ge capital training development

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  • 7/31/2019 GE Capital Training Development



    To study the Market Share & CONSUMER









    Roll No.: 02213401911

    BBA (CAM)-III Sem.


    External Supervisor Internal Supervisor

    Ms. Mridu Thareja Ms. Shweta

    GE CAPITAL Faculty IIMTGhaziabad Karkardooma, Delhi


    Plot No. 16x, Karkardooma Industrial Area, Delhi-110092

  • 7/31/2019 GE Capital Training Development





    Topic of study:

    A comprehensive study ofTraining & Development programs that has been carried out

    by GE Capital

    Rational behind the study:

    Training plays a vital role in effective functioning of any company. The efficiency and

    productivity of worker working in an organization not only depends upon the skills they

    possesses or working environment, they are working in, but also depends upon the policy

    of the company of providing training to the employees according to the demand of the

    job. There remains a gap between the demand of the job and skills of the worker. This

    gap can be patch up by delivering effective training and development programs. The

    workers get the better opportunity to improve themselves and as a result to enhancement

    of the productivity of the organization.

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    So it is most important for every organization to provide such training to the employees

    for development of their skills as well as knowledge related to the job, that will fulfill his

    own requirement of learning and the requirement of the organization and achieve the

    organization goal too.

    Objective of the study:

    The main objective is to study the training and development activities carried by the GE


    To study the training procedures provided by the company.

    To evaluate the effectiveness of training programs.

    Methodology of data collection:

    Going through the records:

    I would like to go through relevant files and the company has

    carried out documents from where can get an idea about the

    different types of training and development that.

    Preliminary discussion:

    In this regard at the outset, I would like to talk about the training

    and development in charge to enquire for the identify the needs of

    training and development programs at present scenario.

    Feedback from the employees through the interview and written questionnaire.

    For evaluation the effectiveness of training and development

    programs I would like to take feedback from employees that how

    much they get benefit from that programs. At last I would like to take

    suggestion for future improvement.

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  • 7/31/2019 GE Capital Training Development


  • 7/31/2019 GE Capital Training Development





    At GE Capital India, we are more than just a provider of finance.

    As a part of the GE Capital and GE family of companies, we

    leverage GEs global knowledge edge to provide smart financing

    solutions to help our local customers build and grow. We

    understand your business, your industry, your assets and your

    opportunities. What you're building requires not just capital, but

    also knowledge and expertise to grow. This is where we help.

    GE Capital offers consumers and businesses around the globe an

    array of financial products and services. For over 1 million

    businesses, it provides real estate, equipment and inventory

    financing; fleet services; working capital; and funds for

    corporate acquisitions, re-financings and restructurings. For its

    130 million consumer customers globally, GE Capital offers

    credit cards, retail sales finance programs, home, car and

    personal loans and credit insurance. GE Capital is a leading

    provider of specialist finance throughout the world and focuseson sectors where it can share GE's 130+ year heritage with

    customers - energy, healthcare, media, transportation and


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    In India we provide a wide range of non-banking financial

    services to corporate and consumer customers. Investing in

    sectors we understand best, we bring global insight and local

    expertise to every relationship. We help customers to build

    more, sell more and grow more. Over nearly two decades, we

    have served more than 10 million corporate and consumer

    finance customers in India. Our business has received an AAA

    rating from Indian agencies - CRISIL and Fitch.

    Products & Services Offered

    Corporate Lending

    GE Capital India helps Indian businesses to maximize liquidity through innovative and

    flexible lending solutions. We work with a wide variety of mid-size businesses,

    multinationals and private equity sponsors. We are one of the largest providers of asset-

    based, cash flow and structured loans in India. We work closely with our customers to

    provide business capital for purchasing equipment, corporate acquisitions, refinancing

    and restructuring.


    GE Capital India provides leasing products to help enhance liquidity, productivity, and

    gain a competitive edge. Our global asset expertise combined with local understanding

    helps us understand and serve your equipment financing needs that are critical to your

    business. We also provide corporate auto-leasing services and vendor and dealer

    financing programs that comprise rental solutions, operating leases and finance leases to

    meet the unique financial requirements of customers.

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    Corporate Aviation Finance

    GE Capital is a leading provider of corporate aircraft financing solutions. With a global

    portfolio of over 2000 aircraft, we understand legal and regulatory environments and

    bring an ability to leverage a worldwide affiliate network. We offer cross-border

    financing solutions for corporate aviation aligned with unique business requirements. Our

    product offerings include leases and secured loans on medium to large size corporate jets,

    helicopters and turbo jets.

    Energy Investing

    GE Capital invests in electric power generation, power transmission and distribution, oil

    field services, coal mining and waste water treatment with a long-term view. Backed by

    more than 30 years of global experience in financing energy projects, we combin e GEstechnical knowledge, technology innovation and risk management expertise to invest in

    assets across the capital spectrum. Our product offerings include structured and common

    equity, leveraged leases, asset backed revolvers, and second & third stage venture equity.

    Healthcare Finance

    GE Capital brings an unparalleled track-record of serving the unique needs of the Indian

    healthcare industry through innovation, speed and superior customer service. GE Capital

    understands the needs of the Indian healthcare industry and combines its in-depth

    manufacturing knowledge with local execution experience to deliver a wide range of

    healthcare financing solutions in India. We offer solutions unique to the needs of super-

    specialty hospitals, diagnostic centers, nursing homes, healthcare practitioners and

    doctors.The company is organized into three business groups viz. Power Systems,

    Industrial Systems, Consumer Products. Nearly, two-thirds of it's turnover accrues from

    products lines in which it enjoys a leadership position. Presently, the company is offeringwide range of products such as power & industrial transformers, HT circuit breakers, LT

    & HT motors, DC motors, traction motors, alternators/ generators, railway signaling

    equipments, lighting products, fans, pumps and public switching, transmission and access

    products. In addition to offering broad range of products, the company undertakes

    turnkey projects from concept to commissioning. Apart from this, CG exports it's

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    products to more than 60 countries worldwide, which includes the emerging South-East

    Asian and Latin American markets.

    Thus, the company addresses all the segments of the power industry from complex

    industrial solutions to basic household requirements. The fans and lighting businesses

    acquired "Superbrand" status in January 2004. It is a unique recognition amongst the

    country's 134 selected brands by "Superbrands", UK.

    Manufacturing, Marketing & Servicing Network.

    CG's business operations consist of 22 manufacturing divisions spread across in Gujarat,

    Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka, supported by well knitted marketing

    and service network through 14 branches in various states under overall management of

    four regional sales offices located in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai. The company

    has a large customer base, which includes State Electricity Boards, Government bodies

    and large companies in private and public sectors.

    Future Outlook.

    The quality of households is enhanced when their money is invested into products such as

    fans and lighting for basic comforts. Their lives are literally touched by delight.

    Similarly, GE Capital helps electricity boards and other utilities to reach electricity to the

    last home and factory. Therefore, every individual in India who uses electricity can be

    considered as GE Capital customer. Hence, the company continues to further and

    consolidate the initiatives that Colonel GE Capital set into motion by focusing on

    meeting increasing customer demands for products that are eco-friendly, energy efficient

    and with intelligent monitoring and control systems.

    All economic indicators point towards the manufacturing sector being the future driver of

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    India's economic growth. India is today preferred destination for sourcing various

    engineering goods not only due to low cost but also due to high quality of products.

    Although, the climate for the manufacturing sector is bright, the concern is the threat of

    imminent competition from global players who are already in the process of setting up

    manufacturing facilities in India. The market is expected to remain competition with an

    added element of competition from imported products.

    However, several measures that the company has already taken and it's plans for the

    future, together with business impact of the Pauwels acquisition, will equip the company

    to respond in adequate measure to this competitive pressure.

    Business Description

    GE Capital The Group's principal activities are broadly classified into four strategic

    business units: Power Systems; Consumer products; Industrial Systems and Other. The

    Power System consists of designing, manufacturing and servicing electrical products

    such as transformers, switchgears, capacitors and engineering projects. Consumer

    Products consist of fans, luminaires, light sources and agricultural and domestic pumps.

    Industrial Systems consists of manufacturing electric motors including fractional horse

    power motors, LT motors, alternators, DC Machines and rail transportation motors. Other

    includes telecommunication products, transmission products, access products and

    terminal equipment. The plants are located in Maharashtra, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Madhya

    Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab and Kolkata

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    Why training is important

    Every company should be fully committed to the continuous development of its staff, in

    the same ways as we continuously develop our services. This will be achieved by

    helping all staff identify and meet their own job and business related development needs.

    This policy will ensure that we have the adaptability and flexibility to thrive and succeed

    as a business. To do this, all line managers, through the Performance Review process,


    Ensure that staff have a level of knowledge and skill to fully perform their role

    Encourage staff to develop within their current role

    Look for potential, and find ways for staff to demonstrate potential

    Recognize and reward staff development (utilizing it wherever possible)

    Create a learning culture by providing opportunities for learning

    Equal opportunitiesAll staff are entitled to and can expect to receive training they need to carry out their

    current role. This includes seconded, fixed-term contract or short-term contract staff.

    Permanent employees can expect to benefit from further commitment for each individual

    to devote at least 5 days a year towards training and development. First priority will be

    towards job-related training, but we will also encourage individuals to undertake personal

    development training. This may entail taking professional qualifications; undertaking

    research into a particular field of interest or experiencing a particular aspect of another

    job in order to gain an insight into the role and fuller understanding of the work.

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    Training should not be viewed purely as attending a training course. There are a

    variety of different methods that can be used to help train and develop individuals and

    Personnel Services will be happy to help individuals and managers select the most

    appropriate method. For example, using open learning materials; computer-based

    packages; videos or CD-ROMs; e-learning; and reading literature, to name but a few.

    Shared responsibilitiesIt is recognizes the need for everyone to learn and develop their skills on a continuous

    basis and will support individuals to help them achieve this. Equally, the company

    expects individuals to take on some responsibility for their own self-development. For

    example, identifying suitable training activities (with the help of line managers and

    Personnel Services) and adopting a flexible and positive approach to any training and

    development that is identified with them.

    Identifying training & development needsIdentifying training and development needs, and helping individuals to improve their

    performance, are key responsibilities for line managers, so they are expected to be

    actively involved in their teams training and development. Line managers are also

    responsible for measuring the effectiveness of any training and development undertaken

    by team members, with assistance from Personnel Services.

    The skills and knowledge that will be needed for the future success of the company will

    become apparent as each years business (corporate) plan is drafted and communicated to

    teams within the company and individual performance objectives agreed. Whereindividual skills, knowledge or the development of competenciesare needed to achieve

    our business objectives, these should be recorded on the Development Needs Assessment

    plan, which forms part of our Performance Review process.

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    Setting and evaluating learning objectives/outcomes

    The company has a number of key business objectives that it needs to achieve. These

    objectives can be achieved only through harnessing the abilities and skills of everyone in

    the company and by releasing potential and maximizing opportunities for development.

    If individuals need to learn in order to achieve business objectives, it is important that any

    training and development in which we invest has a relationship to our business

    objectives, so we can demonstrate the contribution learning makes towards overall

    organizational success.

    To demonstrate this contribution, individuals will agree with their line managers, prior to

    undertaking a learning activity, learning objectives. Learning objectives will be the

    means by which managers and company can measure how effective training and

    development has been towards achieving our business objectives or performance. Setting

    learning objectives will therefore provide a benefit for everyone:

    For individuals, objectives give a better understanding of what is expected of them;

    where priorities lie; where their contribution fits into the organization and how they are


    For managers, objectives provide a basis for allocating responsibility to individuals for

    achieving certain results; monitoring the achievement of results and providing solid

    evidence, which is less subjective, for assessing an individuals performance.

    For the organization, objectives give a greater likelihood of strategic and corporate plans

    being achieved.

    Once someone has experienced a training and development activity or learning, we will

    measure its impact and effectiveness on individual performance and the organization.

    Again, line managers are expected to be part of this process by defining the performance

    standards (or measures) when setting objectives and deciding on the methods that they

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    will use to evaluate the learning. (Personnel Services will of course be available

    throughout the process to provide guidance and support).

    There are three key stages that will be used to evaluate training and development:

    Reaction: At this level, evaluation provides information on the attitudes of a participant

    to learning, but it does not measure how much they have actually learned. That being

    said, if a participant has a positive reaction to the learning experience they are more likely

    to implement what they have learned. Evaluation at this level will be measured by a

    post-learning questionnaire, which will be completed immediately after the learning

    activity has taken place. Normally, Personnel Services will be responsible for issuing

    this type of questionnaire.

    Performance: Evaluation at this level looks at the impact of a learning experience on

    individual performance at work. Key to this area of evaluation will be the need to have

    established smart learning objectives prior to the learning experience so that when

    evaluation takes place there are measures to use. For example, an important learning

    objective for a junior secretary attending a Word training course may be to produce

    typed correspondence with no spelling or typographical errors. In this example, a

    manager would be able to evaluate the secretarys performance using a measure of no

    spelling or typographical errors. Ideally, evaluation on performance should take place

    approximately 34 months after the learning activity. Line managers should undertake

    this evaluation and send a copy of the results to Personnel Services.

    Organizational impact: At this level evaluation assesses the impact of learning on

    organizational effectiveness, and whether or not it is cost-effective in organizational

    terms. Personnel Services will undertake this evaluation as part of a wider training and

    development evaluation process.

    In summary then, Personnel Services will evaluate training and development at the

    reaction and organizational levels, and line managers will be responsible for evaluating

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    the effectiveness of training and development at the performance level. However, there

    will be some types of learning activities, for example attending conferences or seminars,

    where it may not be appropriate to undertake any evaluation. If any doubt, please contact

    Personnel Services.

    To assist line managers, there are a variety of methods that can be used to measure the

    effectiveness of the learning. Some of these include:

    Participant self-assessment

    Written or practical tests

    Structured interviews


    Feedback for example, internally from colleagues, peers, and managers and/or

    externally from partners, customers or clients

    Qualifications obtained

    Line managers should contact Personnel Services, who will be pleased to help set-up an

    evaluation method to use to measure the effectiveness of a training activity.

    FundingFunding for training and development will be paid from a central training budget,

    therefore the Head of Personnel Services must approve any training and development that

    involves a financial cost before any financial commitment is made. Details of how to

    apply for a training and development are explained under the section headed Selecting a

    training provider and applying for training.In addition to job-related training and development, company also recognises the need to

    help individuals to improve within their chosen career path by encouraging individuals to

    gain professional/vocational/academic qualifications. With this in mind, company has

    established a company sponsorship scheme whereby full or partial sponsorship will be

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    provided. Information about the scheme can be found under the section headed

    Company sponsorship.

    Time off to attend training coursesWhere an individual needs to attend a training course funded by company, time off

    during working hours will be given to attend the course. Individuals are expected to

    travel to and from a training venue within the normal course of the day. Where company

    is providing sponsorship towards a professional qualification, time off to attend

    lectures/workshops/summer school will be agreed on an individual basis, taking account

    of the business needs. The Head of Personnel Services will approve any such requests, in

    full consultation with line managers.

    Non-training course learning activities

    Typically, a training course is designed to transfer new skills or knowledge to an

    individual. Invariably new skills and knowledge will be developed over time to improve

    performance. However, not all learning has to be addressed through a training course.

    There is a wide range of development methods available that can be used without leaving

    the office. For example, being coached by a fellow colleague or manager; using a

    computer aided training package; on-the job training; reading books; undertaking

    research or practising a particular skill.

    Finding out about training courses or alternative learning methods

    Personnel Services is building up a range of literature from training suppliers and a

    selection of books/videos/computer discs available for individual use. To find out more,

    please contact Personnel Services.

    Selecting a training provider and applying for trainingBefore booking a training event, individuals should research the costs and course

    availability with possible training providers. Personnel Services will be happy to help as

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    they keep details of various training providers, so please contact them for


    Company organised training programmes, for example Customer Service Training, Team

    Building training, will be co-ordinated through Personnel Services (so individuals do not

    have to complete any forms). All other training and development activities must be

    authorised by Personnel Services before any training is booked.

    Company sponsorship

    Company recognises the need for continuous professional development and are pleased

    to be able to offer a sponsorship scheme to all permanent and fixed-term employees

    (whose contracts are for at least one year). The scheme covers professional, academic or

    NVQ (or equivalent) qualifications. The following guidelines are designed to give

    individuals an idea of the sort of funding that may be available and how individuals may


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    Training is often included as an essential element of an organizations strategy to gain a

    competitive advantage. Regulatory agencies require that employees be trained certain

    topics and personal development/career paths often specify skill and knowledge areas

    which must be mastered. These are the factors that influence an organizations overall

    training program. With all these sometimes-divergent factors competing for resources

    training systems can become stressed, ineffective, inefficient and fragmented.

    Organizations need a structure approach when developing/improving their trainingsystem.

    For purposes of this discussion we will divide the training process into three phases:

    (1) needs identification

    (2) Training Systems (courses, modules, training aids, presentation, instructors, records)

    (3) Evaluation

    PHASE ONE: Needs Identification

    The first phase is the identification and analysis of an organization's training needs. As a

    minimum, the organization should be able to accomplish the following four things:

    1. Systematic review of each trade, occupation or process by a team of

    knowledgeable individuals

    2. Conduct verbal and/or written surveys of managers, supervisors,

    leaders, technicians and workers

    3. Conduct a complete review of legislated training requirements

    4. Review the results of Hazard Analyses, Occupational Health surveys

    and other survey or process analyses.

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  • 7/31/2019 GE Capital Training Development




    In GE Capital across training is customized product wise. If any defect comes in a

    product or process, a training session is initiated to eradicate root cause.There are normally two work stations in production,

    Critical station

    Normal station

    At critical work station an efficient worker should produce 5000 to 6000 units in one

    shift. At this work station minor job is done.

    At normal work station an efficient worker should be produce 8000 to 10000 units in one

    shift in normal circumstances.

    In this company there are two types of worker are working.

    Permanent worker

    Temporary worker

    A worker get the permanent job after the good and consistent performance in the

    company, these people are well experienced in their relative jobs.

    Temporary worker is a layman. They dont know any thing about the work, so these

    types of people require training.

    When a new person joins the company, he got the training about the safety and

    maintenance. For getting these training he is send in technical training cell (TTC). In

    TTC he has to go some basic knowledge and instruction, which is given by the just senior

    boss. That person is called line in charge. During the training a person gets the job. He is

    watched by the line in charge. At any point the line in charged found any fault in the

    work, the line in charge instructed at that time, so that the worker does the job in a proper

    way and come out with zero-defect product.

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    After the TTC training employees are divided among various teams and send to the

    different operations, on the different operations. A line-in charge is there, who will watch

    each and every steps during the work. If any fault in the work is found, he takes that

    serious and instructs to remove the fault immediately.

    After some experience the worker is transferred from one operation to another operation

    area. Where same procedure is performed. He works and if get any confusion regarding

    the job, he may ask the line in charge or if line in charge see any fault during the

    operation, he educates the worker to do the job better. This process is repeated on each

    and every operation. This is how each and every employee is familiarized to the job . The

    main advantage of this job rotation is, if any worker does not come on the particular day,

    that place can be filled by any other worker and the works progress without any


    After job rotation and getting experienced the entire worker divided into three groups,

    Highly efficient



    If a person can handle all the machines related to any particular job. That worker is called

    highly efficient worker. After getting training 40% out of them became as highly efficient

    worker. These workers are very efficient and can handle any situation during the work.

    He can work on any machine at any time without any problem. These people can take

    decision at the critical point of time. So that these type of worker are called highly

    efficient worker.

    After highly efficient the second category is called efficient. In this category those type

    of person are master in their job. He is master in one job. In this category 50% worker

    comes. These types of people are well known people in their particular job. They are not

    able to handle the different machines. They feel problem in some job.

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    After that the third category comes, that is called adequate. This type is not beneficial for

    the company. So that they are not acceptable. They have less knowledge and not will to


    Highly efficient person is well-known about their job. He can handle any situation. So

    that this type of people doesnt require training.

    Efficient people are master of just on job. So that they need training to be highly efficient


    Company is giving training to the efficient worker. For them there are three types of



    Give the opportunity to work with highly efficient worker.

    Give the expert knowledge about the work.

    In counseling the instructor or line in charge counsel the worker. A line in charge tries to

    motivate the worker to do their job in proper way. This is a verbal communication. With

    the help of words a senior person tries to make them as effective as highly efficient


    The second option provide them opportunity to work with highly efficient people helps

    those people to learn. During the work he can watch how the highly efficient people

    work? How can they handle the situation? They got the idea about the problem, which

    may be arising during the work. They also get the idea about dealing those types of

    problems. This way an efficient worker is developed to be highly efficient worker.

    Before start working every worker should get the knowledge about the job profile.

    Without proper knowledge no one can perform better. There must be some defective in

    the product due to less knowledge about the production process. So specific knowledge is

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    essential for zero-defect product. This is the duty of management to educate them and

    provide full knowledge about the production process and quality control.

    For adequate people company has some other way for giving them training. The work

    pressure is the best way for make them work. Under this the adequate person is send to

    work between two highly efficient workers. Highly efficient people can work faster than

    adequate person. So from both sides he faces the pressure for work faster and effectively.

    This way an adequate worker can be the efficient and highly efficient worker for


    In any company some factor effect the training:

    Strategies changes

    Technical changes

    Matter of cost saving

    If the top management of the company want to change their strategies. Here company

    wants trained people for work. So firstly company looked for the experienced people, but

    it is very difficult to get trained people. So they hired semi- skilled people and after

    joining them they give them training. So that this can work effectively and according to

    the requirement of the company.

    If company wants some technical change in product, they also require trained people for

    work. Technical change requires more technical people. If company wants to retain the

    same people who are working form last some times then company has to give them

    training. After getting training a worker can adjust in any environment and work


    Todays era is the cost cutting era. In the intensive competition cost of the product is very

    important. We cant survive in the market with high cost. So we need to cut the cost of

    the product. For cutting the cost we need more trained worker who can work faster and

    quickly. So that the production time can be reduced. At lastly we can get the low price


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    So that in every area we need trained people. For getting trained people we have to make

    them trained by giving training.

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    The objective of the project is to study training and development in company. As we

    know that training is an important factor for growing because growth is lifeline for thecompany.

    The main motto of this project was to know, how company conducts training program.

    What are the basic requirements during this process? How does the company come to

    know that some body needs training? After providing them training analysis is required.

    Analysis makes the management aware of the workers or staffs whosoever had gone

    through the training. Development is the main objective of any training. If there is no any

    development, the objective of training is not achieved. So for achieving the objective,

    development is very much required.

    The way of analyzing of the training should be carefully developed. Because a good

    analysis reflects the true figure of the development of trainees. How the company

    analyses the training is a subject to be learnt.

    So the ultimate goal of this project is to study the way of providing training as well as the

    way of measure the development of trainees in GE Capital

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    Research works involve a systematic process. There must be well-defined procedure for eacevery research work, which always need a set of methodologies.

    The methodology for any research work constitutes the selection of representative sample fro

    whole of the universe (or population) and also, applying appropriate tools and techniques of resea

    This research work was carried out in two stages :-

    Firstly, an intense Literature Survey was done from the GE Capital Training

    Manuals and;

    Secondly, the research was carried out by means of filling up of questionnaires. For the purpose o

    collection, two sets of questionnaires were prepared. One for the trainees and other for their rep


    After preparing the questionnaire on the basis of research design, it was firstly tested o

    respondents. After getting the responses, certain modifications were done to make it more focuse

    also, free-flowing.

    The sampling was Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling, departments like : PE Hydr

    Civil, PE Electrical, PE Mechanical, Water System Group, SG Group, Cost Engineering, CSD

    Project Group, etc., were covered to look for the respondents who have completed their 3 to 5 m


    Research Instrument :-

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    The research instrument was structured questionnaire with the choice of open-ended and close-


    Field data :-

    The field data has been collected by personally administering the questionnaire of the topic.

    Sampling Plan :-

    Sampling Unit :-

    Each respondent was considered as a single unit in the whole research work.

    Sampling size :-

    The sampling size or the universe of the research work was 100 trainees & 15 reporting office

    Sampling procedure :-

    To obtain the representation samples, Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling was

    This means that respondents were selected randomly without any well defined proportions

    various departments of the organization.

    Information sources :-

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    The information sources were as follows:

    1) Primary Information Sources :-

    Survey of the employees who underwent training programs 3-5 months back by giving

    them Questionnaires and collecting their feedback.

    b) Survey of the Reporting Officers of the trainees.

    2) Secondary Information Sources :-

    Training Calendar of GE Capital.

    Participants List.

    Various books at GE Capital Library.

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    There is various methodology of training. No single technique is always best.

    The best method depends onCost effectiveness

    Desired program content

    Learning principles

    Appropriateness of the facilities

    Trainee preferences and capabilities

    Trainer preferences and capabilities

    There is a range of teaching methods available to trainer. The choice of a method is a

    matter of experience and competence of the instructor and his judgment of how much

    and what a particular group of trainees would learn from using one method or another.

    Factors which affect the choice of training method:

    The choice of methods depends on the knowledge and experience of the teacher or


    The choice of the methods should take into consideration the intellectual level and

    educational background of the participants and the participants age practical experience.

    Some methods are more effective than others in achieving certain objective.

    Choice methods depend on the social and cultural factors in the environment. Now many

    participative methods are accepted and used in management training.

    It also depends on the time and the availability of resources and infrastructural facilities.

    Types of training

    Job instruction training

    Job rotation



    Vestibule training

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    Induction or Orientation training:

    Induction or orientation may be defined as a process of guiding and counseling the

    employee to familiarize him with job situations. The induction process accomplishes

    several objectives including formation of a favorable impression and attitude,

    development of the feeling of belongingness and facilitation of learning and teamwork on

    the part of the employees. The content of the induction program should be predetermined

    in the form of a checklist specifying the topics to be covered. Attempts are to be made to

    follow-up and assess the program by interviewing the new employees as a measure to

    correct the gaps in the knowledge and attitude of the employees.

    Rank-and-File job training:

    This is based on similarities in training on several specific jobs. This type of training can

    be imparted in a classroom or on the job. It is performed by a foreman or a group leader.

    Its advantages arise in so far as it is realistic and economical and does not hamper

    production as well as necessitate from classroom to job situations.

    Limitations of rank-and-file job training:

    The trainer may be an incompetent teacher

    The shop floor may be busy

    There may arise heavy production losses.

    Supervisory training:

    Supervisory training needs reveal utmost divergence in view of divergent duties of

    supervisors. Employee attitude surveys help in identifying area of supervisory training.

    Likewise, supervisors themselves may be requested to indicate the areas where they need

    training. Frequently, these surveys indicate that supervisors need training in human

    relations, production control, company policies and how to instruct. Supervisory courses

    consist of job methods training (JMT) and job relations training (JRT). The JMT helps

    the supervisors to improve methods in their departments, while the JRT helps them in

    handling human relations problems in their departments.

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    On the fob techniques are conducted in the real job settings. On the job methods usually

    involve training in the total job. These methods are typically conducted by individuals,

    workers, supervisors. The main advantage is that the trainees learn while actually

    performing their work, which may minimize the training cost. They also learn in the same

    physical and social environment in which they will be working once the formal training

    period is completed.

    Types of on the job techniques:

    Job instruction training

    Job rotation



    Vestibule training

    Job instruction training:

    Job instruction training (JIT) is received directly on the job and so it is called on the job

    training it is used primarily to teach workers how to do their current jobs. The worker

    learns to master the operation involved on the actual job situation under the supervision

    of his immediate boss who has to carry the primary burden of conducting the training.

    Usually no special equipment or space is needed, since now employees are trained at the

    actual job location.

    Steps of job instruction training:

    The trainee receives an overview of the job, its purpose and its desired outcomes with an

    emphasis on the relevance of the training. Since the employee is shown the action that the

    job requires, the training is transferable to the job.

    The employee is allowed to mimic the trainers example. Demonstration by the trainer

    and practice by the trainee are repeated until the job is mastered. Repeated

    demonstrations and practice provide repetition and feedback. Finally the employee

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    performs the job without supervision, although the trainer may visit the employee to see

    if there are any lingering questions.


    Easy organized


    Stimulates high motivation

    Speeds up workers adjustment

    Less costly


    The disadvantage of this method is that the assigned instructor may be a poor teacher.

    The worker may haste for immediate production, so the actual cost may increase.


    Some trainers move a trainee from job to job. Each worker move normally is preceded by

    job instruction training. This is a method of training wherein workers rotate through a

    variety of jobs. Thereby providing them a wide exposure. Trainees are placed in different

    jobs in different parts of the organization for a specified period of time. They may spend

    several days or even years in different company locations. In this way they get an overall

    perspective of the organization. It is used with both blue-collar production workers and

    white collar managers and it has many organizational benefits. Job rotation creates

    flexibility, during manpower shortages, workers have the skills to step in and fill open

    slots. The method also provides new and different work on a systematic basis, giving

    employees a variety of experiences and challenges. Employees also increase their

    flexibility and marketability because they can perform a wide array of tasks.

    Limitation of job rotation:

    The major drawback of this, it is time consuming and expensive too.


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    An apprentice is a worker who is learning a trade but who has not reached the state where

    he is competent to work without supervision. It is particularly common in the skilled

    trades. In organization a new worker is tutored by an established worker for a long

    period of time. An apprenticeship lasts from two to five years. Each apprentice is usually

    given a workbook consisting of reading materials, tests to be taken and practice problem

    to be solved. This training is used in such trades, crafts and technical fields in which

    proficiency can be acquired after a relatively long period of time in direct association

    with the work and under the direct supervision of experts. Training is intense, lengthy and

    usually on a one to one basis.

    Increasing national attention is being paid to workforce preparation in the United States.

    This stems from the growing realization that America's ability to occupy a leading

    competitive position in the emerging global economy hinges, to a large degree, on

    assuring that the nation's workforce is second to none. Today, unfortunately, this is not

    the case. Employers frequently report that significant numbers of young people and

    adults alike exhibit serious educational deficiencies and are ill-equipped to perform

    effectively in the workplace. As a consequence, leaders from industry, labor, education,

    and government are all grappling with how to design educational reforms and

    education/training strategies that will improve the skills of America's current and futureworkforce.

    In the spirit of this reform, one particular training strategy -- apprenticeship -- has

    captured the interest of many policy makers, educators, and others who are involved in

    the national reform movement. Its growing appeal comes as no surprise and, perhaps, is

    long overdue. Experience both in the U.S. and growing abroad has repeatedly

    demonstrated that apprenticeship is a highly effective strategy for preparing people for

    work. The bulk of apprenticeship programs offered in the U.S. and its territories are in thebuilding trades and manufacturing industries, but there is significant potential to develop

    apprenticeship programs in a variety of other industries.

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    The rush to embrace apprenticeship, however, is leading to efforts that could undermine

    the very pillars of its value. For example, in some instances, apprenticeship is being

    viewed as a generic concept -- one that can be loosely applied to a variety of learning

    situations. Likewise, others have coined such terms as "youth apprenticeship" to

    characterize various school-to-work transition programs. Such thinking, while

    understandable in an environment that begs for creativity and innovation, may be more

    harmful than helpful to the cause.

    What Apprenticeship Is: The Essential Components

    Apprenticeship is a training strategy that a) combines supervised, structured

    on-the-job training with related theoretical instruction and b) is sponsored by

    employers or labor. Management groups that have the ability to hire and train in a

    work environment.

    Apprenticeship is a training strategy that prepares people for skilled

    employment by conducting a training in a bona fide and documented employment

    settings. The content of training, both on-the-job and related instruction, is defined

    and dictated by the needs of the industry, which refers to all types of

    business/workplace settings. The length of training is determined by the needs of the

    specific occupation within an industry. In the building trades, for example, some

    apprenticeship programs are as long as five years with up to 240 hours of related

    instruction per year.

    Apprenticeship is a training strategy with requirements that are clearly

    delineated in Federal and State laws and regulations. The National Apprenticeship

    Act of 1937 (also known as the Fitzgerald Act) and numerous State laws provide the

    basis for the operation of formal apprenticeship training programs in the U.S.;

    regulations that implement these laws are in force today. These laws and regulations

    establish minimum requirements for protecting the welfare of the apprentice such as

    the length of training, the type and amount of related instruction, supervision of the

    apprentice, appropriate ratios of apprentices to journeypersons, apprentice selection

    and recruitment procedures, wage progression, safety, etc.

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    Apprenticeship is a training strategy that by virtue of a legal contract

    (indenture) leads to a Certificate of Completion and official journeyperson status.

    These credentials have explicit meaning, recognition and respect in the eyes of

    Federal and State governments and relevant industries.

    Apprenticeship is a training strategy that involves tangible and generally

    sizable investment on the part of the employer or labor/management program


    Apprenticeship is a training strategy that pays wages to its participants at

    least during the on-the-job training phase of their apprenticeship and that increases

    these wages throughout the training program in accordance with a predefined wage

    progression scale.

    Apprenticeship is a training strategy that involves a written agreement and

    an implicit social obligation between the program sponsor and the apprentice. The

    written agreement, which is signed by both the apprentice and the program sponsor

    and is ratified by government, details the roles and responsibilities of each party. The

    implicit social obligation gives employers or program sponsors the right to expect to

    employ the apprentice upon completion of training given the investment in training

    and gives the apprentice a reasonable right to expect such employment. Labor market

    conditions should guide the size of training programs to enable each party to

    maintain his or her side of the obligation.

    What Apprenticeship Is Not

    Unless they conform to the essential components described previously, apprenticeship is

    no cooperative education, vocational education, tech prep, two plus two (three or four),

    summer or part-time work experiences or any other myriad training strategies that many

    are promoting as ways to assure adequate workforce preparation. Such strategies

    undoubtedly have value in their own right, but they are not apprenticeship. What

    distinguishes apprenticeship from most of these other approaches are such fundamental

    qualities as training program sponsorship and location, the skills required, the value

    attached to the credential earned, curricula content that is defined exclusively by the

    workplace, wage requirements, the written agreement, and the implicit social contract

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    that exists between program sponsors and their participants. No other training strategy

    provides for this unique combination of characteristics. When a person completes a

    registered apprenticeship program, he or she is prepared to go to work as a fully trained,

    competent journeyperson whose skills enable him or her to perform effectively in the

    workplace. Few, if any, other types of educational programs can make this claim.

    A Policy Recommendation

    As the education and training system in this country undergoes its restructuring, how

    apprenticeship fits in must be considered. Some may argue that the definition of

    apprenticeship should be boarded to encompass some or all of the previously described

    alternative training strategies. Unfortunately, this could have the practical effect ofseriously undermining a tried and true training strategy -- on that, ironically, exhibits all

    ten qualities that reformers are striving to achieve in new training designs. Of particular

    concern is the possibility that an expanded definition could significantly dilute the value

    and meaning attached to the apprenticeship credential. Today, an apprentice who earns a

    Certificate of Completion and attains journey worker status from a registered

    apprenticeship program knows that he or she has acquired industry-defined skills at

    industry-accepted standards of performance and can reasonably expect to be gainfully

    employed in his or her occupational area. If alternative training strategies (ones that do

    not fully conform to the essential components) are also permitted to call themselves

    "apprenticeship," the apprenticeship credential stands to become devalued. Such a step

    makes little sense at a time when other credentials -- such as high school diplomas -- have

    lost much of their meaning.

    Thus, we conclude that their term "apprenticeship" should be reserved only for those

    programs that adhere to the eight essential components described previously. Other

    strategies may seek to adopt designs that conform to all the essential components, in

    which case they may be called apprenticeship. But to call any other types of programs

    "apprenticeship" is to do a major disservice to the participants in such programs. Whether

    intentional or not, the participants may be misled into thinking that completion of these

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    programs will allow them to reap the benefits accorded to graduates of true

    apprenticeship programs.

    Clearly, we are on the verge of a major revolution with respect to how America prepares

    its workforce. As a new national training system emerges in the coming years,

    considerable thought should be given to the role of true apprenticeship in that new

    system. One on hand, apprenticeship could be the locomotive that drives this training

    system. Under this scenario, apprenticeship programs would serve as the principal form

    of training for preparing the majority of the nation's workforce. Alternatively,

    apprenticeship may become one of several cars on a train that provides a variety of

    training options to existing and future workers. This choice requires further study and

    broader deliberation, but, whatever the outcome, the integrity of the term

    "apprenticeship" should not be jeopardized or compromised.


    At management levels Coaching of immediate subordinates by their managers is

    common. A coach attempts to provide a model for the trainee to copy it tends to be less

    formal than an apprenticeship program. Coaching is almost always handled by the

    supervisor or manager. It is likely not to be as directive approaches such as nondirectivecounseling or sensitivity training. If the trainees shortcomings are emotional or personal.

    Coaching will be ineffective if relations between trainee and coach are ambiguous in that

    the trainee cannot trust the coach.

    Coaching thrives in a climate of confidence, a climate in which subordinates respect

    the integrity and capability of their superiors.

    Vestibule training:

    Vestibule training is a type of instruction often found in production work. A vestibule

    consists of training equipment that is set up a short distance from the actual production

    line. Trainees can practice in the vestibule without getting in the way or slowing down

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    the production line. These special training areas are usually used for skilled and

    semiskilled jobs, particularly those involving technical equipment.

    Vestibule is small, so relatively few people can be trained at the same time. The method

    is good for promoting practice a learning principle involving the repetition of behavior.


    Off the job method are those training and development programs that take place away

    from the daily pressures of the job and conducted by highly competent outside resource

    people who often serve as trainers, which is one of the main advantages of this method.

    The major drawback of this is the transfer problem.

    Types of off the job training:

    Lectures consist of meeting in which one small number of those present actually plays an

    active part. The lecture method is a popular form of instruction in educational institution.

    The lecturer may be a member of the company or a guest speaker.

    Before preparing the lecture some points should be considered.

    Who is your audience?

    What is your audience?

    What is the time available?

    What is the subject mater?

    The lecture should be brief and to the point, presenting the theme of the subject in a

    manner that arouses the interest of the audience from the start. The speaker should be

    poised, courteous and sincere. The action should be spontaneous. The role of a lecturer is

    make difficult things simple, not the reverse.

    Limitation of the lecture method:

    It gives very little opportunity for active practice, development, over learning, knowledge

    or results or transfer of learning. In this method trainee himself or herself have to

    understand and personalize the content of the lecture. It is not suitable for courses where

    people with work experience are participating. This method involves one-way

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    communication, which is not interaction of the audience. This method cant readily adopt

    itself to individual differences, which may arise farthest from reality.

    Audio-visual techniques:

    Audio-visual techniques covers an array of tainting techniques, such as films, slides and

    videotapes. It allows seeing while listening and is usually quite good at capturing their

    interests. These methods allow a trainers message to be uniformly given to numerous

    organizational locations at one time and to be reused as often a required.

    Available devices used in lecture techniques:


    Flip chart

    Magnetic board

    Flannel board

    Overhead projector

    Conference or discussion method:

    This method encourages the participation of all members of the group in an exchange of

    opinions, ideas and criticisms. It is a small group discussion in which the leader plays a

    neutral role providing guidance and feedback. Inspite of the intention to encourage

    general participation the conferences are frequently dominated by a few, with the

    majority no more active than they would be at a lecture. It is more effective than the

    lecture in changing adult behavior and also modifying attitudes. The conference method

    can draw on the learning principles of motivation and feedback. It is used to enhance

    knowledge or attitudinal development.

    Main objectives of conference method:

    Developing the decision making and problem solving skills of personnel

    Changing or modifying attitudes

    Presenting new and sometimes complicated material

    Role playing

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    Active participation rather than passive reception facilitate learnings. Role-playing

    believes in active participation. This is a training method often aimed at enhancing either

    human relations skills or sales techniques. Role-playing can be defined as an educational

    or therapeutic technique in which some problems involving human interaction, real or

    imaginary is presented and then spontaneously acted out. Participants suggest how the

    problem should be handled more effectively in the future. This acting out is followed

    by discussion and analysis to determine what happened and why and, if necessary, how

    the problem could be better handled in future.

    Role-playing is less tightly structured than acting, where performers have to say set lines

    on sue. Participants are assigned roles in the scenario to be enacted, so , in this way, it is a

    device that forces trainees to assume different identities. Usually participants exaggerate

    each others behavior. Ideally, they get to see themselves as others see them.

    The typical Role Involves Three PhasesThe Warm Up : the objective of the warm-up is to get the trainees participate in a

    constructive manner with minimum anxiety and maximum motivation. The trainers

    introduction to the session should be such that it would arouse interest of trainees.

    The Enactment: before conducting the role-play-enactment, the trainer should carry out

    the following:-

    Read aloud generation information,

    (B) Those who have volunteered to role play are given briefing sheets and sent out of

    the room with the instruction not to communicate amongst themselves,

    (C) The instructor should clarify all the doubts that role player might have,

    (D) Role players take their positions facing the class, (E) To begin the role play, the

    trainer sets the scene by restating the identify of the roles being enacted and making a

    brief statement about what has just happened when the action began.

    Post Enactment Discussion: in conducting post enactment discussion, reaction to role

    play should be obtained form the people who have acted a role play.

    Role playing has been shown to be effective (I)in studying small group leadership

    skills,(ii) increasing sensitivity to the motivation of others, (iii)improving interviewing

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    Simulations have many forms- some use expensive, technical equipment, while others are

    far less costly. Some simulations need only one participant, others may involve as many

    as 15-20 people working together as a team. Simulations are a broad based training

    techniques that can be adapted to suit a companys need. By using the equipment

    simulators, workers can practice new behaviors and operate certain complex equipments

    free of danger to themselves. Equipment simulators can range from simple mock-ups to

    computer based simulations of complete environments. Some of them are utilized to train

    a single individual and the others are used for team training.

    Programmed instruction is a training approach which makes the advantages of private

    tutoring available to large groups of students beings trained in new skills. Programmed

    instruction is one of the innovations in teaching technology developed in recent years.

    The methods involves an actual piece of equipment, usually called

    Teaching machine, of a specially constructed paper booklet.

    The participants are active in the training process. In fact they determine their own

    learning pace.

    What is to be learned involves many discrete pieces of material, and the participants get

    immediate feedback on whether they have learned each piece.

    The major advantage of programmed instruction is that is reduces the training time. The

    learning takes place at the students own pace. Participants get immediate feedback. The

    participants are active learners, there is constant exchange of information between

    themselves and the programme. Fast learners do not have to wait for slow ones to catch

    up. Administrative simplicity and increased productivity in training result in lower

    training cost per student.

    The biggest disadvantage of this method is the absence of a teacher. The book becomes

    the teacher. Hence it is absolutely essential that the trainee is highly motivated to

    continue learning. The material has to be broken down into a logical sequence, since

    there may be several correct ways to perform the task. This methods does not appear to

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    improve training performance in terms of immediate learning of retention over a time

    compares with conventional methods.

    Computer Assisted instruction

    It is one of the newest developments in instructional methodology. It is a logical

    extension of programmed instruction and shares many of its benefits. C. A. I. Has the

    advantage of individual pace instruction and a considerably wider range of application. It

    requires less time to teach the same amount of information than any conventional

    method. Trainees also react favorably to this method. The computer is capable of

    assessing the progress of the trainee and can also adapt to his/her need by virtue of its

    storage and memory capacities. This method offers advantages of standard presentation

    of materials to all trainees standard, structured practices, and instant, specific feed back.

    The major drawback to C. A. I. For most organizations probably is the initial expense.

    Syndicate Method

    Working in small group to achieve a particular purpose is described as a syndicate

    method. The essence of this method is that participants learn from each other and

    contribute their own experience to the fullest. The syndicate method is designed to

    provide the participant an environment that would help him to reflect critically on his

    own work and experience; to update his knowledge of new concepts and techniques with

    the help of other co-participants; to develop sound judgement through greater insight into

    human behavior. This method is suitable for training and development students, without

    any experience.

    The participants are divided into groups consisting of about eight to ten participants.

    These groups are called syndicates. Each syndicate functions as a team that can

    represent various functional as well as interest areas. The syndicates are given

    assignments which have to be finished and a report submitted by a specified date and

    time. By rotation each member of the syndicate becomes the leader for completing a

    specific task. Each assignment to a syndicate is given in the form of a Brief. This is a

    carefully prepared document by the faculty. Generally, each syndicate is required to

    submit a report which is circulated to other syndicates for critical evaluation.

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    The advantages of this method is that it secures a very high level of involvement from

    the participants. Their own experience is the starting point in this method. It is a process

    of self business and development for participants. This method also gives the participant

    a practice in communicating with his colleagues and understanding them.

    If the syndicate is not structured properly, it should lead to a lot of wastage of time and

    cause frustration. In the absence of proper pressure on the participants by trainers or

    participants themselves, some participants might start dragging their feet. Differences of

    opinion or viewpoint may be ignored to avoid action.

    Behavior Modeling

    According to social learning theory, most human behavior is learned observationally

    through modeling. When social learning theory is applied in industrial training

    programmes, it is commonly referred to as behavior modeling. Used behavior

    modelling to improve the interpersonal and communication skills of supervisors in

    dealing with their employees. The topic was first introduction by the trainers after which

    a film was shown to the trainees which depicted a supervisor model effectively handing a

    situation, followed by a set of three to six learning parts that were shown in the film

    immediately before and after the model was presented. A group discussion is them held

    in which the effectiveness of the method is discussed. After this, the practice session

    starts in which one of the trainee assumes the role of an employee. And then, feedback

    from the training class is given on the effectiveness of each trainee in demonstrating the

    desired behavior.

    At the end of each training session, the trainees are given copies of the learning points

    and are asked to try and apply them to their jobs during the following week. It has been

    found that this programme has had desirable effects on learning, behavior and

    performance criteria.

    There creation of the behavior may be videotaped so that the trainer and the trainee can

    review and critique it. When watching the ideal behavior, the trainee also gets to see the

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    It helps the trainees to observe their weaknessed and involves measures to

    overcome them. It is related to periodic appraisals of ratings. Specifically

    counselling purports to help the subordinates to do a better job, provides a clear

    picture of how they are doing, build strong personal relationships and eliminate,

    of at least minimize anxiety.

    Understudies System:

    In this the trainees work directly with individuals whom they are likely to

    replace. However, it is disappointing as a training because of a likelihood of an

    imitation of weak as well as strong points of the seniors.

    Special Project Arrangements;

    These are likely to be highly effective training systems. In these systems, a task

    force is built representing varied functions in the company. The special project

    enable the trainees to achieve knowledge of the subject assigned as well as to

    learn how to deal with others having varied viewpoints.

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    Proper training can be as important as the equipment used and other characteristics of thejob.

    The money annually paid for training by business and industry also demonstrates the

    importance of training. It has been estimated that American business firms spend more

    than $30 billion per year on training and development, with some estimates running as

    high as $100 billion Motorola, Inc. alone spends about $44 million annually on employee


    Another indication of the importance business and industrial firms attach to training is the

    estimate, made a few years ago, that some forty five thousand employees across the

    United States were assigned full-time to training and development activities. Since then

    the figures have no doubt grown.

    This broad definition of training includes both skills training, which is usually of a

    technical nature and has a short-term focus, and management and career development

    programs, which are aimed at educating employees above and beyond the immediate

    technical requirements of their jobs in order to increase the organizations present and

    future ability to attain its goals. Thus, management and career development tend to be

    more future oriented than skills training.

    The purpose of skills training is to bring the competencies of individuals up to desired

    standards for present or near-future assignments & develop new skills and knowledge to

    replace those that have become obsolete as a result of technological organizational


    The seven major steps, as shown in figure are the following:-

    Determining the need for skills training

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    Translating skills needs into training objectives

    Formulating the budget

    Selecting trainees

    Choosing a training method

    Selecting and educating trainers

    Determining evaluation procedures

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    What Is 5S?

    The five S stand for the five first letters of these Japanese words:































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    Calling this principle 5S is a good way to remember its content.

    5S is a set of techniques providing a standard approach to housekeeping within

    Lean Manufacturing.

    It is often promoted as being far more than simply housekeeping and some of the

    elements described below certainly move into broader areas.

    A cornerstone of 5S is that untidy, cluttered work areas are not productive.

    As well as the physical implications of junk getting in everybody's way and dirt

    compromising quality, people are happier in a clean and tidy environment and hence

    more inclined to work hard and with due care and attention.

    Naturally enough, the elements of 5S are all Japanese words beginning with the letter S.

    Since their adoption within Western implementations of JIT, or Lean Manufacturing,

    various anglicized versions of the terms have been adopted by different writers and
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    educators. These are listed below against the individual elements and it can be seen that

    none are entirely satisfactory.

    There are some symptoms by which we are able to know that we require 5s training


    Space is crowded with parts and tools.

    Unneeded items are stacked between workers.

    Excess inventory on the floor.

    Excess items and machines make it difficult to improve process low.

    Equipment is dirty and a collection point for miscellaneous materials.

    Needed equipment such as tools is difficult to find.

    5S Training Housekeeping "pillars"

    The individual items within 5S are known as the "pillars" and are:

    Seiri (Sort)

    Seiri is the identification of the best physical Organization of the workplace.

    It has been variously anglicized as Sort, Systematization or Simplify by those

    wishing to retain the S as the initial letter of each element.

    It is the series of steps by which we identify things which are being held in the

    workplace when they shouldn't, or are being held in the wrong area of the


    Put simply, we may identify a large area devoted to tools or gauges, some of

    which are needed regularly and some used infrequently. This brings all sorts of

    problems, including:

    Operators unable to find the item they need, being unable to see wood for

    trees. The time spent searching is a waste (or in Japanese lean-speak a

    muda) and if we only held the items needed regularly in a prominent

    position we would save time.

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    Quality issues when gauges are not calibrated on time because too

    many are held.

    Safety issues when people fall over things.

    Lockers and racking cluttering the production area making it hard

    for people to move around or to see each other and communicate.

    Some of the standard texts also talk about the elimination of excess materials and


    This is a complete restatement of all the JIT goals of releasing capital, reduced

    movement, shorter cycle times and so on. The question may be asked: should we

    then see inventory and WIP reduction as part of the implementation of the lean

    approach or as an element of 5S? The answer, as ever, is that keeping inventory

    and WIP to a minimum is simple best practice. Whether we view it as JIT, or

    lean, or 5S or assign any other term is quite frankly irrelevant.

    The major element of Seiri is simply a critical look at the area. Involving cross-

    functional teams, or getting people to look at each other's areas, is an obvious first

    step. People tend to be blind to failings in their own area and a fresh pair of eyes

    can be useful.

    Another element of the standard approach is 'red tagging' where items are given a

    tag which says what the item is, which location it is in and when it was identified

    in this location. We then leave the area for a while and anybody using the item

    notes this. We go back some time later and can readily identify things that haven't

    moved, or been used.

    Items which have not been used can then potentially be disposed of. As a first

    pass we should perhaps create a quarantine area before throwing items away,

    selling them or reworking them into something else. Other items may be deemed

    necessary but used infrequently and so an alternative location can be found. If the

    operator needs a particular tool only once or twice a month then a 20-yard walk is

    not a problem - especially if the space thus saved on the workbench helps to make

    the area more productive, or helps address quality issues.

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    Seiton (Set in Order)

    Seiton is the series of steps by which the optimum organisation identified in

    the first pillar are put into place.

    The standard translation is Orderliness but again some wish to keep the initial Sand use Sort (yes, that is also one of the translations of Seiri), Set in order,

    Straighten and Standardisation.

    The sorting out process is essentially a continuation of that described in the Seiri

    phase. Removing items to be discarded or held in an alternative location will

    create space. This space will be visible and facilitate the alternative layout of the


    In some cases, of course, we are talking about what a fitter will have on his bench,

    or in racks alongside the bench. In other cases we may be considering where we

    should locate a piece of plant - for example we may relocate a coin press to enable

    items to be completed in one work area rather than requiring a significant

    movement down the shop.

    This is something which we also undertake when adopting cellular

    manufacturing. We then look at how we can restructure the work content so that

    certain operations can be carried out within the cycle of others - for example wemay carry out a trimming operation on a steel component while the press which

    produced it is busy creating the next one. Again, is this a 5S initiative, or part of a

    kaizen programme, or something else? Again, who cares, as long as we get on and

    achieve an improvement in business performance?

    Standardization includes all the elements of setting out a consistent way of doing

    things. This includes standard manufacturing methodologies, standard equipment

    and tooling, component rationalisation, drawing standardisation, consistency inthe documentation which accompanies work, design for manufacture (or

    concurrent engineering) and standardisation in the clerical processes which

    deliver work to the shop floor and track its progress.

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    All of this could be said to be part of a basic Total Quality approach. The standard

    ways of doing things should include poka-yoke or error-proofing. Again it might

    be asked whether this is part of 5S or one aspect of a broader programme.

    Seiso (Shine)

    Anglicised as Cleanliness but again the initial S can be retained in Shine, or


    The principle here is that people are happier and hence more productive in clean, bright


    There is a more practical element in that if everything is clean it is immediately ready for


    We would not want a precision product to be adjusted by a spanner that is covered

    in grease which may get into some pneumatic or hydraulic fittings. We would not

    wish to compromise a PCB assembly by metallic dust picked up from an unclean

    work surface. Other issues are health and safety (people perhaps slipping in a

    puddle of oil, shavings blowing into people's eyes) and machine tools damaged by

    coolant contaminated by grease and dust.

    The task is to establish the maintenance of a clean environment as an ongoing,

    continuous programme.

    Some time should be set aside for cleaning each day, or each shift. (We may have

    cleaners who come in a sweep office floors, and even clean the floor in a

    production area, but they do not clean the production equipment. Even if they did,

    this would miss one of the opportunities available - an operator cleaning and

    lubricating his machine tool will spot worn or damaged components.)

    Cleaning then begins to impinge upon what we already know as preventivemaintenance.

    Cleaning critical components of a piece of equipment is already one element of

    the activities carried out under the PM banner.

    The implementation of Seiso revolves around two main elements.

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    The first is the assignment map which identifies who is responsible for which


    The second is the schedule which says who does what at which times and on

    which days.

    Some of these happen before a shift begins, some during the shift and some at the

    end. Again, this is very reminiscent of what we do when adopting PM.

    The standard texts such as that of Hiroyuki Hirano then go on to talk about

    establishing the shine method for each item / area. This includes such elements as

    agreeing an inspection step at the beginning of each shift, establishing exactly

    how each activity within the programme is to be carried out. A key aspect is very

    much akin to set-up reduction (or SMED) in that we should be aiming as much as

    possible to internalise the activities - in other words, to minimise the downtime

    needed to keep the facilities clean.

    Finally the standard texts talk about preparation - making sure the equipment

    needed to clean is always available, always ready for use. The best parallel to this

    is, again, with set-up reduction, which itself is often compared to Grand Prix

    teams preparing to change tyres. As with many such topics, we are talking about

    here is to a large extent simply common sense. We do not wish to allocate 5

    minutes for a bed to be swept on a piece of grinding equipment if the operator is

    going to spend 4 minutes finding his brush.

    5s Seiketsu (Standardization)

    This is best described as Standardised cleanup, but other names adopted include

    Standardisation (not to be confused with the second pillar), Systematisation and


    Seiketsu can be the thought of as the means by which we maintain the first threepillars.

    There is, obviously, a danger in any improvement activity that once the focus is

    removed and another 'hot button' grabs management attention, things go back to

    the way they were before. Seiketsu is the set of techniques adopted to prevent this

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    happening. Basically this involves setting a schedule by which all the elements

    are revisited on a regular basis - usually referred to as the '5S Job Cycle.'

    The first step in the cycle is a periodic review of the area, perhaps involving red

    tagging but certainly involving people from other areas of the business.

    This will identify where standards have slipped - for example where pieces of

    tooling or fixtures which are used infrequently are no longer being put in the

    remote location agreed at the outset and consequently a bench is now cluttered

    with the regular items buried under a pile of irregular. (In other words, the Seiri

    phase is undertaken periodically - usually monthly, perhaps quarterly.)

    The second step is to undertake Seiton activities as required - that is, as prompted

    by the first step.

    Finally within Seiketsu people from other areas visit and cast a critical eye over

    the state of the area.

    Again, an external assessor may notice degradation that is not clear to the people

    who work in the area. Hirano talks of a checklist within Seiketsu whereby the

    external visitors mark the area on a number of key criteria defined at the outset of

    the programme. For example, are the storage areas still clearly defined? Does the

    tool rack still have clear outlines or profiles for each tool to be stored in it? Does

    the area meet the general standards of cleanliness?

    Shitsuke (Sustain)

    The final stage is that of Discipline. For those who wish to retain the use of initial

    S's in English this is often listed as Sustain or Self-discipline.

    There is a fundamental difference between Seiketsu and Shitsuke.

    The fourth pillar is the introduction of a formal, rigorous review programme to

    ensure that the benefits of the approach are maintained.

    The fifth pillar is more than this; it is not simply the mechanical means by which

    we continue to monitor and refine, it is the set of approaches we use to win hearts

    and minds, to make people want to keep applying best practice in shop

    organisation and housekeeping. In this sense, discipline is perhaps an unfortunate

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    term as it implies people forced to do something, with consequent penalties if they

    do not.

    The way in which management achieves this establishment of ongoing

    commitment within the workforce depends, of course, on the culture already in

    place. As with the adoption of kaizen (continuous improvement) or quality circles

    we have to press the right buttons to stimulate people. If the business has a history

    of treating people like cattle, giving no credence to their