gateway newsletter q1 2013 final2 april2013

JetBlue University Gateway Program Featured University Gateway Update Gateway Expansion: AABI, Cape Air, & ExpressJet p1 Success Stories Dan Thurber & Shanti Merriman earn their stripes at JetBlue Airways p4 Intern Report Dan Dubois and Tim Wong share their ColleCrew Experience p7 Newsletter Edition | Q1 2013

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Page 1: Gateway newsletter q1 2013 final2 april2013

JetBlue University Gateway Program

FeaturedUniversity Gateway UpdateGateway Expansion: AABI, Cape Air, & ExpressJet p1

Success Stories Dan Thurber & Shanti Merrimanearn their stripes at JetBlue Airways p4

Intern ReportDan Dubois and Tim Wong share their ColleCrew Experience p7

Newsletter Edition | Q1 2013

Page 2: Gateway newsletter q1 2013 final2 april2013

University Gateway Update Gateway ExpansionThe Gateway Program is expand-ing! JetBlue and Cape Air have always aimed to recruit the best and the bright-est for the University Gateway Pro-gram, which is why we are excited to announce we are teaming up with other AABI Accredited aviation programs to further broaden this opportunity to stu-dents.

Cape Air and JetBlue have expanded the Gateway Program to Jacksonville University and Auburn University, al-lowing aviation students at both of the universities, the opportunity to become apart of the program.

Cape Air and JetBlue have attended both campuses this spring to announce the expansion and interview students for the program

We continue to look at other AABI ac-credited Universities for future ex-pansion, and through the Advanced Gateway Program allow other AABI ac-credited program graduates a similar op-portunity

In addition to the expansion at new Uni-versities, the Gateway Program has ex-panded to add another regional partner to the mix. We have recently formalized an agreement with ExpressJet Airlines to allow students in the Gateway pro-JUDP�WR�À\�ZLWK�([SUHVV-HW�DIWHU�D�\HDU�of service as a Captain at Cape Air. This agreement allows for students to have WKH�RSWLRQ�WR�PRYH�RQ�WR�([SUHVV-HW��while staying on the gateway pathway.

We understand there are gateway pilots ZKR�PD\�ZDQW�DQ�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�À\�D�GLI-ferent airplane, and gain jet experience at a larger regional, while some will pre-fer to remain at Cape Air until they reach the required hiring minimums at JetBlue. This agreement allows for students to have either option, while keeping intact the original pathway.


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+RZ�GRHV�([SUHVV-HW�¿W�LQ"�*DWHZD\�program pilots currently in the pathway, would continue along the outlined path graduating from their University and becoming a Flight Instructor until they UHDFK�&DSH�$LU�DV�D�)LUVW�2I¿FHU�RU�&DS-tain. After a year of service as an ATP Captain at Cape Air, gateway program participants would have the option to in-WHUYLHZ�DQG�À\�IRU�([SUHVV-HW�IRU�D�PLQL-mum of two years, or the length of time LW�WDNHV�WR�UHDFK�FRPSHWLWLYH�¿JKW�WLPH�hiring minimums at JetBlue (currently 3000-4000hours).

7KH�PRYH�WR�([SUHVV-HW�LV�RSWLRQDO��DQG�is not a requirement for the program. If a gateway pilot remains on the original SDWKZD\��WKH\�FRXOG�UHPDLQ�À\LQJ�DW�Cape Air until they reach the competi-tive hiring minimums at JetBlue, cur-rently 3000-4000hrs. We are still in the process of working out details for those who would like to take advantage of this option, and should have a more formal-ized process set up soon. If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact Krista Poppe at &DSH�$LU�RU�(ULF�3RROH�DW�-HW%OXH�

Advanced GatewayWLWK�WKH�VXFFHVV�RI�WKH�¿UVW�IHZ�JDWH-way program members, JetBlue has an-nounced they have expanded opportuni-ties for those Cape Air pilots who did not

have an opportunity to join the original gateway program during their Under-graduate studies.

With this expansion, some of our Cape Air pilots who are AABI accredited pro-gram graduates and who meet the same outlined gateway program criteria and recommendation from Cape Air, will have an opportunity to interview with JetBlue to be accepted into the “Ad-vanced Gateway Program” pathway. Once accepted into this pathway, these SLORWV�ZRXOG�FRQWLQXH�WR�À\�DW�&DSH�Air, until they reach the required hours to proceed through the jet transition FRXUVH��DQG�HYHQWXDOO\�D�¿QDO�LQWHUYLHZ�at JetBlue. The requirements for the Advanced Gateway Program are the same as our initial gateway program and include:


This expansion allows opportunities for graduates of other AABI accredited pro-grams with whom we haven’t yet formal-ized the gateway program. However, the expanded gateway program will not affect those gateway program applicants currently in the pathway, as our original Gateways will always maintain priority in the hiring process.


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University Gateway Pathways'H¿QHG�3DWKV�IRU�D�3URIHVVLRQDO�3LORW

Freshman Year Sophmore Year Junior Year Senior Year 800-1200 TT


AABI Accredited Program

Acceptance/ Mentor

Assignment Internship

University Degree/ Ratings


Regional Partner – Cape Air

2-3 year as a Captain

Jet Transition

Course JetBlue Final Interview

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Age 23 1500 Hrs.

Year 6 Year 7 Year 8

Age 27 4000 Hrs.

Regional Partner – ExpressJet

2 Years

Regional Partner – Cape Air

1 year as a Captain

Year 1

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Success Stories


Dan Thurber & Shanti Merriman Join JetBlue

Dan Thurber SharesI ¿UVW�KHDUG�DERXW�&DSH�$LU�GXULQJ�P\�VHQLRU�\HDU�DW�(PEU\�5LGGOH�IURP�D�IRU-PHU�LQVWUXFWRU�,�ÀHZ�ZLWK�LQ�1HZ�<RUN���7KH�W\SH�RI�RSHUDWLRQ�&DSH�$LU�ÀLHV�DS-pealed to me and I began to look into their internship program. Despite be-ing a relatively low-time pilot (I only had around 700 hours at the time) I was accepted and began training in May of �������,�VSHQW�WKH�VXPPHU�À\LQJ�DURXQG�WKH�&DSH�DQG�,VODQGV�DV�D�¿UVW�RI¿FHU�intern on the Cessna 402, learning Part 135 operations from some of the most knowledgeable and experienced cap-tains in the industry.

I returned to Cape Air as a full-time First 2I¿FHU�LQ�2FWREHU��������DIWHU�ÀLJKW�LQ-structing for a year. I now had built my time to a little over 1000 hours. The fol-lowing spring I met the Part 135 require-ments for acting as a pilot-in-command


,Q�1RYHPEHU�������,�WUDQVIHUUHG�WR�WKH�newly-opened Midwest region. In Sep-tember of 2011 I was promoted to Assis-tant Chief Pilot for the Midwest region, a post I held until August of 2012 when I left Cape Air for JetBlue.

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The transition to JetBlue has been great. The training was challenging, but the people in the training department were all fantastic and made the process as painless as possible. My training FODVV�RI�¿YH�ZHQW�WKURXJK�LQ�WDQGHP�ZLWK�¿YH�XSJUDGLQJ�FDSWDLQV�ZKR�ZHUH�all very knowledgeable and helpful.There are still a few things I am getting used to. Working in a true crew environ-PHQW�DIWHU�KDYLQJ�ÀRZQ�VROR�DW�&DSH�$LU�IRU�VR�ORQJ�LV�GH¿QLWHO\�DQ�DGMXVWPHQW���Scheduling and bidding is also com-pletely different and, while it might just be me, trying to wrap my head around all the idiosyncrasies is still an ongoing process.

2YHUDOO��,�ORYH�WKH�FRPSDQ\���(YHU\RQH�,¶YH�ÀRZQ�ZLWK�KDV�EHHQ�UHDOO\�QLFH�DQG�extremely supportive. I couldn’t be more grateful for my transition to JetBlue through each of the stages of the Gate-way Program.

Shanti Merriman’sInsightsI was introduced to the gateway pro-gram through word of mouth from my then roommate, Scott Johnson. I inter-viewed with Cape Air and JetBlue in WKH�6SULQJ�RI�������DQG�DIWHU�EHLQJ�DF-cepted into the program I continued to instruct until I was called for a class date DW�&DSH�DLU�LQ�2FWREHU�RI�������,�VWDUWHG�ZLWK�DERXW������KRXUV�DQG�ÀHZ�DV�DQ�

)2�EDVHG�LQ�$OEDQ\��1<�XQWLO�,�PHW�WKH�minimums to upgrade. I passed my ATP checkride May of 2009 and was as-signed St. Croix in the USVI as a base IRU�P\�¿UVW����PRQWKV�DV�D�FDSWDLQ��From there I began the normal Cape $LU�EDVH�VKXIÀH��,�VSHQW�DERXW�KDOI�RI�my career based in the Caribbean and love it down there. In December 2011 I completed the jet transition course at JBU and shortly after conducted a ¿QDO�LQWHUYLHZ�ZLWK�-HWEOXH��,�EHJDQ�training at JB end of August 2009 with around 3700TT, and completed training 10/12/2012. Since then I have been a -).�EDVHG�(����)2��,�ZLOO�EH�WUDQVLWLRQ-ing to BOS in May.So far I really enjoy working for Jetblue. They have a similar culture to Cape Air,

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they care for their employees and their customers, and try hard to do the right thing for their people. 5HVHUYH�LV�QHYHU�IXQ��EXW�WKH\�do a good job trying to help you out with commuting. Addition-ally, we have a long call which allows you to stay at home and commute in if they call you. I am, however, looking forward to being able to hold a line which allows for 17 days off a month! Most of the captains ,�KDYH�ÀRZQ�ZLWK�KDYH�EHHQ�easy to get along with and the sort of people you would want to hang out with at the hotel after the end of the day.

One word of advice to the Cape Air guys and gals is to enjoy your time there! I can’t tell you how many captains ask ZKHUH�,�ÀHZ�EHIRUH�DQG�ZKHQ�WKH\�KHDU�Cape Air, they immediately perk up and say “that must have been fun!”. The ex-SHULHQFH�\RX�ZLOO�JHW�À\LQJ�IRU�&DSH�$LU�is invaluable and will most likely include VRPH�RI�\RXU�IDYRULWH�À\LQJ�PHPRULHV��(QMR\�WKH�XQLTXH�RSHUDWLRQ�DQG�ORFDWLRQV�that Cape Air has to offer. I can’t tell you how glad I am that I spent so much time EDVHG�LQ�WKH�&DULEEHDQ��(QMR\�WKH�³UHDO´�À\LQJ�\RX�GR��EHFDXVH�DIWHU�&DSH�$LU��it’s just a lot of automation management. 0RGHUQ�DLUSODQHV�À\�RQ�FRPSXWHUV��DQG�your stick and rudder skills will never be DV�SUR¿FLHQW�DV�ZKHQ�\RX�ZHUH�À\LQJ�IRU�Cape Air.


ParticipateTake advantage of your network as a candidate in the Gateway Program and get involved! Get in touch with your Gateway Mentor or with a program coordi-nator and volunteer your talents to help continually improve the Gateway Pro-gram.

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Intern Report

Dan Dubois & Tim Wong’s CollegeCrew Experience Last summer, Dan Dubois��DQ�(5$8�3UHVFRWW�6WXGHQW��ZRUNHG�IRU�-HW%OXH¶V�6\V-WHPV�2SHUDWLRQV�&HQWHU��62&��LQ�1<&�DV�D�'LVSDWFK�,QWHUQ��'XULQJ�WKH����ZHHNV�WKHUH��KH�ZRUNHG�RQ�ORDG�SODQV�IRU�ERWK�$����DQG�(����ÀLJKWV��HQVXUHG�WKDW�FDUJR��bags, passenger, and fuel loads were all within limits and accurate when cross-checked with the dispatch release. Dan was able to work with a current JetBlue dispatcher to analyze and quantify the cost of the contingency fueling practice XVHG�E\�-HW%OXH��:LWK�WKLV�GDWD�WKH�WHDP�FDOFXODWHG�WKH�FRVW�EHQH¿W�UHODWLRQ�RI�FDU-rying extra fuel. He created information handouts for pilots, highlighting the kind RI�WRROV�GLVSDWFKHUV�XVH�DQG�KRZ�WKH\�SHUWDLQ�WR�WKH�HI¿FLHQF\�RI�ÀLJKW�RSHUDWLRQV��'DQ�DOVR�KDG�WKH�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�À\�WKH�/HYHO�'��IXOO�PRWLRQ�$����VLPXODWRU�DW�WKHLU�training facility in Orlando, FL. The amount of exposure and knowledge gained on state-of-the-art programs, policies and practices, combined with the great working relationships that were built with fellow dispatchers and interns, made for an excit-ing and intense learning curve!



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adventures that furthered the lasting IULHQGVKLSV�ZLWKLQ�WKH�WZHQW\�¿YH��CollegeCrew members in Dan’s group.

Tim Wong primarily worked in the -HW%OXH�&KLHI�3LORW�2I¿FH�DW�-).��'XU-ing the internship, he assisted pilots and the chiefs with operational issues WKURXJK�SKRQH�FDOOV�DQG�RI¿FH�YLVLWV��Some of Tim’s major projects consist-ed of implementing a birthday recogni-tion system for the pilots and creating an electronic database for the chiefs to use to keep track of the pilot concerns.

During the internship, Tim also had a lot of time to explore. He was constantly in and out of the planes parked at T5 at JFK, and was almost always traveling to dif-IHUHQW�GHVWLQDWLRQV�ZLWK�ÀLJKW�EHQH¿WV��7RZDUGV�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�LQWHUQVKLS��ZLWK�WKH�

help of Capt. Gilley and Chris Popp, Tim helped arrange a visit to the Orlando Support Center (JBU) for the interns to À\�WKH�$LUEXV�$����VLPXODWRU�

Tim’s favorite aspect of the experience at JetBlue was getting to meet all of the crew-members. His collegueas and other crewmembers at JetBlue Airways embodied the core values which made going to work a lot of fun on a daily basis.

We look forward to seeing Tim Wong and Dan Dubois during the next step of the gateway program as pilots at Cape Air!

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Special Thanks to all of our gateway program pilots who have completed intern-VKLSV�DW�&DSH�$LU�DQG�-HW%OXH�$,UZD\V��<RX�KDYH�DOO�GRQH�IDQWDVWLF�ZRUN��FRQWULEXW-ing in large ways to make both our organizations better. &DQ¶W�ZDLW�WR�KDYH�\RX�EDFN�À\LQJ�IRU�XV��

Feel free to Contact us if you need anything or have ideas to share! Cape Air


Paul Hocking - [email protected] 617.512.4277 (ULF�3RROH���HULF�SRROH#MHWEOXH�FRP������������� UND Ken Polovitz - [email protected] 701.777.3561 ERAU Prescott