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“What Shall I Do That I May Inherit Eternal Life?” NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 17: Mark 10, 12, Luke 12, 14, 16

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. What Shall I Do That I May Inherit Eternal Life? NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 17: Mark 10, 12, Luke 12, 14, 16
  2. 2. Little Miss Violet Vi's sucker obsession Getting stuck in my office bin because she wont let go of the ring pop Countless Hollywood treasure hunting movies have this same endingthe bad guy clutching his riches as the cave crumbles around him Lesson Purpose: Help class understand that we must be willing to sacrifice things of this world to obtain a place in the kingdom of heaven.
  3. 3. Brigham Young "The worst fear that I have about this people is that they will get rich in this country, forget God and His people, wax fat, and kick themselves out of the Church and go to hell. This people will stand mobbing, robbing, poverty, and all manner of persecution, and be true. But my greater fear for them is that they cannot stand wealth; and yet they have to be tried with riches, for they will become the richest people on this earth."
  4. 4. Trusting in riches can keep a person out of the kingdom of God
  5. 5. Jesus Teaches the Rich Young Man Mark 10:17-20 What do we know about this young man? 17: How did he approach? With eagerness and humility 17: What is his righteous goal? 20: Hes obedient Mark 10:21 What Christs motivation? Love ATOT: Volleyball, making Liz serve overhand in games. Why do I want her to struggle? It will make her practice One thing: he was so closewhat was he missing?
  6. 6. Jesus Teaches the Rich Young Man Mark 10:22-24 22: Why is he sad? If he discounted Christs teaching he wouldnt have been sad - he would have been angry like the Pharisees 23: They can still enter - its just harder. New doctrine to the Jews; prosperity was a sign of righteousness. Joseph F. Smith: God is not a respecter of persons. The rich man may enter into the kingdom of heaven as freely as the poor, if he will bring his heart and affections into subjection to the law of God and to the principle of truth; if he will place his affections upon God, his heart upon the truth, and his soul upon the accomplishment of Gods purposes, and not fix his affections and his hopes upon the things of the world (Gospel Doctrine, 26061) 24: What does it mean to trust in riches? So, if were not wealthy, are we off the hook? What are our riches? C.S. Lewis Quote (next slide)
  7. 7. C.S. Lewis on riches "Christ said it was difficult for 'the rich' to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, referring, no doubt, to 'riches' in the ordinary sense. But I think it really covers riches in every sense-- good fortune, health, popularity, and all the things one wants to have. All these things tend--just as money tends-- to make you feel independent of God, because if you have them you are happy already and contented in this life. You don't want to turn away to anything more, and so you try to rest in a shadowy happiness as if it could last for ever. But God wants to give you a real and eternal happiness. Consequently He may have to take all these 'riches' away from you: if he doesn't, you will go on relying on them. It sounds cruel, doesn't it? But I am beginning to find out that what people call the cruel doctrines are really the kindest ones in the long run...If you think of this world as a place intended simply for our happiness, you find it quite intolerable: think of it as a place of training and correction and it's not so bad" (C.S. Lewis, The C.S. Lewis Bible, p. 1123).
  8. 8. Joseph Smith "A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation. (Lectures on Faith, p58) Why would we do this? Mark 10:29-30 Contrast with the Widows Mite (next slide)
  9. 9. The Widows Mite Mark 12:41-42 Where was the money going? Why would he encourage this seemingly- worthless sacrifice? ATOT: Missionaries who teach but dont baptize. Its not about the end result. Mark 12:43-44 How did she feel? Ashamed? Scared? Less than? ATOT: Listening to a laurel lesson Kansas. Everyone else was young and fancy (with coordinating handouts and treats). She must have felt insecure about her contribution. Her message was pure and resonant. He values every mite, especially when we have few to give. When we feel we are not enough, know that he sees us completely (he knew it was all she had)
  10. 10. Seek Heavenly Treasure
  11. 11. Seek not earthly treasures Luke 12:13-15, Inheritance dispute What is covetousness? Why is it dangerous? ATOT: My Amazon Wish Lists. They make me feel insufficient - constantly seeking more Luke 12:16-19, Parable of rich man and his barn What is the risk of taking thine ease? Luke 12:20-21, What is the value of our stuff? ATOT: Giving the coffee tables away, direct answer to a prayer
  12. 12. Bruce R. McConkie "In the eternal perspective there is no such thing as sacrifice for the gospel cause. Men may forsake what seemingly is of great worldly worth here, but they will be rewarded with eternal riches hereafter. They forsake friends, families, and possessions for the gospel's sake, but they gain these same things again in far greater measure in the mansions on high." (DNTC, 1:557)
  13. 13. The Parable of the Great Supper
  14. 14. Followers of Christ must be willing to forsake all to be true disciples Luke 14:15-17 Great preparations are made - the food glorious Luke 14:18-20, they make excuses Luke 14:21-24 None that were bidden shall taste. Why didnt they come? They werent hungry - they had filled their calendar with other priorities Do we do that? How often do we skip the Temples feast because we arent hungry enough? Will it be too late if we wait until we are?
  15. 15. Melvin Hammond "We often must make significant changes in our lives in order to attend the feast at the table of the Lord. Too many of us put those changes off, thinking there is no urgency. Perhaps this parable could be called the dont bother me now, Lord parable. We try to excuse ourselves in various ways. Each rationalization comes from selfishness and almost always relates to something temporal. For some it is the Word of Wisdom. For others it is the law of tithing. Perhaps it is a reluctance to live the law of chastity. Whatever the reason, we who reject or delay our response to the Saviors invitation show our lack of love for Him who is our King" ("Parables of Jesus: The Great Supper," F. Melvin Hammond, Ensign, April 2003). Luke 14:26-27