geographical indication - · 2012-12-20 · 16a...

16A GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (Government Regulation Number 51 Year 2007 dated september 4,2007) BY GRACE OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, Considering: That in order to implement the provision of Ar- ticle 56 paragraph (9) of Law Number 15/2001 on Mark, it is necessary to stipulate a government regulation on geographic indications; In view of: 1. Article 5 paragraph (2) of the Constitution of 1945; 2. Law No. 15/2001 (BN No. 6IJ61 pages and so forth) on Mark (Statute Book of 2001 No. 110, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4131); DEC I DE S: To stipulate: THE GOVERNMENT REGULATION ON GEOGRAPHIC IN- DICATION CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISION Article 1 Referred to in this regulation as: 1. Geographic indication shall be a symbol showing re- gion of origin of goodS giVing certain characteriSOC or quality to the produced goods because of geo- graphical environmental factors, including natural fac- tors, human factors or combination of both factors. 2. Application shall be a request. for registering geo- graphical Indication submitted in writing to the Di- rectorate General. 3. Applicant shall be a party submitting application. 4. Producer shall be a party producing goods. Business News 7630-7631/2-27-2008 5. Consultant of Intellectual Property Right shall be someone having expertise in the field of intellectual property right and specifically proViding service in the field of submission and settlement of application for patent, mark, industrial design as well as other fields of intellectual 'Property right, including geo- graphical indications and registered as consultant of intellectual property right in the Directorate General. 6. Proxy shall be consultant of intellectual property right. 7. Date of Receipt shall be the date of receipt of appli- cation already fulfilling administrative requirements. 8. Day shall be working day. 9. Requirement Book shall be a document containing information about the specific quality and character- istic of goods, which can be used for differentiating a product from another product haVingthe same cat- egory. lO.User of Geographical Indication shall be a producer producing goods in accordance with the related re- quirement book and registered at the Directorate General. l1.Directorate General shall be the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Right within the -ministry led by a minister. 12.Minister shall be the minister overseeing the minis- try in charge of, among others, intellectual property right, including geographical Indications. CHAPTER II SCOPE OF GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION Part One General Article ? ....

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Page 1: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION - · 2012-12-20 · 16A GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (Government Regulation Number 51 Year 2007 dated september 4,2007)


GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION(Government Regulation Number 51 Year 2007 dated september 4,2007)




That in order to implement the provision of Ar­

ticle 56 paragraph (9) of Law Number 15/2001 on Mark,

it is necessary to stipulate a government regulation on

geographic indications;

In view of:

1. Article 5 paragraph (2) of the Constitution of 1945;

2. Law No. 15/2001 (BNNo. 6IJ61 pages9A~18Aand

so forth) on Mark (Statute Book of 2001 No. 110,

Supplement to Statute Book No. 4131);


To stipulate:





Article 1

Referred to in this regulation as:

1. Geographic indication shall be a symbol showing re­

gion of origin of goodS giVing certain characteriSOC

or quality to the produced goods because of geo­

graphical environmental factors, including natural fac­

tors, human factors or combination of both factors.

2. Application shall be a request. for registering geo­

graphical Indication submitted in writing to the Di­

rectorate General.

3. Applicant shall bea party submitting application.

4. Producer shall be a party producing goods.

BusinessNews 7630-7631/2-27-2008

5. Consultant of Intellectual Property Right shall be

someone having expertise in the field of intellectual

property right and specifically proViding service in

the field of submission and settlement of application

for patent, mark, industrial design as well as other

fields of intellectual 'Property right, including geo­

graphical indications and registered as consultant of

intellectual property right in the Directorate General.

6. Proxyshall be consultant of intellectual property right.

7. Date of Receipt shall be the date of receipt of appli­

cation already fulfilling administrative requirements.

8. Day shall be working day.

9. Requirement Book shall be a document containing

information about the specific quality and character­

istic of goods, which can be used for differentiating

a product from another product haVing the same cat­


lO.User of Geographical Indication shall be a producer

producing goods in accordance with the related re­

quirement book and registered at the Directorate


l1.Directorate General shall be the Directorate General

of Intellectual Property Right within the -ministry led

by a minister.

12.Minister shall be the minister overseeing the minis­

try in charge of, among others, intellectual property

right, including geographical Indications.



Part One


Article ? ....

Page 2: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION - · 2012-12-20 · 16A GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (Government Regulation Number 51 Year 2007 dated september 4,2007)

Article 2

(l)The mark as meant in Artide 1 point 1 shall consti­

tute a name of plate or region or other specified

mark.indicating place of origin of the produced goods,

which is prOtected by geographical indication.

(2)The goods as meant in paragraph (1) can be iii the

form of agrfcullural produces, processed oroduets,

handitraft, or other goods as meant In Article i point


(3)lhe mark as meant in paragraph (1) shall be pro­

tected as a geographical indication if the market has

been registered in the general list of geographical

lndlcations in the Directorate General.

(4}The registered geographical indications shall not be

changeable into public property.


Part Three

Protection Period of Geographical Indication

Article 4

Geographical indications shall be protected as

long as the specifte characteristics and quality underly­

ing the granting of the protection of the geographical

indications remain existent.



Article 5

(l}Any application shall be submitted in writing in Indo­

nesian longuoge by eppllcant Ot proxy by completing

form In triplicate to the Directorate General.

(2)The mudd and l.unlent uf the form d~ meant ill para­

graph (1) shall be stipulated by the Directorate Gen­


(5)lhe mark as meant in paragraph (1) only can be

used for goods fulfilling the requirements as regu­

lated in the reauirement book.

Part Two

C,Mgr.:l[1hical Tnclkat1nn.. Whir-h l.i'\nnnt R~ Regicrrereod

Article 3

Geographical indications cannot be registered

in the case: of the market requested for regbtration:

a. contravening legislation, religious morality and pub­


b. misleading or deceiving the public with regards to

characteristic, nature, quality, source, production of

goodS, and/or the use;

c. being local geographical name already used as name

of variety of plant, and used for variety of plant of

the same kind; or

d. already becoming generic.

Business News 7630-7631/2-27-2008

(3)1he applicant as meant in paragraph (l) shall con­

sist of:

a. Institutions representing communities In region

producing the goods, composed of:

1. parties exploiting goods resulting from natu­

ral resources or natural resources;

2. producers of agricultural products;

3. producers of handicraft: or industrial products;


4. traders selling the goods;

b.irtstltutiOnsauthorized to do !tior

c. groups of consumers of the said 90005.

Article 6

(l)The application as meant in Article 5 shaU mention

the administrative requirements as follows:

a. date, month and year;

.b. full name, citizenship and address of applicant;


c. full name and address of proxy, if the application

is submitted through proxy.

(2) The .... '.

Page 3: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION - · 2012-12-20 · 16A GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (Government Regulation Number 51 Year 2007 dated september 4,2007)

(2)The application as meant in paragraph (1) shall be

endosed by:

a. special power of attorney, in the case of applica­

tion being submitted through proxy;b. payment form of cost.

(3)The application as meant in paragraph (1) shall becompleted by the requirement book, consisting of:

a. name of geographical indication requested for reg­


b. name of goods protected by gcogrophiall indica


c. description of characteristic and quality differen­

tiating certain good~ from other yOUll~of tile same

category, and explaining their relations with re­

gion where the goods are produced;

d. description of geographical environmental as well

as natural factors and human factors being a to­

tality in influencing the quality or characteristic of

the produced goods;

e. description of borders of regions and/or map of

region covered by geographical indication;

f. description of history and tradition related to the

use af geographical indication for marking the

goods produced in the region, including recoqnl­

tion from communities with regards to the geo­

graphical indication;

g. description explaining production. processing and

manufacturing processes which are used so as to

enable every producer in the region to produce,

prOCQSS or make the related goods;

h. description of methods used for analyzing the

Quality of the produced goods; and

i, Itlbel used in goods and containing geographical


(4)T1le uescnpuon of borders and rnep of region COy­

ered by the geographical indication as meant in para­

graph (1) letter c shall secure recommendation from

the authorized institution.

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Administrative Examination

Article 7(l)The Directorate general shall examine edmmtstra­

tively the completeness of requirements for the ap­

plication as meant in Articles 5 and 6 in not later

than 14 (fourteen) days as from the date of receipt

of application.

(2)1n the case of the application already fulfilling the

requirements as meant in Article 5, Article 6 para­

graph (1), Article 6 paragraph (2) letter b and Article

6 paragraph (3), the Directorate General shall give

the date of receipt.

(3)ln the case of the requirements as meant in para­

graph (2) being less complete, the Directorate Gen~

eral shall notify in writing the applicant or proxy to

complete the shortcomings in not later than 3 (three)

days as form the date of receipt of the notification.

(4) In the case of the shortcomings being not completed

in the period as meant in paragraph (3), the Dlrec­

torate General shall notify in writing tlie applicant or

through the proxy that the application is deemed

taken back and the issue is announced in Gazette of

Geographical Indications.

(5)ln the case of the application being deemed taken

back as meant in paragraph (4), the cost already

paid to the Directorate General shall not be reim­


part TWO

Substantial Examination

(l)ln not later than- one month as from the date of the

fUlfillment of the requirernerus as mearu ln Article 7

paragraph (2), the Directorate General shall pass an

the application to a team of geographical indication


(2) The .....

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(2)The team of geographical indication specialists shall

examine substantially the application in not later 2

(two) years as from the date of receipt of the appli­

cation as meant in paragraph (1).

(3)The substantial examlnatfon as meant in.paragraph

(1) shall be implemented on the basis of the provi­

sion of Article 1 point 1, Article 3 and Artide 6 para­

graph (3).

(4)ln the case of the team of geographical indication

specialists conSidering that the application met the

provision on registration as meant in paragraph (3),

the team of geographical indication specialists shall

convey a recommendation to the Dira.1.ordle Gell­

eral SO that the geographical indication is registered

In the general list of geographical indications.

(S)The substantial examination as meant In paragraph

(1) shall be subject to cost.

(6)The costof the substantial examination as meant in

paragraph (5) shall be paid before the expiration of

the announcement period of application.

(7)ln the case of the cost of substantial examination

being not paid In the period es meant In paragraph

(6), the application shall be deemed taken back.

Article 9

(l)ln the case of the team of geographical indication

spedalist approving that a geographical indication

can be registered as meant in Article 8 paragraph

(4), the team shall recommend the Directorate Gen­

eral to announce information related to the geo­

graphical indication, including the requirement book

in Gazette of geographical indications in not later

than 30 (thirty) days as from the date of receipt of

recommendation from the team.

(2)ln the case of the team of geographical indication

specialist approving that a geographical indication is

BusinessNews 7630-7631/2-27-2008

denied, in not later than 30 (thirty) days as from the

date of receipt of recommendatlon from the team,

the LJlrectorate General shall notify In writing the

applicant or through the proxy by mentioning the


(3)ln the case of the applicant or proxy not conveying

response to the denial in the period as meant in para­

graph (3), the Directorate General ahall stipulate

decision on denial.of the application and notify it to

the applicant or through the proxy.

(4)ln the case of the applicant or proxy conveying re­sponse to the denial as meant in paragraph (3), in

not later than 30 (thirty) days as from the date of

receipt of response to the denial, the Directorate

General shall convey the rejection response to the

team of geographical indication specialists.

Article 10

(1)The Team of Geographicalindieation specialists shall

re-examine and recommend decision in a period not

later than 3 (three) months as from the date of re­

ceipt of response as meant in Article 9 paragraph


(2)ln the case of the team approving the response as

meant in Article 9 paragraph (3), the Directorate

General shall announce geographical indication and

requirement book on the basis of the decision as

meant In paragraph (1) In Gazette or Geographical


(3)ln the elise of the teem disllpproving the response

as meant In Article 9 paragraph (3), the Directorate

General shall stipulate deCIsion to deny the applica­


(4)ln not later than 30 (thirty) days, the Directorate

General shall notify In writing the decision 0"' r@jec­

tion as meant in Adicle 9 paragraph (4) andArticle

10 paragraph (3) to applicant or through proxy by

mentionihg the reason.

(5)10 .....

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(S}I" the case of the application being denied, alf costs

alreadypaid to the DIrectorate General shaH not be


(6)1n not later than 3 (three) monthsas from the date

of receipt of notificationabout the rejection decision

as meant in paragraph (4), applicant or proxy can

submitappeal to the MarkAppeal Commission.

(7)The cost of submission of appeal to the Mark Appeal

COmmission shallbe paid uponsubmittingthe appli­

cation for appeal.


Article 11

(l)ln not laterthan 10 (ten) days as from the date of

approval of geographical Indication for registration

or denial,the Directorate General shall announce the

decision In Gazette d Geographlcallndkatfons.

(2)10 thecaseof geographlcallndic8tion beingapproved

for registration as meant In paragraph (1), the an­

nouncement in Gazette of Geographical Indications

shall contain number of appflcation, full name and

address of applicant name and addreSs of proxY,

date of receipt of the geographical indication and

abstractof the requirement book.

(3)10 the case of the geographlcallndk:ation befng de­

nied as meant in paragraph (1), the announcementIn Ga7et:te of GOOgraphical Jndit'atloM shall cnntain

nameof applk:atlon, full nameand address of appli­

cant, name andaddress of proxy and name of geo­

graphical indication requested for registration_

(4)The announcement as meant in paragraph (2) shall

berealiledln 3 (three) mC)"thG~

PartFourObjection and Rejoinder

Business News 7630-7631/2-27·2008

Article 12

(l)During the announcement period as meant inArticle11 paragraph (4), anybody can raise objection in

writing to the announced geographical indication as

meant in Article 11 paragraph (2) on the basis ofappJJcatJon for me Directorate General In triplicate

by paying cost.

(Z)The objection es meant in pe:lf'Ggraph (1) shall con­

tain reasons, accompanied by sufficient evidence that

the appltcatiOl1 should nat be registered or should bedenied on the basis of this government regulation.

(3)The objectionasmeant in paragraph(1) alsocanbeSlthmitt:M In cnnnertion with bo~ nf thE>. ~inn

covered by geographical indication requested for reg­


(4)10 the case of theobjection as meantin paragraph(2) and/or paragraph (~) coming, the DiredDrate

General In not later than 14 (fourteen) days as fromthe date of receipt of the objection shall send copy

ofthe objection to applicant or proxy.

(S)AppUcants or proxies shall entitle to convey rejoin­der to the objection as meant in paragraph (4) to

the Directorate General In not later than 2 (two)

months as from the date of receipt of ropy of the


Part Ave

Re-Substantial examination

Article 13(l)In the case Of the reJOinder as meant In ArtiCle II

paragraph (5) coming, the team of geographical in­

dication specialists shall Undertake re-substantialexammation of geographical indlcaUon by ob5erving

the rejoinder.

(2)Thc te-substantial examination as ITk;Mt in paragraph

(1) shall be settled in not later than 6 (six) months

as from the expiration of the 5UbmissJon period of

rejoinder as meant In Article 12 paragraph (5).

(3) In .... ,

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"A3)ln the case of the objection as meant in Article 12

paragraph (1) not coming, the Directorate General

shall register geographical indication in the general

list of geographical indications.

(4)ln the case of result of the re-substantial examina­

tion as meant in paragraphs (1) and (2) showing

that the objection is acceptable.the Directorate Gen­

eral shall notify in writing the applicant or proxy that

the geographical indication is denied.

(5)ln not later than 3 (three) months as from the date

af receipt of the rejection decision as meant in para­

graph (4), applicant or proxy can submit appeal to

the Mark Appeal Commission.

(6)ln the case of result of the re-substantial examina­

tion as meant in paragraphs (1) and (2) showing

that the objection is not acceptable, the Directorate

General shall register the geographical indication in

the general list of geographical indications.

(7)ln not later than 30 (thirty) days as from the date

when result of re-substantial examination is decided,

the Directorate General shall announce the dectsion

in Gazette of Geographical Indlcatlons.

Part Six

Te;lm of (.;pngr<lphir;'ll Tnrti(";.ltlon Specialist

Article 14

(1)TheTeam of Geographical Indication Specialist shall

be a non-structural institution evaluating the require­

ment book and providing conslderanon/recommen­

dation forthe Directorate General in connection with

the registration, change, nullification and/or super­

vision over national geographical indications.

(2) Members of the team as meant in poragraph (1) shell

consist of specialists having capability in the field of

geographical indications, coming from:

8. representatives of the Directorate General;

Business News 7630-7631/2-27-2008

b. representatives of ministries in charge of agricul­

tural, industrial, trading affairs and/or other re­

lated ministries;

c. representatives of institutions or agenciesautho­

rized to supervise and/or verify the qualitY of

goods; and/or

d. other competent specialists.

(3)The members of the team as meant in paragraph (2)

shall be appointed and dismissed by the Minister for

a five-year term of service.

(4)The team shall be led by a chairman elected from

and by members of the team of geographical indica­

tion specialists.

(5)ln executing its tasks and function as meant in para­

graph (1), the team of geographical indication spe­

cialists shall be assisted by a technical evaluation

team whose members are based on expertise.

(6) The technical evaluation team as meantin paragraph

(5) shall be estahli,;hed by th~ Directorate General

on the basis of recommendation from the team of

geographical indication specialists.




Part One

The Use of Geographical Indications

Article 15

(1)Producers interesting in using geographical indica­

tions shall register as users of geographical indica­

tions to the Directorate General by paying cost in

accordance with the provision in force.

(2)The producers as meant in paragraph (1) :.hdll nil

the form of statement as stipulated by the Director­

ate General, accompanied by recommendation from

the euthos lzed technical Institution.

(3)1n .....

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(3)ln not later than 30 (thirty) days after completing

the requirements asmeant In paragraph (2), the Di­

rectorateGeneral shall registerproducers usinggeo­

graphical Indications in general list of usersof ge0­

graphical Indications and announce names as wellasinformation inGazette ofGeographicallndicat1ons.

Part Two

Supervision over Users of Geographical Indications

Article 16

(1 )Anybody can cooV@y result of suJ)@f"Vi~lonI)V@r ltSP~

of geographicallndications to the authorizedagency

With a copy made available to the DirectorateGen­

eral that information covered in the requirement book

regarding the goods protected by geographical indi­

cations is notfulfilled.

(2)Result of the supervision as meant in paragraph (1)

shall contain evidence along with the reason.

(3)ln not later than 7 (seven) daysas from the dateof

receipt CJf resultof the supervision as meantIn para­

grapn (1), the Dlrectora~ Gerteral shall wnvt!:y the

resultof the supervision to the team of geographical

Indication specialists.

(4)ln not later than 6 (six) months as from the dateof

receipt of the supervision result as meant In para­graph (3), the team of geographical indicationspe­

cialistsshallexaminethe supervision result andcon­

Vf!'I result of the examination to the Directorate

General, Including actions that the DirectorateGen­

eral needs to take.

Article 17

(1)ln not later than 30 (thirty) days as from the date of

receiptof the examinationresult as meant in Artlde

16 paragraph (4), the Directorate General shall de­

dde actions, which must be taken, induding nullifi­

cationof registered geographicallndicatlon users.

Business News 7630-7631/2-27-2008


(2)ln the case of the Directortlte General deciding to

nullify the registered geographical indication users,

the users shallbe abolished fromthe general listof

geographical indication usersand subsequently de­

clared unrtghteDus to use geograpfrical indications.

(3)The objection to the nunmcation of 'Ore regiSt~red

geographk:al indication usersa~mMnt'In paragraph

{2} can be submitted through theCourt of Commercein not later than 3 (three) months as from the dateof rf!'N'ipt of ded~inn 00 th,. nullific:;dl6n

(4)ln not later than 30 (thirty) days as ffomthe date

when the nullification a~ meant fnparagraph (2) Is

decided, the DirectorateGeneralshan announce the

decision InGazette of Geographlal1 Indications.

Article 18

(l)Abolitionof the use of registered geograpllical indl­

dtt:ions een be submitted on ttre basis of lnitiotivd

of users of the said geograpt1fcat IndtcalJons.

(2)lfl the lA5e of the abolition as meant in pereqreph

(1), usersof registeredgeographical indications shall

be abolished from the general lISt of geographical

uu:UcatiOn users and tater declared Utillgi1teous to

use geographjcallndtcations.

(3)10 not later than 30 (thirty) etaysas rrom the Clate

when the abolition as meant in paragraph (2) is- de­

dded, the Directorate Gener8f shan announce the

dedston in Gazette of Geographlca1lndlcations.

PartThreeSupervision over the Useof GeographiCal Indications

Article 19

(l)The team of geographical indication Spedalistsshall

organize and monitor supervision over the use of

geographical indications in the territory of the Re­

public of Indonesia.

(2)ln ..•. ,

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(2)In executingthe tasksand function as meant in para­

graph (1), th@ team of 9QOgraphlcal indication spe­

cial{sts can be assisted by a technical supervisory

team consisting of technical spedallsts in certain

goods to provide considerations or execute supervl


(3)The techniClJI supervisory team 1I:$ rneent in porQ'­

graph (1) can come from:

a. competent supervtsory institutions in the central

and regional leVels; and/or

b. private instftutionsor non-ministeliql goveml;llent

institution's recognized as competent institutions

in executing inspection/supervision related to

goods protected by geographical indicaUans.

(4}The Ii$! of the recognized Institutionsanda(#encies ,

as meant in paragraph (1) shall be renewed and

monitored continuously by theteam of geoqraphicaJ

indication specialists.

(S)The list of the recognized instJtutions and 'ageoties'lS'meant in paragraph(1) shall be a<:mssU»e by the

publicand used as reference for users ofgeographi­

cal indications.

(6)The technical supervisory team as meant In para­

graph (1) shall be established by the Directorate

General'on the basis of recommendatfon from the

team of geographical indiCation specialists.



Artide 20

(1) Anyapplication submitted by applieant domiCiled or

livingoutskle the territory of the Republic Of Indone­

sia shall be submitted through a proxy In Indonesia

or diplomatic representativeof the country of origin

of geographiCal indications in Indonesia.

Business News 7630-7631/2-27-2008

(2)The application as meant in paragraph (1) only canbe registered If the oeographical lndlcatlons have

secured recognition and/or been regiStered in accor­

dance with the provision in force In the country of


(3)The provision on examination of the completeness

of administrative requirements for the applicationasmeant in Article 7shall alsoapply to ,application from


{4lIn the case of the i)ppUcation from other counbiesaJreadv fultillingtheprovisionas meant inparagraphs

(1),(2) and (3), the Directorate General shall stipu­late a deosron that the application can be approved

for the registration~ uRdertake the announcement

as meant.inAa:ide U.

(S)The Directorate Generalshall deny application from

other countries in the case of the requirements asJl'III*\t ifl· pIInlIIgl'Dph5 (1), (2) and (3) being not ful­


(6]The rejection as meant in paragraph (5) shaJJ be

notmed to app1lc:ant through proxy or diplomatic

representatiVe in IndoneSia in not later than 30

(tf'lirty)da)'§,as: from the date of the refection deci­


{7)Provisions on procedures for announr::lng, rai~in!l

objection and rejoinder as: well as application for

appeal in this government regulation shall apply

mutatis mutandis to applications from other coun­tries.

(8)Appllcations from other counbies which are regiS­tered shall be protected in accordance with the pro­

visi0n5 in this government regulation.


Part OneChange and Withdrawal of Application

Article 21. •...

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Article 21(1 }Any change in the applitation as meant in Artides 6

and 20 only canbe submittedas long asthe applica­

tion has notbeenannounced in the Gazette of geo­

graphicalindications as meant in Article 11.

(2) The withdrawal of the application as meant in Ar­tides 6 and20onlycan be done beforethe Director­ate GeneI'l:\!I deddes tne registratfon of geographicalIndications.

(3) In the CZIse of the appliartlOl1 being taken back es

meantin paragraph (2), aU costs alreadypaidto the

Directorate Generclll shan not be re4mbursable.


Olange In Requirement Book Followingthe Registration

Article 22(l)Applicant can submitappfication for changing the

requirement: book in acx:ordance.witb developmentsin thescientific and technological flek:ls or cbange ingeographical borders.

(2)The appJlcation for changing the requirement bookasmeantin paragraph (1) shall be submitted in writ­ing to the Directorate General by conveying reasonand change.


(6)The appeal as meant in paragraph (5) can be sub­

mittPd in not fater than 3 (three) months as from the

date of receipt of the rejection decision.


Expiration of GeographicaHndlcatlon Protection

Article 23(l)Anybody, ineluding the team of gQOgraphical indica­

tion specialists can convey to the Directorate Gen­

eral results of observation that specificcharactens­

tic: and/or quality underlying the granting of protec­

tion to geographical indication has not existed.

(2)1n the case of the observation result as meant in

paragraph (1) not coming from the team of geo­

graphical indicationspecialists, the DirectorateGen­

emlshlllll pass ontothc omeNation result to the tctlim

of geographical Indication spedaUsts in not laterthan

30 (thirty) days as from the date of recerpt of theobservation results.

(3)ln 6 (six) months as from ttte date of receipt of theobservation result as meant paragtaph (2'; the team

of geographical indication spedal1sts shall examine

and notify result of its decision as well 8S measures

whk:h must be taken to the Dirt:CtorClle General.

(3)ln the case of the application for changing there­qulrement book as meant in paragraph (1) being

acceptable, the Directorate General shall announce

the change fn geographical indication in Gazette of

gf!Ographical indiottions.

(4)The provision on theannouncement as meantIn Ar­

ticle 11 as well asobjection and rejoinder as meantin ArtIde 12 shall applyto the changein the require­

ment book.

(5)ln the case of the Directorate General denying the

application for changing the requirement book, theapplicantOr proxycanfileappeal to the MarkAppealcommissiOn.

Business News 7630-7631/2-27-2008

(4)ln 30 (thirty) days as·from thE: date of receipt of

resultOfthe deCtslOnas meant In paragraph (3), the

DirectorateGeneral shall consider-result of decision

of the team of geographical Indication specialists and

measures which must be -taken, including nullifica­

tion of geographical indications.

(5)ln the case of the DirectoJate General deciding the

nullification of geographkal indk:ations, the Direc­

torate General shall notify in writing the applicantor

proxy and all users of geographical indications as

meant [nArticle 15 paragraph (3) or through proxy

in not later than 14 (fourteen) days asfrom the date

of receiptof the decision.

(6) In . . . . .

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(6)In not later than 30 (thirty) days as from the date

when the result of nullification as meant in paragraph

(5) is decided, the Directorate General sholl announce

the decision in Gazette of Geographical Indications.


a. commercial use of geographical indications, either

directly or indirectly for the goods failin~ to meet the

requtremeru book;

(7)The announcement as meent in p6rng"roph (6) Shfll1

certify the nullification of the geographical indica­

tions and expiration of the use of geographical indi­

cations by users of geogrophic:ol lndicattons.

(8)The objection to the nullification of geographical in­dications- as meant in paragraph (5) can be submit­

ted to the Court of Commerce In not later than 3

(three) months as from the date of receipt Of deci­

sion on the JlulJification.



(l)ApplicationJor appeal can-be·submitted to the MarkAppeal CommissiQn. by applil"'f1ntQr;tim:tthp

rejectionofaf)Plicatlon as Illepnt in A€ticIe9para­

graph (4), ArtieJe 10 paragraph.(l),-Artide 13 para­

graph (4) and Article ')? parag~fih (5).

(2)The application for appeal as meant in pareqraph

(1) shall be_submitted In writing llJ theMBrik·ApoeaI

Commission In the period as meant in Article 10 para­

graph (6), Article 13 parasra,h (5), and Article 22

paragraph W., .,ayiJlQCQSt.

(3)The provisions in Artides.29, 30,31,32,33 and 34 of

law Number 15120.0100 ,Markaswefl as technical

ruIP.s shall apply mutatis mutandis to the application

tor appeal.


Part One

Violation of Geographical Indication

Article 25

Violation of geographical indication shall cover:

Business.News 7630-7631/2-27-2008

b. commercial useof a symbol of geographical indica­

tion, either dtrecuv or im.lireclly rl,lI protected or not

protected goods with a view of:

L shOWing that the quality of the-goods is compat­

Ible to me goods protected by g~rlJphk.:csl imJi­


2. earning profit from the use; or

3. earningprontfrom repUtDtlOn.'Of geographlca_lln­


c. me useot geograpnical imhcatiOQS WhICh can rnts­

l8IId _communit{eS·in-eonnection with geographical


d. uAJf9h1lIous .•use of .~icaf indfGation even

~ .iplaae;(jf~Oftbe.,.ods is declared;

e. imitlBtitmoral:her 'kind of-misUse -potential to mis­

kItId;jnQlft~ .,wIth··thelPlBoed·origln of goods

Df"~"~1IiIJectedfrom the statement con­tained ,in:-

1. wrapper orpadaJge;

2. information in advertisement;

3. inform~tion in document of the goods;

4. itlformation potential to mislead origin (In the case

of the packing of goods in a package); or

f. otrer acoons-potential to misJead the public at large

withregar(Js to the truth of origin of the goods"


Article 26

(1)1he submission of lawsuit against the violation as

meant in Article 25 shall be done in accordance with

the provision of Alticle 57 paragraph (1) and Article

58 of law No. 15/2001 on Mark.

C21Jbe , ~." ..

Page 11: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION - · 2012-12-20 · 16A GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (Government Regulation Number 51 Year 2007 dated september 4,2007)

(2)The lawsuit as meant in paragtaph (1) can be filed


a. every producer righteous to use geographical in­


b. institutions representing communities; or

c. institutions authorized to do it.

(3)The provision of Article 80 of Law No. 15/2001 on

Mark shaU apply rnutans-rnutandls to procedures for

submitting lawsuit against geographical indication.



Article 27

(1)ln the case of the sym~ as. meant in Artid~ 56 para­

graph (8) of Law No. 1S/ioOl on Mark being used,

and the symbol being already usedwith goodwill by

other parties not righteous to use geographical indi­

cation before and upon the submission of applica­

tion for registration as geographical indications of

the slmlter or same goods, the other parties can usc

the symbol for a period of 2 (two) years as from the

symbol is registered as geographical indication with

the provision that the other parties certify the truth

of place of origin of the goods and gua'rantee that

the use of the symbol won't mislead the registered

geographical Indications.

(2)10 the case ofany of the symbols as meant in Article

56 paragraph (8) of Law NO. 15/2001 on Markbeing

already registered or used as mark before or upon

the submission of application for an geographical

indicationof the similar or samegoodsand- the svm­

bel being later declared registered as geographical

indication, theuseof thesymbol as mark withgood­

will by other parties not righteous to use the geo­

gra~hical indication shall remain possible with the

provisionthat the usersof the mark certify the truth

of place of origin of'the goods and guarantee that

the use of the symbol won't"mislead the registered

geographical indications.

Business News7630~7631/2-27~2008




Article 28

The government regulationshallcomeinto force

as from the date of promulgation.

For public cognizance, the government regula­

tion shall be promulgated by placing it in Statute Book

of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipula~ in Jakarta

On September4,2008



Promulgated in Jakarta

On September4,2007











In daily life, peopleknow or call nameof a prod­

uct followed by name of place or rewonof origin of the

goods.The disclosure is known geographical indication

and is something new in Indonesia even though it has

long developed in Europeancountries.

Like brand, geographiCal indication constitutes a

modelof intellectual propertywhich must be protected bymembercountries of the WorldTrade Organization. The

provision on the issue is mentioned in Trade-Related In­

tellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), mainly Artide 22 up to

ArtIcle 24 .....

Page 12: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION - · 2012-12-20 · 16A GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (Government Regulation Number 51 Year 2007 dated september 4,2007)


Article 24. In orderto implement the obligation, Article 56

paragraph (9) of Law No. 15/2001 on Markregu~

that the provisions on procedures for registration of

geographical indications, will be regulated further by a

government regUlation. Basedon the consideratJon, ,this

governmentregulation is formulated witha view of rul­

Ing comprehensively tectuijcal provisions ofLaw No. 15/

2005on Mark with regards to geographical indications.

Geographical Indication constitutes a symbol un­

COnsciously alreadyexisting"00 indirectJy able to showspecialty in a product result from a certain region. The

symbol is sUbsequently I,JSed for showingthe origin of a

pnxIuct, eitheragriaJltural product, foodstuff, handicraftor othergoods, including rawmaterials and/orprocessedmaterials coming from agricultural product or mineral.

The appointJnentof origin of a produe.t is im­

portant because of influencefrom gepgraphicalfactors;Induding naturalfactors, humanfactorsor combination

of both factors In specified region where the productts

produced can gIVe certain characteristic or quality tothe product. The charaaerl$tic and qualltyot,~s,.

whichis preserved and can be maintained inaspecilied

period will resultin reputation(popularity) to the goods,

which subsequently enables thegoods to havehighec0­

nomicvalue.In relation thereto, the goods deserve ad­equate legal protection.

legal proted1on of geographkaJ indication canbe granted If the registration has been exearted. The

registration of geographicallndications alms at guaran­

~ng legal certainty.The protectJon period tan be un­

limited as long as the characteristk: and/orqU811ty un­derlying the granting of protection remains existent.

The characteristic and/or quality underty;Agthe

granting of protectiOn Is mentioned in a requirement:book, afsooontaining information about intIueAteofge0­

graphical environment, natural factors as well as hu­

man factors Influencing the qualltVor dtaracteristic ofthe'goods, besides covering information about map of

regIOn, history. and tradition, processing, vertftcatiQn

method of quality of goods as well as iabel whictl isused. The requirement book is formulated by group of

communities where the goodsare produced'.

Business News 7630-7631/2-27-2008

Owners of geographical indications are appli­cants or groups,of mmmunitiesin regions where cer­taIngoods Isproduced; competI!ntto maintain, preserveandusegeographicallndlcatlor1s Inconnection with theneed of their business. A pmducerable tD produce goods

in accordance with the provision dlsdosed In the re­

quirement book. and ready for apply1ng the provisionsas regulated In the requirement book can use the re­

lated geographicallnd"1CatiOnSafterre9Slering first them­

selves asusers ofgeographical indicationsat the Direc­torateGeneral.

As an archioelaglc state rich in knowledge, tra­dition andaJlture as well as tropicaldimate resulting in

various kinds of goods having not-small economic pe­tential, Indonesia should an adequate geographicaHn­

dication protection system. Hopefutly, the.optimal pr0­

tectionof geogriJ)hJcal inc:IicatiDnsGIn not only preservethe environmental conservation but also further maxi­

mizetheempowermentofnatural andhuman resouo:esin regions. In addition, migrationof potential manpower

from region to urban area can be prevented by creat­Ing/opening job opportunities and fields for producingcertain goods protectedby geographical indicationsancl

expected to ha¥e; not--srnall economic value In the re­



Article 1


Artk:Ie 2Pngraph{l)

The other certain symbols·mean symbols In the

form of word, pltture or combinationd'the elements.Exam~:

• The word "Mirrang" Indicates west Sumatra.

- PIcture Toraja Tf1!dftiOnaf House rndIc:atesToraJa reglon·in South SUlawesi.

Paragraph (2)The deflnition.ofagriculturealso covers forestry,

plantation, anima' husbandry, fisheryand marine.

The, ....

Page 13: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION - · 2012-12-20 · 16A GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (Government Regulation Number 51 Year 2007 dated september 4,2007)

The definition of other goods covers, among

others, raw materials and/or processed products of ag­

ricultural products or minerals.

Paragraph (3)

The general list of geographical indications

means a book ccntalnlnq geographical Indications reg­

istered at the Directorate General.

Paragraph (4)

A name, indication or mark already registered

as geographical indication cannot be degraded, deemed

as a name of goods and subsequently becoming public


Paragraph (S)

SUfficiently clear

Article 3

Letters a and b

Sufficiently clear

Letter cIf a geographical indication is used as name of

variety of certain plant, the name of the geographical

indication only can be used for variety of the plant .


The name/word "Cianjur" has been known as

name of a variety of paddy.Therefore, the word "Cianjur"

cannot hp IIspd as geograrhiral indication nf other vari­

ety of paddy even though the variety is cult ivated in


It Is lnteuded lu avoid the possibllily of mis­


Nonetheless, the word "Cianjur" can be used as

geographical Indication of variety of other plants or

goods, such as zalacca fruit, marquisa, tauco etc.

Letter d

Generic indication is an indication of goods al­

ready becoming public property becauseit's often used

in daily language and therefore, is not protected.

Business News 7630-7631/2-27-2008


Example: tofu, tempe, bati k, jerukbali, pisang ambon


Article 4

Sufficiently clear

Article 5

Paragraphs (1) and (2)

sufficiently clear

Paragraph (3)

Letter a

Institutions are, among others,­sedations or foundations whose members are local pro­


Letter b

The institutions authorized to do it are govern­

ment institution in regions, which oversee the goods

submitted for application, such as regional governments

In the provincial and/or regental/municipal levels.

Letter c

SUfficiently clear

Article 6

Paragraphs (1) and (2)

Sufficiently clear

Paragraph (3)

Letters a !Ifill 'Ii>


Letter c

Differentiating certain goods from other goods

ofthe same category IS comparing a product from other

similar product,

For example, certain rice is compared to other


Letter d. . •. .

Page 14: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION - · 2012-12-20 · 16A GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (Government Regulation Number 51 Year 2007 dated september 4,2007)

Letter d

Description of local geographical environmentcan cover, among others, description of, highest, low­

est, average temperature; rain fall, humidity, intensity

of sun ray, height and/or kind/condition of soil.

Letter e


Letter f

The description of tradition and history related

to the useof geographical conditioncovers, among oth­

ers, description of community tradition already lasting

for a longtime inconnection with theproduction of goodsresulting from the region.

Letter g up to letter iSufficientlyclear

Paragraph (4)

Recommendation is a certificate issued by the

institution overseeing goodssubmitted for application.

Artlde 7 up to article10Sufficientlyclear

Article 11

P~ragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

Abstract of the requirement book is brief infor­mation describing Important points of the goods which

will be protected ~ygeographical indications.

The wholecontent of the requirement book can be ob­

tained at the DirectorateGeneral.

Paragraphs (3) and (4)


Articles 12 and 13Sufficientlyclear

Busmess News 7630~7631/2-27-2008


Article 14

Paraqraph (l)

Nationalgeographical indicationmeans domes­

tic geographical indication.

Evaluating the requirement book means substantial ex­

amination of recommendation about the requirement

book submitted by applicant.

Paragraph (2)

Specialist havinq capability in geographic indi·

cationfield is anybodyhavingexpertisein fields,among

others, agriculture, geology, meteorology, marine, for­

estry, food, beverage and/or other fields relatedto ge0­

graphical indications.

Paragfaphs (3) and (4)


Paragraph (5)

Thetechnical evaluation team cannumbermorethan one technical team.

Paragraph (6)

SuffICiently clear

Article 15Sufflciently.clear

Artide 16Paragraph (1)

Agencies authorizedto supervise meangQvem­

merit and non-government institutions competent toevaluateand supervise the quality of a product.


- The Foodand Drug Supervisory Board (BPOM), com­

petent to evaluate, verify and/or supervise goods in

the form of food and medicines.

- Sucofindo, competent to analyze the qualityof a prod­uct.

Paragraph (2) up to paragraph (4)


Articles 17 and is .....

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Articles 17and 18Sufficiently dear

Article 19Paragr.aph ~1}

Supervision can be executed along the production and distribution chain of goods.

Paragraph (2)The specialists appointed and responsible for the supervision may not hove conflict of interest in connection

with geographical indications, which will be supervised.

Paragraph (3) up to paragraph (-6)Sufficiently dear

Article 20 up to article 24Sufficiently clear

Article 25Letter .a up to letter c

SUfficiently clear

LetterdUnrighteous use of 9~raphi(:a1 indication covers, among others misuse imitation and negative image

building of certain geographlC".31 Indinttion~. gjrn as the use of word u:.siVl@, rnodt=!l the same as, similar. made J)ythe same method, Sharing"of.the same characteristic, resembling, like, or transliteration or similar/compatible to thewords.

Letters e and fSuf'fidf"ntly

Artide 26SUfftciently clear

Artide "1.7

Paragra~~l already used is a symbol not registered.Paragraph .)


AJtide 28SuffIdentty dear


-==={ R)===-

Business News 76»-1.631/2:'27-2008 ,lS,Qfk:igncv« •.•.