Team attendance


3 Easy Ways To RegisterWeb:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 20 8879 2430

Pricing subject to change

Early-bird price: €2,095+UKVAT (offer ends 4 April 2014)

Standard Price: €2,395+UKVAT

Public Sector Price: €1,875+UKVAT

Gartner ClientsAGartnerticketcoversbothdaysoftheSummit.Contactyouraccountmanageror email [email protected] to register using a ticket.

Early-bird discount

Register before 4 April 2014 and save €300 on the standard price

100% Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not completely satisfi ed with this Gartner conference, please notify us in writing within 15 days of the conference and we will refund 100% of your registration fee.

VenueVenue:ParkPlazaWestminsterBridge,200 Westminster Bridge Road, LondonSE17UT,UK

• Role based agenda covering all phases of the sourcing cycle. See pages 4 – 5 for details >>

• Get independent advice, tools and techniques to help you exploit the latest IT sourcing options.

• Understand the market changes and focus on what you need to do differently, how vendors are adapting their offerings and how both sides have to work together in the new digital economy.