gatormun xiithe committee will function as of present time, beginning with the date january 1 st,...


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Page 1: GatorMUN XIIThe committee will function as of present time, beginning with the date January 1 st, 2015. Any publication, movie, TV show, or abridged novel accredited to the Marvel


Page 2: GatorMUN XIIThe committee will function as of present time, beginning with the date January 1 st, 2015. Any publication, movie, TV show, or abridged novel accredited to the Marvel

Letter from the Chair!

Dear Distinguished Delegates, My name is Jordan Ross and I am extremely excited to be your director for this super

committee. Before meeting each other, here is some background information concerning myself. Currently, I am a third year Biochemistry major here at the University. Hoping to one day enter the medical profession, I spontaneously joined UF Model United Nations my freshman year. Ever since, I have attended over 20 conferences and presently serve on the Executive Board of our organization as Director of External Affairs. Besides creating extremely fascinating committees, I love to play tennis and sing.

Our world has always needed heroes, and as we have evolved over the decades, there have been some individuals who have answered the public’s need for valiancy. As more and more champions emerged, it became necessary for the simpleton to become involved in their efforts. The creation of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Agency allowed those without special abilities to fight for their own world.

Ever since the Marvel phenomena hit our world, movie-goers and faithful comic connoisseurs have been introduced to numerous versions of a vast universe. After the second wave of Marvel films entered the mainstream, different stories are being told. Our committee encompasses a vast universe and due to the numerous versions often recounted, it is important for delegates to cater their research and subsequent committee performance on the timeline/universe presented to them. Sadly, as many comic fans like myself will be displeased to hear, we are operating in the universe of Earth 199999, or more commonly known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This greatly decreases the amount of research necessary for everyone while still maintaining some authenticity of the Marvel world.

The committee will function as of present time, beginning with the date January 1st, 2015. Any publication, movie, TV show, or abridged novel accredited to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is up for fair game. However, anything released after will not be in affect. For research, I urge delegates to read the background guide and watch the movies if possible. While watching the main movies will only help you, the committee is designed where it will not hinder you either. This effect also goes for the TV show, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. There may be some discrepancies concerning the history of events, and therefore it is important for delegates to use this background guide the template, and then do additional research. All the information used within the committee, will first come from the background guide, then from other elements of the cinematic world.

I am extremely enthusiastic about this committee and I am looking forward to seeing everyone. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

Sincerely, Jordan Ross A.K.A. Director Nick Fury


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Table of Contents!

Security Scans !

Director’s Briefing!

The Universe "!

The History of S.H.I.E.L.D. !

The need for S.H.I.E.L.D. !

Battling Hydra!

Early Years of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Fury Directorship & the "Big Week” !

The Avenger's Initiative !


Amphitryon ii !

Layout Map !

Blueprint Schematics!

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bases !


Major Identified Threats !

Direct Superiors!

Agent Directory !

Major Contacts !

1 !

3 !

4 !



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Place Hand Here.!




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Look Here.!



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Director’s Briefing!

Welcome Aboard Agents.!

The crew chosen to board today was carefully selected, as this mission

requires a special group of agents. Each of you was!

chosen specifically due to the talent demonstrated in your area of

expertise. I strongly suggest that you not only utilize these skills

but also employ on-board communication with one another to ensure the

safety of this vessel, Helicarrier Amphitryon I. !

While on board this aircraft, your mission is clear. Maintain flight

unless otherwise instructed by your direct superior: Director Coulson

or myself. While en route, the Helicarrier should be used to monitor

potential threats, supervise pre-existing missions and place, and to

secure the safety of our world. Currently, Amphitryon II is stationed

at 40.7127° N, 74.0059° W: New York City. Within the briefing presented

to you today, you will find explicit blueprints showing the layout of

this vessel. !

Often, agents that have effectively integrated into civilian life hear

different versions concerning our world and the high-profile members

of our agency. It is important that agents aboard this vessel do not

accept any of these theories. Instead, agents are to be fully versed

on the truths of our world, labeled officially as “Earth 199999.”

While there are truths to the growing fan fiction of “Earth-616,”

“Earth 199999” is our reality.!

During this mission, I don’t want to see any hanky-panky. After the

public dismantling of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is imperative that citizens

remain obtuse to the truth: that we maintained 60% of our previous

employees and we are now 100% covert (thanks Steve…). This means, that

despite our confidence that we have purged our personnel of HYDRA

influence, any unwarranted action will bring alert to each department

head. !

Despite whatever we may see out there, I have complete faith in the

team I’ve assembled. Please do not make me regret my choices, good


Nick Fury!3 


Page 7: GatorMUN XIIThe committee will function as of present time, beginning with the date January 1 st, 2015. Any publication, movie, TV show, or abridged novel accredited to the Marvel

Little is known about the beginning of our universe. From what has been shared to our agency, Earth is part of a construct known as the Nine Realms. More specifically labeled as Midgard, Earth was one of the later creations of the entire universe. According to Asgardian legend, the universe began with nothing until the natural

another. Through this connection, travel between the Nine Realms is possible. After the creation of Earth, the Asgardians experienced a strong level of

dominance throughout the Nine Realms. The first true test of this superiority occurred in 2987 B.C. when the leader of the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim, Malekith wished to

another major threat to the Nine Realms. The Frost Giants, or the Jotuns, hailed from Jotunheim and strongly resented the Asgardian claim as Protector of the Nine Realms. The ending result of the battle saw the defeat and subsequent banishment of the Jotuns back to Jotunheim, led by the Asgardian ruler Odin. This dominance over the Frost Giants led to the start of a long withstanding blood feud between the two races. After the battle, Odin took the child of the deceased leader of the Frost Giants, and raised him as his son. It was also around this time that Odin traveled back to earth to leave something called the Cosmic Cube.

creation of two worlds: Niflheim and Muspelheim. The warm air from Muspelheim eventually carved out from the ice within Niflheim Ymir, the frost giant. Through Ymir and his cow, the first Asgardian was created. Eventually, three Asgardians, Odin, Vili, and Ve grew jealous of Ymir and killed him, resulting in the formation of a great sea from his blood. After recognizing the power of Ymir’s even after death, Odin and his brother’s raised his body, forming Midgard between Niflheim and Muspelheim as well as a home for themselves known as Asgard. Overtime, various worlds were created both outside and within the Asgard planetoid. Presently, Yggdrasil or the Tree of the World connects the Nine Realms to one

harness the power of the Aether, a mysterious force that brought mass power to those wielding it. The Aether was sought out by Malekith during the Convergence of the Nine Realms in order to destroy the entirety of the nine worlds. With the Aether, Malekith gained excessive strength and power, eventually allowing him to rule over the remaining civilization. The resulting battle between the Asgardians and the Dark Elves resulted in a victory for Asgard, and the hiding of the Aether to prevent future desolation.

It wasn’t until 965 A.D. that Asgard faced 

The Universe!


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Documented as one of the oldest known creatures after the Asgardians, the Celestials existed prior to the creation of human life. It was through their power that the

the Celestials still maintained vast power and are still considered as one of the most powerful of the Cosmic Entities. Interestingly enough, even after death, a Celestial doesn’t lose all power. Currently, the severed head of a Celestial acts as a point of convergence within the space-time continuum.

As time continued, the Celestials marveled in the creation of Earth. As a result, the Celestials monitored and even manipulated the evolution of life through visits every thousand of years in groups known as the “Hosts.” Host visits are extremely important

The Cosmic Cube, also known as the Tesseract, is a resource of unlimited energy that had previously been sought after by numerous civilizations. The power of the Tesseract predates the beginning of the universe and was once of the six stones created that also existed prior to this time. Infinity Stones as they are now labeled, the stones represent various vessels of power that have evolved their form over time. The Tesseract has been currently correctly identified as the Space stone, while another identifiable stone was the Aether, or Reality Stone, that Malekith

concept of life and death were born, as well as the general construct of our universe. Guiding evolution, Celestials where at one point extremely abundant until their superiority was challenged was an opposing species. After a devastating war, the Celestials eventually overcame their aggressors but their numbers became staggeringly low, as the only way for the new birth of a Celestial being required the consumption of an entire galaxy. Nevertheless,  

The Universe!

wished to possess. Infinity Stones were created by the six cosmic entities before the creation of the universe itself, with each stone harnessing a part of its creator within. As a result, the Infinity Stones can only be efficiently wielded by extremely powerful beings, of whom can be the only ones unleashing there true power. One such species that were able to use the potential of the Infinity Stones to achieve power were the Celestials. The importance of their role in the history of our universe is unparalleled; as it is through their interference and manipulation of our world we saw the rise of powerful beings that currently affect us today.


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The Universe!

for the creation of today’s major superheroes and villains, as it was during the first visit that Celestials created the two races: the Eternals and the Deviants. Currently, one of our largest threats is a from an Eternal: Thanos. Because Eternals and Deviants were created directly by the Celestials, they contain great power and have the ability to wield the Infinity Stones. After the success of the First Host, Celestials continued visiting Earth. It is not known which species existed before the other, however it was during the third host visit to Earth by the Celestials,  

The only noticeable interference occurred when an Asgardian army, known as the “Berserkers” were sent to Earth along with a magical staff. The Berserker Staff as it is known, was responsible for channeling negative emotions into powerful strength that surpassed the natural abilities of a 

that the Asgardians became incensed with the Celestials manipulation of the human species. Battle between the Celestials and the Asgardians didn’t reach a head until the Forth Host when Odin created a special autonomous being in order to specifically battle the Celestials. It was know as “the Destroyer” and is still one the most capable weapons the Asgardians have today, and is tasked to protect the Chamber of Relics.

After the humbling of Asgard, the Celestials sought to further punish them for their folly by erasing all history of their presence within the human race. As a result, evolution continued without the vast knowledge the Asgardians provided concerning other realms, and as such most of the world today is unaware of the vast universe. From that point on, Asgardians remained relatively detached from Earth’s affairs, excluding various military missions over the centuries.

typical Asgardian. Around the 12th Century, the Asgardian commander bequeathed with the staff’s power, fell in love with Earth and the human race, and subsequently destroyed the staff and remained on Earth after the army’s return to Asgard. His discussions with a lover in 1546 concerning the events of the staff and Asgard, attributed to the beginning of many legends and myths of Asgard.

The knowledge of our world during it’s first creation is relatively limited and the information about our universe only continues to grow. Earth remained without interference for numerous centuries, and within that time, our origin became lost to us. It wasn’t until the 20 and 21st century, that major events had us questioning what became before our own world and the need for an overseeing monitoring system was required.


Page 10: GatorMUN XIIThe committee will function as of present time, beginning with the date January 1 st, 2015. Any publication, movie, TV show, or abridged novel accredited to the Marvel

History of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

HYDRA currently refers to a rogue military organization that sought world domination. After Nazism became largely present throughout Germany, many military and politicians in power desired a scientific branch specializing in the creation of advanced technology for weaponry. Originally being a part of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS), the division was taken control by Johann Schmidt, one of the confidants of Adolf Hitler. Due to his strong interest in Norse mythology, Schmidt sought power equivalent to the gods’ magic. Once becoming a head officer within the SS and utilizing the initial weapons program already 

When Germany entered into World War II, Schmidt saw no greater occasion to utilize his newly developed weapons. Prior to this, major instances of HYDRA involvement included the destruction of Guernica in 1937, an operation previously believed to be cause by the German Luftwaffe. In 1939, Schmidt gleefully aided in the conquering of Europe under the guise of aiding the Nazi movement. In actuality, Schmidt was striving for world domination for himself, seen clearly through the extreme loyalty Schmidt demanded from those working for HYDRA.  

-------The Need for S.H.I.E.L.D.-------------------------------------------!

The agency we know today as S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division was formed initially to protect the United States from any and all possible threats. The formation of S.H.I.E.L.D. predates it’s original conception, as its major opposing organization, HYDRA, existed before even the start of World War II. Through the rise of HYDRA, the predecessors of S.H.I.E.L.D., mainly the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR), were formed and allowed humanity and Earth to fight evenly with some of its major aggressors. In order to fully understand the history of the evolution of today’s S.H.I.E.L.D. organization, it is important to be debriefed its initial reason of formation: HYDRA.

in place, he created HYDRA. With HYDRA, Schmidt sought to actively create advanced weaponry through unique scientific experimentations. In order to do so, Schmidt recruited many promising scientists to create these inventions. One such scientist was Armin Zola, who eventually became a undying loyalist to the organization.

Preemptively analyzing the war, Schmidt understood that involvement from the United States was imminent. As a result, he order multiple HYDRA assassins to kill one of the world’s leading industrialists and inventors of the time: Howard Stark. Despite failing, Schmidt’s aggressive actions until this point resulted in the creation of the Allies first cohesive response to HYDRA; the formation of the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR). 


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While the formation of the SSR was taking place, Schmidt was continuing his expansion of HYDRA and his goals of world domination. After being given a military base within the Alps, Schmidt expanded HYDRA and creating HYDRA factories all across the country. Around this time, Schmidt also sought to enhance himself in order to wield an ancient artifact that was discussed in the many 

-------Battling with HYDRA---------------------------------------------- !

History of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

The serum was taken by Schmidt in early 1940, and thus the creation of SSR was already in place. Consequently, after injecting the serum, Erskine was rescued shortly after. With Erskine now a member of the SSR, the agency focused it sole attention on harnessing his science in order to defeat HYDRA, and similarly the Third Reich. As thee founding initiative of the SSR was to halt the Axis powers through the creation of equipped soldiers that could defeat anything they encountered, Project Rebirth was set in 

Commissioned by the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the creation of the SSR occurred in 1940 after the footage of Guernica reached him from British agent Margaret Carter. The commanding officer of the SSR soon became Colonel Chester Phillips, and quick additions to the agency became Agent Margaret Carter and Howard Stark (persuaded after his assassination attempt).

mythological readings he coveted. We now know that Schmidt was after the Tesseract, or the Space infinity stone and it was through his legends that he understood that only a truly powerful being could efficiently utilize it’s power. Kidnapping scientist Abraham Erskine, who at the time was developing a formula to give soldiers superhuman abilities, Schmidt forced Erskine to finish the serum. Taking an early version of the Super Soldier Serum, Schmidt experienced enhanced strength but numerous adverse side effects including deformity of the skull, red skin, and loss of hair.

motion. Project Rebirth only saw one test subject, however it turned out to be successful. Soldier Steve Rogers was subsequently transformed successfully by the new and improved Super Soldier Serum created by Erskine and eventually was known throughout the world as Captain America.

By 1943, HYDRA had expanded greatly and back in 1942, Schmidt did indeed obtain the Tesseract and one of the Diviners. It was through the manipulation of the


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History of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

-------The Early Years of S.H.I.E.L.D.----------------------------------- !

The last battle occurred in May 1945, when Captain America and Schmidt (now going by the moniker “The Red Skull”) had their final confrontation. While Schmidt escaped, Captain America remained on board of a flight after delivering the Tesseract that crashed into the Atlantic. After the loss of Captain America, SSR raided the final HYDRA 

Tesseract that Zola was able to create enhanced weaponry for HYDRA, while one of the Diviners was stored away in a HYDRA research facility. However, it was in November of 1943 did HYDRA’s Austrian base was invaded by Captain America. By 1944, Captain American and the SSR were viciously targeting HYDRA facilities, and in 1945 Zola was captured.

office and HYDRA’s Diviner was confiscated, signifying the then-end of HYDRA. Once the war had ended, the SSR continued with their activities, as threats to the United States still persisted after the end of HYDRA. Such missions included the obtainment of the Zodiac (a deadly liquid initially intended to be destroyed) and the exoneration of Howard Stark. In 1946, a new agency was created, what we know today as S.H.I.E.L.D., and absorbed the SSR as both its research division and training academy for potential S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists.

The early years of S.H.I.E.L.D. consisted of inventing of advanced weapons and the search for the Tesseract. In the aftermath of the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited scientists all over the world for a think tank for the agency. However, many of the leading scientists of the time where within Nazi Germany, and thus this led to the requirement of Zola. While Zola appeared initially on board, he secretly began rebuilding HYDRA within the newly formed S.H.I.E.L.D. Over the next decades, many world conflicts and crises were instigated by HYDRA, and over time, many agents within S.H.I.E.L.D. became double-agents for the growing HYDRA. The death of inventor Howard Stark was later noted to be attributed to the acts of HYDRA, as when he became suspicious, an accident was arranged in 1991.

Throughout the decades, S.H.I.E.L.D. (despite housing a growing new HYDRA) monitored potential threats while furthering Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. where the Tesseract was to be studied and efficiently utilized. One of the major missions of the time came to be in 1989, when S.H.I.E.L.D. identified a 0-8-4 (an unknown object of origin) and relocated the object to avoid threats. After a severe hostage in Bogota, Columbia, Agent Nick Fury (Deputy Chief at S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Bogota Station) was able to demonstrate his talents and rescue all hostages, including S.H.I.E.L.D. oversight World Security Council member Alexander Pierce’s daughter. As a result, he was main Director of the entirety of S.H.I.E.L.D.


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-------Fury Directorship & the “Big Week”----------------------------!

relatively separate from the on goings of the Universe. Excluding HYDRA and the utilization of the Tesseract, Earth had not seen humans with special abilities. The first major arrival was from engineer Tony Stark. In 2009, Stark was kidnapped by an terrorist group known as the Ten Rings. Since Stark was the leading weapon manufacture for the United States, Fury sent Agent Phil Coulson to investigate his disappearance in fear that Stark was selling weapons to US enemies.  

continued fighting the Ten Rings and emerged victorious with the help of Stark and Agent Natasha Romanoff. Fury remained adamant to launch the Avenger’s Initiative and continued to campaign its creation with the World Security Council. The Avenger’s Initiative was proposed by Fury to consisted of a group of specialized 

History of S.H.I.E.L.D.!


While Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury encountered a major change in the perception of the world. As mentioned, until this point of history, Earth remained

After Stark re-emerged and contained a technological-advanced armored suit, Fury once again became suspicious and continued investigating. Eventually it was found that Stark’s business partner, Obadiah Stane was the supplier of the weapons to the terrorist organization. Despite the blatant disregard for the public clean-up of the incident, Stark was offered to be trained by S.H.I.E.L.D. officials and to join an initiative created by Fury, known as the Avenger’s Initiative as a consultant. Stark passed.

Despite the rebuttal from Stark, S.H.I.E.L.D.

fighters allied with S.H.I.E.L.D. employs each member’s special abilities. While still attempting to enact the Avenger’s Initiative, Fury sought to create a medicine that could heal any Avenger member. Known as Project T.A.H.I.T.I., the project proved to be a major failure and was publicly shutdown. In the aftermath of its failure, Fury restarted the search for the Tesseract and Captain America; a mission that was in progress since the beginning of S.H.I.E.L.D. The following week to come after the initial search for Captain America, saw a major change in S.H.I.E.L.D membership that will forever affect the agency and the world’s future. Fittingly, this time of discovery and various missions/interferences has been called the “Big Week.”

On the first day of searching for Captain America, Fury and fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. agents found one of the disabled aircrafts from the defeat of HYDRA in 1945. Despite this showing evidence of locating Captain America, the World Security Council order


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for abandonment of the mission to further Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. however Fury refused to comply. The next day, S.H.I.E.L.D. received word that Stark was dying of palladium poisoning and Dr. Bruce Banner (victim of a strong mutation and only a secondary threat) had entered the United States. In response, Agent Romanoff was sent to monitor Stark while Dr. Banner’s activities were noted. The following morning, Fury met with Stark to discuss a possible alternative for the palladium arc reactor 

However, as Stark had at this point found a cure for his palladium poisoning and a efficient alternative to his arc reactor, he was able to neutralize the threat with Agent Romanoff. The next day, Agent Coulson, discovered a crater site with a 0-8-4 (an object of unknown origin) in the form of a hammer within the center. Following protocol, a perimeter was built around the object and all research data concerning the wormhole that the 0-8-4 emerged from, was 

History of S.H.I.E.L.D.!


and debriefed him with information on Stark’s current problem at the time, a man named Ivan Vanko. Vanko, after his first failed attempt to kill Stark, had now manufactured multiple drones resembling Stark’s suit and became intent on terrorizing California. The same day, it was alerted that a woman named Jane Foster reached out to her former mentor, Dr. Eric Selvig, persuading him to come monitor atmospheric disturbances in New Mexico.

On the fourth day, S.H.I.E.L.D. indentified a wormhole over New Mexico and in response, Agent Coulson was sent to Roswell with a team of agents to monitor the event. Simultaneously, Vanko was causing major destruction back in California.

confiscated by Jane Foster. That night, a man, now identified as the Asgardian God Thor, breached the perimeter and eventually was taken for questioning. Due to his lack of cooperation and supposed identification by Dr. Selvig, he was released.

On the sixth day, Agent Romanoff traveled back to monitor Dr. Banner and witnessed a pivotal scene between Dr. Banner and a General Thaddeus Ross, commander of the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project. The Project’s goal was to recreate the Super Soldier Serum, and its failures resulted in inadvertent mutations. Under the stress of the encounter, Dr. Banner underwent his mutation and became, what is called locally, “The Hulk.” The conclusion of their encounter saw the fleeing of Dr. Banner with a wake of destruction afterwards. Separately on this day, Fury reached out to Stark about the Avenger’s Initiative, while Agent Coulson witnessed Thor battle


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On the last day of this week, Fury contacted General Ross about the unauthorized access of data and was informed of General Ross’s intentions to take Dr. Banner into custody. As Dr. Banner was labeled a second level threat Fury sent Agent Romanoff to relocate Dr. Banner before taken by General Ross. Unfortunately, General Ross already managed to capture him before Agent 

History of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

-------The Avenger’s Initiative-------------------------------------------!

enactment of the Avenger’s Initiative. The initiative became a reality after S.H.I.E.L.D. unearthed Captain Rogers that same year and was put into full operation after the brother of Thor, Loki, stole the Tesseract from a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility. Loki, the child that Odin took from Jotunheim, sought to rule the Earth after being defeated and thought dead by the hands of Thor. However, while lost in the universe, Loki met a servant of Thanos, who gave him a powerful scepter and command of a 


an autonomous giant robot in New Mexico. Although unknown at the time, Thor was battling the Destroyer: a weapon of Asgard built to initially destroy Celestials. After the battle, fragments of the defeated weapon was taken back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters and Dr. Selvig was asked to study the Tesseract. Later on that evening, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s database was accessed by General Ross, searching for Dr. Banner.

Romanoff appeared on scene. However, the attempt was halted when another mutant of the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project emerged, much more volatile and malevolent than Dr. Banner. The mutant was later confirmed to be Dr. Samuel Sterns, whose mutant form received the titular name “The Abomination.” After Dr. Banner successfully fought Dr. Sterns, General Ross shifted his attention to securing Dr. Sterns into custody and ceased searching for Dr. Banner who in response, went into hiding.

In light of the recent events occurring within the past week, Fury requested more support and funding from the World Security Council. His request was easily granted. The swift emergence of new power players encouraged Fury to once again push the

race called the Chitauri. The scepter has been currently identified as being one of the infinity stones, specifically the Mind Stone, explaining how Loki was able to enslave invaluable S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel such as Dr. Selvig and Agent Clint Barton. Utilizing the


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-------S.H.I.E.L.D. Civil War------------------------------------------------ !

History of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Helicarrier I as their base of operations, the team that was assembled against Loki consisted of Stark, Captain Rogers, Agent Romanoff, Thor, and Dr. Banner. The ensuing fight against Loki and his allies is now known as the War for Earth.

When Loki was defeated during the Battle of New York in 2012, the Avenger’s where disbanded. However, they still remain a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the event of another major threat. Agent Coulson, a causality of the War for Earth, was later revived with Project T.A.H.I.T.I. as well as neurosurgery for the pain and continued to work within S.H.I.E.L.D. and was designated his own team. Since the War for Earth and the Battle of New York, S.H.I.E.L.D. bases where set up all around the globe (managed by the Koenig Brothers) as well as the activation of Project Insight: the continual flight of three Helicarriers to form a secure security network that were armed and instructed to take out potential threats prior to escalating. However, since S.H.I.E.L.D. still was host of HYDRA agents, Project Insight became completely manned by HYDRA Agents.

The HYDRA Conspiracy reached a head when Fury received files after a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission against a satellite ship known as Lemurian Star in 2014. Within the files, Fury realized that S.H.I.E.L.D. was indeed compromised and as a result faked his own death and tasking the files to Rogers. Rogers subsequently discovered the HYDRA conspiracy and after multiple battles against double-agents within S.H.I.E.L.D. , Rogers dismantled S.H.I.E.L.D. and exposed the HYDRA Conspiracy to the world.

After the public dismantling, only four S.H.I.E.L.D bases resisted HYDRA: Triskelion, The Hub, the Fridge, and the Cube. During this time, S.H.I.E.L.D was publicly condemned as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government. Eventually, most of these bases saw the infiltration of HYDRA once again, it is currently still S.H.I.E.L.D’s largest threat. The state of S.H.I.E.L.D is vastly reduced than what is was a few years earlier. Now headquartered at the initial location of the SSR, also known as the Playground, S.H.I.E.L.D. is operating extremely overt. While Fury still maintains extensive control, the official Director of the newly instated S.H.I.E.L.D has become Agent Coulson.

In addition to monitoring the threats by HYDRA, is it extremely important for S.H.I.E.L.D to remain out of governmental oversight. Generally though, despite the lack of numbers and resources S.H.I.E.L.D now withholds, the beginning initiative of the agency still stands: monitoring potential threats throughout the world. This new era of S.H.I.E.L.D history will be the largest test for agents, as it will be the collective duty of everyone to continue the initial mission of the agency.



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The first Helicarrier was commissioned in 2009 and finally finished being built in 2012 with the initial intent to be used simply as an aircraft vessel. However, it wasn’t until after the “Big Week” in 2011 that the Helicarrier was utilized as a stronger base of mobile operation. Crafted with powerful flight, camouflage technology, and sustainable resources, the Helicarrier became used more frequently in the day to day operations of S.H.I.E.L.D in the following years. Great examples of this was there pivotal role in Project Insight and the War for Earth.

The vessel agents are stationed on is the Amphitryon II. Similar to the design of Helicarrier I used in the War for Earth, Amphitryon II contains multiple updates and was one of the few surviving vessels from the S.H.I.E.L.D Civil War (or HYDRA Conspiracy of 2014). That being said, it is necessary to remain flight at all times and to maintain the vessel as best as you can. Since there are waning resources now, it is impossible to commission another Helicarrier so soon.

Provided in addition to this document are the blueprints to the Amphitryon II as well as a layout of the officer cabins.

Amphitryon ii!

-------Layout Map-----------------------------------------------------------!



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Amphitryon ii!

It is here where all personnel services are located. Any where else on the aircraft is either tarmacs, storage, or engine houses.

Top View

Bottom View

-------Blueprint Schematics---------------------------------------------!



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Stark Tower 40.7538° N, 73.9756 ° W Status: Active

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bases!

The Fridge 71.2956° N, 156.7664° W Status: Compromised   

Lemurian Star

20.7820° S, 80.7103° E

Status: Active

Hub Black Facility Status: Active 

Slingshot Classified location Status: Compromised

The Sandbox 7.1881° N, 21.0936° E Status: Active

S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy 37.7429° N, 120.0183° W Status: Active

The Playground (headquarters) 37.7429° N, 10.0183° W Status: Active

Guest House 37.7429° N, 120.0183° Status: Compromised

Triskelion 38.8951° N, 77.0367° W Status: Compromised

Cube Black Facility Status: Standing

As of 2015, these are the bases S.H.I.E.L.D. once controlled or currently maintains ownership. Their status is listed below along with their location.



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Personnel !

Personnel Files!










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-------Threat list------------------------------------------------------------!


Abu Bakar!

Adolf Hitler!

Aldrich Killian!

Alexander Pierce!

Arnim Zola!

Bucky Barnes AKA Winter Soldier!

Calvin Zabo!

Daniel Whitehall!

Darren Cross!


Grant Ward!

Hendrich Himmler!

Ivan Vanko!

Jasper Sitwell!

Johann Schmidt AKA Red Skull!

Justin Hammer!







Obidiah Stane!


Ronan the Accuser!


The Other!



Wolfgang von Strucker!



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-------Direct Superiors----------------------------------------------------!



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Personnel !

-------Agent Directory----------------------------------------------------!

Agent Boothroyd, Personal Effects Department Administrator Within the Personal Effects Department, Agent Boothroyd is the receiver of all objects collected by agents aboard Amphitryon II. Usually, this consists of many 0-8-4 objects. With in-depth analysis, Agent Boothroyd has the skills to trace virtually any object back to its origin, purpose, and owner. Additionally, the more objects Agent Boothroyd takes inventory of, whether or not they are foreign, the closer S.H.I.E.L.D. will be to fully comprehending the Universe.

Agent Crimson, Head of Magic-Ops Division A relatively new division within S.H.I.E.L.D., the Magic-Ops Division has often been used in the past in a more consolatory manner. Within the Magic-Ops Division, Agent Crimson is responsible for conducting a series of experiments to either gain the use of the supernatural or to understand and replicate its power. Most of the magic S.H.I.E.L.D. has been exposed to at this point has been through the Asgardians. Agent Crimson’s strong background in Asgardian mythology as

Agent Delandan, Regional Director in Manhattan. Due to the stationing of Amphitryon II, Agent Delandan’s position as S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Regional Director within Manhattan will be necessary. Agent Delandan position allows him all the resources left within New York City, including management of S.H.I.E.L.D. reserves and personnel appointments. Aboard Amphitryon II, Delandan will serve as liaison to other S.H.I.E.L.D. stations within New York (quite few) and will be extremely knowledgeable on what is going on at the ground-level.

Agent Fallon, Head of Artificial Intelligence Division Agent Fallon’s skill for encryption and programming are efficiently utilized as Head of the Artificial Intelligence Division. Under this position, Agent Fallon is responsible for all the programming aboard the vessel and every Artificial Intelligence system aboard Amphitryon II. Throughout the mission, Agent Fallon is tasked with maintaining encryptions, operating drones, and using AI systems to increase the safety of field agents.

Agent Ferarri, Head of the Toxic-Weapons Division As the Head of the Toxic-Weapons Division, Agent Ferarri is charged with the identification and handle of toxic weapons for study and eventual modification. Because of his specialty, Agent Ferarri has an extensive knowledge of poisons and over time has built a strong tolerance to many infectious agents due to his various experimentations. Agent Ferarri is to equip Amphitryon II with the necessary precautions for a Toxic Weapon attack as well as to arm the vessel with said armory.



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Personnel !

Agent Fitz, Head of Engineering As Head of Engineering, Agent Fitz is responsible for the maintenance of the all weapons aboard Amphitryon II. Whether this entails equipping preexisting weapons with more modern technology, or simply the creation of a new weapon, Agent Fitz should be consulted. Additionally, Agent Fitz is to maintain the overall electrical system aboard Amphitryon II. In the event of damage, Agent Fitz must collaborate with the Head Mechanic in order to repair any electrical-mechanical issue.

Agent Flumm, Head of Psi-Division One of the three newly formed divisions of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Psi-Division consists of a group of psychics or telepaths that deal with psionic menaces. It is rumored that this is only one of the groups of super humans that work completely for the greater good and as such are completely impenetrable to HYDRA influence. Nevertheless Agent Flumm’s responsibility is to fine tune this division, as it is within its early stages. This includes recruitment, training, and societal integration techniques.

Agent Gittes, Auxiliary CO and Security Chief As Security Chief and Auxiliary CO, Agent Gittes is responsible for all security measures aboard Amphitryon II. This includes the physical breaches as well as general server hacks. As Auxiliary CO, Agent Gittes manages S.H.I.E.L.D.’s remaining financial assets aboard, currently providing the only funding for the agency. Agent Gittes background in Finance allows him to play a pivotal role in the management of these companies, publicly separate from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agent Howard, Head Mechanic Gaining a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Agent Howard has extensive knowledge concerning the overhaul of all of the Amphitryon’s engines, airframes, and the vessel’s hydraulic and pneumatic systems. In the event of any mechanical and major electrical construction aboard the aircraft, Agent Howard will have the abilities to forge the necessary parts. While aboard Amphitryon II, Agent Howard will continuously inspect the mechanics of the vessel and can be consulted when upgrading equipment.

Agent Kaminsky, Chief Pilot As Chief Pilot, Agent Kaminsky major mission is to adequately man the vessel. This refers to maintaining the proper amount of fuel, correct flight plans, and strong communication with the rest of the personnel. In times of distress, Agent Kaminsky may man the aircraft singularly, however throughout the mission, all flight plans will be completely transparent. Additionally, Agent Kaminsky will monitor air traffic control and heading up tactical offensives if necessary.



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Personnel !

Agent MacKenzie, Senior Liaison Officer to the CIA Agent MacKenzie’s position entails working alongside the United States government to efficiently neutralize threats. At one point, this enabled S.H.I.E.L.D. to access almost all resources that the CIA had to offer. However, after the public condemnation of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent MacKenzie must work covertly to provide S.H.I.E.L.D. with the necessary information while trying to bridge the gap between the agency and the United States government.

Agent Mahn, Administrator of Mutant Operations A skeptic at heart, Agent Mahn is tasked with the investigations of anti-mutant conspiracy actions and the general recruitment of “mutants”. So far, there have no been any accounts of mutants, so it is up to Agent Mahn to both investigate the claim of mutant’s existence as well as the monitoring of radicals. In short, Agent Mahn is responsible for for limiting future mutations within the populace publicly, whether that be through genetic anomalies or accidents. It is recommended that Agent Mahn collaborate with other specialized tasks forces that manage agents with special abilities.

Agent Postal, Mission Coordinator for Cyborg Agents Agent Postal’s oversight extends to the creation and monitoring of Cyborg S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. As Agent Postal does not personally have the means of creating Cyborg agents, it is important to work alongside other S.H.I.E.L.D. department heads if the deployment of Cyborg agents is required. Additionally, Agent Postal is charged with the control of preexisting Cyborgs and clean up of rogue Cyborg agents turned by HYDRA interference..

Agent Neville, Chief of Ordnance As Chief of Ordnance, Agent Neville is charged with the logistical compilation of all weapons on Amphitryon II. While Agent Neville doesn’t have the skills to construct weapons, she is tasked with maintaining adequate supply lines and commissioning the necessary artillery required of the aircraft. Because the uniqueness of the Amphitryon II vessel, both typical military ordnance knowledge and basic aircraft ordnance can be utilized for this upcoming mission.

Agent Ross, Special Director of Public Relations Tasked with the public perception of the agency, the Agent Ross must work to rebuild the civilians faith in the agency as well as regain government interest. Close friends with Agent MacKenzie, both Agents are recommended to pool their resources in order to restore the former prestige the agency once had. Ironically however, Agent Ross is also charged with concealment measures to remain the current status of S.H.I.E.L.D. completely overt and separate of potential HYDRA influence.



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Personnel !

Agent Simmons, Head of the Biological Sciences Division As Head of the Biological Sciences Division, Agent Simmons is tasked with the analysis and investigate of any biological sample brought into S.H.I.E.L.D. Other areas of work that the division undertakes are the development of serums, medicines, and species-specific weapons. Agent Simmons’ expertise often requires collaboration from other departments, especially with the Agent Ferarri. Because of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s extensive experience with various entities, Agent Simmons’ division deals both with “alien” and “human” components.

Agent Simon, Chief Communication Officer Agent Simon’s responsibility aboard Amphitryon II, while explanatory is extremely important. Tasked with monitoring and relaying all communication feeds on the vessel, the main role of Agent Simon is to maintain radio contact throughout the mission. Managing the vessels satellite communications systems and equipment, signal analysis, and direction-finding protocols, Agent Simon must work closely with Amphitryon II’s Head Pilot.

Agent Thurman, Chief Administration Officer for Repairs As Chief Administration Officer for Repairs, Agent Thurman is responsible for the management and resolution of all damages that occur aboard Amphitryon II. While Agent Howard is tasked with construction and Agent Fitz commissioned with inventing, Agent Thurman is set to reconstruct areas of the vessel in need to repair. Agent Thurman’s incredbily fast skills at this, make his position valuable, especially in the time of crisis. Outside of repairs to the aircraft directly, Agent Thurman is also charged with the repairs of day-to-day functions on Amphitryon II.

Agent Wallthrop, Chief of Training and Development Agent Wallthrop’s role of as Chief of Training and Development allows to him meet every incoming agent arriving aboard. Not only in charge of tactical training, but Agent Wallthrop is also tasked with preparing agents all types of missions: socialization, reconnaissance, combat, basic firearms, and briefings/explanations of the ever-growing universe to new recruits.



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-------Major Contacts-----------------------------------------------------!



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M ______ ______ 

ASGARD 6’3’’










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