gde data sharing sphere overview

Global Data Excellence © 2012 Govern by value : the new paradigm shift A data facility to support Excellence and Sustainability Dr. Walid el Abed Founder & CEO Global Data Excellence Ltd The Data Sharing Sphere ©

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A data facility to support Excellence and SustainabilityDr. Walid el AbedFounder & CEOGlobal Data Excellence Ltd

The Data Sharing Sphere

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Users in general need:Data defined in MDM / Data HubTransactional dataExternal data Relevant data ( big data analysis)

Companies need :To open their data (with privacy constraints and strategic decisions)

Data to govern is not only MDM dataThe data usage is also to governThe Enterprise realityEnterprise data is split across the value chain and managed in disparate systems

Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

The Data Sharing Sphere ScopeData that supports Business Excellence Requirements to create value


ReferenceDataData to support KVIs BERsData ObjectData to support KVIs BERsData to support KVIs BERsData Management Universe

Master DataData to support KVIs BERsData Sharing SphereData sharing Universe


Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shiftHigh value records means records which have a significant impact on the business.3

Business challengeWhich data can I trust and use for my business contextCRMSRMSCMERPERPDW


Line Item

Ext. Data


Master Data

Data Hub


Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shiftDeliverables:A governed sphere for data sharing to support the value chain sustainability and excellence.Value based internal and external collaboration facilityCollaborative network to manage data as a company asset.Advantages: (Gain time, money and reputation)Increased collaboration and transparencyAccelerated business transformation and data availabilityOn demand, non invasive and progressive implementation of enterprise data managementThe Data Sharing Sphere ObjectiveMake useful data available to the value creation resources

Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

The Data Sharing Sphere contentHigh value data6High value data recordsMaster, transactional, organisational, reference

Business objectives for value creation Value chain, models, contexts, KVIs

Business Excellence requirementsStandards, policies, best practices etc.

Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shiftGovern high value data as a company asset

Capture and manage data at source

Certify, protect and share high value data

Provide contextual and polarized view of the truth (multi-truth)

Assign and manage accountability and responsibility for data maintenance, data quality, data protection and data sharing

Promote and support collaborative data sharing culture

The Data Sharing Sphere key principleConnect workers across the organization to data they can trust

Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shift4. What data is used to support those business excellence requirements?

2. What are the business excellence requirements necessary to achieve these goals ?1. What are the strategic goals in my organization?3. Who is accountable for the business excellence requirements? 5. What impact does the non-compliance of data with the business excellence requirements have on our business?6. How can we prioritize fixing the data that has the highest impact?8. How do I maximize the business value of enterprise data?7. Who is responsible for fixing the data errors? The Data Sharing Sphere ScopeData that supports value creation and excellence sustainability


The Data Excellence FrameworkCopyright Global Data Excellence 2011 No business can run today without high quality data. Lets put some structure on the type of questions the business need to start asking about how data is managed.

What business processes are most important to my organization?What data is used to support these processes?What are the business rules that govern the data?What business impact does poor quality data have on our business?How can we prioritize fixing the data that has the highest impact?Who is accountable for the business rules?How do I maximize the business value of enterprise data?

Lets agree that these are very valid questions which if answered, would demonstrate that data is being view as an enterprise asset.

Transition: Can we answer these questions?8

9The Data Sharing Sphere sourcesDistil useful data and make it available to the value creation resources9








Data Users(Data Management)

DEMS Agent Users( Data Technology)DEMS Users( Business and data Excellence)

Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shiftArchitectureThe Data Sharing Sphere

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Org. DataRef. DataMDM

TablesExt. Data

Certification(for multi-truth)

1x / day

3x / day

Views(for user usage)



4x / day













Data Sharing Sphere (DSS)(Governed)

Services(for user access)

Models(for Governance by Value)

Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shift


DEMS is an agile and practical system embedding the Data Excellence Framework12

Business Applications

Data ConversionData QualityData ManagementData GovernanceBIETLETQLMDMStandardsReporting

Data Excellence Management System

Business Objectives( Business Excellence )The Data Excellence Framework (DEF)TransactionsImpact and Value

1- Align and Link( accountability )

2- Measure & Visualize

3- Organize & Execute( responsibility )Business Excellence Requirements (BER) Business Managers (Business View)DefectsData Managers (Data View)IT Managers (IT View)Dems AgentExtractAssess

Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shiftNote:This landscape is the vision of the Data Excellence Infrastructure.Not all its components must be implemented at the same time.It is important to have the final state vision bearing in mind that its implementation should be introduced incrementally to support the execution and implementation strategy of the Framework. The introduction of each component should be aligned with its business equivalent project in the overall roadmap of the Data Excellence Program.The technology is an important support to your DE program but you should not be aiming to implement the vision in one go because not all the organization has the holistic view you have of the roadmap and vision and you may have difficulty to justify the investment.


Core Technology : the Polarizer your weapon to maximise value from successful transactions 13



rulesvalue trans action

The value of your transactions is derived from the contextual state of your organization, rules and data. Your rules for success encapsulate your business excellence and drives your value Your organization is accountable for its decisions and execution based on rules for excellence and the best dataData is your golden opportunity for unlocking value in the information age

Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shiftNo business can run today without high quality data. Lets put some structure on the type of questions the business need to start asking about how data is managed.

What business transactions are most important to my organization?What are the business excellence requirements to lead to successful transactions?Who is accountable for the business excellence requirements and the transactions?What data is used to support these business excellence requirements and transactions?What business impact does poor data have on our business transactions?How can we prioritize fixing the data that has the highest impact?Who is responsible for this data?How do I maximize the business value of enterprise data?

Lets agree that these are very valid questions which if answered, would demonstrate that data is being view as an enterprise asset.

Transition: Can we answer these questions?


The Data Excellence Management System a collaborative platform to enable data excellenceData Sharing Sphere

Dems Agent




Dems Agent


Business Excellence Organization

IT Organization

Data Excellence Organization

Int. Business Application(Data Transaction)

Ext. Business Application(Data Transaction)

Int. Data Application(MDM, BI, )

Ext. Data Application(MDM, BI, )Strategic Data ObjectivesStrategic Business ObjectivesCloud Or PremisesBusiness GlossaryBER(Rules, Standards, )KVIDEIIT Management Cockpit(Agent Manager)Configuration Operations Workflow SecurityNon ConformitiesBusiness Excellence CockpitData Excellence CockpitBusiness Management CockpitData Management Cockpit

DEMS (Govern by Value)


Govern by value : the new paradigm shift

Global Data Excellence 2012Govern by value : the new paradigm shiftNote:This landscape is the vision of the Data Excellence Infrastructure.Not all its components must be implemented at the same time.It is important to have the final state vision bearing in mind that its implementation should be introduced incrementally to support the execution and implementation strategy of the Framework. The introduction of each component should be aligned with its business equivalent project in the overall roadmap of the Data Excellence Program.The technology is an important support to your DE program but you should not be aiming to implement the vision in one go because not all the organization has the holistic view you have of the roadmap and vision and you may have difficulty to justify the investment.