gas wells to facilities

TEcHNııLtıGY WELL TıE ıN_l - mine the requirements for tying in new wells. A number of techniques are available. ' ' COz-2 mol% . Pressure-95O psig . Heat content-95O BTU/scf . HzO content-4 lblMMscf . Meter-Custody transfer,: (ZVo accuracy Based on these specificatioııs, the sales gas treatment may include some or all of the following four steps: 1. Removal acid gas (H2S anıl CO2) by a sweetening process 2. Dehydration (H2O removal) 3. Hydrocarbon dew point coı,ıtrtıl to remove rich hydrocarbons, leaving methane and ethane as the sales stream 4. Compression of gas to tlıe pipeline pressure. Soun gas Many factors distinguislr gas wells. Fig. 1 This series of two articles discusses existing techniques and methods to quickly and effectively connect wells to production facilities and pipelines, typically used in western Canada This first article will discuss gener- al considerations and the concluding part will cover detailed design. Gas ııuells Oil and gas production requires meetiıı1; certain product specifications an,,1 iııstalling a distribution network. Oil can be processed at the well Uaniou§ approaches GOnneGt uuells t0 iaciliiies Ken J. Varg,-ıs Falcrııı EDl: L"tt. Cılgary detailed analysis of existing pro- cessing and transportation facili- ties must be performed to deter- site, trucked, or piped to .r refiırery. But a gas well, unlike an oil well, must be connected into a pipeline transmission system for tlre product to be sold. There are exceptions, such as if tl,ıe gas is liquefied and trans- ported in pressurized vessels. How- ever, this process has been used in only a few areas of the world. Identification of a typical gas sales specification is the first step in deter- mining the type of gas processiııg needed to allow the gas to be trans- ported witlrout liquids or freezing, and in a state that the final consumer can burn cleanly and efficiently. A typical gas sales specification is as follows: . Dew point-15o C. at 850 psig . Hydrogen sulfide (HzS)-Less tlıan 16 ppm ffi ğffiitı ]vEı l00 ppn i1_.§ iınd il]oıd thail 1 MMsı:ld -i yrs ffi ğllü&9. -- - sdul ors ; Hytlralas \ " paldntial N a il 1] s ı ] ].ül L ı:i l) ü l] i ] ü il 1| ] d P s€aralOr m elOİi n g NOte; M ; ıııeltİ ı,i ',,i'O  'V Ç §ef*6 . lnsulaled 0]l & Gas Journal . Sept. 21, 1998 -ıı-ı

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