georgia cattleman january 2014

official magazine of the georgia cattlemen’s association • JanUarY 2014 GeorGia Cattleman The Golden Cross, p. 36 • Who Gets the Farm? p. 48 • Beef Cattle Outlook for 2014, p. 54 Braunvieh Feature begins on p. 35

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Official Publication of the Georgia Cattlemen's Association


Page 1: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

o f f i c i a l m a g a z i n e o f t h e g e o r g i a c at t l e m e n ’ s a s s o c i at i o n • J a n U a rY 2 0 1 4

GeorGia Cattleman

The Golden Cross, p. 36 • Who Gets the Farm? p. 48 • Beef Cattle Outlook for 2014, p. 54

BraunviehFeature begins on p. 35

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4 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N



ContentsContentsVolume 42 / number 1 / January 2014

GEORGIA CATTLEMAN (USPS 974-320, ISSN 0744-4451) is published monthly by the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, 100 Cattlemen’s Drive,P.O. Box 27990, Macon, Georgia 31221. Subscription rate of $45.00 per year. Periodical Postage Paid at Macon, GA, and additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER — Send address changes to GEORGIA CATTLEMAN, 100 Cattlemen’s Drive, P.O. Box 27990, Macon, Georgia 31221. For advertisinginformation, contact Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, P.O. Box 27990, Macon, GA 31221. Phone: 478-474-6560.

GEORGIA CATTLEMEN’SASSOCIATION100 Cattlemen’s Drive / P.O. Box 27990

Macon, GA 31221

Phone: 478-474-6560 / Fax: 478-474-5732

[email protected] /

GCA & GEORGIA BEEF BOARD STAFFExecutive Vice President:

Josh White, [email protected]

Director of Operations:

Michele Creamer, [email protected]

Director of Communications & Youth Activities:

Bailey K. Toates, [email protected]

GBB Director of Industry Information & Public

Relations: Suzanne Black, [email protected]

Membership and Facilities Coordinator:

Sherri Morrow, [email protected]

GBB Program and Compliance Coordinator:

Tricia Combes, [email protected]

MAGAZINE STAFFEditor: Josh White, [email protected]

Industry editorial: Bailey K. Toates,

[email protected] or [email protected]

Advertising: Bailey K. Toates, [email protected]

Billing: Michele Creamer, [email protected]

Circulation: Sherri Morrow, [email protected]


The cover of the January 2014 issue ofGeorgia Cattleman features BraunviehAngus cross heifer calf at Willow CreekFarms.

The Georgia Cattleman magazine andthe Georgia Cattlemen’s Associationreserve the exclusive right to accept orreject advertising or editorial materialsubmitted for publication. The editorialcontent contained in this magazine doesnot necessarily represent the views of theGeorgia Cattleman magazine or theGeorgia Cattlemen’s Association.




The mission of the

Georgia Cattlemen’s

Association is to unite

cattle producers to

advance the economic, political and

social interests of Georgia’s cattle


Member Since 2000


Association reports6 GCA President’s Report by David Gazda

9 GCA Executive Vice President’s Report by Josh White

10 GCA Leadership

21 Georgia Beef Board Report by Suzanne Black

70 Georgia Junior Cattlemen’s Report by Madison Baugh

Industry news8 Your Beef Buck$ at Work

13 Meet Curt Childers, Region 14 Vice President

14 EPA Tries to Federalize All Waters...Again

15 FDA’s Guidance #213 – Doing the Right Thing

23 New Staff Added to Cattle Industry

25 YCC Update

28 USDA to Survey Cattle Inventories Across the Nation

36 The Golden Cross by Bailey Toates

48 Who Gets the Farm? by Frank Malcolm

52 Top 10 Reasons to Vote “YES” to Fund Georgia ACC

Reader services12 New Members

16 Industry Obituaries

17 GCA Facebook Photo Contest Winner

17 In My Opinion by Chris Taylor

18 Good Moos!

19 Chapter Connections

20 Georgia Beef Bites by Suzanne Black

26 Animal Husbandry? by Baxter Black

28 Associate Members

58 Local Market Reports

60 Classified Ads

61 Beef Management Calendar for the Month of January

63 Calendar of Events

71 Goin’ Showin’

72 Advertising Index

Expert advice33 Using a Cow Lease to Expand Your Herd, Pt. 2 by Curt Lacy54 Beef Cattle Outlook for 2014 by Curt Lacy66 What is the Expected Life of a Fence? by John W.Worley







Featurebegins on p. 36

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a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S • P r e S i D e n t ’ S r e P o r t

During the holidays, I venturedto the grocery store one evening forCarolyn while she was preparing din-ner. She still needed a few items tocomplete the meal and a dessert for ayouth benefit auction at our local cat-tlemen’s meeting.

Being the obliging husband that Iam (and thinking that this mightexpedite dinner and remembering Ihad not had anything substantial toeat since breakfast), I agreed, albeitreluctantly, to do so. After grabbing asweatshirt, some shoes and a ball cap,I headed out the door into the nightfor the short drive to the localWalmart. Upon arriving with list inhand, I grabbed a cart, secured andpaid for the requested items andmiraculously exited without beingdetained and patted down by theWalmart bag police. As I drove homeand entered the quiet house, I helpedCarolyn unpack the groceries andconcluded the following about myouting:1) During the holiday shopping sea-

son it is LOUD in Walmart. Imean really, really LOUD.Screaming, crying, fighting,yelling; out-of-control kids (andadults) are EVERYWHERE! Ihad never been to one (and don’tplan on going to one anytimesoon), but I can only imagine thatmy outing to Walmart was simi-lar to what it must sound like at aJustin Bieber concert with 10,000screaming teenage girls. I thinkyou get the idea.

2) Secondly, NEVER go groceryshopping on an empty stomachor when you are hungry, as thispractice has proven to be big-timeEXPENSIVE at the check-outcounter. Suddenly things thatyou swore growing up youwould never put in your mouth,and still today refuse to consume,begin to both look and smellAPPETIZING.

3) And finally, when going throughthe “Self-service” check-out lineand sacking your groceries youmight remember this bit ofadvice: Unless sucking pulverizedsaltines and Oreo crumbs througha straw appeals to you, I wouldstrongly encourage you toconsider a separate bag for the25 pounds of apples your stomachtricked you into buying. Happyshopping!If you have not already marked

April 2-5 on your calendars for the2014 GCA Convention, Trade Showand Beef Expo in Perry, I wouldencourage you to do so. In addition tothe annual business meeting and elec-tion of officers of your association,you will have the opportunity toattend one of the biggest and besttrade shows around, listen and learnfrom leading industry authorities, andpurchase seedstock from some of theSoutheast’s premier genetic suppliers.

A special highlight of the conven-tion will be presentations by Dr.Temple Grandin, recognized as one ofthe leading authorities on animalbehavior and livestock handling facili-ties design in the world. In 2010, shewas recongnized as one of TIME mag-azine’s “100 most influential people inthe world.” Dr. Grandin is also themost accomplished and well-knownadult with autism, and serves as anactivist for the autistic communityaround the world. Having had theopportunity to hear her presentations

in person before, I assure you thatyou won’t want to miss this opportu-nity to hear this amazing and highlysought speaker and industry advocateat convention.

In closing, I’m pleased toannounce that Robert Arnold ofCoffee County recently was askedand has agreed to serve as the inaugu-ral chairman of the newly formedYoung Cattlemen’s Council for theupcoming year. Robert and his wifeKristy, who currently serves on theGCA Executive Committee, and fam-ily reside in Screven where they run alarge and successful commercial recip-ient cowherd in cooperation with sev-eral seedstock producers located inthe Southeast.

Robert’s sincere interest, genuinepersonality and leadership skills willserve this new organization well asthey begin growing membership anddeveloping the next generation ofindustry leaders. I would ask that youjoin me in giving Robert, his leader-ship team and their membership yourfull support as they embark on thisexciting journey.

I hope all of you and your fami-lies had a relaxing and enjoyable hol-iday season. I know that the Gazdafamily has been blessed this yearthrough the generous support,friendship and prayers offered up inour behalf. We are indeed blessed tohave such great friends within thisindustry.

GCA President dAVid GAZdA And FAMiLY

6 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


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G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 7

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8 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

GBB's sUZAnne BLACkAnd Josh white pre-sented a checkoff updateto cattlemen gathered atthe Beef CattleCommodity meeting dur-ing the Georgia FarmBureau Convention atJekyll Island. The meetingwas the most well attend-ed of all commodity ses-sion during the event.

noVeMBer 19 toUr. Georgia Beef Board partnered with

UGA and Partisover Ranch to pro-vide a hands-on learning opportu-

nity for retail and food serviceinfluencers and professionals.

UsdA LiVestoCk MArket news AreAsUPerVisor dAVid GArCiA presented an

excellent program for cattlemen onUSDA’s cattle grading criteria at Lanier

Farmer's Livestock, Gainesville. The pro-gram was organized by the North

Georgia Cattlemen's chapter. GCA'sJosh White provided an overview of

the ACC for Beef as part of the event.

Page 11: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 9

My wife, Erin, and oldest son, T.K., are “readers.”They constantly have a book or Kindle nearby and willbe reading if there’s any down time. They’ve both chal-lenged me to read some of the books or series that theyfind most interesting. I read so much for work that I amnot usually interested in reading for pleasure. Oneexception is if I have to take a flight for a meeting orevent – reading certainly helps flight time pass quickly.Mystery and crime thrillers are some of my favoritesbecause of their ability to draw the reader into the story.These books are often called “page-turners” because it isdifficult to put them down until the story is completedand the outcome known. The sense of excitement andanticipation is very real – even though the story may beentirely fiction.

As we open a new calendar and turn the page toJanuary, I have a similar sense of excitement and antici-pation for what lies ahead in the cattle industry andGeorgia Cattlemen’s Association. Our story has taken apositive turn over the past several years and it is one ofepic proportions written through hard work and selflesscommitment from our volunteer leadership. It is a storyof progress, growth and new initiatives. The best part ofthis story is that you as a GCA member are an essentialpart of the action. Another key to our story is that it isas real as the ground we walk on – unlike the fiction myson finds so engrossing. There are several chapters in thecurrent period of our epic story that are especially excit-ing and have just begun to unfold.

After much anticipation, two new beef team mem-bers are being added this January: one to GCA and oneto the University of Georgia Extension beef team. BothWill Bentley, GCA’s new Director of AssociationServices, and Jason Duggin, UGA Extension beef cattlespecialist, are high-character young men who are pas-sionate about the cattle industry. Both grew up in thecattle industry and have a vested interest in making surethat many exciting chapters are written in our story foryears to come. I hope that you will seek them out atupcoming industry events, invite them to your localmeetings, and warmly welcome them to the Georgia cat-tle community during the coming months. You can readmore about each of them on page 23 of this issue.

A pivotal chapter is being written over the next fewmonths as the ballot sign-up period ends Dec. 31 and bal-lots are mailed out late January to determine if theGeorgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Beefwill be funded. The passage of this Georgia cattle indus-try self-funded mechanism could change the future ofour industry dramatically. I hope you will make voting“yes” your New Year’s resolution!

The GCA legislative committee has establishedimpactful priorities for the upcoming legislative session.Seeking to limit liability as visitors attend livestockshows and sales or visit our farms is a key priority thatwe will be working to achieve. A second priority is thefunding of the Tifton Beef Research Scientist position,which has been unfilled for many years. This position isvital to our efforts to prove the benefits of diversifyingfarms by adding cattle to the mix of crops and livestock.Our friends in the dairy industry are adding a researchscientist in Tifton and the addition of the beef researcherwill enable the south Georgia bovine team to do indus-try leading ruminant research. If you have an opportu-nity to visit with your state legislators, please mentionthese two important issues.

The first phase of the office remodel project is underway and should be completed very early in 2014. Yourcontributions are helping write a new chapter in the his-tory of our association by updating a building that wasoriginally dedicated in 1988. The first phase involvesremodeling our front-office area, which will enable us tocontinue normal operations while our second and mainproject – the kitchen remodel (culinary center) – willtake place. If you haven’t yet contributed please consid-er doing so. The renovations are designed to carry usinto the next decades better prepared to advance ourindustry.

As we wrote the final chapter of the 2013 member-ship year, we were blessed with exciting news of contin-ued growth. We have exceeded 5,100 members and con-tinue to grow at a steady pace, thanks to the work ofmany individuals at the local level. A new chapter thatpromises to help us continue this growth and develop anew stable of industry leaders is the development of theGCA Young Cattlemen’s Council. Congratulations tothe young farmers, ranchers, students, educators and cat-tle industry professionals who are helping drive this newdesignation forward. Look for a more complete updateon how this group is positioning itself for success onpage 25.

The possibilities are great as the exciting story ofGCA continues to unfold. I hope that you will considertaking a more prominent role as we make the history ofthis great organization richer with each passing season.Don’t underestimate your importance in determiningthe future success of an organization that depends oncommitted volunteers to lead it into the future. Thankyou to those who, in both the recent and distant past,have written a compelling story that we can be proud tobuild upon.

[Josh White is GCA and Georgia Beef Board Executive Vice President.]


Turning the Page...on a Real Page-Turner

Executive Vice President’s Report

pJosh White

Page 12: Georgia Cattleman January 2014


Kristy Arnold, Screven, 912-294-3485

[email protected]

Lee Brown, Colbert, 706-207-7048

[email protected]

Carroll T. Cannon, TyTy, 229-776-4383

[email protected]

Brent Galloway, Monticello, 678-410-6070

[email protected]

Kyle Gillooly, Wadley, 478-494-9593

[email protected]

Jan Scott, Hazlehurst, 912-309-2349

[email protected]


Region 1: James Burton, 423-838-0941

[email protected]

Region 2: Eddie Bradley, 706-994-2079

[email protected]

Region 3: Ron Ward, 706-213-9175

[email protected]

Region 4: Bill Cline, 770-251-3518

[email protected]

Region 5: Charles Woodward, 678-725-2292

[email protected]

Region 6: Tammy Cheely, 706-465-2136

[email protected]

Region 7: Steve Lennon, 706-577-1400

[email protected]

Region 8: Rodney Hilley, 770-567-3909

[email protected]

Region 9: Mike Burke, 706-551-3025

[email protected]

Region 10: Scotty Lovett, 229-938-2187

[email protected]

Region 11: Derek Williams, 229-315-0986

[email protected]

Region 12: Ray Hicks, 912-682-8670

[email protected]

Region 13: John Moseley, Jr., 229-308-6355

[email protected]

Region 14: Kurt Childers, 229-775-2287

[email protected]

Region 15: Alvin Walker, 912-282-1717

[email protected]

GCA Immediate past president: Chuck Joiner, 770-832-7299

[email protected]

425 Gray Road, Carrollton, GA 30116

NCBA Directors:Randy Fordham, Danielsville, 706-207-1301

[email protected]

Steve Blackburn, Waynesboro, 214-912-1993

[email protected]

Foundation Chairman:Bill Hopkins, Thomson, 706-564-2961

[email protected]

CattleWomen’s president:Nanette Bryan, Summerville, 706-397-8219

[email protected]

GCA pAST pRESIDENTS1961-1963 Ben T. Smith, Atlanta1963-1966 Henry Green, Sr., St. Simons1966-1968 Dr. Jack Tuttle, Barnesville1968-1970 J.W. Trunnell, Cochran1970-1971 K.J. Hodges, Blakely1971-1972 Edward B. Pope, Washington1972-1974 George Berner, Warm Springs1974-1976 Dr. O.E. Sell, Milner1976-1978 Joe Gayle, Perry1978-1980 Sam Hay, Covington1980-1981 Lee Campbell, Carrollton1981-1982 Charles Baker, Calhoun1982-1983 Webb Bullard, Camilla1983-1984 Bobby Rowan, Enigma1984-1985 Harvey Lemmon, Woodbury1985-1986 Don Griffith, Buchanan1986-1987 Gene Chambers, Douglas1987-1988 Mike Peed, Forsyth1988-1989 Sam Payne, Calhoun1989-1990 Bobby Miller, Lula1990-1991 Newt Muse, Carrollton1991-1992 Howard T. Jones, Foley, AL1992-1993 Mark Armentrout, Roswell1993-1994 Ralph Bridges, Lexington1994-1995 Lane Holton, Camilla1995-1996 Jim Goodman, Temple1996-1997 Dr. Frank Thomas, Alamo1997-1998 Joe Duckworth, Milledgeville1998-1999 Betts Berry, Chickamauga1999-2000 Curly Cook, Crawford2000-2001 Chuck Sword, Williamson2001-2002 Robert Fountain, Jr., Adrian2002-2003 Louie Perry, Moultrie2003-2004 Tim Dean, Lafayette2004-2005 John Callaway, Hogansville2005-2006 Bill Hopkins, Thomson2006-2007 Dr. Jim Strickland, Glennville2007-2008 Evans Hooks, Swainsboro2008-2009 Mike McCravy, Bowdon2009-2010 Bill Nutt, Cedartown2010-2011 Bill Bryan, Summerville2011-2012 Steve Blackburn, Waynesboro2012-2013 Chuck Joiner, Carrollton


65 Corey DriveDanielsville, GA 30633706-207-1301

MELVIN pORTERPresident-Elect

168 Hardman Rd.,Jefferson, GA 30549706-654-8283


172 Hidden Lakes DriveGray, GA 31032478-986-6893

JOSH WHITEExecutive V.P.

100 Cattlemen’s Drive /P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31221478-474-6560


Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Your GCA leadershipteam is here to serve you.Contact us with your ideasabout our association or tovisit about the cattle industry.


1985 Morton RoadAthens, GA 30605706-227-9098

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

GGeeoorrggiiaa CCaatt tt lleemmeenn’’ss AAssssoocciiaatt iioonn

10 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Happy New Year from our families to yours!

Page 13: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

ABAC ................Aaron Weaver / 386-527-9232

Amicalola............George Lyons / 706-265-3328

Appalachian..........Phillip Jones / 770-894-2479

Baldwin-Jones-Putnam ...................David Lowe


Banks ...............Thomas Dalton / 706-677-3008

Barrow.............Mike Pentecost / 770-868-6046

Ben Hill-Irwin......Ronny Branch / 229-457-0407

Berrien .....................................................Vacant

Blue Ridge Mountain .............Laurie McClearen


Brooks..................Kurt Childers / 229-561-3466

Burke ........................Milo Hege / 706-554-4933

Carroll .......................Tony Cole / 770-596-6596

Clarke-Oconee ........Walter Lee / 706-769-4231

Colquitt .............Rocky Herndon / 229-782-5660

Cook.......................Sean Resta / 229-896-8285

Coweta ..................Robert Allen / 678-923-6159

Crawford Area .......Doug Bailey / 478-361-3024

Decatur .................Stuart Griffin / 229-246-0951

Elbert ........................Ron Ward / 706-213-9175

Floyd...................Wesley Manis / 706-346-0874

Franklin .............Daryl Freeman / 706-491-3354

Grady ...................Caylor Ouzts / 229-377-7561

Greene Area .............John Dyar / 706-453-7586

Hall ................Steve Brinson Jr. / 770-869-1377

Haralson ..................Joe Griffith / 770-301-9113

Harris................Sandy Reames / 706-628-4956

Hart ........................Jason Fain / 706-436-9299

Heard...................Keith Jenkins / 770-854-5933

Heartland ..............Tony Rogers / 478-934-2430

Henry ....................Howie Doerr / 404-502-6287

Houston...............Wayne Talton / 478-987-0358

Jackson....................Cole Elrod / 678-410-1312

Jefferson ...Donavan Holdeman / 706-833-2962

Johnson Area ..........Will Tanner / 478-278-1922

Laurens ...............Brad Childers / 478-376-4670

Lincoln ......................Billy Moss / 706-654-6071

Little River ........Marvin Norman / 706-595-4291

Lowndes ...........Andrew Conley / 706-781-8656

Lumpkin ..........Anthony Grindle / 706-300-6605

Macon....................Ron Conner / 478-847-5944

Madison .................Trey McCay / 706-255-8422

Meriwether......Harvey Lemmon / 706-977-9222

Mid-Georgia.......Danny Bentley / 706-647-7089

Miller...................Trent Clenney / 229-758-2844

Mitchell ............J. Dean Daniels / 229-336-5271

Morgan ..............Michael Ivy, Jr. / 706-202-5046

Murray ................Chris Franklin / 706-263-2008

North Georgia ........Wesley Hall / 770-888-7249

Northeast Georgia ........................David Barnes


Northwest Georgia ........................Don Douglas 706-259-3723

Ocmulgee ..............Jim Cannon / 229-467-2042

Ogeechee .......Romaine Cartee / 912-531-0580

Oglethorpe .......Andrew Gaines / 706-202-5742

Pachitla ................Scotty Lovett / 229-938-2187

Peach ....................Willis Brown / 478-956-2798

Piedmont..............Glenn Hayes / 404-272-7298

Piney Woods .........Steve Smith / 912-278-1460

Polk ....................Jason Bentley / 770-855-0082

Pulaski ...................Terry Moore / 478-952-0685

Red Carpet ........Doug Bramlett / 770-547-9851

Satilla ...............Alvin Walker Jr. / 912-449-5352

Seminole..............Bruce Barber / 229-524-8633

South Georgia .....Lavawn Luke / 912-345-2102

Southeast Georgia ......................Charles Harris


Stephens ...............Mark Smith / 706-779-7362

Tattnall ................Newley Halter / 912-690-0789

Taylor .................Wayne Wilson / 706-656-6351

Thomas.......Charles R. Conklin / 229-228-6548

Three Rivers .....Derek Williams / 229-315-0986

Tift .......................Buck Aultman / 229-382-3202

Tri-County..............Alan Sowar / 770-668-4226

Tri-State ...................Gary Autry / 423-902-5925

Troup ..................Tom Mahaffey / 770-329-7197

Turner ..................Randy Hardy / 229-567-9255

University of Georgia .....................Jenna Lacey


Walton.............Sammy Maddox / 770-267-8724

Washington.......Bobby Brantley / 478-240-0453

Wayne ................Randy Franks / 912-294-6802

Webster .................Andy Payne / 229-828-2140

Wilkes..................Shane Moore / 706-678-5705

Worth.................Donald Gilman / 229-776-3779

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 11

GGeeoorrggiiaa CCaatt tt lleemmeenn’’ss AAssssoocciiaatt iioonn LLooccaall pprreessiiddeennttss


Complete and mail this form to:

Georgia Cattlemen’s Association100 Cattlemen’s Drive

P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31221

478-474-6560 • Fax 478-474-5732Email: [email protected]

q New Member q Renewal

Name ____________________________________________


City ______________________________________________

State____________ Zip______________________________

Phone ____________________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________________

GCA Chapter_______________________________________

Sponsored by ______________________________________

Birthday (juniors only) _______________________________

GCA Dues, 1 year ______________________________$ 50

GJCA Dues, 1 year______________________________$ 15

GCWA Dues, 1 year_____________________________$ 15

Additional Local Dues, 1 year _____________________$___

TOTAL PAYMENT        $___

Thank you ... for your membership!Membership dues entitle you to receive a one-year subscription to the Georgia Cattleman magazine.Payment of GCA membership dues is tax-deductible for most members as an ordinary businessexpense. Complying with tax laws, GCA estimates 5% of the dues payment is not deductible as abusiness expense because of direct lobbying activities. Also, charitable contributions to GCA are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.


Happy New Year from our families to yours!

Page 14: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

12 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Akins Feed & Seed, BarnesvilleBruce Akins, Barnesville James Bagley, CohuttaZach Ball, FranklinTaylor Barnes, FranklinAlan M Bass, Dudley Greg Benefield, Franklin Tenely Benefield, FranklinC R Benson Farm, LLC,

Dry Branch Mickey Bentley, SumnerBishop's Country Store,

FitzgeraldJames Blackmon, Barnesville John W Bowen, Sr., Garfield Austin Brewer, Franklin Danny Bridges, Fitzgerald Samuel Brown, Midway Brayleigh Bunn, Franklin Natalie Bunn, Franklin Lana Bussey, FranklinAnthony Camp, LoganvilleChad Carlton, Aragon Capital City Bank, Dulbin Camillia Carter, Stockbridge Janice Chesnut, Franklin Travis Childers, Calhoun Everett Childers, MontroseChristain, Kelly, Thigpen & Co.,

LLC, Dublin Steve W Clark, Moultrie Norman E. Coleman, Milledgeville Sammy Collins, Talking Rock Annley Elaine Cook, FranklinMegan Cook, Brooklet Ryan Cotton, Ponce Inlet, Fla.Paul D Coughlan, Thomson O D Cullen, IV, Glenwood Andrew H Davis, Statesboro Danny E Davis State Farm, Dublin Trenton A Davis, SylvesterJason Deloach, Valdosta Daniel Divide, Macon Daniel Divide, Thomaston Jeff Dobson, Canton A J Dovers, WillacoocheeJohn M Ellington, Thomaston Christopher Estes, Yatesville David J Flood, Tunnel Hill Family Focus, Dublin Allen Garland, Locust GroveSteve Garrett, Centre, Ala.John Gaskins, TiftonRay Gosdin, Roopville Betty Joe Greene, Forsyth

Mike Greene, Thomaston Haralson Co. High School,

Tallapoosa Joseph T Hardman, III, Dublin Drew Harris, Franklin Community Bank Of Dublin,

Dublin Phil & Diane Hall, DaculaRalph Hazen, Starke, Fla.Kimberlee Heard, Franklin Ben Hegwood, Doerun Helena Chemical-Wrightsville,

Wrightsville Xavier Hernandez, Mcrae Alexus Higgins, Franklin Kevin Holsmomback,

Sugar Valley Justin Long, Bainbridge Haley Hudgens, Franklin Katelyn Hull, FranklinRichard HunterFranklin Victoria KinneyMcdonough Adam Knight, Toccoa Michael Knight, Franklin Laura Knight, FranklinAndrew Knight, Franklin L B L Farms, Chester Jacob Lord, Dudley Mac Lord, Dudley Gary Lowe, Reynolds Bill D. Malone, Dublin Malone Farms, Dexter Kevin Malone, Dublin Justin B. Martin, Gainesville Trent Martin, Carnesville Sammy May, Tennille Mayo Cattle Co., Richland Alexis Mcdonald, Franklin Hannah Mcdonald, Franklin Jared Mcgahee, Valdosta Ryan Mckenzie, Franklin Lyndsey Mckenzie, Franklin Katielyn Mckenzie, Franklin Grant Mckenzie, Franklin Billy Mclaney, Watkinsville Harold Mclendon, Jr., Dublin Montrose Auction, Inc., Montrose Doug Myers, FranklinAdam Nauss, Forsyth Jeannie Nauss, Forsyth Karsyn Nauss, Forsyth The Four County Bank, Allentown Orr Insurance, Dublin P H White Company,

Dyersburg, Tenn.

Steven Pabst, Guyton Jacob R Patrick, Jr.,

Bloomingdale Zach Peneguy, Danielsville Jarreth Pike, Franklin Sara Mae Pike, Franklin Edward Powell, Montrose Hadden Powell, Montrose Jeff Powell, Bainbridge Ronny Price, Canton Randy Pullen, Wildwood C Eugene Reeves,

St. Simons Island Chase Reeves, Macon Jessica Reeves, FranklinHazel Reeves, Franklin Skip Reeves, Franklin Rylee Olivia Reeves, Franklin Tyler Marie Reeves, Franklin Harper Layne Reeves, Franklin Taylor Rigsby, Sale City Nathan Roberts, Elberton Hunter Robinson, Franklin Bryan G. Rogers, Dublin Maddie Rose, Mcdonough Sheppard Farms, Danville Andy Shirley, Fitzgerald Matt Smith, Franklin Leonard J. Steele, Lawrenceville Ryan Hunter Stubbs, RochelleKevin Summerville, Carrollton Sumner & Avery, Llc, Dublin Swainsboro Stockyard,

Swainsboro Samuel Teigue, Newnan Clayton Terry, Franklin Ronnie Thompson,

Madison, Fla.Pam Traylor, RoopvilleDalton Tucker, Pine Mountain Laranda Wainwright,

Thomaston Carey Walker, Abbeville Warnock & Mackey, LLC,

Dublin Ken Whitfield, Carnesville Adam Williams, Calhoun Ryan Wills, Royston Tyler Wood, Hogansville Billy Wright, Franklin Austin Wright, Bowdon Montana Wright, Bowdon Jacob Yearton, Franklin Reppie York, Franklin Kenny S. Young, Fitzgerald

Page 15: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

m e e t Y o U r G C a l e a D e r S H i P

Share what it means tobe a regional vice president andsome of the responsibilities youundertake.

ansWer: First off, to havethe trust of my fellow cattlemento represent them is highlyimportant to me and an honor.Being a liaison between thechapters in my district and thestate is something of greatimportance. It gives a face and aset of hands for GCA in thelocal region. Interacting withlocal chapters and local andregional politicians to ensureGCA’s members are representedand heard from.

Describe yourbackground and involvement inthe beef cattle industry.

ansWer: Born and raised inBrooks County and have hadextensive work in PB operationswith many different breeds. Ihave 21 years of management

experience as a manager andassistant manager of cattleoperations. We run a commercialcow herd that we use as satelliterecipients. We also run someregistered Simmental and Sim-Angus. I have been privately inbusiness for four years. I run acustom cattle reproductionbusiness that includes donormanagement, ET work, customAI and herd management underthe name of Bar C Cattle Co.My career began 40-plus years agowith my first show calf and I havebeen involved in it ever since.

In your opinion, whatis the most pertinent issueGeorgia’s beef industry is facingtoday?

ansWer: The beefreferendum should be at the topof everybody’s list right now.Voting “Yes” and getting thecheck-off passed is important toGeorgia's beef industry. Ballotswill be mailed early this year. If

we are not willing to support ourown product, why should anyoneelse support us? The need forfunding on production researchhas never been greater.

What improvements orchanges would you like to seeevolve over the next year withinGCA?

ansWer: The passing of thebeef referendum and membershipincrease are both important. TheACC is needed to fund researchwith emphasis on production andbeef cattle diversification forSouth Georgia. We are only asstrong as our numbers. We haveseen tremendous growth recentlyand I would like to see thiscontinue. GC

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 13




Meet CurtChilders,Region 14

Vice President

FAst FACts• He is a third-generation farmer/rancher in

Brooks County.

• He and his wife of 12 years, Lynn, have twodaughters, Mallory Williams and JamieChilders. They have one granddaughter,Kennedy Williams, 10 years old.

• They row crop a little but he is mostly a cattleman.

• He is a member and deacon of MarrisonBaptist Church; Brooks County Farm BureauPresident; and the current president of BrooksCounty Cattlemen’s.

• His favorite cut of beef is a Ribeye cookedmedium-rare so a good vet can bring it back tolife!



Page 16: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

n C B a n e W S a n D U P D a t e S

You have to give it to EPA, the agency isrelentless and creative in getting regulations that itwants imposed on industry. The best example,spanning decades, is its persistent attempts toexpand federal jurisdiction over “waters of the UnitedStates.” From decades of guidance documents, to failedlegislative proposals, more guidance documents, and finallyself-serving, flawed scientific reports drafted after a proposedregulation had already been written, EPA and the U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers (Corps) continue to try and find a way.It might be a good “Rudy” type story if what the agencywanted to do wasn’t going to put the cattle, mining and infra-structure industries (and the rest of the economy) under amountain of new permitting requirements. The latestattempt is a proposed regulation that is simply awaiting finalapproval from the White House Office of Management andBudget (OMB) before being made public. And according to aleaked version of the proposal, ditches, streams, prairie pot-holes and every other depression that has any moisture what-soever will now be a “water of the U.S.” subject to federalpermitting requirements, despite it being entirely encapsulat-ed on your property. The largest federal land grab in historyis about to take place, unless we stop it.

Some specifics on the proposal: • For the first time ever, man-altered and man-made

water bodies, including ditches, are included wholesale in theterm “tributary.” Tributaries will be jurisdictional.

• Any water adjacent to navigable waters or their tribu-taries....jurisdictional.

• Any water in a floodplain (truly any, this includes iso-

lated wetlands, ephemeral streams, ditches or anyother kind of water). EPA does not define “flood-plain.” 20 year? 100 year?

The proposal tells field staff to use “best profes-sional judgment” in determining the “floodplain.”

• Any water in a “riparian area.” Also undefined.If there is anything left outside those areas mentioned above,EPA/Corps can “aggregate” these “other waters” within a“single landscape unit” (undefined) to find a “significantnexus,” and therefore make them all jurisdictional.

Why should you care and what can you do?If you have any water located on your property that

would now fall into the “jurisdictional” category (I imaginemost of you do), any activity touching that water will needthe permission of the federal government through a Sec. 404permit. It will also impact Sec. 311 Spill Prevention Controland Countermeasure (SPCC) spill plans (required if you havea reasonable chance of spilling fuel/oil that could reach a“water of the U.S.”) and Sec. 402 NPDES (less than 1,000head feedyards become “CAFOs” if there is a direct dischargeinto a “water of the U.S.”). Permits can cost tens of thousandsif not hundreds of thousands to get and satisfy, and Sec. 404permits can take on average over two years to acquire, slow-ing down routine maintenance and expansion activities onyour operation.

To stop a federal takeover of all waters it will takeefforts from NCBA in D.C., you at home, and yourCongressman and Senators. Let them know you adamantlyoppose an expansion of “waters of the U.S.” by the EPAand the Corps.

14 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


While most of us have been busy with end of the yearwork assignments, holiday parties and dealing with theearly Arctic chill that has blanketed the entire country,our trade negotiators have been busy hammering awaylike Santa’s elves on new trade opportunities for us toenjoy in the New Year. Fortunately for our negotiators,Santa’s workshop was not in the North Pole this year; itwas in the South Pacific.

December 7th marked the end of the ninth ministeri-al conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) inBali, Indonesia. International trade junkies have beenbuzzing with excitement because the WTO, for the firsttime in nearly two decades, reached a multilateral agree-ment aimed at significantly reducing customs barriers,which some experts predict will add up to $1 trillion to the$65 trillion global economy. Equally as promising was thecoordination of “developed” and “developing” countries insecuring an agreement. We hope that momentum willcarry over to the next WTO round.

The positive momentum of the WTO ministerial wasfelt across the South China Sea in Singapore at the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations. While majorprogress was made on most of the remaining chapters,

there is still some unfinished business when it comes tomarket access issues for farmers, according to House Ways& Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.).The good news is that enough progress has been made tospur Congress to consider voting on Trade PromotionAuthority (TPA), also known as “fast-track,” in the firstmonths of 2014. In spite of some naysayers in both partieswho oppose TPA, Chairman Camp has stated that com-pletion of TPP and other trade agreements rests on the pas-sage of TPA. NCBA policy fully supports the renewal ofTrade Promotion Authority, and we stand by ChairmanCamp and all members of Congress who support TPA.The question remains – how can other countries workwith our negotiators in good faith to hammer out an agree-ment that could be twisted and torn apart by parochialpolitical interests back home? That is certainly a fate thebeef industry does not want to suffer. The positivemomentum in both Bali and Singapore is warmly wel-comed and long overdue. The U.S. beef industry, and thegreater economy, could certainly use a stimulus like thepotential growth that our negotiators fought for in Baliand Singapore. Let’s just hope that our negotiators andCongress can keep the momentum going in 2014.

Have a “Bali” Jolly Christmas


EPA Tries to Federalize All Waters...Again

Page 17: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

n C B a n e W S a n D U P D a t e S

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 15

In early December the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) finalized Guidance #213, establish-ing procedures for voluntarily phasing out growth pro-motion claims for medically important antibiotics used inlivestock. In addition, FDA published proposed changesto the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) regulation, whichmandates the rules andresponsibilities of licensedveterinarians in prescribingand administering medicallyimportant antibiotics in feed.Taken together, Guidance#213 and the proposed VFDmean that, in the future, med-ically important antibiotic products may only be used fortherapeutic purposes, at therapeutic doses and under thesupervision of a veterinarian. As a veterinarian for 32 yearsand a consumer of animal products, I think this is the rightdecision. And Zoetis does, too.

Zoetis is committed to responsible use of antimicro-bial drugs in animals, and we support the FDA’s efforts tolead this voluntary phase-out of the use of medicallyimportant antibiotic products for growth promotion infood-producing animals. Furthermore, we believe that vet-erinarians should be involved in decisions regarding antibi-otic use in food animals – for the health of the animal andthe safety of the food supply. Each and every day, pro-ducers, nutritionists and veterinarians are doing greatthings to care for our farm animals and provide theworld’s safest food supply and we believe these changesprovide clarity to efforts toward continuously improvingon the great work being done.

The revisions to the VFD regulation will guide veteri-narians, nutritionists and producers as they manage thehealth and welfare of their herds, which is important tothose of us in the livestock industry and the consumerswho rely on us. As outlined in Guidance #213, implemen-tation of these changes will take place over three years andin conjunction with the finalization of the new VFD reg-ulation. We are fully committed to supporting our pro-ducer, veterinary, nutritionist and feed customers byworking with them to understand, and make a successfultransition to, the new procedures outlined by the FDA.

Supporting Guidance #213 and the VFD revisions fallsin line with our company-wide commitment to judicioususe of antibiotics. Zoetis has been a leader in providingongoing education to veterinarians, nutritionists and live-stock producers on the proper use of antimicrobial drugsto treat, control and prevent infection and disease in live-stock. With our work to prepare for and implementGuidance #213, we affirm our commitment to providingthis important educational and training service. Zoetis willcontinue to champion antibiotic stewardship and theappropriate use of our microbial products. This commit-ment is evident through our Residue-Free Guarantee, sup-

port of state Cattlemen’s College educational sessions,chute-side training and meetings with local producergroups, and initiatives like Individual Pig Care and Jointhe Cause that cover the pork and dairy industries, respec-tively. We are also able to provide local support throughthe veterinarians and nutritionists who comprise our

Technical Services team andour extensive field force locat-ed across the United States.

As the new policies moveforward, we remain commit-ted to researching and devel-oping new therapeutic prod-ucts and strategies to help vet-

erinarians treat illness in livestock and to help farmers andranchers protect the health and wellness of their herds.The FDA is inviting comments to the draft VFD byMarch 12, 2014.

We will continue to be involved in helping to shapethe final version of the VFD by sharing feedback on theproposed regulation. The opportunity to share commentson the version put forward by the FDA is not one that wecan take lightly. We should, as an industry, weigh in andhelp provide insight on the impact, potential consequencesand implementation of the VFD.

One of our core beliefs at Zoetis is to always do theright thing – meaning integrity is a guiding principle for allof our decisions and relationships. We view the efforts toprepare for and implement Guidance #213 and the pro-posed VFD as part of our larger commitment to doing theright thing – for our customers, the animals they care for,and the consumers they feed. GC

FDA’s Guidance #213 – Doing the Right ThingBy Roger L. Saltman, DVM, MBA, Group Director, Cattle and Equine Technical Services, Zoetis

legislative Watch s. 258 and h.r. 657— grazing improvement actTo amend the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 toimprove the management of grazing leases and permits, and for otherpurposes. NCBA urges a Yes vote on S. 258 and H.R. 657. KeySponsors: Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho)h.r. 1462 — renewable fuel standard reform actAmends the Clean Air Act to revise the renewable fuel program. NCBAurges a Yes vote on H.R. 1462. Key Sponsor: Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.)s. 1343 — farmer identity Protection actProtects the personal information of livestock producers from being dis-tributed to third parties. NCBA urges a Yes vote on S. 1343. Key Sponsors: Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.)s. 1630 and h.r. 3189 — Water rights Protection actProvides a means to combat the recent directive that allows the UnitedStates Forest Service (USFS) to seize private water rights without justcompensation. NCBA urges a Yes vote on S. 1630 and H.R. 3189. Key Sponsors: Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Colo.).h.r. 311 — farmers Undertake environmental land stewardship(fUels) actDirects EPA to change the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure(SPCC) rule to consider a producer's risk when it comes to maintainingcostly oil storage facilities. The bill would allow EPA to create practicalexemptions for small farmers and ranchers.

One of our core beliefs at Zoetis is toalways do the right thing – meaningintegrity is a guiding principle for all ofour decisions and relationships.

Page 18: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

16 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

RAlph GoSS BRIDGeS passed away on Nov. 5,2013, at his home in the Salem Community, Lexington,Ga. Ralph was the son of the late Walter and Rosa ChafinBridges. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, MargaretSanders Bridges; and his children: Steve (Glenda), daugh-ter-in-law, Debbie Hopkins Bridges, Iris Walker (Barry),John Mark (Tricia), Walter (Maria), and David (Gloria);and 22 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. He waspreceded in death by his parents, son Terry Alan BridgesSr., and four brothers and five sisters: Walter EverettBridges, Louis Harris Bridges, William Chafin "Jake"Bridges, Charles Cecil Bridges, Florrie Elizabeth Paul,Rosa Lee Bridges, Eleanor Louise Bridges, Jonell "Nell"Gillespie, and Emily Ann Saye.

Ralph was a member and a deacon of the Salem BaptistChurch. He served Oglethorpe county in several capaci-ties of farm and cattle organization. He was a Director ofthe American Angus Association from 1988-1990,President of the Georgia Angus Association from 1989-1990, President of the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association in1992, President of the American Angus Association in1996, Past President of the Oglethorpe CountyCattlemen's Association and Georgia Farm Bureau, andChairman of the Board of First Commerce Bank. He wasan avid Angus cattle breeder & turkey farmer. He was theowner of Bridges Angus Farms for over 50 years.


GeoRGe DAvID QueeneR, 88, ofChickamauga, Ga. passed away Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013.He is survived by his son, Dan Queener, Daughter-in-law,Valerie G. Queener, Granddaughter, Danielle Austin ofChurch Hill, Tenn., and half Brother, Henry Queener Jr.of Nashville, Tenn. He was a Veteran of World War II.We wish to sum up his life with his favorite quote byThomas Carlyle, “Blessed is he who has found his work,for his is the greatest Blessedness of all.” He was trulyblessed in his work and enjoyed his life.


leRoy hAll JohnSon, of Turin, Ga., passedaway on Nov. 8, 2013. He was born to the late RhodesHall & Nancy Bowers Johnson, on September 8, 1916, inTurin, Ga. One of five children, he was raised on a cattlefarm which later became a productive peach orchard. Hegraduated from Starr High School and attended WestGeorgia College. Leroy was married for 74 years to hischildhood sweetheart, Ella Hill Brown Johnson.

He was a successful farmer and business man. Hestarted the Turin Manufacturing Co. which made andsold concrete blocks across the Southeast. Leroy was amember of Turin Baptist church where he served as dea-con and treasurer. He was a long time member of theSenoia Lions Club and the Cattleman’s Association,where he served as president for both organizations. Hewas also a charter member of the Cattleman’s

Association. He was a strong supporter and member ofthe Coweta County 4-H programs and a trustee of theStarr High Board of Education. He had a strong person-al commitment to Coweta County through his service onthe Turin City Council and as a Coweta CountyCommissioner for 38 years where he served as Chairmanof the Board for many of those years. He succeeded hisfather, Rhodes H. Johnson, as commissioner. As aCommissioner, he was a leader in the development of thecounty water system and instrumental in preserving theB.T. Brown Reservoir to meet the future water demandsof Coweta County. He was a strong supporter of therecreational programs, fire department, and ambulanceservice for all of Coweta County. He also helped developthe Shenandoah Industrial Park in order to help balancethe tax base for the county, and he worked to solve crit-ical solid waste disposal problems to meet the federalhealth and safety requirements. Coweta County and thestate of Georgia benefited from his leadership roles andmany years of service as president and board member ofthe Association of County Commissioners of Georgia.He received the Association’s Distinguished ServiceAward for dedication and service to all the counties ofGeorgia.

More important to Leroy than all of his accolades washis desire to be remembered as a loving family memberand a loyal and a faithful friend to all. Leroy is survived byhis wife, Ella Hill, and his three daughters, Corille andhusband, Clark Hudson, Jane and husband, NedChambless, and Leroyce and husband, Gary Wright. Hehas eight grandchildren: Tom Hudson and wife Christi,Cheryl Mitcham and husband, Link, Amy Riley and hus-band, Lee, Lori Drake and husband, Taylor, RussellChambless and wife, Carrie, Josh Wright, Jarrod Wrightand wife, Margaret, and Maggie Wright. He had 12 great-grandchildren. Leroy was affectionately called “Pops” bythe grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


JAmeS RAnDolph “RAnDy” RIGSBy, SR.,88, of the Pebble City Community near Camilla, Ga., diedNov. 12, 2013, at his home. Randy was born Sept. 27,1925, in Camilla, he was the son of the late A.T. Rigsby,Sr. and Bess Faircloth Rigsby.

Mr. Randy was a retired farmer and cattleman operat-ing Hill Top Farms, a purebred Charolais and commercialprogram. He was a member of the Georgia Cattlemen’sAssociation and was a supporter of both the Georgia BullTest Programs and the Georgia HERD Programs at bothCalhoun and Tifton. He was a member of Pebble CityBaptist Church.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death byone brother, A.T. Rigsby, Jr. Survivors include his wife,Ruth King Rigsby of Camilla; four daughters, three sons,one brother, fourteen grandchildren, thirteen great-grand-children, and two nieces.

Cattle Industry Loses Diverse Group of Leaders


i n D U S t r Y o B i t U a r i e S

Page 19: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 17

Congratulations to Stephen Gambrell

for submitting the winning entry in GCA’s January photo contest.

Check out our Facebook page for the Februrary photo of the month contest!

I had the opportunity to visitWashington, D.C., back in the spring aspart of Georgia Cattlemen’s delegation tothe National Cattlemen’s (NCBA) legisla-tive conference. Just a few weeks ago Ihad the opportunity to go back to D.C.with a group of my customers. As manyof you know, I sell equipment to sawmills all around the country. The privatemill owners have an organization calledSouthern Lumber manufacturesAssociation, SLMA for short. The SLMAis made up of mill owners from all overthe South East and as far as Texas. It maysurprise you to know that they havemany of the same concerns as cattlemensince they are land owners or they dealclosely with landowners.

I was a little surprised myself to seethe first talking point on the list to discusswith our legislators was the Farm Bill.The SLMA was concerned that the ForestProducts Fairness Act of 2013, which is inthe House and Senate Farm Bills, stay inthe bill through the conference process.The House version had a fix included con-cerning the permitting of forest roads,EPA is on the industry’s side of this issuebut the environmentalists are the prob-lem. This is an issue that NCBA and thePublic Lands Council have worked close-ly together on with the forestry and lum-bers folks.

Another area that would be of inter-est to land owners in Georgia is theGovernment Green Building Standards.As it stands now, the government is usingthe LEEDS (Leadership in Energy andEnvironmental Design) standard for allgovernment funded building projects.The majority of the forest in the south-east does not qualify for the LEEDS stan-dard, therefore other products are beingused for projects. As a result of our visitand the efforts of many other folks in theindustry, the GSA made an announce-ment on the Monday after our visit that itwas changing its recommendation toinclude other standards that wouldinclude lumber from the Southern U.S.

On Tax reform, as you might imag-ine, the SLMA is asking that the “timbertax” provisions be maintained in any taxreform discussions that take place.

As you can see, there are other orga-nization’s that share the same concerns asGCA. As cattle producers and land own-ers we need to stay in touch with what isgoing on and share our concerns withothers. There are other folks just as con-cerned with many things coming out ofgovernment as we are, even though wemay be from different branches of agri-culture.

I guess the most informative part ofthe trip came in the cab ride from the

hotel back to the airport. The gentlemanthat drove me was 73 years old and hasbeen driving a cab there for 43 years. Heasked if I had a successful trip, I told himhis guess was as good as mine! He said hedidn’t know if I was Democrat orRepublican but one thing was for sure,there wasn’t ten cents difference in eitherone! He did proceed to tell me some-thing I do strongly believe. He said, son,I’ve seen and heard it all right there inthat seat you’re setting in, from bothparties. I’ve heard them on the phonesaying “Do whatever you got to do toget this bill passed, these folks are wor-rying me to death!” This just confirmedsomething I’ve believed for a long time –it’s the squeaky wheel that gets thegrease.

With that being said, it is importantthat we pay attention to things that arehappening not only in Washington butalso at the state and local government lev-els. We need to continue our tradition ofpartnering with like-minded organiza-tions when we can to make a largerimpression. We must continue to buildrelationships with our elected officials totry and make our country a better placeto live and raise a family. I encourage youto get involved because we all can make adifference.

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S


@in My Opinion

Trips to the Hill by Chris Taylor


Page 20: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

18 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Sam hay stoppedby the GCA office onNov. 12 for lunch withthe office staff. Haywas accompanied byCharles Woodward,Steve Kapp and Walter

Savage. Current GCA president David Gazda made a tripdown from Athens for our special guest.

Over beef stew Hay reflected on his memories ofGCA. He shared story after story about his experiences inthe cattle industry. Hay was chair of the building com-mittee for our current headquarters and served as GCApresident for the 1989 - 1990 term. “We knew we wantedsomething along the interstate,” Hay says.

Several other GCA members saw the property for saleand realized it had two things going for it – it was alongthe interstate and it was in GCA's price range. Membersdonated calves and money to fund the building.

“We raised a good bit of money that way and throughdonations,” Hay says.

People he least expected were donating calves, Haysays.

“Everybody did a good job,” Hay says. “We prettymuch had it paid for with no loan or debt.”

GCA moved from the east side of town to the westside. Based on the recollection of Hay, the office used tobe in Bob Nash’s basement before it moved across town.

The current building was completed and dedicated in1988. Twenty-six years later, we are in the same buildingbut tight on space. The building remodel campaign willallow GCA to revamp current space to increase efficiencyin both the front office and in the new culinary center.

ALVin  wALker  Jr.,  President  oF  thesAtiLLA  CAttLeMen's  AssoCiAtion  AndreGion 15 ViCe President, is one happy grand-

father these days. Alvin’s 3-year-old grand-

daughter, Amris Bedford, is home and doing well

after a year-long battle with cancer. Amris,

Satilla’s youngest member, was diagnosed with a

malignant brain tumor in July of 2012. She

received intense chemotherapy treatment at St.

Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis,

Tenn. After a year of radiation and chemo, Amris

received a clear MRI showing no signs of tumor

in July 2013. Amris is a true example of God's

mercy and the power of prayer.

Amris is back home enjoying spending time

on the farm with her "Papa". Her favorite farm

activities include riding the golf cart and count-

ing Black Angus cows with her Papa Walker. She

attends the Satilla Cattlemen's Association

meeting every chance she gets. Amris is the

daughter of Satilla members, Ross and Marlee

Bedford. Amris is scheduled for a checkup at St.

Jude in January 2014. She will have an MRI to

check for any sign of tumor. The family would

like to ask that you remember Amris in prayer.

You can follow Amris' story on Facebook at Love

and Prayer for Amris.

newton  CoUntY  sheriFF  eZeLL  Brown  anddeputies support Piedmont Cattlemen’sAssociation during annual auction. Funds raisedsupport membership programs, local 4-H and FFAchapters.

wAYne Co. CAttLeMen's MeM-

Ber ronnie GriFFis was named

the 2013 “Excellence in Agricul-

ture” Award winner. Wayne Co.

Chamber of Commerce honored

Griffis at the "Legacy Awards."

Left to right are Carey Jones

Chamber President, Bonnie

Griffis, Ronnie Griffis,

Kristy Arnold and

Robert Arnold.

sam hay Prompts

GCA trip down

Memory Lane

Page 21: Georgia Cattleman January 2014











At their noVeMBer MeetinG, henrY Co. CAttLeMen's made donations

to the GCA Building Fund as well as local FFA chapters. In the spirit of giv-

ing, Henry Co. Farm Bureau donated to the GCA Building Fund. Building

committee chair Chuck Joiner accepted the donation on behalf of GCA.

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 19

on   deC. 5, riCkY   YArBroUGh oF CherrY ridGe FArMs LAnd And CAttLe hosted Technical Large AnimalEmergency Rescue (TLAER) for their Low Stress Cattle Demo during their annual three day training event in Gray.This lesson was taught by Michael Connell from Nevada - students learned the proper way to herd and handle cat-tle following a situation where the cattle could have been loose from escaping their pasture or escaping during atraffic accident. The class then continued at the TLAER ( International Training facility in Gray ownedby Baldwin-Jones-Putnam Chapter member and President of TLAER Dr. Rebecca Gimenez, where students learnedabout other aspects of large animal rescue such as: extraction from ponds, extrication from overturned trailers,and removal of large animals from burning buildings. The training class drew 42 students from 12 states andCanada and was composed of Law Enforcement, First Responders, Animal Control Officers, Veterinarians and largeanimal owners.

Page 22: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

20 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

By suzanne Black, gBB director of industry information and public relations

Happy New Year!Growing up, I never quite understood what adults meant

when they said that the year has “flown by.” When I wasyounger it always seemed to me that time stood still. I alwayswanted to fast forward through my current grade in school toget to the next grade. I remember sitting back and asking myselfwhat it would feel like to be sixteen and drive, go to college oreven get married (even though as a child I always swore I wouldnever get married). I never wanted to listen to anyone whenthey told me to enjoy it because time really does fly. Well, Iwill now officially say that time does fly by. In fact, it fliesfaster and faster as I get older.

The beginning of my 2014 will be filled with anticipationof my wedding day in April. Yeah I know, so much for nevergetting married. What will your 2014 begin with? Most willstake their claim at their New Year’s resolutions, many ofwhich are to eat healthier or lose weight, and will begin theiryear with hopes that they will stick to that diet this time. Didyou know that you can stick to your New Year’s resolutionof getting healthy with BEEF? If that doesn’t motivate youI’m not sure what will. There are over 29 lean cuts of beefthat are a perfect protein pick for a balanced diet. These leancuts are packed with the zinc, iron and protein you need tokeep your body going. Each of the cuts have less than 10grams of fat for each three ounce serving.

Slow your year down and enjoy this Grilled Steak andAsian Noodle Salad is a tasty unique way to start off yournew year. Check out for morerecipes with lean beef to stay on track with your new year’sresolution.

Georgia Beef Bites

Grilled Steak and Asian Noodle Saladtotal reciPe time: 35 to 45 minUtesmakes 4 serVingsingredients

1 beef Top Sirloin Steak Boneless, cut 1 inch thick(about 1 pound)6 ounces uncooked whole grain spaghetti1 package (8 ounces) sugar snap peas1 medium red bell pepper, thinly sliced1 cup packaged shredded carrotsToasted sesame seeds (optional)

Marinade:1/3 cup reduced-fat or regular Asian-sesame dressing1/3 cup hoisin sauce2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

instrUctions1. Combine marinade ingredients in small bowl. Place beef steak and 3 table-

spoon marinade in food-safe plastic bag; turn to coat. Close bag securelyand marinate in refrigerator 15 minutes to 2 hours, turning occasionally.Cover and refrigerate remaining marinade until ready to use.2. Remove steak from marinade; discard marinade. Place steak in center ofgrid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill steak, uncovered, 17 to 21 min-utes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, covered, 13 to 16 minutes)for medium-rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occasionally.

3. Meanwhile, cook pasta per according to package directions, adding vegeta-bles during last 3 minutes of cooking. Drain. Combine pasta and vegetableswith reserved marinade in large bowl. Evenly divide among 4 bowls.

4. Carve steaks into slices. Evenly arrange beef over pasta and vegetables.Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds, if desired.

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATIONNutrition information per serving: 423 calories; 9 g fat (2 g saturated fat; 2 g monounsatu-rated fat); 50 mg cholesterol; 502 mg sodium; 48 g carbohydrate; 9.3 g fiber; 35 g protein;8.5 mg niacin; 0.8 mg vitamin B6; 1.5 mcg vitamin B12; 5.7 mg iron; 31.2 mcg selenium;5.2 mg zinc; 114.4 mg choline.This recipe is an excellent source of fiber, protein, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, iron,selenium, zinc and choline.

Page 23: Georgia Cattleman January 2014


Harvey Lemmon,


P.O. Box 524

Woodbury, GA 30293

706-553-5124 Home

706-553-3911 Work

Gerald Long, Treasurer

3005 Old Whigham Road

Bainbridge, GA 39817


Dr. Frank Thomas

68 GA 149

Alamo, GA 30411


Betts Berry

546 Tom Hunt Rd

Chickamauga, Ga 30707


Zippy Duvall

P.O. Box 7068

Macon, GA 31298


Robert Fountain Jr.

P.O. Box 167

Adrian, GA 31002


Kenneth Murphy

5266 Luthersville Road

Luthersville, GA 30251

770-550-0339 Cell

Joel Keith

4541 Mountville Road

Hogansville, GA 30230

Home 706-637-8818 / Cell 706-594-2873

Allen Wiggins

1315 U.S. 41

Ashburn, GA 31714


Jim Malcom

P.O. Box 758

Greensboro, GA 30642


Clay Floyd

P.O. Box 566

Swainsboro, GA 30401


The Georgia Beef Board877-444-BEEF

Georgia Beef Board Report

Beef Board Update January 2014By Suzanne Black, GBB director of industry information and public relations

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S

Savannah Rock N’ Roll MarathonNov. 6 and 7 Georgia Beef Board

headed to Savannah to participate inthe Rock N’ Roll Marathon Expo. Thetwo days were spent handing out thou-sands of beef recipes and information.Runners were excited to register for thebeef gift certificate giveaway and hadmany questions about different optionsof beef. This was the first time GBB hasparticipated in a fitness event and wethink it is a great avenue to continue to explore for future promotional events.Many runners anxiously approached the booth eager to be a future member of“Team Beef.”

Beef 101 Tour & SeminarGBB hosted a Beef 101Tour and

Seminar on Nov. 19 in Athens. Thistour is a product of a grant from theFederation Initiative Fund that wasreceived back in August at NCBA’sSummer Conference. This Fund is pro-vided by large cattle states to provideresources for states with large popula-tions to help promote beef. Twelve retail and foodservice professionals partic-ipated in the tour; these attendees represented Publix, Diaz Foods, Sysco Foodsand Cobb Galleria. The morning began with a farm tour given by Beth Danielof Partisover Ranch. The attendees had the opportunity to see first-hand whatcattle operation looks like and how it works. Clay Talton, Elbert CountyExtension agent, covered beef quality assurance by demonstrating low stresshandling, discussing flight zones and injection sites. After the farm tour, thegroup traveled to UGA’s Meat Science Technology Center to meet with Dr.Alex Stelzleni and Ryan Crowe. Stelzleni discussed yield grading and qualitygrading with these professionals before we broke for a delicious lunch fromStuffed Burger. Following lunch, Crowe demonstrated a carcass breakdowndiscussing different cuts that were of interest to each attendee. All participantscompleted a survey before and after the tour which provided us with nothingbut positive feedback about the tour. We will host a second tour through thisgrant in March 2014.

Georgia Farm Bureau ConventionDec. 8 and 9 Suzanne and Josh traveled to Jekyll Island to attend the

Georgia Farm Bureau Convention. GBB set up a booth in the trade show foran opportunity to hand out beef recipes and visit with producers while encour-aging them to participate in the beef trivia jeopardy game. Participants in the

game received beef giveaway items suchas a cutting board or pot holder. OnDec. 9, both Suzanne and Joshaddressed attendees at the Beef CattleCommodity Committee Meeting withupcoming events and a beef boardupdate. This was a great opportunity tomeet many of our Georgia producers.

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 21

Page 24: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

22 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

HayMaster Nutrition Injection Systems, Inc.


Poor Hay?Old Hay?


& Feed

W e C a n H e l p !

Call us today!877-348-3048

2 Methods &

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choose from.

Page 25: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

GEORGIA CATTLEMAN • January 2014 23

GCA is excited toannounce Will Bentley asthe new Director ofAssociation Services. Willis from Upson Countywhere he grew up on acow-calf operation outsideof Thomaston, Ga. Willhas been heavily involvedin his family’s cattle oper-ation his entire life as wellas a previous member ofGCA and Mid-GeorgiaCattlemen’s Association. He received his bachelor’sdegree from Shorter College where he majored in busi-ness marketing with a minor in communication. Willwas a four-year member of the men’s soccer team atShorter. After graduation, will partnered with his Dad,brother and brother-in-law to expand their commercialcattle herd as well as a small registered Black Angus herd.Will has resided in Denver, Colo. for the past fouryears. He has a professional background in sales andrecruiting. During his personal time, Will thoroughlyenjoys fishing, hunting and any activity outdoors.

The University of Georgiawelcomes Jason Duggin as anExtension Beef CattleSpecialist.

Jason is from Manchester,Tenn. where he grew up witha small beef cow herd and washeavily involved in 4-H andFFA. He received his bache-lor’s and master’s in animalscience at Oklahoma StateUniversity in 2002 and 2004,respectively, and was a mem-ber of the 2000 livestock judging team.

Since graduation, Jason has worked for Sealed AirCorporation’s food packaging division and most recentlywas an animal science instructor at the University ofTennessee at Martin.

During his professional career he has also served as ajudge for numerous youth livestock shows including assis-tant judge of the 2012 National Junior Angus Show. Hiswife, Katie, is also from Manchester, Tenn. They have twosons Lowry and Henry, ages 5 and 4.

Will BentleyJoins GCA Staff

Jason Duggin New UGA Specialist

Association Services Beef Cattle

BentLeY dUGGin

i n D U S t r Y n e W S

Page 26: Georgia Cattleman January 2014
Page 27: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 25

GCA Young Cattlemen’s Council EstablishedGCA Young Cattlemen’s Council is officially a functioning part of GCA. On

Nov. 3, 2013, a planning meeting was held at the GCA office in Macon. We had11 attendees and two staff members who laid the groundwork for the YCC.

In order to be a member of the YCC you must be between 18 and 40 years old.Anyone who can qualify as a GJCA member or a YCC member may be a memberof one or the other.

GCA Young Cattlemen’s Council exists to provide a unified voice for youngcattlemen through networking, leadership development and educational opportu-nities while advancing the GCA mission.

Young Cattlemen’s Council Board will consist of officers including a chairman,chair-elect, vice chair and secretary/treasurer. Officers will serve one-year terms andbe elected during the GCA annual meeting. The chair-elect will automaticallybecome chairman unless extenuating circumstances arise.

Other members of the Board will include five regional representatives each rep-resenting three of the GCA Regions as follows:

GCA Regions 1, 2, 3 = YCC Region 1GCA Regions 4, 5, 6 = YCC Region 2GCA Regions 7, 8, 9 = YCC Region 3GCA Region 10, 11, 12 = YCC Region 4GCA Region 13, 14, 15 = YCC Region 5The region representatives will serve two-year terms and they will be staggered

with odd numbers elected in odd number years and even numbers in even num-bered years. The final member of the board will be an at-large member appointedby the chairman for a one-year term. The initial group of officers and board wasappointed by the GCA President and approved by the Executive Committee to getthe YCC initiative operating.

Robert Arnold was appointed as chairman and has gladly accepted. The YCCchair will serve on the GCA Executive Committee as an ex-officio member. EachGCA committee will include at least one YCC member. YCC regional representa-tives will be invited to attend GCA Region VP meetings and both groups will beencouraged to work together for the benefit of GCA and the cattle industry.

“The YCC can and will be an opportunity for young cattlemen to participatein enriching educational experiences,” Arnold says. “As well as gaining day to dayknowledge necessary to be successful in the cattle industry.”

The YCC has a clear set of goals they are working toward:• YCC will work closely with the GCA Convention and Summer

Conference committee to help develop relevant and impactfulprograms for young cattle producers.

• YCC will help with GJCA and seek to act as a mentoring sourcefor interested youth.

• YCC will host/support unique educational opportunities foryoung and beginning cattlemen.

• YCC will educate and engage members in the political arena.The YCC plans to hit the ground running with a number of events and

activities. YCC will reach out to juniors and future potential YCC members andtheir families at State Show, Feb. 19, 7 p.m. YCC members will help withGCA/GBB booth at Georgia Young Farmer Convention Jan. 31-Feb. 1, inAugusta. YCC plans to “host” a junior-oriented afternoon program with TempleGrandin on Friday, April 4, 2014. Be sure to stop by the YCC “info” booth nearthe Sale Ring during Convention.

The YCC will be self-funded by selling unique t-shirts, reaching out to cor-porate AG sponsors that have “leadership development” as a core principle, con-duct a feasibility study on hosting a rodeo – possibly as a joint venture with a localchapter.

“Getting a young cattlemen’s designation started was a priority for this year,”says GCA president David Gazda. “I am pleased with how our young cattlemenhave answered the challenge and put together an outstanding foundation for thenew YCC.”

Gazda is working with Arnold and the GCA Executive Committee to appointthe remaining YCC board members January 2014. Look for a GCA YCC presenceat upcoming events including the 2014 Convention & Beef Expo. GC

Page 28: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

26 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


SHORTHORNSRegistered Shorthorn & Commercial Cattle

Charles and Vickie Osborn

2700 Greensboro Hwy.Watkinsville, GA 30677

706-769-4336 • 706-540-5992 cell





Apalachee BeefmastersOur Foundation: The Six EssentialsOur Future: Quality & Carcass Composition

keith w. and susan w. Prasse, dVM889 Austin Reynolds Road Bethlehem, GA 30620

706-248-1431 (cell) 770-867-2665 (home)www.apalacheebeefmasters.comHerd Consultant: Bruce Robbins 210-861-5136

Built on Six Essentials:

Disposition, Fertility, Weight,Conformation, Milk Production

& Hardiness

Registered Beefmasters

3C BEEFMASTERS385 Stokes Store Road, Forsyth, Georgia 31029

L. Cary Bittick John Cary Bittick

(478) 994-5389 (478) 994-0730

tUrner PoLLed BeeFMAstersBLACk polled bulls available at all times

706-278-7814Vernon & Carolyn Turner

5147 Mark Brown Rd NE

Dalton, Georgia 30721

Georgia Chianina


P.O. Box 330Stephens, GA 30667

Roddy Sturdivant Rob Postinmobile phone: (770) 372-0400 home: (706) 759-2220office phone: (770) 921-3207 barn: (706) 759-2209

Chiangus & Chiford Cattle

Wayne & Jill Miller, Owners

email: [email protected]

P.O. Box 68 • Talmo, GA 30575

Phone: (706) 693-4133 or FAX: (706) 693-4359 SpONSOR






HADDEN FARMSRoute 1 • Gibson, GA • 30810

Larry & Holly Hadden

800-348-2584 • 706-831-1679

Breeders of Purebred Cattle Since 1952

Georgia Gelbvieh Breeders





Somewhere in the annals of landgrant colleges, the ag departmentsconverted from offering a degree inAnimal Husbandry to a degree inAnimal Science.

As far back as 1628 “husbandry”was defined as agricultural produce,land under cultivation, farming.The word husband also implies acaretaker of land and livestock, ahands-on activity. From shepherdswatching their flocks by night asdescribed in the Bible, up to farmmanagers milking cows, showing fatsteers and roping at the brandingfire, Animal Husbandry was anappropriate title for a Bachelor’sdegree for a century.

As our knowledge of genetics,physiology, nutrition and medicinegrew, many students began to spe-cialize. Now we have, to mention afew, range management, horticul-ture, veterinary technology, statis-tics, parasitology, economics, woolgrowing, poultry and hogs. To beable to master the informationrequired for a specialty, it becameapparent that an Animal Husbandrydegree did not describe the varietyand extent of the knowledgerequired. A basic understanding ofmath, chemistry, anatomy, biology,both animal and plant, and econom-ics soon became the norm. Theirlevel of learning expanded and even-tually the official conversion fromHusbandryman to Scientist became amore accurate description.

I like to think, when I look at thehuge industry that animal productionhas become, the description ofHusbandryman still has a place.Much of ag production has beenmechanized; dairy barns, confine-ment operations, computer drivenself-feeders in chicken houses and inhog barns, hydraulic chutes and cov-ered barns, for example.

But no matter the beast, all alongthe way the hands-on touch of ahuman is involved. The animal wesaw, or felt, or tended to; milkedthree times a day, observed froma’horseback in a feedlot pen, walkedthrough the veal barn, feeder pigs,chicken house, checked farrowingcrates, layer hens, calving barns,sheep jugs, while feeding hay, plow-ing snow or shoeing the horse.

These procedures cannot belearned from a book. They arelearned from experience. It definesthe difference between raising live-stock with quality checks on a dailybasis by a savvy Husbandrymen, vs.the derogatory characterization of theprocess as ‘factory farming.’

You cannot just turn on a buttonat one end of the hog barn, let robotstake over, and take him off at theother end cut up and wrapped.

So, though we proudly considerourselves knowledgeable AnimalScientists, we could and should still beconsidered compassionate Husban-drymen first. They go together.

Animal husbandry?Baxter Black is a cowboy poet and author. Visit his site at

Page 29: Georgia Cattleman January 2014
Page 30: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

AgGeorgia Farm Credit

AgSouth Farm Credit

Alltech, Inc.,Thomasville

Athens Seed Co.,Watkinsville

Southwest Georgia Farm Credit

FPL Food, ShapiroPacking Company

Fuller Supply Company



Pennington Seeds

Purina Mills

Southern States

Tenderloin Members ($600+)

Yancey Bros.Company


Georgia Cattlemen’s Association100 Cattlemen’s Drive / P.O. Box 27990 / Macon, GA 31221

(478) 474-6560 • Fax (478) 474-5732 • Email: [email protected]

q New Member q Renewal

Business Name ________________________________________

Contact _____________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________

City ___________ State___ Zip___________________________

Phone _______________________________________________

FAX _________________________________________________

E-mail _______________________________________________

Chapter ______________________________________________

Sponsored by _________________________________________


q Tenderloin Member $600 or more

q T-Bone Member $300 - $599

q Rib-Eye Member $150 - $299

q Sirloin Member$ 75 - $149

Contribution Amount_

Thank you ... for your membership!Membership dues entitle you to receive a one-year subscription to the Georgia Cattleman magazine.Payment of GCA membership dues is tax-deductible for most GCA members as an ordinary businessexpense. Complying with tax laws, GCA estimates 5% of the dues payment is not tax-deductible as abusiness expense because of direct lobbying activities. Also, charitable contributions to GCA are nottax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.


For the first time in a year, thisJanuary the U.S. Department ofAgriculture’s National AgriculturalStatistics Service (NASS) will surveycattle operations throughout the coun-try to obtain a current measure of beefand dairy cattle inventories, calf cropand cattle on feed operations. NASSwill publish the survey results in theCattle report on January 31, 2014.

“This January Cattle Survey ismore important than ever because it’sNASS’ first comprehensive measure-ment of the industry in an entire year,”said Southern Region Director DougKleweno. “Due to budget reductionsthere was no July Cattle Survey andresulting report, so this current infor-mation is much needed by producersand the industry.”

During the first two weeks ofJanuary Southern producers will have theopportunity to report their beef and dairycattle inventories, calf crop and cattle onfeed operations. In Alabama, Florida,Georgia and South Carolina, NASS willcontact about 3,190 operations to requesttheir responses to the survey.

The information is a critical deci-sion-making tool for the cattle industry,Kleweno explained. “For instance, ithelps producers make informed mar-keting decisions and plan for herdexpansion or reduction. It also helpspackers and government evaluateexpected slaughter volume for futuremonths and determine potential sup-plies for export.

To make it as easy as possible forproducers to participate in the survey,NASS offers the option of respondingvia the Internet, telephone, mail, or apersonal interview with a local NASSrepresentative.

Kleweno noted that, as is the casewith all NASS surveys, informationprovided by respondents is confidentialby law. “NASS safeguards the privacyof all responses and publishes only stateand national level data, ensuring that noindividual producer or operation can beidentified,” he said.

The Cattle report and all NASSreports are available online For information, callthe NASS Southern Region Field Officein Athens, GA at 1-800-253-4419.

USDA to SurveyCattle InventoriesAcross the Nation

Each month, the GCA Associate Members section recognizes GCA’s

allied-industry and business members. To become an associate member,

complete the form below or call 478-474-6560. GCA members are

encouraged to use the services of these industry-supporting professionals.


28 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Page 31: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

Sirloin Members ($75-$149)AgGeorgia Farm Credit, DublinAgGeorgia Farm Credit, PerryAgGeorgia Farm Credit, RoystonAkins Feed & Seed, BarnesvilleArnall Grocery Company, NewnanAthens Stockyard, Athens, TNBaggett Farms, MontroseBaker Cattle Service, QuitmanBank of Camilla, CamillaBank of Dudley, DublinBanks County Farm Bureau, HomerBartow County Farm Bureau, CartersvilleBBWH Insurors, StatesboroBekaert Corp., DouglasBig Indian Feed Tack, LLC, Fort ValleyBishop’s Country Store, FitzgeraldBlack’s Seed Store, DublinBraswell Cattle Company, AthensBubba Chicks, HamiltonBubba’s Tire, DublinBull Hill Ranch, Gray Court, SCBurke Truck and Tractor, WaynesboroC & H Hardware & Outdoors, RobertaCapital City Bank, DublinCarroll County Livestock, CarrolltonCarroll E.M.C., CarrolltonCat Creek Cattle Co., ValdostaChapman Fence Company, JeffersonChattooga Farm Bureau, SummervilleChristian, Kelly, Thigpen & Co. LLC,

DublinCitizens Bank, DublinClarke County Farm Bureau, Athens Colony Bank-Fitzgerald, FitzgeraldColony Bank Wilcox, RochelleCommunity Bank & Trust, ClarkesvilleCommunity Bank of Dublin, DublinCountry Pride Market, LLC, MilanC R Benson Farm LLC, Dry BranchDanny E. Davis State Farm, DublinDosters Farm Supply, RochelleDublin Eye Associates, DublinDublin Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Assoc., DublinEastonollee Livestock Market, EastonolleeEdward Jones, CarrolltonElbert County Farm Bureau, ElbertonFamily Focus, DublinFarm and Garden Inc., Cornelia

Farmers State Bank, DublinFirst State Bank of Randolph Co., CuthbertFlint EMC,, DahlonegaForsyth County Farm Bureau, CummingFort Creek Farm, SpartaGreene County Extension Office, GreensboroGreg’s Meat Processing, ComerGriffins Warehouse, McRaeHabersham Co. Farm Bureau, ClarkesvilleHabersham EMC, ClarkesvilleHaralson County Farm Bureau, BuchananHarris County Farm Bureau, HamiltonHart Co. Farm Bureau, HartwellHartford Livestock Insurance, WatkinsvilleHelena Chemical-Wrightsville, WrightsvilleHenry County Farm Bureau, McDonoughHolly Hill Farm, RobertaDavid Hilliard, CPA, McRaeHolland Fertilizer Company, CedartownIvey’s Outdoor and Farm, AlbanyJ&B Tractor Company, WaynesboroJames Short Tractors & Equipment of Alto, AltoJames Short Tractors & Equipment, Inc.,

CarnesvilleKnoxville Store, KnoxvilleLand South Group, Lakeland, FLLaurens County Farm Bureau, DublinLBL Farms, ChesterLumber City Meat Company, Lumber CityMacon Co. Veterinary Hospital, MontezumaMadison County Chamber of Commerce,

DanielsvilleMadison County Farm Bureau, DanielsvilleMedical Park Pharmacy, DublinMeriwether County Farm Bureau,GreenvilleMontrose Auction, Inc., MontroseMorris Bank, DublinNortheast Georgia Livestock, AthensOconee County Farm Bureau,

WatkinsvilleOconee State Bank, WatkinsvilleOconee Well Driller, WatkinsvilleOrr Insurance, DublinOsceola Cotton Co., LLC, OcillaOwens Farm Supply, ToccoaPalmetto Creek Farm, HamiltonPaulding County Farm Bureau, DallasPickens County Farm Bureau, JasperPiggly Wiggly, McRae

P H White Company, Dyersburg, TNPublic Service Communications Inc.,

ReynoldsRalph Jackson, P.C., DublinR. C. Tire, DublinReedy Creek Farms, MetterRhinehart Equipment Company, RomeRoberta Drugs, RobertaRoberta Piggly Wiggly, RobertaRollin-S-Trailers, MartinR.W. Griffin Feed, DouglasR.W. Griffin Industries, NashvilleSecurity State Bank, McRaeSheppard Farms, DanvilleSmith Agricultural Insurance Services,

LLC, FitzgeraldSmith’s Pharmacy, McRaeSouthern Bank & Trust, ClarkesvilleSouthern States, CarrolltonSouthern States, WoodstockSumner & Avery, LLC., DublinSunSouth, CarrolltonSwainsboro Stockyard, SwainsboroThe Four County Bank, AllentownThompson Appraisals, SopertonTroup County Farm Bureau, LaGrangeTurner’s Wings, ReynoldsTwin Lakes Farm, HullUnion County Farm Bureau, BlairsvilleUnited Bank, BarnesvilleUnited Community Bank, BlairsvilleUnited Community Bank, ClevelandUnited Community Bank, CorneliaUpson County Farm Bureau, ThomastonViridiun LLC, CummingWalker County Farm Bureau, LafayetteWallace Farm & Pet Supply,

Bowdon JunctionWards Service Center, Inc., DexterWarnock & Mackey LLC, DublinWatson’s Towing, DublinWayne Chandler Plumbing & Well, DanielsvilleWhite County Farmers Exchange,

ClevelandWhitfield County Farm Bureau, DaltonWilcox Co. Farm Bureau, RochelleWilkes County Stockyard, Wash.Woodmen of the World, DublinY-Tex Corporation, St. Augustine, FL

T-Bone Members ($300-$599)

Atlantic & Southern Equipment, LLC, Tifton

Franklin County Livestock, Carnesville

Georgia DevelopmentAuthority, Monroe

Georgia Metals Inc., DanielsvilleManor Cattle Company, ManorStephens County Farm Bureau, Eastanollee

Ribeye Members ($150-$299)Aden’s Minit Market, DouglasAmicalola EMC, JasperC & B Processing, MilledgevilleCabinet Depot Inc., KnoxvilleCarden and Associates,

Winter Haven, FLFarmers Seed Co., Inc., DoerunFirst Madison Bank & Trust,

DanielsvilleFlint River Mills, BainbridgeFranklin County Farm Bureau,


Gerald A. Bowie, Auctioneer, West Point

Jackson EMC, GainesvilleJackson EMC, HullLumber City Supplements,

Lumber CityMid State Meat, LLC,

SandersvilleMoseley Cattle Auction LLC,

BlakelyNationwide Insurance, WinstonParks Livestock Fencing & Barns,


Pasture Management Systems, Mount Pleasant, NC

Peoples Community National Bank, Bremen

Ridley Block Operations,Montgomery, ALSunbelt Ag. Expo, MoultrieUnited Community Bank, CarrolltonWaters Agricultural Labs, Inc.,

CamillaZeeland Farm Services Inc., DeSoto

Page 32: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

30 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

purebred & FullbloodLimousin Club Calves


ROUTE 6 • MOULTRIE, GEORGIA 31768(229) 324-2245 324-2433 324-2796


(706) 742-2369931 Hargrove Lake RoadColbert, Georgia 30628

Nila Corrine Thiel Paul Thiel, HerdsmanOwner Steven Thiel, Herdsman

“Leaner cattle for today’s beef industry”


Josh & Erin White167 White DriveStockbridge, GA 30281(770) 474-4151

Using today’s top AIsires to produce

quality Red & BlackPolled Bulls & Heifers

Visitors always welcome!

Big D Farms, Inc.Limousin Cattle

Chemilizer MedicatorsDonnie Davis

971 Hwy 221 NE

Winder, GA 30680

Home 770-867-4781

Cell 770-868-6668

President: larry Walker


using all top AI siresLarry and Joyce Howard

1350 Old Chattanooga Valley Rd.Flintstone, GA 30725

706-931-2940 • cell 423-596-3819

Sayer & Sons

Farm“Your trusted source of quality Limousin for over 30 years”

Jimmie Sayer

12800 Bowens Mill Rd., Ambrose, GA 31512

912-359-3229 • cell 912-592-1904

Dexter and Nicholas Edwards209 Willard Edwards Road • Beulaville, North Carolina 28518

910/298-3013 • Fax: 910/298-6155 • Nicholas, mobile 910/290-1424email: [email protected] • Nicholas, email: [email protected]

CMC LimousinPowerful Limousin & Lim-Flex Bulls/Heifers for Sale

Jerry Bradley, manager678-201-2287

John Spivey, ownerMcDonough, Georgia

L & L Limousin FarmLarry & Linda Walker

Registered Limousin Cattle

266 Silver Dollar Road

Barnesville GA 30204


GeorGia liMoUSin aSSoCiation

Check us out on Facebook

for cattle for sale, news,calendar of events and more

President: skyler davis971 Hwy. 211 N.E. Winder, GA 30680

[email protected]

Vice President: keith Wyatt176 Shirley Road

Ranger, GA 30734678-575-9154

[email protected]/treas.: lillian Youngblood

330 Youngblood RoadAshburn, GA 31714

229-567-4044229-567-1584 (cell)

keith and dixie Wyatt176 Shirley Road S.E., Ranger GA 30734


WYatt limoUsin









Happy New Year!

and remember to pay your 2014 dues!

Page 33: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 31

Page 34: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

32 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

• Open Heifers

• Bred Heifers

• First Calf Pairs

• Performance Tested Bulls

DARREN CARTERAuctioneer / Sale Manager

864-980-5695 (cell) • [email protected]

TenTh AnnuAl



heRD RePlACeMenT SAle

FRIDAY • FEB. 7, 2014 • 7 P.M.



For More Information Contact:

DAVID REVIllE, Sale Committee Chairman: 706-318-5457 (cell) • 706-678-5269 (home)

Strict Vaccination and

Herd Health Programs

The 16th Annual Georgia Expo Commercial Heifer Sale

Friday, April 4 at 3:00 pmGeorgia National Fairgrounds, Perry, Georgia

We want your top Commercial Females!It is time to consign to the 2014 Georgia Expo Commercial Female Sale. We wantyour top open, bred and cow/calf commercial females. All cattle will be screenedon the farm in January and early February. Cattle will sell in uniform pens of 2and 3. Call now to reserve your spot in this exciting event.

Contact: Sale Manager, Mike Jones • cell 706-773-3612 • email [email protected]

These Georgia Cattle Breeders were among the award winners at the 2013 Georgia Expo Commercial Female Sale:

Champion Cow/Calf PairPoe Farms

Champion Pen of 3 Bred Heifers Honeywood Farms

Open Heifer Champions Four Oaks and Britt Angus

Pair Bred Heifer ChampionsGoldman Farms and Eddie Bradley

Page 35: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

Last month we began the discus-sion of using a cow lease to expand orbegin your herd. This month we workthrough a couple of examples to showyou how the math works. The inten-tion is for you to be able to adapt this toyour own operation if you so desire.The basic assumptions and contribu-tions are shown in Table 1.

Example 1Suppose we have a person (owner)

that will furnish 50 mature cows toanother producer (caretaker) to placeon 75 acres of improved pasture. These50 cows are currently worth about$1,300 per head and will be worth about$900 in 6 years when they are culled(15 percent cull rate). It is assumed that2 percent of the mature cows will dieeach year which in addition to the loss ofthe cattle will make the realized cullvalue $882 per head. Interest on the cat-tle is assumed to be 7 percent. The totalfixed cost for the year is $143.77 per cow($66.77 depreciation plus $77 interest).

Improved pasture in the area withcomparable cattle working facilitiestypically rents for $25 per acre. It is esti-mated that pasture expenses (fertilizer,seed, fuel, etc.) will be $150 per head peryear and other feed and vet expenseswill be $275 per head.

Caretaker and owner will split thepasture maintenance, feed and vetexpenses 50/50. Caretaker will furnishthe pasture, equipment and facilitiesand owner will cover the fixed costs ofthe cattle.

Based on the information present-ed, we see that an equitable share wouldbe about 60/40 with caretaker getting40% of the revenue. At this point, somemay be wondering about accounting forheifers held as replacements. This is eas-

ily resolved because the heifers shouldhave a value placed on them at weaningjust like market steers or heifers.However, if both parties agree that theheifers held for replacements shouldhave a higher weaned value than marketheifers that is certainly reasonable aslong as the caretaker receives 40% of thevalue of the ENTIRE calf crop.

Example 2Suppose now that the owner pro-

vides the cows and the pasture (rentalportion only) and the caretaker pro-vides 100 percent of all of the othercosts including the pasture mainte-nance, hay production and other oper-ating costs. Now, the owner is con-tributing $9,063.50 (cows plus pasturerent) and the caretaker is contributing$25,000 (pasture maintenance plus cowexpenses) for a total $34,063.50. In thisinstance, the equitable arrangement is73/27 which really means 75/25 withthe caretaker getting the largest sharesince he is contributing the most.

Example 3Finally, let us assume that the care-

taker is responsible for all expensesother than the cows. This includes pas-ture rental, pasture maintenance andcow expenses. In that instance, the sharerental agreement changes from 75/25 toan 80/20 share. So, as you can see, themore one party contributes, the morethey should be compensated.

Other thoughtsSeveral significant points should

be mentioned in closing. First, inthese examples it is assumed that thefacilities costs are included in the landrent. If that is not the case, you woulduse the exact same method for calcu-lating depreciation and interest onhandling and other facilities as you didfor the cows. The only thing thatwould be changed would be the valuesfor the equipment, the life of theequipment and possibly the interestrate charged.

Second, depending on the arrange-ment, there could be some tax implica-tions for the two parties. This could beespecially true for the cow owner. Inany event, interested individuals shouldconsult with their tax preparer oraccountant before finalizing the deal.

Summary and ConclusionCow leasing can be an attractive

way for some people to ease into thecow business without being heavilyleveraged. The most equitable way toshare revenues is to use the contribu-tion approach where expenses are tal-lied and revenues are shared based onthe percentage of expenses each partycontributes.

As with any other business agree-ment, the terms should be clearlydefined in writing and signed by bothparties. Although it would be an addi-tional expense, a lawyer for each partywould be a good idea.

If you have questions about beefcow leasing, contact your local countyextension office. GC

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 33

Part 2

Using a Cow Lease to ExpandYour Cow Herd


By curt lacy

Note: The following is an adaptation ofan article written for GC back in 2005-2006.Given the current price of cows and the cur-rent price forecast, its revision is warranted.


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34 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 41

mike croWder733 Shoal Creek RoadGriffin, GA 30223Ph: 770-227-6801 • Cell: 770-605-9376

Will GodownsCattle Manager

Phone: 770-624-4223

Established 1963

angus •

DANFOWIN FarmBalanced Performance


Edwin FosheeP.O. Box 331Barnesville, GA 30204(770) 358-2062


8881 Hwy. 109 WestMolena, Georgia 30258

770-567-3909Email: [email protected]

John & Marcia Callaway2280 Coweta-Heard RoadHogansville, GA 30230

Home: 770-583-5688John’s Cell: 770-355-2165

Marcia’s Cell: 770-355-2166

Kurt Childers11337 Moultrie Hwy.Barney, GA 31625

229/561-3466 (mobile)229/775-2287 (home)[email protected]


Moultrie, GA 31776229-891-8629


Rodney Hilley Family

Georgia Simmental-Simbrah BreedersGeorgia siMMentAL siMBrAh Association

Billy Moss, secretary/treasurer Phone 706-654-6071

[email protected]  

Junior Advisordonna Priest

Phone [email protected]

4 Simmental - 11 Angus - 10 SimAngus Bulls Sell

Strickland Angus Farm & Driggers Simmental Farm

Special GuestConsignors

Wasdin Ranch & Clary Simmentals

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Silent Auction Sale begins at 10:00 AM

and ends at 2:00 PM.

Lunch at 12 Noon

Sale will be held on the farm of Dr. Jim & Norma Strickland,

1.5 miles North of Glennville, Georgia, Hwy. 301.

Bulls are A.I.

Sired by GAR Predestined,

MYTTY In Focus,

GW Lucky Dice,

Nichols Manifest &

WS Beef Maker, to name a few

View the sale catalog online at or call one of the participants

to receive a printed catalog in the mail.

Jessie Driggers — 912-237-0608 Jes Strickland — 803-617-8415 Dr. Jim Strickland — 912-654-2151 Ed Wasdin — 229-873-1230Andy Clary — 912-294-3064





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42 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Cattle Enterprises1230 Reeves Rd., Midville, Ga. 30441-9998

Tommy Mead(706) 554-6107 • Fax: (706) 544-0662

301 Dennis Station Rd., SWEatonton, Georgia 31024

(706) 484-1799cell phone: 706-473-1374

thiS ad CoUld Be YoUrS!

CALL RAY HICKS912-865-5593

WhaleY Polled hereFordSA Program to Watch

A Name to RememberOwners: Truman and Starr Whaley

2634 River Bend RoadDalton, GA 30720

Res. (706) 277-3240; Office (706) 277-3993“Home of Great Victors”


1095 Charles Smith Rd.Wadley, GA 30477

CSR Polled HerefordFarm

Steve RobertsRt. 1, Box 4260

Alapaha, Ga. 31622Phone: 229-532-7963

Herd Certified and Accredited.

Whitey & Candler HuntP.O. Box 488, 255 W. Jefferson St.

Madison, GA 30650706/342-0264 (off.) 706/342-2767 (home)

PlantationSam and Pat Zemurray477 Honey Ridge Road

Guyton, GA 31312-9661Office: 912/772-3118 Night: 912/234-7430

Charles Smith - (478) 494-7567Kyle Gillooly - (478) 494-9593

leonard PolledhereFordSSherman LeonardP.O. Box 280 706/695-8351 dayChatsworth, GA 30705 706/695-2008 night

private treaty cattle for sale at all times.

Herd Certified & Accredited

DOUBlE FARMBBRegistered Polled Herefords

Bobby Brantley H: 478-552-93281750 Wommack-Brantley Road Tennille, Georgia 31089

Cows & Bulls

For Sale at

Private Treaty

1651 Deep South Farm Rd.Blairsville, GA 30512

line breeding neil trask Plato dominos for over 45 years. thick muscled. grass Performers.

complete Program. full records.

Phone and fax: [email protected]


660 Seaburn Vickery Road, Statesboro, GA 30461 • 912-865-5593

[email protected]

C: 478-553-8598

Quality Polled HerefordsAt Affordable Prices

525 district line roadamericus, ga 31709

(229) 924-0091

cell (229) 337-0038 or (229) 886-7465





Pat Neligan437 Milledgeville Road,

Eatonton, GA 31024706-485-8373

Bob Neligan485 Milledgeville Road, Eatonton, GA 31024706-485-9577 • 706-318-0068 cell

Hereford -

The MaternalBreed

Since 1960

Johnson Polled HerefordsRegistered Polled Herefords

Thomas R. Johnson, Owner


Home of “The Ugly Bull”PO Box 254 • Watkinsville GA 30677

Hunter Grayson (706) 206-1824

1968 Burton’s Ferry Hwy.Sylvania, GA 30467


912-690-0214 cell

Greenview Farms, Inc. Winton C. & Emily C. Harris & Family

Jonny and Teri Harris

(921) 586-6585

Cell (912) 294-2470

Performance & Quality from Grazing Since 1942

Square & Round:

Bermuda Grass Hay,

and Quality Polled

Hereford & Braford Cattle

“Breeding Hereford cattle since 1959”

• l in e 1 ca t t l e f or s a l e •

7731 Bastonville Road Warrenton, Georgia 30828

Home: 706-465-2421 • Cell: 706-339-4607

1359 County Line Road, Cumming, Georgia 30040770-886-6849 / Cell: 404-376-6414

Email: [email protected] •

Performing on

our forage.

Georgia Hereford AssociationB






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G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 43

Third Annual

Upstate South Carolina Replacement Female Sale

Saturday, March 8, 2014 • 12:30 pm • Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, SC

View Pictures

Darren Carter, Sale Manager/[email protected] • 864-980-5695

Carter Auction Co., 1410 Carter Rd., Ninety Six, SC 29666

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44 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Cole Elrod: 678-410-1312 • Alex Tolbert: 706-338-8733

Page 47: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

Cole Elrod: 678-410-1312 • Alex Tolbert: 706-338-8733

elrod and tolBertAngus • simAngus • Commercial females

Thank You... your name be the glory- Psalm 115:1

Todd and Holly Alford, Hartwell, GA

Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX

Fisher Armour, Cornelia, GA

Austin Barnes, Baconton, GA

Commissioner Gary Black, Commerce, GA

Ward Black, Commerce, GA

Charlie Brooksher, Winder, GA

Drew Brooksher, Winder, GA

potts Brothers, Jefferson, GA

Ridge Chaison, Jefferson, GA

Randy Daniel, Colbert, GA

Joe Fife, Hoschton, GA

Katie Fife, Hoschton, GA

John Reed Foster, Fountain Run, KY

Darrell Freeman, Martin, GA

Casey Green, Bishop, GA

Stacey Hanley, Jefferson, GA

John Hill, Marianna, FL

Champ Kelly, Calhoun, GA

Mark Linkesh, Gainesville, GA

Mitch Mitchell, Jefferson, GA

Jerry pittman, Nicholson, GA

pleasant Hill Farms, Rockfield, KY

Melvin porter, Jefferson, GA

Landis Seagraves, Nicholson, GA

Macy Seagraves, Nicholson, GA

John Sullivan, Dunlap, IA

Herbert Tante, Buena Vista, GA

Dr. Cliff Thompson, Mineral Bluff, GA

Josh Whitworth, Commerce, GA

Page 48: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

Windell & Lawanda Gillis (478) 374-48682891 Hawkinsville Hwy. Eastman, GA 31023

Cell 478-231-8236

• Accredited• Certified

• No Creep• Est. 1979


AHIR HerdEstablished 1982

Source of Great Females

6585 Jett Rd., Dawsonville, GA 30534


See our menu for success

Jay Tinter, owner Billy Kidd, Manager404-316-4969 Terrell Higgins, [email protected]

Clint, Kim, Will & Samuel SmithP.O. Box 820

Wadley, GA 30477(478) 252-0292

Clint’s Cell: (706) 551-2878

Smitty, SuzAnne, Tatum &Beau Brinson Lamb

(229) 386-0491Smitty’s Cell:

(229) 392-1409

Mature Cow Herd Dispersal, May 5, 2012

Custom Built Since 1982

Home of Hillside Juniatti ND 598 (Third Generation Pathfinder® Cow)

Hillside Georgina ND 6475 (Second Generation Pathfinder® Cow)

Hillside Dividend 47 (Second Generation Pathfinder® Cow)

For more information on GAA activities, contact:Christy Page

2681 Gum Springs Church Rd.Jefferson, GA 30549

[email protected] •

Dues - $50 per year

For more information on GJAA activities, contact:

Chris and Julie Throne, [email protected]

Doug and Tammy Williams, Advisors [email protected]

Jr. Dues - $10 per year

Turnpike Creek FarmsReg. Blk. Angus & Blk. Simmental

Certified & Accredited Herd #152

David T. 

Williams & Sons

1555 Workmore-Milan Rd.

Milan, GA 31060

David (229) 362-4716

Doug (229) 860-0320

Derek (229) 315-0986






2509 Old Perry RoadMarshallville, Georgia 31057

478-396-5832 • [email protected]


Specializes in raising bulls on forage.

Marion Barnett, Jr. 1685 Lexington RoadWashington, GA 30673

Cell: 706-202-8435Wilkes Barnett cell:


Purebred Angus CattleHarvey LemmonWoodbury, GA

[email protected]





HigHway 341 SoutH

CHiCkamauga, ga 30707

Larry & Virginia rigSby


pHone: 423.595.0539 • emaiL: [email protected]

1095 Charles Smith Rd.Wadley, GA 30477

www.smithangusfarm.comCharles E. Smith

(478) 494-7567Kyle Gillooly

(478) 494-9593

GAA Annual Meeting

& Banquet


January 25, 2014

The Classic Center

Athens, GA

Georgia Beef Expo

Southeast Angus Sale

Friday, April 4, 2014

Georgia National


Perry, GA

*Seeking nominations for Angus consignments.

Contact the GAA for more information.

Wa t c h f o r t h e s e U p c o m i n g E v e n t s :

46 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Happy New Year!





Page 49: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

Cloud Brothers Angus


Clark and Wally

155 Stover Drive • Canton, GA 30115

Herd Certified & Accredited AHIR

770/479-5947 (Wally)


Idone Angus FarmDot Idone

469 Pioneer Road

Macon, GA 31217


www.idoneangus.comHerd Certified & AccreditedAHIR

1651 Deep South Farm Rd.Blairsville, GA 30512

line breeding with graham angUs genetics.

following graham’s Program begun over 45 years ago.

Best of stock. complete records.

Phone and fax706-745-5714


Cattle that Work

154 McKaig Loop • Rising Fawn, GA 30738

[email protected]

Ted Dyer(423) 605-1034

Jeremy Dyer(423) 605-2431

WaSdin anGUS ranCh485 Davis Rd. Norman Park, GA 31771

Owner: Ed & Dot Wasdin

Ranch: 229-769-3964 Cell: 229-873-1230

“Where Quality & CustomersCome First in Cattle & Hay”

Georgia Angus Breeders

Owners: 229 Cook RoadArnold & Susan Brown Griffin, Ga. 30224

(770) 228-5914

Registered Angus

Mickey & Patricia PoeOWNERS


Jason JohnsMANAGER


C.L. & Joyce Cook1185 highway 11 southsocial circle, ga 30025

(770) 787-1644C.L.’s Cell (678) 910-4891

Clay Bussell, manager, 478-357-6113

The CABE FamilyCarnesville, GA 30521706-384-7119 home706-988-0018 [email protected]

Davis FarmsThe Bart Davis Family

Bart: 229-881-2110

Trey: 229-881-3510 (Primary Contact)

7861 Thigpen Trail • Doerun, GA 31744






Andy Page: 770-307-7511 Phil Page: 770-616-6232Winder, GA 30680

Jeff [email protected]

1851 Syrup Mill CrossingGreensboro GA 30642

Phone 404-421-0686

2020 Mt. Moriah • Dallas, GA

All Natural Beef

Breeding good mama cows...


at atime

Tim & Tandy West • 256-927-2025/678-986-2510846 County Road 26, Centre, Al 35960

Harris Livestock, LLcterry Harris

[email protected]

1689 Watkins RoadBoston, GA 31626

David horton912-663-8085

[email protected]

farm Address

722 herndon rd

Midville, Ga 30441

15271 County Rd. 49 • P.O. Box 1260 •Vernon, AL 35592


Black Angus & Sim-Angus

Bull Sale

3rd Saturday in November

Female Sale

1st Saturday in May





G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 47

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48 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Who Gets the Farm? by Frank Malcolm

Not many people have more estateplanning issues to deal with than farmfamilies. The farm or land may be themost valuable asset in the owner’sestate. Yet, two out of three family-owned farms don’t survive the next gen-eration. If you are a farm owner, youshould address the following concernsas you plan your estate.


Owners often fail to develop a man-agement succession plan. It is vital tothe survival of the farm that successormanagement, in the family or other-wise, be ready to take over the reins.


Splitting this asset equally amongyour children may not be a good idea.For those active in the farm, inheritingit may be critical to their future moti-vation. Those not involved in the dayto day operation, may want their sharein cash. Perhaps your entire family feelsentitled to equal shares in the farm.Resolve this issue now to avoid discordand possible disaster later.

The following is a common sce-nario in our practice:

Mom and Pop have a very successfulfarm. The farm produces for them andtheir child, who has stayed and worked onthe farm, a comfortable annual income.There are two other children who aren’tinterested in farming and have movedaway. The child who has stayed on thefarm has invested his or her entire adultlife to continuing the farm operation andexpects the farm to pass to him or her atthe death of the last parent.

The dilemma for Mom and Pop is:“How can we divide our estate equallyamong the three children?” Their life’swork is invested in this farm and theyfeel that their child who stayed on thefarm should get the farm at the lastspouse’s death. But to do this, they mayhave to disinherit the other two chil-dren. They have a strong desire to treattheir kids equally at their passing. It’snot conceivable that they would accu-mulate enough cash for this purpose bythe last death.

An insurance trust and a life insur-ance policy insuring both mom and dad

would solve this problem. They couldfund the trust by way of gifts each yearto the children.

The results: the farming son ordaughter gets the farm; each of theother two children get the life insuranceproceeds. Since the insurance proceedsare outside the estate it doesn’t compli-cate the tax issue.

The alternatives are very costly inthe absence of a plan such as laid outabove. The heirs will most likely haveto sell the farm, perhaps at a sacrifice

price, totally disrupting the livelihoodof the farming child or they may faceborrowing a huge sum of money to buytheir sibling’s share of the farm.

Of course, each farm family has itsown set of circumstances and concerns;no two are alike. The solution is to sitdown with someone who is qualified toassist with some type of estate plan.Your children will be glad you did.

You may contact Frank Malcolm, CLU, at800-884-4820 – office; 770-598-7192 – cell;or by email at [email protected]

i n D U S t r Y n e W S


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50 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

UGA Animal &Dairy ScienceThe Rhodes Center

University of Georgia425 River Road

Athens, GA 30602

ronnie silcoX706-542-9102

Beef Unit Coordinator (Athens)

mike mathis706-614-2864, 706-485-6015Senior Farm Manager (Athens)

karl halBig229-445-0424

Beef Unit Manager (CPES Alapaha)

Lunch at 11 a.m.

Sale Site Phone:706-613-0971

Learn more about the

sale offering at


PO BOX 500TY TY, GA 31795-0500

229/776-4383 • CELL 229/881-0721Email: [email protected]


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54 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

2013 RECApThis past year was generally a

very good one for many Georgia cat-tlemen. Abundant rains combinedwith falling corn prices to keep feedcosts low and push prices higher inthe mid-late summer and fall. Thisstrong counter-seasonal move was sopowerful that feeder cattle actuallyposted their highest prices for the yearin November (Figure 1).

2014 OUTLOOKIt remains to be seen how long

prices will maintain the counter-seasonal strength. However, onething is certain: Unless somethingmajor happens, 2014 should be a goodyear for Georgia cattlemen. Tightsupplies, low corn prices and good

consumer demand should combine tokeep prices favorable for the year.


Domestic beef production is pro-jected to be down almost 6 percent toslightly less than 24.2 billion pounds.This decline in production is drivenby fewer cows producing fewer calvesto go to the feed yards. Also, assum-ing there is favorable weather acrossmuch of the country, beef cow slaugh-ter will be lower due to producerspreparing for herd expansion.

The lower US beef productionwill lead to lower total beef suppliesin 2014 as carryover stocks of beef areprojected to be lower headed intoJan. 1. Simultaneously, beef imports

are projected to remain essentially thesame in 2014 as they were in 2013.The overall net effect will be lowersupplies of beef in 2014 (and 2015 aswell as perhaps even 2016).

DEMANDBeef demand continues to hold up

fairly well considering the currentstate of the US economy. This is animportant point to make because con-sumption is often confused withdemand. Consumption (beef) is howmuch we eat and is directly tied tobeef production. That is, consumerscan’t eat any more beef than is beingproduced. Since beef production hasbeen declining in recent years, beefconsumption has to decline.

Demand takes into account not

Figure 1

By Curt Lacy

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G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • December 2012 55

only consumption, but also price. Itis affected by consumers’ income, theprices of competing and complemen-tary goods, and consumers’ tastes andpreferences. When all of this informa-tion is considered, beef demand hasnoticeably improved since 2009.

Although beef demand hasimproved, it will be difficult to drivebeef prices much higher than theyalready are, at least domestically. Thetwo primary impediments to pushing

prices higher are 1) stagnant dispos-able consumer income and 2) increas-ing production levels of competingmeats.

So, even though cattle supplies areextremely tight, it will still be harderto push beef prices much higher whenconsumers don’t have any more real(adjusted for inflation) income thanthey did in 2006. Also, broiler pro-duction is expected to be up about 2.5percent in 2014 and pork production

should be up about 3 percent in 2014.The combination of these factors willkeep a lid on beef and the resultingcattle prices even though cow num-bers are low and feeder cattle suppliesare remarkably snug.

The stable to slightly improvingdemand is driven not only by domes-tic demand but also by internationaldemand. Data from the US MeatExport Federation (USMEF) indicatesthat even though beef export volume(tons) was down in 2013, the value ofbeef exports was up, indicating strongdemand for US beef abroad. In fact,exports as a percentage of beef pro-duction were almost 9 percent in2013, which is right in line with ourhistorical performance.


Prices for 2014 are projected to behigher than 2013 (Table 1). For theyear, prices for 500-600 pound steersare expected to run $5-$10 per hun-dredweight higher than in 2013.Virtually all of this increase can beattributed to higher live cattle pricesand lower corn prices. As a result,feed yards can justify paying more forthe calves. It should be noted that anychanges driving corn prices higher orreducing consumer demand will resultin lower prices.

SUMMARYLast year was a very unusual but

hopefully rewarding year for manycattle producers. 2014 is shaping upto be a very promising one as tightfeeder cattle supplies, higher fed cattleprices and lower corn prices shouldconverge to keep calf and feeder cattleprices favorable for the foreseeablefuture.

table 1

2014 Georgia Ag Forecast Dates, Locations and Times

FRIDAY, JAN. 24: Macon (Georgia Farm Bureau)

o Check-in at 9:30 am, seminar from 10:00 - 11:30am, and lunch following.

MONDAY, JAN. 27:Athens (Georgia Center for Continuing Education)

o Check-in at 9:30 am, seminar from 10:00 - 11:30am, and lunch following.

TUESDAY, JAN. 28: Lyons (Toombs County Agri-Center)

o Check-in at 9:30 am, seminar from 10:00 - 11:30am, and lunch following.

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29: Tifton (UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center)

o Check-in at 7:00 am with breakfast line openingat 7:30. Seminar follows from 8:00 - 9:30 am.

THURSDAY, JAN. 30: Bainbridge (Cloud (Decatur County) Livestock Facility)

o Check-in at 7:00 am with breakfast line openingat 7:30. Seminar follows from 8:00 - 9:30 am.

FRIDAY, JAN. 31: Cartersville (Clarence Brown Conference Center)

o Check-in at 9:30 am, seminar from 10:00 - 11:30am, and lunch following. GC

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56 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 57


Sponsored by Saluda County Cattlemen’s Association

Saturday - Feb. 22, 2014 - 12:30 p.m. Saluda Livestock Market - Saluda, SC

Lunch provided by Saluda 4-H

For Information Contact:

Saluda County Cattlemen’s Association

Travis Mitchell, Area Livestock and Forages Agent

201 East Church Street, Saluda, SC 29138-1403

(864) 445-8117, extension 113 (office) • (803) 609-2828 (cell)

(864) 445-8119 (fax) • email: [email protected]


Consigned by 12 leading beef cattle farms:

henry & Wayne Black

Black crest farm

clinton & Vanoy clark

cecil eaddy

don & marty havird

terry kirkland & ryan mayo

Woody Padget

riley farms

Bruce rushton

Virgil Wall

Yon family farms

Joe & kay Yonce

200 Open and Bred Heifers Sellingè Sired by Angus, Simmental, SimAngus,

Gelbvieh, Balancer & Polled Hereford bulls

è Performance Tested

è Offering both open heifers and fall calvingbred heifers

è Calfhood vaccinated and on excellent herdhealth program

è All heifers are BVD-PI tested

è Sold in uniform groups of 2 to 5 head

è Officially screened and sorted by ClemsonUniversity Extension ServiceRepresentatives


Georgia Santa Gertrudis

3175 Bridgeshaw DriveCumming, GA 30040phone: 678.852.7301

email: [email protected]

adaMS ranChRegistered Red Brahman Cattle

Quality, gentle bulls andheifers for sale. Also haveSimmental and Simbrah.

3837 Stateline Road Cliff AdamsBowdon, Georgia 30108 770-258-2069


Po BoX 703 • san antonio, fl [email protected]

(407) 908-9866

(352) 585-1732





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58 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


Local sale reportscommercial sale rePorts

moseley cattle auctionnovember 19, 2013

Lot 1: 670 lb. steers avg $164.20Lot 2: 800 lb. steers avg $152.50

moseley cattle auctionnovember 26, 2013

Lot 1: (split load)580 lb. steers avg $169.00500 lb. heifers avg $157.00

Lot 2: 535 lb. heifers avg $156.00Lot 3: 635 lb. steers avg $163.75

southeast livestock exchange december 3, 2013

Lot 1: 610 lb. steers avg $169.75Lot2: (split load) 575 lb. steers avg $165.50

575 lb. heifers avg $155.50Lot 3: 570 lb. heifers avg $159.25Lot 4: 670 lb. heifers avg $154.50Lot 5: (split load)600 lb. steers avg $158.50575 lb. heifers avg $148.50Lot 6: 640 lb. steers avg $160.75Lot 7: 640 lb. steers avg $167.75Lot 8: 720 lb. steers avg $156.75Lot 9: 750 lb. steers avg $157.75Lot 10: 625 lb. steers avg $165.00Lot 11: 740 lb. steers avg $158.25Lot 12: 750 lb. heifers avg $149.30Lot 13: (split load)765 lb. steers avg $156.00680 lb. heifers avg $150.00Lot 14: (split load)790 lb. steers avg $154.75

700 lb. heifers avg $149.75Lot 15: 840 lb. steers avg $151.75Lot 16: 850 lb. steers avg $155.90Lot 17: 875 lb. steers avg $155.70

northeast georgia livestock auctionWednesday, december 11, 2013

Lot 1: 750 lb heifers avg $146.00Lot 2: 750 lb heifers avg $149.00Lot 3: 785 lb heifers avg $148.25Lot 4: (split load)

650 lb steers avg $163.00 625 lb heifers avg $153.00

Lot 5: 600 lb steers avg $169.90Lot 6: 650 lb steers avg $166.90Lot 7: 810 lb steers avg $155.90Lot 8: 825 lb steers avg $153.20Lot 9: 825 lb steers avg $156.70

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Page 61: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

Wednesday, december 4, 2013Lot 1: 560 lb Holstein steers avg $116.30Lot 2: 940 lb Holstein steers avg $108.00Lot 3: 750 lb heifers avg $149.30Lot 4: 790 lb heifers avg $146.00Lot 5: scratchLot 6: 760 lb steers avg $157.00Lot 7: 800 lb steers avg $154.90Lot 8: 800 lb steers avg $151.00Lot 9: 845 lb steers avg $151.00Lot 10: 840 lb steers avg $154.75

Wednesday, november 20, 2013Lot 1: 575 lb Holstein steers avg $110.00Lot 2: 775 lb heifers avg $142.10Lot 3: 640 lb steers avg $164.25Lot 4: 765 lb steers avg $162.10Lot 5: 800 lb steers avg $153.75Lot 6: 825 lb steers avg $153.50Lot 7: 825 lb steers avg $155.00

Wednesday, november 13, 2013Lot 1: 860 lb Holstein steers avg $109.00Lot 2: 725 lb heifers avg $148.10Lot 3: 750 lb heifers avg $149.80Lot 4: (split load)

625 lb steers avg $158.00 625 lb heifers avg $148.00

Lot 5: 650 lb steers avg $165.80Lot 6: 675 lb steers avg $163.60Lot 7: 760 lb steers avg $157.85Lot 8: 750 lb steers avg $158.85Lot 9: 775 lb steers avg $157.25Lot 10: 800 lb steers avg $153.00

sayer and sonsPurebred Limousin Bulls avg $1,673.00Lim-Flex Bulls avg $2,100.00Percentage Limousin Bulls avg $1,500.00Angus Bulls avg $2,400.00Purebred Limousin Three-In-Ones avg $2,650.00Lim-Flex Three-In-Ones avg $2,725.00

Purebred Limousin Pairs avg $2,375.00Lim-Flex Pairs avg $2,025.00Percentage Limousin Pairs avg $1,975.00Commercial Pairs avg $2,050.00Purebred Limousin & LimFlex Safe-In-Calf Cows avg $1,650.00Percentage Limousin Safe-In-Calf Cows avg $1,775.00Commercial Safe-In-Calf Cows avg $1,908.00Purebred Limousin Safe-In-Calf Heifers avg $1,750.00Lim-Flex Safe-In-Calf Heifers avg $1,700.00Percentage Limousin Safe-In-Calf Heifer avg $1,500.00Angus Safe-In-Calf Heifers avg $1,875.00Commercial Safe-In-Calf Heifers avg $1,617.00Purebred Limousin Open Heifers avg $1,383.00Lim-Flex Open Heifers avg $1,410.00Percentage Limousin Open Heifers avg $1,275.00Angus Open Heifers avg $1,317.00Total Lots avg $1,808.00

next step cattle co.december 7, 2013

12 Total Registered Bulls avg $3,312.0012 Total Reported Sale Total avg $3,312.00Lot 31: HR Concrete Z24 $4,250.00Lot 11: HR Concrete Z11 $4,000.00Lot 14: HR Realy Windy 4097

W200 TT $4,000.00Lot 13: HR Concrete Z17 $3,750.00

Bramblett angus Bull & commercial female saledecember 7, 2013

Top Bull: Lot 22 E/T Bismarck 215 $5,000.00Top Open Heifer: Lot 40 Bramblett Momentum B444 $4,600.00Top Fall Pair: Lot 46 E/T Ester 151 $4,000.0029 Total Registered Bulls avg $3,213.00

8 Registered Females avg $3,325.00Sale Total avg $3,237.00

calhoun Pt Bull saledecember 6, 2013

High Selling bull–Lot 1 SimAngus - $8,400.0054 Angus avg $2,893.001 Brangus $1,400.003 Braunvieh $1,800.008 Charolias $1,725.002 Black Hereford $1,650.006 Hereford $2,550.0016 SimAngus $3,689.002 Simmental $2,600.0092 Bulls avg $2,853.00

Performance legendsnovember 16, 2013

Top Open Heifer: Lot 57: Primus Hazel 1265 $2,300.00

Top Bred Heifer: Lot 55: Primus Barbramere Nell 1115 $1,900.00Top Bred Cow: Lot 18: SFA Rita FY24 $2,500.00Top Fall Pair: Lot 16: SFA Rita AX51 $3,100.0055 Reported Sale Total $2,705.00

gibbs farms 8th annual Bull & replacement heifer salenovember 9, 2013

150 Bulls avg $3,982.0015 Bred Cows avg $3,050.0013 Bred Heifers avg $2,685.0088 Open Female Heifers avg $2,476.001 Pick of the Herd avg $1,400.00301 Total Lots $3,403.00

knoll crest farm fall Bull saledecember 6, 2013

Overall Average $4,836.00Bull Average $4,836.00

[December Issue correction]hill-Vue farm Production

Average $2,249.00Bulls $2,417.00Females $1,980.00

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 59

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

THE BEEF CHECKOFFTHE BEEF CHECKOFFIt’s the law - no one is exempt!

DID YOU KNOW?• Every time you sell a bovine animal, regardless of age, sex, breed,

purpose or number, a dollar-per-head is due.

• The dollar is to be collected by the buyer from the seller, although

both parties are responsible.

• The checkoff is designed so that everyone pays their fair share.

HOW ARE CHECKOFF DOLLARS BEING USED?• Beef and veal television, radio and print advertising.

• Food safety, health and nutritional research.

• Product technology and development.

• Educating consumers and children about beef’s role in a healthy diet.

• Refuting issues that could negatively impact the industry.

WHO pAYS?• When cattle are sold, the buyer of the cattle must withhold $1 per head

from the seller’s purchase price. Failure to do so is a violation of the

law and may be subject to a $5,500 penalty.

HOW DO YOU pAY?• Complete a remittance form and send it with your

check to the Georgia Beef Board, PO Box 116797,

Atlanta, GA 30368-6797. For more forms, call the

Georgia Beef Board at 877-444-BEEF.

Beef Promotion & Research Program

Private Treaty Sales

Checkoff Investment Form




City, State, Zip:

Seller’s signature:

Total # Sold: X $1 per head = $

Dale of Sale:

State of Origin:



City, State, Zip:

Buyer’s Signature:

Person remitting assessment:

Page 62: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

60 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

MiKe JoneS


19120 GA Hwy 219West Point, GA 31833

Ph. [email protected]

SoutheasternSemen Services, Inc.

• Semen Collection • Semen Storage

• Semen Shipping • Semen Sales

• Storage Tanks • Custom BreedingScott Randell

16878 45th Rd. • Wellborn, Fl 32094

386-963-5916 • Email [email protected]

Conveniently Located For Accessibility To All Southern States

Randy Daniel348 Daniel RoadColbert, GA 30628706/788-2533

daniel livestockService

Distributors for:Pearson ChutesRiverode Galvanized Equip.Paul ScalesStoll TrailersBarrett Trailers


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSfor more information or to advertise, call 478-474-6560

Embryo Transfer Ultrasounding for Early PregnancySynchronization & Breeding ProgramsFetal Sexing

Jim [email protected]

Perry Smith540-815-7847

[email protected]

Office (229) 776-7588Fax (229)

361 Doerun RoadDoerun, GA [email protected]

Fertility testing BullsA-I training

TRAILERS ~ FENCING ~ ETC.Carroll t. CannonAuctioneerP.O. Box 500

Ty Ty, GA 31795-0500229/776-4383

Cell: 229/[email protected]

HIGHVIEW FARMSBreeding cattle since 1973 • Williamson, ga

Hereford, Angus and Baldies

For Sale Private TreatyCall Harold Leo Corley at

770-567-3942 or 678-333-3509

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Hoof Trimming • Photography • Sale Consulting • Clipping • Livestock Hauling • UltrasoundBill & Stephanie Martin & Family / PO Box 683, Jefferson GA 30549 / 706-367-8349 • 706-654-8883


CLEMENTS’ LIVESTOCK SERVICES, INC.Embryo Transfer (In house or on farm)

Mobile labFetal Sexing

(Via Ultrasound)19 years experience

Pregnancy Detection(Via Ultrasound)

(200,000+ Head Checked)

Greg Clements1800 Hog Mountain Rd.Statham, Ga. 30666

Office: 770-725-0348Cell: 706-202-7208

Home: 770-725-2611

Senepol CattleHeat tolerant • Red & Black • Easy Calving

Milk • Great Crosses • Good Udders • GentleDisease Resistance • Polled • No Brahman

George Fiveash 229-563-5380 — South GABobby Griffin 478-230-0422 — Middle GARoy Lee Strickland 770-459-5997 — North GA

come see oUr senePol!


Joey Roberts:

706-318-88483000 Deep Creek Rd.,

Bowman, GA 30624

[email protected]

Visit GCA at




TRIPlE E POUlTRyEstablished 1976

Delivered In Bulk 25 Ton Loads.243 TAlKING ROCK DR. N

BOB EDWARDS JASPER, GA 30143(706) 692-5149 CEll: (404) 408-3709

Happy Holidays from GCA!

Please contact me for additional information on these upcoming sales:

• Yon family farms fall female and Bull sale, nov 2.• Wilkes county front Pasture sale• Yon family farms spring Bull sale• Upstate south carolina replacement female sale


Sale Manager1410 Carter Rd.

Ninety Six, SC29666

(864) 980-5695

[email protected]

Page 63: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 61

GENERAL• Provide a high magnesium mineral

supplement for cows on wintergrazing.

• Vitamin A supplementation mightbe needed if frosted grass, weath-ered hay or byproducts are the pri-mary feedstuffs (35,000 IU/day for1,000 lb cows).

• Do not graze winter annuals closerthan four inches. Overgrazing canreduce winter production.

SpRING CALVINGJanuary, February, March

• Check cows frequently duringcalving season.

• Tag calves at birth. Record birthdates, tag numbers and cow IDs.

• Castrate, dehorn and implantcalves at birth.

• Keep yearling heifers gainingweight. They need to weigh abouttwo-thirds of their mature weightat breeding in March.

• Bulls will be turned in with heifersin March and with cows in April.Evaluate bulls, trim feet, line upbreeding soundness exams anddecide on buying new bulls.

• A cow’s nutrient needs increase byat least 50 percent after calving. Ifpossible, separate dry cows fromcow-calf pairs to feed more effi-ciently.

• Order calf and cow vaccines.

FALL CALVINGOctober, November,

December• Breed cows. Cows bred Jan. 1

should calve Oct. 13.• Be prepared to remove bulls from

heifers after a 45 to 60 day breedingseason.

• Use your best feeds now. Withaverage quality hay, a lactating cowneeds four to five pounds;1.5 pounds of cottonseed; twopounds of corn, of whole cotton-

seed, 1.5 pounds of cottonseed mealplus 2 pounds of corn or free choiceliquid supplement or block plus2 pounds of corn. A forage analysisenables you to supplement yourcows more precisely.

• Limit grazing on winter annuals.Two hours of grazing per day andfree choice hay stretches grazing.

Editor’s Note: Each monthly list is divided into three

sections: general, spring calving and fallcalving. Management practices in the gen-eral category are seasonal and apply tomost cattle producers in Georgia. Thespring calving list is based on Jan. 10 -March 31 calving dates, and the fall calv-ing list is based on Oct. 1 - Dec. 20 calvingdates. Establish calving dates based onyour feed resources and availability oflabor. A cow’s energy and protein require-ments increase greatly at calving andremain high through the breeding season.It is best to plan breeding season for thetime of year when forage quality is at itsbest. With good winter grazing, fall calvingis a good option. If cows are wintered onhay, spring pasture offers the best feed forbreeding season and spring calving is abetter choice. If your calving season is dif-ferent, adjust management practicesaccordingly.

Revised by Ronnie Silcox and LawtonStewart, Extension Animal Scientists. Originalmanuscript by Ronnie Silcox and MarkMcCann, Extension Animal Scientists.

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

beef Management Calendar for the Month of January

Directions: I-75 To Exit 41, Easy Calving, Smooth PolledRight Onto Roundtree Br. Rd., Charolais With An Emphasis4 Mi. To Farm Sign On Right On Milking Ability

lITTlE RIVER CHAROlAISMarshall & Mary Beth Bennett Buck & Jean BennettP.O. Box 406 1175 EM Rogers RoadAdel, Georgia 31620 Adel, Georgia 31620Phone: (M) 229-300-3164 Phone: 229-549-8654

(O) 229-896-4517

Georgia-Florida Charolais associationFor information on the Georgia-Florida Charolais Association,

contact Scott Tipton, President, 1001 Preacher Campbell Road, Clarkesville, GA 30523

706-200-6655 • [email protected]

Polled Charolais Cattleperformance Testing for over 35 years

Ted A. Collins693 Old 179 South

Whigham, GA 39897

Oak Hill Farm

Home of Bennett Charolais

Wayne & Lois Bennett

Barn: 770-893-3446

Home: 770-893-2674

Cell: 770-826-9551

1779 Holcomb Road

Dawsonville, GA 30534

[email protected]

www.oakhillfarmga.comCattle for Sale Private Treaty

Collins & SonHerd Certified& Accredited


2509 Old Perry RoadMarshallville, Georgia 31057

478-396-5832 • [email protected]






Mountain View Charolais

Scott Tipton

1001 Preacher Campbell Rd.

Clarkesville GA 30523

Phone: (706) 754-8462

Cell: (706) 200-6655


eXPerienced farm manager for leading edgeseed stock and commercial cattle/feeding operation.Full benefits including 4 bedroom, 3 bath house, paidholidays, vacation and health insurance package.Candidate must be computer capable and able to dophysical work. Must have seed stock (preferablyAngus) and feed yard background. Minimum 10years experience. Email resume to [email protected]. See website for full job description.





Page 64: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

62 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

TEL-O SALE 2014 CALENDAR • Tuesdays at 10 A.M.

P.O. BOX 908Canton, NC 28716

Phone: 828-646-0270Fax: [email protected]

SerViCeS oFFered:




oWners/oPeratorsJohn Queen480 Queen cove roadWaynesville, nc 28785828-421-3446

evans hooks79 highway 57 eastswainsboro, ga 30401770-316-9611

January 7february 4

march 4 (includes Mountain Cattle Alliance)

april 1may 6

June 3July 8

(includes the Southeast GeorgiaCattle Marketing Association)

august 5 (includes Mountain Cattle Alliance

and Southeast Georgia CattleMarketing Association)

september 2 (includes Mountain Cattle Alliance)

october 7november 4december 2

Mark these dates!

Frank Malcolm, CLU & Lin Malcolm

[email protected]


leGaCY PlanninG& inVeStMent SolUtionS



Wnc regional livestock center474 stock drive

canton, nc 28716828-646-3700

Weekly sales each Monday at 12 p.m. Cattle received Sundays 1-7 p.m. and Mondays beginning at 7 a.m.


Page 65: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S


January 4, 2014Bricton Farm Bull Sale

Social Circle, Ga. • 770-787-1644

Genetic Excellence Angus Bull SaleCookeville, Tenn. • 931-265-9200

January 8, 2014Curt Pate Low Stress Handling Seminar,

Bainbridge, Ga.[See advertisement, 31]

January 11, 2014Lake City Invitational

Lake City, Fla.[See advertisement, 65]

Driggers & Strickland Angus & Simmental Bull Sale

Glennville, Ga.912-237-0608

[See advertisement, 41]

Southeast Angus Classic’s 8th Annual Angus Bull Sale

Opelika, Ala.662-837-1776

January 18, 2014Firm Foundations Bull Sale

Uniontown, Ala.

University of Florida Bull Test SaleGreenwood, Fla.

Bull Hill Ranch “More Bull for a Buck” Sale

Gray Court, S.C.864-981-2080

January 21, 2014SE Master Cattlemen's

Johnson County Ag Center 478-552-2011

January 25, 2014Gretsch Brothers Angus Genetics with a Great

Foundation Bull & Commercial Female SaleColbert, Ga.

706-340-0945[See insert]

January 27-28, 2014GCA Emerging Leaders Conference

Macon, Ga. • 478-474-6560

February 1, 2014Clemson Sale

[See advertisement, 60]

February 7, 2014Wilkes County Front Pasture Herd Replacement

SaleWashington, Ga. • 864-980-5695

[See advertisement, 32]

February 8, 2014Tokeena Angus Bull & Female Sale

Seneca, S.C.864-972-3192

[See advertisement, 50]

February 8, 2014Black Crest

Sumter, S.C. • 517-546-6374[See advertisement, 48]

February 12, 2014 Northeast Georgia Beef Cattle Shortcourse, UGA

Livestock Instructional Arena, Athens, GA.706-542-6627

February 13, 2014UGA 22nd Annual Focus on EPDs

Bull SaleAthens, Ga. • 706-542-9102

[See advertisement, 50]

February 15, 2014Yon Family Farms Performance Tested Angus

and SimAngus Bull SaleRidge Spring, S.C.

803-685-5048 [See advertisement, 49]

**New Sale Date**Turnpike Creek Farms Bull and Female Sale

Milan, Ga.229-315-0986

[See advertisement, Back Cover]

February 21, 2014Beef Maker Bull and Female Sale

Debter Hereford Farm Sale Facility, Horton, Ala.678-858-0914

[See advertisement, 1]

Februrary 22, 201422nd Annual Replacement Heifer Sale

Saluda, S.C. • 803-609-2828[See advertisement, 57]

Spitzer Ranch Professional Cattlemen’s BrangusBull & Commercial “Brangus Gold” Female Sale

Fair Play, S.C.864-972-9140 or

March 4, 2014Tifton Beef Cattle Short Course

Irwinville, Ga.912-386-3214 or 229-386-3683

March 5, 2014Tifton Performance Tested Bull Sale

Irwinville, Ga.912-386-3214 or 229-386-3683

March 7 - 8, 2014Beef Industry Scholarship Challenge

Tifton, Ga. • 478-474-6560[See advertisement, 5]

March 8, 2014Upstate Sale

Wiliamston, S.C. 864-980-5695

[See advertisement, 43]

March 24, 2014MM Cattle Co. Online Angus Heifer Sale

Bowdon, Ga. • 770-328-2047

March 29, 2014Partners In Progress XXVI

CES Polled Herefords / Predestined Cattle Co. /Smith Angus

Wadley, Ga. • 478-252-5622

March 29, 2014The 7th Annual Southern Tradition Sale

CSR Farms, Alapaha, Ga.

SERAA’s 22nd Annual Grasstime AuctionCullman, Ala.641-919-1077

April 2-5, 2014GCA’s 53rd Annual Convention

Beef Expo & Trade ShowPerry, Ga.

478-474-6560[See advertisement, Inside Front Cover]

April 3, 20146th Annual Georgia Beef Expo Cattle Tele-

AuctionPerry, Ga.


April 4, 2014 16th Annual Georgia Expo

Commercial Heifer SalePerry, Ga.

706-318-5457[See advertisement, 32]

April 18, 2014Friendship Farms Sale

Midville, Ga.912-663-8085

April 19, 2014Bricton Farm Female Sale

Social Circle, Ga.770-787-1644

April 22, 2014Georgia Heifer Evaluation and Reproductive

Development (HERD) SaleIrwinville, Ga.

678-234-3547 or 229-386-3683

April 22- 26, 2014GCA’s Spring Tour

Nebraska & Kansas & Missouri478-474-6560

[See advertisement, 23]

April 26, 2014Bridges Angus Farm Passion for Progress Sale

Lexington, Ga. • 706-340-1421

Ridgefield FarmCalhoun, Ga.

[See advertisement, 35]

May 27, 2014Calhoun Beef Cattle Reproductive Management

WorkshopCalhoun, Ga.

706-542-1852 or 706-624-1398

May 28, 2014Georgia Heifer Evaluation and Reproductive

Development (HERD) SaleCalhoun, Ga.

706-542-1852 or 706-624-1398

July 24-26, 20144th Annual GCA Summer Conference

Unicoi State Park, Helen, Ga.478-474-6560

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 63

Page 66: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

64 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


David and Susan Vaughan

Chris Heptinstall, General Mgr.706-337-2295 Office

205-363-0919 [email protected]

PO Box 185Fairmount, GA 30139

For the best in


Mike Coggins • Lake Park, GA 31636

229/559-7972 Office • 229/559-6097 Fax

229/232-3096 Cell • Email: [email protected]

Ranch located just off I-75, on the Georgia-Florida line.


G e o r g i a B r a n g u s B r e e d e r s






e u

s a



Char-No FarmRegistered Brangus and Ultrablacks

Black Simmental /

Angus Composites

C.E. (CHUCK) & NORMA SWORD545 Scott RoadWilliamson, GA 30292(770) 227-9241• 770-468-3486 (cell) • [email protected]

HollonvilleHighway 36212 Miles West

of Griffin Vince Roberts, Farm Manager - 678-378-4697 cellScott Barkley, Herdsman - 678-378-0598 cell

Registered Red AngusSince 1965

ANGEL FARMS2445 Gadsden Road S.W.Cave Spring, GA 30124

R.L. (Bob) Angel • (706) 777-3968

Jim & Alvina Meeks, owners Raymond Prescott, mgr.

803 Phillips Road 1986 Trinity Church Rd.

Greer, SC 29650 Gray Court, SC 29645

(864) 682-3900 (864) 682-2828

[email protected]


Mike and Debbie Smith2699 West Grantville Rd.

Newnan, Ga. 30263OFFICE 770-253-7099

FAX 770-253-1468

JanBil FarmsRed Angus & Red Simmental

Red Coat 099TSSemen Available

Janet & Bill Nutt 1418 Sixth Street Road,Cedartown, GA 30125

770-748-6424 • [email protected]





McLean Red AngusJim and Alynda McLean206 Morningside Drive

Alma, GA 31510(912) 632-7985, (770) 595-3542

[email protected] Red Angus since 1970

Georgia Red Angus Breeders






Page 67: Georgia Cattleman January 2014
Page 68: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

Probably the most effective (butalso the most expensive) wire fence isa woven wire fence (also commonlycalled field fence, page wire or hogwire) with one or two strands ofbarbed wire on top. This fence ishighly effective in containing alltypes of livestock and is desirable forfences along highways and in areaswhere small calves are pastured.Barbed wire is less expensive (rough-ly half the cost of field fence), butless effective especially in containing

small calves. Electric fencing is stillless expensive and is very effective ifthe fence and the fence energizer(charger) are maintained properly.

The life of a fence is dependenton a number of factors includingweather and physical punishment(trees falling on the fence, cattlepressing against it, or vehicles run-ning into it), but many times theonly factor we can control is tochoose materials for the componentsof the fence that will hold up well

A fence represents one of the most significant invest-ments in a cattle operation. Thus when it’s time to replacea fence or build a new fence, it is worth considering whatmaterials and methods will give you the maximum returnon your investment. The cost of a fence can range greatlyfrom a temporary electric cross fence to aid in rotationalgrazing systems to a decorative wood rail or even a stonefence for visual appeal, but I will confine my comments tothe practical world of wire fencing.

Class 1 galvanized wire

mounted on Class 3

galvanized post

by John W. Worley

66 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Page 69: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • January 2014 67

over time. One of the majormistakes people sometimesmake, no matter what type offence they are building, is tochoose components that havedifferent expected lifetimes. Ifthe wire is expected to last 30years, but the posts will only last15, what is the expected life ofthe fence? Likewise, if the postsare designed to last 40 years, butthe wire has an effective life of20 years, the life of the fence islimited by the wire. Let meinterject here that I’ve patchedenough fences with baler twineand replacement posts to knowthat fences are often used wellbeyond their effective life, butwhat I am talking about is howlong it will be before we need tostart thinking about replacingthe fence to prevent thoseSunday morning surprises whenthe cows get out of a fence thathas outlived its usefulness.

The expected life of a fenceis not just how long it will be before the wire startsbreaking or the posts will no longer stand up to pressure.One of the keys to fence life is avoiding rust on all metalcomponents. If one of the components of a fence startsto rust, the rust will tend to spread to any other compo-nents it comes in contact with. For instance, if you havewire fence on wooden posts, and the staples rust, the rustwill tend to spread from the staples to the wire that is incontact with them. If you use painted metal posts thatstart to rust in a few years, that rust will spread to the

wires in contact with it, shortening the life of the wire.Even though it will take a number of years for the rustymetal posts to weaken, they are contributing to a shorterfence life by causing premature rust on the wires.

Galvanizing has been around longer than most of us

and most people don’t give muchthought to it, but it is our num-ber one tool in delaying the rust-ing process. Galvanizing is sim-ply a zinc coating over metalparts. The zinc is a sacrificial ele-ment that slowly oxidizes anddelays the oxidizing (rusting) ofthe steel. The more zinc that isapplied, the longer it will bebefore the steel starts to rust.Zinc coatings are classified asClass 1, 2 or 3. The higher thenumber is, the more zinc it has inthe coating. I’ve never seen anyfencing that was Class 2, althoughthere may be some out there, butmost fencing is either Class 1 or3. The cost of adding additionalzinc is cheap compared to thepotential benefits of longer life, soI would always opt for Class 3galvanizing on ALL fencing com-ponents when available includingwire, staples, posts and connec-tors. The actual cost of galvaniz-ing is relatively low (maybe in the

order of a couple of dollars per post) but the cost of apost is more than the cost of manufacturing. If thedemand for posts is such that painted posts are bought bythe train car load, and galvanized posts by the truckloador partial truckload, then freight and handling will dic-tate that the galvanized posts will cost more. The moreconsumers demand galvanized posts, the more competi-tive they will become. Typically a galvanized T post willcost about 50 percent more than a painted post, but ifyou consider that it will potentially double the life of thefence, that extra cost is a bargain. If a fence lasts severalyears longer, you have saved not only the cost of replac-ing those materials, but also the labor involved in remov-ing old fencing and replacing it with a new fence.

We can now purchase high tensile, Class 3 galvanizedsteel wire in either single-strand (electric), barbed wire orfield fence. This high tensile wire, if properly installedwith posts and fasteners of equal expected life, should last30 to 40 years. High tensile wire is resilient and – ifinstalled with good corner braces and attached properlyto posts to allow lateral movement – will tend to springback to its original shape after an incident such as a treefalling on the fence. If, however, this fencing is installedon painted metal posts or on wooden posts with Class 1galvanized staples, the life of the fence could easily bereduced by 10 to 15 years.

The old adage that “a chain is only as strong as itsweakest link” certainly applies to fencing. Think aboutthat the next time you make a significant investment insomething that might just last till the next generationtakes over your farm.

Class 3 galvanized wiremounted on painted post


Wire fencestapled

on woodenpost

Page 70: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

68 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

STANDARD FEATURES: Quiet hydraulic system, Nylon Bushings and

wear plates, emergency side exit, drop bars

and doors, hydraulic lower squeeze

MANY OpTIONS INCLUDING: Louvers, hydraulic head & neck

controls, pivot controls, palp doors,

scales and many more.

Page 71: Georgia Cattleman January 2014
Page 72: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31210


GJCA MISSION STATEMENT: The mission ofthe Georgia Junior Cattlemen's Associationis to prepare the members of the juniorassociation for membership and leadershipin the Georgia Cattlemen's Association, andto offer educational opportunities to pre-pare them to become industry leaders.


ChairwomanMerritt Daniels

[email protected]

Convention/Summer ConferenceCoordinator

Jordan [email protected]

Field Day CoordinatorHope Edwards

[email protected]

Chapter RelationsMadison Baugh

[email protected]

Chapter RelationsGreyson Fernandez

[email protected]

Chapter RelationsMacy Seagraves

[email protected]

Youth Activities AdvisorBailey K. Toates478-297-2042

[email protected]

By Madison Baugh




Whether the goal is a new routineor breaking an old habit, everyoneshould make some sort of goal forthemselves this year. One of the sig-nificant goals for the GeorgiaCattlemen’s Association is to com-plete the kitchen remodel in theMacon office. In order to raise thefunding necessary for the remodel, acommitment from the local chapters,industry partners and individuals isneeded. For the Georgia JuniorCattlemen's officer team, we eachhave committed to enroll five newmembers by the end of our term in2014.

As a junior, our role in this organ-ization is significant because we arethe next generation of cattle produc-ers! We have opportunities to play arole in increasing awareness of ourindustry by becoming more involved.I have come up with a few ideas to“BEEF” up your New Year’s resolu-tions:

ATTenD An InDuSTRyevenT ThAT you hAven’TATTenDeD BeFoRe. Each yearthere are scheduled monthly activitiesto be involved in GCA or GJCA,whether it is a local chapter meeting,an industry meeting, Convention,Summer Conference or GJCA social.Most events are listed in the currentGCA magazine. Try something newthis year, stay involved!

ReCRuIT one peRSon ToBeCome A memBeR oF TheGJCA, GCA oR GCWA. All youhave to do is ask! Better yet, give themembership as a gift to someone thatcould benefit from association with

our organization such as a fellow FFAor 4-H member. Never assume thatsomeone close to you knows of ourassociation or has been asked to join!

Be A menToR! If you havebeen showing for several years, takethe opportunity this year to be a men-tor to a younger showman. Don’tyou remember how cool it was tohave an older showman show you theropes? Share your knowledge andlend a hand!

GeT BeeF QuAlITyASSuRAnCe (BQA) CeRTI-FIeD. Flaunt some of that BEEFeducation and get your certificationthis year! This program is developedto ensure that cattle are managed in amanner that will result in a safe andwholesome beef product.

ShoW youR BeeF pRIDe!Display those BEEF tags on yourtrucks and parade those bumper stick-ers supporting our industry. Younever know who might be trying todecide “what’s for dinner” when theysee your vehicle or trailer.

ShARe The WoRD! If youare receiving the GCA magazine athome, once everyone has readthrough it share it with someone or alocal medical office waiting room. Itis a great tool to share with the com-munity. You can always access thedigital copy online if needed.

I wish for each of you a Happyand Healthy New Year filled withfluffy calves, belt buckles and purpleribbons! See ya in the Show Ring!

Junior cattlemen’s report

New Year, New Goals, New Opportunities

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S


Now that a new year has begun, everyone isassessing the previous year and setting new goalsfor themselves for the current year!

70 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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Page 74: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

American Angus Assocation 816-383-5100 ..............................................44

Bagley Farms 706-280-7733 ..............................................38

Bankers South 855-898-2265 ..............................................2

Beef Check-Off 478-474-1815 ............................................59

Beef Maker Bull & Female Sale 405-464-2455 ..............................................1

Black Crest Farm 803-491-6798 ............................................48

Calhoun Bull Test Sale ..............................69 Carroll T. Cannon, Auctioneer

229-776-4383 ............................................60 CattleMax/CattleSoft

800-641-2343 ............................................44 Clement's Livestock Service

770-725-0348 ............................................60 Clemson Bull Test Sale

864-656-3382 ............................................44 Commercial Heifer Sale @ GCA Expo

706-773-3612 ..............................................32 Daniel Livestock Service

706-788-2533 ............................................60 Darren Carter, Auctioneer

864-980-5695 ............................................60 Eblen Electronics

910-298-3012 ..............................................60 Elrod & Tolbert

706-338-8733 ..............................................45 Farm Credit Associations of Georgia

800-868-6404 ............................................51 Flint River Mills

800-841-8502 ..............................................56Franklin County Livestock ........................60Furst-McNess ..............................................34GCA Raffle

478-474-6560 ..............................................56GCA's Convention & Expo

478-474-6560 ..........................................IFC GCA's Spring Tour the Heartland

478-474-6560 ..............................................23Genex Cooperative, Inc.

540-815-7847 ..............................................60Georgia Angus Breeders

706-387-0656 ........................................46,47Georgia Beefmaster Breeders ....................26Georgia Brahman Breeders ........................57Georgia Brangus Breeders ........................64

Plan ahead to advertise in these special issues!Magazine and online advertising is available.

Call 478-474-6560. next Month: LiMoUsin FeAtUretiFton BULL test sPotLiGht

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Pasture Management 800-230-0024 ......31 Reproductive Management Services

229-881-9711 ..............................................60 Ridgefield Farm/Brasstown Beef

828-837-6324 ........................................35,61 Rockin' R Trailers

800-241-8794 ............................................60 Rolling Rock Livestock Systems

706-202-5742 ............................................68 Safe Cattle Marketing Group

229-357-0703 ..............................................31 Saluda Co. Cattlemen's Sale

803-609-2828 ............................................57 Senepol Cattle ............................................60 Southeast AGNet Radio ..........................62 Southeast Livestock Exchange, LLC

828-646-0270 ............................................62 Southeast Master Cattlemen

706-542-1852 ............................................22 Southeastern Semen Services, Inc.

386-963-5916 ..............................................60 Southern States

888-221-8987 ..............................................27 Strickland & Driggers Sale

912-237-0608 ..............................................41 Sunbelt Builders

1-800-634-1609 ............................................7 Sweetlix

1-87-SWEETLIX ......................................43 The Bull Whisperer

478-397-7201 ..............................................60 Tokeena Angus

864-972-3192 ..............................................50 Triple E Poultry

706-692-5149 ............................................60 Turnpike Creek Farms

229-315-0986 ............................................BC Tyson Steel

229-776-7588 ............................................60 UGA's Focus on EPDs Bull Sale

229-881-0721 ..............................................50 Upstate S. C. Replacement Female Sale

864-980-5695 ............................................43 Wilkes County Front Pasture Sale

706-318-5457 ............................................32 Yancey Brothers

770-941-2300 ........................................22,60 Yon Family Farms

803-685-5048 ............................................49

For the General Classified Ad section see pages 60 and 61

Georgia Chianina Breeder ........................26 Georgia Gelbvieh Breeder ........................26 Georgia Hereford Breeders

912-865-5593 ............................................42 Georgia Limousin Breeders

229-567-4044 ............................................30 Georgia Polled Shorthorn Breeders ......26 Georgia Red Angus

770-748-6424 ............................................64 Georgia Santa Gertrudis Breeders

678-852-7301 ..............................................57 Georgia Simmental Breeders

706-654-6071 ..............................................41 Georgia Simmental Simbrah Association

706-654-6071 ............................................40 Georgia-Florida Charolais Association

706-200-6655 ............................................61 Gibbs Farms

336-469-0489 ............................................39 Gold Standard Labs

800-808-3552 ............................................53 Gretsch Brothers Angus

706-340-0945 ......................................Insert Haymaster

877-348-2048 ............................................22 Highview Farms

770-567-3942 ............................................60 Ivey's Outdoor & Farm Supply

229-344-3038 ............................................68 Krone

901-842-6011 ..............................................34 Lake City Invitational

386-755-2300 ............................................65 Laura's Lean Beef

334-701-9114 ................................................61 Malcolm Financial Group

800-884-4820 ............................................62 Martin's Cattle Services

706-367-8349 ............................................60 Merial ...................................................... 24,25 Mike Jones, Auctioneer

706-773-3612 ..............................................60 MIX 30

800-575-7585 ................................................3 MULTIMIN

1-866-269-6467 ............................................7 No Bull

800-858-5974 ............................................44 Northeast Georgia Livestock

770-601-6286 ............................................IBC

72 January 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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1200 Winterville Road

Athens, Ga 30605

Ph: 706.549.4790

Fax: 706.549.1701

Manager: Todd Stephens

Regular sale every Wednesday @ NoonVideo sale every Wednesday @ 3 pm

Commission $12 per head

First Regular Sale for the Year is Jan. 8Video sale representatives

Todd Stephens:

770-601-6286 Georgia, SC,

Tennessee & Alabama

Ross Strickland:

770.547.3644 Northwest Ga

Mark hart:

706.498.2769 Northeast Ga & SC

Donnie duke:

706.491.6103 Northeast/

Northwest Ga & SC

Our VIDEO AUCTION TIME has changed! New video auction time is now 3 p.m.

Page 76: Georgia Cattleman January 2014

David T. Williams & Sons - 1555 Workmore Milan Rd - Milan,Ga 31060For more information & a Catalog call Derek Williams ( 229-315-0986 ) or Doug Williams (229-860-0320) email [email protected]

Certified & Accredited herd established in 1980.Visitors & Jr Livestock teams are always welcome. Friend us on Facebook!