geography 12 tectonics. learning outcome: b1-a-earths layers today you will learn to distinguish...

Geography 12 Tectonics

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Geography 12 


Learning Outcome: B1-A-Earths Layers

Today you will learn to distinguish between the Earth's layers within the lithosphere.

Formative Task 1-- Using a blank piece of paper do the following:

1. Draw out Figure 4.4  2. Colour as done in the diagram3. Label with all information4.  Define  the following terms.Centrosphere(core), Mesosphere, Asthenosphere, Lithosphere,  sial  and sima...5. For each term write a simile, and explanation

The core is like a avocado nut.

It is dense and at the centre.

4-Diagram correctly identifies layers, Terms all defined correctly, Similes are well thought out examples.3- Diagram correctly identified, Terms mostly defined correctly, Similes make sense.2- Diagram is identified mostly correct,, most terms are defined, Some of the similes make sense.1-Diagram is not identified correctly,few terms defined, Similes do not make sense.

Class Wrap:

Question 11- Pg356

Formative Practice

Make an Acronym to memorize the layers.

B1-B  Learning Outcome---Rock Types: Describe the formation of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, and relate the to the rock cycle.

Google Earth.

Where do Rocks come from on planet earth::

a. they just appearedb. they are formed through heat from a recipe.c. animals make themd. they are formed through the rock cycle.

Formative Task 1.   Each person will be assigned a rock type--1. Igneous2. Sedimentary3. Metamorphic

First you will do the following--

1. From the text- Geography 12- Describe the formation of this type of rock. Use Concept Definition Handout2.  Describe the sub-categories3. Give at least  3 or 4 examples of these types of rocks and possible human uses.. Eg. Granite is an igneous rock used for countertops..4. Describe how your rock fits into the rock cycle.. Pg.12-Transformations.

Formative Task 2:

- You will  share your information with others and they will copy down your key information into a chart.

Formative Task 3:

Summary..Individually write a short statement for each rock type characterizing it uniqueness differentiating it from the others..

RRubric-Formative Task 24-Chart contains all three rocks,describes in detail formation, identifies sub-categories, identifies 3 or 4 human uses, identifies clearly all connections in rock cycle.3- Chart contains all three rocks,describes formation, identifies sub-categories, identifies 3 human uses, identifies clearly all connections in rock

2Chart contains all three rocks,describe basic formation,, identifies sub-categories, identifies 2 human uses, identifies clearly some connections in rock cycle.

1Chart contains all three rocks, does not describe formation, identifies few sub-categories, identifies no human uses, identifies very few connections in the rock cycle.

Learning Outcome B1-C  today you will identify plate boundaries and learn how to describe plate action at these locations..

Formative Task 1

Write down the following:

Convergent(sub)DivergentPlates slide Past Each Other

Define each/ Draw a labelled diagram of each

Using your text-Pg. 5-9

Formative Task 2

Using play dough create each plate boundary.

Using Google Earth- Find each boundary

label--Aleutians,Andes,Cascades,,Iceland,Mid Atlantic Ridge,San Andreas

as Convergent,Divergent, Transform

Rubric-Definitions4-Definitions comprehensive, complete with fully labelled diagrams3.Definitions mostly complete with labelled diagrams2.Definitions complete with partially labelled diagrams1.Definitions incomplete with, few labelled diagrams

Its not my fault!!!

Learning Outcomes B1-D Tectonic Features- Today you will learn about the proesses of deformation at the earth's surface..

Task 1- Rock under stress will respond in three ways..Write Out in Notebook.

1. Brittle Fracture----breaks2. Elastic Deformation- under slow tension bends, but will return to normal if tension is removed.3. Ductile Deformation- rock subjected to slow steady pressure will become permanently deformed.

Fractures usually occur near the earth's surface folding deeper where greater heat is present..

Task 1- Terms: Write Out in Notes--Folding and FaultingCompression-pushing togetherTension-pulling apartNormal FaultsReverse FaultsStrike Slip FaultGrabenHorstAnticline FoldSyncline Fold

In your notes draw out each and define. page 99/108. Planet Earth. Identify as tension or compression using  arrows..

Use playdough to form each of the above..

B1-E-You will learn to identify and describe 5 VolcanicTypes


See if you can guess which each one is?

Read silently pages 21-23- Geography 12 -Work Book

After reading I will show four slides again and you should again predict which term correctly identifies each volcano.

Formative Task 1- on your white board draw all 5 Volanic Types...

Identify- Three characteristic visual features.

Identify-characteristic lava, ash etc.

Formative- Volcano Identification Quiz

Name TypeTypical Location on Plate BoundaryType of Extrusion. eg. Basaltic Lava

Rubric for Outcome4- All four correct with type, location and content

3-At least three correct with type,location and content

2- At least two correct with type location and content

1- One correct for type,location,content

B1- F Describe/Explain Intrusive and Extrusive Volcanic Features..

What does the word extrude mean?

What is an intruder?

Write down into notes...

What is this? Is it intrusive or extrusive?

Class will be divided into two groups.

Half the class will be studying the intrusive features(pg24), and the other half will be studying the extrusive features..

Formative Task- Break Into groups of Three..

Using your computer or ipad.

Find images of each of the features, using a search engine.. Then.....

For each feature- describe the formation process in a step by step diagram. You will use texts, and computer aids..

You will teach another group of three about your features....

First you will read through their features, then they will teach their features tthrough showing an image or two of each and then the step by step formation process...

You will copy into your notes...

Formative Practice Quiz:

Identify- Extrusive and Intrusive Feature...

Describe Formation....

4- Identifies all 5 extrusive/instrusive features3-- Identifies 3/4 extrusive/intrusive features2 - Identifies 2/3 extrusive/intrusive features1-- Identifies 1 extrusive/intrusive feature


4-Can provide detailed description of how all features are formed.3- Can provide somewhat detailed descripton of at least how 7 are formed2- Can provide description of how half are formed1- Provides description of less than half..

Learning Outcome B2 I-A Identify hazards and assess effects of volcanism-

Video--Deadly Volcanoes...

Formative Task 1:

Read 21-27

Make a list of potential hazards to humans from volcanoes.

Formative Task 2-

Using a PMI chart create a list of benefits, hazards and interesting points regarding volcanoes.

Summative Task for Volcanic Outcomes:

Using Google Create a places tour to all three types of of volcanoes.. You must include information on all learning outcome topics:B1A.Distinguishing Layers of the EarthB1B Identify and formation ofRock TypesB1C. Plate Boundaries Actions

4.B1D Plate Deformation (faults)5. B1E Identify Volcano Types6. B1F-Identify/Explain Intrusive/Extrusive Features..7.B2-A-Identify effects(+/-) and Assess Hazards.

Rubric for Summative Google Earth Tour

Each outcome will rated on a scale of 1-4

4- Completes outcome at an outstanding level, has visuals identified and follows all outcome command terms using google earth.3. Completes outcome to a good level. Has most visuals identified and follows all command terms using google earth.

2.Completes outcome to an acceptable level. Has adequatet visuals identified and follows some command terms using google earth.

1.Completes outcomes to an inadequate level. Has very few visuals identified and follows a few command terms using google earth.

B1-G- Describe features and processes associated with plate tectonics--Earthquakes.

B2-Describe the hazards of earthquakes..

Where do earthquakes occur?

Write down 3 locations where you think earthquakes are likely?


In Class Handout...Formative Task B2

1.. What causes earthquakes?2.  Where do most quakes originate?3.  Draw out Figure 8.14. Terms to Define:epicentre,focus, richter scale, seismograph, tremor, aftershock,p-wave, s-wave.5. Describe 5 common hazards and their effects..6. Analyzing Earthquake--- Use GLM.5 W's. to analyse the Indian Ocean Earthquake/ Tsunami...or one of your choice...

Criteria-For Summative: Presentation-


Choose a famous earthquake:

Complete the 5 W's to create Geography questions..

Eg.. What type of tectonic process caused this earthquake....

Give geography answers...  Well this earthquake was caused by a transform fault.. The fault was locked and .........

Divide your p.p or poster into sections...

Make sure that you include both human geography-hazards-- (Impact on people and their responses then and now) and physical geography the mechanics of plate tectonics, faulting etc...

Include pictures, illustrations, maps, charts, video clips, anything you can to illustrate and teach about your tectonic event...

Rubric for Marking

B1-G4-describe the features and processes associated with plate tectonics, including a highly technical description of the plate movement, and associated terms.3-describes most ofthe features and processes associated with plate tectonics, including usage of most of the relevant terms.

2.describes the some of the features and processes associated with plate tectonics, including use of the relevant terms.

1- describes very few of the features and processes associated with plate tectonics, including a limited number of terms.

B2-Earthquake Hazards

4-explains the effects of earthquakes in great detail over time on both humans and the earth and demonstrates excellent critical thinking skills.

3.explains the effects and hazards of volcanism and earthquakes in good detail over time on both humans and the earth.Uses some critical thinking.

2-explain the basic effects and hazards of earthquakes to humans and the environment.

1. does not adequately explain the effects of earthquakes with little or no