geas mod 6

Module 6 1. RA 9292 was approved/signed by PGMA - April 17, 2004 2. What unit is use to measure the accumulative effects of radiation that can cause genetic and somatic effects? - roentgen 3. What refers to radiation other than xrays wahich will cause an absorption equal to 1 roentgen? - rep 4. Modulus of elasticity - rigidity 5. What law created the movie and television review and classification board(MTRCB)? - P.D. 1986 6. What law created the videogram regulatory board(VRB)? - P.D. 1987 7. Effectivity date of RA 9292 - May 27, 2004 8. Unit measure of light intensity - Candela 9. High speed network are ICT networks that have a capacity of at least ____Mbps. - 2.048Mbps 10. What is the prime time block for AM radio in Metro Manila? - 5 am - 9 am and 4 pm - 8 pm 11. Radio programs not suitable for children must be aired after what time? - 9 pm 12. What is the allowable ERP in metro cebu or tv stations operating on channels 7-13? - 1000kW 13. Broadcasting standards for medium wave radio stations defined “night time” as period of time between? - 1000 - 2200 14. Most utilized metal for industry next only to iron, aluminum and magnesium? - Zinc 15. What refers to any change that a sytem undergoes from 1 equilibrium state to another equilibrium state? - Process 16. What is the amount of heat needed to turn 1kg of the substance at its boiling point from liquid to gaseous state? - Heat of vaporation 17. What states that the net mass transfer to or from a system during a process is equal to the net change in the total mass of the system during that process? - Conservation of mass principle 18. What is the emissivity of black body? - 1 19. If the ECE consultants present is required in another place away from his office additional compensation of _____ for every hour he is away from his office or if the place more than 50km away from his office? - P 100.00 20. What law requires the service of ECE in the design and operation of radio stations in the philippines? - D.O. 88 21. The ____ of a substance is the amount of heat that must be added or removed from a unit of mass of the substance to change its temperature by 1 degrere? - Specific heat capacity Module 6 1

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geas mod 6


Module 6

1. RA 9292 was approved/signed by PGMA- April 17, 2004

2. What unit is use to measure the accumulative effects of radiation that can cause genetic and somatic effects?- roentgen

3. What refers to radiation other than xrays wahich will cause an absorption equal to 1 roentgen? - rep

4. Modulus of elasticity- rigidity

5. What law created the movie and television review and classification board(MTRCB)?- P.D. 1986

6. What law created the videogram regulatory board(VRB)?- P.D. 1987

7. Effectivity date of RA 9292- May 27, 2004

8. Unit measure of light intensity- Candela

9. High speed network are ICT networks that have a capacity of at least ____Mbps.- 2.048Mbps

10. What is the prime time block for AM radio in Metro Manila?- 5 am - 9 am and 4 pm - 8 pm

11. Radio programs not suitable for children must be aired after what time?- 9 pm

12. What is the allowable ERP in metro cebu or tv stations operating on channels 7-13?- 1000kW

13. Broadcasting standards for medium wave radio stations defined “night time” as period of time between?- 1000 - 2200

14. Most utilized metal for industry next only to iron, aluminum and magnesium?- Zinc

15. What refers to any change that a sytem undergoes from 1 equilibrium state to another equilibrium state?- Process

16. What is the amount of heat needed to turn 1kg of the substance at its boiling point from liquid to gaseous state?- Heat of vaporation

17. What states that the net mass transfer to or from a system during a process is equal to the net change in the total mass of the system during that process?- Conservation of mass principle

18. What is the emissivity of black body?- 1

19. If the ECE consultants present is required in another place away from his office additional compensation of _____ for every hour he is away from his office or if the place more than 50km away from his office?- P 100.00

20. What law requires the service of ECE in the design and operation of radio stations in the philippines?- D.O. 88

21. The ____ of a substance is the amount of heat that must be added or removed from a unit of mass of the substance to change its temperature by 1 degrere?- Specific heat capacity

22. What is a civil wrong committed by a person, causing damage to another person or his property, or emotional well being or reputation?- Torts

23. The depletion allowance method of computing depletion is commonly known as ______.- Percentage method

24. Radio station shall allocate at least ____ as a program or programs rendering public service.- 2 hours per day

25. What is define as a non performance that results in the injured party receiving something substantially less than or different from what the contruct is intended?- Material breach

26. Law of absolute entropy - Third law of thermodynamics

27. All applicant for application of 3G radio frequency bands shall post a performance bond of ______.- P 300M

28. What is otherwise known as “The Maritime Communication Law”?- R.A. 3396

29. The powers and functions of the Board is provided in _____ of the R.A no.9292.

Module 6 1

- Section 730. What is the latent heat of fusion of water at 1atm?

- 333.7kJ/kg31. Otherwise known as “PRC modernization law”?

- R.A 898132. A plastic forming process in which a material under high pressure is produced

in cross section by forcing it through an opening in a die.- Extrustion

33. What is the basic accounting equation- Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s equity

34. Thermal efficiency is the ratio of ___________.- Network output to total heat input

35. If two thermodynamic systems are separetely in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.- Zeroth law

36. With constant temperature, volume is inversely proportional with pressure- Boyles law

37. Sometimes known as the “fourth power law”.- Stefan boltzman law

38. Slightly less than free space- Diamagnetic

39. If there is no heat transferred during the process it is called a ____ process- Adiabatic

40. 60% copper, 40% zinc- Multz metal

41. First law of thermodynamics- Law of conservation of energy

42. Which of the following does not constitute the foundation of ethics?- Integrity

43. Under R.A. 9292 who are authorized to take charge of or supervised electronics construction and installation?- Professional electronics engineer and registered electronics engineer

44. Class II capacitor- 500-10,000

45. In metro Manila, AM radio with airtime from 9-12 midnight is?- Class C

46. Ratio of market price per share to earnings per share- Price earning ratio

47. What is the measure of the average speed with which accounts recievable are collected?

- Receivable turn over48. Reduction in the level of national income and output usually accomplished by

the fall in the general price level?- Deflation

49. Use to measure humidity of air- Hygrometer

50. When was the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the R.A. 9292?- Aug 31, 2007

51. What formula gives the maximum accumulated permiscible dose (MPD) in rems to the whole body, with N=person’s age?- MPD = 5(N-18)

52. What is an index of short term paying ability?- Current ratio

53. The ratio of the net income to the owners equity is known as_______.- Return of investment

54. Ratio of gross profit over net sale- Gross margin

55. Chief ore of zinc- Sphalerite

56. Measure of the ability of a material to conduct heat?- Thermal conductivity

57. The present value of an annuity of one is called_____.- Present worth factor

58. The ratio of the net income before taxes to net sales is called?- Profit margin ratio

59. What is a profit margin ratio- The ratio of the ner income before taxes to net sales

60. The general contructor who hires different sub contructor is known as ____ contructor.- Prime

61. A telephone companies cable entering a building from telephone cable feeder to the main cross connecting a point with in the building is called?- Entrance cable

62. The ratio of mass of vapor to the total mass of the mixture is called?- Quality

63. Maximum static friction?- Starting Friction

64. What law governs the operation of cable television in the philippines?- E.O. 436

65. Properties of thermodynamicsModule 6 2

- extensive and intensive66. Theory that the retina of the eye is provided with three sets of receptors, each

of which is sensitive to one of the three primary colors- Young-helmholtz color vision theory

67. What is define as a process during which a fluid flows thruough a control volume steadily?- Steady flow system

68. The velocity of sound is ____ the pressure of gas.- independent of

69. The book value per share of common stocks is the ratio of- common shareholders equity to number of outstanding shares.

70. When was the Electronic Commerce Act of the Philippines approved?- June 14 2000

71. According to ntc, any person registering as VoIP service provider is required to post a performance band of - 5 million

72. What refers to the fudamental obligation under the contract which goes to the root of it?- Condition

73. Electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelength emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive atom?- Gamma ray

74. When was the effectivity of executive order no.436?- September 9,1997

75. Authorized gateway operators shall provide at least one rural exchange line for every ___ urban local exchange lines. - 10

76. When was the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the R.A 9292 approved?- August 31, 2007

77. What is the minimum fine for an authorized copying of copyrighted works as provided in the E-commerce Act of the Philippines?- P 100,000

78. A rule is define as- A guide for conduct and action in a certain situation

79. What method is often used in municipal project evaluations where benefits and cause accrue to different segment of the community?- Benefit - cost ratio

80. What refers to the interest rate at which the present work of the cash flow on a project is zero of the interest earned by an investment?

- Rate of return81. What is the ratio of the quick assets to current liabilities?

- Quick ratio82. Which of the following is a book value share of common stock?

- The common ratio share holders equity to the number of outstanding shares

83. What is define as the ratio of its return to its cost?- Value of an investment

84. The molecules of a gas moving through space with some velocity posses what kind of energy?- Translational energy

85. All three phases of water coexist in equilibrium in which state- Triple point of water

86. What pressure measuring device, consist of a coiled hollow tube that tend to straighten out when the tube is subjected to an internal pressure?- Bourdon pressure gage

87. When water exist in the liquid phase and its not about to vaporized it is considered as _____ liquid.- Compressed or subcooled

88. The gas constant of a certain gas is the ratio of- universal gas constant to molar mass

89. What states that for any two bodies in thermal equilibrium, the ratios of emissive power to absorptivity are equal?- Kirchoff’s Radiation Law

90. Which statement of the second law of thermodynamics states that no heat engine can have a thermal efficiency of 100 percent?- Kelvin-Planck statement

91. An adiabatic process in which there is no change in system enthalpy but for which there is a significant decrease in pressure is called?- throttling process

92. What refers to the minimum temperature at which combustion can be sustained?- ignition temperature

93. Occurs when two waves combine so that one subtracts from the other?- Interference

94. Electronics and communications engineer supervision required under Department Order No. 88?- Standard AM broadcast with a carrier power of 5 KW

95. Brinell test uses a- 10 mm ball

Module 6 3