gcp winter newsletter smaller - kappa psi...gcp newsletter december 31, 2016 “gcp meeting...

GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016 Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017 From saying Hotty Toddy to walking on Beale street, the Gulf Coast Province has had a year to remember. Come read to discover what all GCP has been doing the past year and we hope to see you in 2017 for our Winter province meeting in NOLA! Wishing each of you a Happy New Year! - The GCP Executive Committee Issue 2 1 In this Newsletter: Page 1: Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017 Pages 2-5: Executive Officer Reports Page 5-10: From the Chapters Upcoming Province Events: Winter Province Meeting: Hosted by Delta Eta in New Orleans, LA, January 6-8 Follow Us On: Facebook: Kappa Psi-Gulf Coast Province Instagram: kappapsi_gcp Twitter: @KY_GCP Check Out Our Website! http:// kappapsigulfcoastprovince. weebly.com GCP NEWS Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. | Vol. 1 | Issue 2

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Page 1: GCP Winter Newsletter Smaller - Kappa Psi...GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016 “GCP Meeting Minutes” tab. I encourage each of you to refer to this to be informed of the issues discussed

GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017 From saying Hotty Toddy to walking on Beale street, the

Gulf Coast Province has had a year to remember. Come read to discover what all GCP has been doing the past year and we hope to see you in 2017 for our Winter province meeting in NOLA! Wishing each of you a Happy New Year!

-The GCP Executive Committee

Issue 2 �1

In this Newsletter:

Page 1: Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017

Pages 2-5: Executive Officer Reports

Page 5-10: From the Chapters

Upcoming Province Events:

• Winter Province Meeting: Hosted by Delta Eta in New Orleans, LA, January 6-8

Follow Us On:


✦ Kappa Psi-Gulf Coast Province


✦ kappapsi_gcp



Check Out Our Website!

http://kappapsigulfcoastprovince. weebly.com

GCP NEWS Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. | Vol. 1 | Issue 2

Page 2: GCP Winter Newsletter Smaller - Kappa Psi...GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016 “GCP Meeting Minutes” tab. I encourage each of you to refer to this to be informed of the issues discussed

GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

Reports from the Executive Committee:Satrap, Dr. Robert “Ross” Woods:

Brothers, The previous year has been a productive year for myself and the new province officers.

Since installment, the province officers and myself have continually worked towards the development of the province. Over the past year, we have reorganized our committee structure to include more graduate brothers and increase grad involvement. As with any major change, we have had some success and some failures. We have found many ways to utilize our committees that we have not done previously and hope that this continues in the future. Over the past year, the EC focused a large amount of attention on the development of chapters hosting conclave and preparing these chapters to host. We had a great success in Memphis this past summer and know that we will have another successful conclave in New Orleans in January. In fact, we will have one of the highest number of attendees since the formation of the Gulf Coast Province at the Winter Conclave meeting in New Orleans. The EC and myself have also devoted a great deal of time and effort in the development and involvement of graduate chapters. We have facilitated transition of graduate chapter leadership to active brothers in the area to further bolster our grad chapters and their involvement in Kappa Psi and with collegiate chapters. Grad chapter involvement and development is an area that will need continued focus in order for our province to continue to improve and thrive. Finally, the EC participated in monthly conference calls and posted them on our province website and sent out on the listserv to increase transparency of the hard work of the EC. In conclusion, the past year has been a productive year for the Gulf Coast Province, and I am honored that I had the privilege of serving as the province Satrap.


Ross Woods Gulf Coast Province Satrap

Vice-Satrap, Fernando Diggs:

With the year drawing to a close, I can definitely say that it has certainly been a pleasure and an honor to serve as the Vice Satrap of the Gulf Coast Province. While I am proud of what we have accomplished as a province, there is so much more room for us to grow and I’m excited to see where 2017 takes us. As Vice Satrap, I’ve had a busy year primarily working with Satrap Ross Woods and Brothers Victor Rivera and Keegan Rayford planning Summer and Winter Conclave while juggling being a PGY1 resident. It has been a challenge at times but greatly rewarding and I wouldn’t change a thing. As an executive committee, we have been able to help oversee the growth of every chapter and committee and I’m certain that we can build upon this year next year. I hope that you are all as excited as we are! I can’t wait to see you all in a few weeks in New Orleans to continue the advancement of our province.

Fraternally,Fernando Diggs

Secretary, Mallory White: As Secretary I have continued to work to streamline the process of distributing minutes taken at Executive Committee conference calls and province assemblies. I feel it is important for each brother to have easy access to refer to these as they wish. Therefore I, with the help of Brother Emily Hailstone, have started uploading the minutes to the province website under the

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GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

“GCP Meeting Minutes” tab. I encourage each of you to refer to this to be informed of the issues discussed during our monthly conference calls. This has been a productive year for our province and I have been honored to be a part of it. I would like to end by saying thank you for allowing me to serve you all in this position. I have grown and learned so much by serving you and cannot thank you enough for the opportunity. I truly am PTBYB!

Treasurer, Julianne Willis:Brothers,

I have been busy collecting chapter rosters in order to send out invoices for province dues, filing province taxes, and making sure our bank account is up to date. This year, the province was able to offer registration reimbursement for a member of each chapter who attended the Kappa Psi Leadership Symposium. This was a very exciting opportunity allowed by the amount raised through our sweatshirt fundraising sales! (We still have a few left if you want one of the best sweatshirts around...shameless plug!). If you have any questions about dues or taxes, please don't hesitate to let me know! I can't wait to see all of you at GCP Winter Conclave in New Orleans. 

Fraternally,Julianne Willis

Historian, Emily Hailstone:Brothers,

Since the summer province meeting in Memphis, I, along with the publications committee, have been busy working on the second province newsletter, improving the website, and increasing social media communication. The website is now an even more useful resource for brothers who are looking for what we as a province are doing. Also, the publications committee is continuing to work on increasing our social media presence by posting more frequently to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. If you are not currently following us, please add us. The links are listed on page 1 of this newsletter.

Overall, it has been a very successful year for our province! I am happy to report that all collegiate chapters submitted articles and photos for the Fall and Winter issues of the MASK. It has been an honor to have had the opportunity to serve as your historian over the past year and am looking forward to what the new year has to bring. I’m looking forward to seeing each of you at the GCP Winter Conclave in NOLA!

Fraternally,Emily Hailstone

Chaplain, Kathryn Litten:Greetings Brothers, I have been honored to serve as your Chaplain this past year! I feel as though we have made a lot of progress as a Conclave understanding more of the history and importance of our Ritual and educating our new Brothers about it. I enjoyed working with the new Rituals Committee and attempting to pave the way for this committee to grow. Also, presenting a seminar at Summer Conclave and developing a game for Brothers to to actively learn about the Ritual was entertaining and educational for all. I was happy so many Brothers continued spreading the knowledge by bringing it back to their chapters, both within the Gulf Coast Province and to others as well! I look forward to seeing you all at Winter Conclave!

PTBYB, Kathryn Litten

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GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

Parliamentarian, Adam Harnden:Brothers,

It has been a privilege to serve as your Gulf Coast Parliamentarian over the 2016 year. Collaborating with Brother Harris, Jansen, and Gillespie, we have been working to change our Gulf Coast Province Bylaws in regards to the election processes that were tabled at the previous Winter Conclave. I believe that using other province Bylaws as the structure, we will be able to bring forth strong changes that will not require extreme discussion and changes during the legislative session. Once again I would like to thank every Brother of the Gulf Coast Province for giving me this opportunity to serve as your Parliamentarian. I would also like to thank Brother Harris, Brother Jansen, and Brother Gillespie for their services on the Legislative Committee this year.

Fraternally, Adam Harnden

Immediate Past Satrap, Dr. Grant McGuffey:Brothers,

It has been a pleasure to work with this year’s Province Executive Committee. Serving as your Immediate Past Satrap has been a wonderful experience. Why?! Because you can take it easy! I’m just kidding. This year has been a big transition for me in terms of Kappa Psi Leadership. I have had to transition from the being the Brother leading to charge in making decisions to more of an advisor role. This has been true in all my roles as I serve as an Assistant Supervisor for the Mountain East Province and Grand Council Deputy for Gamma Zeta. I think this is just the normal progression in Brothers who are dedicated to this great Fraternity. The Executive Committee has worked well this past year and have accomplished a lot in a short period of time. This is likely due to our strong Satrap leadership and great core of young leaders. The need to help or advice as really been limited this year (so like I said…I could take it easy!). It was a pleasure to see these leaders grow, mature, and blossom into the great Brothers they are today. I believe the dedication they gave to our province this year helped foster this and encourage any Brother interested to run for office. I look forward to seeing their and your continual growth and development as outstanding Brothers in our great Fraternity.

Respectfully Submitted,

Grant McGuffey

Issue 2 �4

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GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

Chapter Reports from the Province:Psi:

The Psi chapter at University of Tennessee had the opportunity to grant a strong little girl a wish through the Make-A-Wish foundation! On September 30th, many of our brothers dressed up as Disney Princesses, Minnie and Mickey Mouse to surprise our wish child, Nicohl. All of our fundraising efforts have been put together to grant Nicohl’s wish to attend Disney World for the first time! Nicohl is a five-year-old girl from Mexico that has finished treatment at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. She is such a high-energy, positive little girl that loves soccer and the movie Frozen! For our wish reveal party, the Psi Chapter transformed the University of Tennessee’s College of Pharmacy in Memphis to an indoor soccer arena and Queen Elsa’s frozen castle (inspired from her favorite Disney movie)! Nicohl got to play soccer with some of our brothers that were college athletes in undergrad along with playing one of her favorite games, Duck-Duck-Goose. Nicohl was also treated to snow-cones, cake, multiple presents and a lifetime of friendships from the University of Tennessee students and faculty. Granting this wish for Nicohl was such a humbling experience and we cannot wait to start fundraising again to grant another wish for another special child!

Featured Below: The Psi Chapter brother’s having a great time with Nicohl after the big reveal that she gets to spend the next week in Disney World!

Beta Rho:

Brittney Walters was initiated into Kappa Psi in the spring of 2015. She is one of the most dedicated members in the Beta Rho chapter. She served as Historian for our chapter during the 2015-2016 school year. She helped out tremendously with the 2016 Gulf Coast Province Winter

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GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

Conclave hosted by our chapter. She received Beta Rho “Brother of the Year” in the Spring of 2016. I asked Brittney what Kappa Psi means to her and this is what she had to say:

“PTBYB: a simple acronym that my chapter signs at the end of every email. Two years ago, when I became a pledge of Kappa Psi, I wasn’t quite sure what it stood for or even what it meant. I joined because my older friends were Brothers and I decided this was the best choice for me. Fast forward in time, and I find myself using the phrase for more than just closing in our chapter emails. The last two years of pharmacy school have been challenging to say the least, but I know that without a doubt, one thing that keeps my spirits up is Kappa Psi. You see, to me, Kappa Psi is much more than a pharmaceutical fraternity. It’s where I am able to grow as a student, as a leader, and as a person. It’s an organization that has given me a support system of friends—lifelong friends that I am able to call my Brothers. It’s a feeling of belonging and reason. It is a fraternity that I love and one that I get to advance and better. Of all these things, Kappa Psi has given me a reason to excel. My Brothers support, encourage, and push me to be the best version of myself and I will forever be thankful for that. I am always PTBYB.

Gamma Omega:

The brothers of Gamma Omega chapter have organized many successful events through the efforts of our members. Brother Yusra Samman currently serves as Regent and last year was our Social Chair. As Regent, she is responsible for conducting our meetings and helping to coordinate with other executive officers to make sure chapter operations run smoothly.

Brittany Forseth: What does Kappa Psi mean to you? Yusra Samman: To me, Kappa Psi is a network of brothers that I can count on. It is knowing I have people that support me and are happy for me because success in my name is also success in the name of Kappa Psi, which includes all our brothers.  

Brittany Forseth: What has been your most meaningful experience being a brother of Kappa Psi?Yusra Samman: My most meaningful experience was when I was at the SNPhA National Conference and a call for a Kappa Psi picture for brothers from all across the nation was made. I automatically felt a sense of pride and strong bond with people I had never met before. That experience allowed me to meet brothers and make new friends in a unique way. 

Issue 2 �6

Pictured above: Beta Rho Brother, Brittney Walters

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GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

Pictured to the Left: Regent for Gamma Omega chapter, brother Yusra Samman

Gamma Zeta:

This semester the brothers of the Gamma Zeta Chapter have emphasized service to the community. Our philanthropy chairs, Stephanie Brennan and Jana Formby, P3 brothers, have organized several outings to serve food at Brother Bryan and to help at Miracle League. Several members have participated and found joy through service to community and interacting with their fellow brothers in Kappa Psi. Stephanie and Jana also organized volunteer opportunities at events such as the PKD Foundation: Walk for PKD. Overall, the Gamma Zeta chapter has served the community in Birmingham with enthusiasm, dedication, and effective leadership.

Featured Below: Brothers and pledges help with health screenings at Walk for PKD. Pictured from left to right: pledges Aneri Patel and Caroline Collins along with brothers Sarah Boyd, Jenny

Chappelle, Keith Foster, Jana Formby, and Aubrey Utley.

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GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

Delta Eta:

Delta Eta hosted its 4th annual Kappa Psi Week this year. Our fun filled week included: A community clean up, CV building workshop, game night, Rx Spelling Bee, and an Ice Cream Social, and the UNCF Walk. Brothers also formed a team and participated in the American Heart Associations Heart Walk. For Halloween brothers participated in “Trick or Trunk” an event where children from the community are able to come and safely trick or treat on Xavier Campus. Check out Brothers from our chapter as they showcase their dance moves in the popular "Juju on the beat challenge " of the national Facebook page and if your chapter has the spirit respond to our challenge! In the Thanksgiving spirit brothers joined together for fellowship in our annual Thanksgiving potluck where everyone brought their favorite thanksgiving dish for everyone to try. Finally we'd like to remind everyone that we are hosting the 2017 Gulf Coast Province Winter Conclave in New Orleans. Hope to see you there! #PTBYB

Featured Below: A summary of Delta Eta’s annual Kappa Psi Week

Delta Gamma:

The Brothers of Delta Gamma hope that everyone has had a wonderful semester this fall! We had a productive semester this fall. Between getting to know our pledges, service, and socials, we have really kept busy. Most exciting is that we have integrated a new committee into our chapter called the “enrichment committee.” The committee is focused on creating a “ritual moment” during chapter where we take time to review a portion of the fraternity’s ritual or history to keep this information fresh in brothers’ minds. Our most exciting socials have been our Halloween social, which was combined with Phi Delta Chi and Alpha Psi, the veterinary fraternity; and our Tacky Holiday Sweater social. We have had a few service events this fall, which include selling pink ribbons for breast cancer awareness, making holiday cards for local nursing homes, participating in a Toys for Tots drive, and starting a Dance Marathon team for that event in the spring. Our chapter is very happy with all of the progress in our chapter this fall and cannot wait to see what the spring semester will have in store for us. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!

-Shelby Griffin

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GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

Featured Below: Brothers and Pledges showing off our best Tacky Holiday Sweaters

Epsilon Kappa:

Brother Megan Heath, “Heath Bar,” is a current second year pharmacy student at the Belmont University College of Pharmacy. She is an active member of Epsilon Kappa, the APhA-ASP Operation Immunization Chair, and a senior member of Belmont University’s women’s golf team. Despite the stresses of managing a Division 1 golf career, she is also the new reigning Chili Cook-Off Champion. When asked about why she joined Kappa Psi, Brother Heath replied that she was very interested in the service events and opportunities for brotherhood with fellow pharmacy students across the country. Her favorite Kappa Psi memory was attending Epsilon Kappa’s Masquerade last spring at the Rodizio Grill. In the future, Brother Heath looks forward to receiving her little and attending a province conclave.


Maren Richards

Pictured to the Left:

Brother Heath and friends celebrating her win at the Chili


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GCP Newsletter December 31, 2016

Epsilon Lambda:

The Epsilon Lambda chapter hosted our annual Hygeia Bowl flag football tournament this Fall. We also invited the Phi Delta Chi chapter to join us at a haunted house in Nashville. We invited our Kappa Psi brothers down the road at Belmont to join us in an evening of Capture the Flag and had a great time getting to know each other better. We hosted our annual Newlywed game and have a service auction coming up in January to raise money for our Kappa Psi scholarship. We also have a blanket making party to make blankets for the homeless coming up in January as well. Since school started, we have served meals to over 1200 homeless men, women and children, donated over 200 items to refugees, given over 800 flu shots, added over 60 people to the Bone Marrow Registry to save lives, donated $300 to aid in the adoption of two children in need and made hundreds of children smile while volunteering at events for children in the community. I am so proud of our brothers and proud to be a brother of Kappa Psi!

-August Whipple, Epsilon Lambda Historian

Featured Below: All the brothers of Epsilon Lambda on initiation night! One for All and All for One!

Issue 2 �10