geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators kui...

Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui Ji Joint with Chunlan Jiang Hebei Normal University Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 1 / 36

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Page 1: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators

Kui JiJoint with Chunlan Jiang

Hebei Normal University

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 1 / 36

Page 2: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


1 Cowen-Douglas Operators

2 New class of operators

3 Results

4 Reference

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 2 / 36

Page 3: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


1 Cowen-Douglas Operators

2 New class of operators

3 Results

4 Reference

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 2 / 36

Page 4: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


1 Cowen-Douglas Operators

2 New class of operators

3 Results

4 Reference

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 2 / 36

Page 5: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


1 Cowen-Douglas Operators

2 New class of operators

3 Results

4 Reference

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Page 6: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Cowen-Douglas Operators

Let H be a complex separable Hilbert space and let L(H) be the algebra ofbounded linear operators on H.For an open connected subset Ω of the complex plane C, and n ∈ N, Cowenand Douglas introduced the class of operators Bn(Ω) in their Acta paper [1].

Definition (Bn(Ω))

An operator T ∈ Bn(Ω) if for each w ∈ Ω, is an eigenvalue of the operatorT of constant multiplicity n, these eigenvectors span the Hilbert space Hand the operator T − w , w ∈ Ω, is surjective.

It was showed that the map w → ker(T − w) is holomorphic andπ : ET → Ω, where

ET (w) = ker(T − w) : w ∈ Ω, π( ker(T − w) ) = w

defines a Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle on Ω.

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Page 7: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Cowen-Douglas Operators

First of all, we need introduce some complex geometry notations:Let ξ(Ω) be the algebra consist of the C∞ functions and ξp(Ω) denote thep-differential form of C∞ functions. Thus we have

ξ0(Ω) = ξ(Ω), ξ1(Ω) = fdz + gdz : f , g ∈ ξ(Ω),

ξ2(Ω) = fdzdz , f ∈ ξ(Ω)

For any vector bundle E which has C∞ differential structure, let ξp(Ω,E )denotes p-differential forms with the coefficients in E . Then each elementin ξ0(Ω,E ) is one of sections of E .

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Page 8: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Cowen-Douglas Operators

Definition (Connection and Curvature)

The connection D can be regarded as a differential operator which mapsξ0(Ω,E ) to ξ1(Ω,E ). Let σ ∈ E (w), and h = ((〈σj , σi 〉))n×n. Then thecanonical connection D which keeping the metric and satisfying thefollowing equality:



fiσi ) =n∑


dfi ⊗ σi +n∑



fiθj ,iσj

where θ = h−1∂h. And

D2 = dθ + θ ∧ θ = ∂(h−1∂h)

then −∂(h−1∂h) is called as the curvature of E denoted by KE

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Page 9: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Cowen-Douglas Operators

Definition (Second fundamental form)

Let T ∈ B2(Ω), and σ1(w), σ2(w) ∈ Ker(T − w). Applying the Schmidtorthogonal progress to σ1, σ2, then we have e1, e2. Suppose

De1 = D1,0e1 + D0,1e2 = θ11e1 + θ21e2

and De2 = θ12e1 + θ22e2, then θ12 = 〈De2, e1〉 is called as the secondfundamental form of ET

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Cowen-Douglas’ Unitary Classification Theorem

For any T ∈ Bn(Ω), when n = 1, the curvature is the completely unitaryinvariant. When n > 1, then the curvature and it’s covariant partialderivatives are the completely unitary invariants

Question 1(Similarity of Cowen-Douglas Operators)

For the similarity of Cowen-Douglas operators A,B ∈ B1(D), whetherA ∼s B if and only if



KB(w)= 1.

Or can we use some geometric invariants involving curvature to describe thesimilarity of Cowen-Douglas operators?

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Cowen-Douglas’ Unitary Classification Theorem

For any T ∈ Bn(Ω), when n = 1, the curvature is the completely unitaryinvariant. When n > 1, then the curvature and it’s covariant partialderivatives are the completely unitary invariants

Question 1(Similarity of Cowen-Douglas Operators)

For the similarity of Cowen-Douglas operators A,B ∈ B1(D), whetherA ∼s B if and only if



KB(w)= 1.

Or can we use some geometric invariants involving curvature to describe thesimilarity of Cowen-Douglas operators?

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Page 12: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

D.N. Clark and G. Misra’s result

D. N. Clark and G. Misra gave a counter example of this conjecture. Let S0

be the backward unilateral shift operator and T be a weighted (backward)

shift operator with sequence αn =(







= 1 + [1− ln(1− |w |2)]−1

−|w |2[1− ln(1− |w |2)]−2

Then KTKS0→ 1, when |w | goes to 1. However, T and S0 are not similar.

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Page 13: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

D.N. Clark and G. Misra’s result

Theorem [D.N.Clark and G.Mirsa]Michigan Math. J. 1983

Let S denote a backward weighted shift operator with weight sequenceαn = [ (n+1)

(n+2) ]α/2 and T is a backward weighted shift operator with ||T || ≤ 1.Set αw to be the ratio of the normalized sections of ES and ET . Then

(i) T is similar to S if and only if αw is bounded and bounded from 0.

(ii) T is similar to S with T = XSX−1, X = U + K where U is unitaryand K is compact if and only if αw tends to a non-zero limit when|w | → 1.

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Page 14: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

D.N. Clark and G. Misra’s result

Theorem [D.N.Clark and G.Mirsa]Michigan Math. J. 1983

Let S denote a backward weighted shift operator with weight sequenceαn = [ (n+1)

(n+2) ]α/2 and T is a backward weighted shift operator with ||T || ≤ 1.Set αw to be the ratio of the normalized sections of ES and ET . Then

(i) T is similar to S if and only if αw is bounded and bounded from 0.

(ii) T is similar to S with T = XSX−1, X = U + K where U is unitaryand K is compact if and only if αw tends to a non-zero limit when|w | → 1.

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Page 15: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

D.N. Clark and G. Misra’s result

Theorem [D.N.Clark and G.Mirsa]Michigan Math. J. 1983

Let S denote a backward weighted shift operator with weight sequenceαn = [ (n+1)

(n+2) ]α/2 and T is a backward weighted shift operator with ||T || ≤ 1.Set αw to be the ratio of the normalized sections of ES and ET . Then

(i) T is similar to S if and only if αw is bounded and bounded from 0.

(ii) T is similar to S with T = XSX−1, X = U + K where U is unitaryand K is compact if and only if αw tends to a non-zero limit when|w | → 1.

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Page 16: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Kehe Zhu’s result

In [3], K. Zhu introduced the spanning holomorphic cross-section forCowen-Douglas operators. Let T ∈ Bn(Ω). A holomorphic section of vectorbundle ET is a holomorphic function γ : Ω→ H such that for each w ∈ Ω,the vector γ(w) belongs to the fibre of ET over w . We say γ is a spanningholomorphic section for ET if Span γ(w) : w ∈ Ω = H.

Theorem [K. Zhu] Illinois J. Math. 2000

For any Cowen-Douglas operator T ∈ Bn(Ω), ET has a spanningholomorphic cross-section. Suppose T and T belongs to Bn(Ω), then Tand T are unitarily equivalent ( or similarity equivalent) if and only if thereexist spanning holomorphic cross-sections γT and γ

Tfor ET and ES ,

respectively, such that γT ∼u γT (or γT ∼s γT ).

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Page 17: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

R.G.Douglas, S.Treil and H. Kwon’s result

Theorem [R.G. Douglas, H. Kwon and S.Treil] J. Lond. Math. Soc.2013

For T ∈ Bm(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D→ L(H) denotethe function whose values are orthogonal projections onto ker(T − w).

Then T is similar tom⊕

S∗n if and only if there exists a boundedsubharmonic function ψ defined on D such that

||∂P(w)||22 −mn

(1− |w |2)2= ∆ψ(w),

Remark[Y. Hou, K. Ji and H. Kwon] Studia Math. 2017

The Hilbert-Schmidt norm ||∂P(w)||22 is pointed out to be −traceKT .

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Page 18: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

R.G.Douglas, S.Treil and H. Kwon’s result

Theorem [R.G. Douglas, H. Kwon and S.Treil] J. Lond. Math. Soc.2013

For T ∈ Bm(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D→ L(H) denotethe function whose values are orthogonal projections onto ker(T − w).

Then T is similar tom⊕

S∗n if and only if there exists a boundedsubharmonic function ψ defined on D such that

||∂P(w)||22 −mn

(1− |w |2)2= ∆ψ(w),

Remark[Y. Hou, K. Ji and H. Kwon] Studia Math. 2017

The Hilbert-Schmidt norm ||∂P(w)||22 is pointed out to be −traceKT .

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Page 19: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Homogeneous operators

In 1984, G. Misra defined a class of homogeneous Cowen-Douglas operatorsas the following: an operator T is said to be homogeneous if φ(T ) isunitarily equivalent to T for each Mobius transformation φ, and he provedthe following theorem:

Theorem[G. Misra]Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.1984

Let T ∈ B1(D) is a homogenous operator, then T is unitarily equivalent tothe adjoint of multiplication operator Mz on the analytic functional spaceHK, where K(z ,w) = 1

(1−zw)λ, for some λ > −1.

An operator T is said to be weakly homogeneous if φ(T ) is similarityequivalent to T for each Mobius transformation φ. A natural question iswhat is the set of all of the weakly homogenous operator at least forCowen-Douglas class?

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Page 20: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New class of Cowen-Douglas operators

Inspire of the structure of homogenous Cowen-Douglas operators, weintroduced the following new class of operators:


We let FBn(Ω) be the set of all bounded linear operators T defined onsome complex separable Hilbert space H = H0 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Hn−1, which are ofthe form

T =

T0 S0,1 S0,2 · · · S0,n−1

0 T1 S1,2 · · · S1,n−1...

. . .. . .

. . ....

0 · · · 0 Tn−2 Sn−2,n−1

0 · · · · · · 0 Tn−1


where the operator Ti ∈ B(Hi ) is assumed to be in B1(Ω) andTiSi ,i+1 = Si ,i+1Ti+1, 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 2.

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Page 21: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Second fundamental form in the case of FB2(Ω)

The 2× 2 block(

Ti Sii+1

0 Ti+1

)in the decomposition of the operator T in

FB2(D) because of the intertwining property . Hence the correspondingsecond fundamental form θi ,i+1(T ) is given by the formula

θi ,i+1(T )(z) =KTi

(z) dz(‖Si,i+1(ti+1(z))‖2

‖ti+1(z)‖2 −KTi(z))1/2

. (2.1)


For any T , T ∈ FBn(Ω), when KTi= K

Ti, then

θi ,i+1(T )(z) = θi ,i+1(T )(z)⇔‖Si ,i+1(ti+1(z))‖‖ti+1(z)‖

=‖Si ,i+1(ti+1(z))‖‖ti+1(z)‖

So we also use‖Si,i+1(ti+1(z))‖‖ti+1(z)‖ as the second fundamental form θi ,i+1(T ).

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Page 22: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Unitarily equivalence of operators in FBn(Ω)

For the unitarily classification problem of Cowen-Douglas operators, we havethe following result:

Theorem 1[Jiang,Ji,Dinesh and Misra]JFA, 2017

Let T , T ∈ FBn(Ω).

T ∼u T ⇔


= KTi

θi ,i+1(T ) = θi ,i+1(T )〈Si,j (tj ),ti 〉‖ti‖2 =

〈Si,j (tj ),ti 〉‖ti‖2

Note that numbers of unitarily invariants of common case are n2. Buttogether with the curvature and the second fundamental form, we find a setof n(n − 1)/2 + 1 invariants, which are less and easy to compute.

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Page 23: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Similarity of operators in FBn(Ω)


Let T ∈ FBn(Ω). The operator T is called as quasi-homogeneous operator ,i.e. T ∈ QBn(Ω), if Ti is homogenous operator and

Si ,j(tj) ∈∨t(k)

i , k ≤ j − i − 1.

For the similarity classification of Cowen-Douglas operators, we have thefollowing result:

Theorem 2[Jiang, Ji and Misra] JFA,2017

Let T , S ∈ QBn(Ω), then we haveKTi,i

= KTi,i

θi ,i+1(T ) = θi ,i+1(T )=⇒ T ∼s T if and only if T = T

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Page 24: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Similarity of operators in FBn(Ω)


Let T ∈ FBn(Ω). The operator T is called as quasi-homogeneous operator ,i.e. T ∈ QBn(Ω), if Ti is homogenous operator and

Si ,j(tj) ∈∨t(k)

i , k ≤ j − i − 1.

For the similarity classification of Cowen-Douglas operators, we have thefollowing result:

Theorem 2[Jiang, Ji and Misra] JFA,2017

Let T , S ∈ QBn(Ω), then we haveKTi,i

= KTi,i

θi ,i+1(T ) = θi ,i+1(T )=⇒ T ∼s T if and only if T = T

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Page 25: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

We would like to introduce the following a class of geometric operatorsdenoted by CFBn(Ω).

Definition (CFBn(Ω))

A geometric operator T with index n is said to be in CFBn(Ω), if Tsatisfies the following properties:

(1) T can be written as an n × n upper-triangular matrix form ((Ti ,j))n×nunder a topological direct decomposition of H;

(2) diagT := T1,1 u T2,2 u · · ·u Tn,n ∈ T′, where T′ denotes thecommutant of T ;

(3) each entry Ti ,j = φi ,jTi ,i+1Ti+1,i+2 · · ·Tj−1,j , where φi ,j ∈ Ti ,i′;(4) T is a strongly irreducible operator, i.e. there are no nontrivial

idempotents in T′.

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 17 / 36

Page 26: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

We would like to introduce the following a class of geometric operatorsdenoted by CFBn(Ω).

Definition (CFBn(Ω))

A geometric operator T with index n is said to be in CFBn(Ω), if Tsatisfies the following properties:

(1) T can be written as an n × n upper-triangular matrix form ((Ti ,j))n×nunder a topological direct decomposition of H;

(2) diagT := T1,1 u T2,2 u · · ·u Tn,n ∈ T′, where T′ denotes thecommutant of T ;

(3) each entry Ti ,j = φi ,jTi ,i+1Ti+1,i+2 · · ·Tj−1,j , where φi ,j ∈ Ti ,i′;(4) T is a strongly irreducible operator, i.e. there are no nontrivial

idempotents in T′.

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 17 / 36

Page 27: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

We would like to introduce the following a class of geometric operatorsdenoted by CFBn(Ω).

Definition (CFBn(Ω))

A geometric operator T with index n is said to be in CFBn(Ω), if Tsatisfies the following properties:

(1) T can be written as an n × n upper-triangular matrix form ((Ti ,j))n×nunder a topological direct decomposition of H;

(2) diagT := T1,1 u T2,2 u · · ·u Tn,n ∈ T′, where T′ denotes thecommutant of T ;

(3) each entry Ti ,j = φi ,jTi ,i+1Ti+1,i+2 · · ·Tj−1,j , where φi ,j ∈ Ti ,i′;(4) T is a strongly irreducible operator, i.e. there are no nontrivial

idempotents in T′.

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 17 / 36

Page 28: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

We would like to introduce the following a class of geometric operatorsdenoted by CFBn(Ω).

Definition (CFBn(Ω))

A geometric operator T with index n is said to be in CFBn(Ω), if Tsatisfies the following properties:

(1) T can be written as an n × n upper-triangular matrix form ((Ti ,j))n×nunder a topological direct decomposition of H;

(2) diagT := T1,1 u T2,2 u · · ·u Tn,n ∈ T′, where T′ denotes thecommutant of T ;

(3) each entry Ti ,j = φi ,jTi ,i+1Ti+1,i+2 · · ·Tj−1,j , where φi ,j ∈ Ti ,i′;

(4) T is a strongly irreducible operator, i.e. there are no nontrivialidempotents in T′.

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Page 29: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

We would like to introduce the following a class of geometric operatorsdenoted by CFBn(Ω).

Definition (CFBn(Ω))

A geometric operator T with index n is said to be in CFBn(Ω), if Tsatisfies the following properties:

(1) T can be written as an n × n upper-triangular matrix form ((Ti ,j))n×nunder a topological direct decomposition of H;

(2) diagT := T1,1 u T2,2 u · · ·u Tn,n ∈ T′, where T′ denotes thecommutant of T ;

(3) each entry Ti ,j = φi ,jTi ,i+1Ti+1,i+2 · · ·Tj−1,j , where φi ,j ∈ Ti ,i′;(4) T is a strongly irreducible operator, i.e. there are no nontrivial

idempotents in T′.

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Page 30: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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Definition (Similarity invariant set)

Let F = Aα ∈ B(H), α ∈ Λ. We call F is a similarity invariant set, if forany invertible operator X ∈ B(H),

XFX−1 = XAαX−1 : Aα ∈ F = F .


CFBn(Ω) is a similarity invariant set


The set of homogenous operators in Cowen-Douglas class is not a similarityinvariant set.

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 18 / 36

Page 31: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

Definition (Similarity invariant set)

Let F = Aα ∈ B(H), α ∈ Λ. We call F is a similarity invariant set, if forany invertible operator X ∈ B(H),

XFX−1 = XAαX−1 : Aα ∈ F = F .


CFBn(Ω) is a similarity invariant set


The set of homogenous operators in Cowen-Douglas class is not a similarityinvariant set.

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Page 32: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

Definition (Similarity invariant set)

Let F = Aα ∈ B(H), α ∈ Λ. We call F is a similarity invariant set, if forany invertible operator X ∈ B(H),

XFX−1 = XAαX−1 : Aα ∈ F = F .


CFBn(Ω) is a similarity invariant set


The set of homogenous operators in Cowen-Douglas class is not a similarityinvariant set.

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 18 / 36

Page 33: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

Definition (Similarity invariant set)

Let F = Aα ∈ B(H), α ∈ Λ. We call F is a similarity invariant set, if forany invertible operator X ∈ B(H),

XFX−1 = XAαX−1 : Aα ∈ F = F .


CFBn(Ω) is a similarity invariant set


The set of homogenous operators in Cowen-Douglas class is not a similarityinvariant set.

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Page 34: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

Similarity orbit Theorem(Special case, Apostol, Fialkow, Herrero, andVoiculescu)

Let T and S ∈ Bn(Ω), and spectral pictures of T and S be the same. Thenthere exist two sequences of invertible operators Xn∞n=1 and Yn∞n=1

such thatlimn→∞

XnAX−1n = B, lim


−1n = A.

Notice that CFBn(Ω) is a similarity invariant set, by using the similarityorbit theorem, we can prove that


CFBn(Ω) is norm dense in Bn(Ω).

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 19 / 36

Page 35: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

New progresses

Similarity orbit Theorem(Special case, Apostol, Fialkow, Herrero, andVoiculescu)

Let T and S ∈ Bn(Ω), and spectral pictures of T and S be the same. Thenthere exist two sequences of invertible operators Xn∞n=1 and Yn∞n=1

such thatlimn→∞

XnAX−1n = B, lim


−1n = A.

Notice that CFBn(Ω) is a similarity invariant set, by using the similarityorbit theorem, we can prove that


CFBn(Ω) is norm dense in Bn(Ω).

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Page 36: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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Let T1,T2 ∈ L(H). Define a Rosenblum operator σT1,T2 : L(H)→ L(H)as

σT1,T2(X ) = T1X − XT2, ∀X ∈ L(H),

and a Rosenblum operator σT1 : L(H)→ L(H) as

σT1(X ) = T1X − XT1, ∀X ∈ L(H).

Definition (Property H)

Let T ∈ CFBn(Ω). We call T satisfies the Property (H) if and only if thefollowing statements hold: If Y ∈ B(Hj ,Hi ) satisfies

(i) Ti ,iY = YTi+1,i+1,

(ii) Y = Ti ,iZ − ZTi+1,i+1, for some Z , i < j = 1, · · · , n.

Then Y = 0. That is equivalent to kerσTi,i ,Ti+1,i+1∩ ranσTi,i ,Ti+1,i+1

= 0.

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Page 37: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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Let T1,T2 ∈ L(H). Define a Rosenblum operator σT1,T2 : L(H)→ L(H)as

σT1,T2(X ) = T1X − XT2, ∀X ∈ L(H),

and a Rosenblum operator σT1 : L(H)→ L(H) as

σT1(X ) = T1X − XT1, ∀X ∈ L(H).

Definition (Property H)

Let T ∈ CFBn(Ω). We call T satisfies the Property (H) if and only if thefollowing statements hold: If Y ∈ B(Hj ,Hi ) satisfies

(i) Ti ,iY = YTi+1,i+1,

(ii) Y = Ti ,iZ − ZTi+1,i+1, for some Z , i < j = 1, · · · , n.

Then Y = 0. That is equivalent to kerσTi,i ,Ti+1,i+1∩ ranσTi,i ,Ti+1,i+1

= 0.

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Page 38: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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Let T1,T2 ∈ L(H). Define a Rosenblum operator σT1,T2 : L(H)→ L(H)as

σT1,T2(X ) = T1X − XT2, ∀X ∈ L(H),

and a Rosenblum operator σT1 : L(H)→ L(H) as

σT1(X ) = T1X − XT1, ∀X ∈ L(H).

Definition (Property H)

Let T ∈ CFBn(Ω). We call T satisfies the Property (H) if and only if thefollowing statements hold: If Y ∈ B(Hj ,Hi ) satisfies

(i) Ti ,iY = YTi+1,i+1,

(ii) Y = Ti ,iZ − ZTi+1,i+1, for some Z , i < j = 1, · · · , n.

Then Y = 0. That is equivalent to kerσTi,i ,Ti+1,i+1∩ ranσTi,i ,Ti+1,i+1

= 0.

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Page 39: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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Let T1,T2 ∈ L(H). Define a Rosenblum operator σT1,T2 : L(H)→ L(H)as

σT1,T2(X ) = T1X − XT2, ∀X ∈ L(H),

and a Rosenblum operator σT1 : L(H)→ L(H) as

σT1(X ) = T1X − XT1, ∀X ∈ L(H).

Definition (Property H)

Let T ∈ CFBn(Ω). We call T satisfies the Property (H) if and only if thefollowing statements hold: If Y ∈ B(Hj ,Hi ) satisfies

(i) Ti ,iY = YTi+1,i+1,

(ii) Y = Ti ,iZ − ZTi+1,i+1, for some Z , i < j = 1, · · · , n.Then Y = 0. That is equivalent to kerσTi,i ,Ti+1,i+1

∩ ranσTi,i ,Ti+1,i+1= 0.

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Let T1,T2 ∈ L(H) and S2 be the right inverse of T2. If limn→∞

‖T n1 ‖·‖Sn

2 ‖n = 0,

then the Property (H) holds i.e. If there exists X ∈ L(H) such thatT1X = XT2 and X = T1Y − YT2 for some Y , then X=0.


Let A,B ∈ B1(D) be backward shift operators with weighted sequences

ai∞i=1 and bi∞i=1. If limn→∞






=∞, then the Property (H) holds.

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Page 41: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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Let T1,T2 ∈ L(H) and S2 be the right inverse of T2. If limn→∞

‖T n1 ‖·‖Sn

2 ‖n = 0,

then the Property (H) holds i.e. If there exists X ∈ L(H) such thatT1X = XT2 and X = T1Y − YT2 for some Y , then X=0.


Let A,B ∈ B1(D) be backward shift operators with weighted sequences

ai∞i=1 and bi∞i=1. If limn→∞






=∞, then the Property (H) holds.

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We call T ∼U+K S , if there exists a unitary operator U and a compactoperator K such that U + K is invertible and (U + K )T = S(U + K ).


Let T , S ∈ B1(D), where S ∼u (M∗z ,HKS,KS), then we have

T ∼U+K S ⇔ KS − KT = ∆lnφ,

where φ is a bounded function with

φ(w) = 1 +


2Refi (w)gi (w) +m∑i=1|gi (w)|2

KS(w ,w),

where m is the rank of K and fimi=1, gimi=1 ∈ HKSare orthogonal sets,

||fi || = 1, ||gi || → 0. When KS ≥ KT , then lnφ is subharmonic.

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Page 43: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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We call T ∼U+K S , if there exists a unitary operator U and a compactoperator K such that U + K is invertible and (U + K )T = S(U + K ).


Let T , S ∈ B1(D), where S ∼u (M∗z ,HKS,KS), then we have

T ∼U+K S ⇔ KS − KT = ∆lnφ,

where φ is a bounded function with

φ(w) = 1 +


2Refi (w)gi (w) +m∑i=1|gi (w)|2

KS(w ,w),

where m is the rank of K and fimi=1, gimi=1 ∈ HKSare orthogonal sets,

||fi || = 1, ||gi || → 0. When KS ≥ KT , then lnφ is subharmonic.Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 22 / 36

Page 44: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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Let A,B ∈ B1(D) be backward weighted shift operators with weightedsequences ak∞k=1 and bk∞k=1 respectively. Then the followingstatements are equivalent:

(i) A ∼s B implies A ∼U+K B,

(ii) limn→∞





exists and is not equal to zero.

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Page 45: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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Let A,B ∈ B1(D) be backward weighted shift operators with weightedsequences ak∞k=1 and bk∞k=1 respectively. Then the followingstatements are equivalent:

(i) A ∼s B implies A ∼U+K B,

(ii) limn→∞





exists and is not equal to zero.

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Page 46: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

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Let A,B ∈ B1(D) be backward weighted shift operators with weightedsequences ak∞k=1 and bk∞k=1 respectively. Then the followingstatements are equivalent:

(i) A ∼s B implies A ∼U+K B,

(ii) limn→∞





exists and is not equal to zero.

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Page 47: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Similarity involving U + K

Main Theorem 1 [Jiang and Ji]

Let T , T ∈ CFBn(Ω). Suppose the following statements hold

(1) T and T satisfy the Property (H);

(2) Ti ,i ∼s Ti ,i implies Ti ,i ∼U+K Ti ,i

then we have

T ∼s T ⇔

KTi− K

Ti= ∆lnφi


θi ,i+1(T ) = θi ,i+1(T )

where φi are the bounded subharmonic functions in the Lemma above.

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Page 48: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Similarity involving U + K

Main Theorem 1 [Jiang and Ji]

Let T , T ∈ CFBn(Ω). Suppose the following statements hold

(1) T and T satisfy the Property (H);

(2) Ti ,i ∼s Ti ,i implies Ti ,i ∼U+K Ti ,i

then we have

T ∼s T ⇔

KTi− K

Ti= ∆lnφi


θi ,i+1(T ) = θi ,i+1(T )

where φi are the bounded subharmonic functions in the Lemma above.

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Page 49: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Similarity involving U + K

Main Theorem 1 [Jiang and Ji]

Let T , T ∈ CFBn(Ω). Suppose the following statements hold

(1) T and T satisfy the Property (H);

(2) Ti ,i ∼s Ti ,i implies Ti ,i ∼U+K Ti ,i

then we have

T ∼s T ⇔

KTi− K

Ti= ∆lnφi


θi ,i+1(T ) = θi ,i+1(T )

where φi are the bounded subharmonic functions in the Lemma above.

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Page 50: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Strongly Property (H)

Definition (Strongly Property (H))

Let T ∈ CFBn(Ω). We call T satisfies the strongly property (H) if andonly if the following statements hold: If Y ∈ B(Hj ,Hi ) satisfies

(i) Ti ,iY = YTj ,j ,

(ii) Y = Ti ,iZ − ZTj ,j , for some Z , i < j = 1, · · · , n.

Then Y = 0. That is equivalent to kerσTi,i ,Tj,j∩ ranσTi,i ,Tj,j

= 0.

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Page 51: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Strongly Property (H)

Definition (Strongly Property (H))

Let T ∈ CFBn(Ω). We call T satisfies the strongly property (H) if andonly if the following statements hold: If Y ∈ B(Hj ,Hi ) satisfies

(i) Ti ,iY = YTj ,j ,

(ii) Y = Ti ,iZ − ZTj ,j , for some Z , i < j = 1, · · · , n.

Then Y = 0. That is equivalent to kerσTi,i ,Tj,j∩ ranσTi,i ,Tj,j

= 0.

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Page 52: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Strongly Property (H)

Definition (Strongly Property (H))

Let T ∈ CFBn(Ω). We call T satisfies the strongly property (H) if andonly if the following statements hold: If Y ∈ B(Hj ,Hi ) satisfies

(i) Ti ,iY = YTj ,j ,

(ii) Y = Ti ,iZ − ZTj ,j , for some Z , i < j = 1, · · · , n.Then Y = 0. That is equivalent to kerσTi,i ,Tj,j

∩ ranσTi,i ,Tj,j= 0.

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Page 53: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the

Main Theorem 2

Main Theorem 2 [Jiang and Ji]

Let T = ((Ti ,j))n×n and T = ((Ti ,j))n×n be any two operators inCFBn(Ω), where Ti ,j = Ti ,j = 0, i > j . Suppose that T satisfies thestrongly property (H). Then we have

T ∼s T ⇔

XiTi ,i = Ti ,iXi ,

XiTi ,j = Ti ,jXj , i = 1, 2, · · · , n

where Xi ∈ L(Hi , Hi ), i = 1, 2, · · · , n are invertible operators.

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Page 54: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


In the following theorem, Soumitra Ghara give a way to decide when anoperator T ∈ FB2(D) to be a weakly homogeneous operator.

Theorem (S. Ghara, Thesis,IISC, 2018)

Let 1 ≤ λ ≤ µ ≤ λ+ 2 and ψ be a non-zero function in C (D) ∩ Hol(D).

The operator T =(

M∗z M∗


0 M∗z

)on H(λ) ⊕H(µ) is weakly homogeneous if and

only if ψ is non-vanishing on D.

Although the description of the weakly homogeneous operators in FB2(D)is more or less clear. However, the computation will become very difficultwith the growth of the rank n.

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Thus, in general case, we need the intertwining operator between T andφα(T ), α ∈ D could be diagonal. That means we need to consider theoperators in CFBn(D) which satisfy the strongly Property (H). In the endof this talk, we will show that there also exists a lot examples of non-weaklyhomogeneous operators in CFBn(D)

Theorem 3[Jiang and Ji]

Let T =( T1,1 T1,2 T1,3

0 T2,2 T2,3

0 0 T3,3

)∈ CFB3(D). If T satisfies the strongly Property

(H), then T is not weakly homogeneous.

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Thank you!!

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Normal University

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Page 57: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


M. J. Cowen and R. G. Douglas, Complex geometry and operatortheory, Acta Math. 141 (1978), 187–261.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On curvature and similarity, Michigan Math.J. 30(1983), no. 3, 361-367.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On weighted shifts, curvature and similarity,J. London Math. Soc.,(2) 31(1985), 357 - 368.

R. Curto and N. Salinas, Generalized Bergman kernels and theCowen-Douglas theory. Amer. J. Math. 106 (1984), no. 2, 447–488.

R. G. Douglas, Operator theory and complex geometry, Extracta Math.24 (2009), no. 2, 135-165.

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Page 58: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


M. J. Cowen and R. G. Douglas, Complex geometry and operatortheory, Acta Math. 141 (1978), 187–261.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On curvature and similarity, Michigan Math.J. 30(1983), no. 3, 361-367.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On weighted shifts, curvature and similarity,J. London Math. Soc.,(2) 31(1985), 357 - 368.

R. Curto and N. Salinas, Generalized Bergman kernels and theCowen-Douglas theory. Amer. J. Math. 106 (1984), no. 2, 447–488.

R. G. Douglas, Operator theory and complex geometry, Extracta Math.24 (2009), no. 2, 135-165.

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Page 59: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


M. J. Cowen and R. G. Douglas, Complex geometry and operatortheory, Acta Math. 141 (1978), 187–261.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On curvature and similarity, Michigan Math.J. 30(1983), no. 3, 361-367.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On weighted shifts, curvature and similarity,J. London Math. Soc.,(2) 31(1985), 357 - 368.

R. Curto and N. Salinas, Generalized Bergman kernels and theCowen-Douglas theory. Amer. J. Math. 106 (1984), no. 2, 447–488.

R. G. Douglas, Operator theory and complex geometry, Extracta Math.24 (2009), no. 2, 135-165.

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Page 60: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


M. J. Cowen and R. G. Douglas, Complex geometry and operatortheory, Acta Math. 141 (1978), 187–261.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On curvature and similarity, Michigan Math.J. 30(1983), no. 3, 361-367.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On weighted shifts, curvature and similarity,J. London Math. Soc.,(2) 31(1985), 357 - 368.

R. Curto and N. Salinas, Generalized Bergman kernels and theCowen-Douglas theory. Amer. J. Math. 106 (1984), no. 2, 447–488.

R. G. Douglas, Operator theory and complex geometry, Extracta Math.24 (2009), no. 2, 135-165.

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Page 61: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


M. J. Cowen and R. G. Douglas, Complex geometry and operatortheory, Acta Math. 141 (1978), 187–261.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On curvature and similarity, Michigan Math.J. 30(1983), no. 3, 361-367.

D. N. Clark and G. Misra, On weighted shifts, curvature and similarity,J. London Math. Soc.,(2) 31(1985), 357 - 368.

R. Curto and N. Salinas, Generalized Bergman kernels and theCowen-Douglas theory. Amer. J. Math. 106 (1984), no. 2, 447–488.

R. G. Douglas, Operator theory and complex geometry, Extracta Math.24 (2009), no. 2, 135-165.

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Page 62: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


R. G. Douglas, H. Kwon, and S. Treil, Similarity of Operators in theBergman Space Setting, J. Lond. Math. Soc., 88 (2013), no. 3,637-648.

R. G. Douglas, G. Misra and C. Varughese, On quotient modules thecase of arbitrary multiplicity, J. Funct. Anal. 174 (2000), no. 2,364-398.

R. G. Douglas and G. Misra, Equivalence of quotient Hilbert modules.II., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 4, 2229-2264.

P. R. Halmos, Ten problems in Hilbert space, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,76 (1970) 887-933.

P. R. Halmos, A Hilbert space problem book, (Second edition) GraduateTexts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin, 1982.

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 31 / 36

Page 63: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


R. G. Douglas, H. Kwon, and S. Treil, Similarity of Operators in theBergman Space Setting, J. Lond. Math. Soc., 88 (2013), no. 3,637-648.

R. G. Douglas, G. Misra and C. Varughese, On quotient modules thecase of arbitrary multiplicity, J. Funct. Anal. 174 (2000), no. 2,364-398.

R. G. Douglas and G. Misra, Equivalence of quotient Hilbert modules.II., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 4, 2229-2264.

P. R. Halmos, Ten problems in Hilbert space, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,76 (1970) 887-933.

P. R. Halmos, A Hilbert space problem book, (Second edition) GraduateTexts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin, 1982.

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 31 / 36

Page 64: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


R. G. Douglas, H. Kwon, and S. Treil, Similarity of Operators in theBergman Space Setting, J. Lond. Math. Soc., 88 (2013), no. 3,637-648.

R. G. Douglas, G. Misra and C. Varughese, On quotient modules thecase of arbitrary multiplicity, J. Funct. Anal. 174 (2000), no. 2,364-398.

R. G. Douglas and G. Misra, Equivalence of quotient Hilbert modules.II., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 4, 2229-2264.

P. R. Halmos, Ten problems in Hilbert space, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,76 (1970) 887-933.

P. R. Halmos, A Hilbert space problem book, (Second edition) GraduateTexts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin, 1982.

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 31 / 36

Page 65: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


R. G. Douglas, H. Kwon, and S. Treil, Similarity of Operators in theBergman Space Setting, J. Lond. Math. Soc., 88 (2013), no. 3,637-648.

R. G. Douglas, G. Misra and C. Varughese, On quotient modules thecase of arbitrary multiplicity, J. Funct. Anal. 174 (2000), no. 2,364-398.

R. G. Douglas and G. Misra, Equivalence of quotient Hilbert modules.II., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 4, 2229-2264.

P. R. Halmos, Ten problems in Hilbert space, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,76 (1970) 887-933.

P. R. Halmos, A Hilbert space problem book, (Second edition) GraduateTexts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin, 1982.

Kui Ji (Hebei Normal University) Geometric similarity invariants Oct 2018 31 / 36

Page 66: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


R. G. Douglas, H. Kwon, and S. Treil, Similarity of Operators in theBergman Space Setting, J. Lond. Math. Soc., 88 (2013), no. 3,637-648.

R. G. Douglas, G. Misra and C. Varughese, On quotient modules thecase of arbitrary multiplicity, J. Funct. Anal. 174 (2000), no. 2,364-398.

R. G. Douglas and G. Misra, Equivalence of quotient Hilbert modules.II., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 4, 2229-2264.

P. R. Halmos, Ten problems in Hilbert space, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,76 (1970) 887-933.

P. R. Halmos, A Hilbert space problem book, (Second edition) GraduateTexts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin, 1982.

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Page 67: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


G. H. Hardy and J. E. Littlewood, Tauberian Theorems ConcerningPower Series and Dirichlet’s Series whose Coefficients are Positive,Proc. London Math. Soc., 13 (1914), 174 – 191

C. Jiang, Similarity, reducibility and approximation of theCowen-Douglas operators. J. Operator Theory 32 (1994), no. 1, 77–89.

C. Jiang, Similarity classification of Cowen-Douglas operators. Canad. J.Math. 56 (4) (2004), 742–775.

K. Ji, C. Jiang, D. K. Keshari and G. Misra Flag structure for operatorsin the Cowen-Douglas class, Comptes rendus - Mathematique, 352(2014), 511–514.

K. Ji, C. Jiang, D. K. Keshari and G. Misra Rigidity of the flagstructure for a class of Cowen-Douglas operators, preprint.

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Page 68: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


G. H. Hardy and J. E. Littlewood, Tauberian Theorems ConcerningPower Series and Dirichlet’s Series whose Coefficients are Positive,Proc. London Math. Soc., 13 (1914), 174 – 191

C. Jiang, Similarity, reducibility and approximation of theCowen-Douglas operators. J. Operator Theory 32 (1994), no. 1, 77–89.

C. Jiang, Similarity classification of Cowen-Douglas operators. Canad. J.Math. 56 (4) (2004), 742–775.

K. Ji, C. Jiang, D. K. Keshari and G. Misra Flag structure for operatorsin the Cowen-Douglas class, Comptes rendus - Mathematique, 352(2014), 511–514.

K. Ji, C. Jiang, D. K. Keshari and G. Misra Rigidity of the flagstructure for a class of Cowen-Douglas operators, preprint.

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Page 69: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


G. H. Hardy and J. E. Littlewood, Tauberian Theorems ConcerningPower Series and Dirichlet’s Series whose Coefficients are Positive,Proc. London Math. Soc., 13 (1914), 174 – 191

C. Jiang, Similarity, reducibility and approximation of theCowen-Douglas operators. J. Operator Theory 32 (1994), no. 1, 77–89.

C. Jiang, Similarity classification of Cowen-Douglas operators. Canad. J.Math. 56 (4) (2004), 742–775.

K. Ji, C. Jiang, D. K. Keshari and G. Misra Flag structure for operatorsin the Cowen-Douglas class, Comptes rendus - Mathematique, 352(2014), 511–514.

K. Ji, C. Jiang, D. K. Keshari and G. Misra Rigidity of the flagstructure for a class of Cowen-Douglas operators, preprint.

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Page 70: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


G. H. Hardy and J. E. Littlewood, Tauberian Theorems ConcerningPower Series and Dirichlet’s Series whose Coefficients are Positive,Proc. London Math. Soc., 13 (1914), 174 – 191

C. Jiang, Similarity, reducibility and approximation of theCowen-Douglas operators. J. Operator Theory 32 (1994), no. 1, 77–89.

C. Jiang, Similarity classification of Cowen-Douglas operators. Canad. J.Math. 56 (4) (2004), 742–775.

K. Ji, C. Jiang, D. K. Keshari and G. Misra Flag structure for operatorsin the Cowen-Douglas class, Comptes rendus - Mathematique, 352(2014), 511–514.

K. Ji, C. Jiang, D. K. Keshari and G. Misra Rigidity of the flagstructure for a class of Cowen-Douglas operators, preprint.

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Page 71: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


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Page 72: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


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Page 73: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


C. Jiang and K. Ji, Similarity classification of holomorphic curves. Adv.Math. 215 (2) (2007), 446-468.

C. Jiang, X. Guo and K. Ji, K -group and similarity classification ofoperators, J. Funct. Anal., 225 (2005), 167-192.

C. Jiang and Z. Wang, Strongly irreducible operators on Hilbert space.Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 389. Longman, Harlow,1998. x+243 pp. ISBN: 0-582-30594-2.

C. Jiang and Z. Wang, The spectral picture and the closure of thesimilarity orbit of strongly irreducible operators, Integral EquationsOperator Theory 24 (1996), no. 1, 81-105.

S. Kobayashi, Differential geometry of complex vector bundles,Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 15. Kano MemorialLectures, 5. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ; Iwanami Shoten,Tokyo, 1987.

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Page 74: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


C. Jiang and K. Ji, Similarity classification of holomorphic curves. Adv.Math. 215 (2) (2007), 446-468.

C. Jiang, X. Guo and K. Ji, K -group and similarity classification ofoperators, J. Funct. Anal., 225 (2005), 167-192.

C. Jiang and Z. Wang, Strongly irreducible operators on Hilbert space.Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 389. Longman, Harlow,1998. x+243 pp. ISBN: 0-582-30594-2.

C. Jiang and Z. Wang, The spectral picture and the closure of thesimilarity orbit of strongly irreducible operators, Integral EquationsOperator Theory 24 (1996), no. 1, 81-105.

S. Kobayashi, Differential geometry of complex vector bundles,Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 15. Kano MemorialLectures, 5. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ; Iwanami Shoten,Tokyo, 1987.

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Page 75: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


C. Jiang and K. Ji, Similarity classification of holomorphic curves. Adv.Math. 215 (2) (2007), 446-468.

C. Jiang, X. Guo and K. Ji, K -group and similarity classification ofoperators, J. Funct. Anal., 225 (2005), 167-192.

C. Jiang and Z. Wang, Strongly irreducible operators on Hilbert space.Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 389. Longman, Harlow,1998. x+243 pp. ISBN: 0-582-30594-2.

C. Jiang and Z. Wang, The spectral picture and the closure of thesimilarity orbit of strongly irreducible operators, Integral EquationsOperator Theory 24 (1996), no. 1, 81-105.

S. Kobayashi, Differential geometry of complex vector bundles,Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 15. Kano MemorialLectures, 5. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ; Iwanami Shoten,Tokyo, 1987.

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Page 76: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


C. Jiang and K. Ji, Similarity classification of holomorphic curves. Adv.Math. 215 (2) (2007), 446-468.

C. Jiang, X. Guo and K. Ji, K -group and similarity classification ofoperators, J. Funct. Anal., 225 (2005), 167-192.

C. Jiang and Z. Wang, Strongly irreducible operators on Hilbert space.Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 389. Longman, Harlow,1998. x+243 pp. ISBN: 0-582-30594-2.

C. Jiang and Z. Wang, The spectral picture and the closure of thesimilarity orbit of strongly irreducible operators, Integral EquationsOperator Theory 24 (1996), no. 1, 81-105.

S. Kobayashi, Differential geometry of complex vector bundles,Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 15. Kano MemorialLectures, 5. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ; Iwanami Shoten,Tokyo, 1987.

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Page 77: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


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Page 78: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


H. Kwon and S. Treil, Similarity of operators and geometry ofeigenvector bundles, Publ. Mat. 53. (2009), 417-438.

A. Koranyi and G. Misra, A classification of homogeneous operators inthe Cowen-Douglas class, Adv. Math., 226 (2011) 5338-5360.

A. Koranyi and G. Misra, Multiplicity-free homogeneous operators in theCowen-Douglas class. Perspectives in mathematical sciences. II, 83-101,Stat. Sci. Interdiscip. Res., 8, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2009.

G. Misra, , Curvature and the backward shift operators, Proc. Amer.Math. Soc. 91 (1984), no. 1, 105-107.

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Page 79: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


H. Kwon and S. Treil, Similarity of operators and geometry ofeigenvector bundles, Publ. Mat. 53. (2009), 417-438.

A. Koranyi and G. Misra, A classification of homogeneous operators inthe Cowen-Douglas class, Adv. Math., 226 (2011) 5338-5360.

A. Koranyi and G. Misra, Multiplicity-free homogeneous operators in theCowen-Douglas class. Perspectives in mathematical sciences. II, 83-101,Stat. Sci. Interdiscip. Res., 8, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2009.

G. Misra, , Curvature and the backward shift operators, Proc. Amer.Math. Soc. 91 (1984), no. 1, 105-107.

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Page 80: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


H. Kwon and S. Treil, Similarity of operators and geometry ofeigenvector bundles, Publ. Mat. 53. (2009), 417-438.

A. Koranyi and G. Misra, A classification of homogeneous operators inthe Cowen-Douglas class, Adv. Math., 226 (2011) 5338-5360.

A. Koranyi and G. Misra, Multiplicity-free homogeneous operators in theCowen-Douglas class. Perspectives in mathematical sciences. II, 83-101,Stat. Sci. Interdiscip. Res., 8, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2009.

G. Misra, , Curvature and the backward shift operators, Proc. Amer.Math. Soc. 91 (1984), no. 1, 105-107.

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Page 81: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


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Page 82: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


G. Pisier, A polynomially bounded operator on Hilbert space which isnot similar to a contraction, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 10 (1997), 351-369.

M. Rordam, F. Larsen and N. J. Laustsen An Introduction to K-Theoryfor C*-Algebras. Cambridge University press (2000).

Pit-Mann Wong and W. Stoll, On Holomorphic Jet Bundles,arXiv:math/0003226v1, 2000.

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Page 83: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


G. Pisier, A polynomially bounded operator on Hilbert space which isnot similar to a contraction, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 10 (1997), 351-369.

M. Rordam, F. Larsen and N. J. Laustsen An Introduction to K-Theoryfor C*-Algebras. Cambridge University press (2000).

Pit-Mann Wong and W. Stoll, On Holomorphic Jet Bundles,arXiv:math/0003226v1, 2000.

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Page 84: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


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M. Spivak, A Comprehensive introduction to differential geometry(Volume 3). Publish or Perish. ISBN 0-914098-72-1.

K. Zhu,Operators in Cowen-Douglas classes. Illinois J. Math. 44 (2000),no. 4, 767-783.

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Page 85: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


A. L. Shields, Weighted Shift Operators And Analytic Function Theory,Mathematical Survey, 13(1974) 49-128.

M. Spivak, A Comprehensive introduction to differential geometry(Volume 3). Publish or Perish. ISBN 0-914098-72-1.

K. Zhu,Operators in Cowen-Douglas classes. Illinois J. Math. 44 (2000),no. 4, 767-783.

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Page 86: Geometric similarity invariants of geometric operators Kui · m(D) that is an n-hypercontraction, let P : D !L(H) denote the


A. L. Shields, Weighted Shift Operators And Analytic Function Theory,Mathematical Survey, 13(1974) 49-128.

M. Spivak, A Comprehensive introduction to differential geometry(Volume 3). Publish or Perish. ISBN 0-914098-72-1.

K. Zhu,Operators in Cowen-Douglas classes. Illinois J. Math. 44 (2000),no. 4, 767-783.

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