gender stereotypes and prejudices . reality ? myth ?

Gender stereotypes and prejudices. Reality? Myth?

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Gender stereotypes and prejudices . Reality ? Myth ?. By the end of today’s lesson …. 1.You have learned what is a stereotype and what is a prejudice 2 .You have discussed stereotypes in your projects 3 .You have listened to a task about prejudices. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?

Gender stereotypes and prejudices. Reality? Myth?

Page 2: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?

By the end of today’s lesson…

1.You have learned what is a stereotype and what is a prejudice

2.You have discussed stereotypes in your projects

3.You have listened to a task about prejudices

Page 3: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?

Task 1: What is a stereotype and a prejudice?

Write in your notebooks:

1.Take your definition.2.Find the most important phrase (max 5 words)3.Write it in the notebook:

Stereotype – a …..

Page 4: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?

Task 2:Work in pairs.Write down in your notebok

- 1 gender stereotype (can be from your journals)Example – all the girls are interested in cosmetics

- 1 gender prejudice

Page 5: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?

Task 3: Go and look at your journals (5 min)


Find 3 stereotypes in the journals.Find at least 1 prejudice (or an information that can lead to prejudice)

Take your notebooks with you. Write them in your notebooks:

E.g., Stereotypes: 1. …. 2. ….3. …

Page 6: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?

Task 3: Go and look at your journals

Find 1 stereotype in the journals that we didn’t head before.Find at least 1 prejudice (or an information that can lead to prejudice)

Take your notebooks with you. Write them in your notebooks:

E.g., Stereotype: …...

Page 7: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?

Task 4: Your findings!

Page 8: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?
Page 9: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?
Page 10: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?
Page 11: Gender stereotypes and prejudices .  Reality ?  Myth ?

Task 4

Answer these questions individually:

1. What is good in stereotypes?2. What’s bad in stereotypes?3. Can we live without stereotypes?