generalized containers csis 3701: advanced object oriented programming

Generalized Containers CSIS 3701: Advanced Object Oriented Programming

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Generalized Containers

CSIS 3701: Advanced Object Oriented Programming

Generalizing Containers

• Example: Stack class that stores strings

public class Stack {

private String[] contents;

private int top;

public Stack(int s) {

contents = new String[s];

top = 0;


public void push(String x) {contents[top++] = x;}

public String pop() {return contents[--top];}

Generalizing Containers

• Problem: Need different stack class for different types of contents

public class IntStack {

private Integer[] contents;

public class EmployeeStack {

private Employee[] contents;

Generalizing Containers

• Goal: one stack class that can store any type of contents

public class Stack {

private anything[] contents;

• Tools:– Polymorphism: Can assign subclass object to

superclass variable

– Java hierarchy: All Java objects have Object class as ultimate superclass

• Key: Can assign any Java object to a variable of type Object

Containers of Objects

• Use Object as type stored by container

public class Stack {

private Object[] contents;

private int top;

public Stack(int s) {

contents = new Object[s];

top = 0;


public void push(Object x) {contents[top++] = x;}

public Object pop() {return contents[--top];}

Containers of Objects

• Example:

Stack stooges = new Stack(4);




public class Stack {

public void push(Object x) {contents[top++] = x;}

private Object[] contents;

Storing String objects in Object array

Limits of Containers of Objects

• Inspector methods return Object type instead of original type stored

• Will cause error if assigned to variable of original type

stooges.push(“Moe”);String name = stooges.pop();

• Must explicitly cast back to original type:

String name = (String)stooges.pop();


Type mismatch error!

Limits of Containers of Objects

• Cannot store simple types in containers– Store in type wrappers

stooges.push(new Integer(3));

– Is done automatically by later versions of Java

• Can store multiple types of object in single container

stooges.push(“Larry”);stooges.push(3);stooges.push(new Clock());

– Problem if must cast back to original type – what was it?

Java Container Classes

• Java provides many built-in generalized containers– Stack, Queue, Hashtable, …– In java.util.*

• All implemented by storing Object elements

• Most used container type: ArrayList– Can access elements by index (like array)– Can insert/remove elements (like linked list)– Can grow dynamically (like linked list)– Has built-in search

ArrayList Class

• “Array” type methods:

– public void set(int index, Object x); store x in indexth element

– public Object get(int index); return object at indexth element

• Will need to cast back to original type• Throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if index illegal

– public int size();

ArrayList Class

• “Linked list” type methods:

– public void add(Object x); add x to end of list

– public void add(int index, Object x); insert x at indexth element (shifting others to right)

– public Object remove(int index); remove object at indexth element (shifting others to left) and return it

ArrayList Class

• “Search” type methods:

– public boolean contains(Object x); returns true if x in list

– public void indexOf(Object x); return index of first occurrence of x (or -1 if x not in list)

– public void indexOf(Object x, int index);

return index of first occurrence of x starting at index

• Based on equals method for object x

ArrayList Example

• Rewrite of NameList to use ArrayList – no maximum since list grows dynamically– no current, since can add dynamically to end

public class NameList {

private ArrayList names; // List of names stored

public NameList() {

names = new ArrayList();


ArrayList Example

• Use “linked list” method to add new name to end• Use search to make sure not already in list

public void add(String name) throws InListException {

if (names.contains(name)) throw new InListException();



• Use “array” method to iterate through list (casting back to original type)

public String toString() {

String result = "";

for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)

result += (String)names.get(i)+",";

return result;


Object Equality

• Java containers use equals method for search

public boolean contains(Object x) { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) if x.equals(get(i)) return true; return false;

• May need to override equals in your classes if–Store in container–Search for equivalent objects (perhaps to avoid duplication)

• Will need to define what it means for two objects to be “equivalent”

Object Equality

• Built-in equals method takes an Object as parameter– Must check type of parameter first using instanceof operator– Then cast to appropriate type before comparing relevant fields

• Basic form of a equals method for some class C:

public boolean equals(Object x) { if (this == x) return true; if (x instanceof C) { C y = (C)x; compare relevant fields, returning either true or false

} return false;}

Do they refer to the same object?

Is it the same type as C?

If so, cast to class C and compare relevant fields

Object Equality

• Example: equals for Employee class– Define as equivalent if have same name

public boolean equals(Object x) {

if (this == x) return true;

if (x instanceof Employee) {

Employee e = (Employee)x;

return name.equals(;


return false;


Generics (Templates)

• Containers with type checking– Define generically: stores object of “type <T>”

public class classname<T> {…

– Define the actual type when specific object created

classname variable<actual type> = new classname();

– Originated by C++– Recently implemented (in limited form) in Java

Defining Generics

• Example: Pair class – Stores two different values of same type– Type determined when object constructed

public class Pair<T> {

private T thing1, thing2;

public Pair() {

thing1 = thing2 = null;


Stores two variables, both of type T

Defining Generics

public class Pair<T> {…

public void set(T value, int which) {

if (which == 1) thing1 = value;

if (which == 2) thing2 = value;


public T get(int which) {

if (which == 1) return thing1;

if (which == 2) return thing2;

return null;


Methods take/return values of generic type T

Using Generics

• Define actual type stored when object declared

Pair<String> p1 = new Pair();

p1.set("Fred", 1);

p1.set("Barney", 2);

String name = p1.get(1);

• Note that do not need to cast back to original type – compiler now knows original type

Using Generics

• Can create generics of different types

Pair<Integer> p2 = new Pair();

p2.set(12, 1);

p2.set(13, 2);

int x = p2.get(1);

p2.set(“Fred”, 1);

• Unlike polymorphism, Java does type checking

Limits of Generics

• Java does not allow arrays to be used with generics– This is legal in C++!

public class StackTemplate<T> {

private T[] contents;

private int top;

public StackTemplate(int s) {

contents = new T[s];

top = 0;

Compiler error

Generics and Java Containers

• Many Java containers upgraded to use generics• Example: Vector class

ArrayList a<String> = new ArrayList();



ArrayList that only contains Strings

This is legal

This is not

Generics and Java Containers

• Can use generic containers to define your own containers– Example: Generic Stack class that uses generic ArrayList


public class StackTemplate<T> {

private ArrayList<T> contents;

public StackTemplate() {contents = new ArrayList();}

public void push(T x) {contents.add(x);}

public T pop() {

return contents.remove(contents.size()-1);

