genetic clues explain why tumors spread 97

By: Alyssa Garcia

Upload: alyssagarcia

Post on 22-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Genetic Clues Explain Why Tumors Spread 97

By: Alyssa Garcia

Page 2: Genetic Clues Explain Why Tumors Spread 97

EZH2 has been linked to different forms of cancer. But no one knows what makes the overproduction of EZH2.

EZH2 causes cancer to spread and begins to shut down the gene that keeps the cancer in line.

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Scientist think that microRNA-101or miR-101is what stops the EZH2 cancer protein from spreading.

But with the miR-101 missing the EZH2 spreads rapidly.

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When scientists added EZH2 to the cancer it went off the charts, and tons of genes were over powered.

When experimenting with EZH2 and miR-101 it was the only one that could take the power of EZH2. When trying on a tumor in a mouse the EZH2 protein began to reduce and the tumor growth slowed.

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