george rossolatos the ultimate guide to the nwo ethos

Up, Down, Right and Left: The Ultimate Guide to the New World Order Ethos, Freemasonry and Agenda 21 by George Rossolatos

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Up, Down, Right and Left: The Ultimate Guide to the New World Order Ethos, Freemasonry and Agenda 21


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Up, Down, Right and Left:The Ultimate Guide to theNew World Order Ethos,

Freemasonry and Agenda 21


George Rossolatos

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In loving memory of my cat, ritually murdered by masonic excrements onMarch 13 2014 at 10.55’.15’’ am in a state of crooks, thieves and murderers.

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This book was written on the grounds of a widely disseminated draft that was initially

submitted by the author under hefty and extenuating circumstances, physical and

sociocybernetic noise, to the European Court of Human Rights (against the State of

Greece) and the International Criminal Court on September 20th 2010 (being the first in a

barrage of lawsuits against Greece to international ‘authorities’, as well as in the context

of locally (yocally) filed lawsuits between 2009 and counting). This is neither a ‘personal

story’, nor a fanciful narrative that is intended to sell brands (e.g., a Cosmopolitan paid

article that explains how a new L’Oreal shampoo makes your hair really silky smooth).

This is a manual on how your self has been engineered

(see Foucault’s Technologies of Self)

that describes commonly used indoctrination and extinction tactics (or, more politely put,

‘depopulation agenda’)

The Official Global 2000 Report mandating depopulation

(however, no guidelines are cited as to how this will be achieved…)

Bio-power and post-humanism (the depopulation theoretical apologetics)




throughout the globe in the context of what has become widely known as New World

Order or Agenda 21. If you wish a sincere statement about the ‘topic’ of this book, it

would probably have to be framed alongside these lines: “This is a book about open

system dynamics, sociocybernetics and social experiments”. This is certainly a right (yet

not the only) way of framing the mode of deployment of the so-called New World Order

and freemasonry, as the organizational and ideological (silent) underpinning behind

Agenda 21 (which is pretty much a tautology, the correct formulation being “the

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catapulting of freemasonry to dominant mode of societal organization”). For the sake of

pre-empting skeptics: “Is this a book about conspiracies?” NO! This book frames in

scientific terms (including the legal science) the modes of deployment of the New

(masonic) World Order.

Caption: This retro symbol stands for HAARP, the audio-visual surveillance and weather

modification technological infrastructure of the NWO. Obviously you are watched neither

by God, nor by a massively shaped eye placed on top of a pyramid. There is specialized

technology for doing so!

Key source: Angels do not play this Haarp.

In legal terms, we are confronted with multiple levels of direct and indirect perpetration

(or, more precisely, with a multiparticipant, multiact crime with composite multiplecausality) in organized power mechanisms. In order to prove a conspiracy in strict legal

terms you need OVERT proof of a conspiracy. Chances are that you don’t possess (and

will not get your hands on) such OVERT proof (unless you record through time masonic

lodge proceedings and members’ off-site bilateral communications and you possess a

manual for de-crypting rhetorically cloaked verbo-visual communications).

A book that seeks to tackle such a vast issue is bound to be and to remain open,

both in terms of facts and hypotheses. In fact, you are recommended to treat this as a

constantly evolving book, a work-in-progress that co-evolves with the constantly

mutating ethos of the New World Order, but also corresponds to the ‘open’ ethos of

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freemasonry. Albert Pike originally conceived of his Morals and Dogma as a (mambo)

blueprint for producing responsible citizens, good husbands/wives (how to have drunken

orgies in the woods, how to receive a medal from the Queen for regime destabilization

services) and other suchlike ridiculous statements that have merely masked the true

agenda of freemasonry (that is distribution of money and power among members, as

simple as this) and kept it hidden (well, almost) from non-members throughout the

centuries. This book delves into salient facets of a prism and recruits different

perspectives from the humanities and the social sciences with view to framing the New

World Order (and) Freemasonry, as well as what has become the dystopian and inverse

side of the global ‘social harmony’ project (that is indoctrination through fear) and widely

recognized as ‘targeting’ and/or ‘silent massacre’. Prominently among these

perspectives (and in the context of constant revisions as new perspectives/paradigms

emerge and others perish) stand:

- Cybernetics/social cybernetics: New World Order has been deployed and is

constantly monitored for its success against the background of cybernetic

theories. Just like Norbert Winer (one of the founding figures of cybernetics)

postulated 4 systemic levels of societal organization, NWO consists in the co-

existence of multiple systemic layers or systems. System is a simple notion that

stands for a complex phenomenon, viz., a network of social actors and distinctive

modes of interaction among them. In crude terms, system 1 is the ‘common

people’, the ones who receive orders and ready-made behavioral scripts and

enact them in their daily interactions; system 2 consists of ‘doctors’ who issue

scripts; system 3 consists of those who control doctors; system 4 consists of

those who plan the future. There is no direct interaction between systems 1 and

3 / 4, you only see your ‘doctor’ and your fellow primates. A system may not be

‘smashed’, simply re-arranged in terms of social actors and modes of interaction

among them. This is how freemasonry has survived throughout the centuries, by

re-placing members in pre-determined place-holders and by granting differential

access to different social actors to different systemic echelons.

- Legal science

- Sociology, ethnomethodology, social phenomenology

- Informal logic

- Intelligence studies

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- Actor Network Theory

- Critical Discourse Analysis

- Social psychology

- Social ontology

- Rhetoric

- Semiotics: Why social engineers chose colors as least common denominators of

self-identity and self/other recognition? Has the city gone bonkers or, simply,

hypersemiotized? Just one of the many questions semiotics can answer.

- A bit of theology (the christological paradigm) thrown in to good measure insofar

as the sociology of religion (that is indoctrination tactics) is most pertinent in

demonstrating modes whereby ideologies (even pesudo-open ones…) propagate

among ‘members’ and prospects.

- Pragmatics (and a special strand called corporeal pragmatics): every disciplinary

regime is engrafted more effectively in members’ ‘consciousness’ once it passes

through the…body (see Foucault’s Discipline and Punish).

- Psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis (undoubtedly geared towards

demonstrating the pseudo-scientific status of psychiatry and how its sole function

is exhausted in an apologetic for organized and complicit power/instututional


- Established academic research areas that tackle directly facets of the New World

Order, such as surveillance studies, NWO and agenda 21 articles, scientific

articles on freemasonry, etc.

Are these the only disciplines that social engineers used to create and roll-out the new

global ethos? Certainly not. Linguistics and linguistics-related disciplines (e.g.,

sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, kinetics, zoosemiotics, ecosemiotics) have been

paramount sources for carving the co-ordinates of the rhetorical topography of the

new ethos. Why dwell on the word ‘ethos’? Obviously we are not concerned with an

explicit training protocol (at least not a protocol that is disseminated freely without

‘clearance / authorization’). This is a social engineering program that is enforced tacitly

and surreptitiously through habituation into stimulus-response patterns (as regards

system 1 receiving automata or human primates). Interactions among automata take

place in verbal (highly tropical and predominantly metaphorical), but also in visual mode

(mainly signalling).

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Logical opposition: Permanent member of a social network vs. Non-premanent member

Metaphor (mostly employed in visual mode): landline/ ‘fixed’ telephony vs.

Mobile phone

Note that this metaphor on a paradigmatic axis also enhances the legitimacy of the

technological platform that is employed for effecting networking, e.g.,

telecommunications. Indeed, communicative carrions (e.g., carriers of the NWO’s

linguistic disease) merely attain to increase telecoms’ tangible and intangible assets.

Moreover, thanks to neurolinguistic programming and the ability of HAARP to control

your bodily activities and to induce all sorts of somatic responses (even in the absence

of stimuli from the external environment), such as mood swings and inflicted pains (and

certainly sudden death), language studies and medicine have been amply leveraged

under the umbrella of ‘neurolinguistics’ for bringing about the New World Order.

Neuroscience, power and culture: An introduction

Many dystopically conditioned individuals (aka ‘targets’) in this pseudo-regime have

been confronted with legal obstacles and expectedly so insofar as the social engineers

who fabricated NWO include legal scientists (inasmuch as representatives from all sorts

of ‘sciences’) in their circles and hence are fully aware of how to enforce this regime in a

‘socially acceptable manner’ or how to take advantage of ‘grey areas’. Institutional

agents (e.g., police, secret services, legislature) merely function in complicity to this

regime and you should not expect any aid. Legal practice constitutes a set of theatrical

acts, verging on common places and typified concepts that have been borne out of

interaction in societal frameworks. If you cannot tell the difference between an actor

acting as lawyer in a movie and a real-life lawyer then you have simply managed to trace

the identity of a lawyer, that is actor. A lawyer (at least a good one) is a master of deceit.

This is also the task of freemasonry: how to deceive the uninitiated, disorient them

through pseudo-ethical maxims, while resources are constantly re-distributed behind

closed doors among affiliates.

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freemason-judges-1818043.htmlAll paraphernalia and mambo symbolism is simply a (by now defunct and pretty much

ridiculed) vitrine that might still impress uneducated masses (inasmuch as one is

perfectly entitled to set up a Harry Potter cult). Yet, in a context where your DNA may be

manufactured by police lab technicians, your hair picked up from your pillow by secret

police members who frequent your appartment while you are working and, with the aid of

‘public/private alliances’, all sorts of charges may be manufactured against you (more on

this in Ch.2), laying bare this grandiose and spectacular theatrical edifice constitutes a

casus belli for unleashing unheard of recalcitrance on behalf of crypto-religious fanatics.

Given that police pimps simply protect masonic hookers, then it becomes pretty much

evident that your first and last resort lies far from any sort of institutional agent.

This brings me effectively to a crucial question: Whom is this book for? If the

majority who will (and have already) read it are already ‘members’ (which is indubitably

the case), then it is like preaching to the converted. Moreover, policy-makers who control

the enforcement of this regime will most likely fortify the ‘open system’ to a far greater

extent once its weak spots have been identified. Yet, its usefeluness lies (or so I would

like to think) in describing (and perhaps being the first who did so- at least publicly) a

nouveau regime that marked a new historical era and a new mode of societal

organization in proportions that are akin to the Rennaissance and to the Middle Ages

(and will be remembered as such once it breaks down, and inevitably it will, just like any

previous historical period that ‘accidentally imbued’ a new ethos to human hosts). Is this

the ‘first’ attempt at describing this regime? Hints and traces of its constituents abound in

popular culture (music, films, books), however they are rhetorically cloaked. They are

recognizable, but not cognizable. They allow those how are aware of secretly passed

codes of recognition to intuitively make sense of communicated information (or, rather,

signs), however they do not offer knowledge of the workings of this surreptitious

communication system. Knowledge may be furnished only once this system has been

laid bare in explicit terms. This incapacity to articulate explicitly this multi-faceted and

multi-sensorial communicvation system has allowed for killing officially whistle-blowers

who have been speaking against ‘it’. This book aims at furnishing a groundwork whereby

such knowledge may be attained. I do not know how long this ‘new historical era’ (or

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post-historical accomplishment of masonic ideologically fuelled dreams) will last, but for

as long as it lasts this book will constitute a reference point, simply because you cannot

transgress its constantly shifting boundaries. Moreover, rather than focusing on

politicians who vague rhetoric only indirectly affects your individual lives, this book

adopts a micro-sociological perspective, that is it focuses on how your next door perp

affects and controls your life (certainly without losing sight of how s/he is instutionally

facilitated by the police and the secret services).

Is this an ‘academic’ book? Not in the strict sense, as neither do I follow a strict

protocol in terms of referencing, nor do I abide by argumentative exigencies in terms of

pursuing extensively arguments and counter-arguments that have been offered in the

different disciplines which are evoked in this book. Yet, it is not neither exhausted in

‘impression management’ tactics that are definitive of political oratory and other sorts of

panygeric discourse (including legal oratory), nor in an array of shocking pictures (visual

or verbal) with view to evoking emotional responses. On the one hand, social engineers

have designed this blueprint by drawing on the technical terminology of social sciences.

This terminology has been diffused among ‘lay’ members or ‘the people’ through

metaphors. Metaphorical and analogical thinking have always been prominent modes

whereby ‘the people’ have been negotiating ‘ontological security’ from the uncertainties

of existence. The lingo of the NWO is primarily metaphorological and subjects who carry

this ‘linguistic disease’ find comfort in propagating this lingo, inasmuch as in recognizing

themselves in peers through common discussion topics (e.g., Soaps, News or Stars).




In fact, as attested by an ex-MI6 agent, training into populist reason is mandatory for

‘blending in’ or inflitrating linguistic communities.

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Big breach: From top-secret to maximum security (watch out for cleaning ladies,

taxi drivers, pub and kiosk owners!)

Since reality is necessarily mediated through discourse (language) unless you master

the language of each social collective you may not become its ‘member’. Hence,

deconstructing the NWO ethos walks hand-in-hand with unweaving its linguistic fabric

(inasmuch as the discursive complicity among institutional agents, i.e., police, judiciary

and other ‘public/private’ alliances).

Given that the considerably complex phenomenon this book seeks to tackle (in

fact, it may be tagged as the pinnacle of ‘complexity science’) may not be

comprehended unless specific terminology that is employed by different theoretical

perspectives is adhered to, I am forced by the necessity of the circumstances to use

technical terminology, or what may come across to some as ‘jargon’. I would strongly

argue for the need for employing this ‘jargon’ as otherwise you will fall prey to the

fuzziness that is characteristic of ‘common parlance’ or ‘everyday discourse’. It is like

attempting to fly an airplane by looking at a manual about unscrewing a TV set. It is

precisely this fuzzines that acts as silent facilitator for the propagation of the

targeting/silent massacre phenomenon.

Again, a few statistically insignificant exceptions notwithstanding, system 1

readers may find some parts of this book hard to digest and perhaps unsettling as it

brings to full view what they have been instructed to keep ‘secret’. In fact, a politics of

secrecy has been instrumental for this system’s propagation (which, by itself, should be

question-begging to any rational animal). System 2 readers may find some points

interesting, but without any material repercussions against the ‘viability’ of system 1 (in

its current and in its future formations, given that due to the continuous education of

various systems’ members the bar between systems is constantly raised).

Remember, these are exercises in open-system dynamics, in entropy and negentropy, in

how many oscillations may be conferred by a manual to the homeostatic stability of the

social actors who are co-ordinated in order to avoid the event of its relapse.

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Some of the arguments that are deployed in this book may certainly be

developed more extensively, however this extension by far exceeds the confines of a

single book. Additionally, occasionally references are cited in a language other than

English. Due to time scarcity translation of all passages from their original sources is not

feasible, however omitting such passages is not likely to have a tremendous effect in

your ability to follow the crux of the arguments. Hopefully the provision of links to full

documents for further reading will aid substantially in your individual exploratory

endeavors (inasmuch as the occasional pictograms, quizzes, references to the

reworking of NWO/masonic imagery through agents of production and circulation of the

popular imaginary or, in Bourdieu’s terms ‘mediators of cultural production’, elliptical

sentences and ironic subversions of authoritarian, non-dialogic metaphorological ‘official’

discourse). As above mentioned, this is (and will remain, inevitably) a work-in-progress

(WIP). Updates will be posted regularly on my blog and you are invited to check them (if

you find merit in doing so)

Look under the heading “Social engineering, cybernetics and archaeology/genealogy of

social movements” (in case my site gets ‘bombarded’- not unlikely, you will be able to

find multiple mirrors alover the web). Again, if you do not find merit, then either you are

already at the receiving end of membership benefits or a masochist (or both).

So, without further ado, here comes your roadmap to becoming (or face the

consequences of not doing so) a member of the masonic agenda 21 or the New World


George Rossolatos © 2010, 2014

2nd edition

1st edition circulated under the title:

“From [de]ontic social constructionism to [de]ontological sociocybernetics: Communitarian ethos and its

‘Other’ in the context of a multi-participant, multi-act attempted murder case of indirect perpetration in the

context of Agenda 21 and Freemasonry as organized institutional / private alliances and power
