george soros: the epic global meddler · pdf file1/19/2017 americans for innovation: george...

1/19/2017 Americans for Innovation: GEORGE SOROS: THE EPIC GLOBAL MEDDLER 1/30 SEARCH by topic, keyword or phrase. Type in Custom Search box e.g. "IBM Eclipse Foundation" or "racketeering" Sunday, August 21, 2016 GEORGE SOROS: THE EPIC GLOBAL MEDDLER EXPLOITS OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS’ ALTRUISTIC PROGRESSIVIST MINIONS TO HELP HIM MANIPULATE CURRENCIES FOR HIS PERSONAL PROFIT EPIC GREED, HUBRIS, INCOMPETENCE, SELF-DECEPTION, CRIMINALITY. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS | OPINION | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | AUG. 21, 2016, UPDATED JAN. 19, 2016 | PDF FIG. 1–GEORGE SOROS, FOUNDER, OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS ("OSF"), FORMERLY OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE ("OSI")—George Soros has used his dubious hedge fund billions since 1992 to finance a notforprofit spider's web of allegedly philanthropic organizations around the planet. When OSF targets a country, they infiltrate every aspect of that society, then press their Progressive political agenda. In the meantime, OSF staff feed to Soros "ground game" business intelligence data that he then uses to "short" currencies for his personal profit. The OSF staff minions appear to become addicted to a regular flow of "grants" from Uncle George in exchange. The OSF minions don't seem to realize how cynically their altruism is being abused. Soros's less than altruistic character can be summed up in his "Go for the jugular" ethic that almost brought down the British Pound in 1992. That event launched Soros's alleged philanthropic interests. It cost the British taxpayer billions of pounds to prevent the collapse of their currency. Also, few know that as a Jew, Soros was a Nazi sympathizer. He collected blood money from confiscating Jewish properties for the Nazis in Hungary—an act Click here to view the full documentary: Clinton Cash Everything is for Sale released Aug. 07, 2016. Updated Jan. 10, 2017. CLICK HERE TO SEE TIMELINE OF THE HIJACKING OF THE INTERNET AND DATABASE 0 More Next Blog» Create Blog Sign In

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SEARCH by topic, keyword or phrase. Type in Custom Search boxe.g. "IBM Eclipse Foundation" or "racketeering"

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FIG. 1–GEORGE SOROS, FOUNDER, OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS ("OSF"), FORMERLY OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE("OSI")—George Soros has used his dubious hedge fund billions since 1992 to finance a not‐for‐profitspider's web of allegedly philanthropic organizations around the planet. When OSF targets a country, theyinfiltrate every aspect of that society, then press their Progressive political agenda. In the meantime, OSFstaff feed to Soros "ground game" business intelligence data that he then uses to "short" currencies for hispersonal profit. The OSF staff minions appear to become addicted to a regular flow of "grants" from UncleGeorge in exchange.

The OSF minions don't seem to realize how cynically their altruism is being abused. Soros's less than altruisticcharacter can be summed up in his "Go for the jugular" ethic that almost brought down the British Pound in1992. That event launched Soros's alleged philanthropic interests. It cost the British taxpayer billions ofpounds to prevent the collapse of their currency. Also, few know that as a Jew, Soros was a Nazisympathizer. He collected blood money from confiscating Jewish properties for the Nazis in Hungary—an act

Click here to view the full documentary: Clinton Cash ‐ Everything is for Salereleased Aug. 07, 2016.

Updated Jan. 10, 2017.


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for which he told Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes he has no remorse.

With such a dubious moral past, why are so many people following Soros's self‐serving "progressive" agenda?With such corrupt origins, could this agenda be the destructive moral and ethical influence that isdestabilizing social discourse around the world? It appears his grants are like a drug; once he controls thewallets of his minions, he controls their minds and priorities in exchange for the next fix.

Photo 4th Media

(AUG. 20, 2016)—The Soros‐DCLeaks have just pulled backthe curtains on George Soros’secretive Open SocietyFoundations (OSF), formerlyOpen Society Institute (OSI). Leaks dated Apr. 14, 2016 reveal a Pied Pipermaster manipulator of otherwise probably well‐meaning people for hispersonal profit.

White House executive order spy agents appear to be complicit, as arewell‐known public figures including Bill & Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama,James P. Chandler, III, New York mayor Bill DeBlasio, Al Gore, MSNBC,NPR, Bill Gates, Ford Foundation, IBM, Pew Trusts,, Google /YouTube, Microsoft, Facebook / Instagram, Twitter, ACLU, Media Matters,Planned Parenthood and countless other Soros hangers on.

Soros cleverly instructs his altruistic OSF minions (we assume they areunwitting, which is probably generous) to collect business intelligence.Then he secretly exploits that data to manipulate currencies for hispersonal enrichment. There is also a likely correlation between Sorosgrantees and their outlier income increases.

Bookmark: #cbs‐kroft‐soros

STEVE KROFT. (DEC. 20, 1998). 60 MINUTESGEORGE SOROS INTERVIEW. CBS. | Raw *.mp4 video file.

Bookmark: #soros‐uk‐currency‐attack

Updated Mar. 19, 2014

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THE BRITISH ECONOMY IN 1992. Source INBU 4200 Int’l Financial Management


Soros famously bet against the UKpound on Sep. 17, 1992. Hedgefunds were not yet well known.

In a nutshell, Soros believed that theBritish Pound was overvalued andwas headed for a devaluation. So,he borrowed over ten billion Poundsin a "Go for the jugular" move. Hethen immediately converted thePounds into German Marks. Whenthe markets learned about Soros’actions, other traders followed suit.This run on the Pound triggered adevaluation. Soros then used hisMarks to buy back the now devaluedPounds and pocketed $1.4 billionprofit. All in one day.

Soros has refined this business modelby using his OSF businessintelligence data to create marketinstabilities that allow him torepeat his UK success with regularity.

He uses his market intelligence to buy currencies just ahead of devaluations that he knowsabout that others cannot see coming. For example, Soros sold Malaysian and Thai currenciesshort in the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad calledSoros a "criminal" and complained bitterly that "a moron like Soros comes along with a lot ofmoney" and undermined their growing Asian economies. LA Times.

Bookmark: #soros‐summers‐duplicity


What role did George Soros play in the collapse of the emerging Russian economy in 1992‐1993?Disastrous Russian privatization vouchers were created by then World Bank chief economist LarrySummers with his sidekicks Sheryl K. Sandberg (later assigned to Gmail, then to Facebookl) and YuriMilner (later assigned to VKontakte, and Facebook). Summers went from there straight tothe Bill Clinton Treasury Department in 1993. How many Russian vouchers did Soros purchasehimself and through surrogates? Milner's later involvement in Bank Menatep IMF diversions and mobmoney laundering suggests that Soros's meddling in Russia has been substantial.

ANSWER AUG. 23, 2016: SOROS'S RUSSIAN ALCHEMY: The answer to our question came swiftly from American Thinker. On Feb. 27, 2008 Kyle‐Anne Shiverwrote "George Soros and the Alchemy of 'Regime Change'. In a 1994 New Republic interview, Sorosboasted "the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire."

In 1999 while Larry Summers's World Bank advisor Yuri Milner was busy laundering tens of billions ofdollars in IMF, World Bank and Russian mob funds through BANK MENATEP, Soros told the HouseBanking Committee that he had used insider access to invest heavily in SIDANKO OIL—a Russiancompany that had otherwise forbidden foreign investors.

These revelations unmistakably tie together LARRY SUMMERS, BILL & HILLARY CLINTON, JAMES P. CHANDLER,GEORGE SOROS, SHERYL K. SANDBERG, YURI MILNER and LLOYD BLANKFEIN (GOLDMAN SACHS). Soros's Open Societywas advocating the "free flow of information." Therefore, the breeding ground for the plan to takecontrol of the Internet has now been identified. Summers directed the Clinton, Bush and ObamaWhite House activity. Sandberg was assigned to Gmail and then Facebook. Milner was assigned, VKontakte and Facebook. Goldman Sachs underwrote the whole bunch, including Bill's2005 Kazakhistan UrAsia uranium junket that netted $152 million to The Clinton Foundation.Now we can see the complete circle of relationships between Facebook and the collapse of theSoviet Union.

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UPDATE MAR. 25, 2014

FIVE CRITICAL AFI POSTS ON JUDICIALCOMPROMISEFully updated Mar. 25, 2014 in the wake ofthe Scribd censorship:

1. HOW PATENT JUDGES GROWRICH ON THE BACKS OFAMERICAN INVENTORSPatent Office filings areshuffled out the USPTO backdoor to cronylawyers, banks and deep‐pocket clients.

2. WAS CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS BLACKMAILED intosupporting Obamacare by his ethicalcompromises in Leader v. Facebook?

3. JUSTICE ROBERTS MENTOREDFacebook Gibson Dunn LLPattorneys.

4. JUSTICE ROBERTS HOLDSsubstantial Facebookfinancial interests.

5. JUDGE LEONARD STARK FAILED todisclose his Facebook financialinterests and his reliance onFacebook's Cooley Godward LLPattorneys for his appointment.

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The most recent release of stonewalled Hillary private server emails uncover other prominentpersons as well, but the eight above are the ring leaders, we believe.

Leader Technologies' patent lawyer, James P. Chandler, III, also advised Summers and the Clintons.Chandler was evidently Clinton's liaison to the NSA. Chandler was the lead attorney who createdand facilitated the commercial–spy alliances via a string of executive orders. Chandler cleared theway of all intellectual property claims, Leader's and others, that stood in their way. Chandler alsotapped IBM and The IBM Eclipse Foundation ("The Internet of Things—IoT) as the underlyingtechnology provider to this secret cartel. See Timeline.


In many ways, OSF operates like any organization. They have systems, procedures, costcontrols, budgets, team building, strategy sessions and lots of meetings. That part of theleak was instructive but uninteresting.

Soros appears to have stumbled upon a fertile recruiting ground for gathering businessintelligence: altruistic youth during their “rip‐up‐the‐system” phase of life. Ivory toweracademics and politicians are along for the ride because they feed at the Soros grantfunding trough as well. Others have used this technique as “market leaders” with thecommodities market as well.


Soros’s OSF minions make requests for project funds. $30 million (Al Gore), $10 million, $8million, $6 million, $1 million, $500,000, $250,000, $100,000. The projects are sprinkledlike pixie dust all over the planet.

Click here for a PDF version of this TIMELINE.

Click to enlarge



WILL HUMANK ND EVER LEARN? Facebook's Orwelliandoublespeak about property and privacy (theft) merelyrepeats the eventual dehumanization of the individual underMAO's Red Star, Stalin's SOVIET Hammer & Cycle and Hitler'sNAZI Swastika. Respect for the inalienable rights of eachindividual is a bedrock value of democracy. The members ofthe Facebook Cabal abuse this principle at every opportunity.They evidently believe that they deserve special privileges andare willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to treat themselvesto these privileges.



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FIG. 3—Total number of projects, by year for Open Society Fellowship (OSF) East East (European) ProgramPartnership Beyond Borders Initiatives (1991‐2013). This newly‐discovered information correlates the theft ofLeader Technologies' social networking invention and the illegal NSA bulk data collection dates disclosed by NSAwhistleblower Edward Snowden. The leaks uncover the exploitation of Leader Technologies invention in theOSF "Shared Frameworks" in a system they named SOUK / KARL.


1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 |2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 Source: Soros‐DCLeaks.

OSF minions use Soros's money to set up field offices and recruit operatives. Once theycollect their data, their “ground game” shifts to promoting their Progressivist agenda in thesocial, business and political affairs of that country.

Soros personally approves all budgets and owns all the intelligence data collected. See their2016 budgeting schedule Fig. 4 below.

For example, one DCLeaks‐Soros spreadsheet detailed 263 projects in Serbia between 2011‐2014 totaling $3.5 million in grants (spreadsheet file attached inside PDF).


On the surface these Serbian projects seem admirable enough:

Funded Serbian Projects: Open communications, education, women,architecture, applied European studies, minority rights, media, ecology, radio,leadership training, “humanitarian law,” economy, media monitoring, humanrights, regionalism, sustainability, journalism, health, democracy, security,law enforcement, government, “queer studies,” philosophy, photography,children, youth, and development, to name just a few of the 263 projects.

Click image above to download a poster‐quality PDFoptimized for a 11in. x 17in. (ledger‐size) poster. Americashould not be in the business of cheating itsentrepreneurial investors simply because the cheaters buyoff judges with the money gained from their theft. Suchpermissiveness is obscene.

Jul. 23, 2013 NOTICE: DonnaKlineNow! hasgone offline. All her posts are available as aPDF collection here (now updated, post‐Scribd censorship).

Mar. 20, 2014 READER NOTICE: On Mar. 7,2014, all of our documents linked to Scribdwere deleted by that "cloud" service usingthe flimsiest of arguments . Some of ourdocuments have been there for two yearsand some had almost 20,000 reads.

George Orwell wrote in 1984 that one knowsone is in a totalitarian state when telling thetruth becomes an act of courage.

All the links below were updated Mar. 20,2014 (many thanks to our volunteers!)

1. Summary of Motions, Appeal, Petition,Evidence, Analysis, Briefings (FULLCITATIONS) in Leader Technologies,Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 08‐cv‐862‐JJF‐LPS (D. Del. 2008), published asLeader Techs, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc.,770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D. Del. 2001)

2. Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam's CensoredFederal Circuit Filings (Archive)

3. Brief Summary of Leader v. Facebook

4. Backgrounder


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However, at another level Soros's meddling in Serbia is just creepy.

Soros is Hungarian, not Serbian. He was given a Christian name to escape the Nazis, only tothen assist the Nazis in confiscating Jewish property—blood money actions for which Sorostold Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes, December 20, 1998 he had “[no] feeling of guilt” .

However, these meddling Soros projects have infiltrated practically every aspect of Serbiansociety.

When the data gathering is complete and the infiltration matures, Soros and his OSF minionsknow more about Serbia than most Serbians. That “knowledge is power.” No stone is leftunturned in business associations, trade unions, churches, synagogues, mosques,communities, women and youth organizations and other social groupings. Once the minionsmake friends, they start infiltrating Serbia with their Progressivist agenda. In many of theseprojects Soros brings in other major, well‐funded foundations like the Ford Foundation andthe Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations.

Soros exploits that knowledge on two levels: (1) he enables his OSF do‐gooders with data tosupport their "values shifting" within Serbian society toward A New World Order (authored bySoros in‐law and Hillary Clinton political adviser Anne‐Marie Slaughter, Princeton Press,2004), and (2) he secretly exploits the economy for personal profit, directly and throughsurrogates.

If Soros's minions even suspect his economic manipulation, they must turn a blind eyebecause Uncle George will be feeding them more funding for their next project, so lifeinside the OSF bubble is good.

The leaked documents are infused with haughty progressivist elitism (e.g., We know what'sgood for you, you poor wretched soul who just fell off the turnip wagon.)


Young progressive idealists recruited to OSFare much cheaper than their commercialcounterparts at big analytics firms. Theseidealists don’t ask questions. They’re alsowilling to travel and they move quickly.They fan out for Uncle George in alldirections, burning the midnight oil for thecause.

This Soros cult of personality sounds eerilyfamiliar to other misguided global powermongers. History's lessons appear to bequickly forgotten within the OSF "bubble ofperpetual funding."

Do Soros’ minions realize that they arebeing used to manipulate global currencymarkets? We suspect they have sold theirsouls long ago and don’t care about themorality as long as Uncle George keepsfeeding them grants in perpetuity.

5. Fenwick & West LLP Duplicity

6. Instagram‐scam

7. USPTO‐reexam Sham

8. Zynga‐gate

9. James W. Breyer / Accel Partners LLPInsider Trading

10. Federal Circuit DisciplinaryComplaints

11. Federal Circuit Cover‐up

12. Congressional Briefings re. Leader v.Facebook judicial corruption

13. Prominent Americans Speak Out

14. Petition for Writ of Certiorari

15. Two Proposed Judicial Reforms

16. S. Crt. for Schemers or Inventors?

17. Attorney Patronage Hijacked DC?

18. Justice Denied | Battle Continues

19. FB Robber Barons Affirmed by S. Crt.

20. Judicial Misconduct WALL OF SHAME

21. Corruption Watch ‐ "Oh what webs weweave, when first we practice todeceive"

22. Facebook | A Portrait of Corruption

23. White House Meddling

24. Georgia! AM 1080 McKibben Interview

25. Constitutional Crisis Exposed

26. Abuse of Judicial Immunity sinceStump

27. Obamacare Scandal Principals areintertwined in the Leader v.Facebook scandal

28. S.E.C. duplicity re. Facebook

Investigative Reporter JuliaDavis investigatesFacebook's Leader v.Facebook attorney GibsonDunn LLP. She credits thisfirm with the reason why

not a single Wall Street banker has gone tojail since 2008. Click here to read her article"Everybody hates whistleblowers.", Apr. 10, 2012. Here's anexcerpt:

"Skillful manipulation of thefirm’s extensive mediaconnections allows GibsonDunn to promote their causes,

GIBSON DUNN LLP exposed asone of the most corrupt lawfirms in America

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Then again, perhaps now that they know they are being used, they will jump ship and blowwhistles.


Soros's minions just spat upon supporters of Donald Trump this weekend. Last month theycolluded with DNC insiders to steal Bernie Sanders primary votes. This uncivilized behavior issupposed to convince people not to vote for Trump or Sanders?

Let us turn the tables on the OSF busybodies. Here’s a calendar of 2016 OSF budgetingactivities. Show up at their meetings and demand that these people stop their meddling andconfusing the unsuspecting who should not have to assume that everything coming from thepolitical left is a lying "narrative."

Bookmark: #osf‐2016‐schedule

FIG. 4—Open Society Fellowship (OSF) 2016 Strategy and Budget Cycle. Click here for the source OSFdocument. Source: Soros‐DCLeaks.


while simultaneously smearingtheir opponents and silencingembarrassing news coverage."

This statement followed right after Daviscited Facebook's chief inside counsel in theLeader v. Facebook case, Theodore Ullyot,who appears to have helped lead the Leaderv. Facebook judicial corruption. Interestingword choices associated with Gibson DunnLLP: manipulation, smear. Attorneys swear asolemn oath to act morally, ethically, and insupport of democratic principles. Theypromise to conduct themselves in a mannerthan instills confidence among the citizenryin the rule of law and the judicial system.These promises appear to be meaningless.Click here for a PDF version of Julie Davis'article.


technology that benefits trustee clientsand is stolen from OSU alums ContributingWriters | Opini...


President, Jeffrey Wadsworth,"counterattacks" the Band Alumnileadership T...

GOVERNOR JOHN KASICHHOLDS MUCH STOCK IN OSUTRUSTEE PRIVATE INTERESTSGovernor’s trusteeappointments reveal strongbias toward protecting his

investments Contributing Writers |Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVA...


Trustee president, doles out OSUcontracts to Facebook Cartel thru hisMcBee Strategic LLC lobbyis...


CONFISCATED BY widespread federalcorruption incl. interference by Nancy ...

DISASTROUS RISE OF ALAWLESS C.I.A.Presidents from Washingtonto Eisenhower fearedthreats to liberty fromabuses of power by the

military‐industrial complex Contributing...


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A full total of all Soros grants is estimated atmultiple billions of dollars. Between 2005 and2009 alone, Soros granted $292 million to histop 150 grantees. Here is what is believed to bean up‐to‐date list of Soros’ current grantees.Several of note include:

1. Black Lives Matter

2. Brookings Institution

3. Alliance for Climate Protection (AlGore)

4. American Bar Association

5. American Library Association

6. Aspen Institute

7. Center for American Progress (JohnPodesta)

8. Center for Reproductive Rights

9. Change America Now

10. Democratic Party

11. J‐Street

12. Media Matters


14. Muslim Advocates

15. National Council of La Raza

16. National Public Radio (NPR)

17. New Israel Fund

18. Occupy

19. People for the American Way

20. Planned Parenthood

21. Project Vote (ACORN)

22. ThinkProgress (John Podesta)

Soros can surely be called the Pied Piper of radical leftist ideology.

Case in point is his recent $650,000 funding of the Black Lives Matter (BLM), confirmed bythis leak. BLM has created chaos and the murder of police force members. Multiple analysesof racist allegations towards police departments have been conducted, and show that racistbehavior by white police force members is minimal, and statistically not accurate. Yet, BMLmovement protests and encourages violence against white police. Milwakee Sherffi DavidClark calls BLM a "terrorist group."

AFI investigators reached out to AIPAC (American‐Israel Public Affairs Committee) forcomment on Soros’ grants to anti‐Jewish, pro‐Jihadi Muslim organizations.

A senior AIPAC spokesperson responded:

“Soros has been the major funder for J‐Street, which has become the anti‐AIPAC. While J Street constantly proclaims itself as a pro‐Israelorganization, it is nothing of the kind. It’s a left‐wing organization with adeeply anti‐Zionist ideology. As we are well aware, just because anorganization is Jewish and claims to be pro‐Israel, it doesn’t mean it is.”

Another expert on Jewish‐American affairs said:

HEALTHCARE.GOV HASEXPOSED WASHINGTON'SETHICAL DISEASEUndisclosed conflicts ofinterest—on a massivescale—are choking

Washington Contributing Writers |OPINION | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION ...

HOW JUDGES GROW RICHON THE BACKS OFAMERICAN INVENTORSPatent Office filings areshuffled out the USPTObackdoor to crony lawyers,

banks and deep‐pocket clientsContributing Writers | Opinion...

NEW HILLARY EMAILS: STATEDEP'T PAID FACEBOOK FOR2010 U.S. ELECTIONRIGGINGSecretary of State Hillarypaid Facebook $634,000 to

influence 2010 U.S. midterm electionsGSA covered up payments Zuckerbergcovered ...

BOYCOTT NCAA MARCHMADNESS? COPYRIGHT‐GATEConstitutional rightsadvocates demand thatNCAA stop its copyrightinfringement in social

media; ask Congress to preserveZuckerberg's ...

1. DC Bar refuses to investigate attorneymisconduct in Leader v. Facebook ‐Unwillingness of DC attorneys to self‐police may explain why Washington isbroken, Dec. 30, 2012

2. Will the U.S. Supreme court supportschemers or real American inventors?Facebook's case dangles on adoctored interrogatory. Eighteen (18)areas of question shout for attention,Dec. 27, 2012

3. Two Policy Changes That Will MakeAmerica More Democratic (and lesscontentious), Dec. 21, 2012


American citizens must fight abuse of theconstitutional right for authors and inventorsto enjoy the fruits of their inventions, as amatter of matter of basic property rights andsound public policy. Otherwise, instead ofinnovation, creativity, genius, ideas, vision,courage, entrepreneurship, respect,property, rejuvenation, morals, ethics,values, renewal, truth, facts, rights, privacy,solutions and judicial faithfulness,


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“As we know in Israel, Soros’s backing of anti‐Israeli causes has encouragedgroups like Hamas to murder many average citizens. Soros appears to haveno qualms about pocketing blood money like this. It’s just another chapterin his personal book about exploiting people―like his complicit behavior inHungary as a teen when he helped his Christain Hungarian godfather“without guilt” to confiscate property from Hungarian Jews during the Nazioccupation.


Indeed, a blogger for The Times of Israel calls Soros "the world's most dangerous billionaire"citing the Kroft 60 Minutes interview for proof of his ruthlessness. One can only assume thathis OSF minions have discounted these facts as just another "vast right wing conspiracy" toquote Hillary Clinton's perennial excuse to evade answering hard questions.

Soros's OSF minions also have apparently ignored his profoundly immoral attempt to destroythe British economy in 1992. He launched his "philanthropy" career off of that ill‐gottengain. Will his minions ever awake from their drunken grantee stupor that is founded onSoros's WWII Jewish blood money?

Apparently Soros learned long ago that leftists will gather his market intelligence becausethey are:

1. greedy enough to take his money,

2. gullible enough to march to his orders,

3. vain enough to think they deserve it,

4. incompetent enough to believe their uninformed, newly‐minted ideas are better thanthe wisdom of the ages,

5. haughty enough to believe their ideas are superior to those of others, and

6. immoral enough to believe the ends justify the means.

These jumbled values of Soros's OSF minions, combined with Soros's tens of millions ofdollars in pixie dust grants, appears to be the source of much of the world's currentinstability.


According to the leaked documents, Soros has “fully integrated” his grantee organizationsto “align their messaging,” including “Center for American Progress, Media Matters andColor of Change, to name a few.”

The Center for American Progress a.k.a ThinkProgress was founded by John Podesta. Podestais Hillary & Bill Clinton's serial advisor. He is also a chief adviser to The Clinton Foundationand Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).

Podesta's duplicity involving Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Clinton Global Initiative(CGI) creator Douglas J. Band was uncovered in the Aug. 09, 2016 release of 44 email

. . . our society and economy will be draggeddown (and eventually destroyed) by copying,infringement, thievery, counterfeiting,hacking, greed, misinformation, exploitation,abuse, waste, disrespect, falsity, corruption,bribery, coercion, intimidation, doublespeak,misconduct, lies, deception, attorney "darkarts," destruction, confusion, dishonesty,judicial chicanery and lawlessness.

If we do not speak up, impeach derelictjudges and imprison corrupt attorneys, wecannot possibly hope to start fixing thecurrent ills in our society. Without justiceand respect for private property, democracyhas no sure foundation.

We are an opinion blog that advocates forstrong intellectual property rights. Wewelcome commenters and contributors. TheLeader v. Facebook patent infringement casefirst came to our attention after learningthat the trial judge, Leonard P. Stark, U.S.District Court of Delaware, ignored his jury’sadmission that they had no evidence tosupport their on‐sale bar verdict, but thejudge supported it anyway.

The judicial misconduct has deterioratedfrom there, replete with two of the threejudges on the Federal Circuit appeal panel,Judges Alan D. Lourie and Kimberly A.Moore, holding Facebook stock that they didnot disclose to the litigants, and later triedto excuse through a quick motion slipped inat the last minute by the Clerk of Court, JanHorbaly, and his close friends at The FederalCircuit Bar Association. (The DC Barsubsequently revealed that Mr. Horbaly isnot licensed to practice law in WashingtonD.C.)

The judges ignored shocking new evidencethat Mark Zuckerberg withheld 28 harddrives of 2003‐2004 evidence from LeaderTechnologies that could prove actual theft(and therefore claims even more seriousthan infringement). In addition, Facebook'sappeal attorney, Thomas G. Hungar of GibsonDunn LLP, has close personal ties to justabout every judicial player in this story. Themisconduct appears to reach into the U.S.Patent Office through abuse of thereexamination process by Facebook. We willstay focused on Leader v. Facebook untiljustice is served, but we also welcome newsand analysis of intellectual property abusein other cases as well.


AFI has been supporting Donna and is nowpicking up the main Leader v. Facebookcoverage (she will continue coverage aswell).


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FIG. 5—HILLARY & JOHN D. PODESTA, founder of Soros granteesCenter for American Progress and ThinkProgress.

"MSNBC gets a lot of contentfrom [grantee] ThinkProgress"

John Podesta, founder of ThinkProgress, is a serial Bill& Hillary Clinton operative who served as director forBoston‐based Joule Unlimited in which Vladimir Putin'sRusnano fund invested $35 million. See previous post.

FIG. 6—MSNBC GETS "A LOT OF CONTENT" FROM SOROS, CLINTONAND PODESTA. Soros OSF Directors Memo, Jan. 31, 2012,PDF pg. 7. Graphics: MSNBC, ThinkProgress.

exchanges on Hillary's private emailserver to corruption watchdog JudicialWatch. Most of Podesta's back channelemails with Hillary are believed tohave been deleted by Clinton'sattorneys in the 30,000 emails sheadmits deleting. Any deletion ofPodesta emails is criminal. Seeprevious post.

The leaked OSF documents brag aboutgrantee ThinkProgress, an arm ofCenter for American Progress(Podesta), that “MSNBC gets a lot ofcontent from ThinkProgress.” SorosOSF Directors Memo, Jan. 31, 2012,PDF pg. 7.

Soros's minions boast about apainstaking process to bringtogether the following grantees intoa Digital Due Process Coalition thatincludes:



Center for Democracy


Electronic FrontiersFoundation

This coalition boasts about movingthe Senate and House JudiciaryCommittees toward Progressivistpositions.

Just as this post was being finalizedthe alternative media begancovering new Soros Leaksdocuments about Al Gore and OSI'scontrived climate agenda'


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FIG. 7—ALBERT A. GORE. Bill Clinton's vice presidentfrom 1993 to 2001. Gore's promotion of climatechange coincides with George Soros's newfoundinterest in the subject.

Note: Gorenow works atthe SiliconValleyventurecapital firmKleinerPerkins thathas beencolluding with the IBM Eclipse Foundation and theObama administration on the digital takeover.See Fig. 3 above.

Tellingly, Gore promoted a "carbon exchange"with former Goldman Sachs huckster David Bloodthat netted the pair over $218 million. SeeForbes: "Blood And Gore: Making A Killing On Anti‐Carbon Investment Hype."


A leaked OSI all‐hands‐on‐deck planningmemo on climate exposes the breathtakingnaïveté of the OSF crowd who have moreSoros money than sense. Read The DailyCaller article.

The author of anOSF climatememo, NancyYouman, is ajournalist andcommunityorganizer andAssociate Directorof U.S. Programs.Notably, Youman isnot a scientist,chemist or

engineer with any expertise worth listeningto in the climate subject. Her headlong,foolhardy approach to climate is profoundlydisturbing considering she is leading the OSFcharge into Soros's newly‐minted interest inclimate. A few choice Youman quotes say itall:


"The next few years are make or breakyears for the Earth's climate." PDF, p.8.


"George Soros became interested inglobal warming a few years ago, wehave gotten up to speed on the issues .. ." p. 3.

"George Soros pledged $10,000,000/year for three years, beginning in 2008, to theAlliance for Climate Protection, founded by Al Gore" p. 3.


"George Soros and OSI are looked to for leadership." p. 3.


Judge Leonard P. Stark, U.S.District Court of Delaware, trialjudge in Leader Techs, Inc. v.Facebook, Inc., 770 F. Supp. 2d 686(D.Del. 2011). Judge Stark heardhis jury foreman admit that thejury made the on‐sale bar decisionwithout any evidence other thanspeculation, and yet he supportedthat verdict anyway. Just monthsbefore trial, Judge Stark allowedFacebook to addthe on‐sale barclaim after theclose of all factdiscovery andblocked Leaderfrom preparing its defenses to thisnew claim. Judge Stark allowedthe claims despite Leader'sprophetic argument that theaction would confuse the jury andprejudice Leader. He alsopermitted the jury to ignore thePfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc. testfor on‐sale bar, even afterinstructing the jury to use it. (Seethat JuryInstruction No. 4.7here.) He alsocontradicted hisown instruction toLeader to answerInterrogatory No. 9 in the presenttense (2009), then permitted thejury to interpret it as a 2002admission as well. Facebook'sentire on‐sale bar case is basedupon this interrogatory. (Editorial:Hardly sufficient to meet the"heavy burden" of the clear andconvincing evidence standard.)

Judge Alan D. Lourie, U.S. Courtof Appeals for the Federal Circuit,panel judge in Leader Techs v.Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed.Cir. 2012). Judge Lourie stood tobenefit financially fromundisclosed holdings in Facebook.See analysis of Judge Lourie's T.Rowe Price holdings re. the


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"Drawing out and deepening connections between a climate‐constrained world andOSI's equality, opportunity, justice, accountability and governance priorities." p. 1.

OSI also has much to gain, since climate ripples through so many of the issues andregions on which it focuses." p. 2.

"We can already see links to OSI's work in the U.S. Europe, Africa, China . . ." p. 2.

"The phenomenon of climate change is transformational." p. 2.

This Al Gore revelation further reinforces the premise of these findings. George Soros fundsself‐absorbed youth, academics and politicians who are blinded by their own ambition andsense of self‐importance.


Soros told Charlie Rose in a 1998 interview at 19 min. 56 sec.:

"I am better at the analysis than the solution."

Sovereign nations are comprised of people with families and lives to lead withoutinterference from meddlers. However, Soros and OSF admit to viewing these people as merevariables for experimentation, analysis and exploitation.

The quid pro quo "deal with the Devil" is that Soros "grants" his minions hundreds of millionsof dollars to play, and they in turn feed him "ground game" data that he uses to manipulatefinancial markets for his personal profit.

Soros's global meddling is unprecedented, and as The Times of Israel wrote—dangerous.

* * *

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied uponwithout independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educationalpurposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made toany photo.


Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post.Alternatively, send an email with your comment to [email protected] and we'll postit for you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially fromwhisteblowers.

Facebook IPO.Judge Lourie alsofailed to apply hisown law‐test inGroup One v.Hallmark Cards tothe evidence. After debunking allof Facebook's evidence on appeal,Judge Lourie created newargument in the secrecy ofchambers to support Facebook andprevent the on‐sale bar verdictfrom being overturned—a clearbreach of constitutional dueprocess.

Judge Kimberly A. Moore, U.S.Court of Appeals for the FederalCircuit, panel judge in LeaderTechs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Moorestood to benefit financially fromundisclosed holdings in Facebook.See disclosure of substantialholdings in Facebook andFacebook‐related stocks. JudgeMoore failed tofollow the long‐held precedentfor testing on‐salebar evidence inPfaff v. WellsElectronics, Inc.—an evident andintentional omission coming from aformer patent law professor. Afterdebunking all of Facebook'sevidence on appeal, Judge Moorecreated new argument in thesecrecy of chambers to supportFacebook and prevent the on‐salebar verdict from being overturned—a clear breach of constitutionaldue process.

Judge Evan J. Wallach, U.S. Courtof Appeals for the Federal Circuit,member of the three‐judge panelin Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc.,678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012).Judge Wallach is not a patentattorney. This begs the question asto why a judge with no knowledgeof patent law was assigned to thecase. Would anyone ask a dentistto perform brain surgery? TheFederal Circuit was speciallyformed to appoint patent‐

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Posted by K. Craine at 10:46 AM

Recommend this on Google


46 comments:K. Craine August 21, 2016 at 7:46 PM

Email comment by GH/DL:

Michael Goodwin. (Aug. 21, 2016). American journalism is collapsing before our eyes. NewYork Post.‐journalism‐is‐collapsing‐before‐our‐eyes/

Donald Trump may or may not fix his campaign, and Hillary Clinton may or may notbecome the first female president. But something else happening before our eyes isalmost as important: the complete collapse of American journalism as we know it.

The frenzy to bury Trump is not limited to the Clinton campaign and the Obama WhiteHouse. They are working hand‐in‐hand with what was considered the cream of thenation’s news organizations.

The shameful display of naked partisanship by the elite media is unlike anything seen inmodern America.

The largest broadcast networks — CBS, NBC and ABC — and major newspapers like TheNew York Times and Washington Post have jettisoned all pretense of fair play. Theirfierce determination to keep Trump out of the Oval Office has no precedent.

Indeed, no foreign enemy, no terror group, no native criminal gang, suffers the dailybeating that Trump does. The mad mullahs of Iran, who call America the Great Satan andvow to wipe Israel off the map, are treated gently by comparison.


Rain Onyourparade August 22, 2016 at 6:45 AM


Matthew Boyle. (Aug. 15, 2016). Glenn Greenwald: The U.S. Media IsEssentially 100 Percent United Against Donald Trump. Breitbart.‐government/2016/08/15/glenn‐greenwald‐u‐s‐media‐essentially‐100‐percent‐united‐donald‐trump/

Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept, formerly of The Guardian newspaper, laidout in an interview with Slate magazine that the media in the United Stateshas decided to band together in a last‐ditch effort to stop the rise of 2016 GOPpresidential nominee Donald J. Trump.

Greenwald, the progressive journalist who broke the Edward Snowden massgovernment surveillance storyline, was asked what he thought about DonaldTrump’s press conference recently in which Trump joked that Russia shouldrelease any emails it has from 2016 Democratic presidential nominee HillaryRodham Clinton’s illicit private home‐brew email server from her time asPresident Barack Obama’s Secretary of State.

K. Craine August 22, 2016 at 11:55 AM

Here is a PDF of the New York Post Goodwin article on the meltdown of themainstream press:‐08‐21‐American‐journalism‐is‐collapsing‐before‐our‐eyes‐by‐Michael‐Goodwin‐The‐New‐York‐Post‐Aug‐21‐2016.pdf

knowledgeable judges to patentcases. There is no evidence so farin the judicial disclosures thatJudge Wallach holds stock inFacebook, although when he wasasked on a motion to disclosepotential Facebook holdings andother conflicts of interest, herefused along with the otherjudges. See Motion to DiscloseConflicts of Interest. JudgeWallach continuedin silence evenafter Clerk ofCourt Horbalyfailed to providehim with Dr.Lakshmi Arunachalam’s motions(according to his Federal Circuitstaffer Valeri White), and yet theClerk signed an order regardingthat motion on Judge Wallach’sbehalf. See a full analysis of theseevents at Donna Kline Now! JudgeWallach also failed to police hiscourt’s violation of Leader’s Fifthand 14th Amendmentconstitutional right to due processwhen he participated in thefabrication of new arguments andevidence for Facebook in thesecrecy of judge's chambers afterhe had just invalidated Facebook’ssole remaining item of evidence(using disbelieved testimony asostensible evidence of anopposite). Judge Wallach alsofailed to police his court when hefailed to apply the SupremeCourt's Pfaff v. Wells Electronics,Inc. test for on‐sale bar evidence,which included even the FederalCircuit’s own Group One v.Hallmark Cards, Inc. test—a testwhich Judge Lourie should haveadvised Judge Wallach to followsince Judge Lourie helped writethat opinion. Group One testomission analysis.

Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly, U.S.Court of Appeals for the FederalCircuit, clerk who signed all theopinions in Leader Techs v.Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed.Cir. 2012). Clerk Horbaly and hisstaff obfuscated when the court'sruling was challenged by anamicus curiae brief revealing clearmistakes of law and new evidence.See analysis of the misconduct andmisrepresentations within theFederal Circuit Clerk of Court inLeader v. Facebook. Mr. Horbalyfailed to disclose his conflicts ofinterest and close associations

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K. Craine August 22, 2016 at 12:22 PM

Thank you to a reader for preparing this PDF version of the Greenwald articlecited above:‐08‐15‐Glenn‐Greenwald‐The‐US‐media‐is‐essentially‐100‐percent‐united‐against‐Donald‐Trump‐by‐Matthew‐Boyle‐Breitbart‐Aug‐15‐2016.pdf

dave123 August 22, 2016 at 1:09 PM


Lancelot August 22, 2016 at 6:43 AM

Here is a possible explanation as to why the MSM is behaving this way ‐ they are incahoots with the globalists, the cartel....and gagged. SEE:‐wall‐street‐handlers‐gag.html


K. Craine August 22, 2016 at 12:35 PM

Email comment by GH:

I thought you might be interested in this article:

Newsbusters. (Aug. 22, 2016). BIAS ALERT: Stephanopoulos gets tough on ClintonFoundation, leaves out his own donations. FoxNews.‐alert‐stephanopoulos‐gets‐tough‐on‐clinton‐foundation‐leaves‐out‐his‐own‐donations.html

ABC newsman George Stephanopoulos gave Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager a gruelinggrilling over the scandal‐scarred Clinton Foundation’s future on Sunday. ButStephanopoulos, a former aide to President Clinton, must have forgotten to disclose hisown five‐figure donations to the organization.


K. Craine August 22, 2016 at 12:39 PM

Email comment by JM:

Sarah Nathan, Jeff Nelson. (Aug. 22, 2016). Colin Powell Says Clinton Team ‘Trying to Pin’Email Scandal on Him. Time.‐powell‐hillary‐clinton‐email/

Hillary Clinton’s email scandal continues.

On Friday, the New York Times reported that Clinton told FBI officials former Secretary ofState Colin Powell had advised her to use a personal email account while she held theSecretary of State office herself.

“Her people have been trying to pin it on me,” Powell, 79, told PEOPLE Saturday night atthe Apollo in the Hamptons 2016 Night of Legends fête in East Hampton, New York.

“The truth is, she was using [the private email server] for a year before I sent her amemo telling her what I did,” Powell added.

Why does the former diplomat believe this to be the case? “Why do you think?” he said.“It doesn’t bother me. But it’s okay; I’m free.”

with numerous Facebook attorneysand law firms, aswell as his closeassociation withone of Facebook'slargestshareholders,Microsoft, who is a Director of TheFederal Circuit Bar Associationwhere Mr. Horbaly is an ex officioofficer. Additionally, the DC Barrevealed in a written statementthat Clerk Horbaly is not licensedto practice law in the District ofColumbia. [Editorial: What doesthat make the Federal Circuit withits location within in a stone'sthrow of the White House? A self‐governing state?]

Judge Randall R. Rader, U.S.Court of Appeals for the FederalCircuit, chief judge responsible forthe (mis)conduct of his judges andClerk of Court in Leader Techs v.Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed.Cir. 2012). Judge Rader failed tomanage his court resulting in alikely situation where his judgesnever even received briefs thatthey allegedly ruled on in favor ofFacebook. JudgeRader also failedto disclose hisconflictingrelationships witha Leader principlewith whom he may have had deepprofessional differences during histime at the Senate JudiciaryCommittee—his former professor oflaw at George WashingtonUniversity Law Center, formerLeader director Professor James P.Chandler. See analysis of JudgeRader's undisclosed conflicts ofinterest in Leader v. Facebook.Judge Rader alsodid not stop hisjudges fromcreating newarguments andevidence forFacebook in the secrecy ofchambers—after they haddebunked all of Facebook'sevidence on appeal, which is aclear breach of constitutional dueprocess.

Click here to view a FederalCircuit Leader v. FacebookConflicts of Interest Map.

Updated May 22, 2015

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Arasmus Dragon August 22, 2016 at 1:24 PM

Seems the entire Obama government is one big criminal racketeering enterprise.

State: Nearly 15,000 New Clinton Emails Found in FBI Probe‐Campaign‐2016‐Clinton‐Emails/2016/08/22/id/744588/

The FBI has uncovered nearly 15,000 previously undisclosed emailed documents sentdirectly to or from Hillary Clinton, the State Department said Monday.

The shocking admission to almost 50 percent more than the 30,000 work‐relateddocuments Clinton's lawyers turned over to the State Department in 2014 was tweetedout by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton before a court hearingwhere State Department officials announced the discovery.


Arasmus Dragon August 22, 2016 at 1:25 PM

... still more from the Obama Hillary criminal enterprise:

Newly released emails reveal more instances of the Clinton Foundationappearing to reach out to then‐Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s StateDepartment for favors involving wealthy donors – including Crown PrinceSalman of Bahrain – according to a watchdog group that fought to obtain theemails.‐reveal‐clinton‐aide‐gave‐foundation‐donors‐special‐access‐group‐says.html

dave123 August 22, 2016 at 4:44 PM

Thefacebook In the financing that Parker negotiated with Thiel, as well as a much largerdeal signed seven months later with the Accel Partners venture‐capital firm, Parker wasable to negotiate for Zuckerberg something almost unheard of in a venture‐funded start‐up: absolute control for the entrepreneur AND THEY DID THIS KNOWING FACEBOOK WASSTOLEN Without that control, Facebook would almost certainly have been sold to either Yahoo orMicrosoft, whose C.E.O., Steve Ballmer, offered $15 billion for it in the fall of 2007— BUT YAHOO AND MICROSOFT KNEW FACEBOOK WAS STOLEN?? Yahoo bailed and invested inAlibaba after getting a TIP off Yahoo knew one day that facebook would fuck them over?and yes YAHOO HAD TO SELL JUST LIKE AOL THEY LET FACEBOOK FUCK THEM IN THE ASSKNOWING FACEBOOK WAS STOLEN?? [Ego got the better of you] well they had Alibaba theygot to keep. Microsoft got all the emails about stolen facebook and tried to tack overfacebook by offering $15 billion for it BUT A DEAL WAS STUCK TO INVEST IN FACEBOOK.Parker AND Thiel knew facebook was stolen "George Soros knew about stolen idea facebook, Soros only communicates using Email thatself Deletes to keep secret's thanks to IBM?? George Soros is a very very dangerous personmake no mistake about this!!


dave123 August 22, 2016 at 10:27 PM

Ceglia plans to sue U.S. in The Hague BUFFALO, N.Y. ‐‐ Paul Ceglia, the Wellsville native who sued Facebook and wasthen arrested on federal fraud charges, says he has plans to sue

K. Craine August 23, 2016 at 6:58 AM

See "Cover‐up In Process At TheFederal Circuit?" Donna Kline Now!Sep. 17, 2012.

Leader v. Facebook Legal ResearchLinks

This is an opinion blog. Any informationcontained or linked herein should beindependently verified and should beconsidered the sole opinion of the writer.Free Speech and Freedom of the Press areprotected by the First Amendment of theU.S. Constitution and other local, state,national and international laws. Therefore,as with all opinion, such opinion should notbe relied upon without independentverification.

This site is a not‐for‐profit effort focused oneducation, news, investigation of issues inthe public interest, and research, and relieson fair use copyright exemptions under 17U.S.C. 106(a)‐117 of the United StatesCopyright Act, in addition to any and allother related and relevant privileges towhich a fair and reasonable person wouldattribute to this grassroots effort to root outcorruption and promote justice. No rightswhatsoever to third party content areclaimed or implied.

NOTICE: Opinion

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Here's the URL to which dave123 refers:‐plans‐to‐sue‐us‐in‐the‐hague/305123835

K. Craine August 23, 2016 at 11:29 AM

Email comment by DL:

Here's more TV coverage of the Paul Ceglia Statement:

Megan Erbacher. (Aug. 17, 2016). Report: Paul Ceglia seeking asylum inundisclosed country. WKBW.‐paul‐ceglia‐seeking‐asylum‐in‐undisclosed‐country

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) ‐ A statement written by a person identified as PaulCeglia has surfaced, and it suggests the American fugitive is planning to suethe United States for Human Rights violations.

"I'll be delighted to be bringing this suit in international court where thecompletely biased media coverage I have often received in the US, will beforced to discuss the real issues in this case, rather than to create moretabloid stories that focus on me buying beer for my high school classmates 25years ago or that I was caught after picking mushrooms in a field in Texas inthe 90's," the letter states.

The 28‐paragraph letter, published on the Americans for Innovation website,indicates Ceglia is in good health. It confirms earlier reports from Bloombergand Sky News that he is seeking political asylum in an unknown country. 7 Eyewitness News could not independently verify that this statement isindeed written by the Wellsville, N.Y. man.‐08‐19‐Paul‐Ceglia‐Statement‐released‐Aug‐19‐2016.pdf

The letter goes into detail about Ceglia's innocence regarding the Facebookfiasco that resulted in forgery charges against him.

Allegations of collusion among the judges who have presided over Ceglia'svarious proceedings are also strewn throughout the statement.

In 2014, U.S. District Judge Richard Arcara dismissed a lawsuit filed by Cegliaagainst Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Ceglia accuses Arcara and otherjudges of being "substantial" Facebook shareholders, and maintains he helpedZuckerberg create Facebook.

"I also funded Facebook's start and developed the search engine that runs it,"the letter says.

"All this is ignored along with decades of a track record demonstrating myintegrity to misconstrue age old facts into tabloid gossip."

K. Craine August 23, 2016 at 2:54 PM

More Paul Ceglia coverage.


Report:Paul Ceglia Says He's 'Alive & Well'‐paul‐ceglia‐says‐he‐s‐alive‐well‐/300899459

Faces of the FacebookCorruption (PDF)(currently being updatedafter the Fri. Mar. 7, 2014Scribd censorship of thisdocument:Here is the cast of characters in Leader v.Facebook. We encourage you to report theircorrupt activities to this site and others, likeLawless America. Feel free to communicateanonymously in any way in which you aremost comfortable. The attempt of thesepeople and their organizations to corruptAmerican justice and commerce cannot betolerated. Vigilance. We will expose them.See Congressional Briefings (currentlybeing updated after Scribd censored thedocuments on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014).

A. Facebook's law firms:

1. Fenwick & West LLP (Facebooksecurities and patent law firm;former Leader Technologies counsel;attempted an appearance in Leaderv. Facebook; did not seek conflictswaiver from Leader prior torepresenting Facebook)

2. Coo ley Godward LLP (Facebooklaw firm in Leader v. Facebook;McBee Strategic energy stimuluspartner; Obama Justice Dept.advisor; former employer to patentjudges)

3. Blank & Rome LLP (Facebook lawfirm in Leader v. Facebook; formeremployer to patent judges)

4. White & Case LLP (Facebook lawfirm in Leader v. Facebook;undisclosed former employer toPatent Office Freedom ofInformation Act (FOIA) officerinvolved in Leader v. Facebook)

5. Gibson Dunn LLP (Facebook lawfirm in Leader v. Facebook;undisclosed counsel to the FederalCircuit; undisclosed protégé of ChiefJustice John Roberts, Jr.;undisclosed former employer toPreetinder ("Preet") Bharara, U.S.Attorney currently persecuting Paul


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K. Craine August 23, 2016 at 6:55 AM

Email comment by TEX:

Soros has links to everything that is currently wrong in America......the Clintons, Obama,Black Lives Matter, immigration law violations, academia, excessive government debt,etc. Soros makes his money when the world is in chaos by hedging various currencies andcapturing the delta . If he knows before hand when chaos will occur , he wins everytime. And he certainly knows in advance when his goons cause it !!

By controlling information such as found in Wikipedia, he controls history and reasoning ofthe unsuspecting American who swears by this site. Soros also controls Snopes. Isn't thatconvenient !!!

In May , 2012, a book was released called Don't Mess with Travis which, in a comedic way,shows the Soros character as the center of a globalist takeover of America. It is a fun,historically accurate journey through an accidental secession of Texas.

Check it out . Soros, et al, are evil folks.

Have a great day, TEX


K. Craine August 23, 2016 at 6:57 AM

Here's another full analysis of Soros's dubious history. We have neverencountered a resume that is 28 tightly‐packed pages.‐08‐23‐George‐Soros‐biography‐KeyWiki‐Aug‐23‐2016.pdf

dave123 August 23, 2016 at 3:25 PM

Soros was the main financial contributor to the Polish Labor Union calledSolidarity. Its leadership had to be made up of members of the CommunistParty, or of communist agents.It is strange that Soros was allowed to set up hisOpen Society Institutions in the communist Hungary in 1984 and later in theSoviet Union in 1987. Such ventures were only possible for communists orcommunist agents and not for an American businessmen like Soros. Theagreement between Soros and the communist government in Hungary had tobe approved by the Communist Party General Secretary Janosz Kadar. Kadarwas during the 1950s personally involved in torture and murders of anti‐communist opposition members in Hungary.

Soros is known as the man who broke the Bank of England. The prime ministerof Malaysia called Soros an "unscrupulous profiteer." In Thailand, he wasbranded an "economic war criminal." They also said that he sucks the bloodfrom people

K. Craine August 23, 2016 at 3:10 PM

Email comment by GH:


They must have been drunk on tea and crumpets?

UK police took 2h to respond to Assange Embassy intruder despite 24h covert op & policestation 2 mins walk away.


Ceglia in U.S. v. Ceglia (Ceglia v.Zuckerberg))

6. Orrick Herrington LLP (longtimeFacebook law firm and destroyer ofevidence for the cabal in Winklevossv. Zuckerberg and ConnectU v.Facebook)

7. Weil Gotshal LLP (Federal Circuitcounsel in Leader v. Facebook;Judge Kimberly A. Moore'sundisclosed former client)

8. Latham & Watk ins LLP(Facebook Director James W.Breyer's counsel; Judge Kimberly A.Moore's husband, Matthew J.Moore's new law firm)

9. Federal Circuit Bar Association("FCBA") (Federal Circuit's barassociation; second largest in theU.S.; Facebook's law firms extertmuch influence in its policy andactivity, incl. Fenwick & West LLP,Gibson Dunn LLP, OrrickHerrington LLP, Weil Gotschal LLP;Facebook's large shareholder,Microsoft, is a director; FederalCircuit Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly isan officer; FCBA made anappearance in Leader v. Facebook tooppose the amicus curiae (friend ofthe court) motion of Dr. LakshmiArunachalam, former Director ofNetwork Architecture at SunMicrosystems, in favor of LeaderTechnologies and objecting to theevident conflicts of interest withinthe court itself, her motion wasdenied, the judges refused todisclose their conflicts which we nowknow include Facebook andMicrosoft stocks)

10. DC Bar Association

11. Perk ins Coie LLP (Facebook's"rapid response enforcement team;"law firm for Obama's chief counsels,the husband and wife team ofRobert F. Bauer and Anita B. Dunn;Bauer was identified on Aug. 1, 2013as having directed the IRS targetingof the Tea Party)

12. Stroz Friedberg (Facebook’s"forensic expert" who manipulatedthe data in Paul Ceglia v. MarkZuckerberg, and who first revealedthe existence of 28 Zuckerberg harddrives and Harvard emails that theytold Leader Technologies in 2009were "lost")

13. Chandler Law Firm Chartered(Professor James P. Chandler, III,principal; Leader Technologiespatent counsel; adviser to IBM andDavid J. Kappos; adviser to Eric H.Holder, Jr. and the U.S. Departmentof Justice; author of the EconomicEspionage Act of 1996 and theFederal Trade Secrets Act)

B. Facebookattorneys &cooperating judges:

14. Gordon K. Davidson (Fenwick;Facebook's securities and patentattorney; Leader Technologies'former attorney)

15. Christopher P. King ( akaChristopher-Charles King akaChristopher King aka Christopher-

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dave123 August 23, 2016 at 9:09 PM

Deaths associated with the Clintons keep rising… On Aug. 1, Victor Thorn, a prolific writerand Clinton researcher, died at his home from an apparent suicide. Thorn's death isadded to a list of over 40 other people who knew the Clintons intimately


K. Craine August 24, 2016 at 10:27 AM

AFI researchers were fascinated to see a commenter's post repeatedly deleted by Googlein a blatant example of censorship. The commenter was sharing her research onconnections between George Soros, Rocker Bono and Bill & Hillary Clinton. Her post wasrepeatedly removed when she posted it, and when we tried to re‐post it. Therefore, wehave made a PDF of her post which you can read here:‐08‐24‐Bono‐Soros‐research‐censored‐by‐Google‐this‐morning‐Americans‐for‐Innovation‐Aug‐24‐2016.pdf

If this blatant censorship continues, we will be forced to move the AFI site to a saferlocation. We never thought we would have to consider this when we selected GoogleBlogger as our platform.


K. Craine August 24, 2016 at 10:36 AM

Thought for the day on this censorship:

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

― George Orwell, author of 1984.

K. Craine August 24, 2016 at 11:44 AM

Here is the full citation to the BONO EMAIL to Secretary of State HillaryClinton on May 27, 2009 asking for a concert linkup with the NASA spacestation... which he received!!!

Keep in mind this request came when Hillary had only been Secretary of Statefor four months:

TIMELINE, 2009:‐hijack‐findings.html#2009

Doug Band is the CEO and founder of the Clinton Global Initiative.

Huma Abedin in Secty. Clinton's personal aide

Bono is a contributor to The Clinton Foundation and frequent speaker thefoundations private conferences.

Such favors are a serious ethical violation worthy of dismissal if not criminal foreach and every person involved in this email thread.

United States. Department of State. (May 27, 2009). Re. Bono/NASA, Bonoemail thread from Ben Schwerin to Doug Band to Huma Abedin [email protected]. Judicial Watch v. US Dept. of State, Case No. F‐2015‐06322, Doc. No. C05957586, 07/28/2016.‐05‐27‐Re‐Bono‐NASA‐request‐email‐tread‐involving‐Ben‐Schwerin‐Doug‐Band‐Huma‐Abedin‐Huma‐at‐clintonmail‐com‐JW‐v‐Sate‐Case‐No‐F‐2015‐06322‐Doc‐No‐C05957586‐07‐28‐2016‐May‐27‐200.pdf

Charles P. King, Fenwick & WestLLP)

16. Theodore B. Olson (GibsonDunn)

17. Thomas G. Hungar (GibsonDunn)

18. Eric H. Holder, Jr. (AttorneyGeneral, U.S. Dept. of Justice)

19. James Cole (Deputy AttorneyGeneral, U.S. Dept. of Justice)

20. Tony West (Associate AttorneyGeneral, U.S. Dept. of Justice; 2008Obama California CampaignManager)

21. Robert F. Bauer (ObamaAttorney; White House ChiefCounsel; directed IRS targeting ofthe Tea Party; formerly andcurrently employed by Perkins CoieLLP, Facebook's "rapid responseenforcement team;" spouse is AnitaB. Dunn)

22. Anita B. Dunn (Obama Attorney;White House Chief Counsel;husband Robert F. Bauer directedIRS targeting of the Tea Party,formerly employed by Perkins CoieLLP, Facebook's "rapid responseenforcement team")

23. Mary L. Schapiro (formerChairman, Securities & ExchangeCommission (S.E.C.); holdsinvestments in 51 Facebook Clubbasket funds)

24. James "Jamie" Brigagliano(former Deputy Director of theDivision of Trading and Markets atthe Securities and ExchangeCommission; Mary L. Schapiro'schief lieutenant on "dark pool" rulemaking)

25. Joseph P. Cutler (Perkins Coie)

26. David P. Chiappetta (PerkinsCoie)

27. James R. McCullagh (PerkinsCoie)

28. Ramsey M. Al-Salam (PerkinsCoie)

29. Grant E. Kinsel (Perkins Coie)

30. Reeve T. Bull (Gibson Dunn)

31. Heidi Keefe (Cooley)

32. Michael G. Rhodes (Cooley; TeslaMotors)

33. Elizabeth Stameshk in (Cooley)

34. Donald K. Stern (Cooley; JusticeDept. advisor)

35. Mark R. Weinstein (Cooley)

36. Jeffrey Norberg (Cooley)

37. Ronald Lemieux (Cooley)

38. Craig W . Clark (Blank Rome)

39. Tom Amis (Cooley / McBeeStrategic)

40. Erich Veitenheimer (Cooley /McBee Strategic)

41. Roel Campos (Cooley; formerCommissioner of the U.S. Securities& Exchange Commission at the timeof the infamous Facebook 12(g)exemption)

42. Lisa T. Simpson (Orrick)

43. Indra Neel Chatterjee (Orrick)

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K. Craine August 24, 2016 at 12:41 PM

Email comment by GH:

Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne, (Aug. 24, 2016). Watchdog: Clinton financedirector was middle man between foundation, and State. FoxNews.‐clinton‐finance‐director‐was‐middle‐man‐between‐foundation‐state.html

Latest Clinton emails shed light on Dennis Cheng's role

Hillary Clinton’s national finance director has emerged in newly released emails as whatone watchdog called the “middle” man between her State Department and familyfoundation, sharing donor information with a top Clinton confidante when he was workingat the foundation.

Dennis Cheng, before joining the campaign, worked for over three years as thefoundation’s director of development and before that as deputy chief of protocol inClinton’s State Department.

He has managed to stay below the radar for years, but emails obtained by CitizensUnited in a Freedom of Information Act request show him working closely with Clintonaide Huma Abedin – particularly after leaving the department for the foundation.


K. Craine August 25, 2016 at 5:40 AM

Email comment by GH:

Looks like others agree with AFI's assessment! As usual, you are visionaries ahead of thecurve.

Aaron Klein. (Aug. 24, 2016). Dark Lord: Hacked Documents Reveal Magnitude Of GeorgeSoros’s Domestic Influence. Breitbart.‐lord‐hacked‐documents‐reveal‐scale‐george‐soross‐influence‐u‐s/

Reviews of the more than 2,500 documents hacked from the servers of George Soros’sOpen Society Foundations highlight the undue influence the billionaire financier exertsdomestically, from attempting to remake the American electorate to successfullylobbying for changes in U.S. immigration policy to funding initiatives targeting local policeforces.

While many of the documents spotlight Soros’s global network, focus on the hackedmaterials from his Foundations’ U.S. contingent begins to expose the many tentacles ofthe Democratic Party mega‐donor’s operation and its deep impact over the policyobjectives of the Obama administration, often utilizing a slew of U.S.‐based progressivegroups and activist organizations. The revelations in the hacked documents also raisequestions about Soros’s future influence over presidential candidate Hillary Clinton,especially since the billionaire is one of Clinton’s top donors.


Arasmus Dragon August 25, 2016 at 6:00 AM

Priorities USA is another Soros funded SuperPAC slandering Trump and praising Hillary.Hopefully Americans see through this agenda ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ that these funders just want to linetheir pockets with their Puppet Hillary) and the fish aren't biting any longer.

My friends worry about this or that poll, and I remind them that those are contrivednumbers. For example, asked to pick between Trump, Hillary and Johnson and Hillaryleads. Asked to pick between Trump and Hillary and Trump wins hands down. Of course,the second result is never reported by the mainstream media lapdogs. Reporting on pollsis a propaganda event. They're not factual, fair or accurate.

I worry most about the "Man in the Middle" election rigging by Hillary stooges. We needto make sure that we have bi‐partisan election observers who know how data networksoperate to watch the data traffic flow from the precinct to district to county to statetabulator. That is where the vote totals will secretly be CHANGED by shadowy MEN INTHE MIDDLE in swing states.

44. Samuel O'Rourke (Facebook;Cooley-directed)

45. Theodore W . Ullyo t (Facebook;Cooley-directed)

46. Amber H. Rover, aka Amber L.Hagy aka Amber Hatfield (WeilGotshal LLP; Judge Kimberly A.Moore's former client)

47. Edward R. Reines (Weil Gotschal)

48. Trish Harris (DC Bar Association)

49. Elizabeth A. Herman (DC BarAssociation)

50. Elizabeth J. Branda (DC BarAssociation)

51. David J. Kappos (former PatentOffice Director; former IBM chiefintellectual property counsel;ordered unprecedented 3rd reexamof Leader Technologies' patent;Obama political appointee)

52. Preetinder ("Preet") Bharara(U.S. Attorney Ceglia v.Zuckerberg; formerly of Gibson &Dunn LLP; protects Zuckerberg)

53. Thomas J. Kim (SEC ChiefCounsel)

54. Anne Krauskopf (SEC Special Sr.Counsel)

55. John G. Roberts, Jr. (ChiefJustice, U.S. Supreme Court)

56. Jan Horbaly (Federal Circuit,Clerk of Court)

57. Kimberly A. Moore (Judge,Federal Circuit)

58. Matthew J. Moore (Latham &Watkins LLP; husband of JudgeKimberly A. Moore)

59. Kathryn "Kathy" Ruemmler(Latham & Watkins LLP; WhiteHouse counsel)

60. Evan J. Wallach (Judge, FederalCircuit)

61. Alan D. Lourie (Judge, FederalCircuit)

62. Randall R. Rader (Chief Judge,Federal Circuit)

63. Terence P. Stewart (FederalCircuit Bar Association)

64. Leonard P. Stark (Judge,Delaware U.S. District Court)

65. Richard J. Arcara (Judge, N.Y.Western District, Ceglia v. Holder etal)

66. Allen R. MacDonald(Administrative Judge, U.S. PatentOffice)

67. Stephen C. Siu (AdministrativeJudge, U.S. Patent Office)

68. Meredith C. Petravick(Administrative Judge, U.S. PatentOffice)

69. James T. Moore (AdministratieJudge, U.S. Patent Office)

70. Pinchus M. Laufer (Sr. Counsel,Patent Trial and Appeal Board,PTAB)

71. Kimberly Jordan (Counsel, PatentTrial and Appeal Board, PTAB)

72. Daniel J. Ryman (Counsel, PatentTrial and Appeal Board, PTAB)

73. W illiam J. Sto ffel (Counsel,Patent Trial and Appeal Board,

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Michael Beckel. (Aug. 24, 2016). Liberal billionaires bankroll Hillary Clinton’s super PACattack dog ‐ Florida, Ohio top targets of ads sponsored by Priorities USA Action. Center forPublic Integrity.‐billionaires‐bankroll‐hillary‐clinton‐s‐super‐pac‐attack‐dog

Priorities USA Action exemplifies how Clinton is benefiting from big money in politicswhile at the same time pledging to curbs its influence.


K. Craine August 25, 2016 at 6:04 AM

Email comment by GH:

Christopher Massie. (Aug. 24, 2016). Rendell: Emails Show Clinton Foundation, StateDepartment Firewall “Ineffective”. BuzzeFeedNews.‐emails‐show‐clinton‐foundation‐state‐department‐fire

The former Pennsylvania governor says the relationship between Clinton Foundation andState Department employees “creates a bad perception” for the Democratic nominee.

Former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell said in a radio interview on Tuesday that thefirewall between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department while Hillary Clintonwas secretary of state was “ineffective,” creating a “bad perception” for the Democraticnominee.

Rendell, the chair of the Philadelphia host committee for the Democratic NationalConvention last month, was asked about an AP analysis showing that a large proportion ofpeople from private interests who met or spoke on the phone with Clinton at the StateDepartment were Clinton Foundation donors.


Linda Wilson August 25, 2016 at 6:18 AM

Americans would be wise to listen to Bill & Hillary's former advisers and Secret Servicebody guards who believe she is unfit to be President.

Todd Beamon. (Aug. 24, 2016). Dick Morris: Clintons Want Power to Make Money. Newsmax.‐morris‐clintons‐want‐power‐make‐money/2016/08/24/id/745033/

Hillary Clinton is only running for the White House because she and former President BillClinton "want power in order make money," political strategist Dick Morris saidWednesday.

"They wanted money in order to get power," Morris told Brian Sullivan on CNBC. "Give mecampaign contributions.

"Now, they want power in order to make money."

Morris is the co‐author of The New York Times best‐selling book, "Armageddon: HowTrump Can Beat Hillary Clinton."

Regarding the Clinton Foundation, Morris said that Hillary Clinton should "close it down"because of her presidential bid.

About Dick Morris:

Dick Morris is a (former) friend and advisor to Bill Clinton during his time as Governor ofArkansas, Morris became a political adviser to the White House after Clinton was electedpresident in 1992. Morris encouraged Clinton to pursue third way policies of triangulationthat combined traditional Republican and Democratic proposals, rhetoric, and issues so asto achieve maximum political gain and popularity. He worked as a Republican strategistbefore joining the Clinton administration, where he helped Clinton recover from the 1994midterm elections by advising the President to adopt more moderate policies


74. James C. Payne (Counsel, PatentTrial and Appeal Board, PTAB)

75. Deandra M. Hughes (Examiner,Leader v. Facebook reexamination)

76. Kathryn Walsh Siehndel (FOIACounsel, U.S. Patent Office - bio andconflicts log concealed)

77. Dennis C. Blair (Director, U.S.National Intelligence)

78. Dennis F. Saylor, IV (Judge,Foreign Intelligence SurveillanceCourt, FISA)

79. James E. Boasberg (Judge,Foreign Intelligence SurveillanceCourt, FISA)

80. James P. Chandler, III(President, National IntellectualProperty Law Institute, NIPLI; TheChandler Law Firm Chartered;advisor to Asst. Att'y Gen. Eric H.Holder, Jr., Dept. of Justice;Member, National InfrastructureAssurance Commission, NIAC;advisor to Federal Circuit ChiefJudge Randall R. Rader; advisor toSen. Orrin Hatch; author, TheFederal Trade Secrets Act and theEconomic Espionage Act of 1996;Leader Technologies' legal counsel,along with Fenwick & West LLP)

C. Facebook puppetmasters:

81. President Barack Obama(appointed Leonard P. Stark to thejudge's seat in Delaware FederalDistrict Court eight days afterStark's court allowed Facebook to getaway with jury and courtmanipulation of an on-sale barverdict which was attained without asingle piece of hard evidence; Barackand Michelle Obama were evidentlyprotecting their 47 million "likes" onFacebook)

82. Lawrence "Larry" Summers(Harvard President who aidedZuckerberg's light-speed rise toprominence with unprecedentedHarvard Crimson coverage; Obamabailout chief; Clinton TreasurySecretary; World Bank ChiefEconomist; "Special Advisor" toMarc Andreessen in Instagram; co-creator of the current Russian robberbaron economy; close 20-yearrelationships with protégés SherylSandberg & Yuri Milner; aided inrecommendations that created theRussian robber baron economy—andYuri Milner/DST/Asmanov's moneyused to purchase Facebook stock)

83. James W . Breyer, AccelPartners LLP; Facebook director;client of Fenwick & West LLP sincethe 1990's; apparently receivedtechnology from other Fenwickclients that was shuffled toZuckerberg, incl. LeaderTechnologies' inventions)

84. David Plouffe ; directed Obama's2008 and 2012 campaigns; a self-described "statistics nerd;" likelydirected the activities of theFacebook Club; employed Robert F.Bauer, Perkins Coii LLP in 2000 at

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K. Craine August 25, 2016 at 6:26 AM

Testing a repost of Cindy's post censored yesterday...

I saw my (*** former ***) hero BONO on the news last night speaking at theClinton Global Initiative. I also learned he is a big Clinton Foundation donorand that he asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for favors in emails shestonewalled from Judicial Watch.

Also on the news was the Associated Press study that more than 50% ofHillary's Clinton's non‐government meetings while Secretary of State werewith Clinton Foundation donors. The obvious conflict of interest aside, yourpost got me to wondering if Bono had any connection to George Soros.


It would not be the first time that prominent personalities hid moneylaundering behind charitable work. How about Hillary and Bill and The ClintonFoundation? Here are just some of their foundations. I had to laugh when Billoffered to stop taking donations into The Clinton Foundation, USA, when weknow he has these offices spread all over creation. He is such a low life to me.

The Clinton Foundation, SwedenClinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)CGI UniversityClinton Global Citizen Awards Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI)Clinton Development Initiative (CDI)The Alliance for a Healthier GenerationClinton Economic Opportunity InitiativeClinton Giustra Sustainable Growth InitiativeClinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI)

...Ohhh so many ways to launder money for George Soros.

This research is so disturbing that I just had to share some of the links withyou.

Ignoring Bono's slight air of superiority, I generally have always admired hisapparent concern for the world's poor. However, what I have discovered,pretty easily actually, is that Bono is "thick as theives" with George Soros.

Is it possible for Bono to keep this kind of company without being taintedhimself?

Here are just a few of the sources I came across.

PHOTOS & ARTICLE ON THE COMPANY BONO KEEPS:‐exposed‐as‐a‐complete‐fraud/

Bono's DATA/ONE campaign is thick with members of the globalists.‐wants‐to‐save‐the‐world‐but‐he‐needs‐your‐money‐to‐do‐it/

DAVOS ‐ World Economic Forum ‐ the annual gathering of globalists

Gates Foundation ‐ eugenics personified‐We‐Work/Resources/Grantee‐Profiles/Grantee‐Profile‐ONE

BONO's Board of Directos says it all: Soros accomplices include: SherylSandberg (Gmail, Facebook, Summers mistress), John Doerr (Kleiner Perkins ‐Al Gore's current employer and Barack Obama's stealth adviser), LarrySummers (Russia vouchers, Harvard mentor to Mark Zuckerberg, GoldmanSachs bag man, etc.), Morton H. Halperin (Soros ‐ Open Society) are on hisboard.

the Democratic CongressionalCampaign Committee

85. McBee Strategic (one of the main"private" arms responsible fordolling out the billions in Obama"green energy" stimulus funds;partnered with Cooley GodwardLLP)

86. Mike Sheehy (Cooley-McBeeStrategic principal; former NationalSecurity Adviser to House SpeakerNancy Pelosi)

87. Nancy Pelosi (U.S.Congresswoman; appears to berunning political cover in the Housefor Facebook, McBee Strategic,Cooley Godward, Fenwick & West,Breyers, etc.)

88. Harry Reid (U.S. Senator; JudgeEvan J. Wallach patron)

89. Thomas J. Kim (SEC, ChiefCounsel & Assoc. Director) approvedFacebook's 500-shareholderexemption on Oct. 14, 2007, one dayafter it was submitted by Fenwick &West LLP; Facebook used thisexemption to sell $3 billion insiderstock to the Russians AlisherAsmanov, Yuri Milner, DST, DigitalSky, which pumpedFacebook's pre-IPO valuation to$100 billion; another Harvard grad,Kim worked at Latham & WatkinsLLP which was the chief lobbyist forthe National Venture CapitalAssociation in 2002-2004 whoseChairman was . . . James W. Beyer,Accel Partners LLP; in other wordsBreyer and Kim, both Harvardgrads, were associated at the time ofthe Zuckerberg hacking and theft ofLeader Technologies' software code)

90. Ping Li (Accel Partners, Zuckerberghandler)

91. Jim Swartz (Accel Partners;Zuckerberg handler)

92. Sheryl K. Sandberg (Facebook,Summers protégé; Facebookdirector)

93. Yuri Milner (DST aka Digital Sky,Summers protégé; former BankMenatep executive; Facebookdirector)

94. Alisher Asmanov (DST aka DigitalSky; Goldman Sachs Moscowpartner; Russian oligarch; Friend ofthe Kremlin; Became the RichestMan in Russia after the FacebookIPO)

95. Marc L. Andreessen (Zuckerbergcoach; client of Fenwick & West LLPand Christopher P. King akaChristopher-Charles King akaChristopher King aka Christopher-Charles P. King; Summers' sponsorduring Instagram-scam; Facebookdirector)

96. Peter Thiel (19-year old Zuckerbergcoach; PayPal; Facebook director;CEO, Clarion Capital)

97. Clarion Capital (Peter Thiel)

98. Reid G. Hoffman (19-year oldZuckerberg coach; PayPal; LinkedIn;Facebook director)

99. Richard Wolpert (Accel Partners)

100. Robert Ketterson (FidelityVentures; Fidelity Equity Partners;

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Soros wedding ‐ Bono was there among the 300 guests:‐George‐Soros‐marries‐Tamiko‐Bolton.html

Soros bio (goes on and on and on an on . . . this man truly is a busybody likeyou write)

The Frontman Bono (in the name of power) Book:‐Frontman‐Bono‐Power‐Counterblasts/dp/1781680825

K. Craine August 25, 2016 at 11:13 AM

Email comment by GH:

Courtney Kube, Jon Schuppe. (Aug. 23, 2016). Army Training Lesson Cited Clinton as'Insider' Threat Risk. NBC News.‐news/army‐training‐lesson‐cited‐clinton‐insider‐threat‐risk‐n636701

An Army training presentation on insider threats included Hillary Clinton among a rogue'sgallery of killers and leakers, citing the former secretary of state as an example of"careless or disgruntled employees," NBC News confirmed on Tuesday.

The unclassified slide, which first emerged on a Facebook page that spoofs the military,was confirmed by a U.S. military officials, who said it was used as part of a lesson on howto secure classified materials and improve safety.

A spokesperson from the Army's Training and Doctrine Command said the slide wasdeveloped 18 months ago.


K. Craine August 25, 2016 at 11:17 AM

Email comment by JM:

Catherin Herridge. (Aug. 24, 2016). Emails suggest Huma Abedin was careless withclassified info. Fox News.

Newly released email suggests Clinton aide Huma Abedin left classified papers in theseat pocket of a car during a 2009 State Department trip to India. Fox News' CatherineHerridge reports.


Rain Onyourparade August 25, 2016 at 1:08 PM

HILLARY'S BAG MAN, JOHN PODESTA: Looks like John Podesta has been Bill & Hillary's bagman since the early 1990's.

Jerome Hudson. (Aug. 01, 2016). TIMELINE: Countdown to John Pedesta's $35 millionRussian deal. Breitbart.‐government/2016/08/01/timeline‐countdown‐john‐podestas‐35‐million‐russian‐deal/

The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, and the Drudge Report have published storiesuncovering details found in a new investigative report from Breitbart News Senior Editor‐at‐Large and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer thatreveals that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman John Podesta sat on theboard of an energy company alongside Russian officials that received $35 million from a

Fidelity VenturesTelecommunications & Technology)

101. David Kilpatrick (BusinessInsider; "The Facebook Effect"; PRcleanse-meister re. Facebookorigins)

102. Zynga/Groupon/LinkedIn/Square/Instagram ("FacebookMoney/Credits/Bitcoin" feedercompanies)

103. Tesla Motors (received $465million in Obama stimulus fundsand hired Cooley's Michael Rhodesin the seven months before theLeader v. Facebook trial, just beforeveteran Judge Joseph Farnan madethe surprise announcement of hisretirement, just six days afterFacebook's disasterous MarkmanHearing)

104. So lyndra (received $535 million inObama stimulus at therecommendation of the Cooley-McBee Strategic "consulting"alliance)

105. BrightSource (received $1.6billion in Obama stimulus at therecommendation of the Cooley-McBee Strategic "consulting"alliance)

106. John P. Breyer (father of JamesW. Breyer; founder of IDG CapitalPartners - China; coached his son onexploiting Western markets while hequietly built a venture capitalbusiness in China for the last 20years; the real brain behind theBreyer exploitations

107. IDG Capital Partners (China)(founded by John P. Breyer, thefather of James W. Breyer, AccelPartners; the current launderer ofthe tens of billions James W hasfleeced from the U.S. market fromthe bailout, stimulus and the "pump& dump" Facebook IPO schemes)

108. Goldman Sachs (received USbailout funds; then invested withDST in Facebook private stock viaMoscow; took Facebook public;locked out American investors frominvesting)

109. Morgan Stanley (received USbailout funds; took Facebook public;probably participated in overseespurchases of Facebook private stockbefore IPO)

110. State Street Corporation(received U.S. taxpayer bailoutmonies along with Goldman Sachsand Morgan Stanley; consolodatingcontrol of ATM banking networksinternationally

111. JP Morgan Chase (received U.S.taxpayer bailout monies along withGoldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley andState Street Corporation)

112. Lloyd Blank fein (Goldman Sachs,CEO)

113. Jamie Dimon (JP MorganChase,CEO)

114. Steve Cutler (JP MorganChase,General Counsel)

115. Rodgin Cohen (JP MorganChase,Outside Counsel; Sullivan Cromwell,LLP)

116. U.S. Securities & ExchangeCommission (granted Fenwick &

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Putin‐connected Russian government fund.

The 56‐page report, titled “From Russia with Money: Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset,and Cronyism,” sheds light on then‐Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s leading role in theRussian reset, the Obama administration’s effort to reset diplomatic relations with theRussian government.


dave123 August 25, 2016 at 1:49 PM

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has come under fire for his involvement in the KorrynGaines’ case. The baltimore police department recently requested Facebook shut downthe Korryn Gaines’ account to which they agreed. Organizations are now asking the CEOabout his actions. reports: Mark Zuckerberg, the Chief Executive Officer of Facebookhas recently come under fire for his unpleasant involvement in the Korryn Gaines’ case.Zuckerberg shut down the account of Korryn Gaines’ upon request by the BaltimorePolice Department. A lot of organizations have called on the young C.E.O to explain hisaction.I HAVE TOLD YOU TIME AND TIME AGAIN ZUCKERBERG DOESN'T RUN FACEBOOK ITS ALLSTOLEN?? HE STOLE THE IDEA HE STOLE THE COD HE STOLE THE LIKE BUTTON.. CHINAFACEBOOK IS STOLE AND BEHIND ZUCKERBERG IS GEORGE SOROS MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUTTHIS??

Files stolen by USB stick, fake “garage” story highlight amended Oculus lawsuit ZeniMaxhas now added Oculus execs John Carmack, Brendan Iribe as defendantsThe 2014 lawsuit filed against virtual reality headset company Oculus and its parentcompany Facebook has now received its first major amendment in nearly two years. Thecivil complaint from game publisher ZeniMax was updated on August 16 with 22 additional"paragraphs," and those updates mince few words. Most notably, the lawsuit now namesOculus executives John Carmack and Brendan Iribe as defendants, in addition to theaforementioned companies and Oculus founder Palmer Luckey.


dave123 August 25, 2016 at 5:45 PM

An open letter has been sent to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg on behalf of acollection of activists calling for a new ... official may submit a requestthrough the Law Enforcement Online Request System".

K. Craine August 26, 2016 at 6:02 AM

Email comment by GH:

Exactly how Clinton profited off deals with Skolkovo is something the American public hasa right to know before November 8

John R. Schindler. (Aug. 25, 2016). Hillary’s Secret Kremlin Connection Is QuicklyUnraveling. Observer.‐secret‐kremlin‐connection‐is‐quickly‐unraveling/

Schweizer (Clinton Cash movie) shows that John Podesta sat on the board of a Dutch‐registered company that took $35 million from the Kremlin. The company was atransparent Russian front, and how much Podesta was compensated—and for what—isunclear. In addition, Podesta failed to disclose his position on that board to the Federalgovernment, as required by law.

‘In the old days, the KGB had to recruit spies to steal Western technology—now they dodeals with you.’

Even worse is how Clinton, Inc. profited from the Russian “reset” that was one of the bigachievements of Hillary’s tenure at Foggy Bottom. Never mind that the reset was a

West's application on behalf ofFacebook for an unpredentedexemption to the 500 shareholderrule; opened the floodgated forGoldman Sachs and Morgan Stanleyto make a private market inFacebook pre-IPO insider stock;facilitated the influx of billions ofdollars from "dubious" sourcesassociated with Russian oligarchs,Alisher Asmanov and Yuri Milner,and the Kremlin; Goldman Sachs isa partner with this Moscowcompany, Digital Sky Technologies,aka DST, aka

117. Jeff Markey (McBee StrategicLLC; allied with Facebook's CooleyGodward Kronish LLP to arrangeObama's green energy funding;arranged $1.6 billion for failedBrightSource and $535 million forfailed Solyndra)

118. Steve McBee (McBee StrategicLLC; allied with Facebook's CooleyGodward Kronish LLP to arrangeObama's green energy funding;arranged $1.6 billion for failedBrightSource and $535 million forfailed Solyndra)

119. Michael F. McGowan (StrozFriedberg; Facebook forensic expertwho lied about his knowledge of thecontents of the 28 Zuckerberg harddrives and Harvard Email accounts)

120. Bryan J. Rose (Stroz Friedberg;Facebook forensic expert who liedabout his knowledge of the contentsof the 28 Zuckerberg hard drivesand Harvard Email accounts)

121. Dr. Saul Greenberg (Facebook'sexpert witness from the Universityof Calgary; disingenuously waivedhis hands and said he would be"wild guessing" about the purpose ofa Java "sessionstate" importstatement (even Java newbies knowit is used for tracking a user while ina web session); in short, Dr.Greeberg lied to the jury, thusdiscrediting his testimony)

122. Toni Townes-Whitley (CGIFederal; Michelle Obama's 1985Princeton classmate; CGI "donated"$47 million to the Obama campaign;CGI won the no-bid contract to buildthe Obamacarewebsite; CGI shut off the securityfeatures on Obama's reelectiondonation sites to increase donations)

123. CGI Federal (US division of aCanadian company; Donated $47million to Obama's reelection, thenreceived the no-bid contract to buildthe ill-fated Obamacare website;Michelle Obama's Princetonclassmate, Toni Townes-Whitely, is aSenior Vice President of CGI; thewebsite is replete with socialfeatures and links to Facebook)

124. Kathleen Sebelius (Obama'sSecretary of Health & HumanServices since 2009 responsible for$678 million Obamacareimplementation; made the decisionto hire CGI Federal on a no-bidcontract despite the evident conflictof interest with Michelle Obama and$47 million in Obama campaigndonations by CGI; the website isreplete with social features and linksto Facebook)

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disaster, culminating in Kremlin aggression against Ukraine. Hillary’s signature program atthe State Department ended in unambiguous failure. Yet Clinton, Inc. did very well outof the temporary warming of relations with Moscow.

As part of the reset, Hillary encouraged and enabled American and European investmentin Russia, particularly in high‐tech firms. A key role was played by the SkolkovoInnovation Center, a sprawling complex in Moscow’s western suburbs that was establishedin 2009 as Russia’s answer to Silicon Valley. With encouragement from the StateDepartment, American companies jumped aboard. Cisco pledged $1 billion of investmentin Skolkovo in 2010, and Google and Intel quickly joined the bandwagon. All three “justhappened” to be major investors in the Clinton Foundation too.


K. Craine August 26, 2016 at 6:05 AM

Email comment by TEX:

"Liberalism" is a term used for American political sycophants that want no boundaries.Think about it. Start with the basic assumption that the sex of a human at birth is arestrictive boundary. Bathrooms are boundaries. The Constitution is a boundary. Ourborders are boundaries. Truth is a boundary. Disclosure is a boundary. Responsibility is aboundary. Cops create boundaries. Marriage and fidelity are boundaries. Faith is aboundary. And relating to this blog, patents are boundaries. I could go on and on but mypoint is clear. Boundaries are in their way.

These pompous erudites use fancy words to put us in states of guilt and regret. In thatregard, they tried to make the word " liberal" less offensive . These smarter‐than‐uswordsmiths hijacked the word " progress" and called themselves progressives, ratherthan liberals . That sounds better, huh ? It's progress when we, the opposition , areidentified as sexist, racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe, or some other hateddescription , simply for suggesting that our society should have boundaries. I believe thatfreedom to live in peace and safety only comes when societal boundaries are defined.Obama and his goons, and now the Clintons , have defined their new America as acountry with no boundaries. Hillary and Bill have openly been liars, cheaters, andthieves for over 30 years. They are not even good at disguising it. It's in our face. Everyday, something new. What the heck happened to our sense of legal integrity ? Obama hasonly lied and deceived publicly for eight years . His opaque history, however, shows thathe's been at most of his life, as well. It's in his blood.

Trump is spot on.......we are losing against the world in our economic markets . Thenumbers prove this to be true. But it's even bigger than that. We are losing the trust ofbillions of humans outside of our country as well as the hundreds of millions of citizensinside our thinly veiled borders . Is that what all Americans want? Is that what ourminorities want ? Is that what women want? Is that what our refugees want? Is a weak anddishonest country the answer to their challenges?

Hillary says that her ideas and leadership will give everyone a better life......HA HA. Itwill give No ONE a better life except the elites. George Soros has clearly made billionsupon billions by orchestrating world collapse. He has invested billions on restructuringthe world by insisting that the world should have no boundaries. Basic boundaries such asfaith, marriage, family, borders, Constitution law, honesty, and even law enforcement aretoo limiting for him. Even the name of his organization suggests no limits orboundaries.....Open Society. And , by the way, the elite want to get your guns. If theyhave the guns and we don't , they win . Listen closely to the liar Hillary and her lyingsurrogates.......Biden, Harry Reid, Pelosi, and Obama. They lie without blinking becausetheir cause is worthy. Josh" Baghdad Bob" Ernest stands in Obama's press room everydaydefending dishonesty. As Saul Alinsky said, " the ends justify the means". They know thatthey are within one election of collapsing the opposition. We , the opposition, are in abattle for America.

Have a great day, TEX


dave123 August 26, 2016 at 7:43 AM

We , the opposition, are in a battle for America. AGREE

125. Todd Y . Park (White House ChiefTechnology Officer (CTO); formerCTO for Health & Human Services;chief architect of;founder, director, CEO,Athenahealth, Inc.; founder,director, CEO, Castlight Health, Inc.)

126. Frank M. Sands, Sr. / Frank M.Sands, Jr. (Founder and CEO,respectively, of Sands CapitalManagement LLC; failed to fileS.E.C. Form SC 13G acquisitionreports for Athenahealth, Inc.,Baidu, Inc. (ADR) and Facebookstock during 2012; masked theassociation of Todd Y. Park withAthenahealth, Inc. and Baidu, Inc.,and the association of both of thosecompanies with the Facebook IPOfraud)

127. Robin "Handsome Reward"Yangong Li (CEO, Baidu, Inc.(ADR); appointed Jan. 2004, thesame month that Mark Zuckerbergobtained Leader Technologies' socialnetworking source code to startFacebook; Robin Y . Li is very likelyassociated with John P. and JamesW. Breyer through their Chineseentities, including IDG CapitalPartners, IDG-Accel and othervariants; Li appointed a juniorattorney from Fenwick & West LLP,Palo Alto/Mountain View, namelyParker Zhang, to be his "Head ofPatents;" Fenwick & West LLPrepresented both LeaderTechnologies, Inc. and Accel PartnersLLC in 2002-2003 and had Leader'ssource code in their files.)

128. Parker Zhang ("Head of Patents"at Baidu, Inc. (ADR), appointed inapprox. May 2012; formerly a juniorAssociate attorney at Fenwick &West LLP; graduate from MichiganLaw in 2005)

129. Penny S. Pritzker (Secretary,Department of Commerce; replacedRebecca M. Blank; holds over $24million in Facebook "dark pools"stock, most notably in GoldmanSachs, Morgan Stanley andJPMorgan)

130. Rebecca M. Blank (Secretary,Department of Commerce; oversawthe dubious Leader v. Facebookactivities of the Patent OfficeDirector, David J. Kappos, who heldover one million dollars in Facebook"dark pools" during the Leader v.Facebook proceedings; Kappospurchased this stock within weeks ofhis surprise recess appointment byPresident Obama; Kappos also wasformerly employed by IBM, who soldFacebook 750 patents during theLeader v. Facebook proceedings;right before leaving the PatentOFfice, Kappos also ordered anunprecedented 3rd reexamination ofLeader's patent without evenidentifying claims)

131. Mary L. Schapiro (Chairman,Securities & Exchange Commission;holds 51 Facebook "dark pools" stockswhich held stock in Facebook, Baiduand more than a dozen Facebookcrony companies; failed to regulatethe "dark pools;" failed to discloseher substantial conflict of interest inregulating the run up to theFacebook IPO)

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K. Craine August 26, 2016 at 7:48 AM

Email comment by GH:


Catherine Herridge. (Aug. 26, 2016). Clinton team used special program to scrub server,Gowdy says. FoxNews.‐team‐used‐special‐program‐to‐scrub‐server‐gowdy‐says.html

Hillary Clinton’s team used more than just a “cloth” to scrub her private server –employing a special program known as BleachBit to delete her private emails and try toprevent their recovery, a senior Republican on the House oversight committee who hasread the FBI’s investigative file told Fox News.

“They didn't just push the delete button. They had them deleted where even God can'tread them,” Rep. Trey Gowdy, R‐S.C., said Thursday.

The account is striking considering that Clinton, at a rare press conference last year inLas Vegas, seemed to claim ignorance when asked by Fox News whether she wiped herserver.

“What, like with a cloth or something?” Clinton quipped, adding: “I don’t know how itworks digitally at all.”

Yet Gowdy said her team was using BleachBit, which is like an electronic shredder thatpermanently scrambles data.

In reference to the kinds of emails Clinton has claimed were private and not worthturning over, Gowdy said, “You don't use BleachBit for yoga emails, or for bridesmaidsemails. When you're using BleachBit, it is something you really do not want the world tosee.”


K. Craine August 26, 2016 at 8:11 AM

Email comment by JM:

Lawrence Hurley. (Aug. 26, 2016). Obama's judges leave liberal imprint on U.S. law.Reuters.

(Reuters) ‐ When President Barack Obama entered the White House in 2009, the federalappeals court based in Virginia was known as one of the most conservative benches in thecountry.

Two Obama terms later, Democratic appointees hold a 10‐5 majority on the 4th U.S.Circuit Court of Appeals, a panel of which issued a groundbreaking ruling this Aprilbacking transgender rights.

The shift to the left on the court, which hears cases from Virginia, Maryland, WestVirginia, South Carolina and North Carolina, highlights a widely overlooked aspect ofObama's legacy.

His appointments of dozens of judges to the country's influential federal appeals courtshave tilted the judiciary in a liberal direction that will influence rulings for years tocome and be further entrenched if Democrat Hillary Clinton wins this November'spresidential election.


dave123 August 26, 2016 at 9:40 AM

Goldman Sachs and Russian investment firm Digital Sky Technologies have invested $500million into Facebook in a deal that values the social network at $50 billion—more thaneBay, Yahoo! and Time Warner.


132. Robert C. Hancock (ChiefCompliance Officer, Sands CapitalManagement, LLC; failed to fileS.E.C. Form SC 12G notice ofacquisition reports for Athenahealth,Baidu and Facebook during theperiod of the Facebook IPO in 2012;this conduct masked the conflicts ofinterest of Todd Y. Park, who wasappointed by President Obama to bethe U.S. Chief Technology Officerduring this same period; Todd Y.Park is/has been founder, directorand CEO of both Athenahealth andCastlight Health; Todd Y. Parkdeeply embedded the software fromAthenahealth and Castlight Healthinto when he wasCTO at Health & Human Services;none of these conflicts of interestwere disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethicspledges and reports are missingfrom the Office of GovernmentEthics)

133. Jonathan Goodman (ChiefCounsel, Sands CapitalManagement, LLC; failed to fileS.E.C. Form SC 12G notice ofacquisition reports for Athenahealth,Baidu and Facebook during theperiod of the Facebook IPO in 2012;this conduct masked the conflicts ofinterest of Todd Y. Park, who wasappointed by President Obama to bethe U.S. Chief Technology Officerduring this same period; Todd Y.Park is/has been founder, directorand CEO of both Athenahealth andCastlight Health; Todd Y. Parkdeeply embedded the software fromAthenahealth and Castlight Healthinto when he wasCTO at Health & Human Services;none of these conflicts of interestwere disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethicspledges and reports are missingfrom the Office of GovernmentEthics; Goodman was formerlyemployed by Gibson Dunn LLP,Facebook appeals counsel in Leaderv. Facebook)

134. Trip Adler ("Co-Founder" ofScribd; Harvard contemporaries ofMark Zuckerberg with a dubiousorgins story, like Zuckerberg's;Scribd held AFI documents for twoyears, then summarily deleted theentire library without warning onFri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's librarycontained only public documentsand much evidence proving theLeader v. Facebook judicialcorruption)

135. Jared Friedman ("Co-Founder" ofScribd; Harvard contemporaries ofMark Zuckerberg with a dubiousorgins story, like Zuckerberg's;Scribd held AFI documents for twoyears, then summarily deleted theentire library without warning onFri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's librarycontained only public documentsand much evidence proving theLeader v. Facebook judicialcorruption)

136. Jeffrey Wadsworth (CEO,Battelle Memorial Institute;President, Ohio State UniversityBoard of Trustees; former DeputyDirector of Science & Technologies,Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory, University of CaliforniaBoard of Trustees)

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dave123 August 26, 2016 at 10:15 AM

Mark Zuckerberg says his main goal is "to help make the world more open andtransparent," which is how the Facebook CEO justified publicizing his users'private information. But when it comes to Facebook's finances, Zuckerberg hasa double standard. And that's where George Lee comes in. Facebook decidedit could use more investors. But it didn't want to trigger a 500 investor capthat would force it to take its shares — and financial data — public, so logicallyit turned to Goldman Sachs, the firm renowned for its unmatched ability tosubvert the laws of the federal government and the ethics of the Americanpolitical system. A Goldman "lifer" and tech industry specialist named GeorgeLee was the executive assigned to Facebook, Business Insider revealed today.He proposed a "special investment vehicle" that would, in theory, aggregatemany distinct shareholders into a single legal investor, letting Facebook haveits financial privacy cake and eat it too. RUSSIAN AND GOLDMAN SACHS specialinvestment IDEA

dave123 August 26, 2016 at 11:41 AM

Mark Cuban Attacks 'Clinton Cash' Author, Ends Up in Epic Humiliation Breitbart News ‐ 1 day ago

In a recent interview with CNN's Michael Smerconish, outspoken Hillary Clinton supporter and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban attempted ...

'Clinton Cash' author: Email, foundation scandals are linkedFox News Video ‐ 4 hours ago

Clinton Cash Map UNCOVERED! Find Out How Bill & Hillary Made $110M — But AmericaPaid!


dave123 August 27, 2016 at 6:20 AM

HOUSTON – A former adult entertainer accuses Facebook of publishing informationerroneously identifying her as transgender and has pursued legal action against thepopular social media Web site in the United States District Court of the Southern Districtof Texas. Houston Division of the Southern District of Texas Case No. 4:16‐CV‐2574

Paree La’Tiejira’s lawsuit, which was filed Aug. 23, explains that the plaintiff, 41,previously won a court battle arising from published false and defamatory statementsabout her being born a male only for Facebook to disseminate the same content forwhich she sued.[ trending NEWS?]


K. Craine September 1, 2016 at 7:01 AM

Email comment from CM:

Jerome R. Corsi. (Aug. 30, 2901). Leak: Soros funded ousting of Glenn Beck from Fox News.WND.

NEW YORK – Does billionaire activist George Soros have the economic clout to push outconservative hosts and commentators that oppose with his leftist agenda?

Among the 2,500 documents hacked from Soros’ Open Society Foundation are documentsin which Soros’ Open Society Foundation boasts of funding a minority activist campaignagainst advertisers that succeeded in ousting Glenn Beck from Fox News and PatBuchanan from MSNBC.

In a memorandum dated March 27, 2012, Bill Vandenberg, the head of Soros’ DemocracyFund, discusses a two‐year grant to support the Color of Change, an online organizinggroup described within the document as the largest online political activist grouprepresenting African‐American issues.

137. Michael V. Drake (President, TheOhio State University; formerChancellor, University of California,Irvine)

138. Woodrow A. Myers (ChiefMedical Officer, Wellpoint, Inc.;formerly Corporate OperationsOfficer, Anthem Blue Cross BlueShield of Indiana)

139. Alex R. Fischer (aka AlexanderRoss Fischer; Trustee, The OhioState University; former Sr. VicePresident, Battelle MemorialInstitute; Chairman, OmniViz;married to Lori Barreras)

140. Chris Glaros (author of thediscredited Waters Report re. TheOhio State University MarchingBand; protege of Eric H. Holder, Jr.,Professor James P. Chandler, III,and Algernon L. Marbley)

141. Lori Barreras (Commissioner,Ohio Civil Rights Commission;former Vice President of HumanResources, The Ohio StateUniversity; former Vice President,Battelle Memorial Institute; marriedto Alex R. Fischer)

142. David Vaughn (Criminal Attorney,David Vaughn Consulting Group;former Assistant U.S. Attorney;appointed to the discredited WatersCommission at Ohio State)

143. Betty Montgomery (former OhioAttorney General; appointed to thediscredited Waters Commission atOhio State; accepted campaigncontributions from Woodrow A.Myers, Wellpoint, Inc. and friend ofMichael V. Drake)

144. Joseph A. Steinmetz (Provost,The Ohio State University; author ofPsychological Science article onMOOC (Massive Open OnlineCourse) that triggered the discoveryof massive double-dealing and fraudwithin the Ohio State trustees)

D. Facebook boy-puppets:

145. Mark E. Zuckerberg

146. Chris Hughes

147. Dustin Moskowitz

148. Eduardo Saverin

149. Matthew R. Cohler

150. Elon Musk

E. Corruption Watch—Patent OfficeJudges:

151. Anderson, Gregg

152. Best, George

153. Bonilla, Jack ie W .

154. Boucher, Patrick

155. Braden, Georgianna W .

156. Branch, Gene

157. Bisk , Jennifer Bresson

158. Bui, Hung H.

159. Busch, Justin

160. Clements, Matt

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K. Craine September 1, 2016 at 7:14 AM

Email comment from CM:

Jerome R. Corsi. (Aug. 30, 2901). Leak: Soros funded ousting of Glenn Beck from Fox News.WND.

NEW YORK – Does billionaire activist George Soros have the economic clout to push outconservative hosts and commentators that oppose with his leftist agenda?

Among the 2,500 documents hacked from Soros’ Open Society Foundation are documentsin which Soros’ Open Society Foundation boasts of funding a minority activist campaignagainst advertisers that succeeded in ousting Glenn Beck from Fox News and PatBuchanan from MSNBC.

In a memorandum dated March 27, 2012, Bill Vandenberg, the head of Soros’ DemocracyFund, discusses a two‐year grant to support the Color of Change, an online organizinggroup described within the document as the largest online political activist grouprepresenting African‐American issues.

Full article:‐soros‐funded‐ousting‐of‐glenn‐beck‐from‐fox‐news/


K. Craine September 1, 2016 at 7:15 AM

Here is the DCLeaks document referred to in the Corsi WND article above:‐03‐27‐Democracy‐Fund‐Apr‐06‐2012‐Bill‐Vandenberg‐on‐ousting‐of‐Glen‐Beck‐from‐Fox‐and‐Pat‐Buchanan‐from‐MSNBC‐Soros‐Open‐Society‐Foundations‐DCLeaks‐Mar‐27‐2012.pdf#page=5

161. Crumbley, Kit

162. Droesch, Kristen

163. Elluru, Rama

164. Fitzpatrick , Michael

165. Gerstenblith, Bart A.

166. Giannetti, Thomas L.

167. Guest, Rae Lynn

168. Hastings, Karen M.

169. Hoff, Marc

170. Horner, Linda

171. Hughes, James R.

172. Hume, Larry

173. James, Housel

174. Jung, Hung J.

175. Kamholz, Scott

176. Katz, Deborah

177. Lucas, Jay

178. MacDonald, Allen R. (biounavailable) – Leader 3rd reexamjudge (bio and conflicts log concealedby FOIA)

179. Mahaney, Alexandra

180. Martin, Brett

181. McKone, Dave

182. McNamara, Brian

183. Medley, Sally

184. Moore, Bryan

185. Moore, James T – Leader 3rdreexam judge (bio and conflicts logconcealed by FOIA)

186. Morgan, Jason V.

187. Morrison, John

188. Pak , Chung K.

189. Perry, Glenn J.

190. Petravick , Meredith C. (bio andconflicts log concealed by FOIA) –Leader 3rd reexam judge

191. Pettigrew, Lynne

192. Praiss, Donna

193. Quinn, Miriam

194. Reimers, Annette

195. Saindon, W illiam

196. Scanlon, Patrick

197. Siu, Stephen C. – Leader 3rdreexam judge (bio and conflicts logconcealed by FOIA)

198. Smith, James Donald

199. Smith, Neil

200. Snedden, Sheridan

201. Song, Daniel

202. Spahn, Gay Ann

203. Strauss, Mike

204. Timm, Catherine

205. White, Stacey

206. Zecher, Michael

Research Tip:Type any name or subject in the Googlesearch at the top of this webpage. That willshow you any relevant links within the sitesthat we have been following andinvestigating in the Leader v. Facebookcase. Vigilance everyone! Our AmericanRepublic is at risk.