genre research (tv tropes)

TV Tropes Genre Research

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Genre Research (TV Tropes)

TV Tropes

Genre Research

Page 2: Genre Research (TV Tropes)

What is TV Tropes?

Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being

present in the audience members’ minds and


Page 3: Genre Research (TV Tropes)

We can execute these tropes to our TV adverts, distinguish tropes which will be revealed through

the genre in our production.

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Sex SellsIn our production, we want women to feel empowered, so making them feel sexy and good is our main aim. The choice of actress will be a large aspect of our production, she will create a figure for the brand. Therefore, our clothing needs to make women feel powerful and sexy in the mirror. Celebrity Endorsement also helps to promote a brand, so it would be ideal. Also shot type will emphasize empowerment of the model, which will portray her control of her own body as she will be controlling how she wants to be seen by other people. The soundtrack add to the ideal sex sells as music laid back and chilled. Overall, we are watching our audience to feel powerful and sexy in their own body and by their own choice.

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Men Buy from Mars, Women Buy from Venus

As well in our production, we want to show that women are different to men, but both sex’s are just as good as each other. Women love different things to men and one of those is fashion. In our production, we want to show this trope to express to women that its ok to be obsessed with clothing. Our genre will target those women that love to indulge themselves with treats and new clothes to make themselves feel good and happy. Celebrity endorsement would help to promote these messages. As we aren’t able to access a celebrity, our choice in model will promote these messages.

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Repeating Ad

This is perfect for our production, due to us producing 2 TV ads we will be able to use this trope. To help with the ads becoming memorable, we need to make our ads stand out and be unique. The different uses of shot type, editing and soundtrack will help for the audience to remember the ads. The creative use of shot types, alternating them and making the clothing look fabulous will make people want to buy the clothing. A catchy soundtrack which people enjoy will get stuck in peoples head and every time they watch the ad they will get the soundtrack stuck in their head.

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Get the Sensation

In our production, we want the audience to be indulged into the adverts. We want to show women how they could feel if they buy the clothing brand. We can show message through shots of the model which connote empowerment and confidence like low angle shots which show she is on top and the use of the location will also help. Also, our idea of using a narrative may be useful when trying to achieve this trope. Letting the audience see how 2 girls live their life, feeling confident and happy will encourage them to buy the brand clothing.